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File metadata and controls

160 lines (121 loc) · 4.76 KB


d-note is a Python Flask web application that requires a couple of libraries to be installed. I'll assume you're using Debian to install software. First, install python-flask and python-crypto:

# apt-get install python-flask python-crypto

The correct python-crypto package should be coming from


Run the following from a terminal to setup the configuration file and data storage directory before launching the application:

$ python install

After the application is installed, the needs to be generated.

Edit the dnote.ini in this directory and update the 'config_path' value in the [default] section. It is recommended that this value be either either /etc/dnote or ~/.dnote. Once edited, copy the dnote.ini file to the directory you created.

Once copied, run the following:

$ generate_dnote_hashes

This will create a in the proper directory. This file should have salts with random hexadecimal strings as their values.

Apache Setup

Install libapache2-mod-wsgi to server the Python Flask web framework under Apache:

# apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

Create a dnote.wsgi file under the web root:

# touch /var/www/dnote.wsgi

Add the following contents to that file:

import sys
import logging
from dnote import DNOTE as application

Now configure Apache to server the application. Create /etc/apache2/site-available/ with the following contents. It's important that you serve the application over SSL. See additional Apache documentation as necessary.

<Virtualhost *:443>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    <Directory /var/www/>
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/dnote.wsgi
    <Directory /var/www/dnote/
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Alias /d/static /var/www/dnote/static
    <Directory /var/www/dnote/static/>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/www_example_com.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/www_example_com.key
    SSLHonorCipherOrder On

Restart Apache, and verify that the site loads:

# service apache2 restart

Nginx Setup

Install uwsgi:

# apt-get install uwsgi uwsgi-core uwsgi-extra uwsgi-plugin-python

Create a uwsgi.ini file in the directory with the application:

# touch /var/www/dnote/uwsgi.ini

And add the following to that file (you can tweak these settings as required):

socket =
chdir = /python/path/site-packages/dnote-1.0.1-py2.7.egg/dnote
plugin = python
module = __init__:dnote
processes = 4
threads = 2
stats =
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
logto = /var/log/dnote.log

You can now start the dnote application by running:

# /usr/bin/uwsgi -c /var/www/dnote/uwsgi.ini

This will start uwsgi in the foreground. To start it as a daemon:

# /usr/bin/uwsgi -d -c /var/www/dnote/uwsgi.ini

You may want to add this to an init or upstart script, see:

Now lets configure nginx. A common example would be if you wanted it to be avaliable under http://yoursite.tld/dnote. To acheive this, add the following to your sites config (again, you can tweak thsi as needed):

location = /dnote { rewrite ^ /dnote/; }
location /dnote/ { try_files $uri @dnote; }
location @dnote {
    include uwsgi_params;
    uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /dnote;
    uwsgi_modifier1 30;

And tada, restart the Nginx server and you should have a working dnote setup.


If you are getting any internal service errors make sure to verify that the files in /var/www/dnote/dnote are readable by the webserver, and that /var/www/dnote/dnote/data/hashcash.db is writable as well.

If you have trouble getting the app to load using uwsgi, try setting up a dnote.wsgi file (as in the Apache directions above) and using uwsgi-file in the uwsgi.ini file instead of module, like this:

socket =
chdir = /python/path/site-packages/dnote-1.0.1-py2.7.egg/dnote
plugin = python
wsgi-file = /var/www/dnote.wsgi
processes = 4
threads = 2
stats =
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
logto = /var/log/dnote.log