is an open source, well tested and documented Python implementation of the proximal nested sampling algorithm (Cai et al. 2022) which is uniquely suited for sampling from very high-dimensional posteriors that are log-concave and potentially not smooth (e.g. Laplace priors). This is achieved by exploiting tools from proximal calculus and Moreau-Yosida regularisation (Moreau 1962) to efficiently sample from the prior subject to the hard likelihood constraint. The resulting Markov chain iterations include a gradient step, approximating (with arbitrary precision) an overdamped Langevin SDE that can scale to very high-dimensional applications.
The following is a straightforward example application to image denoising (Phi = I), regularised with Daubechies wavelets (DB6).
# Import relevant modules.
import numpy as np
import ProxNest
# Load your data and set parameters.
data = np.load(<path to your data.npy>)
params = params # Parameters of the prior resampling optimisation problem.
options = options # Options associated with the sampling strategy.
# Construct your forward model (phi) and wavelet operators (psi).
phi = ProxNest.operators.sensing_operators.Identity()
psi = ProxNest.operators.wavelet_operators.db_wavelets(["db6"], 2, (dim, dim))
# Define proximal operators for both your likelihood and prior.
proxH = lambda x, T : ProxNest.operators.proximal_operators.l1_projection(x, T, delta, Psi=psi)
proxB = lambda x, tau: ProxNest.optimisations.l2_ball_proj.sopt_fast_proj_B2(x, tau, params)
# Write a lambda function to evaluate your likelihood term (here a Gaussian)
LogLikeliL = lambda sol : - np.linalg.norm(y-phi.dir_op(sol), 'fro')**2/(2*sigma**2)
# Perform proximal nested sampling
BayEvi, XTrace = ProxNest.sampling.proximal_nested.ProxNestedSampling(
np.abs(phi.adj_op(data)), LogLikeliL, proxH, proxB, params, options
At this point you have recovered the tuple BayEvi and dict Xtrace which contain
Live = options["samplesL"] # Number of live samples
Disc = options["samplesD"] # Number of discarded samples
# BayEvi is a tuple containing two values:
BayEvi[0] = 'Estimate of Bayesian evidence (float).'
BayEvi[1] = 'Variance of Bayesian evidence estimate (float).'
# XTrace is a dictionary containing the np.ndarrays:
XTrace['Liveset'] = 'Set of live samples (shape: Live, dim, dim).'
XTrace['LivesetL'] = 'Likelihood of live samples (shape: Live).'
XTrace['Discard'] = 'Set of discarded samples (shape: Disc, dim, dim).'
XTrace['DiscardL'] = 'Likelihood of discarded samples (shape: Disc).'
XTrace['DiscardW'] = 'Weights of discarded samples (shape: Disc).'
XTrace['DiscardPostProb'] = 'Posterior probability of discarded samples (shape: Disc)'
XTrace['DiscardPostMean'] = 'Posterior mean solution (shape: dim, dim)'
from which one can perform e.g. Bayesian model comparison.
Matthew Price, Xiaohao Cai, Jason McEwen, Marcelo Pereyra, and contributors.
A BibTeX entry for ProxNest
@article{Cai:ProxNest:2021, author = {Cai, Xiaohao and McEwen, Jason~D. and Pereyra, Marcelo}, title = {"High-dimensional Bayesian model selection by proximal nested sampling"}, journal = {ArXiv}, eprint = {arXiv:2106.03646}, year = {2021} }
is released under the GPL-3 license (see LICENSE.txt), subject to
the non-commercial use condition (see LICENSE_EXT.txt)
ProxNest Copyright (C) 2022 Matthew Price, Xiaohao Cai, Jason McEwen, Marcelo Pereyra & contributors This program is released under the GPL-3 license (see LICENSE.txt), subject to a non-commercial use condition (see LICENSE_EXT.txt). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.