A demo project for developing with Clojure, Emacs, and Scrim This will show you how to connect all of the pieces and test that everything works. Prerequisites Clojure and CLI tools Emacs Scrim Step 1: Open a terminal and navigate to where scrim was installed. cd <scrim-install-dir>/clj-demo/ Step 2: (Optional) Start a Clojure REPL socket server. make clj-repl To see what this command does, run make -n clj-repl or read the makefile. Step 3: Open the Clojure file in Emacs and follow instructions there. C-x C-f <scrim-install-dir>/clj-demo/src/clj_demo/demo.clj RET Debugging (when using the socket server) Test without Emacs and Scrim telnet localhost 5555 View all communication between Scrim and the Java process sudo ngrep -d any port 5555