Controls important operations such as compiling openbadges-displayer.js and running the server.
Run gulp tasks from the command line.
runs the default task.
gulp *task name*
runs an individual task
Example: gulp build
Require libs and define paths.
# Require various libraries.
gulp = require 'gulp'
expressService = require 'gulp-express-service'
coffee = require 'gulp-coffee'
path = require 'path'
browserify = require 'gulp-browserify'
uglify = require 'gulp-uglify'
minifyCSS = require 'gulp-minify-css'
rename = require 'gulp-rename'
less = require 'gulp-less'
base64 = require 'gulp-base64'
minifyHTML = require 'gulp-minify-html'
header = require 'gulp-header'
coffeelint = require 'gulp-coffeelint'
mocha = require 'gulp-mocha'
deploy = require 'gulp-gh-pages'
inlinesource = require 'gulp-inline-source'
clean = require 'gulp-clean'
runSequence = require 'run-sequence'
pkg = require path.join __dirname, 'package.json'
# Define paths.
assets = path.join '.', 'assets'
clientAssets = path.join assets, 'demo', 'client'
serverAssets = path.join assets, 'demo', 'server'
paths =
css:path.join clientAssets, 'css'
coffee:path.join 'assets', 'src'
less:path.join 'assets', 'src'
templates:path.join clientAssets, 'templates'
images:path.join clientAssets, 'imgs'
vendor:path.join assets, 'vendor'
server:coffee:path.join serverAssets
dist:demo:path.join 'dist', 'demo'
public: path.join 'dist', 'demo', 'public'
public_css: path.join 'dist'
public_images: path.join 'dist', 'demo', 'imgs'
compiled_js: path.join 'dist', 'js'
public_js: path.join 'dist', 'demo', 'public', 'js'
temp: 'temp'
deploy_cache: 'deploy_cache'
src: path.join assets, 'src'
Create banner for later use. This banner will be included at the top of compiled CSS and JS pages.
banner = [
'<%= %> v<%= pkg.version %>'
' | @license <%= pkg.license %>'
'*/'].join ' ' + '\n'
Here we define the gulp tasks which will build our compiled library and demo.
These tasks will help us build the main library.
Builds the main library.
Compiles the files dist/openbadges-displayer.min.js and dist/openbadges-displayer.min.css
Compiled from files found in assets/src
gulp.task 'build_main', ()->
return gulp.src path.join, '*coffee'
.pipe coffee()
.pipe browserify { transform:['brfs'] }
.pipe uglify()
.pipe header banner, { pkg: pkg }
.pipe rename 'openbadges-displayer.min.js'
.pipe gulp.dest './dist/'
Build the demo.
Compiles the files found dist/demo
Compiled from files found in assets/demo
gulp.task 'build_demo', ()->
return gulp.src path.join(, '*coffee')
.pipe coffee()
.pipe uglify()
.pipe gulp.dest paths.dist.demo
Builds the demo, then pushes to Github pages.
gulp.task 'deploy_demo', ['build_demo'], () ->
return gulp.src [
path.join paths.public, 'index.html'
path.join paths.public, '*.png'
], { push:true }
.pipe deploy cacheDir: paths.deploy_cache
Copy templates to dist directory.
gulp.task 'copy_templates', ()->
return gulp.src path.join(paths.client.templates, 'index.html')
.pipe inlinesource './dist/'
.pipe minifyHTML()
.pipe gulp.dest paths.public
Copy images to dist directory.
gulp.task 'copy_images', ()->
return gulp.src path.join paths.client.images, '*.png'
.pipe gulp.dest paths.public
Compile less to CSS.
gulp.task 'less', () ->
return gulp.src path.join paths.client.less, '*.less'
.pipe less()
.pipe base64()
.pipe minifyCSS()
.pipe header banner, { pkg: pkg }
.pipe rename 'openbadges-displayer.min.css'
.pipe gulp.dest paths.public_css
Lint check all coffeescript files.
gulp.task 'lint', ()->
return gulp.src path.join '.', 'assets', '**', '*coffee'
.pipe coffeelint()
.pipe coffeelint.reporter 'fail'
Run test files with mocha.
gulp.task 'test', () ->
return gulp.src path.join('test', 'test.litcoffee'), read: false
.pipe coffeelint()
.pipe coffeelint.reporter 'fail'
.pipe coffee()
.pipe mocha {reporter: 'nyan'} # Nyancat powers activate!
Run the server.
gulp.task 'run_server', ()->
return gulp.src './dist/demo/server.js'
.pipe expressService file: './dist/demo/server.js', NODE_ENV: 'DEV'
Removes the dist directory for a clean build.
gulp.task 'clean', ()->
return gulp.src 'dist', {read:false}
.pipe clean()
Builds the library and demo, and runs the server.
gulp.task 'default', ()->