This is a non-official Ruby script to download all StackSkills tutorials. Login details is required to acquire the subscribed courses to be downloaded.
- wget - download attached files(videos, PDFs and zipped files).
- youtube-dl - for Wistia videos, please install youtube-dl to avoid any error.
If this is the first time you're running a Ruby script, it is recommended to install Ruby via a version manager i.e. rvm or rbenv, but installing Ruby directly is fine for a short term usage to make sure the script is compatible with the current Ruby version.
The script may not be working well with Windows systems based on some issues being reported. If you're familiar with command prompt/Linux based commands and have Git installed, please try to use Git bash to run the script.
If you're facing problems related to wget, do make sure wget can be run within your working directory i.e. directory that runs this script.
This script requires Mechanize gem to run.
bundle install
To use this script:
ruby stackskills_dl.rb
The script will prompt your login details and download all courses available in your "Enrolled Courses" page. Alternatively, you can save your credentials to environment variables as STACKSKILLS_EMAIL
for login email and password respectively.
Flags are available to pass login details and optional course link to the script. To see what are the available options, please type:
ruby stackskills_dl.rb --help
For example, if you want to download only one course:
Using course ID:
ruby stackskills_dl.rb -c
Using course slug:
ruby stackskills_dl.rb -s
Change log is available in