diff --git a/editor/bundle.js b/editor/bundle.js index 45199b9..ed96e09 100644 --- a/editor/bundle.js +++ b/editor/bundle.js @@ -1,5854 +1,4199 @@ -"use strict"; -(() => { - var __create = Object.create; - var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; - var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; - var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; - var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; - var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { - get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] - }) : x)(function(x) { - if (typeof require !== "undefined") return require.apply(this, arguments); - throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); - }); - var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { - return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; - }; - var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { - if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { - for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) - if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) - __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); - } - return to; - }; - var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( - // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM - // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- - // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set - // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. - isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, - mod - )); - - // node_modules/jszip/dist/jszip.min.js - var require_jszip_min = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/jszip/dist/jszip.min.js"(exports, module) { - !function(e) { - if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = e(); - else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e); - else { - ("undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this).JSZip = e(); - } - }(function() { - return function s(a, o, h) { - function u(r, e2) { - if (!o[r]) { - if (!a[r]) { - var t = "function" == typeof __require && __require; - if (!e2 && t) return t(r, true); - if (l) return l(r, true); - var n = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r + "'"); - throw n.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", n; - } - var i = o[r] = { exports: {} }; - a[r][0].call(i.exports, function(e3) { - var t2 = a[r][1][e3]; - return u(t2 || e3); - }, i, i.exports, s, a, o, h); - } - return o[r].exports; - } - for (var l = "function" == typeof __require && __require, e = 0; e < h.length; e++) u(h[e]); - return u; - }({ 1: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var d = e("./utils"), c = e("./support"), p = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; - r.encode = function(e2) { - for (var t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o, h = [], u = 0, l = e2.length, f = l, c2 = "string" !== d.getTypeOf(e2); u < e2.length; ) f = l - u, n = c2 ? (t2 = e2[u++], r2 = u < l ? e2[u++] : 0, u < l ? e2[u++] : 0) : (t2 = e2.charCodeAt(u++), r2 = u < l ? e2.charCodeAt(u++) : 0, u < l ? e2.charCodeAt(u++) : 0), i = t2 >> 2, s = (3 & t2) << 4 | r2 >> 4, a = 1 < f ? (15 & r2) << 2 | n >> 6 : 64, o = 2 < f ? 63 & n : 64, h.push(p.charAt(i) + p.charAt(s) + p.charAt(a) + p.charAt(o)); - return h.join(""); - }, r.decode = function(e2) { - var t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o = 0, h = 0, u = "data:"; - if (e2.substr(0, u.length) === u) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, it looks like a data url."); - var l, f = 3 * (e2 = e2.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, "")).length / 4; - if (e2.charAt(e2.length - 1) === p.charAt(64) && f--, e2.charAt(e2.length - 2) === p.charAt(64) && f--, f % 1 != 0) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, bad content length."); - for (l = c.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(0 | f) : new Array(0 | f); o < e2.length; ) t2 = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++)) << 2 | (i = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))) >> 4, r2 = (15 & i) << 4 | (s = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))) >> 2, n = (3 & s) << 6 | (a = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))), l[h++] = t2, 64 !== s && (l[h++] = r2), 64 !== a && (l[h++] = n); - return l; - }; - }, { "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 2: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./external"), i = e("./stream/DataWorker"), s = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), a = e("./stream/DataLengthProbe"); - function o(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { - this.compressedSize = e2, this.uncompressedSize = t2, this.crc32 = r2, this.compression = n2, this.compressedContent = i2; - } - o.prototype = { getContentWorker: function() { - var e2 = new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new a("data_length")), t2 = this; - return e2.on("end", function() { - if (this.streamInfo.data_length !== t2.uncompressedSize) throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch"); - }), e2; - }, getCompressedWorker: function() { - return new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).withStreamInfo("compressedSize", this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize", this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32", this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression", this.compression); - } }, o.createWorkerFrom = function(e2, t2, r2) { - return e2.pipe(new s()).pipe(new a("uncompressedSize")).pipe(t2.compressWorker(r2)).pipe(new a("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression", t2); - }, t.exports = o; - }, { "./external": 6, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./stream/DataLengthProbe": 26, "./stream/DataWorker": 27 }], 3: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./stream/GenericWorker"); - r.STORE = { magic: "\0\0", compressWorker: function() { - return new n("STORE compression"); - }, uncompressWorker: function() { - return new n("STORE decompression"); - } }, r.DEFLATE = e("./flate"); - }, { "./flate": 7, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28 }], 4: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./utils"); - var o = function() { - for (var e2, t2 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; r2++) { - e2 = r2; - for (var n2 = 0; n2 < 8; n2++) e2 = 1 & e2 ? 3988292384 ^ e2 >>> 1 : e2 >>> 1; - t2[r2] = e2; - } - return t2; - }(); - t.exports = function(e2, t2) { - return void 0 !== e2 && e2.length ? "string" !== n.getTypeOf(e2) ? function(e3, t3, r2, n2) { - var i = o, s = n2 + r2; - e3 ^= -1; - for (var a = n2; a < s; a++) e3 = e3 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e3 ^ t3[a])]; - return -1 ^ e3; - }(0 | t2, e2, e2.length, 0) : function(e3, t3, r2, n2) { - var i = o, s = n2 + r2; - e3 ^= -1; - for (var a = n2; a < s; a++) e3 = e3 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e3 ^ t3.charCodeAt(a))]; - return -1 ^ e3; - }(0 | t2, e2, e2.length, 0) : 0; - }; - }, { "./utils": 32 }], 5: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - r.base64 = false, r.binary = false, r.dir = false, r.createFolders = true, r.date = null, r.compression = null, r.compressionOptions = null, r.comment = null, r.unixPermissions = null, r.dosPermissions = null; - }, {}], 6: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = null; - n = "undefined" != typeof Promise ? Promise : e("lie"), t.exports = { Promise: n }; - }, { lie: 37 }], 7: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array && "undefined" != typeof Uint16Array && "undefined" != typeof Uint32Array, i = e("pako"), s = e("./utils"), a = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), o = n ? "uint8array" : "array"; - function h(e2, t2) { - a.call(this, "FlateWorker/" + e2), this._pako = null, this._pakoAction = e2, this._pakoOptions = t2, this.meta = {}; - } - r.magic = "\b\0", s.inherits(h, a), h.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { - this.meta = e2.meta, null === this._pako && this._createPako(), this._pako.push(s.transformTo(o, e2.data), false); - }, h.prototype.flush = function() { - a.prototype.flush.call(this), null === this._pako && this._createPako(), this._pako.push([], true); - }, h.prototype.cleanUp = function() { - a.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), this._pako = null; - }, h.prototype._createPako = function() { - this._pako = new i[this._pakoAction]({ raw: true, level: this._pakoOptions.level || -1 }); - var t2 = this; - this._pako.onData = function(e2) { - t2.push({ data: e2, meta: t2.meta }); - }; - }, r.compressWorker = function(e2) { - return new h("Deflate", e2); - }, r.uncompressWorker = function() { - return new h("Inflate", {}); - }; - }, { "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./utils": 32, pako: 38 }], 8: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - function A(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2 = ""; - for (r2 = 0; r2 < t2; r2++) n2 += String.fromCharCode(255 & e2), e2 >>>= 8; - return n2; - } - function n(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2) { - var a, o, h = e2.file, u = e2.compression, l = s2 !== O.utf8encode, f = I.transformTo("string", s2(h.name)), c = I.transformTo("string", O.utf8encode(h.name)), d = h.comment, p = I.transformTo("string", s2(d)), m = I.transformTo("string", O.utf8encode(d)), _ = c.length !== h.name.length, g = m.length !== d.length, b = "", v = "", y = "", w = h.dir, k = h.date, x = { crc32: 0, compressedSize: 0, uncompressedSize: 0 }; - t2 && !r2 || (x.crc32 = e2.crc32, x.compressedSize = e2.compressedSize, x.uncompressedSize = e2.uncompressedSize); - var S = 0; - t2 && (S |= 8), l || !_ && !g || (S |= 2048); - var z = 0, C = 0; - w && (z |= 16), "UNIX" === i2 ? (C = 798, z |= function(e3, t3) { - var r3 = e3; - return e3 || (r3 = t3 ? 16893 : 33204), (65535 & r3) << 16; - }(h.unixPermissions, w)) : (C = 20, z |= function(e3) { - return 63 & (e3 || 0); - }(h.dosPermissions)), a = k.getUTCHours(), a <<= 6, a |= k.getUTCMinutes(), a <<= 5, a |= k.getUTCSeconds() / 2, o = k.getUTCFullYear() - 1980, o <<= 4, o |= k.getUTCMonth() + 1, o <<= 5, o |= k.getUTCDate(), _ && (v = A(1, 1) + A(B(f), 4) + c, b += "up" + A(v.length, 2) + v), g && (y = A(1, 1) + A(B(p), 4) + m, b += "uc" + A(y.length, 2) + y); - var E = ""; - return E += "\n\0", E += A(S, 2), E += u.magic, E += A(a, 2), E += A(o, 2), E += A(x.crc32, 4), E += A(x.compressedSize, 4), E += A(x.uncompressedSize, 4), E += A(f.length, 2), E += A(b.length, 2), { fileRecord: R.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + E + f + b, dirRecord: R.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER + A(C, 2) + E + A(p.length, 2) + "\0\0\0\0" + A(z, 4) + A(n2, 4) + f + b + p }; - } - var I = e("../utils"), i = e("../stream/GenericWorker"), O = e("../utf8"), B = e("../crc32"), R = e("../signature"); - function s(e2, t2, r2, n2) { - i.call(this, "ZipFileWorker"), this.bytesWritten = 0, this.zipComment = t2, this.zipPlatform = r2, this.encodeFileName = n2, this.streamFiles = e2, this.accumulate = false, this.contentBuffer = [], this.dirRecords = [], this.currentSourceOffset = 0, this.entriesCount = 0, this.currentFile = null, this._sources = []; - } - I.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.push = function(e2) { - var t2 = e2.meta.percent || 0, r2 = this.entriesCount, n2 = this._sources.length; - this.accumulate ? this.contentBuffer.push(e2) : (this.bytesWritten += e2.data.length, i.prototype.push.call(this, { data: e2.data, meta: { currentFile: this.currentFile, percent: r2 ? (t2 + 100 * (r2 - n2 - 1)) / r2 : 100 } })); - }, s.prototype.openedSource = function(e2) { - this.currentSourceOffset = this.bytesWritten, this.currentFile = e2.file.name; - var t2 = this.streamFiles && !e2.file.dir; - if (t2) { - var r2 = n(e2, t2, false, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName); - this.push({ data: r2.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } }); - } else this.accumulate = true; - }, s.prototype.closedSource = function(e2) { - this.accumulate = false; - var t2 = this.streamFiles && !e2.file.dir, r2 = n(e2, t2, true, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName); - if (this.dirRecords.push(r2.dirRecord), t2) this.push({ data: function(e3) { - return R.DATA_DESCRIPTOR + A(e3.crc32, 4) + A(e3.compressedSize, 4) + A(e3.uncompressedSize, 4); - }(e2), meta: { percent: 100 } }); - else for (this.push({ data: r2.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } }); this.contentBuffer.length; ) this.push(this.contentBuffer.shift()); - this.currentFile = null; - }, s.prototype.flush = function() { - for (var e2 = this.bytesWritten, t2 = 0; t2 < this.dirRecords.length; t2++) this.push({ data: this.dirRecords[t2], meta: { percent: 100 } }); - var r2 = this.bytesWritten - e2, n2 = function(e3, t3, r3, n3, i2) { - var s2 = I.transformTo("string", i2(n3)); - return R.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END + "\0\0\0\0" + A(e3, 2) + A(e3, 2) + A(t3, 4) + A(r3, 4) + A(s2.length, 2) + s2; - }(this.dirRecords.length, r2, e2, this.zipComment, this.encodeFileName); - this.push({ data: n2, meta: { percent: 100 } }); - }, s.prototype.prepareNextSource = function() { - this.previous = this._sources.shift(), this.openedSource(this.previous.streamInfo), this.isPaused ? this.previous.pause() : this.previous.resume(); - }, s.prototype.registerPrevious = function(e2) { - this._sources.push(e2); - var t2 = this; - return e2.on("data", function(e3) { - t2.processChunk(e3); - }), e2.on("end", function() { - t2.closedSource(t2.previous.streamInfo), t2._sources.length ? t2.prepareNextSource() : t2.end(); - }), e2.on("error", function(e3) { - t2.error(e3); - }), this; - }, s.prototype.resume = function() { - return !!i.prototype.resume.call(this) && (!this.previous && this._sources.length ? (this.prepareNextSource(), true) : this.previous || this._sources.length || this.generatedError ? void 0 : (this.end(), true)); - }, s.prototype.error = function(e2) { - var t2 = this._sources; - if (!i.prototype.error.call(this, e2)) return false; - for (var r2 = 0; r2 < t2.length; r2++) try { - t2[r2].error(e2); - } catch (e3) { - } - return true; - }, s.prototype.lock = function() { - i.prototype.lock.call(this); - for (var e2 = this._sources, t2 = 0; t2 < e2.length; t2++) e2[t2].lock(); - }, t.exports = s; - }, { "../crc32": 4, "../signature": 23, "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utf8": 31, "../utils": 32 }], 9: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var u = e("../compressions"), n = e("./ZipFileWorker"); - r.generateWorker = function(e2, a, t2) { - var o = new n(a.streamFiles, t2, a.platform, a.encodeFileName), h = 0; - try { - e2.forEach(function(e3, t3) { - h++; - var r2 = function(e4, t4) { - var r3 = e4 || t4, n3 = u[r3]; - if (!n3) throw new Error(r3 + " is not a valid compression method !"); - return n3; - }(t3.options.compression, a.compression), n2 = t3.options.compressionOptions || a.compressionOptions || {}, i = t3.dir, s = t3.date; - t3._compressWorker(r2, n2).withStreamInfo("file", { name: e3, dir: i, date: s, comment: t3.comment || "", unixPermissions: t3.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: t3.dosPermissions }).pipe(o); - }), o.entriesCount = h; - } catch (e3) { - o.error(e3); - } - return o; - }; - }, { "../compressions": 3, "./ZipFileWorker": 8 }], 10: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - function n() { - if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(); - if (arguments.length) throw new Error("The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); - this.files = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.comment = null, this.root = "", this.clone = function() { - var e2 = new n(); - for (var t2 in this) "function" != typeof this[t2] && (e2[t2] = this[t2]); - return e2; - }; - } - (n.prototype = e("./object")).loadAsync = e("./load"), n.support = e("./support"), n.defaults = e("./defaults"), n.version = "3.10.1", n.loadAsync = function(e2, t2) { - return new n().loadAsync(e2, t2); - }, n.external = e("./external"), t.exports = n; - }, { "./defaults": 5, "./external": 6, "./load": 11, "./object": 15, "./support": 30 }], 11: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var u = e("./utils"), i = e("./external"), n = e("./utf8"), s = e("./zipEntries"), a = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), l = e("./nodejsUtils"); - function f(n2) { - return new i.Promise(function(e2, t2) { - var r2 = n2.decompressed.getContentWorker().pipe(new a()); - r2.on("error", function(e3) { - t2(e3); - }).on("end", function() { - r2.streamInfo.crc32 !== n2.decompressed.crc32 ? t2(new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch")) : e2(); - }).resume(); - }); - } - t.exports = function(e2, o) { - var h = this; - return o = u.extend(o || {}, { base64: false, checkCRC32: false, optimizedBinaryString: false, createFolders: false, decodeFileName: n.utf8decode }), l.isNode && l.isStream(e2) ? i.Promise.reject(new Error("JSZip can't accept a stream when loading a zip file.")) : u.prepareContent("the loaded zip file", e2, true, o.optimizedBinaryString, o.base64).then(function(e3) { - var t2 = new s(o); - return t2.load(e3), t2; - }).then(function(e3) { - var t2 = [i.Promise.resolve(e3)], r2 = e3.files; - if (o.checkCRC32) for (var n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++) t2.push(f(r2[n2])); - return i.Promise.all(t2); - }).then(function(e3) { - for (var t2 = e3.shift(), r2 = t2.files, n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++) { - var i2 = r2[n2], s2 = i2.fileNameStr, a2 = u.resolve(i2.fileNameStr); - h.file(a2, i2.decompressed, { binary: true, optimizedBinaryString: true, date: i2.date, dir: i2.dir, comment: i2.fileCommentStr.length ? i2.fileCommentStr : null, unixPermissions: i2.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: i2.dosPermissions, createFolders: o.createFolders }), i2.dir || (h.file(a2).unsafeOriginalName = s2); - } - return t2.zipComment.length && (h.comment = t2.zipComment), h; - }); - }; - }, { "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntries": 33 }], 12: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("../utils"), i = e("../stream/GenericWorker"); - function s(e2, t2) { - i.call(this, "Nodejs stream input adapter for " + e2), this._upstreamEnded = false, this._bindStream(t2); - } - n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype._bindStream = function(e2) { - var t2 = this; - (this._stream = e2).pause(), e2.on("data", function(e3) { - t2.push({ data: e3, meta: { percent: 0 } }); - }).on("error", function(e3) { - t2.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e3 : t2.error(e3); - }).on("end", function() { - t2.isPaused ? t2._upstreamEnded = true : t2.end(); - }); - }, s.prototype.pause = function() { - return !!i.prototype.pause.call(this) && (this._stream.pause(), true); - }, s.prototype.resume = function() { - return !!i.prototype.resume.call(this) && (this._upstreamEnded ? this.end() : this._stream.resume(), true); - }, t.exports = s; - }, { "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utils": 32 }], 13: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var i = e("readable-stream").Readable; - function n(e2, t2, r2) { - i.call(this, t2), this._helper = e2; - var n2 = this; - e2.on("data", function(e3, t3) { - n2.push(e3) || n2._helper.pause(), r2 && r2(t3); - }).on("error", function(e3) { - n2.emit("error", e3); - }).on("end", function() { - n2.push(null); - }); - } - e("../utils").inherits(n, i), n.prototype._read = function() { - this._helper.resume(); - }, t.exports = n; - }, { "../utils": 32, "readable-stream": 16 }], 14: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = { isNode: "undefined" != typeof Buffer, newBufferFrom: function(e2, t2) { - if (Buffer.from && Buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from) return Buffer.from(e2, t2); - if ("number" == typeof e2) throw new Error('The "data" argument must not be a number'); - return new Buffer(e2, t2); - }, allocBuffer: function(e2) { - if (Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(e2); - var t2 = new Buffer(e2); - return t2.fill(0), t2; - }, isBuffer: function(e2) { - return Buffer.isBuffer(e2); - }, isStream: function(e2) { - return e2 && "function" == typeof e2.on && "function" == typeof e2.pause && "function" == typeof e2.resume; - } }; - }, {}], 15: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - function s(e2, t2, r2) { - var n2, i2 = u.getTypeOf(t2), s2 = u.extend(r2 || {}, f); - s2.date = s2.date || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), null !== s2.compression && (s2.compression = s2.compression.toUpperCase()), "string" == typeof s2.unixPermissions && (s2.unixPermissions = parseInt(s2.unixPermissions, 8)), s2.unixPermissions && 16384 & s2.unixPermissions && (s2.dir = true), s2.dosPermissions && 16 & s2.dosPermissions && (s2.dir = true), s2.dir && (e2 = g(e2)), s2.createFolders && (n2 = _(e2)) && b.call(this, n2, true); - var a2 = "string" === i2 && false === s2.binary && false === s2.base64; - r2 && void 0 !== r2.binary || (s2.binary = !a2), (t2 instanceof c && 0 === t2.uncompressedSize || s2.dir || !t2 || 0 === t2.length) && (s2.base64 = false, s2.binary = true, t2 = "", s2.compression = "STORE", i2 = "string"); - var o2 = null; - o2 = t2 instanceof c || t2 instanceof l ? t2 : p.isNode && p.isStream(t2) ? new m(e2, t2) : u.prepareContent(e2, t2, s2.binary, s2.optimizedBinaryString, s2.base64); - var h2 = new d(e2, o2, s2); - this.files[e2] = h2; - } - var i = e("./utf8"), u = e("./utils"), l = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), a = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), f = e("./defaults"), c = e("./compressedObject"), d = e("./zipObject"), o = e("./generate"), p = e("./nodejsUtils"), m = e("./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter"), _ = function(e2) { - "/" === e2.slice(-1) && (e2 = e2.substring(0, e2.length - 1)); - var t2 = e2.lastIndexOf("/"); - return 0 < t2 ? e2.substring(0, t2) : ""; - }, g = function(e2) { - return "/" !== e2.slice(-1) && (e2 += "/"), e2; - }, b = function(e2, t2) { - return t2 = void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : f.createFolders, e2 = g(e2), this.files[e2] || s.call(this, e2, null, { dir: true, createFolders: t2 }), this.files[e2]; - }; - function h(e2) { - return "[object RegExp]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e2); - } - var n = { load: function() { - throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); - }, forEach: function(e2) { - var t2, r2, n2; - for (t2 in this.files) n2 = this.files[t2], (r2 = t2.slice(this.root.length, t2.length)) && t2.slice(0, this.root.length) === this.root && e2(r2, n2); - }, filter: function(r2) { - var n2 = []; - return this.forEach(function(e2, t2) { - r2(e2, t2) && n2.push(t2); - }), n2; - }, file: function(e2, t2, r2) { - if (1 !== arguments.length) return e2 = this.root + e2, s.call(this, e2, t2, r2), this; - if (h(e2)) { - var n2 = e2; - return this.filter(function(e3, t3) { - return !t3.dir && n2.test(e3); - }); - } - var i2 = this.files[this.root + e2]; - return i2 && !i2.dir ? i2 : null; - }, folder: function(r2) { - if (!r2) return this; - if (h(r2)) return this.filter(function(e3, t3) { - return t3.dir && r2.test(e3); - }); - var e2 = this.root + r2, t2 = b.call(this, e2), n2 = this.clone(); - return n2.root = t2.name, n2; - }, remove: function(r2) { - r2 = this.root + r2; - var e2 = this.files[r2]; - if (e2 || ("/" !== r2.slice(-1) && (r2 += "/"), e2 = this.files[r2]), e2 && !e2.dir) delete this.files[r2]; - else for (var t2 = this.filter(function(e3, t3) { - return t3.name.slice(0, r2.length) === r2; - }), n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) delete this.files[t2[n2].name]; - return this; - }, generate: function() { - throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); - }, generateInternalStream: function(e2) { - var t2, r2 = {}; - try { - if ((r2 = u.extend(e2 || {}, { streamFiles: false, compression: "STORE", compressionOptions: null, type: "", platform: "DOS", comment: null, mimeType: "application/zip", encodeFileName: i.utf8encode })).type = r2.type.toLowerCase(), r2.compression = r2.compression.toUpperCase(), "binarystring" === r2.type && (r2.type = "string"), !r2.type) throw new Error("No output type specified."); - u.checkSupport(r2.type), "darwin" !== r2.platform && "freebsd" !== r2.platform && "linux" !== r2.platform && "sunos" !== r2.platform || (r2.platform = "UNIX"), "win32" === r2.platform && (r2.platform = "DOS"); - var n2 = r2.comment || this.comment || ""; - t2 = o.generateWorker(this, r2, n2); - } catch (e3) { - (t2 = new l("error")).error(e3); - } - return new a(t2, r2.type || "string", r2.mimeType); - }, generateAsync: function(e2, t2) { - return this.generateInternalStream(e2).accumulate(t2); - }, generateNodeStream: function(e2, t2) { - return (e2 = e2 || {}).type || (e2.type = "nodebuffer"), this.generateInternalStream(e2).toNodejsStream(t2); - } }; - t.exports = n; - }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./defaults": 5, "./generate": 9, "./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter": 12, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipObject": 35 }], 16: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = e("stream"); - }, { stream: void 0 }], 17: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./DataReader"); - function i(e2) { - n.call(this, e2); - for (var t2 = 0; t2 < this.data.length; t2++) e2[t2] = 255 & e2[t2]; - } - e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.byteAt = function(e2) { - return this.data[this.zero + e2]; - }, i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e2) { - for (var t2 = e2.charCodeAt(0), r2 = e2.charCodeAt(1), n2 = e2.charCodeAt(2), i2 = e2.charCodeAt(3), s = this.length - 4; 0 <= s; --s) if (this.data[s] === t2 && this.data[s + 1] === r2 && this.data[s + 2] === n2 && this.data[s + 3] === i2) return s - this.zero; - return -1; - }, i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e2) { - var t2 = e2.charCodeAt(0), r2 = e2.charCodeAt(1), n2 = e2.charCodeAt(2), i2 = e2.charCodeAt(3), s = this.readData(4); - return t2 === s[0] && r2 === s[1] && n2 === s[2] && i2 === s[3]; - }, i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { - if (this.checkOffset(e2), 0 === e2) return []; - var t2 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); - return this.index += e2, t2; - }, t.exports = i; - }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 18: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("../utils"); - function i(e2) { - this.data = e2, this.length = e2.length, this.index = 0, this.zero = 0; - } - i.prototype = { checkOffset: function(e2) { - this.checkIndex(this.index + e2); - }, checkIndex: function(e2) { - if (this.length < this.zero + e2 || e2 < 0) throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = " + this.length + ", asked index = " + e2 + "). Corrupted zip ?"); - }, setIndex: function(e2) { - this.checkIndex(e2), this.index = e2; - }, skip: function(e2) { - this.setIndex(this.index + e2); - }, byteAt: function() { - }, readInt: function(e2) { - var t2, r2 = 0; - for (this.checkOffset(e2), t2 = this.index + e2 - 1; t2 >= this.index; t2--) r2 = (r2 << 8) + this.byteAt(t2); - return this.index += e2, r2; - }, readString: function(e2) { - return n.transformTo("string", this.readData(e2)); - }, readData: function() { - }, lastIndexOfSignature: function() { - }, readAndCheckSignature: function() { - }, readDate: function() { - var e2 = this.readInt(4); - return new Date(Date.UTC(1980 + (e2 >> 25 & 127), (e2 >> 21 & 15) - 1, e2 >> 16 & 31, e2 >> 11 & 31, e2 >> 5 & 63, (31 & e2) << 1)); - } }, t.exports = i; - }, { "../utils": 32 }], 19: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./Uint8ArrayReader"); - function i(e2) { - n.call(this, e2); - } - e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { - this.checkOffset(e2); - var t2 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); - return this.index += e2, t2; - }, t.exports = i; - }, { "../utils": 32, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 20: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./DataReader"); - function i(e2) { - n.call(this, e2); - } - e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.byteAt = function(e2) { - return this.data.charCodeAt(this.zero + e2); - }, i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e2) { - return this.data.lastIndexOf(e2) - this.zero; - }, i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e2) { - return e2 === this.readData(4); - }, i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { - this.checkOffset(e2); - var t2 = this.data.slice(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); - return this.index += e2, t2; - }, t.exports = i; - }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 21: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./ArrayReader"); - function i(e2) { - n.call(this, e2); - } - e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.readData = function(e2) { - if (this.checkOffset(e2), 0 === e2) return new Uint8Array(0); - var t2 = this.data.subarray(this.zero + this.index, this.zero + this.index + e2); - return this.index += e2, t2; - }, t.exports = i; - }, { "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17 }], 22: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("../utils"), i = e("../support"), s = e("./ArrayReader"), a = e("./StringReader"), o = e("./NodeBufferReader"), h = e("./Uint8ArrayReader"); - t.exports = function(e2) { - var t2 = n.getTypeOf(e2); - return n.checkSupport(t2), "string" !== t2 || i.uint8array ? "nodebuffer" === t2 ? new o(e2) : i.uint8array ? new h(n.transformTo("uint8array", e2)) : new s(n.transformTo("array", e2)) : new a(e2); - }; - }, { "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17, "./NodeBufferReader": 19, "./StringReader": 20, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 23: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - r.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK", r.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK", r.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK", r.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR = "PK\x07", r.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK", r.DATA_DESCRIPTOR = "PK\x07\b"; - }, {}], 24: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./GenericWorker"), i = e("../utils"); - function s(e2) { - n.call(this, "ConvertWorker to " + e2), this.destType = e2; - } - i.inherits(s, n), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { - this.push({ data: i.transformTo(this.destType, e2.data), meta: e2.meta }); - }, t.exports = s; - }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 25: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./GenericWorker"), i = e("../crc32"); - function s() { - n.call(this, "Crc32Probe"), this.withStreamInfo("crc32", 0); - } - e("../utils").inherits(s, n), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { - this.streamInfo.crc32 = i(e2.data, this.streamInfo.crc32 || 0), this.push(e2); - }, t.exports = s; - }, { "../crc32": 4, "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 26: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("../utils"), i = e("./GenericWorker"); - function s(e2) { - i.call(this, "DataLengthProbe for " + e2), this.propName = e2, this.withStreamInfo(e2, 0); - } - n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { - if (e2) { - var t2 = this.streamInfo[this.propName] || 0; - this.streamInfo[this.propName] = t2 + e2.data.length; - } - i.prototype.processChunk.call(this, e2); - }, t.exports = s; - }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 27: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("../utils"), i = e("./GenericWorker"); - function s(e2) { - i.call(this, "DataWorker"); - var t2 = this; - this.dataIsReady = false, this.index = 0, this.max = 0, this.data = null, this.type = "", this._tickScheduled = false, e2.then(function(e3) { - t2.dataIsReady = true, t2.data = e3, t2.max = e3 && e3.length || 0, t2.type = n.getTypeOf(e3), t2.isPaused || t2._tickAndRepeat(); - }, function(e3) { - t2.error(e3); - }); - } - n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.cleanUp = function() { - i.prototype.cleanUp.call(this), this.data = null; - }, s.prototype.resume = function() { - return !!i.prototype.resume.call(this) && (!this._tickScheduled && this.dataIsReady && (this._tickScheduled = true, n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this)), true); - }, s.prototype._tickAndRepeat = function() { - this._tickScheduled = false, this.isPaused || this.isFinished || (this._tick(), this.isFinished || (n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this), this._tickScheduled = true)); - }, s.prototype._tick = function() { - if (this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return false; - var e2 = null, t2 = Math.min(this.max, this.index + 16384); - if (this.index >= this.max) return this.end(); - switch (this.type) { - case "string": - e2 = this.data.substring(this.index, t2); - break; - case "uint8array": - e2 = this.data.subarray(this.index, t2); - break; - case "array": - case "nodebuffer": - e2 = this.data.slice(this.index, t2); - } - return this.index = t2, this.push({ data: e2, meta: { percent: this.max ? this.index / this.max * 100 : 0 } }); - }, t.exports = s; - }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 28: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - function n(e2) { - this.name = e2 || "default", this.streamInfo = {}, this.generatedError = null, this.extraStreamInfo = {}, this.isPaused = true, this.isFinished = false, this.isLocked = false, this._listeners = { data: [], end: [], error: [] }, this.previous = null; - } - n.prototype = { push: function(e2) { - this.emit("data", e2); - }, end: function() { - if (this.isFinished) return false; - this.flush(); - try { - this.emit("end"), this.cleanUp(), this.isFinished = true; - } catch (e2) { - this.emit("error", e2); - } - return true; - }, error: function(e2) { - return !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e2 : (this.isFinished = true, this.emit("error", e2), this.previous && this.previous.error(e2), this.cleanUp()), true); - }, on: function(e2, t2) { - return this._listeners[e2].push(t2), this; - }, cleanUp: function() { - this.streamInfo = this.generatedError = this.extraStreamInfo = null, this._listeners = []; - }, emit: function(e2, t2) { - if (this._listeners[e2]) for (var r2 = 0; r2 < this._listeners[e2].length; r2++) this._listeners[e2][r2].call(this, t2); - }, pipe: function(e2) { - return e2.registerPrevious(this); - }, registerPrevious: function(e2) { - if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used."); - this.streamInfo = e2.streamInfo, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this.previous = e2; - var t2 = this; - return e2.on("data", function(e3) { - t2.processChunk(e3); - }), e2.on("end", function() { - t2.end(); - }), e2.on("error", function(e3) { - t2.error(e3); - }), this; - }, pause: function() { - return !this.isPaused && !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused = true, this.previous && this.previous.pause(), true); - }, resume: function() { - if (!this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return false; - var e2 = this.isPaused = false; - return this.generatedError && (this.error(this.generatedError), e2 = true), this.previous && this.previous.resume(), !e2; - }, flush: function() { - }, processChunk: function(e2) { - this.push(e2); - }, withStreamInfo: function(e2, t2) { - return this.extraStreamInfo[e2] = t2, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this; - }, mergeStreamInfo: function() { - for (var e2 in this.extraStreamInfo) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.extraStreamInfo, e2) && (this.streamInfo[e2] = this.extraStreamInfo[e2]); - }, lock: function() { - if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used."); - this.isLocked = true, this.previous && this.previous.lock(); - }, toString: function() { - var e2 = "Worker " + this.name; - return this.previous ? this.previous + " -> " + e2 : e2; - } }, t.exports = n; - }, {}], 29: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var h = e("../utils"), i = e("./ConvertWorker"), s = e("./GenericWorker"), u = e("../base64"), n = e("../support"), a = e("../external"), o = null; - if (n.nodestream) try { - o = e("../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter"); - } catch (e2) { - } - function l(e2, o2) { - return new a.Promise(function(t2, r2) { - var n2 = [], i2 = e2._internalType, s2 = e2._outputType, a2 = e2._mimeType; - e2.on("data", function(e3, t3) { - n2.push(e3), o2 && o2(t3); - }).on("error", function(e3) { - n2 = [], r2(e3); - }).on("end", function() { - try { - var e3 = function(e4, t3, r3) { - switch (e4) { - case "blob": - return h.newBlob(h.transformTo("arraybuffer", t3), r3); - case "base64": - return u.encode(t3); - default: - return h.transformTo(e4, t3); - } - }(s2, function(e4, t3) { - var r3, n3 = 0, i3 = null, s3 = 0; - for (r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) s3 += t3[r3].length; - switch (e4) { - case "string": - return t3.join(""); - case "array": - return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t3); - case "uint8array": - for (i3 = new Uint8Array(s3), r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) i3.set(t3[r3], n3), n3 += t3[r3].length; - return i3; - case "nodebuffer": - return Buffer.concat(t3); - default: - throw new Error("concat : unsupported type '" + e4 + "'"); - } - }(i2, n2), a2); - t2(e3); - } catch (e4) { - r2(e4); - } - n2 = []; - }).resume(); - }); - } - function f(e2, t2, r2) { - var n2 = t2; - switch (t2) { - case "blob": - case "arraybuffer": - n2 = "uint8array"; - break; - case "base64": - n2 = "string"; - } - try { - this._internalType = n2, this._outputType = t2, this._mimeType = r2, h.checkSupport(n2), this._worker = e2.pipe(new i(n2)), e2.lock(); - } catch (e3) { - this._worker = new s("error"), this._worker.error(e3); - } - } - f.prototype = { accumulate: function(e2) { - return l(this, e2); - }, on: function(e2, t2) { - var r2 = this; - return "data" === e2 ? this._worker.on(e2, function(e3) { - t2.call(r2, e3.data, e3.meta); - }) : this._worker.on(e2, function() { - h.delay(t2, arguments, r2); - }), this; - }, resume: function() { - return h.delay(this._worker.resume, [], this._worker), this; - }, pause: function() { - return this._worker.pause(), this; - }, toNodejsStream: function(e2) { - if (h.checkSupport("nodestream"), "nodebuffer" !== this._outputType) throw new Error(this._outputType + " is not supported by this method"); - return new o(this, { objectMode: "nodebuffer" !== this._outputType }, e2); - } }, t.exports = f; - }, { "../base64": 1, "../external": 6, "../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter": 13, "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ConvertWorker": 24, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 30: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - if (r.base64 = true, r.array = true, r.string = true, r.arraybuffer = "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array, r.nodebuffer = "undefined" != typeof Buffer, r.uint8array = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array, "undefined" == typeof ArrayBuffer) r.blob = false; - else { - var n = new ArrayBuffer(0); - try { - r.blob = 0 === new Blob([n], { type: "application/zip" }).size; - } catch (e2) { - try { - var i = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)(); - i.append(n), r.blob = 0 === i.getBlob("application/zip").size; - } catch (e3) { - r.blob = false; - } - } - } - try { - r.nodestream = !!e("readable-stream").Readable; - } catch (e2) { - r.nodestream = false; - } - }, { "readable-stream": 16 }], 31: [function(e, t, s) { - "use strict"; - for (var o = e("./utils"), h = e("./support"), r = e("./nodejsUtils"), n = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), u = new Array(256), i = 0; i < 256; i++) u[i] = 252 <= i ? 6 : 248 <= i ? 5 : 240 <= i ? 4 : 224 <= i ? 3 : 192 <= i ? 2 : 1; - u[254] = u[254] = 1; - function a() { - n.call(this, "utf-8 decode"), this.leftOver = null; - } - function l() { - n.call(this, "utf-8 encode"); - } - s.utf8encode = function(e2) { - return h.nodebuffer ? r.newBufferFrom(e2, "utf-8") : function(e3) { - var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a2 = e3.length, o2 = 0; - for (i2 = 0; i2 < a2; i2++) 55296 == (64512 & (r2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2))) && i2 + 1 < a2 && 56320 == (64512 & (n2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), o2 += r2 < 128 ? 1 : r2 < 2048 ? 2 : r2 < 65536 ? 3 : 4; - for (t2 = h.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(o2) : new Array(o2), i2 = s2 = 0; s2 < o2; i2++) 55296 == (64512 & (r2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2))) && i2 + 1 < a2 && 56320 == (64512 & (n2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), r2 < 128 ? t2[s2++] = r2 : (r2 < 2048 ? t2[s2++] = 192 | r2 >>> 6 : (r2 < 65536 ? t2[s2++] = 224 | r2 >>> 12 : (t2[s2++] = 240 | r2 >>> 18, t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 12 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 6 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | 63 & r2); - return t2; - }(e2); - }, s.utf8decode = function(e2) { - return h.nodebuffer ? o.transformTo("nodebuffer", e2).toString("utf-8") : function(e3) { - var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2 = e3.length, a2 = new Array(2 * s2); - for (t2 = r2 = 0; t2 < s2; ) if ((n2 = e3[t2++]) < 128) a2[r2++] = n2; - else if (4 < (i2 = u[n2])) a2[r2++] = 65533, t2 += i2 - 1; - else { - for (n2 &= 2 === i2 ? 31 : 3 === i2 ? 15 : 7; 1 < i2 && t2 < s2; ) n2 = n2 << 6 | 63 & e3[t2++], i2--; - 1 < i2 ? a2[r2++] = 65533 : n2 < 65536 ? a2[r2++] = n2 : (n2 -= 65536, a2[r2++] = 55296 | n2 >> 10 & 1023, a2[r2++] = 56320 | 1023 & n2); - } - return a2.length !== r2 && (a2.subarray ? a2 = a2.subarray(0, r2) : a2.length = r2), o.applyFromCharCode(a2); - }(e2 = o.transformTo(h.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", e2)); - }, o.inherits(a, n), a.