This document describes the process for cutting and publishing a new version of Determined. Please read this document carefully before proceeding with a release.
- Terraform 0.12+
- For prerequisites to build cloud images, see build cloud images for details.
- Push/pull access to determined-ai/determined-examples
For Mac OS X, Terraform is available on homebrew:
brew install terraform
For Linux, Terraform is available through a direct download:
sudo apt-get install unzip wget
sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
Two methods are available for supplying AWS credentials: environment variables and a credentials file.
For environment variables:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
For credential files:
mkdir -p $HOME/.aws/
cat > $HOME/.aws/credentials << EOF
aws_access_key_id = anaccesskey
aws_secret_access_key = asecretkey
See AWS Authentication for more help.
- Switch to the master branch:
git checkout master
Ensure that the master branch is in a good state (e.g., passes CI).
Ensure the release notes cover all significant changes in this release, and update to the correct release date.
Commit and push the updated release notes to the main Determined repo.
git commit -m "Update release notes."
- Tag the release and push the tag to the main Determined repo:
git tag v0.12.3.dev0
git push upstream v0.12.3.dev0
- Build Determined, publish the tarball, and publish the Determined images (cloud and docker):
make publish
NOTE: This assumes you have logged in to an authorized Docker Hub
account via docker login
- Update the version number to the next working version (this automatically commits the change but does not push it). This defaults to a patch semantic version update (e.g. 0.4.9->0.4.10). If you want to do a minor or major version update, set the PART environment variable to
make bump-version
- Push the changes.
git push