diff --git a/validation_testing/run_cleanup_infra.sh b/validation_testing/run_cleanup_infra.sh index d72378d7e1..6d025a29fe 100644 --- a/validation_testing/run_cleanup_infra.sh +++ b/validation_testing/run_cleanup_infra.sh @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ npm run build; npm run cdk synth; yes | npm run cdk destroy ${CONNECTOR_NAME}CdkStack; -# Check if the stack is clean up -- Otherwise fail so that On-Call cal manually clean up the stack. +# Check if the stack is clean up -- Otherwise fail so that On-Call can manually clean up the stack. stacks=$(aws cloudformation list-stacks --stack-status-filter CREATE_FAILED ROLLBACK_FAILED DELETE_IN_PROGRESS DELETE_FAILED | jq -r --arg prefix "$prefix" '.StackSummaries[] | select(.StackName | startswith($prefix)) | .StackName') if [ -z "$stacks" ]; then echo "FINISHED CLEANING UP RESOURCES FOR ${CONNECTOR_NAME}."