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { - var t2 = o.transformTo(h.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", e2.data); - if (this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length) { - if (h.uint8array) { - var r2 = t2; - (t2 = new Uint8Array(r2.length + this.leftOver.length)).set(this.leftOver, 0), t2.set(r2, this.leftOver.length); - } else t2 = this.leftOver.concat(t2); - this.leftOver = null; - } - var n2 = function(e3, t3) { - var r3; - for ((t3 = t3 || e3.length) > e3.length && (t3 = e3.length), r3 = t3 - 1; 0 <= r3 && 128 == (192 & e3[r3]); ) r3--; - return r3 < 0 ? t3 : 0 === r3 ? t3 : r3 + u[e3[r3]] > t3 ? r3 : t3; - }(t2), i2 = t2; - n2 !== t2.length && (h.uint8array ? (i2 = t2.subarray(0, n2), this.leftOver = t2.subarray(n2, t2.length)) : (i2 = t2.slice(0, n2), this.leftOver = t2.slice(n2, t2.length))), this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(i2), meta: e2.meta }); - }, a.prototype.flush = function() { - this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length && (this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(this.leftOver), meta: {} }), this.leftOver = null); - }, s.Utf8DecodeWorker = a, o.inherits(l, n), l.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) { - this.push({ data: s.utf8encode(e2.data), meta: e2.meta }); - }, s.Utf8EncodeWorker = l; - }, { "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 32: [function(e, t, a) { - "use strict"; - var o = e("./support"), h = e("./base64"), r = e("./nodejsUtils"), u = e("./external"); - function n(e2) { - return e2; - } - function l(e2, t2) { - for (var r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; ++r2) t2[r2] = 255 & e2.charCodeAt(r2); - return t2; - } - e("setimmediate"), a.newBlob = function(t2, r2) { - a.checkSupport("blob"); - try { - return new Blob([t2], { type: r2 }); - } catch (e2) { - try { - var n2 = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)(); - return n2.append(t2), n2.getBlob(r2); - } catch (e3) { - throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob."); - } - } - }; - var i = { stringifyByChunk: function(e2, t2, r2) { - var n2 = [], i2 = 0, s2 = e2.length; - if (s2 <= r2) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2); - for (; i2 < s2; ) "array" === t2 || "nodebuffer" === t2 ? n2.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2.slice(i2, Math.min(i2 + r2, s2)))) : n2.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2.subarray(i2, Math.min(i2 + r2, s2)))), i2 += r2; - return n2.join(""); - }, stringifyByChar: function(e2) { - for (var t2 = "", r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; r2++) t2 += String.fromCharCode(e2[r2]); - return t2; - }, applyCanBeUsed: { uint8array: function() { - try { - return o.uint8array && 1 === String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)).length; - } catch (e2) { - return false; - } - }(), nodebuffer: function() { - try { - return o.nodebuffer && 1 === String.fromCharCode.apply(null, r.allocBuffer(1)).length; - } catch (e2) { - return false; - } - }() } }; - function s(e2) { - var t2 = 65536, r2 = a.getTypeOf(e2), n2 = true; - if ("uint8array" === r2 ? n2 = i.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array : "nodebuffer" === r2 && (n2 = i.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer), n2) for (; 1 < t2; ) try { - return i.stringifyByChunk(e2, r2, t2); - } catch (e3) { - t2 = Math.floor(t2 / 2); - } - return i.stringifyByChar(e2); - } - function f(e2, t2) { - for (var r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; r2++) t2[r2] = e2[r2]; - return t2; - } - a.applyFromCharCode = s; - var c = {}; - c.string = { string: n, array: function(e2) { - return l(e2, new Array(e2.length)); - }, arraybuffer: function(e2) { - return c.string.uint8array(e2).buffer; - }, uint8array: function(e2) { - return l(e2, new Uint8Array(e2.length)); - }, nodebuffer: function(e2) { - return l(e2, r.allocBuffer(e2.length)); - } }, c.array = { string: s, array: n, arraybuffer: function(e2) { - return new Uint8Array(e2).buffer; - }, uint8array: function(e2) { - return new Uint8Array(e2); - }, nodebuffer: function(e2) { - return r.newBufferFrom(e2); - } }, c.arraybuffer = { string: function(e2) { - return s(new Uint8Array(e2)); - }, array: function(e2) { - return f(new Uint8Array(e2), new Array(e2.byteLength)); - }, arraybuffer: n, uint8array: function(e2) { - return new Uint8Array(e2); - }, nodebuffer: function(e2) { - return r.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(e2)); - } }, c.uint8array = { string: s, array: function(e2) { - return f(e2, new Array(e2.length)); - }, arraybuffer: function(e2) { - return e2.buffer; - }, uint8array: n, nodebuffer: function(e2) { - return r.newBufferFrom(e2); - } }, c.nodebuffer = { string: s, array: function(e2) { - return f(e2, new Array(e2.length)); - }, arraybuffer: function(e2) { - return c.nodebuffer.uint8array(e2).buffer; - }, uint8array: function(e2) { - return f(e2, new Uint8Array(e2.length)); - }, nodebuffer: n }, a.transformTo = function(e2, t2) { - if (t2 = t2 || "", !e2) return t2; - a.checkSupport(e2); - var r2 = a.getTypeOf(t2); - return c[r2][e2](t2); - }, a.resolve = function(e2) { - for (var t2 = e2.split("/"), r2 = [], n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) { - var i2 = t2[n2]; - "." === i2 || "" === i2 && 0 !== n2 && n2 !== t2.length - 1 || (".." === i2 ? r2.pop() : r2.push(i2)); - } - return r2.join("/"); - }, a.getTypeOf = function(e2) { - return "string" == typeof e2 ? "string" : "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e2) ? "array" : o.nodebuffer && r.isBuffer(e2) ? "nodebuffer" : o.uint8array && e2 instanceof Uint8Array ? "uint8array" : o.arraybuffer && e2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? "arraybuffer" : void 0; - }, a.checkSupport = function(e2) { - if (!o[e2.toLowerCase()]) throw new Error(e2 + " is not supported by this platform"); - }, a.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535, a.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1, a.pretty = function(e2) { - var t2, r2, n2 = ""; - for (r2 = 0; r2 < (e2 || "").length; r2++) n2 += "\\x" + ((t2 = e2.charCodeAt(r2)) < 16 ? "0" : "") + t2.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - return n2; - }, a.delay = function(e2, t2, r2) { - setImmediate(function() { - e2.apply(r2 || null, t2 || []); - }); - }, a.inherits = function(e2, t2) { - function r2() { - } - r2.prototype = t2.prototype, e2.prototype = new r2(); - }, a.extend = function() { - var e2, t2, r2 = {}; - for (e2 = 0; e2 < arguments.length; e2++) for (t2 in arguments[e2]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(arguments[e2], t2) && void 0 === r2[t2] && (r2[t2] = arguments[e2][t2]); - return r2; - }, a.prepareContent = function(r2, e2, n2, i2, s2) { - return u.Promise.resolve(e2).then(function(n3) { - return o.blob && (n3 instanceof Blob || -1 !== ["[object File]", "[object Blob]"].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(n3))) && "undefined" != typeof FileReader ? new u.Promise(function(t2, r3) { - var e3 = new FileReader(); - e3.onload = function(e4) { - t2(e4.target.result); - }, e3.onerror = function(e4) { - r3(e4.target.error); - }, e3.readAsArrayBuffer(n3); - }) : n3; - }).then(function(e3) { - var t2 = a.getTypeOf(e3); - return t2 ? ("arraybuffer" === t2 ? e3 = a.transformTo("uint8array", e3) : "string" === t2 && (s2 ? e3 = h.decode(e3) : n2 && true !== i2 && (e3 = function(e4) { - return l(e4, o.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(e4.length) : new Array(e4.length)); - }(e3))), e3) : u.Promise.reject(new Error("Can't read the data of '" + r2 + "'. Is it in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?")); - }); - }; - }, { "./base64": 1, "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./support": 30, setimmediate: 54 }], 33: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./reader/readerFor"), i = e("./utils"), s = e("./signature"), a = e("./zipEntry"), o = e("./support"); - function h(e2) { - this.files = [], this.loadOptions = e2; - } - h.prototype = { checkSignature: function(e2) { - if (!this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(e2)) { - this.reader.index -= 4; - var t2 = this.reader.readString(4); - throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: unexpected signature (" + i.pretty(t2) + ", expected " + i.pretty(e2) + ")"); - } - }, isSignature: function(e2, t2) { - var r2 = this.reader.index; - this.reader.setIndex(e2); - var n2 = this.reader.readString(4) === t2; - return this.reader.setIndex(r2), n2; - }, readBlockEndOfCentral: function() { - this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4), this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2); - var e2 = this.reader.readData(this.zipCommentLength), t2 = o.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", r2 = i.transformTo(t2, e2); - this.zipComment = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r2); - }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentral: function() { - this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.reader.skip(4), this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8), this.zip64ExtensibleData = {}; - for (var e2, t2, r2, n2 = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44; 0 < n2; ) e2 = this.reader.readInt(2), t2 = this.reader.readInt(4), r2 = this.reader.readData(t2), this.zip64ExtensibleData[e2] = { id: e2, length: t2, value: r2 }; - }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator: function() { - if (this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.readInt(8), this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4), 1 < this.disksCount) throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported"); - }, readLocalFiles: function() { - var e2, t2; - for (e2 = 0; e2 < this.files.length; e2++) t2 = this.files[e2], this.reader.setIndex(t2.localHeaderOffset), this.checkSignature(s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER), t2.readLocalPart(this.reader), t2.handleUTF8(), t2.processAttributes(); - }, readCentralDir: function() { - var e2; - for (this.reader.setIndex(this.centralDirOffset); this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER); ) (e2 = new a({ zip64: this.zip64 }, this.loadOptions)).readCentralPart(this.reader), this.files.push(e2); - if (this.centralDirRecords !== this.files.length && 0 !== this.centralDirRecords && 0 === this.files.length) throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: expected " + this.centralDirRecords + " records in central dir, got " + this.files.length); - }, readEndOfCentral: function() { - var e2 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END); - if (e2 < 0) throw !this.isSignature(0, s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER) ? new Error("Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see https://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/howto/read_zip.html") : new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find end of central directory"); - this.reader.setIndex(e2); - var t2 = e2; - if (this.checkSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockEndOfCentral(), this.diskNumber === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.diskWithCentralDirStart === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecords === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirSize === i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS || this.centralDirOffset === i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) { - if (this.zip64 = true, (e2 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR)) < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator"); - if (this.reader.setIndex(e2), this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator(), !this.isSignature(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir, s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END) && (this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir < 0)) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory"); - this.reader.setIndex(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir), this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentral(); - } - var r2 = this.centralDirOffset + this.centralDirSize; - this.zip64 && (r2 += 20, r2 += 12 + this.zip64EndOfCentralSize); - var n2 = t2 - r2; - if (0 < n2) this.isSignature(t2, s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) || (this.reader.zero = n2); - else if (n2 < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: missing " + Math.abs(n2) + " bytes."); - }, prepareReader: function(e2) { - this.reader = n(e2); - }, load: function(e2) { - this.prepareReader(e2), this.readEndOfCentral(), this.readCentralDir(), this.readLocalFiles(); - } }, t.exports = h; - }, { "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./signature": 23, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntry": 34 }], 34: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = e("./reader/readerFor"), s = e("./utils"), i = e("./compressedObject"), a = e("./crc32"), o = e("./utf8"), h = e("./compressions"), u = e("./support"); - function l(e2, t2) { - this.options = e2, this.loadOptions = t2; - } - l.prototype = { isEncrypted: function() { - return 1 == (1 & this.bitFlag); - }, useUTF8: function() { - return 2048 == (2048 & this.bitFlag); - }, readLocalPart: function(e2) { - var t2, r2; - if (e2.skip(22), this.fileNameLength = e2.readInt(2), r2 = e2.readInt(2), this.fileName = e2.readData(this.fileNameLength), e2.skip(r2), -1 === this.compressedSize || -1 === this.uncompressedSize) throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough information from the central directory (compressedSize === -1 || uncompressedSize === -1)"); - if (null === (t2 = function(e3) { - for (var t3 in h) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h, t3) && h[t3].magic === e3) return h[t3]; - return null; - }(this.compressionMethod))) throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression " + s.pretty(this.compressionMethod) + " unknown (inner file : " + s.transformTo("string", this.fileName) + ")"); - this.decompressed = new i(this.compressedSize, this.uncompressedSize, this.crc32, t2, e2.readData(this.compressedSize)); - }, readCentralPart: function(e2) { - this.versionMadeBy = e2.readInt(2), e2.skip(2), this.bitFlag = e2.readInt(2), this.compressionMethod = e2.readString(2), this.date = e2.readDate(), this.crc32 = e2.readInt(4), this.compressedSize = e2.readInt(4), this.uncompressedSize = e2.readInt(4); - var t2 = e2.readInt(2); - if (this.extraFieldsLength = e2.readInt(2), this.fileCommentLength = e2.readInt(2), this.diskNumberStart = e2.readInt(2), this.internalFileAttributes = e2.readInt(2), this.externalFileAttributes = e2.readInt(4), this.localHeaderOffset = e2.readInt(4), this.isEncrypted()) throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported"); - e2.skip(t2), this.readExtraFields(e2), this.parseZIP64ExtraField(e2), this.fileComment = e2.readData(this.fileCommentLength); - }, processAttributes: function() { - this.unixPermissions = null, this.dosPermissions = null; - var e2 = this.versionMadeBy >> 8; - this.dir = !!(16 & this.externalFileAttributes), 0 == e2 && (this.dosPermissions = 63 & this.externalFileAttributes), 3 == e2 && (this.unixPermissions = this.externalFileAttributes >> 16 & 65535), this.dir || "/" !== this.fileNameStr.slice(-1) || (this.dir = true); - }, parseZIP64ExtraField: function() { - if (this.extraFields[1]) { - var e2 = n(this.extraFields[1].value); - this.uncompressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.uncompressedSize = e2.readInt(8)), this.compressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.compressedSize = e2.readInt(8)), this.localHeaderOffset === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.localHeaderOffset = e2.readInt(8)), this.diskNumberStart === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.diskNumberStart = e2.readInt(4)); - } - }, readExtraFields: function(e2) { - var t2, r2, n2, i2 = e2.index + this.extraFieldsLength; - for (this.extraFields || (this.extraFields = {}); e2.index + 4 < i2; ) t2 = e2.readInt(2), r2 = e2.readInt(2), n2 = e2.readData(r2), this.extraFields[t2] = { id: t2, length: r2, value: n2 }; - e2.setIndex(i2); - }, handleUTF8: function() { - var e2 = u.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array"; - if (this.useUTF8()) this.fileNameStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileName), this.fileCommentStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileComment); - else { - var t2 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath(); - if (null !== t2) this.fileNameStr = t2; - else { - var r2 = s.transformTo(e2, this.fileName); - this.fileNameStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r2); - } - var n2 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment(); - if (null !== n2) this.fileCommentStr = n2; - else { - var i2 = s.transformTo(e2, this.fileComment); - this.fileCommentStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(i2); - } - } - }, findExtraFieldUnicodePath: function() { - var e2 = this.extraFields[28789]; - if (e2) { - var t2 = n(e2.value); - return 1 !== t2.readInt(1) ? null : a(this.fileName) !== t2.readInt(4) ? null : o.utf8decode(t2.readData(e2.length - 5)); - } - return null; - }, findExtraFieldUnicodeComment: function() { - var e2 = this.extraFields[25461]; - if (e2) { - var t2 = n(e2.value); - return 1 !== t2.readInt(1) ? null : a(this.fileComment) !== t2.readInt(4) ? null : o.utf8decode(t2.readData(e2.length - 5)); - } - return null; - } }, t.exports = l; - }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./compressions": 3, "./crc32": 4, "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./support": 30, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32 }], 35: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - function n(e2, t2, r2) { - this.name = e2, this.dir = r2.dir, this.date = r2.date, this.comment = r2.comment, this.unixPermissions = r2.unixPermissions, this.dosPermissions = r2.dosPermissions, this._data = t2, this._dataBinary = r2.binary, this.options = { compression: r2.compression, compressionOptions: r2.compressionOptions }; - } - var s = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), i = e("./stream/DataWorker"), a = e("./utf8"), o = e("./compressedObject"), h = e("./stream/GenericWorker"); - n.prototype = { internalStream: function(e2) { - var t2 = null, r2 = "string"; - try { - if (!e2) throw new Error("No output type specified."); - var n2 = "string" === (r2 = e2.toLowerCase()) || "text" === r2; - "binarystring" !== r2 && "text" !== r2 || (r2 = "string"), t2 = this._decompressWorker(); - var i2 = !this._dataBinary; - i2 && !n2 && (t2 = t2.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())), !i2 && n2 && (t2 = t2.pipe(new a.Utf8DecodeWorker())); - } catch (e3) { - (t2 = new h("error")).error(e3); - } - return new s(t2, r2, ""); - }, async: function(e2, t2) { - return this.internalStream(e2).accumulate(t2); - }, nodeStream: function(e2, t2) { - return this.internalStream(e2 || "nodebuffer").toNodejsStream(t2); - }, _compressWorker: function(e2, t2) { - if (this._data instanceof o && this._data.compression.magic === e2.magic) return this._data.getCompressedWorker(); - var r2 = this._decompressWorker(); - return this._dataBinary || (r2 = r2.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())), o.createWorkerFrom(r2, e2, t2); - }, _decompressWorker: function() { - return this._data instanceof o ? this._data.getContentWorker() : this._data instanceof h ? this._data : new i(this._data); - } }; - for (var u = ["asText", "asBinary", "asNodeBuffer", "asUint8Array", "asArrayBuffer"], l = function() { - throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide."); - }, f = 0; f < u.length; f++) n.prototype[u[f]] = l; - t.exports = n; - }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./stream/DataWorker": 27, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31 }], 36: [function(e, l, t) { - (function(t2) { - "use strict"; - var r, n, e2 = t2.MutationObserver || t2.WebKitMutationObserver; - if (e2) { - var i = 0, s = new e2(u), a = t2.document.createTextNode(""); - s.observe(a, { characterData: true }), r = function() { - a.data = i = ++i % 2; - }; - } else if (t2.setImmediate || void 0 === t2.MessageChannel) r = "document" in t2 && "onreadystatechange" in t2.document.createElement("script") ? function() { - var e3 = t2.document.createElement("script"); - e3.onreadystatechange = function() { - u(), e3.onreadystatechange = null, e3.parentNode.removeChild(e3), e3 = null; - }, t2.document.documentElement.appendChild(e3); - } : function() { - setTimeout(u, 0); - }; - else { - var o = new t2.MessageChannel(); - o.port1.onmessage = u, r = function() { - o.port2.postMessage(0); - }; - } - var h = []; - function u() { - var e3, t3; - n = true; - for (var r2 = h.length; r2; ) { - for (t3 = h, h = [], e3 = -1; ++e3 < r2; ) t3[e3](); - r2 = h.length; - } - n = false; - } - l.exports = function(e3) { - 1 !== h.push(e3) || n || r(); - }; - }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}); - }, {}], 37: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var i = e("immediate"); - function u() { - } - var l = {}, s = ["REJECTED"], a = ["FULFILLED"], n = ["PENDING"]; - function o(e2) { - if ("function" != typeof e2) throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function"); - this.state = n, this.queue = [], this.outcome = void 0, e2 !== u && d(this, e2); - } - function h(e2, t2, r2) { - this.promise = e2, "function" == typeof t2 && (this.onFulfilled = t2, this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled), "function" == typeof r2 && (this.onRejected = r2, this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected); - } - function f(t2, r2, n2) { - i(function() { - var e2; - try { - e2 = r2(n2); - } catch (e3) { - return l.reject(t2, e3); - } - e2 === t2 ? l.reject(t2, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself")) : l.resolve(t2, e2); - }); - } - function c(e2) { - var t2 = e2 && e2.then; - if (e2 && ("object" == typeof e2 || "function" == typeof e2) && "function" == typeof t2) return function() { - t2.apply(e2, arguments); - }; - } - function d(t2, e2) { - var r2 = false; - function n2(e3) { - r2 || (r2 = true, l.reject(t2, e3)); - } - function i2(e3) { - r2 || (r2 = true, l.resolve(t2, e3)); - } - var s2 = p(function() { - e2(i2, n2); - }); - "error" === s2.status && n2(s2.value); - } - function p(e2, t2) { - var r2 = {}; - try { - r2.value = e2(t2), r2.status = "success"; - } catch (e3) { - r2.status = "error", r2.value = e3; - } - return r2; - } - (t.exports = o).prototype.finally = function(t2) { - if ("function" != typeof t2) return this; - var r2 = this.constructor; - return this.then(function(e2) { - return r2.resolve(t2()).then(function() { - return e2; - }); - }, function(e2) { - return r2.resolve(t2()).then(function() { - throw e2; - }); - }); - }, o.prototype.catch = function(e2) { - return this.then(null, e2); - }, o.prototype.then = function(e2, t2) { - if ("function" != typeof e2 && this.state === a || "function" != typeof t2 && this.state === s) return this; - var r2 = new this.constructor(u); - this.state !== n ? f(r2, this.state === a ? e2 : t2, this.outcome) : this.queue.push(new h(r2, e2, t2)); - return r2; - }, h.prototype.callFulfilled = function(e2) { - l.resolve(this.promise, e2); - }, h.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(e2) { - f(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, e2); - }, h.prototype.callRejected = function(e2) { - l.reject(this.promise, e2); - }, h.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(e2) { - f(this.promise, this.onRejected, e2); - }, l.resolve = function(e2, t2) { - var r2 = p(c, t2); - if ("error" === r2.status) return l.reject(e2, r2.value); - var n2 = r2.value; - if (n2) d(e2, n2); - else { - e2.state = a, e2.outcome = t2; - for (var i2 = -1, s2 = e2.queue.length; ++i2 < s2; ) e2.queue[i2].callFulfilled(t2); - } - return e2; - }, l.reject = function(e2, t2) { - e2.state = s, e2.outcome = t2; - for (var r2 = -1, n2 = e2.queue.length; ++r2 < n2; ) e2.queue[r2].callRejected(t2); - return e2; - }, o.resolve = function(e2) { - if (e2 instanceof this) return e2; - return l.resolve(new this(u), e2); - }, o.reject = function(e2) { - var t2 = new this(u); - return l.reject(t2, e2); - }, o.all = function(e2) { - var r2 = this; - if ("[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e2)) return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array")); - var n2 = e2.length, i2 = false; - if (!n2) return this.resolve([]); - var s2 = new Array(n2), a2 = 0, t2 = -1, o2 = new this(u); - for (; ++t2 < n2; ) h2(e2[t2], t2); - return o2; - function h2(e3, t3) { - r2.resolve(e3).then(function(e4) { - s2[t3] = e4, ++a2 !== n2 || i2 || (i2 = true, l.resolve(o2, s2)); - }, function(e4) { - i2 || (i2 = true, l.reject(o2, e4)); - }); - } - }, o.race = function(e2) { - var t2 = this; - if ("[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e2)) return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array")); - var r2 = e2.length, n2 = false; - if (!r2) return this.resolve([]); - var i2 = -1, s2 = new this(u); - for (; ++i2 < r2; ) a2 = e2[i2], t2.resolve(a2).then(function(e3) { - n2 || (n2 = true, l.resolve(s2, e3)); - }, function(e3) { - n2 || (n2 = true, l.reject(s2, e3)); - }); - var a2; - return s2; - }; - }, { immediate: 36 }], 38: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = {}; - (0, e("./lib/utils/common").assign)(n, e("./lib/deflate"), e("./lib/inflate"), e("./lib/zlib/constants")), t.exports = n; - }, { "./lib/deflate": 39, "./lib/inflate": 40, "./lib/utils/common": 41, "./lib/zlib/constants": 44 }], 39: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var a = e("./zlib/deflate"), o = e("./utils/common"), h = e("./utils/strings"), i = e("./zlib/messages"), s = e("./zlib/zstream"), u = Object.prototype.toString, l = 0, f = -1, c = 0, d = 8; - function p(e2) { - if (!(this instanceof p)) return new p(e2); - this.options = o.assign({ level: f, method: d, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: c, to: "" }, e2 || {}); - var t2 = this.options; - t2.raw && 0 < t2.windowBits ? t2.windowBits = -t2.windowBits : t2.gzip && 0 < t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16 && (t2.windowBits += 16), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = false, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new s(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; - var r2 = a.deflateInit2(this.strm, t2.level, t2.method, t2.windowBits, t2.memLevel, t2.strategy); - if (r2 !== l) throw new Error(i[r2]); - if (t2.header && a.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, t2.header), t2.dictionary) { - var n2; - if (n2 = "string" == typeof t2.dictionary ? h.string2buf(t2.dictionary) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === u.call(t2.dictionary) ? new Uint8Array(t2.dictionary) : t2.dictionary, (r2 = a.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, n2)) !== l) throw new Error(i[r2]); - this._dict_set = true; - } - } - function n(e2, t2) { - var r2 = new p(t2); - if (r2.push(e2, true), r2.err) throw r2.msg || i[r2.err]; - return r2.result; - } - p.prototype.push = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2 = this.strm, s2 = this.options.chunkSize; - if (this.ended) return false; - n2 = t2 === ~~t2 ? t2 : true === t2 ? 4 : 0, "string" == typeof e2 ? i2.input = h.string2buf(e2) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === u.call(e2) ? i2.input = new Uint8Array(e2) : i2.input = e2, i2.next_in = 0, i2.avail_in = i2.input.length; - do { - if (0 === i2.avail_out && (i2.output = new o.Buf8(s2), i2.next_out = 0, i2.avail_out = s2), 1 !== (r2 = a.deflate(i2, n2)) && r2 !== l) return this.onEnd(r2), !(this.ended = true); - 0 !== i2.avail_out && (0 !== i2.avail_in || 4 !== n2 && 2 !== n2) || ("string" === this.options.to ? this.onData(h.buf2binstring(o.shrinkBuf(i2.output, i2.next_out))) : this.onData(o.shrinkBuf(i2.output, i2.next_out))); - } while ((0 < i2.avail_in || 0 === i2.avail_out) && 1 !== r2); - return 4 === n2 ? (r2 = a.deflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r2), this.ended = true, r2 === l) : 2 !== n2 || (this.onEnd(l), !(i2.avail_out = 0)); - }, p.prototype.onData = function(e2) { - this.chunks.push(e2); - }, p.prototype.onEnd = function(e2) { - e2 === l && ("string" === this.options.to ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = o.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e2, this.msg = this.strm.msg; - }, r.Deflate = p, r.deflate = n, r.deflateRaw = function(e2, t2) { - return (t2 = t2 || {}).raw = true, n(e2, t2); - }, r.gzip = function(e2, t2) { - return (t2 = t2 || {}).gzip = true, n(e2, t2); - }; - }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/deflate": 46, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 40: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var c = e("./zlib/inflate"), d = e("./utils/common"), p = e("./utils/strings"), m = e("./zlib/constants"), n = e("./zlib/messages"), i = e("./zlib/zstream"), s = e("./zlib/gzheader"), _ = Object.prototype.toString; - function a(e2) { - if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(e2); - this.options = d.assign({ chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 0, to: "" }, e2 || {}); - var t2 = this.options; - t2.raw && 0 <= t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16 && (t2.windowBits = -t2.windowBits, 0 === t2.windowBits && (t2.windowBits = -15)), !(0 <= t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16) || e2 && e2.windowBits || (t2.windowBits += 32), 15 < t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 48 && 0 == (15 & t2.windowBits) && (t2.windowBits |= 15), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = false, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new i(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; - var r2 = c.inflateInit2(this.strm, t2.windowBits); - if (r2 !== m.Z_OK) throw new Error(n[r2]); - this.header = new s(), c.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header); - } - function o(e2, t2) { - var r2 = new a(t2); - if (r2.push(e2, true), r2.err) throw r2.msg || n[r2.err]; - return r2.result; - } - a.prototype.push = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h = this.strm, u = this.options.chunkSize, l = this.options.dictionary, f = false; - if (this.ended) return false; - n2 = t2 === ~~t2 ? t2 : true === t2 ? m.Z_FINISH : m.Z_NO_FLUSH, "string" == typeof e2 ? h.input = p.binstring2buf(e2) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === _.call(e2) ? h.input = new Uint8Array(e2) : h.input = e2, h.next_in = 0, h.avail_in = h.input.length; - do { - if (0 === h.avail_out && (h.output = new d.Buf8(u), h.next_out = 0, h.avail_out = u), (r2 = c.inflate(h, m.Z_NO_FLUSH)) === m.Z_NEED_DICT && l && (o2 = "string" == typeof l ? p.string2buf(l) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === _.call(l) ? new Uint8Array(l) : l, r2 = c.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, o2)), r2 === m.Z_BUF_ERROR && true === f && (r2 = m.Z_OK, f = false), r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END && r2 !== m.Z_OK) return this.onEnd(r2), !(this.ended = true); - h.next_out && (0 !== h.avail_out && r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END && (0 !== h.avail_in || n2 !== m.Z_FINISH && n2 !== m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) || ("string" === this.options.to ? (i2 = p.utf8border(h.output, h.next_out), s2 = h.next_out - i2, a2 = p.buf2string(h.output, i2), h.next_out = s2, h.avail_out = u - s2, s2 && d.arraySet(h.output, h.output, i2, s2, 0), this.onData(a2)) : this.onData(d.shrinkBuf(h.output, h.next_out)))), 0 === h.avail_in && 0 === h.avail_out && (f = true); - } while ((0 < h.avail_in || 0 === h.avail_out) && r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END); - return r2 === m.Z_STREAM_END && (n2 = m.Z_FINISH), n2 === m.Z_FINISH ? (r2 = c.inflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r2), this.ended = true, r2 === m.Z_OK) : n2 !== m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH || (this.onEnd(m.Z_OK), !(h.avail_out = 0)); - }, a.prototype.onData = function(e2) { - this.chunks.push(e2); - }, a.prototype.onEnd = function(e2) { - e2 === m.Z_OK && ("string" === this.options.to ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = d.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e2, this.msg = this.strm.msg; - }, r.Inflate = a, r.inflate = o, r.inflateRaw = function(e2, t2) { - return (t2 = t2 || {}).raw = true, o(e2, t2); - }, r.ungzip = o; - }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/constants": 44, "./zlib/gzheader": 47, "./zlib/inflate": 49, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 41: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var n = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array && "undefined" != typeof Uint16Array && "undefined" != typeof Int32Array; - r.assign = function(e2) { - for (var t2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); t2.length; ) { - var r2 = t2.shift(); - if (r2) { - if ("object" != typeof r2) throw new TypeError(r2 + "must be non-object"); - for (var n2 in r2) r2.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e2[n2] = r2[n2]); - } - } - return e2; - }, r.shrinkBuf = function(e2, t2) { - return e2.length === t2 ? e2 : e2.subarray ? e2.subarray(0, t2) : (e2.length = t2, e2); - }; - var i = { arraySet: function(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { - if (t2.subarray && e2.subarray) e2.set(t2.subarray(r2, r2 + n2), i2); - else for (var s2 = 0; s2 < n2; s2++) e2[i2 + s2] = t2[r2 + s2]; - }, flattenChunks: function(e2) { - var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a; - for (t2 = n2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; t2 < r2; t2++) n2 += e2[t2].length; - for (a = new Uint8Array(n2), t2 = i2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; t2 < r2; t2++) s2 = e2[t2], a.set(s2, i2), i2 += s2.length; - return a; - } }, s = { arraySet: function(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { - for (var s2 = 0; s2 < n2; s2++) e2[i2 + s2] = t2[r2 + s2]; - }, flattenChunks: function(e2) { - return [].concat.apply([], e2); - } }; - r.setTyped = function(e2) { - e2 ? (r.Buf8 = Uint8Array, r.Buf16 = Uint16Array, r.Buf32 = Int32Array, r.assign(r, i)) : (r.Buf8 = Array, r.Buf16 = Array, r.Buf32 = Array, r.assign(r, s)); - }, r.setTyped(n); - }, {}], 42: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var h = e("./common"), i = true, s = true; - try { - String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]); - } catch (e2) { - i = false; - } - try { - String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)); - } catch (e2) { - s = false; - } - for (var u = new h.Buf8(256), n = 0; n < 256; n++) u[n] = 252 <= n ? 6 : 248 <= n ? 5 : 240 <= n ? 4 : 224 <= n ? 3 : 192 <= n ? 2 : 1; - function l(e2, t2) { - if (t2 < 65537 && (e2.subarray && s || !e2.subarray && i)) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, h.shrinkBuf(e2, t2)); - for (var r2 = "", n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++) r2 += String.fromCharCode(e2[n2]); - return r2; - } - u[254] = u[254] = 1, r.string2buf = function(e2) { - var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a = e2.length, o = 0; - for (i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) 55296 == (64512 & (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2))) && i2 + 1 < a && 56320 == (64512 & (n2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), o += r2 < 128 ? 1 : r2 < 2048 ? 2 : r2 < 65536 ? 3 : 4; - for (t2 = new h.Buf8(o), i2 = s2 = 0; s2 < o; i2++) 55296 == (64512 & (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2))) && i2 + 1 < a && 56320 == (64512 & (n2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), r2 < 128 ? t2[s2++] = r2 : (r2 < 2048 ? t2[s2++] = 192 | r2 >>> 6 : (r2 < 65536 ? t2[s2++] = 224 | r2 >>> 12 : (t2[s2++] = 240 | r2 >>> 18, t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 12 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 6 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | 63 & r2); - return t2; - }, r.buf2binstring = function(e2) { - return l(e2, e2.length); - }, r.binstring2buf = function(e2) { - for (var t2 = new h.Buf8(e2.length), r2 = 0, n2 = t2.length; r2 < n2; r2++) t2[r2] = e2.charCodeAt(r2); - return t2; - }, r.buf2string = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2, s2, a = t2 || e2.length, o = new Array(2 * a); - for (r2 = n2 = 0; r2 < a; ) if ((i2 = e2[r2++]) < 128) o[n2++] = i2; - else if (4 < (s2 = u[i2])) o[n2++] = 65533, r2 += s2 - 1; - else { - for (i2 &= 2 === s2 ? 31 : 3 === s2 ? 15 : 7; 1 < s2 && r2 < a; ) i2 = i2 << 6 | 63 & e2[r2++], s2--; - 1 < s2 ? o[n2++] = 65533 : i2 < 65536 ? o[n2++] = i2 : (i2 -= 65536, o[n2++] = 55296 | i2 >> 10 & 1023, o[n2++] = 56320 | 1023 & i2); - } - return l(o, n2); - }, r.utf8border = function(e2, t2) { - var r2; - for ((t2 = t2 || e2.length) > e2.length && (t2 = e2.length), r2 = t2 - 1; 0 <= r2 && 128 == (192 & e2[r2]); ) r2--; - return r2 < 0 ? t2 : 0 === r2 ? t2 : r2 + u[e2[r2]] > t2 ? r2 : t2; - }; - }, { "./common": 41 }], 43: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n) { - for (var i = 65535 & e2 | 0, s = e2 >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, a = 0; 0 !== r2; ) { - for (r2 -= a = 2e3 < r2 ? 2e3 : r2; s = s + (i = i + t2[n++] | 0) | 0, --a; ) ; - i %= 65521, s %= 65521; - } - return i | s << 16 | 0; - }; - }, {}], 44: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = { Z_NO_FLUSH: 0, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: 1, Z_SYNC_FLUSH: 2, Z_FULL_FLUSH: 3, Z_FINISH: 4, Z_BLOCK: 5, Z_TREES: 6, Z_OK: 0, Z_STREAM_END: 1, Z_NEED_DICT: 2, Z_ERRNO: -1, Z_STREAM_ERROR: -2, Z_DATA_ERROR: -3, Z_BUF_ERROR: -5, Z_NO_COMPRESSION: 0, Z_BEST_SPEED: 1, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: 9, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: -1, Z_FILTERED: 1, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: 2, Z_RLE: 3, Z_FIXED: 4, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: 0, Z_BINARY: 0, Z_TEXT: 1, Z_UNKNOWN: 2, Z_DEFLATED: 8 }; - }, {}], 45: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var o = function() { - for (var e2, t2 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; r2++) { - e2 = r2; - for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) e2 = 1 & e2 ? 3988292384 ^ e2 >>> 1 : e2 >>> 1; - t2[r2] = e2; - } - return t2; - }(); - t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n) { - var i = o, s = n + r2; - e2 ^= -1; - for (var a = n; a < s; a++) e2 = e2 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e2 ^ t2[a])]; - return -1 ^ e2; - }; - }, {}], 46: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var h, c = e("../utils/common"), u = e("./trees"), d = e("./adler32"), p = e("./crc32"), n = e("./messages"), l = 0, f = 4, m = 0, _ = -2, g = -1, b = 4, i = 2, v = 8, y = 9, s = 286, a = 30, o = 19, w = 2 * s + 1, k = 15, x = 3, S = 258, z = S + x + 1, C = 42, E = 113, A = 1, I = 2, O = 3, B = 4; - function R(e2, t2) { - return e2.msg = n[t2], t2; - } - function T(e2) { - return (e2 << 1) - (4 < e2 ? 9 : 0); - } - function D(e2) { - for (var t2 = e2.length; 0 <= --t2; ) e2[t2] = 0; - } - function F(e2) { - var t2 = e2.state, r2 = t2.pending; - r2 > e2.avail_out && (r2 = e2.avail_out), 0 !== r2 && (c.arraySet(e2.output, t2.pending_buf, t2.pending_out, r2, e2.next_out), e2.next_out += r2, t2.pending_out += r2, e2.total_out += r2, e2.avail_out -= r2, t2.pending -= r2, 0 === t2.pending && (t2.pending_out = 0)); - } - function N(e2, t2) { - u._tr_flush_block(e2, 0 <= e2.block_start ? e2.block_start : -1, e2.strstart - e2.block_start, t2), e2.block_start = e2.strstart, F(e2.strm); - } - function U(e2, t2) { - e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2; - } - function P(e2, t2) { - e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2 >>> 8 & 255, e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = 255 & t2; - } - function L(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2 = e2.max_chain_length, s2 = e2.strstart, a2 = e2.prev_length, o2 = e2.nice_match, h2 = e2.strstart > e2.w_size - z ? e2.strstart - (e2.w_size - z) : 0, u2 = e2.window, l2 = e2.w_mask, f2 = e2.prev, c2 = e2.strstart + S, d2 = u2[s2 + a2 - 1], p2 = u2[s2 + a2]; - e2.prev_length >= e2.good_match && (i2 >>= 2), o2 > e2.lookahead && (o2 = e2.lookahead); - do { - if (u2[(r2 = t2) + a2] === p2 && u2[r2 + a2 - 1] === d2 && u2[r2] === u2[s2] && u2[++r2] === u2[s2 + 1]) { - s2 += 2, r2++; - do { - } while (u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && s2 < c2); - if (n2 = S - (c2 - s2), s2 = c2 - S, a2 < n2) { - if (e2.match_start = t2, o2 <= (a2 = n2)) break; - d2 = u2[s2 + a2 - 1], p2 = u2[s2 + a2]; - } - } - } while ((t2 = f2[t2 & l2]) > h2 && 0 != --i2); - return a2 <= e2.lookahead ? a2 : e2.lookahead; - } - function j(e2) { - var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2, f2 = e2.w_size; - do { - if (i2 = e2.window_size - e2.lookahead - e2.strstart, e2.strstart >= f2 + (f2 - z)) { - for (c.arraySet(e2.window, e2.window, f2, f2, 0), e2.match_start -= f2, e2.strstart -= f2, e2.block_start -= f2, t2 = r2 = e2.hash_size; n2 = e2.head[--t2], e2.head[t2] = f2 <= n2 ? n2 - f2 : 0, --r2; ) ; - for (t2 = r2 = f2; n2 = e2.prev[--t2], e2.prev[t2] = f2 <= n2 ? n2 - f2 : 0, --r2; ) ; - i2 += f2; - } - if (0 === e2.strm.avail_in) break; - if (a2 = e2.strm, o2 = e2.window, h2 = e2.strstart + e2.lookahead, u2 = i2, l2 = void 0, l2 = a2.avail_in, u2 < l2 && (l2 = u2), r2 = 0 === l2 ? 0 : (a2.avail_in -= l2, c.arraySet(o2, a2.input, a2.next_in, l2, h2), 1 === a2.state.wrap ? a2.adler = d(a2.adler, o2, l2, h2) : 2 === a2.state.wrap && (a2.adler = p(a2.adler, o2, l2, h2)), a2.next_in += l2, a2.total_in += l2, l2), e2.lookahead += r2, e2.lookahead + e2.insert >= x) for (s2 = e2.strstart - e2.insert, e2.ins_h = e2.window[s2], e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[s2 + 1]) & e2.hash_mask; e2.insert && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[s2 + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, e2.prev[s2 & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = s2, s2++, e2.insert--, !