This document will walk you through the code and the deployment options of Issue Mover for GitHub.
The bin/ directory contains all the server side code while the web/ directory contains all the client side code. Click through for further description of the content of each directory.
If you deploy this app on a production server (i.e. not localhost) you need to:
- Register a new GitHub Application
- Set the Authorization callback URL to
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret in the bin/credentials.yaml file
You need to install boot2docker and then install and setup the Google Cloud SDK:
# Get gcloud
$ curl | bash
# Authorize gcloud and set your default project
$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud config set project <Project ID>
# Get App Engine component
$ gcloud components update app
# Check that Docker is running
$ boot2docker up
$ $(boot2docker shellinit)
# Download the Dart Docker image
$ docker pull google/dart-runtime
To run the app locally:
$ gcloud preview app run app.yaml
To open the app locally visit http://localhost:8080
To deploy the app to production:
$ gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml
To open the app on production visit http://<Project ID>