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候捷老师 C++ 系列课程导航:


這是侯捷老师的所有 C++技術課程中最基礎最根本的一門課。

C++可說是第一個高度普及的 Object-Oriented (面向對象) 編程語言。”第一個” 或 “最早的” 並非重點,重點是經過多年的淬煉和考驗 C++的影響深入各層面, 擁有眾多使用者和極其豐富的資源 (書籍、論文、期刊、視頻、第三方程序庫…)。

作為 Object-Oriented (面向對象) 技術的主流語言,C++ 其實還擁有另一支編程 主線:模板與泛型編程 (Templates and Generic Programming)。

本課程涵蓋上述兩條主線:Object-Oriented (面向對象) 和泛型編程 (Generic Programming)。

由於視頻錄製時程的因素,本課程分為 Part I 和 Part II. Part I 主要討論 OO (面向對象) 的基礎概念和編程手法。基礎最是重要,勿在浮 沙築高台,我著重的是大器與大氣。課程首先探討 Class without pointer members 和 Class with pointer members 兩大類型,而後晉昇至 OOP/OOD,包括 classes 之 間最重要的三種關係:繼承(Inheritance)、複合(Composition)、委託(Delegation)。 Part II 繼續探討更多相關主題,並加上低階的對象模型 (Object Model),以及高 階的 Templates (模板) 編程。

本課程所談主題都隸屬 C++1.0 (C++98);至於 C++ 2.0 (C++11/14) 帶來的嶄新 內容則由我的另一門課程涵蓋。C++2.0 在語言和標準庫兩方面都帶來了很多新 事物,份量足以形成另一門課程。

你將獲得整個 video 課程的完整講義 (也就是 video 呈現的每一張投影片畫面), 和完整的示例程序。你可以 (也必要) 在視聽過程中隨時停格思考和閱讀講義。

侯捷簡介:程序員,軟件工程師,臺灣工研院副研究員,教授,專欄主筆。曾任 教於中壢元智大學、上海同濟大學、南京大學。著有《無責任書評》三卷、《深 入淺出 MFC》、《STL 源碼剖析》…,譯有《Effective C++》《More Effective C++》 《C++ Primer》《The C++ Standard Library》…


C++面向對象編程 (C++Object-Oriented Programming)

Part I

Introduction of C++98, TR1, C++11, C++14
 Data and Functions, from C to C++
 Basic forms of C++ programs
 About output
 Guard declarations of header files
 Layout of headers
 Object Based
 Class without pointer member
  Class declarations
  Class template, introductions and overviews
  What is 'this'
  Inline functions
  Access levels
  Constructor (ctor)
  Const member functions
  Parameters : pass by value vs. pass by reference
  Return values : return by value vs. return by reference
  Definitions outside class body
  Operator overloading, as member function
  Return by reference, again
  Operator overloading, as non-member function
  Temporary objects
  Code demonstration
 class with pointer members
  The "Big Three"
   Copy Constructor
   Copy Assignment Operator
  Ctor and Dtor, in our String class
  "MUST HAVE" in our String class
   Copy Constructor
   Copy assignment operator
  Deal with "self assignment"
  Another way to deal with "self assignment" : Copy and Swap
  Overloading output operator (<<)
  Code demonstration
 Objects from stack vs. objects from heap
  Objects lifetime
  new expression : allocate memory and then invoke ctor
  delete expression : invoke dtor and then free memory
  Anatomy of memory blocks from heap
  Allocate an array dynamically
  new[] and delete[]
  private ctors
  Class template
  Function template
  Standard Library : Introductions and Overviews
 Object Oriented
  Composition means "has-a"
   Construction : from inside to outside
   Destruction : from outside to inside
  Delegation means "Composition by reference"
  Inheritance means "is-a"
   Construction : from inside to outside
   Destruction : from outside to inside
  Construction and Destruction, when Inheritance+Composition
  Inheritance with virtual functions
  Virtual functions typical usage 1 : Template Method
  Virtual functions typical usage 2 : Polymorphism
  Virtual functions inside out : vptr, vtbl, and dynamic binding
  Delegation + Inheritance : Observer
  Delegation + Inheritance : Composite
  Delegation + Inheritance : Prototype

Part II

Conversion function (轉換函數)
Non-explicit one-argument constructor
Pointer-like classes, 關於智能指針
Pointer-like classes, 關於迭代器
Function-like classes, 所謂仿函數
namespace 經驗談
class template, 類模板
function template, 函數模板
member template, 成員模板
specialization, 模板特化
partial specialization, 模板偏特化 —— 個數的偏
partial specialization, 模板偏特化 —— 範圍的偏
template template parameter, 模板模板參數
variadic templates (since C++11)
auto (since C++11)
ranged-base for (since C++11)
Composition (複合) 關係下的構造和析構
Inheritance (繼承) 關係下的構造和析構
Inheritance+Composition 關係下的構造和析構
對象模型 (Object Model) :關於 vptr 和 vtbl
對象模型 (Object Model) :關於 this
對象模型 (Object Model) :關於 Dynamic Binding
談談 const
關於 new, delete
重載 ::operator new, ::operator delete
重載 ::operator new[], ::operator delete[]
重載 member operator new/delete
重載 member operator new[]/delete[]
重載 new(), delete()
basic_string 使用 new(extra) 擴充申請量
-- the end