(e2.lookahead + e2.insert < x)); ) ; - } while (e2.lookahead < z && 0 !== e2.strm.avail_in); - } - function Z(e2, t2) { - for (var r2, n2; ; ) { - if (e2.lookahead < z) { - if (j(e2), e2.lookahead < z && t2 === l) return A; - if (0 === e2.lookahead) break; - } - if (r2 = 0, e2.lookahead >= x && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), 0 !== r2 && e2.strstart - r2 <= e2.w_size - z && (e2.match_length = L(e2, r2)), e2.match_length >= x) if (n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, e2.strstart - e2.match_start, e2.match_length - x), e2.lookahead -= e2.match_length, e2.match_length <= e2.max_lazy_match && e2.lookahead >= x) { - for (e2.match_length--; e2.strstart++, e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart, 0 != --e2.match_length; ) ; - e2.strstart++; - } else e2.strstart += e2.match_length, e2.match_length = 0, e2.ins_h = e2.window[e2.strstart], e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + 1]) & e2.hash_mask; - else n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart]), e2.lookahead--, e2.strstart++; - if (n2 && (N(e2, false), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out)) return A; - } - return e2.insert = e2.strstart < x - 1 ? e2.strstart : x - 1, t2 === f ? (N(e2, true), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out ? O : B) : e2.last_lit && (N(e2, false), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out) ? A : I; - } - function W(e2, t2) { - for (var r2, n2, i2; ; ) { - if (e2.lookahead < z) { - if (j(e2), e2.lookahead < z && t2 === l) return A; - if (0 === e2.lookahead) break; - } - if (r2 = 0, e2.lookahead >= x && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), e2.prev_length = e2.match_length, e2.prev_match = e2.match_start, e2.match_length = x - 1, 0 !== r2 && e2.prev_length < e2.max_lazy_match && e2.strstart - r2 <= e2.w_size - z && (e2.match_length = L(e2, r2), e2.match_length <= 5 && (1 === e2.strategy || e2.match_length === x && 4096 < e2.strstart - e2.match_start) && (e2.match_length = x - 1)), e2.prev_length >= x && e2.match_length <= e2.prev_length) { - for (i2 = e2.strstart + e2.lookahead - x, n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, e2.strstart - 1 - e2.prev_match, e2.prev_length - x), e2.lookahead -= e2.prev_length - 1, e2.prev_length -= 2; ++e2.strstart <= i2 && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), 0 != --e2.prev_length; ) ; - if (e2.match_available = 0, e2.match_length = x - 1, e2.strstart++, n2 && (N(e2, false), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out)) return A; - } else if (e2.match_available) { - if ((n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart - 1])) && N(e2, false), e2.strstart++, e2.lookahead--, 0 === e2.strm.avail_out) return A; - } else e2.match_available = 1, e2.strstart++, e2.lookahead--; - } - return e2.match_available && (n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart - 1]), e2.match_available = 0), e2.insert = e2.strstart < x - 1 ? e2.strstart : x - 1, t2 === f ? (N(e2, true), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out ? O : B) : e2.last_lit && (N(e2, false), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out) ? A : I; - } - function M(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { - this.good_length = e2, this.max_lazy = t2, this.nice_length = r2, this.max_chain = n2, this.func = i2; - } - function H() { - this.strm = null, this.status = 0, this.pending_buf = null, this.pending_buf_size = 0, this.pending_out = 0, this.pending = 0, this.wrap = 0, this.gzhead = null, this.gzindex = 0, this.method = v, this.last_flush = -1, this.w_size = 0, this.w_bits = 0, this.w_mask = 0, this.window = null, this.window_size = 0, this.prev = null, this.head = null, this.ins_h = 0, this.hash_size = 0, this.hash_bits = 0, this.hash_mask = 0, this.hash_shift = 0, this.block_start = 0, this.match_length = 0, this.prev_match = 0, this.match_available = 0, this.strstart = 0, this.match_start = 0, this.lookahead = 0, this.prev_length = 0, this.max_chain_length = 0, this.max_lazy_match = 0, this.level = 0, this.strategy = 0, this.good_match = 0, this.nice_match = 0, this.dyn_ltree = new c.Buf16(2 * w), this.dyn_dtree = new c.Buf16(2 * (2 * a + 1)), this.bl_tree = new c.Buf16(2 * (2 * o + 1)), D(this.dyn_ltree), D(this.dyn_dtree), D(this.bl_tree), this.l_desc = null, this.d_desc = null, this.bl_desc = null, this.bl_count = new c.Buf16(k + 1), this.heap = new c.Buf16(2 * s + 1), D(this.heap), this.heap_len = 0, this.heap_max = 0, this.depth = new c.Buf16(2 * s + 1), D(this.depth), this.l_buf = 0, this.lit_bufsize = 0, this.last_lit = 0, this.d_buf = 0, this.opt_len = 0, this.static_len = 0, this.matches = 0, this.insert = 0, this.bi_buf = 0, this.bi_valid = 0; - } - function G(e2) { - var t2; - return e2 && e2.state ? (e2.total_in = e2.total_out = 0, e2.data_type = i, (t2 = e2.state).pending = 0, t2.pending_out = 0, t2.wrap < 0 && (t2.wrap = -t2.wrap), t2.status = t2.wrap ? C : E, e2.adler = 2 === t2.wrap ? 0 : 1, t2.last_flush = l, u._tr_init(t2), m) : R(e2, _); - } - function K(e2) { - var t2 = G(e2); - return t2 === m && function(e3) { - e3.window_size = 2 * e3.w_size, D(e3.head), e3.max_lazy_match = h[e3.level].max_lazy, e3.good_match = h[e3.level].good_length, e3.nice_match = h[e3.level].nice_length, e3.max_chain_length = h[e3.level].max_chain, e3.strstart = 0, e3.block_start = 0, e3.lookahead = 0, e3.insert = 0, e3.match_length = e3.prev_length = x - 1, e3.match_available = 0, e3.ins_h = 0; - }(e2.state), t2; - } - function Y(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2) { - if (!e2) return _; - var a2 = 1; - if (t2 === g && (t2 = 6), n2 < 0 ? (a2 = 0, n2 = -n2) : 15 < n2 && (a2 = 2, n2 -= 16), i2 < 1 || y < i2 || r2 !== v || n2 < 8 || 15 < n2 || t2 < 0 || 9 < t2 || s2 < 0 || b < s2) return R(e2, _); - 8 === n2 && (n2 = 9); - var o2 = new H(); - return (e2.state = o2).strm = e2, o2.wrap = a2, o2.gzhead = null, o2.w_bits = n2, o2.w_size = 1 << o2.w_bits, o2.w_mask = o2.w_size - 1, o2.hash_bits = i2 + 7, o2.hash_size = 1 << o2.hash_bits, o2.hash_mask = o2.hash_size - 1, o2.hash_shift = ~~((o2.hash_bits + x - 1) / x), o2.window = new c.Buf8(2 * o2.w_size), o2.head = new c.Buf16(o2.hash_size), o2.prev = new c.Buf16(o2.w_size), o2.lit_bufsize = 1 << i2 + 6, o2.pending_buf_size = 4 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.pending_buf = new c.Buf8(o2.pending_buf_size), o2.d_buf = 1 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.l_buf = 3 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.level = t2, o2.strategy = s2, o2.method = r2, K(e2); - } - h = [new M(0, 0, 0, 0, function(e2, t2) { - var r2 = 65535; - for (r2 > e2.pending_buf_size - 5 && (r2 = e2.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) { - if (e2.lookahead <= 1) { - if (j(e2), 0 === e2.lookahead && t2 === l) return A; - if (0 === e2.lookahead) break; - } - e2.strstart += e2.lookahead, e2.lookahead = 0; - var n2 = e2.block_start + r2; - if ((0 === e2.strstart || e2.strstart >= n2) && (e2.lookahead = e2.strstart - n2, e2.strstart = n2, N(e2, false), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out)) return A; - if (e2.strstart - e2.block_start >= e2.w_size - z && (N(e2, false), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out)) return A; - } - return e2.insert = 0, t2 === f ? (N(e2, true), 0 === e2.strm.avail_out ? O : B) : (e2.strstart > e2.block_start && (N(e2, false), e2.strm.avail_out), A); - }), new M(4, 4, 8, 4, Z), new M(4, 5, 16, 8, Z), new M(4, 6, 32, 32, Z), new M(4, 4, 16, 16, W), new M(8, 16, 32, 32, W), new M(8, 16, 128, 128, W), new M(8, 32, 128, 256, W), new M(32, 128, 258, 1024, W), new M(32, 258, 258, 4096, W)], r.deflateInit = function(e2, t2) { - return Y(e2, t2, v, 15, 8, 0); - }, r.deflateInit2 = Y, r.deflateReset = K, r.deflateResetKeep = G, r.deflateSetHeader = function(e2, t2) { - return e2 && e2.state ? 2 !== e2.state.wrap ? _ : (e2.state.gzhead = t2, m) : _; - }, r.deflate = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2, s2; - if (!e2 || !e2.state || 5 < t2 || t2 < 0) return e2 ? R(e2, _) : _; - if (n2 = e2.state, !e2.output || !e2.input && 0 !== e2.avail_in || 666 === n2.status && t2 !== f) return R(e2, 0 === e2.avail_out ? -5 : _); - if (n2.strm = e2, r2 = n2.last_flush, n2.last_flush = t2, n2.status === C) if (2 === n2.wrap) e2.adler = 0, U(n2, 31), U(n2, 139), U(n2, 8), n2.gzhead ? (U(n2, (n2.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.name ? 8 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)), U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.time), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255), U(n2, 9 === n2.level ? 2 : 2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.os), n2.gzhead.extra && n2.gzhead.extra.length && (U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.extra.length), U(n2, n2.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255)), n2.gzhead.hcrc && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending, 0)), n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 69) : (U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 9 === n2.level ? 2 : 2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U(n2, 3), n2.status = E); - else { - var a2 = v + (n2.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8; - a2 |= (2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 0 : n2.level < 6 ? 1 : 6 === n2.level ? 2 : 3) << 6, 0 !== n2.strstart && (a2 |= 32), a2 += 31 - a2 % 31, n2.status = E, P(n2, a2), 0 !== n2.strstart && (P(n2, e2.adler >>> 16), P(n2, 65535 & e2.adler)), e2.adler = 1; - } - if (69 === n2.status) if (n2.gzhead.extra) { - for (i2 = n2.pending; n2.gzindex < (65535 & n2.gzhead.extra.length) && (n2.pending !== n2.pending_buf_size || (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending !== n2.pending_buf_size)); ) U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.extra[n2.gzindex]), n2.gzindex++; - n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), n2.gzindex === n2.gzhead.extra.length && (n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 73); - } else n2.status = 73; - if (73 === n2.status) if (n2.gzhead.name) { - i2 = n2.pending; - do { - if (n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size && (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size)) { - s2 = 1; - break; - } - s2 = n2.gzindex < n2.gzhead.name.length ? 255 & n2.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(n2.gzindex++) : 0, U(n2, s2); - } while (0 !== s2); - n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), 0 === s2 && (n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 91); - } else n2.status = 91; - if (91 === n2.status) if (n2.gzhead.comment) { - i2 = n2.pending; - do { - if (n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size && (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size)) { - s2 = 1; - break; - } - s2 = n2.gzindex < n2.gzhead.comment.length ? 255 & n2.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(n2.gzindex++) : 0, U(n2, s2); - } while (0 !== s2); - n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), 0 === s2 && (n2.status = 103); - } else n2.status = 103; - if (103 === n2.status && (n2.gzhead.hcrc ? (n2.pending + 2 > n2.pending_buf_size && F(e2), n2.pending + 2 <= n2.pending_buf_size && (U(n2, 255 & e2.adler), U(n2, e2.adler >> 8 & 255), e2.adler = 0, n2.status = E)) : n2.status = E), 0 !== n2.pending) { - if (F(e2), 0 === e2.avail_out) return n2.last_flush = -1, m; - } else if (0 === e2.avail_in && T(t2) <= T(r2) && t2 !== f) return R(e2, -5); - if (666 === n2.status && 0 !== e2.avail_in) return R(e2, -5); - if (0 !== e2.avail_in || 0 !== n2.lookahead || t2 !== l && 666 !== n2.status) { - var o2 = 2 === n2.strategy ? function(e3, t3) { - for (var r3; ; ) { - if (0 === e3.lookahead && (j(e3), 0 === e3.lookahead)) { - if (t3 === l) return A; - break; - } - if (e3.match_length = 0, r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart]), e3.lookahead--, e3.strstart++, r3 && (N(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out)) return A; - } - return e3.insert = 0, t3 === f ? (N(e3, true), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out ? O : B) : e3.last_lit && (N(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out) ? A : I; - }(n2, t2) : 3 === n2.strategy ? function(e3, t3) { - for (var r3, n3, i3, s3, a3 = e3.window; ; ) { - if (e3.lookahead <= S) { - if (j(e3), e3.lookahead <= S && t3 === l) return A; - if (0 === e3.lookahead) break; - } - if (e3.match_length = 0, e3.lookahead >= x && 0 < e3.strstart && (n3 = a3[i3 = e3.strstart - 1]) === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3]) { - s3 = e3.strstart + S; - do { - } while (n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && i3 < s3); - e3.match_length = S - (s3 - i3), e3.match_length > e3.lookahead && (e3.match_length = e3.lookahead); - } - if (e3.match_length >= x ? (r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 1, e3.match_length - x), e3.lookahead -= e3.match_length, e3.strstart += e3.match_length, e3.match_length = 0) : (r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart]), e3.lookahead--, e3.strstart++), r3 && (N(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out)) return A; - } - return e3.insert = 0, t3 === f ? (N(e3, true), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out ? O : B) : e3.last_lit && (N(e3, false), 0 === e3.strm.avail_out) ? A : I; - }(n2, t2) : h[n2.level].func(n2, t2); - if (o2 !== O && o2 !== B || (n2.status = 666), o2 === A || o2 === O) return 0 === e2.avail_out && (n2.last_flush = -1), m; - if (o2 === I && (1 === t2 ? u._tr_align(n2) : 5 !== t2 && (u._tr_stored_block(n2, 0, 0, false), 3 === t2 && (D(n2.head), 0 === n2.lookahead && (n2.strstart = 0, n2.block_start = 0, n2.insert = 0))), F(e2), 0 === e2.avail_out)) return n2.last_flush = -1, m; - } - return t2 !== f ? m : n2.wrap <= 0 ? 1 : (2 === n2.wrap ? (U(n2, 255 & e2.adler), U(n2, e2.adler >> 8 & 255), U(n2, e2.adler >> 16 & 255), U(n2, e2.adler >> 24 & 255), U(n2, 255 & e2.total_in), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 8 & 255), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 16 & 255), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 24 & 255)) : (P(n2, e2.adler >>> 16), P(n2, 65535 & e2.adler)), F(e2), 0 < n2.wrap && (n2.wrap = -n2.wrap), 0 !== n2.pending ? m : 1); - }, r.deflateEnd = function(e2) { - var t2; - return e2 && e2.state ? (t2 = e2.state.status) !== C && 69 !== t2 && 73 !== t2 && 91 !== t2 && 103 !== t2 && t2 !== E && 666 !== t2 ? R(e2, _) : (e2.state = null, t2 === E ? R(e2, -3) : m) : _; - }, r.deflateSetDictionary = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2 = t2.length; - if (!e2 || !e2.state) return _; - if (2 === (s2 = (r2 = e2.state).wrap) || 1 === s2 && r2.status !== C || r2.lookahead) return _; - for (1 === s2 && (e2.adler = d(e2.adler, t2, l2, 0)), r2.wrap = 0, l2 >= r2.w_size && (0 === s2 && (D(r2.head), r2.strstart = 0, r2.block_start = 0, r2.insert = 0), u2 = new c.Buf8(r2.w_size), c.arraySet(u2, t2, l2 - r2.w_size, r2.w_size, 0), t2 = u2, l2 = r2.w_size), a2 = e2.avail_in, o2 = e2.next_in, h2 = e2.input, e2.avail_in = l2, e2.next_in = 0, e2.input = t2, j(r2); r2.lookahead >= x; ) { - for (n2 = r2.strstart, i2 = r2.lookahead - (x - 1); r2.ins_h = (r2.ins_h << r2.hash_shift ^ r2.window[n2 + x - 1]) & r2.hash_mask, r2.prev[n2 & r2.w_mask] = r2.head[r2.ins_h], r2.head[r2.ins_h] = n2, n2++, --i2; ) ; - r2.strstart = n2, r2.lookahead = x - 1, j(r2); - } - return r2.strstart += r2.lookahead, r2.block_start = r2.strstart, r2.insert = r2.lookahead, r2.lookahead = 0, r2.match_length = r2.prev_length = x - 1, r2.match_available = 0, e2.next_in = o2, e2.input = h2, e2.avail_in = a2, r2.wrap = s2, m; - }, r.deflateInfo = "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)"; - }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./messages": 51, "./trees": 52 }], 47: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = function() { - this.text = 0, this.time = 0, this.xflags = 0, this.os = 0, this.extra = null, this.extra_len = 0, this.name = "", this.comment = "", this.hcrc = 0, this.done = false; - }; - }, {}], 48: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n, i, s, a, o, h, u, l, f, c, d, p, m, _, g, b, v, y, w, k, x, S, z, C; - r2 = e2.state, n = e2.next_in, z = e2.input, i = n + (e2.avail_in - 5), s = e2.next_out, C = e2.output, a = s - (t2 - e2.avail_out), o = s + (e2.avail_out - 257), h = r2.dmax, u = r2.wsize, l = r2.whave, f = r2.wnext, c = r2.window, d = r2.hold, p = r2.bits, m = r2.lencode, _ = r2.distcode, g = (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1, b = (1 << r2.distbits) - 1; - e: do { - p < 15 && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8, d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), v = m[d & g]; - t: for (; ; ) { - if (d >>>= y = v >>> 24, p -= y, 0 === (y = v >>> 16 & 255)) C[s++] = 65535 & v; - else { - if (!(16 & y)) { - if (0 == (64 & y)) { - v = m[(65535 & v) + (d & (1 << y) - 1)]; - continue t; - } - if (32 & y) { - r2.mode = 12; - break e; - } - e2.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r2.mode = 30; - break e; - } - w = 65535 & v, (y &= 15) && (p < y && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), w += d & (1 << y) - 1, d >>>= y, p -= y), p < 15 && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8, d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), v = _[d & b]; - r: for (; ; ) { - if (d >>>= y = v >>> 24, p -= y, !(16 & (y = v >>> 16 & 255))) { - if (0 == (64 & y)) { - v = _[(65535 & v) + (d & (1 << y) - 1)]; - continue r; - } - e2.msg = "invalid distance code", r2.mode = 30; - break e; - } - if (k = 65535 & v, p < (y &= 15) && (d += z[n++] << p, (p += 8) < y && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8)), h < (k += d & (1 << y) - 1)) { - e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; - break e; - } - if (d >>>= y, p -= y, (y = s - a) < k) { - if (l < (y = k - y) && r2.sane) { - e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; - break e; - } - if (S = c, (x = 0) === f) { - if (x += u - y, y < w) { - for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; - x = s - k, S = C; - } - } else if (f < y) { - if (x += u + f - y, (y -= f) < w) { - for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; - if (x = 0, f < w) { - for (w -= y = f; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; - x = s - k, S = C; - } - } - } else if (x += f - y, y < w) { - for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ; - x = s - k, S = C; - } - for (; 2 < w; ) C[s++] = S[x++], C[s++] = S[x++], C[s++] = S[x++], w -= 3; - w && (C[s++] = S[x++], 1 < w && (C[s++] = S[x++])); - } else { - for (x = s - k; C[s++] = C[x++], C[s++] = C[x++], C[s++] = C[x++], 2 < (w -= 3); ) ; - w && (C[s++] = C[x++], 1 < w && (C[s++] = C[x++])); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } while (n < i && s < o); - n -= w = p >> 3, d &= (1 << (p -= w << 3)) - 1, e2.next_in = n, e2.next_out = s, e2.avail_in = n < i ? i - n + 5 : 5 - (n - i), e2.avail_out = s < o ? o - s + 257 : 257 - (s - o), r2.hold = d, r2.bits = p; - }; - }, {}], 49: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var I = e("../utils/common"), O = e("./adler32"), B = e("./crc32"), R = e("./inffast"), T = e("./inftrees"), D = 1, F = 2, N = 0, U = -2, P = 1, n = 852, i = 592; - function L(e2) { - return (e2 >>> 24 & 255) + (e2 >>> 8 & 65280) + ((65280 & e2) << 8) + ((255 & e2) << 24); - } - function s() { - this.mode = 0, this.last = false, this.wrap = 0, this.havedict = false, this.flags = 0, this.dmax = 0, this.check = 0, this.total = 0, this.head = null, this.wbits = 0, this.wsize = 0, this.whave = 0, this.wnext = 0, this.window = null, this.hold = 0, this.bits = 0, this.length = 0, this.offset = 0, this.extra = 0, this.lencode = null, this.distcode = null, this.lenbits = 0, this.distbits = 0, this.ncode = 0, this.nlen = 0, this.ndist = 0, this.have = 0, this.next = null, this.lens = new I.Buf16(320), this.work = new I.Buf16(288), this.lendyn = null, this.distdyn = null, this.sane = 0, this.back = 0, this.was = 0; - } - function a(e2) { - var t2; - return e2 && e2.state ? (t2 = e2.state, e2.total_in = e2.total_out = t2.total = 0, e2.msg = "", t2.wrap && (e2.adler = 1 & t2.wrap), t2.mode = P, t2.last = 0, t2.havedict = 0, t2.dmax = 32768, t2.head = null, t2.hold = 0, t2.bits = 0, t2.lencode = t2.lendyn = new I.Buf32(n), t2.distcode = t2.distdyn = new I.Buf32(i), t2.sane = 1, t2.back = -1, N) : U; - } - function o(e2) { - var t2; - return e2 && e2.state ? ((t2 = e2.state).wsize = 0, t2.whave = 0, t2.wnext = 0, a(e2)) : U; - } - function h(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2; - return e2 && e2.state ? (n2 = e2.state, t2 < 0 ? (r2 = 0, t2 = -t2) : (r2 = 1 + (t2 >> 4), t2 < 48 && (t2 &= 15)), t2 && (t2 < 8 || 15 < t2) ? U : (null !== n2.window && n2.wbits !== t2 && (n2.window = null), n2.wrap = r2, n2.wbits = t2, o(e2))) : U; - } - function u(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2; - return e2 ? (n2 = new s(), (e2.state = n2).window = null, (r2 = h(e2, t2)) !== N && (e2.state = null), r2) : U; - } - var l, f, c = true; - function j(e2) { - if (c) { - var t2; - for (l = new I.Buf32(512), f = new I.Buf32(32), t2 = 0; t2 < 144; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 8; - for (; t2 < 256; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 9; - for (; t2 < 280; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 7; - for (; t2 < 288; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 8; - for (T(D, e2.lens, 0, 288, l, 0, e2.work, { bits: 9 }), t2 = 0; t2 < 32; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 5; - T(F, e2.lens, 0, 32, f, 0, e2.work, { bits: 5 }), c = false; - } - e2.lencode = l, e2.lenbits = 9, e2.distcode = f, e2.distbits = 5; - } - function Z(e2, t2, r2, n2) { - var i2, s2 = e2.state; - return null === s2.window && (s2.wsize = 1 << s2.wbits, s2.wnext = 0, s2.whave = 0, s2.window = new I.Buf8(s2.wsize)), n2 >= s2.wsize ? (I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - s2.wsize, s2.wsize, 0), s2.wnext = 0, s2.whave = s2.wsize) : (n2 < (i2 = s2.wsize - s2.wnext) && (i2 = n2), I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - n2, i2, s2.wnext), (n2 -= i2) ? (I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - n2, n2, 0), s2.wnext = n2, s2.whave = s2.wsize) : (s2.wnext += i2, s2.wnext === s2.wsize && (s2.wnext = 0), s2.whave < s2.wsize && (s2.whave += i2))), 0; - } - r.inflateReset = o, r.inflateReset2 = h, r.inflateResetKeep = a, r.inflateInit = function(e2) { - return u(e2, 15); - }, r.inflateInit2 = u, r.inflate = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2, f2, c2, d, p, m, _, g, b, v, y, w, k, x, S, z, C = 0, E = new I.Buf8(4), A = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]; - if (!e2 || !e2.state || !e2.output || !e2.input && 0 !== e2.avail_in) return U; - 12 === (r2 = e2.state).mode && (r2.mode = 13), a2 = e2.next_out, i2 = e2.output, h2 = e2.avail_out, s2 = e2.next_in, n2 = e2.input, o2 = e2.avail_in, u2 = r2.hold, l2 = r2.bits, f2 = o2, c2 = h2, x = N; - e: for (; ; ) switch (r2.mode) { - case P: - if (0 === r2.wrap) { - r2.mode = 13; - break; - } - for (; l2 < 16; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (2 & r2.wrap && 35615 === u2) { - E[r2.check = 0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 2; - break; - } - if (r2.flags = 0, r2.head && (r2.head.done = false), !(1 & r2.wrap) || (((255 & u2) << 8) + (u2 >> 8)) % 31) { - e2.msg = "incorrect header check", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - if (8 != (15 & u2)) { - e2.msg = "unknown compression method", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - if (l2 -= 4, k = 8 + (15 & (u2 >>>= 4)), 0 === r2.wbits) r2.wbits = k; - else if (k > r2.wbits) { - e2.msg = "invalid window size", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - r2.dmax = 1 << k, e2.adler = r2.check = 1, r2.mode = 512 & u2 ? 10 : 12, l2 = u2 = 0; - break; - case 2: - for (; l2 < 16; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (r2.flags = u2, 8 != (255 & r2.flags)) { - e2.msg = "unknown compression method", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - if (57344 & r2.flags) { - e2.msg = "unknown header flags set", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - r2.head && (r2.head.text = u2 >> 8 & 1), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 3; - case 3: - for (; l2 < 32; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - r2.head && (r2.head.time = u2), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, E[2] = u2 >>> 16 & 255, E[3] = u2 >>> 24 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 4, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 4; - case 4: - for (; l2 < 16; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - r2.head && (r2.head.xflags = 255 & u2, r2.head.os = u2 >> 8), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 5; - case 5: - if (1024 & r2.flags) { - for (; l2 < 16; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - r2.length = u2, r2.head && (r2.head.extra_len = u2), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0; - } else r2.head && (r2.head.extra = null); - r2.mode = 6; - case 6: - if (1024 & r2.flags && (o2 < (d = r2.length) && (d = o2), d && (r2.head && (k = r2.head.extra_len - r2.length, r2.head.extra || (r2.head.extra = new Array(r2.head.extra_len)), I.arraySet(r2.head.extra, n2, s2, d, k)), 512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, r2.length -= d), r2.length)) break e; - r2.length = 0, r2.mode = 7; - case 7: - if (2048 & r2.flags) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - for (d = 0; k = n2[s2 + d++], r2.head && k && r2.length < 65536 && (r2.head.name += String.fromCharCode(k)), k && d < o2; ) ; - if (512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, k) break e; - } else r2.head && (r2.head.name = null); - r2.length = 0, r2.mode = 8; - case 8: - if (4096 & r2.flags) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - for (d = 0; k = n2[s2 + d++], r2.head && k && r2.length < 65536 && (r2.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(k)), k && d < o2; ) ; - if (512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, k) break e; - } else r2.head && (r2.head.comment = null); - r2.mode = 9; - case 9: - if (512 & r2.flags) { - for (; l2 < 16; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (u2 !== (65535 & r2.check)) { - e2.msg = "header crc mismatch", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - l2 = u2 = 0; - } - r2.head && (r2.head.hcrc = r2.flags >> 9 & 1, r2.head.done = true), e2.adler = r2.check = 0, r2.mode = 12; - break; - case 10: - for (; l2 < 32; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - e2.adler = r2.check = L(u2), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 11; - case 11: - if (0 === r2.havedict) return e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, 2; - e2.adler = r2.check = 1, r2.mode = 12; - case 12: - if (5 === t2 || 6 === t2) break e; - case 13: - if (r2.last) { - u2 >>>= 7 & l2, l2 -= 7 & l2, r2.mode = 27; - break; - } - for (; l2 < 3; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - switch (r2.last = 1 & u2, l2 -= 1, 3 & (u2 >>>= 1)) { - case 0: - r2.mode = 14; - break; - case 1: - if (j(r2), r2.mode = 20, 6 !== t2) break; - u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2; - break e; - case 2: - r2.mode = 17; - break; - case 3: - e2.msg = "invalid block type", r2.mode = 30; - } - u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2; - break; - case 14: - for (u2 >>>= 7 & l2, l2 -= 7 & l2; l2 < 32; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if ((65535 & u2) != (u2 >>> 16 ^ 65535)) { - e2.msg = "invalid stored block lengths", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - if (r2.length = 65535 & u2, l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 15, 6 === t2) break e; - case 15: - r2.mode = 16; - case 16: - if (d = r2.length) { - if (o2 < d && (d = o2), h2 < d && (d = h2), 0 === d) break e; - I.arraySet(i2, n2, s2, d, a2), o2 -= d, s2 += d, h2 -= d, a2 += d, r2.length -= d; - break; - } - r2.mode = 12; - break; - case 17: - for (; l2 < 14; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (r2.nlen = 257 + (31 & u2), u2 >>>= 5, l2 -= 5, r2.ndist = 1 + (31 & u2), u2 >>>= 5, l2 -= 5, r2.ncode = 4 + (15 & u2), u2 >>>= 4, l2 -= 4, 286 < r2.nlen || 30 < r2.ndist) { - e2.msg = "too many length or distance symbols", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - r2.have = 0, r2.mode = 18; - case 18: - for (; r2.have < r2.ncode; ) { - for (; l2 < 3; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - r2.lens[A[r2.have++]] = 7 & u2, u2 >>>= 3, l2 -= 3; - } - for (; r2.have < 19; ) r2.lens[A[r2.have++]] = 0; - if (r2.lencode = r2.lendyn, r2.lenbits = 7, S = { bits: r2.lenbits }, x = T(0, r2.lens, 0, 19, r2.lencode, 0, r2.work, S), r2.lenbits = S.bits, x) { - e2.msg = "invalid code lengths set", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - r2.have = 0, r2.mode = 19; - case 19: - for (; r2.have < r2.nlen + r2.ndist; ) { - for (; g = (C = r2.lencode[u2 & (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (b < 16) u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.lens[r2.have++] = b; - else { - if (16 === b) { - for (z = _ + 2; l2 < z; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, 0 === r2.have) { - e2.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - k = r2.lens[r2.have - 1], d = 3 + (3 & u2), u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2; - } else if (17 === b) { - for (z = _ + 3; l2 < z; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - l2 -= _, k = 0, d = 3 + (7 & (u2 >>>= _)), u2 >>>= 3, l2 -= 3; - } else { - for (z = _ + 7; l2 < z; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - l2 -= _, k = 0, d = 11 + (127 & (u2 >>>= _)), u2 >>>= 7, l2 -= 7; - } - if (r2.have + d > r2.nlen + r2.ndist) { - e2.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - for (; d--; ) r2.lens[r2.have++] = k; - } - } - if (30 === r2.mode) break; - if (0 === r2.lens[256]) { - e2.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - if (r2.lenbits = 9, S = { bits: r2.lenbits }, x = T(D, r2.lens, 0, r2.nlen, r2.lencode, 0, r2.work, S), r2.lenbits = S.bits, x) { - e2.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - if (r2.distbits = 6, r2.distcode = r2.distdyn, S = { bits: r2.distbits }, x = T(F, r2.lens, r2.nlen, r2.ndist, r2.distcode, 0, r2.work, S), r2.distbits = S.bits, x) { - e2.msg = "invalid distances set", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - if (r2.mode = 20, 6 === t2) break e; - case 20: - r2.mode = 21; - case 21: - if (6 <= o2 && 258 <= h2) { - e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, R(e2, c2), a2 = e2.next_out, i2 = e2.output, h2 = e2.avail_out, s2 = e2.next_in, n2 = e2.input, o2 = e2.avail_in, u2 = r2.hold, l2 = r2.bits, 12 === r2.mode && (r2.back = -1); - break; - } - for (r2.back = 0; g = (C = r2.lencode[u2 & (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (g && 0 == (240 & g)) { - for (v = _, y = g, w = b; g = (C = r2.lencode[w + ((u2 & (1 << v + y) - 1) >> v)]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !(v + (_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - u2 >>>= v, l2 -= v, r2.back += v; - } - if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.back += _, r2.length = b, 0 === g) { - r2.mode = 26; - break; - } - if (32 & g) { - r2.back = -1, r2.mode = 12; - break; - } - if (64 & g) { - e2.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - r2.extra = 15 & g, r2.mode = 22; - case 22: - if (r2.extra) { - for (z = r2.extra; l2 < z; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - r2.length += u2 & (1 << r2.extra) - 1, u2 >>>= r2.extra, l2 -= r2.extra, r2.back += r2.extra; - } - r2.was = r2.length, r2.mode = 23; - case 23: - for (; g = (C = r2.distcode[u2 & (1 << r2.distbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (0 == (240 & g)) { - for (v = _, y = g, w = b; g = (C = r2.distcode[w + ((u2 & (1 << v + y) - 1) >> v)]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !(v + (_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - u2 >>>= v, l2 -= v, r2.back += v; - } - if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.back += _, 64 & g) { - e2.msg = "invalid distance code", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - r2.offset = b, r2.extra = 15 & g, r2.mode = 24; - case 24: - if (r2.extra) { - for (z = r2.extra; l2 < z; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - r2.offset += u2 & (1 << r2.extra) - 1, u2 >>>= r2.extra, l2 -= r2.extra, r2.back += r2.extra; - } - if (r2.offset > r2.dmax) { - e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - r2.mode = 25; - case 25: - if (0 === h2) break e; - if (d = c2 - h2, r2.offset > d) { - if ((d = r2.offset - d) > r2.whave && r2.sane) { - e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - p = d > r2.wnext ? (d -= r2.wnext, r2.wsize - d) : r2.wnext - d, d > r2.length && (d = r2.length), m = r2.window; - } else m = i2, p = a2 - r2.offset, d = r2.length; - for (h2 < d && (d = h2), h2 -= d, r2.length -= d; i2[a2++] = m[p++], --d; ) ; - 0 === r2.length && (r2.mode = 21); - break; - case 26: - if (0 === h2) break e; - i2[a2++] = r2.length, h2--, r2.mode = 21; - break; - case 27: - if (r2.wrap) { - for (; l2 < 32; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 |= n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (c2 -= h2, e2.total_out += c2, r2.total += c2, c2 && (e2.adler = r2.check = r2.flags ? B(r2.check, i2, c2, a2 - c2) : O(r2.check, i2, c2, a2 - c2)), c2 = h2, (r2.flags ? u2 : L(u2)) !== r2.check) { - e2.msg = "incorrect data check", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - l2 = u2 = 0; - } - r2.mode = 28; - case 28: - if (r2.wrap && r2.flags) { - for (; l2 < 32; ) { - if (0 === o2) break e; - o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8; - } - if (u2 !== (4294967295 & r2.total)) { - e2.msg = "incorrect length check", r2.mode = 30; - break; - } - l2 = u2 = 0; - } - r2.mode = 29; - case 29: - x = 1; - break e; - case 30: - x = -3; - break e; - case 31: - return -4; - case 32: - default: - return U; - } - return e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, (r2.wsize || c2 !== e2.avail_out && r2.mode < 30 && (r2.mode < 27 || 4 !== t2)) && Z(e2, e2.output, e2.next_out, c2 - e2.avail_out) ? (r2.mode = 31, -4) : (f2 -= e2.avail_in, c2 -= e2.avail_out, e2.total_in += f2, e2.total_out += c2, r2.total += c2, r2.wrap && c2 && (e2.adler = r2.check = r2.flags ? B(r2.check, i2, c2, e2.next_out - c2) : O(r2.check, i2, c2, e2.next_out - c2)), e2.data_type = r2.bits + (r2.last ? 64 : 0) + (12 === r2.mode ? 128 : 0) + (20 === r2.mode || 15 === r2.mode ? 256 : 0), (0 == f2 && 0 === c2 || 4 === t2) && x === N && (x = -5), x); - }, r.inflateEnd = function(e2) { - if (!e2 || !e2.state) return U; - var t2 = e2.state; - return t2.window && (t2.window = null), e2.state = null, N; - }, r.inflateGetHeader = function(e2, t2) { - var r2; - return e2 && e2.state ? 0 == (2 & (r2 = e2.state).wrap) ? U : ((r2.head = t2).done = false, N) : U; - }, r.inflateSetDictionary = function(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2 = t2.length; - return e2 && e2.state ? 0 !== (r2 = e2.state).wrap && 11 !== r2.mode ? U : 11 === r2.mode && O(1, t2, n2, 0) !== r2.check ? -3 : Z(e2, t2, n2, n2) ? (r2.mode = 31, -4) : (r2.havedict = 1, N) : U; - }, r.inflateInfo = "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"; - }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./inffast": 48, "./inftrees": 50 }], 50: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var D = e("../utils/common"), F = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0], N = [16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78], U = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0], P = [16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64]; - t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o) { - var h, u, l, f, c, d, p, m, _, g = o.bits, b = 0, v = 0, y = 0, w = 0, k = 0, x = 0, S = 0, z = 0, C = 0, E = 0, A = null, I = 0, O = new D.Buf16(16), B = new D.Buf16(16), R = null, T = 0; - for (b = 0; b <= 15; b++) O[b] = 0; - for (v = 0; v < n; v++) O[t2[r2 + v]]++; - for (k = g, w = 15; 1 <= w && 0 === O[w]; w--) ; - if (w < k && (k = w), 0 === w) return i[s++] = 20971520, i[s++] = 20971520, o.bits = 1, 0; - for (y = 1; y < w && 0 === O[y]; y++) ; - for (k < y && (k = y), b = z = 1; b <= 15; b++) if (z <<= 1, (z -= O[b]) < 0) return -1; - if (0 < z && (0 === e2 || 1 !== w)) return -1; - for (B[1] = 0, b = 1; b < 15; b++) B[b + 1] = B[b] + O[b]; - for (v = 0; v < n; v++) 0 !== t2[r2 + v] && (a[B[t2[r2 + v]]++] = v); - if (d = 0 === e2 ? (A = R = a, 19) : 1 === e2 ? (A = F, I -= 257, R = N, T -= 257, 256) : (A = U, R = P, -1), b = y, c = s, S = v = E = 0, l = -1, f = (C = 1 << (x = k)) - 1, 1 === e2 && 852 < C || 2 === e2 && 592 < C) return 1; - for (; ; ) { - for (p = b - S, _ = a[v] < d ? (m = 0, a[v]) : a[v] > d ? (m = R[T + a[v]], A[I + a[v]]) : (m = 96, 0), h = 1 << b - S, y = u = 1 << x; i[c + (E >> S) + (u -= h)] = p << 24 | m << 16 | _ | 0, 0 !== u; ) ; - for (h = 1 << b - 1; E & h; ) h >>= 1; - if (0 !== h ? (E &= h - 1, E += h) : E = 0, v++, 0 == --O[b]) { - if (b === w) break; - b = t2[r2 + a[v]]; - } - if (k < b && (E & f) !== l) { - for (0 === S && (S = k), c += y, z = 1 << (x = b - S); x + S < w && !((z -= O[x + S]) <= 0); ) x++, z <<= 1; - if (C += 1 << x, 1 === e2 && 852 < C || 2 === e2 && 592 < C) return 1; - i[l = E & f] = k << 24 | x << 16 | c - s | 0; - } - } - return 0 !== E && (i[c + E] = b - S << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0), o.bits = k, 0; - }; - }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 51: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = { 2: "need dictionary", 1: "stream end", 0: "", "-1": "file error", "-2": "stream error", "-3": "data error", "-4": "insufficient memory", "-5": "buffer error", "-6": "incompatible version" }; - }, {}], 52: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - var i = e("../utils/common"), o = 0, h = 1; - function n(e2) { - for (var t2 = e2.length; 0 <= --t2; ) e2[t2] = 0; - } - var s = 0, a = 29, u = 256, l = u + 1 + a, f = 30, c = 19, _ = 2 * l + 1, g = 15, d = 16, p = 7, m = 256, b = 16, v = 17, y = 18, w = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0], k = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13], x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7], S = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], z = new Array(2 * (l + 2)); - n(z); - var C = new Array(2 * f); - n(C); - var E = new Array(512); - n(E); - var A = new Array(256); - n(A); - var I = new Array(a); - n(I); - var O, B, R, T = new Array(f); - function D(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) { - this.static_tree = e2, this.extra_bits = t2, this.extra_base = r2, this.elems = n2, this.max_length = i2, this.has_stree = e2 && e2.length; - } - function F(e2, t2) { - this.dyn_tree = e2, this.max_code = 0, this.stat_desc = t2; - } - function N(e2) { - return e2 < 256 ? E[e2] : E[256 + (e2 >>> 7)]; - } - function U(e2, t2) { - e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = 255 & t2, e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2 >>> 8 & 255; - } - function P(e2, t2, r2) { - e2.bi_valid > d - r2 ? (e2.bi_buf |= t2 << e2.bi_valid & 65535, U(e2, e2.bi_buf), e2.bi_buf = t2 >> d - e2.bi_valid, e2.bi_valid += r2 - d) : (e2.bi_buf |= t2 << e2.bi_valid & 65535, e2.bi_valid += r2); - } - function L(e2, t2, r2) { - P(e2, r2[2 * t2], r2[2 * t2 + 1]); - } - function j(e2, t2) { - for (var r2 = 0; r2 |= 1 & e2, e2 >>>= 1, r2 <<= 1, 0 < --t2; ) ; - return r2 >>> 1; - } - function Z(e2, t2, r2) { - var n2, i2, s2 = new Array(g + 1), a2 = 0; - for (n2 = 1; n2 <= g; n2++) s2[n2] = a2 = a2 + r2[n2 - 1] << 1; - for (i2 = 0; i2 <= t2; i2++) { - var o2 = e2[2 * i2 + 1]; - 0 !== o2 && (e2[2 * i2] = j(s2[o2]++, o2)); - } - } - function W(e2) { - var t2; - for (t2 = 0; t2 < l; t2++) e2.dyn_ltree[2 * t2] = 0; - for (t2 = 0; t2 < f; t2++) e2.dyn_dtree[2 * t2] = 0; - for (t2 = 0; t2 < c; t2++) e2.bl_tree[2 * t2] = 0; - e2.dyn_ltree[2 * m] = 1, e2.opt_len = e2.static_len = 0, e2.last_lit = e2.matches = 0; - } - function M(e2) { - 8 < e2.bi_valid ? U(e2, e2.bi_buf) : 0 < e2.bi_valid && (e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = e2.bi_buf), e2.bi_buf = 0, e2.bi_valid = 0; - } - function H(e2, t2, r2, n2) { - var i2 = 2 * t2, s2 = 2 * r2; - return e2[i2] < e2[s2] || e2[i2] === e2[s2] && n2[t2] <= n2[r2]; - } - function G(e2, t2, r2) { - for (var n2 = e2.heap[r2], i2 = r2 << 1; i2 <= e2.heap_len && (i2 < e2.heap_len && H(t2, e2.heap[i2 + 1], e2.heap[i2], e2.depth) && i2++, !H(t2, n2, e2.heap[i2], e2.depth)); ) e2.heap[r2] = e2.heap[i2], r2 = i2, i2 <<= 1; - e2.heap[r2] = n2; - } - function K(e2, t2, r2) { - var n2, i2, s2, a2, o2 = 0; - if (0 !== e2.last_lit) for (; n2 = e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * o2] << 8 | e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * o2 + 1], i2 = e2.pending_buf[e2.l_buf + o2], o2++, 0 === n2 ? L(e2, i2, t2) : (L(e2, (s2 = A[i2]) + u + 1, t2), 0 !== (a2 = w[s2]) && P(e2, i2 -= I[s2], a2), L(e2, s2 = N(--n2), r2), 0 !== (a2 = k[s2]) && P(e2, n2 -= T[s2], a2)), o2 < e2.last_lit; ) ; - L(e2, m, t2); - } - function Y(e2, t2) { - var r2, n2, i2, s2 = t2.dyn_tree, a2 = t2.stat_desc.static_tree, o2 = t2.stat_desc.has_stree, h2 = t2.stat_desc.elems, u2 = -1; - for (e2.heap_len = 0, e2.heap_max = _, r2 = 0; r2 < h2; r2++) 0 !== s2[2 * r2] ? (e2.heap[++e2.heap_len] = u2 = r2, e2.depth[r2] = 0) : s2[2 * r2 + 1] = 0; - for (; e2.heap_len < 2; ) s2[2 * (i2 = e2.heap[++e2.heap_len] = u2 < 2 ? ++u2 : 0)] = 1, e2.depth[i2] = 0, e2.opt_len--, o2 && (e2.static_len -= a2[2 * i2 + 1]); - for (t2.max_code = u2, r2 = e2.heap_len >> 1; 1 <= r2; r2--) G(e2, s2, r2); - for (i2 = h2; r2 = e2.heap[1], e2.heap[1] = e2.heap[e2.heap_len--], G(e2, s2, 1), n2 = e2.heap[1], e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = r2, e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = n2, s2[2 * i2] = s2[2 * r2] + s2[2 * n2], e2.depth[i2] = (e2.depth[r2] >= e2.depth[n2] ? e2.depth[r2] : e2.depth[n2]) + 1, s2[2 * r2 + 1] = s2[2 * n2 + 1] = i2, e2.heap[1] = i2++, G(e2, s2, 1), 2 <= e2.heap_len; ) ; - e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = e2.heap[1], function(e3, t3) { - var r3, n3, i3, s3, a3, o3, h3 = t3.dyn_tree, u3 = t3.max_code, l2 = t3.stat_desc.static_tree, f2 = t3.stat_desc.has_stree, c2 = t3.stat_desc.extra_bits, d2 = t3.stat_desc.extra_base, p2 = t3.stat_desc.max_length, m2 = 0; - for (s3 = 0; s3 <= g; s3++) e3.bl_count[s3] = 0; - for (h3[2 * e3.heap[e3.heap_max] + 1] = 0, r3 = e3.heap_max + 1; r3 < _; r3++) p2 < (s3 = h3[2 * h3[2 * (n3 = e3.heap[r3]) + 1] + 1] + 1) && (s3 = p2, m2++), h3[2 * n3 + 1] = s3, u3 < n3 || (e3.bl_count[s3]++, a3 = 0, d2 <= n3 && (a3 = c2[n3 - d2]), o3 = h3[2 * n3], e3.opt_len += o3 * (s3 + a3), f2 && (e3.static_len += o3 * (l2[2 * n3 + 1] + a3))); - if (0 !== m2) { - do { - for (s3 = p2 - 1; 0 === e3.bl_count[s3]; ) s3--; - e3.bl_count[s3]--, e3.bl_count[s3 + 1] += 2, e3.bl_count[p2]--, m2 -= 2; - } while (0 < m2); - for (s3 = p2; 0 !== s3; s3--) for (n3 = e3.bl_count[s3]; 0 !== n3; ) u3 < (i3 = e3.heap[--r3]) || (h3[2 * i3 + 1] !== s3 && (e3.opt_len += (s3 - h3[2 * i3 + 1]) * h3[2 * i3], h3[2 * i3 + 1] = s3), n3--); - } - }(e2, t2), Z(s2, u2, e2.bl_count); - } - function X(e2, t2, r2) { - var n2, i2, s2 = -1, a2 = t2[1], o2 = 0, h2 = 7, u2 = 4; - for (0 === a2 && (h2 = 138, u2 = 3), t2[2 * (r2 + 1) + 1] = 65535, n2 = 0; n2 <= r2; n2++) i2 = a2, a2 = t2[2 * (n2 + 1) + 1], ++o2 < h2 && i2 === a2 || (o2 < u2 ? e2.bl_tree[2 * i2] += o2 : 0 !== i2 ? (i2 !== s2 && e2.bl_tree[2 * i2]++, e2.bl_tree[2 * b]++) : o2 <= 10 ? e2.bl_tree[2 * v]++ : e2.bl_tree[2 * y]++, s2 = i2, u2 = (o2 = 0) === a2 ? (h2 = 138, 3) : i2 === a2 ? (h2 = 6, 3) : (h2 = 7, 4)); - } - function V(e2, t2, r2) { - var n2, i2, s2 = -1, a2 = t2[1], o2 = 0, h2 = 7, u2 = 4; - for (0 === a2 && (h2 = 138, u2 = 3), n2 = 0; n2 <= r2; n2++) if (i2 = a2, a2 = t2[2 * (n2 + 1) + 1], !(++o2 < h2 && i2 === a2)) { - if (o2 < u2) for (; L(e2, i2, e2.bl_tree), 0 != --o2; ) ; - else 0 !== i2 ? (i2 !== s2 && (L(e2, i2, e2.bl_tree), o2--), L(e2, b, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 3, 2)) : o2 <= 10 ? (L(e2, v, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 3, 3)) : (L(e2, y, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 11, 7)); - s2 = i2, u2 = (o2 = 0) === a2 ? (h2 = 138, 3) : i2 === a2 ? (h2 = 6, 3) : (h2 = 7, 4); - } - } - n(T); - var q = false; - function J(e2, t2, r2, n2) { - P(e2, (s << 1) + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e3, t3, r3, n3) { - M(e3), n3 && (U(e3, r3), U(e3, ~r3)), i.arraySet(e3.pending_buf, e3.window, t3, r3, e3.pending), e3.pending += r3; - }(e2, t2, r2, true); - } - r._tr_init = function(e2) { - q || (function() { - var e3, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2 = new Array(g + 1); - for (n2 = r2 = 0; n2 < a - 1; n2++) for (I[n2] = r2, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << w[n2]; e3++) A[r2++] = n2; - for (A[r2 - 1] = n2, n2 = i2 = 0; n2 < 16; n2++) for (T[n2] = i2, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << k[n2]; e3++) E[i2++] = n2; - for (i2 >>= 7; n2 < f; n2++) for (T[n2] = i2 << 7, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << k[n2] - 7; e3++) E[256 + i2++] = n2; - for (t2 = 0; t2 <= g; t2++) s2[t2] = 0; - for (e3 = 0; e3 <= 143; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 8, e3++, s2[8]++; - for (; e3 <= 255; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 9, e3++, s2[9]++; - for (; e3 <= 279; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 7, e3++, s2[7]++; - for (; e3 <= 287; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 8, e3++, s2[8]++; - for (Z(z, l + 1, s2), e3 = 0; e3 < f; e3++) C[2 * e3 + 1] = 5, C[2 * e3] = j(e3, 5); - O = new D(z, w, u + 1, l, g), B = new D(C, k, 0, f, g), R = new D(new Array(0), x, 0, c, p); - }(), q = true), e2.l_desc = new F(e2.dyn_ltree, O), e2.d_desc = new F(e2.dyn_dtree, B), e2.bl_desc = new F(e2.bl_tree, R), e2.bi_buf = 0, e2.bi_valid = 0, W(e2); - }, r._tr_stored_block = J, r._tr_flush_block = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) { - var i2, s2, a2 = 0; - 0 < e2.level ? (2 === e2.strm.data_type && (e2.strm.data_type = function(e3) { - var t3, r3 = 4093624447; - for (t3 = 0; t3 <= 31; t3++, r3 >>>= 1) if (1 & r3 && 0 !== e3.dyn_ltree[2 * t3]) return o; - if (0 !== e3.dyn_ltree[18] || 0 !== e3.dyn_ltree[20] || 0 !== e3.dyn_ltree[26]) return h; - for (t3 = 32; t3 < u; t3++) if (0 !== e3.dyn_ltree[2 * t3]) return h; - return o; - }(e2)), Y(e2, e2.l_desc), Y(e2, e2.d_desc), a2 = function(e3) { - var t3; - for (X(e3, e3.dyn_ltree, e3.l_desc.max_code), X(e3, e3.dyn_dtree, e3.d_desc.max_code), Y(e3, e3.bl_desc), t3 = c - 1; 3 <= t3 && 0 === e3.bl_tree[2 * S[t3] + 1]; t3--) ; - return e3.opt_len += 3 * (t3 + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, t3; - }(e2), i2 = e2.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, (s2 = e2.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3) <= i2 && (i2 = s2)) : i2 = s2 = r2 + 5, r2 + 4 <= i2 && -1 !== t2 ? J(e2, t2, r2, n2) : 4 === e2.strategy || s2 === i2 ? (P(e2, 2 + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), K(e2, z, C)) : (P(e2, 4 + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e3, t3, r3, n3) { - var i3; - for (P(e3, t3 - 257, 5), P(e3, r3 - 1, 5), P(e3, n3 - 4, 4), i3 = 0; i3 < n3; i3++) P(e3, e3.bl_tree[2 * S[i3] + 1], 3); - V(e3, e3.dyn_ltree, t3 - 1), V(e3, e3.dyn_dtree, r3 - 1); - }(e2, e2.l_desc.max_code + 1, e2.d_desc.max_code + 1, a2 + 1), K(e2, e2.dyn_ltree, e2.dyn_dtree)), W(e2), n2 && M(e2); - }, r._tr_tally = function(e2, t2, r2) { - return e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * e2.last_lit] = t2 >>> 8 & 255, e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * e2.last_lit + 1] = 255 & t2, e2.pending_buf[e2.l_buf + e2.last_lit] = 255 & r2, e2.last_lit++, 0 === t2 ? e2.dyn_ltree[2 * r2]++ : (e2.matches++, t2--, e2.dyn_ltree[2 * (A[r2] + u + 1)]++, e2.dyn_dtree[2 * N(t2)]++), e2.last_lit === e2.lit_bufsize - 1; - }, r._tr_align = function(e2) { - P(e2, 2, 3), L(e2, m, z), function(e3) { - 16 === e3.bi_valid ? (U(e3, e3.bi_buf), e3.bi_buf = 0, e3.bi_valid = 0) : 8 <= e3.bi_valid && (e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = 255 & e3.bi_buf, e3.bi_buf >>= 8, e3.bi_valid -= 8); - }(e2); - }; - }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 53: [function(e, t, r) { - "use strict"; - t.exports = function() { - this.input = null, this.next_in = 0, this.avail_in = 0, this.total_in = 0, this.output = null, this.next_out = 0, this.avail_out = 0, this.total_out = 0, this.msg = "", this.state = null, this.data_type = 2, this.adler = 0; - }; - }, {}], 54: [function(e, t, r) { - (function(e2) { - !function(r2, n) { - "use strict"; - if (!r2.setImmediate) { - var i, s, t2, a, o = 1, h = {}, u = false, l = r2.document, e3 = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(r2); - e3 = e3 && e3.setTimeout ? e3 : r2, i = "[object process]" === {}.toString.call(r2.process) ? function(e4) { - process.nextTick(function() { - c(e4); - }); - } : function() { - if (r2.postMessage && !r2.importScripts) { - var e4 = true, t3 = r2.onmessage; - return r2.onmessage = function() { - e4 = false; - }, r2.postMessage("", "*"), r2.onmessage = t3, e4; - } - }() ? (a = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$", r2.addEventListener ? r2.addEventListener("message", d, false) : r2.attachEvent("onmessage", d), function(e4) { - r2.postMessage(a + e4, "*"); - }) : r2.MessageChannel ? ((t2 = new MessageChannel()).port1.onmessage = function(e4) { - c(e4.data); - }, function(e4) { - t2.port2.postMessage(e4); - }) : l && "onreadystatechange" in l.createElement("script") ? (s = l.documentElement, function(e4) { - var t3 = l.createElement("script"); - t3.onreadystatechange = function() { - c(e4), t3.onreadystatechange = null, s.removeChild(t3), t3 = null; - }, s.appendChild(t3); - }) : function(e4) { - setTimeout(c, 0, e4); - }, e3.setImmediate = function(e4) { - "function" != typeof e4 && (e4 = new Function("" + e4)); - for (var t3 = new Array(arguments.length - 1), r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) t3[r3] = arguments[r3 + 1]; - var n2 = { callback: e4, args: t3 }; - return h[o] = n2, i(o), o++; - }, e3.clearImmediate = f; - } - function f(e4) { - delete h[e4]; - } - function c(e4) { - if (u) setTimeout(c, 0, e4); - else { - var t3 = h[e4]; - if (t3) { - u = true; - try { - !function(e5) { - var t4 = e5.callback, r3 = e5.args; - switch (r3.length) { - case 0: - t4(); - break; - case 1: - t4(r3[0]); - break; - case 2: - t4(r3[0], r3[1]); - break; - case 3: - t4(r3[0], r3[1], r3[2]); - break; - default: - t4.apply(n, r3); - } - }(t3); - } finally { - f(e4), u = false; - } - } - } - } - function d(e4) { - e4.source === r2 && "string" == typeof e4.data && 0 === e4.data.indexOf(a) && c(+e4.data.slice(a.length)); - } - }("undefined" == typeof self ? void 0 === e2 ? this : e2 : self); - }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}); - }, {}] }, {}, [10])(10); - }); - } - }); - - // node_modules/node-pkware/dist/constants.js - var Compression; - (function(Compression2) { - Compression2[Compression2["Unknown"] = -1] = "Unknown"; - Compression2[Compression2["Binary"] = 0] = "Binary"; - Compression2[Compression2["Ascii"] = 1] = "Ascii"; - })(Compression || (Compression = {})); - var DictionarySize; - (function(DictionarySize2) { - DictionarySize2[DictionarySize2["Unknown"] = -1] = "Unknown"; - DictionarySize2[DictionarySize2["Small"] = 4] = "Small"; - DictionarySize2[DictionarySize2["Medium"] = 5] = "Medium"; - DictionarySize2[DictionarySize2["Large"] = 6] = "Large"; - })(DictionarySize || (DictionarySize = {})); - var LONGEST_ALLOWED_REPETITION = 516; - var DistCode = [ - 3, - 13, - 5, - 25, - 9, - 17, - 1, - 62, - 30, - 46, - 14, - 54, - 22, - 38, - 6, - 58, - 26, - 42, - 10, - 50, - 18, - 34, - 66, - 2, - 124, - 60, - 92, - 28, - 108, - 44, - 76, - 12, - 116, - 52, - 84, - 20, - 100, - 36, - 68, - 4, - 120, - 56, - 88, - 24, - 104, - 40, - 72, - 8, - 240, - 112, - 176, - 48, - 208, - 80, - 144, - 16, - 224, - 96, - 160, - 32, - 192, - 64, - 128, - 0 - ]; - var DistBits = [ - 2, - 4, - 4, - 5, - 5, - 5, - 5, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8, - 8 - ]; - var LenBits = [ - 3, - 2, - 3, - 3, - 4, - 4, - 4, - 5, - 5, - 5, - 5, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 7, - 7 - ]; - var LenCode = [ - 5, - 3, - 1, - 6, - 10, - 2, - 12, - 20, - 4, - 24, - 8, - 48, - 16, - 32, - 64, - 0 - ]; - var ExLenBits = [ - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 1, - 2, - 3, - 4, - 5, - 6, - 7, - 8 - ]; - var ChBitsAsc = [ - 11, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 8, - 7, - 12, - 12, - 7, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 13, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 4, - 10, - 8, - 12, - 10, - 12, - 10, - 8, - 7, - 7, - 8, - 9, - 7, - 6, - 7, - 8, - 7, - 6, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 7, - 8, - 7, - 7, - 8, - 8, - 12, - 11, - 7, - 9, - 11, - 12, - 6, - 7, - 6, - 6, - 5, - 7, - 8, - 8, - 6, - 11, - 9, - 6, - 7, - 6, - 6, - 7, - 11, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 7, - 9, - 8, - 9, - 9, - 11, - 8, - 11, - 9, - 12, - 8, - 12, - 5, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 5, - 6, - 6, - 6, - 5, - 11, - 7, - 5, - 6, - 5, - 5, - 6, - 10, - 5, - 5, - 5, - 5, - 8, - 7, - 8, - 8, - 10, - 11, - 11, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 13, - 12, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 12, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 12, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 12, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 12, - 12, - 12, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13, - 13 - ]; - var ChCodeAsc = [ - 1168, - 4064, - 2016, - 3040, - 992, - 3552, - 1504, - 2528, - 480, - 184, - 98, - 3808, - 1760, - 34, - 2784, - 736, - 3296, - 1248, - 2272, - 224, - 3936, - 1888, - 2912, - 864, - 3424, - 1376, - 4672, - 2400, - 352, - 3680, - 1632, - 2656, - 15, - 592, - 56, - 608, - 80, - 3168, - 912, - 216, - 66, - 2, - 88, - 432, - 124, - 41, - 60, - 152, - 92, - 9, - 28, - 108, - 44, - 76, - 24, - 12, - 116, - 232, - 104, - 1120, - 144, - 52, - 176, - 1808, - 2144, - 49, - 84, - 17, - 33, - 23, - 20, - 168, - 40, - 1, - 784, - 304, - 62, - 100, - 30, - 46, - 36, - 1296, - 14, - 54, - 22, - 68, - 48, - 200, - 464, - 208, - 272, - 72, - 1552, - 336, - 96, - 136, - 4e3, - 7, - 38, - 6, - 58, - 27, - 26, - 42, - 10, - 11, - 528, - 4, - 19, - 50, - 3, - 29, - 18, - 400, - 13, - 21, - 5, - 25, - 8, - 120, - 240, - 112, - 656, - 1040, - 16, - 1952, - 2976, - 928, - 576, - 7232, - 3136, - 5184, - 1088, - 6208, - 2112, - 4160, - 64, - 8064, - 3968, - 6016, - 1920, - 7040, - 2944, - 4992, - 896, - 7552, - 3456, - 5504, - 1408, - 6528, - 2432, - 4480, - 384, - 7808, - 3712, - 5760, - 1664, - 6784, - 2688, - 4736, - 640, - 7296, - 3200, - 5248, - 1152, - 6272, - 2176, - 4224, - 128, - 7936, - 3840, - 5888, - 1792, - 6912, - 2816, - 4864, - 3488, - 1440, - 2464, - 416, - 3744, - 1696, - 2720, - 672, - 3232, - 1184, - 2208, - 160, - 3872, - 1824, - 2848, - 800, - 3360, - 1312, - 2336, - 288, - 3616, - 1568, - 2592, - 544, - 3104, - 1056, - 2080, - 32, - 4032, - 1984, - 3008, - 960, - 3520, - 1472, - 2496, - 448, - 3776, - 1728, - 2752, - 704, - 3264, - 1216, - 2240, - 192, - 3904, - 1856, - 2880, - 832, - 768, - 3392, - 7424, - 3328, - 5376, - 1344, - 1280, - 6400, - 2304, - 2368, - 4352, - 256, - 7680, - 3584, - 320, - 5632, - 1536, - 6656, - 3648, - 1600, - 2624, - 2560, - 4608, - 512, - 7168, - 3072, - 5120, - 1024, - 6144, - 2048, - 4096, - 0 - ]; - - // node_modules/node-pkware/dist/functions.js - function repeat(value, repetitions) { - const values = []; - for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { - values.push(value); - } - return values; - } - function clamp(min, max, n) { - if (n < min) { - return min; - } - if (n > max) { - return max; - } - return n; - } - function nBitsOfOnes(numberOfBits) { - if (!Number.isInteger(numberOfBits) || numberOfBits < 0) { - return 0; - } - return (1 << numberOfBits) - 1; - } - function getLowestNBitsOf(number, numberOfBits) { - return number & nBitsOfOnes(numberOfBits); - } - function quotientAndRemainder(dividend, divisor) { - return [Math.floor(dividend / divisor), dividend % divisor]; - } - function concatArrayBuffers(buffers) { - if (buffers.length === 0) { - return new ArrayBuffer(0); - } - const totalLength = buffers.reduce((sum, buffer) => { - return sum + buffer.byteLength; - }, 0); - const combinedBuffer = new Uint8Array(totalLength); - let offset = 0; - buffers.forEach((buffer) => { - combinedBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), offset); - offset = offset + buffer.byteLength; - }); - return combinedBuffer.buffer; - } - - // node_modules/node-pkware/dist/simple/Implode.js - function getSizeOfMatching(inputBytes, a, b) { - const limit = clamp(2, LONGEST_ALLOWED_REPETITION, b - a); - const view = new Uint8Array(inputBytes); - for (let i = 2; i <= limit; i++) { - if (view[a + i] !== view[b + i]) { - return i; - } - } - return limit; - } - function matchesAt(needle, haystack) { - if (needle.byteLength === 0 || haystack.byteLength === 0) { - return -1; - } - const needleView = new Uint8Array(needle); - const haystackView = new Uint8Array(haystack); - for (let i = 0; i < haystack.byteLength - needle.byteLength; i++) { - let matches = true; - for (let j = 0; j < needle.byteLength; j++) { - if (haystackView[i + j] !== needleView[j]) { - matches = false; - break; - } - } - if (matches) { - return i; - } - } - return -1; - } - function findRepetitions(inputBytes, endOfLastMatch, cursor) { - const notEnoughBytes = inputBytes.byteLength - cursor < 2; - const tooClose = cursor === endOfLastMatch || cursor - endOfLastMatch < 2; - if (notEnoughBytes || tooClose) { - return { size: 0, distance: 0 }; - } - const haystack = inputBytes.slice(endOfLastMatch, cursor); - const needle = inputBytes.slice(cursor, cursor + 2); - const matchIndex = matchesAt(needle, haystack); - if (matchIndex !== -1) { - const distance = cursor - endOfLastMatch - matchIndex; - let size = 2; - if (distance > 2) { - size = getSizeOfMatching(inputBytes, endOfLastMatch + matchIndex, cursor); - } - return { distance: distance - 1, size }; - } - return { size: 0, distance: 0 }; - } - var Implode = class { - inputBuffer; - outputBuffer; - compressionType; - dictionarySize; - dictionarySizeMask; - streamEnded; - distCodes; - distBits; - startIndex; - handledFirstTwoBytes; - outBits; - nChBits; - nChCodes; - constructor(compressionType, dictionarySize) { - this.inputBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(0); - this.outputBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(0); - this.compressionType = compressionType; - this.dictionarySize = dictionarySize; - this.dictionarySizeMask = 0; - this.streamEnded = false; - this.distCodes = structuredClone(DistCode); - this.distBits = structuredClone(DistBits); - this.startIndex = 0; - this.handledFirstTwoBytes = false; - this.outBits = 0; - this.nChBits = repeat(0, 774); - this.nChCodes = repeat(0, 774); - this.setup(); - } - handleData(input) { - this.inputBuffer = input; - this.processChunkData(); - const blockSize = 2048; - let output; - if (this.outputBuffer.byteLength > blockSize) { - let [numberOfBlocks] = quotientAndRemainder(this.outputBuffer.byteLength, blockSize); - numberOfBlocks = numberOfBlocks - 1; - const numberOfBytes = numberOfBlocks * blockSize; - output = this.outputBuffer.slice(0, numberOfBytes); - this.outputBuffer = this.outputBuffer.slice(numberOfBytes); - if (this.outBits === 0) { - const view = new Uint8Array(this.outputBuffer); - view[view.byteLength - 1] = 0; - } - } else { - output = new ArrayBuffer(0); - } - this.streamEnded = true; - this.processChunkData(); - return concatArrayBuffers([output, this.outputBuffer]); - } - processChunkData() { - if (this.inputBuffer.byteLength !== 0) { - this.startIndex = 0; - if (!this.handledFirstTwoBytes) { - if (this.inputBuffer.byteLength < 3) { - return; - } - this.handledFirstTwoBytes = true; - this.handleFirstTwoBytes(); - } - const endOfLastMatch = 0; - while (this.startIndex < this.inputBuffer.byteLength) { - const { size, distance } = findRepetitions(this.inputBuffer.slice(endOfLastMatch), endOfLastMatch, this.startIndex); - const isFlushable = this.isRepetitionFlushable(size, distance); - if (isFlushable === false) { - const view = new Uint8Array(this.inputBuffer); - const byte = view[this.startIndex]; - this.outputBits(this.nChBits[byte], this.nChCodes[byte]); - this.startIndex = this.startIndex + 1; - } else { - const byte = size + 254; - this.outputBits(this.nChBits[byte], this.nChCodes[byte]); - if (size === 2) { - const byte2 = distance >> 2; - this.outputBits(this.distBits[byte2], this.distCodes[byte2]); - this.outputBits(2, distance & 3); - } else { - switch (this.dictionarySize) { - case "small": { - const byte2 = distance >> 4; - this.outputBits(this.distBits[byte2], this.distCodes[byte2]); - this.outputBits(4, this.dictionarySizeMask & distance); - break; - } - case "medium": { - const byte2 = distance >> 5; - this.outputBits(this.distBits[byte2], this.distCodes[byte2]); - this.outputBits(5, this.dictionarySizeMask & distance); - break; - } - case "large": { - const byte2 = distance >> 6; - this.outputBits(this.distBits[byte2], this.distCodes[byte2]); - this.outputBits(6, this.dictionarySizeMask & distance); - break; - } - } - } - this.startIndex = this.startIndex + size; - } - if (this.dictionarySize === "small" && this.startIndex >= 1024) { - this.inputBuffer = this.inputBuffer.slice(1024); - this.startIndex = this.startIndex - 1024; - } else if (this.dictionarySize === "medium" && this.startIndex >= 2048) { - this.inputBuffer = this.inputBuffer.slice(2048); - this.startIndex = this.startIndex - 2048; - } else if (this.dictionarySize === "large" && this.startIndex >= 4096) { - this.inputBuffer = this.inputBuffer.slice(4096); - this.startIndex = this.startIndex - 4096; - } - } - this.inputBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(0); - } - if (this.streamEnded) { - this.outputBits(this.nChBits.at(-1), this.nChCodes.at(-1)); - } - } - /** - * @returns false - non flushable - * @returns true - flushable - * @returns null - flushable, but there might be a better repetition - */ - isRepetitionFlushable(size, distance) { - if (size === 0) { - return false; - } - if (size === 2 && distance >= 256) { - return false; - } - if (size >= 8 || this.startIndex + 1 >= this.inputBuffer.byteLength) { - return true; - } - return null; - } - /** - * repetitions are at least 2 bytes long, - * so the initial 2 bytes can be moved to the output as is - */ - handleFirstTwoBytes() { - const [byte1, byte2] = new Uint8Array(this.inputBuffer); - this.outputBits(this.nChBits[byte1], this.nChCodes[byte1]); - this.outputBits(this.nChBits[byte2], this.nChCodes[byte2]); - this.startIndex = this.startIndex + 2; - } - setup() { - const addition = new ArrayBuffer(1); - const additionView = new Uint8Array(addition); - switch (this.compressionType) { - case "ascii": { - for (let nCount2 = 0; nCount2 < 256; nCount2++) { - this.nChBits[nCount2] = ChBitsAsc[nCount2] + 1; - this.nChCodes[nCount2] = ChCodeAsc[nCount2] * 2; - } - additionView[0] = 1; - break; - } - case "binary": { - let nChCode = 0; - for (let nCount2 = 0; nCount2 < 256; nCount2++) { - this.nChBits[nCount2] = 9; - this.nChCodes[nCount2] = nChCode; - nChCode = getLowestNBitsOf(nChCode, 16) + 2; - } - additionView[0] = 0; - break; - } - } - this.outputBuffer = concatArrayBuffers([this.outputBuffer, addition]); - switch (this.dictionarySize) { - case "small": { - this.dictionarySizeMask = nBitsOfOnes(4); - additionView[0] = 4; - break; - } - case "medium": { - this.dictionarySizeMask = nBitsOfOnes(5); - additionView[0] = 5; - break; - } - case "large": { - this.dictionarySizeMask = nBitsOfOnes(6); - additionView[0] = 6; - break; - } - } - this.outputBuffer = concatArrayBuffers([this.outputBuffer, addition]); - let nCount = 256; - for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { - for (let nCount2 = 0; nCount2 < 1 << ExLenBits[i]; nCount2++) { - this.nChBits[nCount] = ExLenBits[i] + LenBits[i] + 1; - this.nChCodes[nCount] = nCount2 << LenBits[i] + 1 | LenCode[i] * 2 | 1; - nCount = nCount + 1; - } - } - additionView[0] = 0; - this.outputBuffer = concatArrayBuffers([this.outputBuffer, addition]); - this.outBits = 0; - } - outputBits(nBits, bitBuffer) { - if (nBits > 8) { - this.outputBits(8, bitBuffer); - bitBuffer = bitBuffer >> 8; - nBits = nBits - 8; - } - const { outBits } = this; - const view = new Uint8Array(this.outputBuffer); - view[view.byteLength - 1] = view[view.byteLength - 1] | getLowestNBitsOf(bitBuffer << outBits, 8); - this.outBits = this.outBits + nBits; - if (this.outBits > 8) { - this.outBits = getLowestNBitsOf(this.outBits, 3); - bitBuffer = bitBuffer >> 8 - outBits; - const addition = new ArrayBuffer(1); - const additionView = new Uint8Array(addition); - additionView[0] = getLowestNBitsOf(bitBuffer, 8); - this.outputBuffer = concatArrayBuffers([this.outputBuffer, addition]); - } else { - this.outBits = getLowestNBitsOf(this.outBits, 3); - if (this.outBits === 0) { - const addition = new ArrayBuffer(1); - const additionView = new Uint8Array(addition); - additionView[0] = 0; - this.outputBuffer = concatArrayBuffers([this.outputBuffer, addition]); - } - } - } - }; - - // node_modules/node-pkware/dist/simple/index.js - function implode(input, compressionType, dictionarySize) { - const instance = new Implode(compressionType, dictionarySize); - return instance.handleData(input); - } - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/common/constants.js - var DANAE_VERSION = 1.440000057220459; - var LITTLE_ENDIAN = true; - var TRUNCATE_ZERO_BYTES = "truncate zero bytes"; - var KEEP_ZERO_BYTES = "keep zero bytes"; - var MAP_WIDTH_IN_CELLS = 160; - var MAP_DEPTH_IN_CELLS = 160; - var CHARS = [ - "\0", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "\x07", - "\b", - " ", - "\n", - "\v", - "\f", - "\r", - "", - "", - "\0x10", - "\0x11", - "\0x12", - "\0x13", - "\0x14", - "\0x15", - "\0x16", - "\0x17", - "\0x18", - "\0x19", - "\0x1a", - "\0x1b", - "\0x1c", - "\0x1d", - "\0x1e", - "\0x1f", - " ", - "!", - '"', - "#", - "$", - "%", - "&", - "'", - "(", - ")", - "*", - "+", - ",", - "-", - ".", - "/", - "0", - "1", - "2", - "3", - "4", - "5", - "6", - "7", - "8", - "9", - ":", - ";", - "<", - "=", - ">", - "?", - "@", - "A", - "B", - "C", - "D", - "E", - "F", - "G", - "H", - "I", - "J", - "K", - "L", - "M", - "N", - "O", - "P", - "Q", - "R", - "S", - "T", - "U", - "V", - "W", - "X", - "Y", - "Z", - "[", - "\\", - "]", - "^", - "_", - "`", - "a", - "b", - "c", - "d", - "e", - "f", - "g", - "h", - "i", - "j", - "k", - "l", - "m", - "n", - "o", - "p", - "q", - "r", - "s", - "t", - "u", - "v", - "w", - "x", - "y", - "z", - "{", - "|", - "}", - "~", - "\x7F", - "\x80", - "\x81", - "\x82", - "\x83", - "\x84", - "\x85", - "\x86", - "\x87", - "\x88", - "\x89", - "\x8A", - "\x8B", - "\x8C", - "\x8D", - "\x8E", - "\x8F", - "\x90", - "\x91", - "\x92", - "\x93", - "\x94", - "\x95", - "\x96", - "\x97", - "\x98", - "\x99", - "\x9A", - "\x9B", - "\x9C", - "\x9D", - "\x9E", - "\x9F", - "\xA0", - "\xA1", - "\xA2", - "\xA3", - "\xA4", - "\xA5", - "\xA6", - "\xA7", - "\xA8", - "\xA9", - "\xAA", - "\xAB", - "\xAC", - "\xAD", - "\xAE", - "\xAF", - "\xB0", - "\xB1", - "\xB2", - "\xB3", - "\xB4", - "\xB5", - "\xB6", - "\xB7", - "\xB8", - "\xB9", - "\xBA", - "\xBB", - "\xBC", - "\xBD", - "\xBE", - "\xBF", - "\xC0", - "\xC1", - "\xC2", - "\xC3", - "\xC4", - "\xC5", - "\xC6", - "\xC7", - "\xC8", - "\xC9", - "\xCA", - "\xCB", - "\xCC", - "\xCD", - "\xCE", - "\xCF", - "\xD0", - "\xD1", - "\xD2", - "\xD3", - "\xD4", - "\xD5", - "\xD6", - "\xD7", - "\xD8", - "\xD9", - "\xDA", - "\xDB", - "\xDC", - "\xDD", - "\xDE", - "\xDF", - "\xE0", - "\xE1", - "\xE2", - "\xE3", - "\xE4", - "\xE5", - "\xE6", - "\xE7", - "\xE8", - "\xE9", - "\xEA", - "\xEB", - "\xEC", - "\xED", - "\xEE", - "\xEF", - "\xF0", - "\xF1", - "\xF2", - "\xF3", - "\xF4", - "\xF5", - "\xF6", - "\xF7", - "\xF8", - "\xF9", - "\xFA", - "\xFB", - "\xFC", - "\xFD", - "\xFE", - "\xFF" - ]; - var CODES = /* @__PURE__ */ invert(CHARS); - var BYTE_OF_AN_UNKNOWN_CHAR = /* @__PURE__ */ CHARS.indexOf(" "); - var CHAR_OF_AN_UNKNOWN_BYTE = " "; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/common/helpers.js - function maxAll(arr) { - let i = arr.length; - let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; - while (i > 0) { - i = i - 1; - if (arr[i] > max) { - max = arr[i]; - } - } - return max; - } - function uniq(values) { - return values.filter((value, index, self2) => { - return self2.indexOf(value) === index; - }); - } - function times(fn, repetitions) { - return Array.from({ length: repetitions }).map((value, index) => { - return fn(index); - }); - } - function repeat2(value, repetitions) { - const values = []; - for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { - values.push(value); - } - return values; - } - function invert(values) { - const obj = {}; - values.forEach((value, index) => { - obj[value] = index; - }); - return obj; - } - function decodeText(bytes) { - const chars = bytes.map((byte) => { - return CHARS[byte] ?? CHAR_OF_AN_UNKNOWN_BYTE; - }); - return chars.join(""); - } - function encodeText(text) { - const chars = [...text]; - return chars.map((char) => { - return CODES[char] ?? BYTE_OF_AN_UNKNOWN_CHAR; - }); - } - function clamp2(min, max, n) { - if (n < min) { - return min; - } - if (n > max) { - return max; - } - return n; - } - function concatUint8Arrays(buffers) { - if (buffers.length === 0) { - return new Uint8Array(0); - } - const totalLength = buffers.reduce((sum, buffer) => { - return sum + buffer.length; - }, 0); - const combinedBuffer = new Uint8Array(totalLength); - let offset = 0; - buffers.forEach((buffer) => { - combinedBuffer.set(buffer, offset); - offset = offset + buffer.length; - }); - return combinedBuffer; - } - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/common/BinaryIO.js - var BinaryIO = class _BinaryIO extends DataView { - static sizeOfFloat32() { - return 4; - } - static sizeOfFloat32Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32(); - } - static sizeOfInt8() { - return 1; - } - static sizeOfInt8Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt8(); - } - static sizeOfInt16() { - return 2; - } - static sizeOfInt16Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16(); - } - static sizeOfInt32() { - return 4; - } - static sizeOfInt32Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32(); - } - static sizeOfUint8() { - return 1; - } - static sizeOfUint8Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint8(); - } - static sizeOfUint16() { - return 2; - } - static sizeOfUint16Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint16(); - } - static sizeOfUint32() { - return 4; - } - static sizeOfUint32Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint32(); - } - static sizeOfString(length) { - return length; - } - static sizeOfNullTerminatedString(str) { - return str.length + 1; - } - static sizeOfVector3() { - return _BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(3); - } - static sizeOfVector3Array(length) { - return length * _BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3(); - } - static sizeOfRotation() { - return _BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(3); - } - static sizeOfQuat() { - return _BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(4); - } - position; - // TODO: make this private - this needs to be public because of TEA - constructor(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) { - super(buffer.buffer, byteOffset, byteLength); - this.position = 0; - } - readFloat32() { - const val = this.getFloat32(this.position, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32(); - return val; - } - readFloat32Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readFloat32()); - } - return arr; - } - readInt8() { - const val = this.getInt8(this.position); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt8(); - return val; - } - readInt8Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readInt8()); - } - return arr; - } - readInt16() { - const val = this.getInt16(this.position, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16(); - return val; - } - readInt16Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readInt16()); - } - return arr; - } - readInt32() { - const val = this.getInt32(this.position, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32(); - return val; - } - readInt32Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readInt32()); - } - return arr; - } - readUint8() { - const val = this.getUint8(this.position); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint8(); - return val; - } - readUint8Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readUint8()); - } - return arr; - } - readUint16() { - const val = this.getUint16(this.position, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint16(); - return val; - } - readUint16Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readUint16()); - } - return arr; - } - readUint32() { - const val = this.getUint32(this.position, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint32(); - return val; - } - readUint32Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readUint32()); - } - return arr; - } - writeFloat32(value) { - this.setFloat32(this.position, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32(); - } - writeFloat32Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeFloat32(value); - }); - } - writeInt8(value) { - this.setInt8(this.position, value); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt8(); - } - writeInt8Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeInt8(value); - }); - } - writeInt16(value) { - this.setInt16(this.position, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16(); - } - writeInt16Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeInt16(value); - }); - } - writeInt32(value) { - this.setInt32(this.position, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32(); - } - writeInt32Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeInt32(value); - }); - } - writeUint8(value) { - this.setUint8(this.position, value); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint8(); - } - writeUint8Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeUint8(value); - }); - } - writeUint16(value) { - this.setUint16(this.position, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint16(); - } - writeUint16Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeUint16(value); - }); - } - writeUint32(value) { - this.setUint32(this.position, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - this.position = this.position + _BinaryIO.sizeOfUint32(); - } - writeUint32Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeUint32(value); - }); - } - readString(length, truncateZeroBytes = TRUNCATE_ZERO_BYTES) { - const codes = []; - if (length === void 0) { - let c = this.readUint8(); - while (c !== 0) { - codes.push(c); - c = this.readUint8(); - } - } else { - let gotNil = false; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - const c = this.readUint8(); - if (gotNil && truncateZeroBytes === TRUNCATE_ZERO_BYTES) { - continue; - } - if (c === 0) { - gotNil = true; - } - if (c !== 0 || truncateZeroBytes === KEEP_ZERO_BYTES) { - if (c === 0) { - codes.push(BYTE_OF_AN_UNKNOWN_CHAR); - } else { - codes.push(c); - } - } - } - } - return decodeText(codes); - } - writeString(str, length) { - if (length === void 0) { - encodeText(str).forEach((charCode) => { - this.writeUint8(charCode); - }); - this.writeUint8(0); - } else { - const charCodes = repeat2(0, length); - encodeText(str).forEach((charCode, index) => { - charCodes[index] = charCode; - }); - charCodes.forEach((charCode) => { - this.writeUint8(charCode); - }); - } - } - readVector3() { - const [x, y, z] = this.readFloat32Array(3); - return { x, y, z }; - } - readVector3Array(length) { - const arr = []; - for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { - arr.push(this.readVector3()); - } - return arr; - } - writeVector3({ x, y, z }) { - this.writeFloat32Array([x, y, z]); - } - writeVector3Array(values) { - values.forEach((value) => { - this.writeVector3(value); - }); - } - readRotation() { - const [a, b, g] = this.readFloat32Array(3); - return { a, b, g }; - } - writeRotation({ a, b, g }) { - this.writeFloat32Array([a, b, g]); - } - readQuat() { - const [w, x, y, z] = this.readFloat32Array(4); - return { x, y, z, w }; - } - writeQuat({ x, y, z, w }) { - this.writeFloat32Array([w, x, y, z]); - } - writeBuffer(buffer) { - this.writeUint8Array(buffer); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/dlf/DlfHeader.js - var DlfHeader = class _DlfHeader { - static readFrom(binary) { - binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readString(16); - const dataBlock = { - lastUser: binary.readString(256), - time: binary.readInt32(), - posEdit: binary.readVector3(), - angleEdit: binary.readRotation() - }; - binary.readInt32(); - const numberOfInteractiveObjects = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32Array(256); - binary.readInt32(); - const numberOfFogs = binary.readInt32(); - const numberOfBackgroundPolygons = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - const numberOfZonesAndPaths = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32Array(250); - binary.readVector3(); - binary.readFloat32Array(253); - binary.readString(4096); - binary.readInt32Array(256); - return { - ...dataBlock, - numberOfInteractiveObjects, - numberOfFogs, - numberOfBackgroundPolygons, - numberOfZonesAndPaths - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(json) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_DlfHeader.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeFloat32(DANAE_VERSION); - binary.writeString("DANAE_FILE", 16); - binary.writeString(json.header.lastUser, 256); - binary.writeInt32(json.header.time); - binary.writeVector3(json.header.posEdit); - binary.writeRotation(json.header.angleEdit); - binary.writeInt32(1); - binary.writeInt32(json.interactiveObjects.length); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(12); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 256)); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(json.fogs.length); - binary.writeInt32(json.header.numberOfBackgroundPolygons); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(json.paths.length + json.zones.length); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 250)); - binary.writeVector3({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }); - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 253)); - binary.writeString("", 4096); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 256)); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfString(16 + 256) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfRotation() + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(6 + 256 + 6 + 250) + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(253) + BinaryIO.sizeOfString(4096) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(256); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/common/Color.js - var Color = class _Color { - static readFrom(binary, mode) { - if (mode === "bgra") { - const [b2, g2, r2, a] = binary.readUint8Array(4); - return { r: r2, g: g2, b: b2, a: a / 255 }; - } - if (mode === "abgr") { - const [a, b2, g2, r2] = binary.readUint8Array(4); - return { r: r2, g: g2, b: b2, a: a / 255 }; - } - const [r, g, b] = binary.readFloat32Array(3); - return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255, a: 1 }; - } - static accumulateFrom({ r, g, b, a }, mode) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_Color.sizeOf(mode)); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - if (mode === "bgra") { - binary.writeUint8Array([b, g, r, a * 255]); - } else if (mode === "abgr") { - binary.writeUint8Array([a * 255, b, g, r]); - } else { - binary.writeFloat32Array([r / 255, g / 255, b / 255]); - } - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf(mode) { - if (mode === "rgb") { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(3); - } - return BinaryIO.sizeOfUint8Array(4); - } - static get black() { - return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }; - } - static get transparent() { - return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 }; - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/dlf/Fog.js - var Fog = class _Fog { - static readFrom(binary) { - const dataBlock1 = { - pos: binary.readVector3(), - color: Color.readFrom(binary, "rgb"), - size: binary.readFloat32(), - special: binary.readInt32(), - scale: binary.readFloat32(), - move: binary.readVector3(), - angle: binary.readRotation(), - speed: binary.readFloat32(), - rotateSpeed: binary.readFloat32(), - toLive: binary.readInt32() - }; - binary.readInt32(); - const frequency = binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readFloat32Array(32); - binary.readInt32Array(32); - binary.readString(256); - return { - ...dataBlock1, - frequency - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(fog) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_Fog.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeVector3(fog.pos); - binary.writeBuffer(Color.accumulateFrom(fog.color, "rgb")); - binary.writeFloat32(fog.size); - binary.writeInt32(fog.special); - binary.writeFloat32(fog.scale); - binary.writeVector3(fog.move); - binary.writeRotation(fog.angle); - binary.writeFloat32(fog.speed); - binary.writeFloat32(fog.rotateSpeed); - binary.writeInt32(fog.toLive); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeFloat32(fog.frequency); - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 32)); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 32)); - binary.writeString("", 256); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + Color.sizeOf("rgb") + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfRotation() + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(3) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(32) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(32) + BinaryIO.sizeOfString(256); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/dlf/InteactiveObject.js - var InteractiveObject = class _InteractiveObject { - static readFrom(binary) { - const data = { - name: _InteractiveObject.toRelativePath(binary.readString(512)), - pos: binary.readVector3(), - angle: binary.readRotation(), - identifier: binary.readInt32() - }; - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32Array(14); - binary.readFloat32Array(16); - return data; - } - static accumulateFrom(interactiveObject) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_InteractiveObject.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeString(_InteractiveObject.toAbsolutePath(interactiveObject.name), 512); - binary.writeVector3(interactiveObject.pos); - binary.writeRotation(interactiveObject.angle); - binary.writeInt32(interactiveObject.identifier); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 14)); - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 16)); - return buffer; - } - /** - * from: `\\\\ARKANESERVER\\PUBLIC\\ARX\\GRAPH\\OBJ3D\\INTERACTIVE\\ITEMS\\PROVISIONS\\PIE\\PIE.teo` - * to: `items/provisions/pie` - * - * from: `C:\\ARX\\Graph\\Obj3D\\Interactive\\System\\Marker\\Marker.teo` - * to: `system/marker` - * - * If the last folder in the path and filename differs, like `...\\ITEMS\\PROVISIONS\\MUSHROOM\\FOOD_MUSHROOM.teo` - * then it should keep the full path, but change the extension to `.asl` - */ - static toRelativePath(filePath) { - filePath = filePath.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\", "/").split("graph/obj3d/interactive/")[1]; - const filePathParts = filePath.split("/"); - const fileName = filePathParts.pop(); - const fileNameParts = fileName.split("."); - if (fileNameParts.length > 1) { - fileNameParts.pop(); - } - const dir = filePathParts.join("/"); - const name = fileNameParts.join("."); - if (dir.split("/").at(-1) !== name) { - return dir + "/" + name + ".asl"; - } - return dir; - } - /** - * from: `items/provisions/pie` - * to: `c:\\arx\\graph\\obj3d\\interactive\\items\\provisions\\pie\\pie.teo` - * - * If the path also has a file specified with extension, like `items/provisions/mushroom/food_mushroom.asl` - * then keep the file part too, but change the extension to `.teo` - */ - static toAbsolutePath(filePath) { - filePath = filePath.toLowerCase().replace(/\/$/, ""); - if (filePath.endsWith(".asl")) { - const filePathParts = filePath.split("/"); - const fileName = filePathParts.pop(); - const fileNameParts = fileName.split("."); - if (fileNameParts.length > 1) { - fileNameParts.pop(); - } - const dir2 = filePathParts.join("/"); - const name2 = fileNameParts.join("."); - return `c:\\arx\\graph\\obj3d\\interactive\\${dir2.replaceAll("/", "\\")}\\${name2}.teo`; - } - const dir = filePath; - const name = filePath.split("/").at(-1); - return `c:\\arx\\graph\\obj3d\\interactive\\${dir.replaceAll("/", "\\")}\\${name}.teo`; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfString(512) + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfRotation() + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(16) + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(16); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/dlf/ZoneAndPathHeader.js - var ArxZoneAndPathFlags; - (function(ArxZoneAndPathFlags2) { - ArxZoneAndPathFlags2[ArxZoneAndPathFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; - ArxZoneAndPathFlags2[ArxZoneAndPathFlags2["SetAmbience"] = 2] = "SetAmbience"; - ArxZoneAndPathFlags2[ArxZoneAndPathFlags2["SetBackgroundColor"] = 4] = "SetBackgroundColor"; - ArxZoneAndPathFlags2[ArxZoneAndPathFlags2["SetDrawDistance"] = 8] = "SetDrawDistance"; - })(ArxZoneAndPathFlags || (ArxZoneAndPathFlags = {})); - var ZoneAndPathHeader = class _ZoneAndPathHeader { - static readFrom(binary) { - const name = binary.readString(64); - binary.readInt16(); - const flags = binary.readInt16(); - binary.readVector3(); - const dataBlock = { - pos: binary.readVector3(), - numberOfPoints: binary.readInt32(), - backgroundColor: Color.readFrom(binary, "rgb"), - drawDistance: binary.readFloat32() - }; - binary.readFloat32(); - const ambienceMaxVolume = binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readFloat32Array(26); - const height = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32Array(31); - const ambience = binary.readString(128); - binary.readString(128); - return { - name, - flags, - ...dataBlock, - ambienceMaxVolume, - height, - ambience - }; - } - static allocateFrom(zoneOrPath) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_ZoneAndPathHeader.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - const { pos } = zoneOrPath.points[0]; - binary.writeString(zoneOrPath.name, 64); - binary.writeInt16(0); - let flags = ArxZoneAndPathFlags.None; - if ("backgroundColor" in zoneOrPath && zoneOrPath.backgroundColor !== void 0) { - flags = flags | ArxZoneAndPathFlags.SetBackgroundColor; - } - if ("drawDistance" in zoneOrPath && zoneOrPath.drawDistance !== void 0) { - flags = flags | ArxZoneAndPathFlags.SetDrawDistance; - } - if ("ambience" in zoneOrPath && zoneOrPath.ambience !== void 0 && "ambienceMaxVolume" in zoneOrPath && zoneOrPath.ambienceMaxVolume !== void 0) { - flags = flags | ArxZoneAndPathFlags.SetAmbience; - } - binary.writeInt16(flags); - binary.writeVector3(pos); - binary.writeVector3(pos); - binary.writeInt32(zoneOrPath.points.length); - if ("backgroundColor" in zoneOrPath) { - binary.writeBuffer(Color.accumulateFrom(zoneOrPath?.backgroundColor ?? Color.black, "rgb")); - } else { - binary.writeBuffer(Color.accumulateFrom(Color.black, "rgb")); - } - if ("drawDistance" in zoneOrPath) { - binary.writeFloat32(zoneOrPath?.drawDistance ?? 2800); - } else { - binary.writeFloat32(2800); - } - binary.writeFloat32(0); - if ("ambienceMaxVolume" in zoneOrPath) { - binary.writeFloat32(zoneOrPath?.ambienceMaxVolume ?? 100); - } else { - binary.writeFloat32(100); - } - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 26)); - if ("height" in zoneOrPath) { - binary.writeInt32(zoneOrPath.height); - } else { - binary.writeInt32(0); - } - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 31)); - if ("ambience" in zoneOrPath) { - binary.writeString(zoneOrPath?.ambience ?? "NONE", 128); - } else { - binary.writeString("NONE", 128); - } - binary.writeString("", 128); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfString(64) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + Color.sizeOf("rgb") + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(3 + 26) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(1 + 31) + BinaryIO.sizeOfString(256); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/dlf/ZoneAndPathPoint.js - var ArxZoneAndPathPointType; - (function(ArxZoneAndPathPointType2) { - ArxZoneAndPathPointType2[ArxZoneAndPathPointType2["Standard"] = 0] = "Standard"; - ArxZoneAndPathPointType2[ArxZoneAndPathPointType2["Bezier"] = 1] = "Bezier"; - ArxZoneAndPathPointType2[ArxZoneAndPathPointType2["BezierControlPoint"] = 2] = "BezierControlPoint"; - })(ArxZoneAndPathPointType || (ArxZoneAndPathPointType = {})); - var ZoneAndPathPoint = class _ZoneAndPathPoint { - static readFrom(binary, pos) { - const rpos = binary.readVector3(); - const data = { - pos: { - x: rpos.x + pos.x, - y: rpos.y + pos.y, - z: rpos.z + pos.z - }, - type: binary.readInt32(), - time: binary.readUint32() - }; - binary.readFloat32Array(2); - binary.readInt32Array(2); - binary.readUint8Array(32); - return data; - } - static allocateFrom(point, pos) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_ZoneAndPathPoint.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - const rpos = { - x: point.pos.x - pos.x, - y: point.pos.y - pos.y, - z: point.pos.z - pos.z - }; - binary.writeVector3(rpos); - binary.writeInt32(point.type); - binary.writeUint32(point.time); - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 2)); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 2)); - binary.writeUint8Array(repeat2(0, 32)); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfUint32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfUint8Array(32); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/dlf/Scene.js - var Scene = class _Scene { - static readFrom(binary) { - const levelIdx = _Scene.pathToLevelIdx(binary.readString(512)); - binary.readInt32Array(16); - binary.readFloat32Array(16); - return { - levelIdx - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(scene) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_Scene.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeString(_Scene.levelIdxToPath(scene.levelIdx), 512); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 16)); - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 16)); - return buffer; - } - static pathToLevelIdx(path) { - return Number.parseInt(path.toLowerCase().replace("graph\\levels\\level", "").replace("\\", ""), 10); - } - static levelIdxToPath(levelIdx) { - return `Graph\\Levels\\level${levelIdx}\\`; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfString(512) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(16) + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(16); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/dlf/DLF.js - var DLF = class { - static load(decompressedFile) { - const file = new BinaryIO(decompressedFile); - const { numberOfInteractiveObjects, numberOfFogs, numberOfZonesAndPaths, ...header } = DlfHeader.readFrom(file); - const data = { - header, - scene: Scene.readFrom(file), - interactiveObjects: times(() => { - return InteractiveObject.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfInteractiveObjects), - fogs: times(() => { - return Fog.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfFogs), - paths: [], - zones: [] - }; - const numberOfNodes = 0; - const numberOfNodeLinks = 12; - file.readInt8Array(numberOfNodes * (204 + numberOfNodeLinks * 64)); - times(() => { - const { numberOfPoints, pos, height, name, backgroundColor, ambience, ambienceMaxVolume, drawDistance, flags } = ZoneAndPathHeader.readFrom(file); - const points = times(() => { - return ZoneAndPathPoint.readFrom(file, pos); - }, numberOfPoints); - if (height === 0) { - const path = { name, points }; - data.paths.push(path); - } else { - const zone = { name, points, height }; - if (flags & ArxZoneAndPathFlags.SetAmbience) { - zone.ambience = ambience; - zone.ambienceMaxVolume = ambienceMaxVolume; - } - if (flags & ArxZoneAndPathFlags.SetBackgroundColor) { - zone.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; - } - if (flags & ArxZoneAndPathFlags.SetDrawDistance) { - zone.drawDistance = drawDistance; - } - data.zones.push(zone); - } - }, numberOfZonesAndPaths); - return data; - } - static save(json) { - const header = DlfHeader.accumulateFrom(json); - const scene = Scene.accumulateFrom(json.scene); - const interactiveObjects = concatUint8Arrays(json.interactiveObjects.map(InteractiveObject.accumulateFrom)); - const fogs = concatUint8Arrays(json.fogs.map(Fog.accumulateFrom)); - const numberOfNodes = 0; - const numberOfNodeLinks = 12; - const nodes = new Uint8Array(numberOfNodes * (204 + numberOfNodeLinks * 64)); - const paths = concatUint8Arrays(json.paths.flatMap((path) => { - const header2 = ZoneAndPathHeader.allocateFrom(path); - const { pos } = path.points[0]; - const points = path.points.map((point) => { - return ZoneAndPathPoint.allocateFrom(point, pos); - }); - return [header2, ...points]; - })); - const zones = concatUint8Arrays(json.zones.flatMap((zone) => { - const header2 = ZoneAndPathHeader.allocateFrom(zone); - const { pos } = zone.points[0]; - const points = zone.points.map((point) => { - return ZoneAndPathPoint.allocateFrom(point, pos); - }); - return [header2, ...points]; - })); - return concatUint8Arrays([header, scene, interactiveObjects, fogs, nodes, paths, zones]); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/AnchorData.js - var ArxAnchorFlags; - (function(ArxAnchorFlags2) { - ArxAnchorFlags2[ArxAnchorFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; - ArxAnchorFlags2[ArxAnchorFlags2["Blocked"] = 8] = "Blocked"; - })(ArxAnchorFlags || (ArxAnchorFlags = {})); - var AnchorData = class _AnchorData { - static readFrom(binary) { - const data = { - pos: binary.readVector3(), - radius: binary.readFloat32(), - height: binary.readFloat32(), - numberOfLinkedAnchors: binary.readInt16(), - isBlocked: false - }; - const flags = binary.readInt16(); - if ((flags & ArxAnchorFlags.Blocked) !== 0) { - data.isBlocked = true; - } - return data; - } - static accumulateFrom(anchor) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_AnchorData.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeVector3(anchor.data.pos); - binary.writeFloat32(anchor.data.radius); - binary.writeFloat32(anchor.data.height); - binary.writeInt16(anchor.linkedAnchors.length); - let flags = 0; - if (anchor.data.isBlocked) { - flags = flags | ArxAnchorFlags.Blocked; - } - binary.writeInt16(flags); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/Anchor.js - var Anchor = class { - static readFrom(binary) { - const { numberOfLinkedAnchors, ...anchorData } = AnchorData.readFrom(binary); - return { - data: anchorData, - linkedAnchors: binary.readInt32Array(numberOfLinkedAnchors) - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(anchor) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(AnchorData.sizeOf() + anchor.linkedAnchors.length * 4); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeBuffer(AnchorData.accumulateFrom(anchor)); - binary.writeInt32Array(anchor.linkedAnchors); - return buffer; - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/Vertex.js - var Vertex = class _Vertex { - static readFrom(binary) { - const [y, x, z, u, v] = binary.readFloat32Array(5); - return { x, y, z, u, v }; - } - static accumulateFrom({ x, y, z, u, v }) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_Vertex.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeFloat32Array([y, x, z, u, v]); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(5); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/Polygon.js - var ArxPolygonFlags; - (function(ArxPolygonFlags2) { - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["NoShadow"] = 1] = "NoShadow"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["DoubleSided"] = 2] = "DoubleSided"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Transparent"] = 4] = "Transparent"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Water"] = 8] = "Water"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Glow"] = 16] = "Glow"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Ignore"] = 32] = "Ignore"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Quad"] = 64] = "Quad"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Tiled"] = 128] = "Tiled"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Metal"] = 256] = "Metal"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Hide"] = 512] = "Hide"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Stone"] = 1024] = "Stone"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Wood"] = 2048] = "Wood"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Gravel"] = 4096] = "Gravel"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Earth"] = 8192] = "Earth"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["NoCollision"] = 16384] = "NoCollision"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Lava"] = 32768] = "Lava"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Climbable"] = 65536] = "Climbable"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["Falling"] = 131072] = "Falling"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["NoPath"] = 262144] = "NoPath"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["NoDraw"] = 524288] = "NoDraw"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["PrecisePath"] = 1048576] = "PrecisePath"; - ArxPolygonFlags2[ArxPolygonFlags2["LateMip"] = 134217728] = "LateMip"; - })(ArxPolygonFlags || (ArxPolygonFlags = {})); - var Polygon = class _Polygon { - static readFrom(binary) { - return { - vertices: times(() => { - return Vertex.readFrom(binary); - }, 4), - textureContainerId: binary.readInt32(), - norm: binary.readVector3(), - norm2: binary.readVector3(), - normals: binary.readVector3Array(4), - transval: binary.readFloat32(), - area: binary.readFloat32(), - flags: binary.readInt32(), - room: binary.readInt16(), - paddy: binary.readInt16() - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(polygon) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_Polygon.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeBuffer(concatUint8Arrays(polygon.vertices.map(Vertex.accumulateFrom))); - binary.writeInt32(polygon.textureContainerId); - binary.writeVector3(polygon.norm); - binary.writeVector3(polygon.norm2); - binary.writeVector3Array(polygon.normals ?? [polygon.norm, polygon.norm, polygon.norm, polygon.norm2]); - binary.writeFloat32(polygon.transval); - binary.writeFloat32(polygon.area); - binary.writeInt32(polygon.flags); - binary.writeInt16(polygon.room); - binary.writeInt16(polygon.paddy ?? 0); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return Vertex.sizeOf() * 4 + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3Array(1 + 1 + 4) + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/SceneInfo.js - var SceneInfo = class _SceneInfo { - static readFrom(binary) { - return { - numberOfPolygons: binary.readInt32(), - numberOfAnchors: binary.readInt32() - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(cell) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_SceneInfo.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeInt32(cell.polygons.length); - binary.writeInt32(cell.anchors?.length ?? 0); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/Cell.js - var Cell = class { - static readFrom(binary) { - const { numberOfPolygons, numberOfAnchors } = SceneInfo.readFrom(binary); - const data = { - polygons: times(() => { - return Polygon.readFrom(binary); - }, numberOfPolygons) - }; - if (numberOfAnchors > 0) { - data.anchors = binary.readInt32Array(numberOfAnchors); - } - return data; - } - static accumulateFrom(cell) { - const anchors = cell.anchors ?? []; - const buffer = new Uint8Array(SceneInfo.sizeOf() + Polygon.sizeOf() * cell.polygons.length + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(anchors.length)); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeBuffer(SceneInfo.accumulateFrom(cell)); - binary.writeBuffer(concatUint8Arrays(cell.polygons.map(Polygon.accumulateFrom))); - binary.writeInt32Array(anchors); - return buffer; - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/constants.js - var VERSION = 0.14100000262260437; - var COORDS_THAT_ROUND_UP = [ - [2550, 2600, 2649.999755859375], - [2649.999755859375, 2700, 2749.999755859375], - [3949.999755859375, 4e3, 4050], - [4294.99951171875, 4299.99951171875, 4305], - [4299.99951171875, 4299.99951171875, 4300], - [4599.99951171875, 4599.99951171875, 4600], - [4899.99951171875, 4900, 4900], - [4995, 4999.99951171875, 5004.99951171875], - [5599.9990234375, 5600, 5600], - [5599.99951171875, 5600, 5600], - [5690.2626953125, 5700, 5709.736328125], - [5695.5126953125, 5700, 5704.486328125], - [5795, 5799.99951171875, 5804.99951171875], - [5799.99951171875, 5800, 5800], - [5975, 6e3, 6024.99951171875], - [6050, 6124.99951171875, 6124.99951171875], - [6057.666015625, 6100, 6142.3330078125], - [6090.2626953125, 6100, 6109.736328125], - [6174.99951171875, 6174.99951171875, 6250], - [6199.99951171875, 6199.99951171875, 6200.00048828125], - [6349.9990234375, 6400, 6450], - [6439.99951171875, 6525, 6535], - [6450, 6500, 6549.99951171875], - [6450, 6499.99951171875, 6549.99951171875], - [6549.9990234375, 6600.0009765625, 6649.9990234375], - [6599.99951171875, 6599.99951171875, 6600.00048828125], - [6749.9970703125, 6800.001953125, 6850], - [6799.9990234375, 6800, 6800], - [6899.99951171875, 6899.99951171875, 6900], - [6999.99951171875, 6999.99951171875, 7e3], - [6999.99951171875, 7e3, 7e3], - [7049.99951171875, 7125, 7125], - [7175, 7175, 7249.99951171875], - [7195.00048828125, 7199.99951171875, 7204.99951171875], - [7280, 7290, 7329.9990234375], - [7294.99951171875, 7299.99951171875, 7305.00048828125], - [7349.99951171875, 7399.99951171875, 7450.00048828125], - [7350.00048828125, 7399.99951171875, 7449.99951171875], - [7399.9990234375, 7400, 7400], - [7399.99951171875, 7399.99951171875, 7400.00048828125], - [7499.99951171875, 7500, 7500], - [7565, 7585, 7649.9990234375], - [7583.3330078125, 7600, 7616.666015625], - [7591.8662109375, 7601.7626953125, 7606.3701171875], - [7599.9990234375, 7600, 7600], - [7640.0009765625, 7729.9990234375, 7729.9990234375], - [7650, 7700, 7749.9990234375], - [7775, 7799.99951171875, 7825], - [7799.9990234375, 7800, 7800.00048828125], - [7799.99951171875, 7800, 7800], - [7950, 8024.99951171875, 8025], - [7999.99951171875, 8e3, 8e3], - [7999.99951171875, 7999.99951171875, 8e3], - [8050, 8124.99951171875, 8125], - [8099.9951171875, 8100.0009765625, 8100.0029296875], - [8149.99951171875, 8200, 8250], - [8149.99951171875, 8225, 8225], - [8349.9990234375, 8400, 8449.9990234375], - [8349.9990234375, 8400, 8450], - [8450, 8500, 8549.9990234375], - [8583.2490234375, 8600, 8616.75], - [8649.9990234375, 8700, 8749.9990234375], - [8750, 8800, 8849.9990234375], - [8875, 8875, 8949.9990234375], - [8909.9990234375, 9045, 9045], - [8949.9990234375, 9025, 9025], - [9099.9990234375, 9099.9990234375, 9100], - [9197.515625, 9199.7958984375, 9202.6875], - [9349.9990234375, 9400, 9449.9990234375], - [9350, 9424.9990234375, 9425], - [9399.9990234375, 9400, 9400], - [9499.9990234375, 9500, 9500], - [9549.9990234375, 9599.9990234375, 9650], - [9650, 9699.9990234375, 9749.9990234375], - [9699.9990234375, 9700, 9700], - [9949.9990234375, 9999.9990234375, 10050], - [9999.9990234375, 1e4, 1e4], - [10049.9990234375, 10100, 10150], - [10299.9990234375, 10300, 10300], - [10399.9990234375, 10400, 10400], - [10649.998046875, 10700.0029296875, 10749.998046875], - [10649.9990234375, 10699.9990234375, 10750], - [10849.9951171875, 10900.0087890625, 10949.9951171875], - [11199.994140625, 11200.001953125, 11200.001953125], - [11299.994140625, 11300.001953125, 11300.001953125], - [11399.994140625, 11400.001953125, 11400.001953125], - [11399.9990234375, 11400, 11400], - [11499.994140625, 11500.001953125, 11500.001953125], - [12049.998046875, 12125, 12125], - [12183.3330078125, 12200, 12216.666015625], - [12250, 12299.9990234375, 12350], - [12899.9990234375, 12899.9990234375, 12900], - [13199.9990234375, 13200, 13200], - [13839.9990234375, 13925, 13935] - ]; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/FtsHeader.js - var FtsHeader = class _FtsHeader { - static readFrom(binary) { - const path = binary.readString(256); - const data = { - levelIdx: _FtsHeader.pathToLevelIdx(path), - numberOfUniqueHeaders: binary.readInt32() - }; - binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readUint32Array(3); - return data; - } - static accumulateFrom(json, uncompressedSize) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_FtsHeader.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeString(_FtsHeader.levelIdxToPath(json.header.levelIdx), 256); - binary.writeInt32(json.uniqueHeaders.length); - binary.writeFloat32(VERSION); - binary.writeInt32(uncompressedSize); - binary.writeUint32Array(repeat2(0, 3)); - return buffer; - } - static pathToLevelIdx(path) { - return Number.parseInt(path.toLowerCase().replace("c:\\arx\\game\\graph\\levels\\level", "").replace("\\", ""), 10); - } - static levelIdxToPath(levelIdx) { - return `C:\\ARX\\Game\\Graph\\Levels\\level${levelIdx}\\`; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfString(256) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfUint32Array(3); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/TextureVertex.js - var HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE1 = { - color: Color.transparent, - specular: Color.transparent, - tu: 0, - tv: 0 - }; - var HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE2 = { - color: { - r: 1, - g: 22, - b: 242, - a: 0.2980392156862745 - }, - specular: { - r: 0, - g: 92, - b: 200, - a: 0.49411764705882355 - }, - tu: 15694542800437951e-59, - tv: 2772455559201393e-53 - }; - var TextureVertex = class _TextureVertex { - static readFrom(binary) { - const data = { - pos: binary.readVector3(), - rhw: binary.readFloat32() - }; - Color.readFrom(binary, "abgr"); - Color.readFrom(binary, "abgr"); - binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readFloat32(); - return data; - } - static accumulateFrom(vertex, idx) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_TextureVertex.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - const isFirstVertexOfPolygon = idx === 0; - const isLastVertexOfPolygon = idx === 3; - let data; - if (isLastVertexOfPolygon) { - data = HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE2; - } else { - data = HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE1; - } - const { color, specular, tu, tv } = data; - binary.writeVector3(vertex.pos); - if (isFirstVertexOfPolygon) { - binary.writeFloat32(vertex.rhw); - } else { - binary.writeFloat32(0); - } - binary.writeBuffer(Color.accumulateFrom(color, "abgr")); - binary.writeBuffer(Color.accumulateFrom(specular, "abgr")); - binary.writeFloat32(tu); - binary.writeFloat32(tv); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32() + Color.sizeOf("abgr") * 2 + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/PortalPolygon.js - var HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE12 = [ - 56, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 40, - 22, - 105, - 0, - 231, - 255, - 255, - 255, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 159, - 199, - 92, - 0, - 172, - 141, - 105, - 0, - 25, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 100, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 56, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 255, - 255, - 255, - 255, - 184, - 255, - 165, - 0, - 255, - 255, - 255, - 255, - 144, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 126, - 200, - 92, - 0, - 92, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 168, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 124, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 40, - 22, - 105, - 0, - 236, - 255, - 255, - 255, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 159, - 199, - 92, - 0, - 172, - 30, - 166, - 0, - 20, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 168, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 124, - 242, - 22, - 1, - 253, - 243, - 22, - 1, - 193, - 30, - 166, - 0, - 160, - 74, - 244, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0 - ]; - var HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22 = [...HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE12]; - HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[76] = HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[76] - 1; - HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[92] = HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[92] + 1; - HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[104] = HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[104] + 1; - HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[108] = HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22[108] + 1; - var PortalPolygon = class _PortalPolygon { - static readFrom(binary) { - binary.readInt32(); - const dataBlock = { - min: binary.readVector3(), - max: binary.readVector3(), - norm: binary.readVector3(), - norm2: binary.readVector3(), - vertices: times(() => { - return TextureVertex.readFrom(binary); - }, 4) - }; - binary.readUint8Array(32 * 4); - binary.readVector3Array(4); - binary.readInt32(); - const center = binary.readVector3(); - binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readInt16(); - binary.readInt16(); - return { - ...dataBlock, - center - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(portalPolygon, levelIdx) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_PortalPolygon.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeInt32(ArxPolygonFlags.Quad); - binary.writeVector3(portalPolygon.min); - binary.writeVector3(portalPolygon.max); - binary.writeVector3(portalPolygon.norm); - binary.writeVector3(portalPolygon.norm2); - binary.writeBuffer(concatUint8Arrays(portalPolygon.vertices.map((vertex, idx) => { - return TextureVertex.accumulateFrom(vertex, idx); - }))); - if (levelIdx < 10) { - binary.writeUint8Array(HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE12); - } else { - binary.writeUint8Array(HARDCODED_DATA_TYPE22); - } - binary.writeVector3Array([ - // normals - { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, - { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, - { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, - { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } - ]); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeVector3(portalPolygon.center); - binary.writeFloat32(0); - binary.writeFloat32(0); - binary.writeInt16(0); - binary.writeInt16(0); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3Array(4) + TextureVertex.sizeOf() * 4 + BinaryIO.sizeOfUint8Array(32 * 4) + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3Array(4) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/Portal.js - var Portal = class _Portal { - static readFrom(binary) { - return { - polygon: PortalPolygon.readFrom(binary), - room1: binary.readInt32(), - // facing normal - room2: binary.readInt32(), - useportal: binary.readInt16(), - paddy: binary.readInt16() - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(portal, levelIdx) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_Portal.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeBuffer(PortalPolygon.accumulateFrom(portal.polygon, levelIdx)); - binary.writeInt32(portal.room1); - binary.writeInt32(portal.room2); - binary.writeInt16(portal.useportal); - binary.writeInt16(portal.paddy); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return PortalPolygon.sizeOf() + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/EPData.js - var EPData = class _EPData { - static readFrom(binary) { - const [px, py, idx] = binary.readInt16Array(4); - return { cellX: px, cellY: py, polygonIdx: idx }; - } - static accumulateFrom({ cellX: px, cellY: py, polygonIdx: idx }) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_EPData.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeInt16Array([px, py, idx, 0]); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfInt16Array(4); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/RoomData.js - var RoomData = class _RoomData { - static readFrom(binary) { - const data = { - numberOfPortals: binary.readInt32(), - numberOfPolygons: binary.readInt32() - }; - binary.readInt32Array(6); - return data; - } - static accumulateFrom(room) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_RoomData.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeInt32(room.portals.length); - binary.writeInt32(room.polygons.length); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 6)); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(1 + 1 + 6); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/Room.js - var Room = class { - static readFrom(binary) { - const { numberOfPortals, numberOfPolygons } = RoomData.readFrom(binary); - return { - portals: binary.readInt32Array(numberOfPortals), - polygons: times(() => { - return EPData.readFrom(binary); - }, numberOfPolygons) - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(room) { - const roomData = RoomData.accumulateFrom(room); - const portals = new Uint8Array(room.portals.length * 4); - const binary = new BinaryIO(portals); - binary.writeInt32Array(room.portals); - const polygons = concatUint8Arrays(room.polygons.map(EPData.accumulateFrom)); - return concatUint8Arrays([roomData, portals, polygons]); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/RoomDistance.js - var RoomDistance = class _RoomDistance { - static readFrom(binary) { - return { - distance: binary.readFloat32(), - // -1 means use truedist - startPosition: binary.readVector3(), - endPosition: binary.readVector3() - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(roomDistance) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_RoomDistance.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeFloat32(roomDistance.distance); - binary.writeVector3(roomDistance.startPosition); - binary.writeVector3(roomDistance.endPosition); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/SceneHeader.js - var SceneHeader = class _SceneHeader { - static readFrom(binary) { - binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - const numberOfTextures = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - const numberOfAnchors = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readVector3(); - return { - numberOfTextures, - numberOfAnchors, - mScenePosition: binary.readVector3(), - numberOfPortals: binary.readInt32(), - numberOfRooms: binary.readInt32() + 1 - // rooms are 1 indexed, because an empty room is reserved for room #0 - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(json) { - const roomIds = json.polygons.map(({ room }) => { - return room; - }); - const numberOfRooms = maxAll(uniq(roomIds)); - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_SceneHeader.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeFloat32(VERSION); - binary.writeInt32(MAP_WIDTH_IN_CELLS); - binary.writeInt32(MAP_DEPTH_IN_CELLS); - binary.writeInt32(json.textureContainers.length); - binary.writeInt32(json.polygons.length); - binary.writeInt32(json.anchors.length); - binary.writeVector3({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }); - binary.writeVector3(json.sceneHeader.mScenePosition); - binary.writeInt32(json.portals.length); - binary.writeInt32(numberOfRooms); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(5 + 2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3Array(2); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/TextureContainer.js - var TextureContainer = class _TextureContainer { - static readFrom(binary) { - const id = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - const filename = _TextureContainer.toRelativePath(binary.readString(256)); - return { - id, - filename - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(textureContainer) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_TextureContainer.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeInt32(textureContainer.id); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeString(_TextureContainer.toAbsolutePath(textureContainer.filename), 256); - return buffer; - } - /** - * from: GRAPH\\OBJ3D\\TEXTURES\\[STONE]_HUMAN_GROUND_WET.BMP - * to: [stone]_human_ground_wet.bmp - */ - static toRelativePath(filename) { - return filename.toLowerCase().replace("graph\\obj3d\\textures\\", ""); - } - /** - * from: [stone]_human_ground_wet.bmp - * to: graph\\obj3d\\textures\\[stone]_human_ground_wet.bmp - */ - static toAbsolutePath(filename) { - return "graph\\obj3d\\textures\\" + filename.toLowerCase(); - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(2) + BinaryIO.sizeOfString(256); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/UniqueHeader.js - var UniqueHeader = class _UniqueHeader { - static readFrom(binary) { - return { - path: binary.readString(256), - check: binary.readUint8Array(512) - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(uniqueHeader) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_UniqueHeader.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeString(uniqueHeader.path, 256); - binary.writeUint8Array(uniqueHeader.check); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfString(256) + BinaryIO.sizeOfUint8Array(512); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/helpers.js - function isQuad({ flags }) { - return (flags & ArxPolygonFlags.Quad) !== 0; - } - function addLightIndex(polygons) { - let idx = 0; - return polygons.map((polygon) => { - polygon.vertices[0].llfColorIdx = idx; - polygon.vertices[1].llfColorIdx = idx + 1; - polygon.vertices[2].llfColorIdx = idx + 2; - idx = idx + 3; - if (isQuad(polygon)) { - polygon.vertices[3].llfColorIdx = idx; - idx = idx + 1; - } - return polygon; - }); - } - function doCoordsNeedToBeRoundedUp(coords) { - const [a, b, c] = coords.sort((a2, b2) => { - return a2 - b2; - }); - return COORDS_THAT_ROUND_UP.some(([x, y, z]) => { - return a === x && b === y && c === z; - }); - } - function getCellCoords([a, b, c]) { - const x = (a.x + b.x + c.x) / 3; - const z = (a.z + b.z + c.z) / 3; - let cellX; - if (doCoordsNeedToBeRoundedUp([a.x, b.x, c.x])) { - cellX = Math.ceil(x / 100); - } else { - cellX = Math.floor(x / 100); - } - let cellY; - if (doCoordsNeedToBeRoundedUp([a.z, b.z, c.z])) { - cellY = Math.ceil(z / 100); - } else { - cellY = Math.floor(z / 100); - } - return [cellX, cellY]; - } - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/fts/FTS.js - var IS_AN_UNCOMPRESSED_FTS = 0; - var FTS = class { - static load(decompressedFile) { - const file = new BinaryIO(decompressedFile); - const { numberOfUniqueHeaders, ...header } = FtsHeader.readFrom(file); - const uniqueHeaders = times(() => { - return UniqueHeader.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfUniqueHeaders); - const { numberOfTextures, numberOfAnchors, numberOfPortals, numberOfRooms, ...sceneHeader } = SceneHeader.readFrom(file); - const textureContainers = times(() => { - return TextureContainer.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfTextures); - const combinedCells = []; - for (let z = 0; z < MAP_DEPTH_IN_CELLS; z++) { - for (let x = 0; x < MAP_WIDTH_IN_CELLS; x++) { - combinedCells.push(Cell.readFrom(file)); - } - } - return { - header, - uniqueHeaders, - sceneHeader, - textureContainers, - cells: combinedCells.map(({ polygons, ...cell }) => { - return cell; - }), - polygons: addLightIndex(combinedCells.flatMap(({ polygons }) => { - return polygons; - })), - anchors: times(() => { - return Anchor.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfAnchors), - portals: times(() => { - return Portal.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfPortals), - rooms: times(() => { - return Room.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfRooms), - roomDistances: times(() => { - return RoomDistance.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfRooms ** 2) - }; - } - static save(json, isCompressed = true) { - const { levelIdx } = json.header; - const sceneHeader = SceneHeader.accumulateFrom(json); - const recombinedCells = json.cells.map((cell) => { - return { - ...cell, - polygons: [] - }; - }); - json.polygons.forEach((polygon) => { - const [cellX, cellY] = getCellCoords(polygon.vertices); - const cellIndex = cellY * MAP_WIDTH_IN_CELLS + cellX; - recombinedCells[cellIndex].polygons.push(polygon); - }); - const textureContainers = concatUint8Arrays(json.textureContainers.map(TextureContainer.accumulateFrom)); - const cells = concatUint8Arrays(recombinedCells.map(Cell.accumulateFrom)); - const anchors = concatUint8Arrays(json.anchors.map(Anchor.accumulateFrom)); - const portals = concatUint8Arrays(json.portals.map((portal) => { - return Portal.accumulateFrom(portal, levelIdx); - })); - const rooms = concatUint8Arrays(json.rooms.map(Room.accumulateFrom)); - const roomDistances = concatUint8Arrays(json.roomDistances.map(RoomDistance.accumulateFrom)); - const dataWithoutHeader = concatUint8Arrays([ - sceneHeader, - textureContainers, - cells, - anchors, - portals, - rooms, - roomDistances - ]); - let header; - if (isCompressed) { - header = FtsHeader.accumulateFrom(json, dataWithoutHeader.length); - } else { - header = FtsHeader.accumulateFrom(json, IS_AN_UNCOMPRESSED_FTS); - } - const uniqueHeaders = concatUint8Arrays(json.uniqueHeaders.map(UniqueHeader.accumulateFrom)); - return concatUint8Arrays([header, uniqueHeaders, dataWithoutHeader]); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/llf/Light.js - var ArxLightFlags; - (function(ArxLightFlags2) { - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["SemiDynamic"] = 1] = "SemiDynamic"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["Extinguishable"] = 2] = "Extinguishable"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["StartExtinguished"] = 4] = "StartExtinguished"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["SpawnFire"] = 8] = "SpawnFire"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["SpawnSmoke"] = 16] = "SpawnSmoke"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["Off"] = 32] = "Off"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["ColorLegacy"] = 64] = "ColorLegacy"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["NoCasted"] = 128] = "NoCasted"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["FixFlareSize"] = 256] = "FixFlareSize"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["Fireplace"] = 512] = "Fireplace"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["NoIgnit"] = 1024] = "NoIgnit"; - ArxLightFlags2[ArxLightFlags2["Flare"] = 2048] = "Flare"; - })(ArxLightFlags || (ArxLightFlags = {})); - var Light = class _Light { - static readFrom(binary) { - const dataBlock1 = { - pos: binary.readVector3(), - color: Color.readFrom(binary, "rgb"), - fallStart: binary.readFloat32(), - fallEnd: binary.readFloat32(), - intensity: binary.readFloat32() - }; - binary.readFloat32(); - const dataBlock2 = { - exFlicker: Color.readFrom(binary, "rgb"), - exRadius: binary.readFloat32(), - exFrequency: binary.readFloat32(), - exSize: binary.readFloat32(), - exSpeed: binary.readFloat32(), - exFlareSize: binary.readFloat32() - }; - binary.readFloat32Array(24); - const flags = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32Array(31); - return { - ...dataBlock1, - ...dataBlock2, - flags - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(light) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_Light.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeVector3(light.pos); - binary.writeBuffer(Color.accumulateFrom(light.color, "rgb")); - binary.writeFloat32(light.fallStart); - binary.writeFloat32(light.fallEnd); - binary.writeFloat32(light.intensity); - binary.writeFloat32(0); - binary.writeBuffer(Color.accumulateFrom(light.exFlicker, "rgb")); - binary.writeFloat32(light.exRadius); - binary.writeFloat32(light.exFrequency); - binary.writeFloat32(light.exSize); - binary.writeFloat32(clamp2(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, light.exSpeed)); - binary.writeFloat32(light.exFlareSize); - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 24)); - binary.writeInt32(light.flags); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 31)); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfVector3() + Color.sizeOf("rgb") * 2 + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(9 + 24) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(32); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/llf/LightingHeader.js - var LightingHeader = class _LightingHeader { - static readFrom(binary) { - const numberOfColors = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - return { - numberOfColors - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(colors) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_LightingHeader.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeInt32(colors.length); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(63); - binary.writeInt32(0); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32() * 4; - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/llf/LlfHeader.js - var LlfHeader = class _LlfHeader { - static readFrom(binary) { - binary.readFloat32(); - binary.readString(16); - const dataBlock = { - lastUser: binary.readString(256), - time: binary.readInt32(), - numberOfLights: binary.readInt32() - }; - binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32(); - const numberOfBackgroundPolygons = binary.readInt32(); - binary.readInt32Array(256); - binary.readFloat32Array(256); - binary.readString(4096); - binary.readInt32Array(256); - return { - ...dataBlock, - numberOfBackgroundPolygons - }; - } - static accumulateFrom(json) { - const buffer = new Uint8Array(_LlfHeader.sizeOf()); - const binary = new BinaryIO(buffer); - binary.writeFloat32(DANAE_VERSION); - binary.writeString("DANAE_LLH_FILE", 16); - binary.writeString(json.header.lastUser, 256); - binary.writeInt32(json.header.time); - binary.writeInt32(json.lights.length); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(0); - binary.writeInt32(json.header.numberOfBackgroundPolygons); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 256)); - binary.writeFloat32Array(repeat2(0, 256)); - binary.writeString("", 4096); - binary.writeInt32Array(repeat2(0, 256)); - return buffer; - } - static sizeOf() { - return BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32() + BinaryIO.sizeOfString(16 + 256) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(5 + 256) + BinaryIO.sizeOfFloat32Array(256) + BinaryIO.sizeOfString(4096) + BinaryIO.sizeOfInt32Array(256); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/llf/LLF.js - var LLF = class { - static load(decompressedFile) { - const file = new BinaryIO(decompressedFile); - const { numberOfLights, ...header } = LlfHeader.readFrom(file); - const lights = times(() => { - return Light.readFrom(file); - }, numberOfLights); - const { numberOfColors } = LightingHeader.readFrom(file); - const colors = times(() => { - return Color.readFrom(file, "bgra"); - }, numberOfColors); - return { - header, - lights, - colors - }; - } - static save(json) { - const header = LlfHeader.accumulateFrom(json); - const lights = concatUint8Arrays(json.lights.map(Light.accumulateFrom)); - const lightingHeader = LightingHeader.accumulateFrom(json.colors); - const colors = concatUint8Arrays(json.colors.map((color) => { - return Color.accumulateFrom(color, "bgra"); - })); - return concatUint8Arrays([header, lights, lightingHeader, colors]); - } - }; - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/ftl/Face.js - var ArxFaceType; - (function(ArxFaceType2) { - ArxFaceType2[ArxFaceType2["Flat"] = 0] = "Flat"; - ArxFaceType2[ArxFaceType2["Text"] = 1] = "Text"; - ArxFaceType2[ArxFaceType2["DoubleSided"] = 2] = "DoubleSided"; - })(ArxFaceType || (ArxFaceType = {})); - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/amb/Setting.js - var ArxSettingFlag; - (function(ArxSettingFlag2) { - ArxSettingFlag2[ArxSettingFlag2["None"] = 0] = "None"; - ArxSettingFlag2[ArxSettingFlag2["Random"] = 1] = "Random"; - ArxSettingFlag2[ArxSettingFlag2["Interpolate"] = 2] = "Interpolate"; - })(ArxSettingFlag || (ArxSettingFlag = {})); - - // node_modules/arx-convert/dist/amb/Track.js - var ArxTrackFlags; - (function(ArxTrackFlags2) { - ArxTrackFlags2[ArxTrackFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; - ArxTrackFlags2[ArxTrackFlags2["Position"] = 1] = "Position"; - ArxTrackFlags2[ArxTrackFlags2["Master"] = 4] = "Master"; - ArxTrackFlags2[ArxTrackFlags2["Paused"] = 16] = "Paused"; - ArxTrackFlags2[ArxTrackFlags2["Prefetched"] = 32] = "Prefetched"; - })(ArxTrackFlags || (ArxTrackFlags = {})); - - // src/index.ts - var import_jszip = __toESM(require_jszip_min(), 1); - - // src/functions.ts - function downloadAs(filename, data) { - const link = document.createElement("a"); - link.setAttribute("href", data); - link.setAttribute("download", filename); - link.style.display = "none"; - document.body.append(link); - link.click(); - link.remove(); - } - function downloadBinaryAs(filename, data, mimeType) { - let url; - if (mimeType === void 0) { - url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data])); - } else { - url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], { type: mimeType })); - } - downloadAs(filename, url); - URL.revokeObjectURL(url); - } - function concatArrayBuffers2(buffers) { - if (buffers.length === 0) { - return new ArrayBuffer(0); - } - const totalLength = buffers.reduce((sum, buffer) => { - return sum + buffer.byteLength; - }, 0); - const combinedBuffer = new Uint8Array(totalLength); - let offset = 0; - buffers.forEach((buffer) => { - combinedBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), offset); - offset = offset + buffer.byteLength; - }); - return combinedBuffer.buffer; - } - function times2(fn, repetitions) { - return Array.from({ length: repetitions }).map((value, index) => { - return fn(index); - }); - } - - // src/index.ts - 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self<"u"?self:this).JSZip=i()})(function(){return function i(t,e,n){function r(o,c){if(!e[o]){if(!t[o]){var l=typeof Ur=="function"&&Ur;if(!c&&l)return l(o,!0);if(s)return s(o,!0);var u=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw u.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",u}var h=e[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(h.exports,function(f){var d=t[o][1][f];return r(d||f)},h,h.exports,i,t,e,n)}return e[o].exports}for(var s=typeof Ur=="function"&&Ur,a=0;a>2,h=(3&o)<<4|c>>4,f=1>6:64,d=2>4,c=(15&u)<<4|(h=s.indexOf(a.charAt(d++)))>>2,l=(3&h)<<6|(f=s.indexOf(a.charAt(d++))),m[_++]=o,h!==64&&(m[_++]=c),f!==64&&(m[_++]=l);return m}},{"./support":30,"./utils":32}],2:[function(i,t,e){"use strict";var n=i("./external"),r=i("./stream/DataWorker"),s=i("./stream/Crc32Probe"),a=i("./stream/DataLengthProbe");function o(c,l,u,h,f){this.compressedSize=c,this.uncompressedSize=l,this.crc32=u,this.compression=h,this.compressedContent=f}o.prototype={getContentWorker:function(){var c=new r(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new a("data_length")),l=this;return c.on("end",function(){if(this.streamInfo.data_length!==l.uncompressedSize)throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch")}),c},getCompressedWorker:function(){return new r(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).withStreamInfo("compressedSize",this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize",this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32",this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression",this.compression)}},o.createWorkerFrom=function(c,l,u){return c.pipe(new s).pipe(new a("uncompressedSize")).pipe(l.compressWorker(u)).pipe(new a("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression",l)},t.exports=o},{"./external":6,"./stream/Crc32Probe":25,"./stream/DataLengthProbe":26,"./stream/DataWorker":27}],3:[function(i,t,e){"use strict";var n=i("./stream/GenericWorker");e.STORE={magic:"\0\0",compressWorker:function(){return new n("STORE 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Uint8Array<"u"&&typeof Uint16Array<"u"&&typeof Uint32Array<"u",r=i("pako"),s=i("./utils"),a=i("./stream/GenericWorker"),o=n?"uint8array":"array";function c(l,u){a.call(this,"FlateWorker/"+l),this._pako=null,this._pakoAction=l,this._pakoOptions=u,this.meta={}}e.magic="\b\0",s.inherits(c,a),c.prototype.processChunk=function(l){this.meta=l.meta,this._pako===null&&this._createPako(),this._pako.push(s.transformTo(o,l.data),!1)},c.prototype.flush=function(){a.prototype.flush.call(this),this._pako===null&&this._createPako(),this._pako.push([],!0)},c.prototype.cleanUp=function(){a.prototype.cleanUp.call(this),this._pako=null},c.prototype._createPako=function(){this._pako=new r[this._pakoAction]({raw:!0,level:this._pakoOptions.level||-1});var l=this;this._pako.onData=function(u){l.push({data:u,meta:l.meta})}},e.compressWorker=function(l){return new c("Deflate",l)},e.uncompressWorker=function(){return new c("Inflate",{})}},{"./stream/GenericWorker":28,"./utils":32,pako:38}],8:[function(i,t,e){"use strict";function n(h,f){var d,_="";for(d=0;d>>=8;return _}function r(h,f,d,_,g,m){var p,w,b=h.file,M=h.compression,D=m!==o.utf8encode,P=s.transformTo("string",m(b.name)),E=s.transformTo("string",o.utf8encode(b.name)),U=b.comment,T=s.transformTo("string",m(U)),x=s.transformTo("string",o.utf8encode(U)),C=E.length!==b.name.length,y=x.length!==U.length,O="",q="",H="",$=b.dir,X=b.date,Z={crc32:0,compressedSize:0,uncompressedSize:0};f&&!d||(Z.crc32=h.crc32,Z.compressedSize=h.compressedSize,Z.uncompressedSize=h.uncompressedSize);var k=0;f&&(k|=8),D||!C&&!y||(k|=2048);var N=0,ut=0;$&&(N|=16),g==="UNIX"?(ut=798,N|=function(ct,rt){var pt=ct;return ct||(pt=rt?16893:33204),(65535&pt)<<16}(b.unixPermissions,$)):(ut=20,N|=function(ct){return 63&(ct||0)}(b.dosPermissions)),p=X.getUTCHours(),p<<=6,p|=X.getUTCMinutes(),p<<=5,p|=X.getUTCSeconds()/2,w=X.getUTCFullYear()-1980,w<<=4,w|=X.getUTCMonth()+1,w<<=5,w|=X.getUTCDate(),C&&(q=n(1,1)+n(c(P),4)+E,O+="up"+n(q.length,2)+q),y&&(H=n(1,1)+n(c(T),4)+x,O+="uc"+n(H.length,2)+H);var ht="";return ht+=` +\0`,ht+=n(k,2),ht+=M.magic,ht+=n(p,2),ht+=n(w,2),ht+=n(Z.crc32,4),ht+=n(Z.compressedSize,4),ht+=n(Z.uncompressedSize,4),ht+=n(P.length,2),ht+=n(O.length,2),{fileRecord:l.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER+ht+P+O,dirRecord:l.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER+n(ut,2)+ht+n(T.length,2)+"\0\0\0\0"+n(N,4)+n(_,4)+P+O+T}}var s=i("../utils"),a=i("../stream/GenericWorker"),o=i("../utf8"),c=i("../crc32"),l=i("../signature");function u(h,f,d,_){a.call(this,"ZipFileWorker"),this.bytesWritten=0,this.zipComment=f,this.zipPlatform=d,this.encodeFileName=_,this.streamFiles=h,this.accumulate=!1,this.contentBuffer=[],this.dirRecords=[],this.currentSourceOffset=0,this.entriesCount=0,this.currentFile=null,this._sources=[]}s.inherits(u,a),u.prototype.push=function(h){var f=h.meta.percent||0,d=this.entriesCount,_=this._sources.length;this.accumulate?this.contentBuffer.push(h):(this.bytesWritten+=h.data.length,a.prototype.push.call(this,{data:h.data,meta:{currentFile:this.currentFile,percent:d?(f+100*(d-_-1))/d:100}}))},u.prototype.openedSource=function(h){this.currentSourceOffset=this.bytesWritten,this.currentFile=h.file.name;var f=this.streamFiles&&!h.file.dir;if(f){var d=r(h,f,!1,this.currentSourceOffset,this.zipPlatform,this.encodeFileName);this.push({data:d.fileRecord,meta:{percent:0}})}else this.accumulate=!0},u.prototype.closedSource=function(h){this.accumulate=!1;var 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Array(2*p);for(d=_=0;d>10&1023,w[_++]=56320|1023&g)}return w.length!==_&&(w.subarray?w=w.subarray(0,_):w.length=_),n.applyFromCharCode(w)}(h=n.transformTo(r.uint8array?"uint8array":"array",h))},n.inherits(l,a),l.prototype.processChunk=function(h){var f=n.transformTo(r.uint8array?"uint8array":"array",h.data);if(this.leftOver&&this.leftOver.length){if(r.uint8array){var d=f;(f=new Uint8Array(d.length+this.leftOver.length)).set(this.leftOver,0),f.set(d,this.leftOver.length)}else f=this.leftOver.concat(f);this.leftOver=null}var _=function(m,p){var w;for((p=p||m.length)>m.length&&(p=m.length),w=p-1;0<=w&&(192&m[w])==128;)w--;return w<0||w===0?p:w+o[m[w]]>p?w:p}(f),g=f;_!==f.length&&(r.uint8array?(g=f.subarray(0,_),this.leftOver=f.subarray(_,f.length)):(g=f.slice(0,_),this.leftOver=f.slice(_,f.length))),this.push({data:e.utf8decode(g),meta:h.meta})},l.prototype.flush=function(){this.leftOver&&this.leftOver.length&&(this.push({data:e.utf8decode(this.leftOver),meta:{}}),this.leftOver=null)},e.Utf8DecodeWorker=l,n.inherits(u,a),u.prototype.processChunk=function(h){this.push({data:e.utf8encode(h.data),meta:h.meta})},e.Utf8EncodeWorker=u},{"./nodejsUtils":14,"./stream/GenericWorker":28,"./support":30,"./utils":32}],32:[function(i,t,e){"use strict";var n=i("./support"),r=i("./base64"),s=i("./nodejsUtils"),a=i("./external");function o(d){return d}function c(d,_){for(var g=0;g>8;this.dir=!!(16&this.externalFileAttributes),h==0&&(this.dosPermissions=63&this.externalFileAttributes),h==3&&(this.unixPermissions=this.externalFileAttributes>>16&65535),this.dir||this.fileNameStr.slice(-1)!=="/"||(this.dir=!0)},parseZIP64ExtraField:function(){if(this.extraFields[1]){var h=n(this.extraFields[1].value);this.uncompressedSize===r.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.uncompressedSize=h.readInt(8)),this.compressedSize===r.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.compressedSize=h.readInt(8)),this.localHeaderOffset===r.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.localHeaderOffset=h.readInt(8)),this.diskNumberStart===r.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.diskNumberStart=h.readInt(4))}},readExtraFields:function(h){var f,d,_,g=h.index+this.extraFieldsLength;for(this.extraFields||(this.extraFields={});h.index+4>>6:(h<65536?u[_++]=224|h>>>12:(u[_++]=240|h>>>18,u[_++]=128|h>>>12&63),u[_++]=128|h>>>6&63),u[_++]=128|63&h);return u},e.buf2binstring=function(l){return c(l,l.length)},e.binstring2buf=function(l){for(var u=new n.Buf8(l.length),h=0,f=u.length;h>10&1023,m[f++]=56320|1023&d)}return c(m,f)},e.utf8border=function(l,u){var h;for((u=u||l.length)>l.length&&(u=l.length),h=u-1;0<=h&&(192&l[h])==128;)h--;return h<0||h===0?u:h+a[l[h]]>u?h:u}},{"./common":41}],43:[function(i,t,e){"use strict";t.exports=function(n,r,s,a){for(var o=65535&n|0,c=n>>>16&65535|0,l=0;s!==0;){for(s-=l=2e3>>1:r>>>1;s[a]=r}return s}();t.exports=function(r,s,a,o){var c=n,l=o+a;r^=-1;for(var u=o;u>>8^c[255&(r^s[u])];return-1^r}},{}],46:[function(i,t,e){"use strict";var n,r=i("../utils/common"),s=i("./trees"),a=i("./adler32"),o=i("./crc32"),c=i("./messages"),l=0,u=4,h=0,f=-2,d=-1,_=4,g=2,m=8,p=9,w=286,b=30,M=19,D=2*w+1,P=15,E=3,U=258,T=U+E+1,x=42,C=113,y=1,O=2,q=3,H=4;function $(v,it){return v.msg=c[it],it}function X(v){return(v<<1)-(4v.avail_out&&(I=v.avail_out),I!==0&&(r.arraySet(v.output,it.pending_buf,it.pending_out,I,v.next_out),v.next_out+=I,it.pending_out+=I,v.total_out+=I,v.avail_out-=I,it.pending-=I,it.pending===0&&(it.pending_out=0))}function N(v,it){s._tr_flush_block(v,0<=v.block_start?v.block_start:-1,v.strstart-v.block_start,it),v.block_start=v.strstart,k(v.strm)}function ut(v,it){v.pending_buf[v.pending++]=it}function ht(v,it){v.pending_buf[v.pending++]=it>>>8&255,v.pending_buf[v.pending++]=255&it}function ct(v,it){var I,F,L=v.max_chain_length,z=v.strstart,Q=v.prev_length,at=v.nice_match,V=v.strstart>v.w_size-T?v.strstart-(v.w_size-T):0,A=v.window,S=v.w_mask,B=v.prev,j=v.strstart+U,ot=A[z+Q-1],tt=A[z+Q];v.prev_length>=v.good_match&&(L>>=2),at>v.lookahead&&(at=v.lookahead);do if(A[(I=it)+Q]===tt&&A[I+Q-1]===ot&&A[I]===A[z]&&A[++I]===A[z+1]){z+=2,I++;do;while(A[++z]===A[++I]&&A[++z]===A[++I]&&A[++z]===A[++I]&&A[++z]===A[++I]&&A[++z]===A[++I]&&A[++z]===A[++I]&&A[++z]===A[++I]&&A[++z]===A[++I]&&zV&&--L!=0);return Q<=v.lookahead?Q:v.lookahead}function rt(v){var it,I,F,L,z,Q,at,V,A,S,B=v.w_size;do{if(L=v.window_size-v.lookahead-v.strstart,v.strstart>=B+(B-T)){for(r.arraySet(v.window,v.window,B,B,0),v.match_start-=B,v.strstart-=B,v.block_start-=B,it=I=v.hash_size;F=v.head[--it],v.head[it]=B<=F?F-B:0,--I;);for(it=I=B;F=v.prev[--it],v.prev[it]=B<=F?F-B:0,--I;);L+=B}if(v.strm.avail_in===0)break;if(Q=v.strm,at=v.window,V=v.strstart+v.lookahead,A=L,S=void 0,S=Q.avail_in,A=E)for(z=v.strstart-v.insert,v.ins_h=v.window[z],v.ins_h=(v.ins_h<=E&&(v.ins_h=(v.ins_h<=E)if(F=s._tr_tally(v,v.strstart-v.match_start,v.match_length-E),v.lookahead-=v.match_length,v.match_length<=v.max_lazy_match&&v.lookahead>=E){for(v.match_length--;v.strstart++,v.ins_h=(v.ins_h<=E&&(v.ins_h=(v.ins_h<=E&&v.match_length<=v.prev_length){for(L=v.strstart+v.lookahead-E,F=s._tr_tally(v,v.strstart-1-v.prev_match,v.prev_length-E),v.lookahead-=v.prev_length-1,v.prev_length-=2;++v.strstart<=L&&(v.ins_h=(v.ins_h<v.pending_buf_size-5&&(I=v.pending_buf_size-5);;){if(v.lookahead<=1){if(rt(v),v.lookahead===0&&it===l)return y;if(v.lookahead===0)break}v.strstart+=v.lookahead,v.lookahead=0;var F=v.block_start+I;if((v.strstart===0||v.strstart>=F)&&(v.lookahead=v.strstart-F,v.strstart=F,N(v,!1),v.strm.avail_out===0)||v.strstart-v.block_start>=v.w_size-T&&(N(v,!1),v.strm.avail_out===0))return y}return v.insert=0,it===u?(N(v,!0),v.strm.avail_out===0?q:H):(v.strstart>v.block_start&&(N(v,!1),v.strm.avail_out),y)}),new ft(4,4,8,4,pt),new ft(4,5,16,8,pt),new ft(4,6,32,32,pt),new ft(4,4,16,16,mt),new ft(8,16,32,32,mt),new ft(8,16,128,128,mt),new ft(8,32,128,256,mt),new ft(32,128,258,1024,mt),new ft(32,258,258,4096,mt)],e.deflateInit=function(v,it){return Yt(v,it,m,15,8,0)},e.deflateInit2=Yt,e.deflateReset=Ft,e.deflateResetKeep=It,e.deflateSetHeader=function(v,it){return v&&v.state?v.state.wrap!==2?f:(v.state.gzhead=it,h):f},e.deflate=function(v,it){var I,F,L,z;if(!v||!v.state||5>8&255),ut(F,F.gzhead.time>>16&255),ut(F,F.gzhead.time>>24&255),ut(F,F.level===9?2:2<=F.strategy||F.level<2?4:0),ut(F,255&F.gzhead.os),F.gzhead.extra&&F.gzhead.extra.length&&(ut(F,255&F.gzhead.extra.length),ut(F,F.gzhead.extra.length>>8&255)),F.gzhead.hcrc&&(v.adler=o(v.adler,F.pending_buf,F.pending,0)),F.gzindex=0,F.status=69):(ut(F,0),ut(F,0),ut(F,0),ut(F,0),ut(F,0),ut(F,F.level===9?2:2<=F.strategy||F.level<2?4:0),ut(F,3),F.status=C);else{var Q=m+(F.w_bits-8<<4)<<8;Q|=(2<=F.strategy||F.level<2?0:F.level<6?1:F.level===6?2:3)<<6,F.strstart!==0&&(Q|=32),Q+=31-Q%31,F.status=C,ht(F,Q),F.strstart!==0&&(ht(F,v.adler>>>16),ht(F,65535&v.adler)),v.adler=1}if(F.status===69)if(F.gzhead.extra){for(L=F.pending;F.gzindex<(65535&F.gzhead.extra.length)&&(F.pending!==F.pending_buf_size||(F.gzhead.hcrc&&F.pending>L&&(v.adler=o(v.adler,F.pending_buf,F.pending-L,L)),k(v),L=F.pending,F.pending!==F.pending_buf_size));)ut(F,255&F.gzhead.extra[F.gzindex]),F.gzindex++;F.gzhead.hcrc&&F.pending>L&&(v.adler=o(v.adler,F.pending_buf,F.pending-L,L)),F.gzindex===F.gzhead.extra.length&&(F.gzindex=0,F.status=73)}else F.status=73;if(F.status===73)if(F.gzhead.name){L=F.pending;do{if(F.pending===F.pending_buf_size&&(F.gzhead.hcrc&&F.pending>L&&(v.adler=o(v.adler,F.pending_buf,F.pending-L,L)),k(v),L=F.pending,F.pending===F.pending_buf_size)){z=1;break}z=F.gzindexL&&(v.adler=o(v.adler,F.pending_buf,F.pending-L,L)),z===0&&(F.gzindex=0,F.status=91)}else F.status=91;if(F.status===91)if(F.gzhead.comment){L=F.pending;do{if(F.pending===F.pending_buf_size&&(F.gzhead.hcrc&&F.pending>L&&(v.adler=o(v.adler,F.pending_buf,F.pending-L,L)),k(v),L=F.pending,F.pending===F.pending_buf_size)){z=1;break}z=F.gzindexL&&(v.adler=o(v.adler,F.pending_buf,F.pending-L,L)),z===0&&(F.status=103)}else F.status=103;if(F.status===103&&(F.gzhead.hcrc?(F.pending+2>F.pending_buf_size&&k(v),F.pending+2<=F.pending_buf_size&&(ut(F,255&v.adler),ut(F,v.adler>>8&255),v.adler=0,F.status=C)):F.status=C),F.pending!==0){if(k(v),v.avail_out===0)return F.last_flush=-1,h}else if(v.avail_in===0&&X(it)<=X(I)&&it!==u)return $(v,-5);if(F.status===666&&v.avail_in!==0)return $(v,-5);if(v.avail_in!==0||F.lookahead!==0||it!==l&&F.status!==666){var at=F.strategy===2?function(V,A){for(var S;;){if(V.lookahead===0&&(rt(V),V.lookahead===0)){if(A===l)return y;break}if(V.match_length=0,S=s._tr_tally(V,0,V.window[V.strstart]),V.lookahead--,V.strstart++,S&&(N(V,!1),V.strm.avail_out===0))return y}return V.insert=0,A===u?(N(V,!0),V.strm.avail_out===0?q:H):V.last_lit&&(N(V,!1),V.strm.avail_out===0)?y:O}(F,it):F.strategy===3?function(V,A){for(var S,B,j,ot,tt=V.window;;){if(V.lookahead<=U){if(rt(V),V.lookahead<=U&&A===l)return y;if(V.lookahead===0)break}if(V.match_length=0,V.lookahead>=E&&0V.lookahead&&(V.match_length=V.lookahead)}if(V.match_length>=E?(S=s._tr_tally(V,1,V.match_length-E),V.lookahead-=V.match_length,V.strstart+=V.match_length,V.match_length=0):(S=s._tr_tally(V,0,V.window[V.strstart]),V.lookahead--,V.strstart++),S&&(N(V,!1),V.strm.avail_out===0))return y}return V.insert=0,A===u?(N(V,!0),V.strm.avail_out===0?q:H):V.last_lit&&(N(V,!1),V.strm.avail_out===0)?y:O}(F,it):n[F.level].func(F,it);if(at!==q&&at!==H||(F.status=666),at===y||at===q)return v.avail_out===0&&(F.last_flush=-1),h;if(at===O&&(it===1?s._tr_align(F):it!==5&&(s._tr_stored_block(F,0,0,!1),it===3&&(Z(F.head),F.lookahead===0&&(F.strstart=0,F.block_start=0,F.insert=0))),k(v),v.avail_out===0))return F.last_flush=-1,h}return it!==u?h:F.wrap<=0?1:(F.wrap===2?(ut(F,255&v.adler),ut(F,v.adler>>8&255),ut(F,v.adler>>16&255),ut(F,v.adler>>24&255),ut(F,255&v.total_in),ut(F,v.total_in>>8&255),ut(F,v.total_in>>16&255),ut(F,v.total_in>>24&255)):(ht(F,v.adler>>>16),ht(F,65535&v.adler)),k(v),0=I.w_size&&(z===0&&(Z(I.head),I.strstart=0,I.block_start=0,I.insert=0),A=new r.Buf8(I.w_size),r.arraySet(A,it,S-I.w_size,I.w_size,0),it=A,S=I.w_size),Q=v.avail_in,at=v.next_in,V=v.input,v.avail_in=S,v.next_in=0,v.input=it,rt(I);I.lookahead>=E;){for(F=I.strstart,L=I.lookahead-(E-1);I.ins_h=(I.ins_h<>>=E=P>>>24,p-=E,(E=P>>>16&255)===0)O[c++]=65535&P;else{if(!(16&E)){if(!(64&E)){P=w[(65535&P)+(m&(1<>>=E,p-=E),p<15&&(m+=y[a++]<>>=E=P>>>24,p-=E,!(16&(E=P>>>16&255))){if(!(64&E)){P=b[(65535&P)+(m&(1<>>=E,p-=E,(E=c-l)>3,m&=(1<<(p-=U<<3))-1,n.next_in=a,n.next_out=c,n.avail_in=a>>24&255)+(x>>>8&65280)+((65280&x)<<8)+((255&x)<<24)}function m(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,this.total=0,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,this.next=null,this.lens=new n.Buf16(320),this.work=new n.Buf16(288),this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}function p(x){var C;return x&&x.state?(C=x.state,x.total_in=x.total_out=C.total=0,x.msg="",C.wrap&&(x.adler=1&C.wrap),C.mode=f,C.last=0,C.havedict=0,C.dmax=32768,C.head=null,C.hold=0,C.bits=0,C.lencode=C.lendyn=new n.Buf32(d),C.distcode=C.distdyn=new n.Buf32(_),C.sane=1,C.back=-1,u):h}function w(x){var C;return x&&x.state?((C=x.state).wsize=0,C.whave=0,C.wnext=0,p(x)):h}function b(x,C){var y,O;return x&&x.state?(O=x.state,C<0?(y=0,C=-C):(y=1+(C>>4),C<48&&(C&=15)),C&&(C<8||15=H.wsize?(n.arraySet(H.window,C,y-H.wsize,H.wsize,0),H.wnext=0,H.whave=H.wsize):(O<(q=H.wsize-H.wnext)&&(q=O),n.arraySet(H.window,C,y-O,q,H.wnext),(O-=q)?(n.arraySet(H.window,C,y-O,O,0),H.wnext=O,H.whave=H.wsize):(H.wnext+=q,H.wnext===H.wsize&&(H.wnext=0),H.whave>>8&255,y.check=s(y.check,z,2,0),N=k=0,y.mode=2;break}if(y.flags=0,y.head&&(y.head.done=!1),!(1&y.wrap)||(((255&k)<<8)+(k>>8))%31){x.msg="incorrect header check",y.mode=30;break}if((15&k)!=8){x.msg="unknown compression method",y.mode=30;break}if(N-=4,v=8+(15&(k>>>=4)),y.wbits===0)y.wbits=v;else if(v>y.wbits){x.msg="invalid window size",y.mode=30;break}y.dmax=1<>8&1),512&y.flags&&(z[0]=255&k,z[1]=k>>>8&255,y.check=s(y.check,z,2,0)),N=k=0,y.mode=3;case 3:for(;N<32;){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>8&255,z[2]=k>>>16&255,z[3]=k>>>24&255,y.check=s(y.check,z,4,0)),N=k=0,y.mode=4;case 4:for(;N<16;){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>8),512&y.flags&&(z[0]=255&k,z[1]=k>>>8&255,y.check=s(y.check,z,2,0)),N=k=0,y.mode=5;case 5:if(1024&y.flags){for(;N<16;){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>8&255,y.check=s(y.check,z,2,0)),N=k=0}else y.head&&(y.head.extra=null);y.mode=6;case 6:if(1024&y.flags&&(X<(ct=y.length)&&(ct=X),ct&&(y.head&&(v=y.head.extra_len-y.length,y.head.extra||(y.head.extra=new Array(y.head.extra_len)),n.arraySet(y.head.extra,O,H,ct,v)),512&y.flags&&(y.check=s(y.check,O,ct,H)),X-=ct,H+=ct,y.length-=ct),y.length))break t;y.length=0,y.mode=7;case 7:if(2048&y.flags){if(X===0)break t;for(ct=0;v=O[H+ct++],y.head&&v&&y.length<65536&&(y.head.name+=String.fromCharCode(v)),v&&ct>9&1,y.head.done=!0),x.adler=y.check=0,y.mode=12;break;case 10:for(;N<32;){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>=7&N,N-=7&N,y.mode=27;break}for(;N<3;){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>=1)){case 0:y.mode=14;break;case 1:if(U(y),y.mode=20,C!==6)break;k>>>=2,N-=2;break t;case 2:y.mode=17;break;case 3:x.msg="invalid block type",y.mode=30}k>>>=2,N-=2;break;case 14:for(k>>>=7&N,N-=7&N;N<32;){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>16^65535)){x.msg="invalid stored block lengths",y.mode=30;break}if(y.length=65535&k,N=k=0,y.mode=15,C===6)break t;case 15:y.mode=16;case 16:if(ct=y.length){if(X>>=5,N-=5,y.ndist=1+(31&k),k>>>=5,N-=5,y.ncode=4+(15&k),k>>>=4,N-=4,286>>=3,N-=3}for(;y.have<19;)y.lens[Q[y.have++]]=0;if(y.lencode=y.lendyn,y.lenbits=7,I={bits:y.lenbits},it=o(0,y.lens,0,19,y.lencode,0,y.work,I),y.lenbits=I.bits,it){x.msg="invalid code lengths set",y.mode=30;break}y.have=0,y.mode=19;case 19:for(;y.have>>16&255,At=65535&L,!((mt=L>>>24)<=N);){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>=mt,N-=mt,y.lens[y.have++]=At;else{if(At===16){for(F=mt+2;N>>=mt,N-=mt,y.have===0){x.msg="invalid bit length repeat",y.mode=30;break}v=y.lens[y.have-1],ct=3+(3&k),k>>>=2,N-=2}else if(At===17){for(F=mt+3;N>>=mt)),k>>>=3,N-=3}else{for(F=mt+7;N>>=mt)),k>>>=7,N-=7}if(y.have+ct>y.nlen+y.ndist){x.msg="invalid bit length repeat",y.mode=30;break}for(;ct--;)y.lens[y.have++]=v}}if(y.mode===30)break;if(y.lens[256]===0){x.msg="invalid code -- missing end-of-block",y.mode=30;break}if(y.lenbits=9,I={bits:y.lenbits},it=o(c,y.lens,0,y.nlen,y.lencode,0,y.work,I),y.lenbits=I.bits,it){x.msg="invalid literal/lengths set",y.mode=30;break}if(y.distbits=6,y.distcode=y.distdyn,I={bits:y.distbits},it=o(l,y.lens,y.nlen,y.ndist,y.distcode,0,y.work,I),y.distbits=I.bits,it){x.msg="invalid distances set",y.mode=30;break}if(y.mode=20,C===6)break t;case 20:y.mode=21;case 21:if(6<=X&&258<=Z){x.next_out=$,x.avail_out=Z,x.next_in=H,x.avail_in=X,y.hold=k,y.bits=N,a(x,ht),$=x.next_out,q=x.output,Z=x.avail_out,H=x.next_in,O=x.input,X=x.avail_in,k=y.hold,N=y.bits,y.mode===12&&(y.back=-1);break}for(y.back=0;ft=(L=y.lencode[k&(1<>>16&255,At=65535&L,!((mt=L>>>24)<=N);){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>It)])>>>16&255,At=65535&L,!(It+(mt=L>>>24)<=N);){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>=It,N-=It,y.back+=It}if(k>>>=mt,N-=mt,y.back+=mt,y.length=At,ft===0){y.mode=26;break}if(32&ft){y.back=-1,y.mode=12;break}if(64&ft){x.msg="invalid literal/length code",y.mode=30;break}y.extra=15&ft,y.mode=22;case 22:if(y.extra){for(F=y.extra;N>>=y.extra,N-=y.extra,y.back+=y.extra}y.was=y.length,y.mode=23;case 23:for(;ft=(L=y.distcode[k&(1<>>16&255,At=65535&L,!((mt=L>>>24)<=N);){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>It)])>>>16&255,At=65535&L,!(It+(mt=L>>>24)<=N);){if(X===0)break t;X--,k+=O[H++]<>>=It,N-=It,y.back+=It}if(k>>>=mt,N-=mt,y.back+=mt,64&ft){x.msg="invalid distance code",y.mode=30;break}y.offset=At,y.extra=15&ft,y.mode=24;case 24:if(y.extra){for(F=y.extra;N>>=y.extra,N-=y.extra,y.back+=y.extra}if(y.offset>y.dmax){x.msg="invalid distance too far back",y.mode=30;break}y.mode=25;case 25:if(Z===0)break t;if(ct=ht-Z,y.offset>ct){if((ct=y.offset-ct)>y.whave&&y.sane){x.msg="invalid distance too far back",y.mode=30;break}rt=ct>y.wnext?(ct-=y.wnext,y.wsize-ct):y.wnext-ct,ct>y.length&&(ct=y.length),pt=y.window}else pt=q,rt=$-y.offset,ct=y.length;for(ZD?(E=rt[pt+_[C]],N[ut+_[C]]):(E=96,0),m=1<>$)+(p-=m)]=P<<24|E<<16|U|0,p!==0;);for(m=1<>=1;if(m!==0?(k&=m-1,k+=m):k=0,C++,--ht[x]==0){if(x===O)break;x=l[u+_[C]]}if(q>>7)]}function ut(L,z){L.pending_buf[L.pending++]=255&z,L.pending_buf[L.pending++]=z>>>8&255}function ht(L,z,Q){L.bi_valid>g-Q?(L.bi_buf|=z<>g-L.bi_valid,L.bi_valid+=Q-g):(L.bi_buf|=z<>>=1,Q<<=1,0<--z;);return Q>>>1}function pt(L,z,Q){var at,V,A=new Array(_+1),S=0;for(at=1;at<=_;at++)A[at]=S=S+Q[at-1]<<1;for(V=0;V<=z;V++){var B=L[2*V+1];B!==0&&(L[2*V]=rt(A[B]++,B))}}function mt(L){var z;for(z=0;z>1;1<=Q;Q--)It(L,A,Q);for(V=j;Q=L.heap[1],L.heap[1]=L.heap[L.heap_len--],It(L,A,1),at=L.heap[1],L.heap[--L.heap_max]=Q,L.heap[--L.heap_max]=at,A[2*V]=A[2*Q]+A[2*at],L.depth[V]=(L.depth[Q]>=L.depth[at]?L.depth[Q]:L.depth[at])+1,A[2*Q+1]=A[2*at+1]=V,L.heap[1]=V++,It(L,A,1),2<=L.heap_len;);L.heap[--L.heap_max]=L.heap[1],function(tt,wt){var yt,vt,Wt,lt,Et,Lt,Pt=wt.dyn_tree,Tt=wt.max_code,qt=wt.stat_desc.static_tree,zt=wt.stat_desc.has_stree,oe=wt.stat_desc.extra_bits,W=wt.stat_desc.extra_base,xt=wt.stat_desc.max_length,st=0;for(lt=0;lt<=_;lt++)tt.bl_count[lt]=0;for(Pt[2*tt.heap[tt.heap_max]+1]=0,yt=tt.heap_max+1;yt>=7;V>>=1)if(1&ot&&B.dyn_ltree[2*j]!==0)return r;if(B.dyn_ltree[18]!==0||B.dyn_ltree[20]!==0||B.dyn_ltree[26]!==0)return s;for(j=32;j>>3,(A=L.static_len+3+7>>>3)<=V&&(V=A)):V=A=Q+5,Q+4<=V&&z!==-1?F(L,z,Q,at):L.strategy===4||A===V?(ht(L,2+(at?1:0),3),Ft(L,T,x)):(ht(L,4+(at?1:0),3),function(B,j,ot,tt){var wt;for(ht(B,j-257,5),ht(B,ot-1,5),ht(B,tt-4,4),wt=0;wt>>8&255,L.pending_buf[L.d_buf+2*L.last_lit+1]=255&z,L.pending_buf[L.l_buf+L.last_lit]=255&Q,L.last_lit++,z===0?L.dyn_ltree[2*Q]++:(L.matches++,z--,L.dyn_ltree[2*(y[Q]+l+1)]++,L.dyn_dtree[2*N(z)]++),L.last_lit===L.lit_bufsize-1},e._tr_align=function(L){ht(L,2,3),ct(L,p,T),function(z){z.bi_valid===16?(ut(z,z.bi_buf),z.bi_buf=0,z.bi_valid=0):8<=z.bi_valid&&(z.pending_buf[z.pending++]=255&z.bi_buf,z.bi_buf>>=8,z.bi_valid-=8)}(L)}},{"../utils/common":41}],53:[function(i,t,e){"use strict";t.exports=function(){this.input=null,this.next_in=0,this.avail_in=0,this.total_in=0,this.output=null,this.next_out=0,this.avail_out=0,this.total_out=0,this.msg="",this.state=null,this.data_type=2,this.adler=0}},{}],54:[function(i,t,e){(function(n){(function(r,s){"use strict";if(!r.setImmediate){var a,o,c,l,u=1,h={},f=!1,d=r.document,_=Object.getPrototypeOf&&Object.getPrototypeOf(r);_=_&&_.setTimeout?_:r,a={}.toString.call(r.process)==="[object 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t=0;for(;this.startIndex>2;this.outputBits(this.distBits[a],this.distCodes[a]),this.outputBits(2,n&3)}else switch(this.dictionarySize){case"small":{let a=n>>4;this.outputBits(this.distBits[a],this.distCodes[a]),this.outputBits(4,this.dictionarySizeMask&n);break}case"medium":{let a=n>>5;this.outputBits(this.distBits[a],this.distCodes[a]),this.outputBits(5,this.dictionarySizeMask&n);break}case"large":{let a=n>>6;this.outputBits(this.distBits[a],this.distCodes[a]),this.outputBits(6,this.dictionarySizeMask&n);break}}this.startIndex=this.startIndex+e}this.dictionarySize==="small"&&this.startIndex>=1024?(this.inputBuffer=this.inputBuffer.slice(1024),this.startIndex=this.startIndex-1024):this.dictionarySize==="medium"&&this.startIndex>=2048?(this.inputBuffer=this.inputBuffer.slice(2048),this.startIndex=this.startIndex-2048):this.dictionarySize==="large"&&this.startIndex>=4096&&(this.inputBuffer=this.inputBuffer.slice(4096),this.startIndex=this.startIndex-4096)}this.inputBuffer=new ArrayBuffer(0)}this.streamEnded&&this.outputBits(this.nChBits.at(-1),this.nChCodes.at(-1))}isRepetitionFlushable(t,e){return t===0||t===2&&e>=256?!1:t>=8||this.startIndex+1>=this.inputBuffer.byteLength?!0:null}handleFirstTwoBytes(){let[t,e]=new Uint8Array(this.inputBuffer);this.outputBits(this.nChBits[t],this.nChCodes[t]),this.outputBits(this.nChBits[e],this.nChCodes[e]),this.startIndex=this.startIndex+2}setup(){let t=new ArrayBuffer(1),e=new Uint8Array(t);switch(this.compressionType){case"ascii":{for(let r=0;r<256;r++)this.nChBits[r]=Sc[r]+1,this.nChCodes[r]=wc[r]*2;e[0]=1;break}case"binary":{let r=0;for(let s=0;s<256;s++)this.nChBits[s]=9,this.nChCodes[s]=r,r=hi(r,16)+2;e[0]=0;break}}switch(this.outputBuffer=Xn([this.outputBuffer,t]),this.dictionarySize){case"small":{this.dictionarySizeMask=Hi(4),e[0]=4;break}case"medium":{this.dictionarySizeMask=Hi(5),e[0]=5;break}case"large":{this.dictionarySizeMask=Hi(6),e[0]=6;break}}this.outputBuffer=Xn([this.outputBuffer,t]);let n=256;for(let r=0;r<16;r++)for(let s=0;s<1<8&&(this.outputBits(8,e),e=e>>8,t=t-8);let{outBits:n}=this,r=new Uint8Array(this.outputBuffer);if(r[r.byteLength-1]=r[r.byteLength-1]|hi(e<8){this.outBits=hi(this.outBits,3),e=e>>8-n;let s=new ArrayBuffer(1),a=new Uint8Array(s);a[0]=hi(e,8),this.outputBuffer=Xn([this.outputBuffer,s])}else if(this.outBits=hi(this.outBits,3),this.outBits===0){let s=new ArrayBuffer(1),a=new Uint8Array(s);a[0]=0,this.outputBuffer=Xn([this.outputBuffer,s])}}};function ra(i,t,e){return new ia(t,e).handleData(i)}var sa=1.440000057220459,on=!0;var Ec="truncate zero bytes",Or="keep zero bytes",Fr=160,aa=160,oa=["\0","","","","","","","\x07","\b"," ",` +`,"\v","\f","\r","","","\0x10","\0x11","\0x12","\0x13","\0x14","\0x15","\0x16","\0x17","\0x18","\0x19","\0x1a","\0x1b","\0x1c","\0x1d","\0x1e","\0x1f"," ","!",'"',"#","$","%","&","'","(",")","*","+",",","-",".","/","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9",":",";","<","=",">","?","@","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","[","\\","]","^","_","`","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","{","|","}","~","\x7F","\x80","\x81","\x82","\x83","\x84","\x85","\x86","\x87","\x88","\x89","\x8A","\x8B","\x8C","\x8D","\x8E","\x8F","\x90","\x91","\x92","\x93","\x94","\x95","\x96","\x97","\x98","\x99","\x9A","\x9B","\x9C","\x9D","\x9E","\x9F","\xA0","\xA1","\xA2","\xA3","\xA4","\xA5","\xA6","\xA7","\xA8","\xA9","\xAA","\xAB","\xAC","\xAD","\xAE","\xAF","\xB0","\xB1","\xB2","\xB3","\xB4","\xB5","\xB6","\xB7","\xB8","\xB9","\xBA","\xBB","\xBC","\xBD","\xBE","\xBF","\xC0","\xC1","\xC2","\xC3","\xC4","\xC5","\xC6","\xC7","\xC8","\xC9","\xCA","\xCB","\xCC","\xCD","\xCE","\xCF","\xD0","\xD1","\xD2","\xD3","\xD4","\xD5","\xD6","\xD7","\xD8","\xD9","\xDA","\xDB","\xDC","\xDD","\xDE","\xDF","\xE0","\xE1","\xE2","\xE3","\xE4","\xE5","\xE6","\xE7","\xE8","\xE9","\xEA","\xEB","\xEC","\xED","\xEE","\xEF","\xF0","\xF1","\xF2","\xF3","\xF4","\xF5","\xF6","\xF7","\xF8","\xF9","\xFA","\xFB","\xFC","\xFD","\xFE","\xFF"],yh=bh(oa),ca=oa.indexOf(" "),vh=" ";function Sh(i){let t=i.length,e=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;for(;t>0;)t=t-1,i[t]>e&&(e=i[t]);return e}function wh(i){return i.filter((t,e,n)=>n.indexOf(t)===e)}function le(i,t){return Array.from({length:t}).map((e,n)=>i(n))}function Zt(i,t){let e=[];for(let n=0;n{t[e]=n}),t}function Mh(i){return i.map(e=>oa[e]??vh).join("")}function Ac(i){return[...i].map(e=>yh[e]??ca)}function Eh(i,t,e){return et?t:e}function Jt(i){if(i.length===0)return new Uint8Array(0);let t=i.reduce((r,s)=>r+s.length,0),e=new Uint8Array(t),n=0;return i.forEach(r=>{e.set(r,n),n=n+r.length}),e}var K=class i extends DataView{static sizeOfFloat32(){return 4}static sizeOfFloat32Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfFloat32()}static sizeOfInt8(){return 1}static sizeOfInt8Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfInt8()}static sizeOfInt16(){return 2}static sizeOfInt16Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfInt16()}static sizeOfInt32(){return 4}static sizeOfInt32Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfInt32()}static sizeOfUint8(){return 1}static sizeOfUint8Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfUint8()}static sizeOfUint16(){return 2}static sizeOfUint16Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfUint16()}static sizeOfUint32(){return 4}static sizeOfUint32Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfUint32()}static sizeOfString(t){return t}static sizeOfNullTerminatedString(t){return t.length+1}static sizeOfVector3(){return i.sizeOfFloat32Array(3)}static sizeOfVector3Array(t){return t*i.sizeOfVector3()}static sizeOfRotation(){return i.sizeOfFloat32Array(3)}static sizeOfQuat(){return i.sizeOfFloat32Array(4)}position;constructor(t,e,n){super(t.buffer,e,n),this.position=0}readFloat32(){let t=this.getFloat32(this.position,on);return this.position=this.position+i.sizeOfFloat32(),t}readFloat32Array(t){let e=[];for(let n=0;n{this.writeFloat32(e)})}writeInt8(t){this.setInt8(this.position,t),this.position=this.position+i.sizeOfInt8()}writeInt8Array(t){t.forEach(e=>{this.writeInt8(e)})}writeInt16(t){this.setInt16(this.position,t,on),this.position=this.position+i.sizeOfInt16()}writeInt16Array(t){t.forEach(e=>{this.writeInt16(e)})}writeInt32(t){this.setInt32(this.position,t,on),this.position=this.position+i.sizeOfInt32()}writeInt32Array(t){t.forEach(e=>{this.writeInt32(e)})}writeUint8(t){this.setUint8(this.position,t),this.position=this.position+i.sizeOfUint8()}writeUint8Array(t){t.forEach(e=>{this.writeUint8(e)})}writeUint16(t){this.setUint16(this.position,t,on),this.position=this.position+i.sizeOfUint16()}writeUint16Array(t){t.forEach(e=>{this.writeUint16(e)})}writeUint32(t){this.setUint32(this.position,t,on),this.position=this.position+i.sizeOfUint32()}writeUint32Array(t){t.forEach(e=>{this.writeUint32(e)})}readString(t,e=Ec){let n=[];if(t===void 0){let r=this.readUint8();for(;r!==0;)n.push(r),r=this.readUint8()}else{let r=!1;for(let s=0;s{this.writeUint8(n)}),this.writeUint8(0);else{let n=Zt(0,e);Ac(t).forEach((r,s)=>{n[s]=r}),n.forEach(r=>{this.writeUint8(r)})}}readVector3(){let[t,e,n]=this.readFloat32Array(3);return{x:t,y:e,z:n}}readVector3Array(t){let e=[];for(let n=0;n{this.writeVector3(e)})}readRotation(){let[t,e,n]=this.readFloat32Array(3);return{a:t,b:e,g:n}}writeRotation({a:t,b:e,g:n}){this.writeFloat32Array([t,e,n])}readQuat(){let[t,e,n,r]=this.readFloat32Array(4);return{x:e,y:n,z:r,w:t}}writeQuat({x:t,y:e,z:n,w:r}){this.writeFloat32Array([r,t,e,n])}writeBuffer(t){this.writeUint8Array(t)}};var Br=class i{static readFrom(t){t.readFloat32(),t.readString(16);let e={lastUser:t.readString(256),time:t.readInt32(),posEdit:t.readVector3(),angleEdit:t.readRotation()};t.readInt32();let n=t.readInt32();t.readInt32(),t.readInt32(),t.readInt32(),t.readInt32(),t.readInt32Array(256),t.readInt32();let r=t.readInt32(),s=t.readInt32();t.readInt32(),t.readInt32();let a=t.readInt32();return t.readInt32Array(250),t.readVector3(),t.readFloat32Array(253),t.readString(4096),t.readInt32Array(256),{...e,numberOfInteractiveObjects:n,numberOfFogs:r,numberOfBackgroundPolygons:s,numberOfZonesAndPaths:a}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeFloat32(sa),n.writeString("DANAE_FILE",16),n.writeString(t.header.lastUser,256),n.writeInt32(t.header.time),n.writeVector3(t.header.posEdit),n.writeRotation(t.header.angleEdit),n.writeInt32(1),n.writeInt32(t.interactiveObjects.length),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(12),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,256)),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(t.fogs.length),n.writeInt32(t.header.numberOfBackgroundPolygons),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(t.paths.length+t.zones.length),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,250)),n.writeVector3({x:0,y:0,z:0}),n.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,253)),n.writeString("",4096),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,256)),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfFloat32()+K.sizeOfString(272)+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfRotation()+K.sizeOfInt32Array(518)+K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(253)+K.sizeOfString(4096)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(256)}};var ne=class i{static readFrom(t,e){if(e==="bgra"){let[a,o,c,l]=t.readUint8Array(4);return{r:c,g:o,b:a,a:l/255}}if(e==="abgr"){let[a,o,c,l]=t.readUint8Array(4);return{r:l,g:c,b:o,a:a/255}}let[n,r,s]=t.readFloat32Array(3);return{r:n*255,g:r*255,b:s*255,a:1}}static accumulateFrom({r:t,g:e,b:n,a:r},s){let a=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf(s)),o=new K(a);return s==="bgra"?o.writeUint8Array([n,e,t,r*255]):s==="abgr"?o.writeUint8Array([r*255,n,e,t]):o.writeFloat32Array([t/255,e/255,n/255]),a}static sizeOf(t){return t==="rgb"?K.sizeOfFloat32Array(3):K.sizeOfUint8Array(4)}static get black(){return{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:1}}static get transparent(){return{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0}}};var Nr=class i{static readFrom(t){let e={pos:t.readVector3(),color:ne.readFrom(t,"rgb"),size:t.readFloat32(),special:t.readInt32(),scale:t.readFloat32(),move:t.readVector3(),angle:t.readRotation(),speed:t.readFloat32(),rotateSpeed:t.readFloat32(),toLive:t.readInt32()};t.readInt32();let n=t.readFloat32();return t.readFloat32Array(32),t.readInt32Array(32),t.readString(256),{...e,frequency:n}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeVector3(t.pos),n.writeBuffer(ne.accumulateFrom(t.color,"rgb")),n.writeFloat32(t.size),n.writeInt32(t.special),n.writeFloat32(t.scale),n.writeVector3(t.move),n.writeRotation(t.angle),n.writeFloat32(t.speed),n.writeFloat32(t.rotateSpeed),n.writeInt32(t.toLive),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeFloat32(t.frequency),n.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,32)),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,32)),n.writeString("",256),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfVector3()+ne.sizeOf("rgb")+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(2)+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfRotation()+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(3)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(2)+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(32)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(32)+K.sizeOfString(256)}};var zr=class i{static readFrom(t){let e={name:i.toRelativePath(t.readString(512)),pos:t.readVector3(),angle:t.readRotation(),identifier:t.readInt32()};return t.readInt32(),t.readInt32Array(14),t.readFloat32Array(16),e}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeString(i.toAbsolutePath(t.name),512),n.writeVector3(t.pos),n.writeRotation(t.angle),n.writeInt32(t.identifier),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,14)),n.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,16)),e}static toRelativePath(t){t=t.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\","/").split("graph/obj3d/interactive/")[1];let e=t.split("/"),r=e.pop().split(".");r.length>1&&r.pop();let s=e.join("/"),a=r.join(".");return s.split("/").at(-1)!==a?s+"/"+a+".asl":s}static toAbsolutePath(t){if(t=t.toLowerCase().replace(/\/$/,""),t.endsWith(".asl")){let r=t.split("/"),a=r.pop().split(".");a.length>1&&a.pop();let o=r.join("/"),c=a.join(".");return`c:\\arx\\graph\\obj3d\\interactive\\${o.replaceAll("/","\\")}\\${c}.teo`}let e=t,n=t.split("/").at(-1);return`c:\\arx\\graph\\obj3d\\interactive\\${e.replaceAll("/","\\")}\\${n}.teo`}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfString(512)+K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfRotation()+K.sizeOfInt32Array(16)+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(16)}};var mn;(function(i){i[i.None=0]="None",i[i.SetAmbience=2]="SetAmbience",i[i.SetBackgroundColor=4]="SetBackgroundColor",i[i.SetDrawDistance=8]="SetDrawDistance"})(mn||(mn={}));var Gi=class i{static readFrom(t){let e=t.readString(64);t.readInt16();let n=t.readInt16();t.readVector3();let r={pos:t.readVector3(),numberOfPoints:t.readInt32(),backgroundColor:ne.readFrom(t,"rgb"),drawDistance:t.readFloat32()};t.readFloat32();let s=t.readFloat32();t.readFloat32Array(26);let a=t.readInt32();t.readInt32Array(31);let o=t.readString(128);return t.readString(128),{name:e,flags:n,...r,ambienceMaxVolume:s,height:a,ambience:o}}static allocateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e),{pos:r}=t.points[0];n.writeString(t.name,64),n.writeInt16(0);let s=mn.None;return"backgroundColor"in t&&t.backgroundColor!==void 0&&(s=s|mn.SetBackgroundColor),"drawDistance"in t&&t.drawDistance!==void 0&&(s=s|mn.SetDrawDistance),"ambience"in t&&t.ambience!==void 0&&"ambienceMaxVolume"in t&&t.ambienceMaxVolume!==void 0&&(s=s|mn.SetAmbience),n.writeInt16(s),n.writeVector3(r),n.writeVector3(r),n.writeInt32(t.points.length),"backgroundColor"in t?n.writeBuffer(ne.accumulateFrom(t?.backgroundColor??ne.black,"rgb")):n.writeBuffer(ne.accumulateFrom(ne.black,"rgb")),"drawDistance"in t?n.writeFloat32(t?.drawDistance??2800):n.writeFloat32(2800),n.writeFloat32(0),"ambienceMaxVolume"in t?n.writeFloat32(t?.ambienceMaxVolume??100):n.writeFloat32(100),n.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,26)),"height"in t?n.writeInt32(t.height):n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,31)),"ambience"in t?n.writeString(t?.ambience??"NONE",128):n.writeString("NONE",128),n.writeString("",128),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfString(64)+K.sizeOfInt16Array(2)+K.sizeOfVector3Array(2)+K.sizeOfInt32()+ne.sizeOf("rgb")+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(29)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(32)+K.sizeOfString(256)}};var Ah;(function(i){i[i.Standard=0]="Standard",i[i.Bezier=1]="Bezier",i[i.BezierControlPoint=2]="BezierControlPoint"})(Ah||(Ah={}));var Wi=class i{static readFrom(t,e){let n=t.readVector3(),r={pos:{x:n.x+e.x,y:n.y+e.y,z:n.z+e.z},type:t.readInt32(),time:t.readUint32()};return t.readFloat32Array(2),t.readInt32Array(2),t.readUint8Array(32),r}static allocateFrom(t,e){let n=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),r=new K(n),s={x:t.pos.x-e.x,y:t.pos.y-e.y,z:t.pos.z-e.z};return r.writeVector3(s),r.writeInt32(t.type),r.writeUint32(t.time),r.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,2)),r.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,2)),r.writeUint8Array(Zt(0,32)),n}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfUint32()+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(2)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(2)+K.sizeOfUint8Array(32)}};var kr=class i{static readFrom(t){let e=i.pathToLevelIdx(t.readString(512));return t.readInt32Array(16),t.readFloat32Array(16),{levelIdx:e}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeString(i.levelIdxToPath(t.levelIdx),512),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,16)),n.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,16)),e}static pathToLevelIdx(t){return Number.parseInt(t.toLowerCase().replace("graph\\levels\\level","").replace("\\",""),10)}static levelIdxToPath(t){return`Graph\\Levels\\level${t}\\`}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfString(512)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(16)+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(16)}};var Vr=class{static load(t){let e=new K(t),{numberOfInteractiveObjects:n,numberOfFogs:r,numberOfZonesAndPaths:s,...a}=Br.readFrom(e),o={header:a,scene:kr.readFrom(e),interactiveObjects:le(()=>zr.readFrom(e),n),fogs:le(()=>Nr.readFrom(e),r),paths:[],zones:[]};return e.readInt8Array(0*(204+12*64)),le(()=>{let{numberOfPoints:u,pos:h,height:f,name:d,backgroundColor:_,ambience:g,ambienceMaxVolume:m,drawDistance:p,flags:w}=Gi.readFrom(e),b=le(()=>Wi.readFrom(e,h),u);if(f===0){let M={name:d,points:b};o.paths.push(M)}else{let M={name:d,points:b,height:f};w&mn.SetAmbience&&(M.ambience=g,M.ambienceMaxVolume=m),w&mn.SetBackgroundColor&&(M.backgroundColor=_),w&mn.SetDrawDistance&&(M.drawDistance=p),o.zones.push(M)}},s),o}static save(t){let e=Br.accumulateFrom(t),n=kr.accumulateFrom(t.scene),r=Jt(t.interactiveObjects.map(zr.accumulateFrom)),s=Jt(t.fogs.map(Nr.accumulateFrom)),a=0,o=12,c=new Uint8Array(a*(204+o*64)),l=Jt(t.paths.flatMap(h=>{let f=Gi.allocateFrom(h),{pos:d}=h.points[0],_=h.points.map(g=>Wi.allocateFrom(g,d));return[f,..._]})),u=Jt(t.zones.flatMap(h=>{let f=Gi.allocateFrom(h),{pos:d}=h.points[0],_=h.points.map(g=>Wi.allocateFrom(g,d));return[f,..._]}));return Jt([e,n,r,s,c,l,u])}};var la;(function(i){i[i.None=0]="None",i[i.Blocked=8]="Blocked"})(la||(la={}));var Xi=class i{static readFrom(t){let e={pos:t.readVector3(),radius:t.readFloat32(),height:t.readFloat32(),numberOfLinkedAnchors:t.readInt16(),isBlocked:!1};return t.readInt16()&la.Blocked&&(e.isBlocked=!0),e}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);n.writeVector3(t.data.pos),n.writeFloat32(t.data.radius),n.writeFloat32(t.data.height),n.writeInt16(t.linkedAnchors.length);let r=0;return t.data.isBlocked&&(r=r|la.Blocked),n.writeInt16(r),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(2)+K.sizeOfInt16Array(2)}};var Hr=class{static readFrom(t){let{numberOfLinkedAnchors:e,...n}=Xi.readFrom(t);return{data:n,linkedAnchors:t.readInt32Array(e)}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(Xi.sizeOf()+t.linkedAnchors.length*4),n=new K(e);return n.writeBuffer(Xi.accumulateFrom(t)),n.writeInt32Array(t.linkedAnchors),e}};var qi=class i{static readFrom(t){let[e,n,r,s,a]=t.readFloat32Array(5);return{x:n,y:e,z:r,u:s,v:a}}static accumulateFrom({x:t,y:e,z:n,u:r,v:s}){let a=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf());return new K(a).writeFloat32Array([e,t,n,r,s]),a}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfFloat32Array(5)}};var Yi;(function(i){i[i.None=0]="None",i[i.NoShadow=1]="NoShadow",i[i.DoubleSided=2]="DoubleSided",i[i.Transparent=4]="Transparent",i[i.Water=8]="Water",i[i.Glow=16]="Glow",i[i.Ignore=32]="Ignore",i[i.Quad=64]="Quad",i[i.Tiled=128]="Tiled",i[i.Metal=256]="Metal",i[i.Hide=512]="Hide",i[i.Stone=1024]="Stone",i[i.Wood=2048]="Wood",i[i.Gravel=4096]="Gravel",i[i.Earth=8192]="Earth",i[i.NoCollision=16384]="NoCollision",i[i.Lava=32768]="Lava",i[i.Climbable=65536]="Climbable",i[i.Falling=131072]="Falling",i[i.NoPath=262144]="NoPath",i[i.NoDraw=524288]="NoDraw",i[i.PrecisePath=1048576]="PrecisePath",i[i.LateMip=134217728]="LateMip"})(Yi||(Yi={}));var Zi=class i{static readFrom(t){return{vertices:le(()=>qi.readFrom(t),4),textureContainerId:t.readInt32(),norm:t.readVector3(),norm2:t.readVector3(),normals:t.readVector3Array(4),transval:t.readFloat32(),area:t.readFloat32(),flags:t.readInt32(),room:t.readInt16(),paddy:t.readInt16()}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeBuffer(Jt(t.vertices.map(qi.accumulateFrom))),n.writeInt32(t.textureContainerId),n.writeVector3(t.norm),n.writeVector3(t.norm2),n.writeVector3Array(t.normals??[t.norm,t.norm,t.norm,t.norm2]),n.writeFloat32(t.transval),n.writeFloat32(t.area),n.writeInt32(t.flags),n.writeInt16(t.room),n.writeInt16(t.paddy??0),e}static sizeOf(){return qi.sizeOf()*4+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfVector3Array(6)+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(2)+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfInt16Array(2)}};var Ki=class i{static readFrom(t){return{numberOfPolygons:t.readInt32(),numberOfAnchors:t.readInt32()}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeInt32(t.polygons.length),n.writeInt32(t.anchors?.length??0),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfInt32Array(2)}};var Gr=class{static readFrom(t){let{numberOfPolygons:e,numberOfAnchors:n}=Ki.readFrom(t),r={polygons:le(()=>Zi.readFrom(t),e)};return n>0&&(r.anchors=t.readInt32Array(n)),r}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=t.anchors??[],n=new Uint8Array(Ki.sizeOf()+Zi.sizeOf()*t.polygons.length+K.sizeOfInt32Array(e.length)),r=new K(n);return r.writeBuffer(Ki.accumulateFrom(t)),r.writeBuffer(Jt(t.polygons.map(Zi.accumulateFrom))),r.writeInt32Array(e),n}};var ha=.14100000262260437,Th=[[2550,2600,2649.999755859375],[2649.999755859375,2700,2749.999755859375],[3949.999755859375,4e3,4050],[4294.99951171875,4299.99951171875,4305],[4299.99951171875,4299.99951171875,4300],[4599.99951171875,4599.99951171875,4600],[4899.99951171875,4900,4900],[4995,4999.99951171875,5004.99951171875],[5599.9990234375,5600,5600],[5599.99951171875,5600,5600],[5690.2626953125,5700,5709.736328125],[5695.5126953125,5700,5704.486328125],[5795,5799.99951171875,5804.99951171875],[5799.99951171875,5800,5800],[5975,6e3,6024.99951171875],[6050,6124.99951171875,6124.99951171875],[6057.666015625,6100,6142.3330078125],[6090.2626953125,6100,6109.736328125],[6174.99951171875,6174.99951171875,6250],[6199.99951171875,6199.99951171875,6200.00048828125],[6349.9990234375,6400,6450],[6439.99951171875,6525,6535],[6450,6500,6549.99951171875],[6450,6499.99951171875,6549.99951171875],[6549.9990234375,6600.0009765625,6649.9990234375],[6599.99951171875,6599.99951171875,6600.00048828125],[6749.9970703125,6800.001953125,6850],[6799.9990234375,6800,6800],[6899.99951171875,6899.99951171875,6900],[6999.99951171875,6999.99951171875,7e3],[6999.99951171875,7e3,7e3],[7049.99951171875,7125,7125],[7175,7175,7249.99951171875],[7195.00048828125,7199.99951171875,7204.99951171875],[7280,7290,7329.9990234375],[7294.99951171875,7299.99951171875,7305.00048828125],[7349.99951171875,7399.99951171875,7450.00048828125],[7350.00048828125,7399.99951171875,7449.99951171875],[7399.9990234375,7400,7400],[7399.99951171875,7399.99951171875,7400.00048828125],[7499.99951171875,7500,7500],[7565,7585,7649.9990234375],[7583.3330078125,7600,7616.666015625],[7591.8662109375,7601.7626953125,7606.3701171875],[7599.9990234375,7600,7600],[7640.0009765625,7729.9990234375,7729.9990234375],[7650,7700,7749.9990234375],[7775,7799.99951171875,7825],[7799.9990234375,7800,7800.00048828125],[7799.99951171875,7800,7800],[7950,8024.99951171875,8025],[7999.99951171875,8e3,8e3],[7999.99951171875,7999.99951171875,8e3],[8050,8124.99951171875,8125],[8099.9951171875,8100.0009765625,8100.0029296875],[8149.99951171875,8200,8250],[8149.99951171875,8225,8225],[8349.9990234375,8400,8449.9990234375],[8349.9990234375,8400,8450],[8450,8500,8549.9990234375],[8583.2490234375,8600,8616.75],[8649.9990234375,8700,8749.9990234375],[8750,8800,8849.9990234375],[8875,8875,8949.9990234375],[8909.9990234375,9045,9045],[8949.9990234375,9025,9025],[9099.9990234375,9099.9990234375,9100],[9197.515625,9199.7958984375,9202.6875],[9349.9990234375,9400,9449.9990234375],[9350,9424.9990234375,9425],[9399.9990234375,9400,9400],[9499.9990234375,9500,9500],[9549.9990234375,9599.9990234375,9650],[9650,9699.9990234375,9749.9990234375],[9699.9990234375,9700,9700],[9949.9990234375,9999.9990234375,10050],[9999.9990234375,1e4,1e4],[10049.9990234375,10100,10150],[10299.9990234375,10300,10300],[10399.9990234375,10400,10400],[10649.998046875,10700.0029296875,10749.998046875],[10649.9990234375,10699.9990234375,10750],[10849.9951171875,10900.0087890625,10949.9951171875],[11199.994140625,11200.001953125,11200.001953125],[11299.994140625,11300.001953125,11300.001953125],[11399.994140625,11400.001953125,11400.001953125],[11399.9990234375,11400,11400],[11499.994140625,11500.001953125,11500.001953125],[12049.998046875,12125,12125],[12183.3330078125,12200,12216.666015625],[12250,12299.9990234375,12350],[12899.9990234375,12899.9990234375,12900],[13199.9990234375,13200,13200],[13839.9990234375,13925,13935]];var Ji=class i{static readFrom(t){let e=t.readString(256),n={levelIdx:i.pathToLevelIdx(e),numberOfUniqueHeaders:t.readInt32()};return t.readFloat32(),t.readInt32(),t.readUint32Array(3),n}static accumulateFrom(t,e){let n=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),r=new K(n);return r.writeString(i.levelIdxToPath(t.header.levelIdx),256),r.writeInt32(t.uniqueHeaders.length),r.writeFloat32(ha),r.writeInt32(e),r.writeUint32Array(Zt(0,3)),n}static pathToLevelIdx(t){return Number.parseInt(t.toLowerCase().replace("c:\\arx\\game\\graph\\levels\\level","").replace("\\",""),10)}static levelIdxToPath(t){return`C:\\ARX\\Game\\Graph\\Levels\\level${t}\\`}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfString(256)+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfFloat32()+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfUint32Array(3)}};var Af={color:ne.transparent,specular:ne.transparent,tu:0,tv:0},Tf={color:{r:1,g:22,b:242,a:.2980392156862745},specular:{r:0,g:92,b:200,a:.49411764705882355},tu:15694542800437951e-59,tv:2772455559201393e-53},$i=class i{static readFrom(t){let e={pos:t.readVector3(),rhw:t.readFloat32()};return ne.readFrom(t,"abgr"),ne.readFrom(t,"abgr"),t.readFloat32(),t.readFloat32(),e}static accumulateFrom(t,e){let n=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),r=new K(n),s=e===0,a=e===3,o;a?o=Tf:o=Af;let{color:c,specular:l,tu:u,tv:h}=o;return r.writeVector3(t.pos),s?r.writeFloat32(t.rhw):r.writeFloat32(0),r.writeBuffer(ne.accumulateFrom(c,"abgr")),r.writeBuffer(ne.accumulateFrom(l,"abgr")),r.writeFloat32(u),r.writeFloat32(h),n}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfFloat32()+ne.sizeOf("abgr")*2+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(2)}};var Ch=[56,242,22,1,40,22,105,0,231,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,159,199,92,0,172,141,105,0,25,0,0,0,100,242,22,1,56,242,22,1,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,184,255,165,0,255,255,255,255,144,242,22,1,126,200,92,0,92,0,0,0,168,242,22,1,124,242,22,1,40,22,105,0,236,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,159,199,92,0,172,30,166,0,20,0,0,0,168,242,22,1,124,242,22,1,253,243,22,1,193,30,166,0,160,74,244,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],In=[...Ch];In[76]=In[76]-1;In[92]=In[92]+1;In[104]=In[104]+1;In[108]=In[108]+1;var ji=class i{static readFrom(t){t.readInt32();let e={min:t.readVector3(),max:t.readVector3(),norm:t.readVector3(),norm2:t.readVector3(),vertices:le(()=>$i.readFrom(t),4)};t.readUint8Array(32*4),t.readVector3Array(4),t.readInt32();let n=t.readVector3();return t.readFloat32(),t.readFloat32(),t.readInt16(),t.readInt16(),{...e,center:n}}static accumulateFrom(t,e){let n=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),r=new K(n);return r.writeInt32(Yi.Quad),r.writeVector3(t.min),r.writeVector3(t.max),r.writeVector3(t.norm),r.writeVector3(t.norm2),r.writeBuffer(Jt(t.vertices.map((s,a)=>$i.accumulateFrom(s,a)))),e<10?r.writeUint8Array(Ch):r.writeUint8Array(In),r.writeVector3Array([{x:0,y:0,z:0},{x:0,y:0,z:0},{x:0,y:0,z:0},{x:0,y:0,z:0}]),r.writeInt32(0),r.writeVector3(t.center),r.writeFloat32(0),r.writeFloat32(0),r.writeInt16(0),r.writeInt16(0),n}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfVector3Array(4)+$i.sizeOf()*4+K.sizeOfUint8Array(32*4)+K.sizeOfVector3Array(4)+K.sizeOfInt32()+K.sizeOfVector3()+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(2)+K.sizeOfInt16Array(2)}};var Wr=class i{static readFrom(t){return{polygon:ji.readFrom(t),room1:t.readInt32(),room2:t.readInt32(),useportal:t.readInt16(),paddy:t.readInt16()}}static accumulateFrom(t,e){let n=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),r=new K(n);return r.writeBuffer(ji.accumulateFrom(t.polygon,e)),r.writeInt32(t.room1),r.writeInt32(t.room2),r.writeInt16(t.useportal),r.writeInt16(t.paddy),n}static sizeOf(){return ji.sizeOf()+K.sizeOfInt32Array(2)+K.sizeOfInt16Array(2)}};var Xr=class i{static readFrom(t){let[e,n,r]=t.readInt16Array(4);return{cellX:e,cellY:n,polygonIdx:r}}static accumulateFrom({cellX:t,cellY:e,polygonIdx:n}){let r=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf());return new K(r).writeInt16Array([t,e,n,0]),r}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfInt16Array(4)}};var qr=class i{static readFrom(t){let e={numberOfPortals:t.readInt32(),numberOfPolygons:t.readInt32()};return t.readInt32Array(6),e}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeInt32(t.portals.length),n.writeInt32(t.polygons.length),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,6)),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfInt32Array(8)}};var Yr=class{static readFrom(t){let{numberOfPortals:e,numberOfPolygons:n}=qr.readFrom(t);return{portals:t.readInt32Array(e),polygons:le(()=>Xr.readFrom(t),n)}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=qr.accumulateFrom(t),n=new Uint8Array(t.portals.length*4);new K(n).writeInt32Array(t.portals);let s=Jt(t.polygons.map(Xr.accumulateFrom));return Jt([e,n,s])}};var Zr=class i{static readFrom(t){return{distance:t.readFloat32(),startPosition:t.readVector3(),endPosition:t.readVector3()}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeFloat32(t.distance),n.writeVector3(t.startPosition),n.writeVector3(t.endPosition),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfFloat32()+K.sizeOfVector3Array(2)}};var Kr=class i{static readFrom(t){t.readFloat32(),t.readInt32(),t.readInt32();let e=t.readInt32();t.readInt32();let n=t.readInt32();return t.readVector3(),{numberOfTextures:e,numberOfAnchors:n,mScenePosition:t.readVector3(),numberOfPortals:t.readInt32(),numberOfRooms:t.readInt32()+1}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=t.polygons.map(({room:a})=>a),n=Sh(wh(e)),r=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),s=new K(r);return s.writeFloat32(ha),s.writeInt32(Fr),s.writeInt32(aa),s.writeInt32(t.textureContainers.length),s.writeInt32(t.polygons.length),s.writeInt32(t.anchors.length),s.writeVector3({x:0,y:0,z:0}),s.writeVector3(t.sceneHeader.mScenePosition),s.writeInt32(t.portals.length),s.writeInt32(n),r}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfFloat32()+K.sizeOfInt32Array(7)+K.sizeOfVector3Array(2)}};var Qi=class i{static readFrom(t){let e=t.readInt32();t.readInt32();let n=i.toRelativePath(t.readString(256));return{id:e,filename:n}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeInt32(t.id),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeString(i.toAbsolutePath(t.filename),256),e}static toRelativePath(t){return t.toLowerCase().replace("graph\\obj3d\\textures\\","")}static toAbsolutePath(t){return"graph\\obj3d\\textures\\"+t.toLowerCase()}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfInt32Array(2)+K.sizeOfString(256)}};var Jr=class i{static readFrom(t){return{path:t.readString(256),check:t.readUint8Array(512)}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeString(t.path,256),n.writeUint8Array(t.check),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfString(256)+K.sizeOfUint8Array(512)}};function Cf({flags:i}){return(i&Yi.Quad)!==0}function Rh(i){let t=0;return i.map(e=>(e.vertices[0].llfColorIdx=t,e.vertices[1].llfColorIdx=t+1,e.vertices[2].llfColorIdx=t+2,t=t+3,Cf(e)&&(e.vertices[3].llfColorIdx=t,t=t+1),e))}function Ih(i){let[t,e,n]=i.sort((r,s)=>r-s);return Th.some(([r,s,a])=>t===r&&e===s&&n===a)}function Ph([i,t,e]){let n=(i.x+t.x+e.x)/3,r=(i.z+t.z+e.z)/3,s;Ih([i.x,t.x,e.x])?s=Math.ceil(n/100):s=Math.floor(n/100);let a;return Ih([i.z,t.z,e.z])?a=Math.ceil(r/100):a=Math.floor(r/100),[s,a]}var If=0,$r=class{static load(t){let e=new K(t),{numberOfUniqueHeaders:n,...r}=Ji.readFrom(e),s=le(()=>Jr.readFrom(e),n),{numberOfTextures:a,numberOfAnchors:o,numberOfPortals:c,numberOfRooms:l,...u}=Kr.readFrom(e),h=le(()=>Qi.readFrom(e),a),f=[];for(let d=0;d_),polygons:Rh(f.flatMap(({polygons:d})=>d)),anchors:le(()=>Hr.readFrom(e),o),portals:le(()=>Wr.readFrom(e),c),rooms:le(()=>Yr.readFrom(e),l),roomDistances:le(()=>Zr.readFrom(e),l**2)}}static save(t,e=!0){let{levelIdx:n}=t.header,r=Kr.accumulateFrom(t),s=t.cells.map(g=>({...g,polygons:[]}));t.polygons.forEach(g=>{let[m,p]=Ph(g.vertices),w=p*Fr+m;s[w].polygons.push(g)});let a=Jt(t.textureContainers.map(Qi.accumulateFrom)),o=Jt(s.map(Gr.accumulateFrom)),c=Jt(t.anchors.map(Hr.accumulateFrom)),l=Jt(t.portals.map(g=>Wr.accumulateFrom(g,n))),u=Jt(t.rooms.map(Yr.accumulateFrom)),h=Jt(t.roomDistances.map(Zr.accumulateFrom)),f=Jt([r,a,o,c,l,u,h]),d;e?d=Ji.accumulateFrom(t,f.length):d=Ji.accumulateFrom(t,If);let _=Jt(t.uniqueHeaders.map(Jr.accumulateFrom));return Jt([d,_,f])}};var Dh;(function(i){i[i.None=0]="None",i[i.SemiDynamic=1]="SemiDynamic",i[i.Extinguishable=2]="Extinguishable",i[i.StartExtinguished=4]="StartExtinguished",i[i.SpawnFire=8]="SpawnFire",i[i.SpawnSmoke=16]="SpawnSmoke",i[i.Off=32]="Off",i[i.ColorLegacy=64]="ColorLegacy",i[i.NoCasted=128]="NoCasted",i[i.FixFlareSize=256]="FixFlareSize",i[i.Fireplace=512]="Fireplace",i[i.NoIgnit=1024]="NoIgnit",i[i.Flare=2048]="Flare"})(Dh||(Dh={}));var jr=class i{static readFrom(t){let e={pos:t.readVector3(),color:ne.readFrom(t,"rgb"),fallStart:t.readFloat32(),fallEnd:t.readFloat32(),intensity:t.readFloat32()};t.readFloat32();let n={exFlicker:ne.readFrom(t,"rgb"),exRadius:t.readFloat32(),exFrequency:t.readFloat32(),exSize:t.readFloat32(),exSpeed:t.readFloat32(),exFlareSize:t.readFloat32()};t.readFloat32Array(24);let r=t.readInt32();return t.readInt32Array(31),{...e,...n,flags:r}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeVector3(t.pos),n.writeBuffer(ne.accumulateFrom(t.color,"rgb")),n.writeFloat32(t.fallStart),n.writeFloat32(t.fallEnd),n.writeFloat32(t.intensity),n.writeFloat32(0),n.writeBuffer(ne.accumulateFrom(t.exFlicker,"rgb")),n.writeFloat32(t.exRadius),n.writeFloat32(t.exFrequency),n.writeFloat32(t.exSize),n.writeFloat32(Eh(0,Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,t.exSpeed)),n.writeFloat32(t.exFlareSize),n.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,24)),n.writeInt32(t.flags),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,31)),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfVector3()+ne.sizeOf("rgb")*2+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(33)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(32)}};var Qr=class i{static readFrom(t){let e=t.readInt32();return t.readInt32(),t.readInt32(),t.readInt32(),{numberOfColors:e}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeInt32(t.length),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(63),n.writeInt32(0),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfInt32()*4}};var ts=class i{static readFrom(t){t.readFloat32(),t.readString(16);let e={lastUser:t.readString(256),time:t.readInt32(),numberOfLights:t.readInt32()};t.readInt32(),t.readInt32();let n=t.readInt32();return t.readInt32Array(256),t.readFloat32Array(256),t.readString(4096),t.readInt32Array(256),{...e,numberOfBackgroundPolygons:n}}static accumulateFrom(t){let e=new Uint8Array(i.sizeOf()),n=new K(e);return n.writeFloat32(sa),n.writeString("DANAE_LLH_FILE",16),n.writeString(t.header.lastUser,256),n.writeInt32(t.header.time),n.writeInt32(t.lights.length),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(0),n.writeInt32(t.header.numberOfBackgroundPolygons),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,256)),n.writeFloat32Array(Zt(0,256)),n.writeString("",4096),n.writeInt32Array(Zt(0,256)),e}static sizeOf(){return K.sizeOfFloat32()+K.sizeOfString(272)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(261)+K.sizeOfFloat32Array(256)+K.sizeOfString(4096)+K.sizeOfInt32Array(256)}};var es=class{static load(t){let e=new K(t),{numberOfLights:n,...r}=ts.readFrom(e),s=le(()=>jr.readFrom(e),n),{numberOfColors:a}=Qr.readFrom(e),o=le(()=>ne.readFrom(e,"bgra"),a);return{header:r,lights:s,colors:o}}static save(t){let e=ts.accumulateFrom(t),n=Jt(t.lights.map(jr.accumulateFrom)),r=Qr.accumulateFrom(t.colors),s=Jt(t.colors.map(a=>ne.accumulateFrom(a,"bgra")));return Jt([e,n,r,s])}};var Lh;(function(i){i[i.Flat=0]="Flat",i[i.Text=1]="Text",i[i.DoubleSided=2]="DoubleSided"})(Lh||(Lh={}));var Uh;(function(i){i[i.None=0]="None",i[i.Random=1]="Random",i[i.Interpolate=2]="Interpolate"})(Uh||(Uh={}));var Oh;(function(i){i[i.None=0]="None",i[i.Position=1]="Position",i[i.Master=4]="Master",i[i.Paused=16]="Paused",i[i.Prefetched=32]="Prefetched"})(Oh||(Oh={}));var sf=Sf(Bh(),1);var ho="171",ri={LEFT:0,MIDDLE:1,RIGHT:2,ROTATE:0,DOLLY:1,PAN:2},si={ROTATE:0,PAN:1,DOLLY_PAN:2,DOLLY_ROTATE:3},pu=0,rl=1,mu=2;var sl=1,_u=2,bn=3,Nn=0,Ie=1,Sn=2,Vn=0,gi=1,al=2,ol=3,cl=4,gu=5,Qn=100,xu=101,yu=102,vu=103,bu=104,Su=200,wu=201,Mu=202,Eu=203,Ba=204,Na=205,Au=206,Tu=207,Cu=208,Iu=209,Ru=210,Pu=211,Du=212,Lu=213,Uu=214,uo=0,fo=1,po=2,xi=3,mo=4,_o=5,go=6,xo=7,yo=0,Ou=1,Fu=2,Hn=0,Bu=1,Nu=2,zu=3,ku=4,Vu=5,Hu=6,Gu=7;var ll=300,Ai=301,Ti=302,vo=303,bo=304,zs=306,yi=1e3,jn=1001,za=1002,tn=1003,Wu=1004;var ks=1005;var dn=1006,So=1007;var ai=1008;var wn=1009,hl=1010,ul=1011,Er=1012,wo=1013,oi=1014,Mn=1015,Ar=1016,Mo=1017,Eo=1018,Ci=1020,dl=35902,fl=1021,pl=1022,rn=1023,ml=1024,_l=1025,_i=1026,vi=1027,gl=1028,Ao=1029,xl=1030,To=1031;var Co=1033,Vs=33776,Hs=33777,Gs=33778,Ws=33779,Io=35840,Ro=35841,Po=35842,Do=35843,Lo=36196,Uo=37492,Oo=37496,Fo=37808,Bo=37809,No=37810,zo=37811,ko=37812,Vo=37813,Ho=37814,Go=37815,Wo=37816,Xo=37817,qo=37818,Yo=37819,Zo=37820,Ko=37821,Xs=36492,Jo=36494,$o=36495,yl=36283,jo=36284,Qo=36285,tc=36286;var ds=2300,ka=2301,Fa=2302,$c=2400,jc=2401,Qc=2402;var Xu=3200,qu=3201;var vl=0,Yu=1,Gn="",ze="srgb",bi="srgb-linear",fs="linear",ae="srgb";var mi=7680;var tl=519,Zu=512,Ku=513,Ju=514,bl=515,$u=516,ju=517,Qu=518,td=519,Va=35044;var Sl="300 es",_n=2e3,ps=2001,gn=class{addEventListener(t,e){this._listeners===void 0&&(this._listeners={});let n=this._listeners;n[t]===void 0&&(n[t]=[]),n[t].indexOf(e)===-1&&n[t].push(e)}hasEventListener(t,e){if(this._listeners===void 0)return!1;let n=this._listeners;return n[t]!==void 0&&n[t].indexOf(e)!==-1}removeEventListener(t,e){if(this._listeners===void 0)return;let r=this._listeners[t];if(r!==void 0){let s=r.indexOf(e);s!==-1&&r.splice(s,1)}}dispatchEvent(t){if(this._listeners===void 0)return;let n=this._listeners[t.type];if(n!==void 0){t.target=this;let r=n.slice(0);for(let s=0,a=r.length;s>8&255]+Ue[i>>16&255]+Ue[i>>24&255]+"-"+Ue[t&255]+Ue[t>>8&255]+"-"+Ue[t>>16&15|64]+Ue[t>>24&255]+"-"+Ue[e&63|128]+Ue[e>>8&255]+"-"+Ue[e>>16&255]+Ue[e>>24&255]+Ue[n&255]+Ue[n>>8&255]+Ue[n>>16&255]+Ue[n>>24&255]).toLowerCase()}function Xt(i,t,e){return Math.max(t,Math.min(e,i))}function wl(i,t){return(i%t+t)%t}function Pf(i,t,e,n,r){return n+(i-t)*(r-n)/(e-t)}function Df(i,t,e){return i!==t?(e-i)/(t-i):0}function us(i,t,e){return(1-e)*i+e*t}function Lf(i,t,e,n){return us(i,t,1-Math.exp(-e*n))}function Uf(i,t=1){return t-Math.abs(wl(i,t*2)-t)}function Of(i,t,e){return i<=t?0:i>=e?1:(i=(i-t)/(e-t),i*i*(3-2*i))}function Ff(i,t,e){return i<=t?0:i>=e?1:(i=(i-t)/(e-t),i*i*i*(i*(i*6-15)+10))}function Bf(i,t){return i+Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-i+1))}function Nf(i,t){return i+Math.random()*(t-i)}function zf(i){return i*(.5-Math.random())}function kf(i){i!==void 0&&(Nh=i);let t=Nh+=1831565813;return t=Math.imul(t^t>>>15,t|1),t^=t+Math.imul(t^t>>>7,t|61),((t^t>>>14)>>>0)/4294967296}function Vf(i){return i*hs}function Hf(i){return i*gr}function Gf(i){return(i&i-1)===0&&i!==0}function Wf(i){return Math.pow(2,Math.ceil(Math.log(i)/Math.LN2))}function Xf(i){return Math.pow(2,Math.floor(Math.log(i)/Math.LN2))}function qf(i,t,e,n,r){let s=Math.cos,a=Math.sin,o=s(e/2),c=a(e/2),l=s((t+n)/2),u=a((t+n)/2),h=s((t-n)/2),f=a((t-n)/2),d=s((n-t)/2),_=a((n-t)/2);switch(r){case"XYX":i.set(o*u,c*h,c*f,o*l);break;case"YZY":i.set(c*f,o*u,c*h,o*l);break;case"ZXZ":i.set(c*h,c*f,o*u,o*l);break;case"XZX":i.set(o*u,c*_,c*d,o*l);break;case"YXY":i.set(c*d,o*u,c*_,o*l);break;case"ZYZ":i.set(c*_,c*d,o*u,o*l);break;default:console.warn("THREE.MathUtils: .setQuaternionFromProperEuler() encountered an unknown order: "+r)}}function un(i,t){switch(t.constructor){case Float32Array:return i;case Uint32Array:return i/4294967295;case Uint16Array:return i/65535;case Uint8Array:return i/255;case Int32Array:return Math.max(i/2147483647,-1);case Int16Array:return Math.max(i/32767,-1);case Int8Array:return Math.max(i/127,-1);default:throw new Error("Invalid component type.")}}function se(i,t){switch(t.constructor){case Float32Array:return i;case Uint32Array:return Math.round(i*4294967295);case Uint16Array:return Math.round(i*65535);case Uint8Array:return Math.round(i*255);case Int32Array:return Math.round(i*2147483647);case Int16Array:return Math.round(i*32767);case Int8Array:return Math.round(i*127);default:throw new Error("Invalid component type.")}}var Ii={DEG2RAD:hs,RAD2DEG:gr,generateUUID:Fn,clamp:Xt,euclideanModulo:wl,mapLinear:Pf,inverseLerp:Df,lerp:us,damp:Lf,pingpong:Uf,smoothstep:Of,smootherstep:Ff,randInt:Bf,randFloat:Nf,randFloatSpread:zf,seededRandom:kf,degToRad:Vf,radToDeg:Hf,isPowerOfTwo:Gf,ceilPowerOfTwo:Wf,floorPowerOfTwo:Xf,setQuaternionFromProperEuler:qf,normalize:se,denormalize:un},Dt=class i{constructor(t=0,e=0){i.prototype.isVector2=!0,this.x=t,this.y=e}get width(){return this.x}set width(t){this.x=t}get height(){return this.y}set height(t){this.y=t}set(t,e){return this.x=t,this.y=e,this}setScalar(t){return this.x=t,this.y=t,this}setX(t){return this.x=t,this}setY(t){return this.y=t,this}setComponent(t,e){switch(t){case 0:this.x=e;break;case 1:this.y=e;break;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}return this}getComponent(t){switch(t){case 0:return this.x;case 1:return this.y;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}}clone(){return new this.constructor(this.x,this.y)}copy(t){return this.x=t.x,this.y=t.y,this}add(t){return this.x+=t.x,this.y+=t.y,this}addScalar(t){return this.x+=t,this.y+=t,this}addVectors(t,e){return this.x=t.x+e.x,this.y=t.y+e.y,this}addScaledVector(t,e){return this.x+=t.x*e,this.y+=t.y*e,this}sub(t){return this.x-=t.x,this.y-=t.y,this}subScalar(t){return this.x-=t,this.y-=t,this}subVectors(t,e){return this.x=t.x-e.x,this.y=t.y-e.y,this}multiply(t){return this.x*=t.x,this.y*=t.y,this}multiplyScalar(t){return this.x*=t,this.y*=t,this}divide(t){return this.x/=t.x,this.y/=t.y,this}divideScalar(t){return this.multiplyScalar(1/t)}applyMatrix3(t){let e=this.x,n=this.y,r=t.elements;return this.x=r[0]*e+r[3]*n+r[6],this.y=r[1]*e+r[4]*n+r[7],this}min(t){return this.x=Math.min(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.min(this.y,t.y),this}max(t){return this.x=Math.max(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.max(this.y,t.y),this}clamp(t,e){return this.x=Xt(this.x,t.x,e.x),this.y=Xt(this.y,t.y,e.y),this}clampScalar(t,e){return this.x=Xt(this.x,t,e),this.y=Xt(this.y,t,e),this}clampLength(t,e){let n=this.length();return this.divideScalar(n||1).multiplyScalar(Xt(n,t,e))}floor(){return this.x=Math.floor(this.x),this.y=Math.floor(this.y),this}ceil(){return this.x=Math.ceil(this.x),this.y=Math.ceil(this.y),this}round(){return this.x=Math.round(this.x),this.y=Math.round(this.y),this}roundToZero(){return this.x=Math.trunc(this.x),this.y=Math.trunc(this.y),this}negate(){return this.x=-this.x,this.y=-this.y,this}dot(t){return this.x*t.x+this.y*t.y}cross(t){return this.x*t.y-this.y*t.x}lengthSq(){return this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y}length(){return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y)}manhattanLength(){return Math.abs(this.x)+Math.abs(this.y)}normalize(){return this.divideScalar(this.length()||1)}angle(){return Math.atan2(-this.y,-this.x)+Math.PI}angleTo(t){let e=Math.sqrt(this.lengthSq()*t.lengthSq());if(e===0)return Math.PI/2;let n=this.dot(t)/e;return Math.acos(Xt(n,-1,1))}distanceTo(t){return Math.sqrt(this.distanceToSquared(t))}distanceToSquared(t){let e=this.x-t.x,n=this.y-t.y;return e*e+n*n}manhattanDistanceTo(t){return Math.abs(this.x-t.x)+Math.abs(this.y-t.y)}setLength(t){return this.normalize().multiplyScalar(t)}lerp(t,e){return this.x+=(t.x-this.x)*e,this.y+=(t.y-this.y)*e,this}lerpVectors(t,e,n){return this.x=t.x+(e.x-t.x)*n,this.y=t.y+(e.y-t.y)*n,this}equals(t){return t.x===this.x&&t.y===this.y}fromArray(t,e=0){return this.x=t[e],this.y=t[e+1],this}toArray(t=[],e=0){return t[e]=this.x,t[e+1]=this.y,t}fromBufferAttribute(t,e){return this.x=t.getX(e),this.y=t.getY(e),this}rotateAround(t,e){let n=Math.cos(e),r=Math.sin(e),s=this.x-t.x,a=this.y-t.y;return this.x=s*n-a*r+t.x,this.y=s*r+a*n+t.y,this}random(){return this.x=Math.random(),this.y=Math.random(),this}*[Symbol.iterator](){yield this.x,yield this.y}},Vt=class i{constructor(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l){i.prototype.isMatrix3=!0,this.elements=[1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1],t!==void 0&&this.set(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l)}set(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l){let u=this.elements;return u[0]=t,u[1]=r,u[2]=o,u[3]=e,u[4]=s,u[5]=c,u[6]=n,u[7]=a,u[8]=l,this}identity(){return this.set(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),this}copy(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.elements;return e[0]=n[0],e[1]=n[1],e[2]=n[2],e[3]=n[3],e[4]=n[4],e[5]=n[5],e[6]=n[6],e[7]=n[7],e[8]=n[8],this}extractBasis(t,e,n){return t.setFromMatrix3Column(this,0),e.setFromMatrix3Column(this,1),n.setFromMatrix3Column(this,2),this}setFromMatrix4(t){let e=t.elements;return this.set(e[0],e[4],e[8],e[1],e[5],e[9],e[2],e[6],e[10]),this}multiply(t){return this.multiplyMatrices(this,t)}premultiply(t){return this.multiplyMatrices(t,this)}multiplyMatrices(t,e){let n=t.elements,r=e.elements,s=this.elements,a=n[0],o=n[3],c=n[6],l=n[1],u=n[4],h=n[7],f=n[2],d=n[5],_=n[8],g=r[0],m=r[3],p=r[6],w=r[1],b=r[4],M=r[7],D=r[2],P=r[5],E=r[8];return s[0]=a*g+o*w+c*D,s[3]=a*m+o*b+c*P,s[6]=a*p+o*M+c*E,s[1]=l*g+u*w+h*D,s[4]=l*m+u*b+h*P,s[7]=l*p+u*M+h*E,s[2]=f*g+d*w+_*D,s[5]=f*m+d*b+_*P,s[8]=f*p+d*M+_*E,this}multiplyScalar(t){let e=this.elements;return e[0]*=t,e[3]*=t,e[6]*=t,e[1]*=t,e[4]*=t,e[7]*=t,e[2]*=t,e[5]*=t,e[8]*=t,this}determinant(){let t=this.elements,e=t[0],n=t[1],r=t[2],s=t[3],a=t[4],o=t[5],c=t[6],l=t[7],u=t[8];return e*a*u-e*o*l-n*s*u+n*o*c+r*s*l-r*a*c}invert(){let t=this.elements,e=t[0],n=t[1],r=t[2],s=t[3],a=t[4],o=t[5],c=t[6],l=t[7],u=t[8],h=u*a-o*l,f=o*c-u*s,d=l*s-a*c,_=e*h+n*f+r*d;if(_===0)return this.set(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);let g=1/_;return t[0]=h*g,t[1]=(r*l-u*n)*g,t[2]=(o*n-r*a)*g,t[3]=f*g,t[4]=(u*e-r*c)*g,t[5]=(r*s-o*e)*g,t[6]=d*g,t[7]=(n*c-l*e)*g,t[8]=(a*e-n*s)*g,this}transpose(){let t,e=this.elements;return t=e[1],e[1]=e[3],e[3]=t,t=e[2],e[2]=e[6],e[6]=t,t=e[5],e[5]=e[7],e[7]=t,this}getNormalMatrix(t){return this.setFromMatrix4(t).invert().transpose()}transposeIntoArray(t){let e=this.elements;return t[0]=e[0],t[1]=e[3],t[2]=e[6],t[3]=e[1],t[4]=e[4],t[5]=e[7],t[6]=e[2],t[7]=e[5],t[8]=e[8],this}setUvTransform(t,e,n,r,s,a,o){let c=Math.cos(s),l=Math.sin(s);return this.set(n*c,n*l,-n*(c*a+l*o)+a+t,-r*l,r*c,-r*(-l*a+c*o)+o+e,0,0,1),this}scale(t,e){return this.premultiply(Cc.makeScale(t,e)),this}rotate(t){return this.premultiply(Cc.makeRotation(-t)),this}translate(t,e){return this.premultiply(Cc.makeTranslation(t,e)),this}makeTranslation(t,e){return t.isVector2?this.set(1,0,t.x,0,1,t.y,0,0,1):this.set(1,0,t,0,1,e,0,0,1),this}makeRotation(t){let e=Math.cos(t),n=Math.sin(t);return this.set(e,-n,0,n,e,0,0,0,1),this}makeScale(t,e){return this.set(t,0,0,0,e,0,0,0,1),this}equals(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.elements;for(let r=0;r<9;r++)if(e[r]!==n[r])return!1;return!0}fromArray(t,e=0){for(let n=0;n<9;n++)this.elements[n]=t[n+e];return this}toArray(t=[],e=0){let n=this.elements;return t[e]=n[0],t[e+1]=n[1],t[e+2]=n[2],t[e+3]=n[3],t[e+4]=n[4],t[e+5]=n[5],t[e+6]=n[6],t[e+7]=n[7],t[e+8]=n[8],t}clone(){return new this.constructor().fromArray(this.elements)}},Cc=new Vt;function Ml(i){for(let t=i.length-1;t>=0;--t)if(i[t]>=65535)return!0;return!1}function xr(i){return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",i)}function ed(){let i=xr("canvas");return i.style.display="block",i}var zh={};function Ri(i){i in zh||(zh[i]=!0,console.warn(i))}function nd(i,t,e){return new Promise(function(n,r){function s(){switch(i.clientWaitSync(t,i.SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT,0)){case i.WAIT_FAILED:r();break;case i.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED:setTimeout(s,e);break;default:n()}}setTimeout(s,e)})}function id(i){let t=i.elements;t[2]=.5*t[2]+.5*t[3],t[6]=.5*t[6]+.5*t[7],t[10]=.5*t[10]+.5*t[11],t[14]=.5*t[14]+.5*t[15]}function rd(i){let t=i.elements;t[11]===-1?(t[10]=-t[10]-1,t[14]=-t[14]):(t[10]=-t[10],t[14]=-t[14]+1)}var kh=new Vt().set(.4123908,.3575843,.1804808,.212639,.7151687,.0721923,.0193308,.1191948,.9505322),Vh=new Vt().set(3.2409699,-1.5373832,-.4986108,-.9692436,1.8759675,.0415551,.0556301,-.203977,1.0569715);function Yf(){let i={enabled:!0,workingColorSpace:bi,spaces:{},convert:function(r,s,a){return this.enabled===!1||s===a||!s||!a||(this.spaces[s].transfer===ae&&(r.r=Bn(r.r),r.g=Bn(r.g),r.b=Bn(r.b)),this.spaces[s].primaries!==this.spaces[a].primaries&&(r.applyMatrix3(this.spaces[s].toXYZ),r.applyMatrix3(this.spaces[a].fromXYZ)),this.spaces[a].transfer===ae&&(r.r=_r(r.r),r.g=_r(r.g),r.b=_r(r.b))),r},fromWorkingColorSpace:function(r,s){return this.convert(r,this.workingColorSpace,s)},toWorkingColorSpace:function(r,s){return this.convert(r,s,this.workingColorSpace)},getPrimaries:function(r){return this.spaces[r].primaries},getTransfer:function(r){return r===Gn?fs:this.spaces[r].transfer},getLuminanceCoefficients:function(r,s=this.workingColorSpace){return r.fromArray(this.spaces[s].luminanceCoefficients)},define:function(r){Object.assign(this.spaces,r)},_getMatrix:function(r,s,a){return r.copy(this.spaces[s].toXYZ).multiply(this.spaces[a].fromXYZ)},_getDrawingBufferColorSpace:function(r){return this.spaces[r].outputColorSpaceConfig.drawingBufferColorSpace},_getUnpackColorSpace:function(r=this.workingColorSpace){return this.spaces[r].workingColorSpaceConfig.unpackColorSpace}},t=[.64,.33,.3,.6,.15,.06],e=[.2126,.7152,.0722],n=[.3127,.329];return i.define({[bi]:{primaries:t,whitePoint:n,transfer:fs,toXYZ:kh,fromXYZ:Vh,luminanceCoefficients:e,workingColorSpaceConfig:{unpackColorSpace:ze},outputColorSpaceConfig:{drawingBufferColorSpace:ze}},[ze]:{primaries:t,whitePoint:n,transfer:ae,toXYZ:kh,fromXYZ:Vh,luminanceCoefficients:e,outputColorSpaceConfig:{drawingBufferColorSpace:ze}}}),i}var $t=Yf();function Bn(i){return i<.04045?i*.0773993808:Math.pow(i*.9478672986+.0521327014,2.4)}function _r(i){return i<.0031308?i*12.92:1.055*Math.pow(i,.41666)-.055}var tr,Ha=class{static getDataURL(t){if(/^data:/i.test(t.src)||typeof HTMLCanvasElement>"u")return t.src;let e;if(t instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)e=t;else{tr===void 0&&(tr=xr("canvas")),tr.width=t.width,tr.height=t.height;let n=tr.getContext("2d");t instanceof ImageData?n.putImageData(t,0,0):n.drawImage(t,0,0,t.width,t.height),e=tr}return e.width>2048||e.height>2048?(console.warn("THREE.ImageUtils.getDataURL: Image converted to jpg for performance reasons",t),e.toDataURL("image/jpeg",.6)):e.toDataURL("image/png")}static sRGBToLinear(t){if(typeof HTMLImageElement<"u"&&t instanceof HTMLImageElement||typeof HTMLCanvasElement<"u"&&t instanceof HTMLCanvasElement||typeof ImageBitmap<"u"&&t instanceof ImageBitmap){let e=xr("canvas");e.width=t.width,e.height=t.height;let n=e.getContext("2d");n.drawImage(t,0,0,t.width,t.height);let r=n.getImageData(0,0,t.width,t.height),s=r.data;for(let a=0;a0&&(n.userData=this.userData),e||(t.textures[this.uuid]=n),n}dispose(){this.dispatchEvent({type:"dispose"})}transformUv(t){if(this.mapping!==ll)return t;if(t.applyMatrix3(this.matrix),t.x<0||t.x>1)switch(this.wrapS){case yi:t.x=t.x-Math.floor(t.x);break;case jn:t.x=t.x<0?0:1;break;case za:Math.abs(Math.floor(t.x)%2)===1?t.x=Math.ceil(t.x)-t.x:t.x=t.x-Math.floor(t.x);break}if(t.y<0||t.y>1)switch(this.wrapT){case yi:t.y=t.y-Math.floor(t.y);break;case jn:t.y=t.y<0?0:1;break;case za:Math.abs(Math.floor(t.y)%2)===1?t.y=Math.ceil(t.y)-t.y:t.y=t.y-Math.floor(t.y);break}return this.flipY&&(t.y=1-t.y),t}set needsUpdate(t){t===!0&&(this.version++,this.source.needsUpdate=!0)}set needsPMREMUpdate(t){t===!0&&this.pmremVersion++}};ke.DEFAULT_IMAGE=null;ke.DEFAULT_MAPPING=ll;ke.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY=1;var ie=class i{constructor(t=0,e=0,n=0,r=1){i.prototype.isVector4=!0,this.x=t,this.y=e,this.z=n,this.w=r}get width(){return this.z}set width(t){this.z=t}get height(){return this.w}set height(t){this.w=t}set(t,e,n,r){return this.x=t,this.y=e,this.z=n,this.w=r,this}setScalar(t){return this.x=t,this.y=t,this.z=t,this.w=t,this}setX(t){return this.x=t,this}setY(t){return this.y=t,this}setZ(t){return this.z=t,this}setW(t){return this.w=t,this}setComponent(t,e){switch(t){case 0:this.x=e;break;case 1:this.y=e;break;case 2:this.z=e;break;case 3:this.w=e;break;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}return this}getComponent(t){switch(t){case 0:return this.x;case 1:return this.y;case 2:return this.z;case 3:return this.w;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}}clone(){return new this.constructor(this.x,this.y,this.z,this.w)}copy(t){return this.x=t.x,this.y=t.y,this.z=t.z,this.w=t.w!==void 0?t.w:1,this}add(t){return this.x+=t.x,this.y+=t.y,this.z+=t.z,this.w+=t.w,this}addScalar(t){return this.x+=t,this.y+=t,this.z+=t,this.w+=t,this}addVectors(t,e){return this.x=t.x+e.x,this.y=t.y+e.y,this.z=t.z+e.z,this.w=t.w+e.w,this}addScaledVector(t,e){return this.x+=t.x*e,this.y+=t.y*e,this.z+=t.z*e,this.w+=t.w*e,this}sub(t){return this.x-=t.x,this.y-=t.y,this.z-=t.z,this.w-=t.w,this}subScalar(t){return this.x-=t,this.y-=t,this.z-=t,this.w-=t,this}subVectors(t,e){return this.x=t.x-e.x,this.y=t.y-e.y,this.z=t.z-e.z,this.w=t.w-e.w,this}multiply(t){return this.x*=t.x,this.y*=t.y,this.z*=t.z,this.w*=t.w,this}multiplyScalar(t){return this.x*=t,this.y*=t,this.z*=t,this.w*=t,this}applyMatrix4(t){let e=this.x,n=this.y,r=this.z,s=this.w,a=t.elements;return this.x=a[0]*e+a[4]*n+a[8]*r+a[12]*s,this.y=a[1]*e+a[5]*n+a[9]*r+a[13]*s,this.z=a[2]*e+a[6]*n+a[10]*r+a[14]*s,this.w=a[3]*e+a[7]*n+a[11]*r+a[15]*s,this}divide(t){return this.x/=t.x,this.y/=t.y,this.z/=t.z,this.w/=t.w,this}divideScalar(t){return this.multiplyScalar(1/t)}setAxisAngleFromQuaternion(t){this.w=2*Math.acos(t.w);let e=Math.sqrt(1-t.w*t.w);return e<1e-4?(this.x=1,this.y=0,this.z=0):(this.x=t.x/e,this.y=t.y/e,this.z=t.z/e),this}setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix(t){let e,n,r,s,c=t.elements,l=c[0],u=c[4],h=c[8],f=c[1],d=c[5],_=c[9],g=c[2],m=c[6],p=c[10];if(Math.abs(u-f)<.01&&Math.abs(h-g)<.01&&Math.abs(_-m)<.01){if(Math.abs(u+f)<.1&&Math.abs(h+g)<.1&&Math.abs(_+m)<.1&&Math.abs(l+d+p-3)<.1)return this.set(1,0,0,0),this;e=Math.PI;let b=(l+1)/2,M=(d+1)/2,D=(p+1)/2,P=(u+f)/4,E=(h+g)/4,U=(_+m)/4;return b>M&&b>D?b<.01?(n=0,r=.707106781,s=.707106781):(n=Math.sqrt(b),r=P/n,s=E/n):M>D?M<.01?(n=.707106781,r=0,s=.707106781):(r=Math.sqrt(M),n=P/r,s=U/r):D<.01?(n=.707106781,r=.707106781,s=0):(s=Math.sqrt(D),n=E/s,r=U/s),this.set(n,r,s,e),this}let w=Math.sqrt((m-_)*(m-_)+(h-g)*(h-g)+(f-u)*(f-u));return Math.abs(w)<.001&&(w=1),this.x=(m-_)/w,this.y=(h-g)/w,this.z=(f-u)/w,this.w=Math.acos((l+d+p-1)/2),this}setFromMatrixPosition(t){let e=t.elements;return this.x=e[12],this.y=e[13],this.z=e[14],this.w=e[15],this}min(t){return this.x=Math.min(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.min(this.y,t.y),this.z=Math.min(this.z,t.z),this.w=Math.min(this.w,t.w),this}max(t){return this.x=Math.max(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.max(this.y,t.y),this.z=Math.max(this.z,t.z),this.w=Math.max(this.w,t.w),this}clamp(t,e){return this.x=Xt(this.x,t.x,e.x),this.y=Xt(this.y,t.y,e.y),this.z=Xt(this.z,t.z,e.z),this.w=Xt(this.w,t.w,e.w),this}clampScalar(t,e){return this.x=Xt(this.x,t,e),this.y=Xt(this.y,t,e),this.z=Xt(this.z,t,e),this.w=Xt(this.w,t,e),this}clampLength(t,e){let n=this.length();return this.divideScalar(n||1).multiplyScalar(Xt(n,t,e))}floor(){return this.x=Math.floor(this.x),this.y=Math.floor(this.y),this.z=Math.floor(this.z),this.w=Math.floor(this.w),this}ceil(){return this.x=Math.ceil(this.x),this.y=Math.ceil(this.y),this.z=Math.ceil(this.z),this.w=Math.ceil(this.w),this}round(){return this.x=Math.round(this.x),this.y=Math.round(this.y),this.z=Math.round(this.z),this.w=Math.round(this.w),this}roundToZero(){return this.x=Math.trunc(this.x),this.y=Math.trunc(this.y),this.z=Math.trunc(this.z),this.w=Math.trunc(this.w),this}negate(){return this.x=-this.x,this.y=-this.y,this.z=-this.z,this.w=-this.w,this}dot(t){return this.x*t.x+this.y*t.y+this.z*t.z+this.w*t.w}lengthSq(){return this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y+this.z*this.z+this.w*this.w}length(){return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y+this.z*this.z+this.w*this.w)}manhattanLength(){return Math.abs(this.x)+Math.abs(this.y)+Math.abs(this.z)+Math.abs(this.w)}normalize(){return this.divideScalar(this.length()||1)}setLength(t){return this.normalize().multiplyScalar(t)}lerp(t,e){return this.x+=(t.x-this.x)*e,this.y+=(t.y-this.y)*e,this.z+=(t.z-this.z)*e,this.w+=(t.w-this.w)*e,this}lerpVectors(t,e,n){return this.x=t.x+(e.x-t.x)*n,this.y=t.y+(e.y-t.y)*n,this.z=t.z+(e.z-t.z)*n,this.w=t.w+(e.w-t.w)*n,this}equals(t){return t.x===this.x&&t.y===this.y&&t.z===this.z&&t.w===this.w}fromArray(t,e=0){return this.x=t[e],this.y=t[e+1],this.z=t[e+2],this.w=t[e+3],this}toArray(t=[],e=0){return t[e]=this.x,t[e+1]=this.y,t[e+2]=this.z,t[e+3]=this.w,t}fromBufferAttribute(t,e){return this.x=t.getX(e),this.y=t.getY(e),this.z=t.getZ(e),this.w=t.getW(e),this}random(){return this.x=Math.random(),this.y=Math.random(),this.z=Math.random(),this.w=Math.random(),this}*[Symbol.iterator](){yield this.x,yield this.y,yield this.z,yield this.w}},Ga=class extends gn{constructor(t=1,e=1,n={}){super(),this.isRenderTarget=!0,this.width=t,this.height=e,this.depth=1,this.scissor=new ie(0,0,t,e),this.scissorTest=!1,this.viewport=new ie(0,0,t,e);let r={width:t,height:e,depth:1};n=Object.assign({generateMipmaps:!1,internalFormat:null,minFilter:dn,depthBuffer:!0,stencilBuffer:!1,resolveDepthBuffer:!0,resolveStencilBuffer:!0,depthTexture:null,samples:0,count:1},n);let s=new ke(r,n.mapping,n.wrapS,n.wrapT,n.magFilter,n.minFilter,n.format,n.type,n.anisotropy,n.colorSpace);s.flipY=!1,s.generateMipmaps=n.generateMipmaps,s.internalFormat=n.internalFormat,this.textures=[];let a=n.count;for(let o=0;o=0?1:-1,b=1-p*p;if(b>Number.EPSILON){let D=Math.sqrt(b),P=Math.atan2(D,p*w);m=Math.sin(m*P)/D,o=Math.sin(o*P)/D}let M=o*w;if(c=c*m+f*M,l=l*m+d*M,u=u*m+_*M,h=h*m+g*M,m===1-o){let D=1/Math.sqrt(c*c+l*l+u*u+h*h);c*=D,l*=D,u*=D,h*=D}}t[e]=c,t[e+1]=l,t[e+2]=u,t[e+3]=h}static multiplyQuaternionsFlat(t,e,n,r,s,a){let o=n[r],c=n[r+1],l=n[r+2],u=n[r+3],h=s[a],f=s[a+1],d=s[a+2],_=s[a+3];return t[e]=o*_+u*h+c*d-l*f,t[e+1]=c*_+u*f+l*h-o*d,t[e+2]=l*_+u*d+o*f-c*h,t[e+3]=u*_-o*h-c*f-l*d,t}get x(){return this._x}set x(t){this._x=t,this._onChangeCallback()}get y(){return this._y}set y(t){this._y=t,this._onChangeCallback()}get z(){return this._z}set z(t){this._z=t,this._onChangeCallback()}get w(){return this._w}set w(t){this._w=t,this._onChangeCallback()}set(t,e,n,r){return this._x=t,this._y=e,this._z=n,this._w=r,this._onChangeCallback(),this}clone(){return new this.constructor(this._x,this._y,this._z,this._w)}copy(t){return this._x=t.x,this._y=t.y,this._z=t.z,this._w=t.w,this._onChangeCallback(),this}setFromEuler(t,e=!0){let n=t._x,r=t._y,s=t._z,a=t._order,o=Math.cos,c=Math.sin,l=o(n/2),u=o(r/2),h=o(s/2),f=c(n/2),d=c(r/2),_=c(s/2);switch(a){case"XYZ":this._x=f*u*h+l*d*_,this._y=l*d*h-f*u*_,this._z=l*u*_+f*d*h,this._w=l*u*h-f*d*_;break;case"YXZ":this._x=f*u*h+l*d*_,this._y=l*d*h-f*u*_,this._z=l*u*_-f*d*h,this._w=l*u*h+f*d*_;break;case"ZXY":this._x=f*u*h-l*d*_,this._y=l*d*h+f*u*_,this._z=l*u*_+f*d*h,this._w=l*u*h-f*d*_;break;case"ZYX":this._x=f*u*h-l*d*_,this._y=l*d*h+f*u*_,this._z=l*u*_-f*d*h,this._w=l*u*h+f*d*_;break;case"YZX":this._x=f*u*h+l*d*_,this._y=l*d*h+f*u*_,this._z=l*u*_-f*d*h,this._w=l*u*h-f*d*_;break;case"XZY":this._x=f*u*h-l*d*_,this._y=l*d*h-f*u*_,this._z=l*u*_+f*d*h,this._w=l*u*h+f*d*_;break;default:console.warn("THREE.Quaternion: .setFromEuler() encountered an unknown order: "+a)}return e===!0&&this._onChangeCallback(),this}setFromAxisAngle(t,e){let n=e/2,r=Math.sin(n);return this._x=t.x*r,this._y=t.y*r,this._z=t.z*r,this._w=Math.cos(n),this._onChangeCallback(),this}setFromRotationMatrix(t){let e=t.elements,n=e[0],r=e[4],s=e[8],a=e[1],o=e[5],c=e[9],l=e[2],u=e[6],h=e[10],f=n+o+h;if(f>0){let d=.5/Math.sqrt(f+1);this._w=.25/d,this._x=(u-c)*d,this._y=(s-l)*d,this._z=(a-r)*d}else if(n>o&&n>h){let d=2*Math.sqrt(1+n-o-h);this._w=(u-c)/d,this._x=.25*d,this._y=(r+a)/d,this._z=(s+l)/d}else if(o>h){let d=2*Math.sqrt(1+o-n-h);this._w=(s-l)/d,this._x=(r+a)/d,this._y=.25*d,this._z=(c+u)/d}else{let d=2*Math.sqrt(1+h-n-o);this._w=(a-r)/d,this._x=(s+l)/d,this._y=(c+u)/d,this._z=.25*d}return this._onChangeCallback(),this}setFromUnitVectors(t,e){let n=t.dot(e)+1;return nMath.abs(t.z)?(this._x=-t.y,this._y=t.x,this._z=0,this._w=n):(this._x=0,this._y=-t.z,this._z=t.y,this._w=n)):(this._x=t.y*e.z-t.z*e.y,this._y=t.z*e.x-t.x*e.z,this._z=t.x*e.y-t.y*e.x,this._w=n),this.normalize()}angleTo(t){return 2*Math.acos(Math.abs(Xt(this.dot(t),-1,1)))}rotateTowards(t,e){let n=this.angleTo(t);if(n===0)return this;let r=Math.min(1,e/n);return this.slerp(t,r),this}identity(){return this.set(0,0,0,1)}invert(){return this.conjugate()}conjugate(){return this._x*=-1,this._y*=-1,this._z*=-1,this._onChangeCallback(),this}dot(t){return this._x*t._x+this._y*t._y+this._z*t._z+this._w*t._w}lengthSq(){return this._x*this._x+this._y*this._y+this._z*this._z+this._w*this._w}length(){return Math.sqrt(this._x*this._x+this._y*this._y+this._z*this._z+this._w*this._w)}normalize(){let t=this.length();return t===0?(this._x=0,this._y=0,this._z=0,this._w=1):(t=1/t,this._x=this._x*t,this._y=this._y*t,this._z=this._z*t,this._w=this._w*t),this._onChangeCallback(),this}multiply(t){return this.multiplyQuaternions(this,t)}premultiply(t){return this.multiplyQuaternions(t,this)}multiplyQuaternions(t,e){let n=t._x,r=t._y,s=t._z,a=t._w,o=e._x,c=e._y,l=e._z,u=e._w;return this._x=n*u+a*o+r*l-s*c,this._y=r*u+a*c+s*o-n*l,this._z=s*u+a*l+n*c-r*o,this._w=a*u-n*o-r*c-s*l,this._onChangeCallback(),this}slerp(t,e){if(e===0)return this;if(e===1)return this.copy(t);let n=this._x,r=this._y,s=this._z,a=this._w,o=a*t._w+n*t._x+r*t._y+s*t._z;if(o<0?(this._w=-t._w,this._x=-t._x,this._y=-t._y,this._z=-t._z,o=-o):this.copy(t),o>=1)return this._w=a,this._x=n,this._y=r,this._z=s,this;let c=1-o*o;if(c<=Number.EPSILON){let d=1-e;return this._w=d*a+e*this._w,this._x=d*n+e*this._x,this._y=d*r+e*this._y,this._z=d*s+e*this._z,this.normalize(),this}let l=Math.sqrt(c),u=Math.atan2(l,o),h=Math.sin((1-e)*u)/l,f=Math.sin(e*u)/l;return this._w=a*h+this._w*f,this._x=n*h+this._x*f,this._y=r*h+this._y*f,this._z=s*h+this._z*f,this._onChangeCallback(),this}slerpQuaternions(t,e,n){return this.copy(t).slerp(e,n)}random(){let t=2*Math.PI*Math.random(),e=2*Math.PI*Math.random(),n=Math.random(),r=Math.sqrt(1-n),s=Math.sqrt(n);return this.set(r*Math.sin(t),r*Math.cos(t),s*Math.sin(e),s*Math.cos(e))}equals(t){return t._x===this._x&&t._y===this._y&&t._z===this._z&&t._w===this._w}fromArray(t,e=0){return this._x=t[e],this._y=t[e+1],this._z=t[e+2],this._w=t[e+3],this._onChangeCallback(),this}toArray(t=[],e=0){return t[e]=this._x,t[e+1]=this._y,t[e+2]=this._z,t[e+3]=this._w,t}fromBufferAttribute(t,e){return this._x=t.getX(e),this._y=t.getY(e),this._z=t.getZ(e),this._w=t.getW(e),this._onChangeCallback(),this}toJSON(){return this.toArray()}_onChange(t){return this._onChangeCallback=t,this}_onChangeCallback(){}*[Symbol.iterator](){yield this._x,yield this._y,yield this._z,yield this._w}},G=class i{constructor(t=0,e=0,n=0){i.prototype.isVector3=!0,this.x=t,this.y=e,this.z=n}set(t,e,n){return n===void 0&&(n=this.z),this.x=t,this.y=e,this.z=n,this}setScalar(t){return this.x=t,this.y=t,this.z=t,this}setX(t){return this.x=t,this}setY(t){return this.y=t,this}setZ(t){return this.z=t,this}setComponent(t,e){switch(t){case 0:this.x=e;break;case 1:this.y=e;break;case 2:this.z=e;break;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}return this}getComponent(t){switch(t){case 0:return this.x;case 1:return this.y;case 2:return this.z;default:throw new Error("index is out of range: "+t)}}clone(){return new this.constructor(this.x,this.y,this.z)}copy(t){return this.x=t.x,this.y=t.y,this.z=t.z,this}add(t){return this.x+=t.x,this.y+=t.y,this.z+=t.z,this}addScalar(t){return this.x+=t,this.y+=t,this.z+=t,this}addVectors(t,e){return this.x=t.x+e.x,this.y=t.y+e.y,this.z=t.z+e.z,this}addScaledVector(t,e){return this.x+=t.x*e,this.y+=t.y*e,this.z+=t.z*e,this}sub(t){return this.x-=t.x,this.y-=t.y,this.z-=t.z,this}subScalar(t){return this.x-=t,this.y-=t,this.z-=t,this}subVectors(t,e){return this.x=t.x-e.x,this.y=t.y-e.y,this.z=t.z-e.z,this}multiply(t){return this.x*=t.x,this.y*=t.y,this.z*=t.z,this}multiplyScalar(t){return this.x*=t,this.y*=t,this.z*=t,this}multiplyVectors(t,e){return this.x=t.x*e.x,this.y=t.y*e.y,this.z=t.z*e.z,this}applyEuler(t){return this.applyQuaternion(Hh.setFromEuler(t))}applyAxisAngle(t,e){return this.applyQuaternion(Hh.setFromAxisAngle(t,e))}applyMatrix3(t){let e=this.x,n=this.y,r=this.z,s=t.elements;return this.x=s[0]*e+s[3]*n+s[6]*r,this.y=s[1]*e+s[4]*n+s[7]*r,this.z=s[2]*e+s[5]*n+s[8]*r,this}applyNormalMatrix(t){return this.applyMatrix3(t).normalize()}applyMatrix4(t){let e=this.x,n=this.y,r=this.z,s=t.elements,a=1/(s[3]*e+s[7]*n+s[11]*r+s[15]);return this.x=(s[0]*e+s[4]*n+s[8]*r+s[12])*a,this.y=(s[1]*e+s[5]*n+s[9]*r+s[13])*a,this.z=(s[2]*e+s[6]*n+s[10]*r+s[14])*a,this}applyQuaternion(t){let e=this.x,n=this.y,r=this.z,s=t.x,a=t.y,o=t.z,c=t.w,l=2*(a*r-o*n),u=2*(o*e-s*r),h=2*(s*n-a*e);return this.x=e+c*l+a*h-o*u,this.y=n+c*u+o*l-s*h,this.z=r+c*h+s*u-a*l,this}project(t){return this.applyMatrix4(t.matrixWorldInverse).applyMatrix4(t.projectionMatrix)}unproject(t){return this.applyMatrix4(t.projectionMatrixInverse).applyMatrix4(t.matrixWorld)}transformDirection(t){let e=this.x,n=this.y,r=this.z,s=t.elements;return this.x=s[0]*e+s[4]*n+s[8]*r,this.y=s[1]*e+s[5]*n+s[9]*r,this.z=s[2]*e+s[6]*n+s[10]*r,this.normalize()}divide(t){return this.x/=t.x,this.y/=t.y,this.z/=t.z,this}divideScalar(t){return this.multiplyScalar(1/t)}min(t){return this.x=Math.min(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.min(this.y,t.y),this.z=Math.min(this.z,t.z),this}max(t){return this.x=Math.max(this.x,t.x),this.y=Math.max(this.y,t.y),this.z=Math.max(this.z,t.z),this}clamp(t,e){return this.x=Xt(this.x,t.x,e.x),this.y=Xt(this.y,t.y,e.y),this.z=Xt(this.z,t.z,e.z),this}clampScalar(t,e){return this.x=Xt(this.x,t,e),this.y=Xt(this.y,t,e),this.z=Xt(this.z,t,e),this}clampLength(t,e){let n=this.length();return this.divideScalar(n||1).multiplyScalar(Xt(n,t,e))}floor(){return this.x=Math.floor(this.x),this.y=Math.floor(this.y),this.z=Math.floor(this.z),this}ceil(){return this.x=Math.ceil(this.x),this.y=Math.ceil(this.y),this.z=Math.ceil(this.z),this}round(){return this.x=Math.round(this.x),this.y=Math.round(this.y),this.z=Math.round(this.z),this}roundToZero(){return this.x=Math.trunc(this.x),this.y=Math.trunc(this.y),this.z=Math.trunc(this.z),this}negate(){return this.x=-this.x,this.y=-this.y,this.z=-this.z,this}dot(t){return this.x*t.x+this.y*t.y+this.z*t.z}lengthSq(){return this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y+this.z*this.z}length(){return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y+this.z*this.z)}manhattanLength(){return Math.abs(this.x)+Math.abs(this.y)+Math.abs(this.z)}normalize(){return this.divideScalar(this.length()||1)}setLength(t){return this.normalize().multiplyScalar(t)}lerp(t,e){return this.x+=(t.x-this.x)*e,this.y+=(t.y-this.y)*e,this.z+=(t.z-this.z)*e,this}lerpVectors(t,e,n){return this.x=t.x+(e.x-t.x)*n,this.y=t.y+(e.y-t.y)*n,this.z=t.z+(e.z-t.z)*n,this}cross(t){return this.crossVectors(this,t)}crossVectors(t,e){let n=t.x,r=t.y,s=t.z,a=e.x,o=e.y,c=e.z;return this.x=r*c-s*o,this.y=s*a-n*c,this.z=n*o-r*a,this}projectOnVector(t){let e=t.lengthSq();if(e===0)return this.set(0,0,0);let n=t.dot(this)/e;return this.copy(t).multiplyScalar(n)}projectOnPlane(t){return Rc.copy(this).projectOnVector(t),this.sub(Rc)}reflect(t){return this.sub(Rc.copy(t).multiplyScalar(2*this.dot(t)))}angleTo(t){let e=Math.sqrt(this.lengthSq()*t.lengthSq());if(e===0)return Math.PI/2;let n=this.dot(t)/e;return Math.acos(Xt(n,-1,1))}distanceTo(t){return Math.sqrt(this.distanceToSquared(t))}distanceToSquared(t){let e=this.x-t.x,n=this.y-t.y,r=this.z-t.z;return e*e+n*n+r*r}manhattanDistanceTo(t){return Math.abs(this.x-t.x)+Math.abs(this.y-t.y)+Math.abs(this.z-t.z)}setFromSpherical(t){return this.setFromSphericalCoords(t.radius,t.phi,t.theta)}setFromSphericalCoords(t,e,n){let r=Math.sin(e)*t;return this.x=r*Math.sin(n),this.y=Math.cos(e)*t,this.z=r*Math.cos(n),this}setFromCylindrical(t){return this.setFromCylindricalCoords(t.radius,t.theta,t.y)}setFromCylindricalCoords(t,e,n){return this.x=t*Math.sin(e),this.y=n,this.z=t*Math.cos(e),this}setFromMatrixPosition(t){let e=t.elements;return this.x=e[12],this.y=e[13],this.z=e[14],this}setFromMatrixScale(t){let e=this.setFromMatrixColumn(t,0).length(),n=this.setFromMatrixColumn(t,1).length(),r=this.setFromMatrixColumn(t,2).length();return this.x=e,this.y=n,this.z=r,this}setFromMatrixColumn(t,e){return this.fromArray(t.elements,e*4)}setFromMatrix3Column(t,e){return this.fromArray(t.elements,e*3)}setFromEuler(t){return this.x=t._x,this.y=t._y,this.z=t._z,this}setFromColor(t){return this.x=t.r,this.y=t.g,this.z=t.b,this}equals(t){return t.x===this.x&&t.y===this.y&&t.z===this.z}fromArray(t,e=0){return this.x=t[e],this.y=t[e+1],this.z=t[e+2],this}toArray(t=[],e=0){return t[e]=this.x,t[e+1]=this.y,t[e+2]=this.z,t}fromBufferAttribute(t,e){return this.x=t.getX(e),this.y=t.getY(e),this.z=t.getZ(e),this}random(){return this.x=Math.random(),this.y=Math.random(),this.z=Math.random(),this}randomDirection(){let t=Math.random()*Math.PI*2,e=Math.random()*2-1,n=Math.sqrt(1-e*e);return this.x=n*Math.cos(t),this.y=e,this.z=n*Math.sin(t),this}*[Symbol.iterator](){yield this.x,yield this.y,yield this.z}},Rc=new G,Hh=new Ae,Ge=class{constructor(t=new G(1/0,1/0,1/0),e=new G(-1/0,-1/0,-1/0)){this.isBox3=!0,this.min=t,this.max=e}set(t,e){return this.min.copy(t),this.max.copy(e),this}setFromArray(t){this.makeEmpty();for(let e=0,n=t.length;e=this.min.x&&t.x<=this.max.x&&t.y>=this.min.y&&t.y<=this.max.y&&t.z>=this.min.z&&t.z<=this.max.z}containsBox(t){return this.min.x<=t.min.x&&t.max.x<=this.max.x&&this.min.y<=t.min.y&&t.max.y<=this.max.y&&this.min.z<=t.min.z&&t.max.z<=this.max.z}getParameter(t,e){return e.set((t.x-this.min.x)/(this.max.x-this.min.x),(t.y-this.min.y)/(this.max.y-this.min.y),(t.z-this.min.z)/(this.max.z-this.min.z))}intersectsBox(t){return t.max.x>=this.min.x&&t.min.x<=this.max.x&&t.max.y>=this.min.y&&t.min.y<=this.max.y&&t.max.z>=this.min.z&&t.min.z<=this.max.z}intersectsSphere(t){return this.clampPoint(t.center,cn),cn.distanceToSquared(t.center)<=t.radius*t.radius}intersectsPlane(t){let e,n;return t.normal.x>0?(e=t.normal.x*this.min.x,n=t.normal.x*this.max.x):(e=t.normal.x*this.max.x,n=t.normal.x*this.min.x),t.normal.y>0?(e+=t.normal.y*this.min.y,n+=t.normal.y*this.max.y):(e+=t.normal.y*this.max.y,n+=t.normal.y*this.min.y),t.normal.z>0?(e+=t.normal.z*this.min.z,n+=t.normal.z*this.max.z):(e+=t.normal.z*this.max.z,n+=t.normal.z*this.min.z),e<=-t.constant&&n>=-t.constant}intersectsTriangle(t){if(this.isEmpty())return!1;this.getCenter(ns),da.subVectors(this.max,ns),er.subVectors(t.a,ns),nr.subVectors(t.b,ns),ir.subVectors(t.c,ns),qn.subVectors(nr,er),Yn.subVectors(ir,nr),ui.subVectors(er,ir);let e=[0,-qn.z,qn.y,0,-Yn.z,Yn.y,0,-ui.z,ui.y,qn.z,0,-qn.x,Yn.z,0,-Yn.x,ui.z,0,-ui.x,-qn.y,qn.x,0,-Yn.y,Yn.x,0,-ui.y,ui.x,0];return!Pc(e,er,nr,ir,da)||(e=[1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1],!Pc(e,er,nr,ir,da))?!1:(fa.crossVectors(qn,Yn),e=[fa.x,fa.y,fa.z],Pc(e,er,nr,ir,da))}clampPoint(t,e){return e.copy(t).clamp(this.min,this.max)}distanceToPoint(t){return this.clampPoint(t,cn).distanceTo(t)}getBoundingSphere(t){return this.isEmpty()?t.makeEmpty():(this.getCenter(t.center),t.radius=this.getSize(cn).length()*.5),t}intersect(t){return this.min.max(t.min),this.max.min(t.max),this.isEmpty()&&this.makeEmpty(),this}union(t){return this.min.min(t.min),this.max.max(t.max),this}applyMatrix4(t){return this.isEmpty()?this:(Rn[0].set(this.min.x,this.min.y,this.min.z).applyMatrix4(t),Rn[1].set(this.min.x,this.min.y,this.max.z).applyMatrix4(t),Rn[2].set(this.min.x,this.max.y,this.min.z).applyMatrix4(t),Rn[3].set(this.min.x,this.max.y,this.max.z).applyMatrix4(t),Rn[4].set(this.max.x,this.min.y,this.min.z).applyMatrix4(t),Rn[5].set(this.max.x,this.min.y,this.max.z).applyMatrix4(t),Rn[6].set(this.max.x,this.max.y,this.min.z).applyMatrix4(t),Rn[7].set(this.max.x,this.max.y,this.max.z).applyMatrix4(t),this.setFromPoints(Rn),this)}translate(t){return this.min.add(t),this.max.add(t),this}equals(t){return t.min.equals(this.min)&&t.max.equals(this.max)}},Rn=[new G,new G,new G,new G,new G,new G,new G,new G],cn=new G,ua=new Ge,er=new G,nr=new G,ir=new G,qn=new G,Yn=new G,ui=new G,ns=new G,da=new G,fa=new G,di=new G;function Pc(i,t,e,n,r){for(let s=0,a=i.length-3;s<=a;s+=3){di.fromArray(i,s);let o=r.x*Math.abs(di.x)+r.y*Math.abs(di.y)+r.z*Math.abs(di.z),c=t.dot(di),l=e.dot(di),u=n.dot(di);if(Math.max(-Math.max(c,l,u),Math.min(c,l,u))>o)return!1}return!0}var Jf=new Ge,is=new G,Dc=new G,yn=class{constructor(t=new G,e=-1){this.isSphere=!0,this.center=t,this.radius=e}set(t,e){return this.center.copy(t),this.radius=e,this}setFromPoints(t,e){let n=this.center;e!==void 0?n.copy(e):Jf.setFromPoints(t).getCenter(n);let r=0;for(let s=0,a=t.length;sthis.radius*this.radius&&(e.sub(this.center).normalize(),e.multiplyScalar(this.radius).add(this.center)),e}getBoundingBox(t){return this.isEmpty()?(t.makeEmpty(),t):(t.set(this.center,this.center),t.expandByScalar(this.radius),t)}applyMatrix4(t){return this.center.applyMatrix4(t),this.radius=this.radius*t.getMaxScaleOnAxis(),this}translate(t){return this.center.add(t),this}expandByPoint(t){if(this.isEmpty())return this.center.copy(t),this.radius=0,this;is.subVectors(t,this.center);let e=is.lengthSq();if(e>this.radius*this.radius){let n=Math.sqrt(e),r=(n-this.radius)*.5;this.center.addScaledVector(is,r/n),this.radius+=r}return this}union(t){return t.isEmpty()?this:this.isEmpty()?(this.copy(t),this):(this.center.equals(t.center)===!0?this.radius=Math.max(this.radius,t.radius):(Dc.subVectors(t.center,this.center).setLength(t.radius),this.expandByPoint(is.copy(t.center).add(Dc)),this.expandByPoint(is.copy(t.center).sub(Dc))),this)}equals(t){return t.center.equals(this.center)&&t.radius===this.radius}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}},Pn=new G,Lc=new G,pa=new G,Zn=new G,Uc=new G,ma=new G,Oc=new G,ti=class{constructor(t=new G,e=new G(0,0,-1)){this.origin=t,this.direction=e}set(t,e){return this.origin.copy(t),this.direction.copy(e),this}copy(t){return this.origin.copy(t.origin),this.direction.copy(t.direction),this}at(t,e){return e.copy(this.origin).addScaledVector(this.direction,t)}lookAt(t){return this.direction.copy(t).sub(this.origin).normalize(),this}recast(t){return this.origin.copy(this.at(t,Pn)),this}closestPointToPoint(t,e){e.subVectors(t,this.origin);let n=e.dot(this.direction);return n<0?e.copy(this.origin):e.copy(this.origin).addScaledVector(this.direction,n)}distanceToPoint(t){return Math.sqrt(this.distanceSqToPoint(t))}distanceSqToPoint(t){let e=Pn.subVectors(t,this.origin).dot(this.direction);return e<0?this.origin.distanceToSquared(t):(Pn.copy(this.origin).addScaledVector(this.direction,e),Pn.distanceToSquared(t))}distanceSqToSegment(t,e,n,r){Lc.copy(t).add(e).multiplyScalar(.5),pa.copy(e).sub(t).normalize(),Zn.copy(this.origin).sub(Lc);let s=t.distanceTo(e)*.5,a=-this.direction.dot(pa),o=Zn.dot(this.direction),c=-Zn.dot(pa),l=Zn.lengthSq(),u=Math.abs(1-a*a),h,f,d,_;if(u>0)if(h=a*c-o,f=a*o-c,_=s*u,h>=0)if(f>=-_)if(f<=_){let g=1/u;h*=g,f*=g,d=h*(h+a*f+2*o)+f*(a*h+f+2*c)+l}else f=s,h=Math.max(0,-(a*f+o)),d=-h*h+f*(f+2*c)+l;else f=-s,h=Math.max(0,-(a*f+o)),d=-h*h+f*(f+2*c)+l;else f<=-_?(h=Math.max(0,-(-a*s+o)),f=h>0?-s:Math.min(Math.max(-s,-c),s),d=-h*h+f*(f+2*c)+l):f<=_?(h=0,f=Math.min(Math.max(-s,-c),s),d=f*(f+2*c)+l):(h=Math.max(0,-(a*s+o)),f=h>0?s:Math.min(Math.max(-s,-c),s),d=-h*h+f*(f+2*c)+l);else f=a>0?-s:s,h=Math.max(0,-(a*f+o)),d=-h*h+f*(f+2*c)+l;return n&&n.copy(this.origin).addScaledVector(this.direction,h),r&&r.copy(Lc).addScaledVector(pa,f),d}intersectSphere(t,e){Pn.subVectors(t.center,this.origin);let n=Pn.dot(this.direction),r=Pn.dot(Pn)-n*n,s=t.radius*t.radius;if(r>s)return null;let a=Math.sqrt(s-r),o=n-a,c=n+a;return c<0?null:o<0?this.at(c,e):this.at(o,e)}intersectsSphere(t){return this.distanceSqToPoint(t.center)<=t.radius*t.radius}distanceToPlane(t){let e=t.normal.dot(this.direction);if(e===0)return t.distanceToPoint(this.origin)===0?0:null;let n=-(this.origin.dot(t.normal)+t.constant)/e;return n>=0?n:null}intersectPlane(t,e){let n=this.distanceToPlane(t);return n===null?null:this.at(n,e)}intersectsPlane(t){let e=t.distanceToPoint(this.origin);return e===0||t.normal.dot(this.direction)*e<0}intersectBox(t,e){let n,r,s,a,o,c,l=1/this.direction.x,u=1/this.direction.y,h=1/this.direction.z,f=this.origin;return l>=0?(n=(t.min.x-f.x)*l,r=(t.max.x-f.x)*l):(n=(t.max.x-f.x)*l,r=(t.min.x-f.x)*l),u>=0?(s=(t.min.y-f.y)*u,a=(t.max.y-f.y)*u):(s=(t.max.y-f.y)*u,a=(t.min.y-f.y)*u),n>a||s>r||((s>n||isNaN(n))&&(n=s),(a=0?(o=(t.min.z-f.z)*h,c=(t.max.z-f.z)*h):(o=(t.max.z-f.z)*h,c=(t.min.z-f.z)*h),n>c||o>r)||((o>n||n!==n)&&(n=o),(c=0?n:r,e)}intersectsBox(t){return this.intersectBox(t,Pn)!==null}intersectTriangle(t,e,n,r,s){Uc.subVectors(e,t),ma.subVectors(n,t),Oc.crossVectors(Uc,ma);let a=this.direction.dot(Oc),o;if(a>0){if(r)return null;o=1}else if(a<0)o=-1,a=-a;else return null;Zn.subVectors(this.origin,t);let c=o*this.direction.dot(ma.crossVectors(Zn,ma));if(c<0)return null;let l=o*this.direction.dot(Uc.cross(Zn));if(l<0||c+l>a)return null;let u=-o*Zn.dot(Oc);return u<0?null:this.at(u/a,s)}applyMatrix4(t){return this.origin.applyMatrix4(t),this.direction.transformDirection(t),this}equals(t){return t.origin.equals(this.origin)&&t.direction.equals(this.direction)}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}},he=class i{constructor(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l,u,h,f,d,_,g,m){i.prototype.isMatrix4=!0,this.elements=[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1],t!==void 0&&this.set(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l,u,h,f,d,_,g,m)}set(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l,u,h,f,d,_,g,m){let p=this.elements;return p[0]=t,p[4]=e,p[8]=n,p[12]=r,p[1]=s,p[5]=a,p[9]=o,p[13]=c,p[2]=l,p[6]=u,p[10]=h,p[14]=f,p[3]=d,p[7]=_,p[11]=g,p[15]=m,this}identity(){return this.set(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),this}clone(){return new i().fromArray(this.elements)}copy(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.elements;return e[0]=n[0],e[1]=n[1],e[2]=n[2],e[3]=n[3],e[4]=n[4],e[5]=n[5],e[6]=n[6],e[7]=n[7],e[8]=n[8],e[9]=n[9],e[10]=n[10],e[11]=n[11],e[12]=n[12],e[13]=n[13],e[14]=n[14],e[15]=n[15],this}copyPosition(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.elements;return e[12]=n[12],e[13]=n[13],e[14]=n[14],this}setFromMatrix3(t){let e=t.elements;return this.set(e[0],e[3],e[6],0,e[1],e[4],e[7],0,e[2],e[5],e[8],0,0,0,0,1),this}extractBasis(t,e,n){return t.setFromMatrixColumn(this,0),e.setFromMatrixColumn(this,1),n.setFromMatrixColumn(this,2),this}makeBasis(t,e,n){return this.set(t.x,e.x,n.x,0,t.y,e.y,n.y,0,t.z,e.z,n.z,0,0,0,0,1),this}extractRotation(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.elements,r=1/rr.setFromMatrixColumn(t,0).length(),s=1/rr.setFromMatrixColumn(t,1).length(),a=1/rr.setFromMatrixColumn(t,2).length();return e[0]=n[0]*r,e[1]=n[1]*r,e[2]=n[2]*r,e[3]=0,e[4]=n[4]*s,e[5]=n[5]*s,e[6]=n[6]*s,e[7]=0,e[8]=n[8]*a,e[9]=n[9]*a,e[10]=n[10]*a,e[11]=0,e[12]=0,e[13]=0,e[14]=0,e[15]=1,this}makeRotationFromEuler(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.x,r=t.y,s=t.z,a=Math.cos(n),o=Math.sin(n),c=Math.cos(r),l=Math.sin(r),u=Math.cos(s),h=Math.sin(s);if(t.order==="XYZ"){let f=a*u,d=a*h,_=o*u,g=o*h;e[0]=c*u,e[4]=-c*h,e[8]=l,e[1]=d+_*l,e[5]=f-g*l,e[9]=-o*c,e[2]=g-f*l,e[6]=_+d*l,e[10]=a*c}else if(t.order==="YXZ"){let f=c*u,d=c*h,_=l*u,g=l*h;e[0]=f+g*o,e[4]=_*o-d,e[8]=a*l,e[1]=a*h,e[5]=a*u,e[9]=-o,e[2]=d*o-_,e[6]=g+f*o,e[10]=a*c}else if(t.order==="ZXY"){let f=c*u,d=c*h,_=l*u,g=l*h;e[0]=f-g*o,e[4]=-a*h,e[8]=_+d*o,e[1]=d+_*o,e[5]=a*u,e[9]=g-f*o,e[2]=-a*l,e[6]=o,e[10]=a*c}else if(t.order==="ZYX"){let f=a*u,d=a*h,_=o*u,g=o*h;e[0]=c*u,e[4]=_*l-d,e[8]=f*l+g,e[1]=c*h,e[5]=g*l+f,e[9]=d*l-_,e[2]=-l,e[6]=o*c,e[10]=a*c}else if(t.order==="YZX"){let f=a*c,d=a*l,_=o*c,g=o*l;e[0]=c*u,e[4]=g-f*h,e[8]=_*h+d,e[1]=h,e[5]=a*u,e[9]=-o*u,e[2]=-l*u,e[6]=d*h+_,e[10]=f-g*h}else if(t.order==="XZY"){let f=a*c,d=a*l,_=o*c,g=o*l;e[0]=c*u,e[4]=-h,e[8]=l*u,e[1]=f*h+g,e[5]=a*u,e[9]=d*h-_,e[2]=_*h-d,e[6]=o*u,e[10]=g*h+f}return e[3]=0,e[7]=0,e[11]=0,e[12]=0,e[13]=0,e[14]=0,e[15]=1,this}makeRotationFromQuaternion(t){return this.compose($f,t,jf)}lookAt(t,e,n){let r=this.elements;return Ye.subVectors(t,e),Ye.lengthSq()===0&&(Ye.z=1),Ye.normalize(),Kn.crossVectors(n,Ye),Kn.lengthSq()===0&&(Math.abs(n.z)===1?Ye.x+=1e-4:Ye.z+=1e-4,Ye.normalize(),Kn.crossVectors(n,Ye)),Kn.normalize(),_a.crossVectors(Ye,Kn),r[0]=Kn.x,r[4]=_a.x,r[8]=Ye.x,r[1]=Kn.y,r[5]=_a.y,r[9]=Ye.y,r[2]=Kn.z,r[6]=_a.z,r[10]=Ye.z,this}multiply(t){return this.multiplyMatrices(this,t)}premultiply(t){return this.multiplyMatrices(t,this)}multiplyMatrices(t,e){let n=t.elements,r=e.elements,s=this.elements,a=n[0],o=n[4],c=n[8],l=n[12],u=n[1],h=n[5],f=n[9],d=n[13],_=n[2],g=n[6],m=n[10],p=n[14],w=n[3],b=n[7],M=n[11],D=n[15],P=r[0],E=r[4],U=r[8],T=r[12],x=r[1],C=r[5],y=r[9],O=r[13],q=r[2],H=r[6],$=r[10],X=r[14],Z=r[3],k=r[7],N=r[11],ut=r[15];return s[0]=a*P+o*x+c*q+l*Z,s[4]=a*E+o*C+c*H+l*k,s[8]=a*U+o*y+c*$+l*N,s[12]=a*T+o*O+c*X+l*ut,s[1]=u*P+h*x+f*q+d*Z,s[5]=u*E+h*C+f*H+d*k,s[9]=u*U+h*y+f*$+d*N,s[13]=u*T+h*O+f*X+d*ut,s[2]=_*P+g*x+m*q+p*Z,s[6]=_*E+g*C+m*H+p*k,s[10]=_*U+g*y+m*$+p*N,s[14]=_*T+g*O+m*X+p*ut,s[3]=w*P+b*x+M*q+D*Z,s[7]=w*E+b*C+M*H+D*k,s[11]=w*U+b*y+M*$+D*N,s[15]=w*T+b*O+M*X+D*ut,this}multiplyScalar(t){let e=this.elements;return e[0]*=t,e[4]*=t,e[8]*=t,e[12]*=t,e[1]*=t,e[5]*=t,e[9]*=t,e[13]*=t,e[2]*=t,e[6]*=t,e[10]*=t,e[14]*=t,e[3]*=t,e[7]*=t,e[11]*=t,e[15]*=t,this}determinant(){let t=this.elements,e=t[0],n=t[4],r=t[8],s=t[12],a=t[1],o=t[5],c=t[9],l=t[13],u=t[2],h=t[6],f=t[10],d=t[14],_=t[3],g=t[7],m=t[11],p=t[15];return _*(+s*c*h-r*l*h-s*o*f+n*l*f+r*o*d-n*c*d)+g*(+e*c*d-e*l*f+s*a*f-r*a*d+r*l*u-s*c*u)+m*(+e*l*h-e*o*d-s*a*h+n*a*d+s*o*u-n*l*u)+p*(-r*o*u-e*c*h+e*o*f+r*a*h-n*a*f+n*c*u)}transpose(){let t=this.elements,e;return e=t[1],t[1]=t[4],t[4]=e,e=t[2],t[2]=t[8],t[8]=e,e=t[6],t[6]=t[9],t[9]=e,e=t[3],t[3]=t[12],t[12]=e,e=t[7],t[7]=t[13],t[13]=e,e=t[11],t[11]=t[14],t[14]=e,this}setPosition(t,e,n){let r=this.elements;return t.isVector3?(r[12]=t.x,r[13]=t.y,r[14]=t.z):(r[12]=t,r[13]=e,r[14]=n),this}invert(){let t=this.elements,e=t[0],n=t[1],r=t[2],s=t[3],a=t[4],o=t[5],c=t[6],l=t[7],u=t[8],h=t[9],f=t[10],d=t[11],_=t[12],g=t[13],m=t[14],p=t[15],w=h*m*l-g*f*l+g*c*d-o*m*d-h*c*p+o*f*p,b=_*f*l-u*m*l-_*c*d+a*m*d+u*c*p-a*f*p,M=u*g*l-_*h*l+_*o*d-a*g*d-u*o*p+a*h*p,D=_*h*c-u*g*c-_*o*f+a*g*f+u*o*m-a*h*m,P=e*w+n*b+r*M+s*D;if(P===0)return this.set(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);let E=1/P;return t[0]=w*E,t[1]=(g*f*s-h*m*s-g*r*d+n*m*d+h*r*p-n*f*p)*E,t[2]=(o*m*s-g*c*s+g*r*l-n*m*l-o*r*p+n*c*p)*E,t[3]=(h*c*s-o*f*s-h*r*l+n*f*l+o*r*d-n*c*d)*E,t[4]=b*E,t[5]=(u*m*s-_*f*s+_*r*d-e*m*d-u*r*p+e*f*p)*E,t[6]=(_*c*s-a*m*s-_*r*l+e*m*l+a*r*p-e*c*p)*E,t[7]=(a*f*s-u*c*s+u*r*l-e*f*l-a*r*d+e*c*d)*E,t[8]=M*E,t[9]=(_*h*s-u*g*s-_*n*d+e*g*d+u*n*p-e*h*p)*E,t[10]=(a*g*s-_*o*s+_*n*l-e*g*l-a*n*p+e*o*p)*E,t[11]=(u*o*s-a*h*s-u*n*l+e*h*l+a*n*d-e*o*d)*E,t[12]=D*E,t[13]=(u*g*r-_*h*r+_*n*f-e*g*f-u*n*m+e*h*m)*E,t[14]=(_*o*r-a*g*r-_*n*c+e*g*c+a*n*m-e*o*m)*E,t[15]=(a*h*r-u*o*r+u*n*c-e*h*c-a*n*f+e*o*f)*E,this}scale(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.x,r=t.y,s=t.z;return e[0]*=n,e[4]*=r,e[8]*=s,e[1]*=n,e[5]*=r,e[9]*=s,e[2]*=n,e[6]*=r,e[10]*=s,e[3]*=n,e[7]*=r,e[11]*=s,this}getMaxScaleOnAxis(){let t=this.elements,e=t[0]*t[0]+t[1]*t[1]+t[2]*t[2],n=t[4]*t[4]+t[5]*t[5]+t[6]*t[6],r=t[8]*t[8]+t[9]*t[9]+t[10]*t[10];return Math.sqrt(Math.max(e,n,r))}makeTranslation(t,e,n){return t.isVector3?this.set(1,0,0,t.x,0,1,0,t.y,0,0,1,t.z,0,0,0,1):this.set(1,0,0,t,0,1,0,e,0,0,1,n,0,0,0,1),this}makeRotationX(t){let e=Math.cos(t),n=Math.sin(t);return this.set(1,0,0,0,0,e,-n,0,0,n,e,0,0,0,0,1),this}makeRotationY(t){let e=Math.cos(t),n=Math.sin(t);return this.set(e,0,n,0,0,1,0,0,-n,0,e,0,0,0,0,1),this}makeRotationZ(t){let e=Math.cos(t),n=Math.sin(t);return this.set(e,-n,0,0,n,e,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1),this}makeRotationAxis(t,e){let n=Math.cos(e),r=Math.sin(e),s=1-n,a=t.x,o=t.y,c=t.z,l=s*a,u=s*o;return this.set(l*a+n,l*o-r*c,l*c+r*o,0,l*o+r*c,u*o+n,u*c-r*a,0,l*c-r*o,u*c+r*a,s*c*c+n,0,0,0,0,1),this}makeScale(t,e,n){return this.set(t,0,0,0,0,e,0,0,0,0,n,0,0,0,0,1),this}makeShear(t,e,n,r,s,a){return this.set(1,n,s,0,t,1,a,0,e,r,1,0,0,0,0,1),this}compose(t,e,n){let r=this.elements,s=e._x,a=e._y,o=e._z,c=e._w,l=s+s,u=a+a,h=o+o,f=s*l,d=s*u,_=s*h,g=a*u,m=a*h,p=o*h,w=c*l,b=c*u,M=c*h,D=n.x,P=n.y,E=n.z;return r[0]=(1-(g+p))*D,r[1]=(d+M)*D,r[2]=(_-b)*D,r[3]=0,r[4]=(d-M)*P,r[5]=(1-(f+p))*P,r[6]=(m+w)*P,r[7]=0,r[8]=(_+b)*E,r[9]=(m-w)*E,r[10]=(1-(f+g))*E,r[11]=0,r[12]=t.x,r[13]=t.y,r[14]=t.z,r[15]=1,this}decompose(t,e,n){let r=this.elements,s=rr.set(r[0],r[1],r[2]).length(),a=rr.set(r[4],r[5],r[6]).length(),o=rr.set(r[8],r[9],r[10]).length();this.determinant()<0&&(s=-s),t.x=r[12],t.y=r[13],t.z=r[14],ln.copy(this);let l=1/s,u=1/a,h=1/o;return ln.elements[0]*=l,ln.elements[1]*=l,ln.elements[2]*=l,ln.elements[4]*=u,ln.elements[5]*=u,ln.elements[6]*=u,ln.elements[8]*=h,ln.elements[9]*=h,ln.elements[10]*=h,e.setFromRotationMatrix(ln),n.x=s,n.y=a,n.z=o,this}makePerspective(t,e,n,r,s,a,o=_n){let c=this.elements,l=2*s/(e-t),u=2*s/(n-r),h=(e+t)/(e-t),f=(n+r)/(n-r),d,_;if(o===_n)d=-(a+s)/(a-s),_=-2*a*s/(a-s);else if(o===ps)d=-a/(a-s),_=-a*s/(a-s);else throw new Error("THREE.Matrix4.makePerspective(): Invalid coordinate system: "+o);return c[0]=l,c[4]=0,c[8]=h,c[12]=0,c[1]=0,c[5]=u,c[9]=f,c[13]=0,c[2]=0,c[6]=0,c[10]=d,c[14]=_,c[3]=0,c[7]=0,c[11]=-1,c[15]=0,this}makeOrthographic(t,e,n,r,s,a,o=_n){let c=this.elements,l=1/(e-t),u=1/(n-r),h=1/(a-s),f=(e+t)*l,d=(n+r)*u,_,g;if(o===_n)_=(a+s)*h,g=-2*h;else if(o===ps)_=s*h,g=-1*h;else throw new Error("THREE.Matrix4.makeOrthographic(): Invalid coordinate system: "+o);return c[0]=2*l,c[4]=0,c[8]=0,c[12]=-f,c[1]=0,c[5]=2*u,c[9]=0,c[13]=-d,c[2]=0,c[6]=0,c[10]=g,c[14]=-_,c[3]=0,c[7]=0,c[11]=0,c[15]=1,this}equals(t){let e=this.elements,n=t.elements;for(let r=0;r<16;r++)if(e[r]!==n[r])return!1;return!0}fromArray(t,e=0){for(let n=0;n<16;n++)this.elements[n]=t[n+e];return this}toArray(t=[],e=0){let n=this.elements;return t[e]=n[0],t[e+1]=n[1],t[e+2]=n[2],t[e+3]=n[3],t[e+4]=n[4],t[e+5]=n[5],t[e+6]=n[6],t[e+7]=n[7],t[e+8]=n[8],t[e+9]=n[9],t[e+10]=n[10],t[e+11]=n[11],t[e+12]=n[12],t[e+13]=n[13],t[e+14]=n[14],t[e+15]=n[15],t}},rr=new G,ln=new he,$f=new G(0,0,0),jf=new G(1,1,1),Kn=new G,_a=new G,Ye=new G,Gh=new he,Wh=new Ae,fn=class i{constructor(t=0,e=0,n=0,r=i.DEFAULT_ORDER){this.isEuler=!0,this._x=t,this._y=e,this._z=n,this._order=r}get x(){return this._x}set x(t){this._x=t,this._onChangeCallback()}get y(){return this._y}set y(t){this._y=t,this._onChangeCallback()}get z(){return this._z}set z(t){this._z=t,this._onChangeCallback()}get order(){return this._order}set order(t){this._order=t,this._onChangeCallback()}set(t,e,n,r=this._order){return this._x=t,this._y=e,this._z=n,this._order=r,this._onChangeCallback(),this}clone(){return new this.constructor(this._x,this._y,this._z,this._order)}copy(t){return this._x=t._x,this._y=t._y,this._z=t._z,this._order=t._order,this._onChangeCallback(),this}setFromRotationMatrix(t,e=this._order,n=!0){let r=t.elements,s=r[0],a=r[4],o=r[8],c=r[1],l=r[5],u=r[9],h=r[2],f=r[6],d=r[10];switch(e){case"XYZ":this._y=Math.asin(Xt(o,-1,1)),Math.abs(o)<.9999999?(this._x=Math.atan2(-u,d),this._z=Math.atan2(-a,s)):(this._x=Math.atan2(f,l),this._z=0);break;case"YXZ":this._x=Math.asin(-Xt(u,-1,1)),Math.abs(u)<.9999999?(this._y=Math.atan2(o,d),this._z=Math.atan2(c,l)):(this._y=Math.atan2(-h,s),this._z=0);break;case"ZXY":this._x=Math.asin(Xt(f,-1,1)),Math.abs(f)<.9999999?(this._y=Math.atan2(-h,d),this._z=Math.atan2(-a,l)):(this._y=0,this._z=Math.atan2(c,s));break;case"ZYX":this._y=Math.asin(-Xt(h,-1,1)),Math.abs(h)<.9999999?(this._x=Math.atan2(f,d),this._z=Math.atan2(c,s)):(this._x=0,this._z=Math.atan2(-a,l));break;case"YZX":this._z=Math.asin(Xt(c,-1,1)),Math.abs(c)<.9999999?(this._x=Math.atan2(-u,l),this._y=Math.atan2(-h,s)):(this._x=0,this._y=Math.atan2(o,d));break;case"XZY":this._z=Math.asin(-Xt(a,-1,1)),Math.abs(a)<.9999999?(this._x=Math.atan2(f,l),this._y=Math.atan2(o,s)):(this._x=Math.atan2(-u,d),this._y=0);break;default:console.warn("THREE.Euler: .setFromRotationMatrix() encountered an unknown order: "+e)}return this._order=e,n===!0&&this._onChangeCallback(),this}setFromQuaternion(t,e,n){return Gh.makeRotationFromQuaternion(t),this.setFromRotationMatrix(Gh,e,n)}setFromVector3(t,e=this._order){return this.set(t.x,t.y,t.z,e)}reorder(t){return Wh.setFromEuler(this),this.setFromQuaternion(Wh,t)}equals(t){return t._x===this._x&&t._y===this._y&&t._z===this._z&&t._order===this._order}fromArray(t){return this._x=t[0],this._y=t[1],this._z=t[2],t[3]!==void 0&&(this._order=t[3]),this._onChangeCallback(),this}toArray(t=[],e=0){return t[e]=this._x,t[e+1]=this._y,t[e+2]=this._z,t[e+3]=this._order,t}_onChange(t){return this._onChangeCallback=t,this}_onChangeCallback(){}*[Symbol.iterator](){yield this._x,yield this._y,yield this._z,yield this._order}};fn.DEFAULT_ORDER="XYZ";var yr=class{constructor(){this.mask=1}set(t){this.mask=(1<>>0}enable(t){this.mask|=1<1){for(let e=0;e1){for(let n=0;n0&&(r.userData=this.userData),r.layers=this.layers.mask,r.matrix=this.matrix.toArray(),r.up=this.up.toArray(),this.matrixAutoUpdate===!1&&(r.matrixAutoUpdate=!1),this.isInstancedMesh&&(r.type="InstancedMesh",r.count=this.count,r.instanceMatrix=this.instanceMatrix.toJSON(),this.instanceColor!==null&&(r.instanceColor=this.instanceColor.toJSON())),this.isBatchedMesh&&(r.type="BatchedMesh",r.perObjectFrustumCulled=this.perObjectFrustumCulled,r.sortObjects=this.sortObjects,r.drawRanges=this._drawRanges,r.reservedRanges=this._reservedRanges,r.visibility=this._visibility,r.active=this._active,r.bounds=this._bounds.map(o=>({boxInitialized:o.boxInitialized,boxMin:o.box.min.toArray(),boxMax:o.box.max.toArray(),sphereInitialized:o.sphereInitialized,sphereRadius:o.sphere.radius,sphereCenter:o.sphere.center.toArray()})),r.maxInstanceCount=this._maxInstanceCount,r.maxVertexCount=this._maxVertexCount,r.maxIndexCount=this._maxIndexCount,r.geometryInitialized=this._geometryInitialized,r.geometryCount=this._geometryCount,r.matricesTexture=this._matricesTexture.toJSON(t),this._colorsTexture!==null&&(r.colorsTexture=this._colorsTexture.toJSON(t)),this.boundingSphere!==null&&(r.boundingSphere={center:r.boundingSphere.center.toArray(),radius:r.boundingSphere.radius}),this.boundingBox!==null&&(r.boundingBox={min:r.boundingBox.min.toArray(),max:r.boundingBox.max.toArray()}));function s(o,c){return o[c.uuid]===void 0&&(o[c.uuid]=c.toJSON(t)),c.uuid}if(this.isScene)this.background&&(this.background.isColor?r.background=this.background.toJSON():this.background.isTexture&&(r.background=this.background.toJSON(t).uuid)),this.environment&&this.environment.isTexture&&this.environment.isRenderTargetTexture!==!0&&(r.environment=this.environment.toJSON(t).uuid);else if(this.isMesh||this.isLine||this.isPoints){r.geometry=s(t.geometries,this.geometry);let o=this.geometry.parameters;if(o!==void 0&&o.shapes!==void 0){let c=o.shapes;if(Array.isArray(c))for(let l=0,u=c.length;l0){r.children=[];for(let o=0;o0){r.animations=[];for(let o=0;o0&&(n.geometries=o),c.length>0&&(n.materials=c),l.length>0&&(n.textures=l),u.length>0&&(n.images=u),h.length>0&&(n.shapes=h),f.length>0&&(n.skeletons=f),d.length>0&&(n.animations=d),_.length>0&&(n.nodes=_)}return n.object=r,n;function a(o){let c=[];for(let l in o){let u=o[l];delete u.metadata,c.push(u)}return c}}clone(t){return new this.constructor().copy(this,t)}copy(t,e=!0){if(this.name=t.name,this.up.copy(t.up),this.position.copy(t.position),this.rotation.order=t.rotation.order,this.quaternion.copy(t.quaternion),this.scale.copy(t.scale),this.matrix.copy(t.matrix),this.matrixWorld.copy(t.matrixWorld),this.matrixAutoUpdate=t.matrixAutoUpdate,this.matrixWorldAutoUpdate=t.matrixWorldAutoUpdate,this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate=t.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate,this.layers.mask=t.layers.mask,this.visible=t.visible,this.castShadow=t.castShadow,this.receiveShadow=t.receiveShadow,this.frustumCulled=t.frustumCulled,this.renderOrder=t.renderOrder,this.animations=t.animations.slice(),this.userData=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t.userData)),e===!0)for(let n=0;n0?r.multiplyScalar(1/Math.sqrt(s)):r.set(0,0,0)}static getBarycoord(t,e,n,r,s){hn.subVectors(r,e),Ln.subVectors(n,e),Bc.subVectors(t,e);let a=hn.dot(hn),o=hn.dot(Ln),c=hn.dot(Bc),l=Ln.dot(Ln),u=Ln.dot(Bc),h=a*l-o*o;if(h===0)return s.set(0,0,0),null;let f=1/h,d=(l*c-o*u)*f,_=(a*u-o*c)*f;return s.set(1-d-_,_,d)}static containsPoint(t,e,n,r){return this.getBarycoord(t,e,n,r,Un)===null?!1:Un.x>=0&&Un.y>=0&&Un.x+Un.y<=1}static getInterpolation(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c){return this.getBarycoord(t,e,n,r,Un)===null?(c.x=0,c.y=0,"z"in c&&(c.z=0),"w"in c&&(c.w=0),null):(c.setScalar(0),c.addScaledVector(s,Un.x),c.addScaledVector(a,Un.y),c.addScaledVector(o,Un.z),c)}static getInterpolatedAttribute(t,e,n,r,s,a){return Vc.setScalar(0),Hc.setScalar(0),Gc.setScalar(0),Vc.fromBufferAttribute(t,e),Hc.fromBufferAttribute(t,n),Gc.fromBufferAttribute(t,r),a.setScalar(0),a.addScaledVector(Vc,s.x),a.addScaledVector(Hc,s.y),a.addScaledVector(Gc,s.z),a}static isFrontFacing(t,e,n,r){return hn.subVectors(n,e),Ln.subVectors(t,e),hn.cross(Ln).dot(r)<0}set(t,e,n){return this.a.copy(t),this.b.copy(e),this.c.copy(n),this}setFromPointsAndIndices(t,e,n,r){return this.a.copy(t[e]),this.b.copy(t[n]),this.c.copy(t[r]),this}setFromAttributeAndIndices(t,e,n,r){return this.a.fromBufferAttribute(t,e),this.b.fromBufferAttribute(t,n),this.c.fromBufferAttribute(t,r),this}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}copy(t){return this.a.copy(t.a),this.b.copy(t.b),this.c.copy(t.c),this}getArea(){return hn.subVectors(this.c,this.b),Ln.subVectors(this.a,this.b),hn.cross(Ln).length()*.5}getMidpoint(t){return t.addVectors(this.a,this.b).add(this.c).multiplyScalar(1/3)}getNormal(t){return i.getNormal(this.a,this.b,this.c,t)}getPlane(t){return t.setFromCoplanarPoints(this.a,this.b,this.c)}getBarycoord(t,e){return i.getBarycoord(t,this.a,this.b,this.c,e)}getInterpolation(t,e,n,r,s){return i.getInterpolation(t,this.a,this.b,this.c,e,n,r,s)}containsPoint(t){return i.containsPoint(t,this.a,this.b,this.c)}isFrontFacing(t){return i.isFrontFacing(this.a,this.b,this.c,t)}intersectsBox(t){return t.intersectsTriangle(this)}closestPointToPoint(t,e){let n=this.a,r=this.b,s=this.c,a,o;or.subVectors(r,n),cr.subVectors(s,n),Nc.subVectors(t,n);let c=or.dot(Nc),l=cr.dot(Nc);if(c<=0&&l<=0)return e.copy(n);zc.subVectors(t,r);let u=or.dot(zc),h=cr.dot(zc);if(u>=0&&h<=u)return e.copy(r);let f=c*h-u*l;if(f<=0&&c>=0&&u<=0)return a=c/(c-u),e.copy(n).addScaledVector(or,a);kc.subVectors(t,s);let d=or.dot(kc),_=cr.dot(kc);if(_>=0&&d<=_)return e.copy(s);let g=d*l-c*_;if(g<=0&&l>=0&&_<=0)return o=l/(l-_),e.copy(n).addScaledVector(cr,o);let m=u*_-d*h;if(m<=0&&h-u>=0&&d-_>=0)return Jh.subVectors(s,r),o=(h-u)/(h-u+(d-_)),e.copy(r).addScaledVector(Jh,o);let p=1/(m+g+f);return a=g*p,o=f*p,e.copy(n).addScaledVector(or,a).addScaledVector(cr,o)}equals(t){return t.a.equals(this.a)&&t.b.equals(this.b)&&t.c.equals(this.c)}},sd={aliceblue:15792383,antiquewhite:16444375,aqua:65535,aquamarine:8388564,azure:15794175,beige:16119260,bisque:16770244,black:0,blanchedalmond:16772045,blue:255,blueviolet:9055202,brown:10824234,burlywood:14596231,cadetblue:6266528,chartreuse:8388352,chocolate:13789470,coral:16744272,cornflowerblue:6591981,cornsilk:16775388,crimson:14423100,cyan:65535,darkblue:139,darkcyan:35723,darkgoldenrod:12092939,darkgray:11119017,darkgreen:25600,darkgrey:11119017,darkkhaki:12433259,darkmagenta:9109643,darkolivegreen:5597999,darkorange:16747520,darkorchid:10040012,darkred:9109504,darksalmon:15308410,darkseagreen:9419919,darkslateblue:4734347,darkslategray:3100495,darkslategrey:3100495,darkturquoise:52945,darkviolet:9699539,deeppink:16716947,deepskyblue:49151,dimgray:6908265,dimgrey:6908265,dodgerblue:2003199,firebrick:11674146,floralwhite:16775920,forestgreen:2263842,fuchsia:16711935,gainsboro:14474460,ghostwhite:16316671,gold:16766720,goldenrod:14329120,gray:8421504,green:32768,greenyellow:11403055,grey:8421504,honeydew:15794160,hotpink:16738740,indianred:13458524,indigo:4915330,ivory:16777200,khaki:15787660,lavender:15132410,lavenderblush:16773365,lawngreen:8190976,lemonchiffon:16775885,lightblue:11393254,lightcoral:15761536,lightcyan:14745599,lightgoldenrodyellow:16448210,lightgray:13882323,lightgreen:9498256,lightgrey:13882323,lightpink:16758465,lightsalmon:16752762,lightseagreen:2142890,lightskyblue:8900346,lightslategray:7833753,lightslategrey:7833753,lightsteelblue:11584734,lightyellow:16777184,lime:65280,limegreen:3329330,linen:16445670,magenta:16711935,maroon:8388608,mediumaquamarine:6737322,mediumblue:205,mediumorchid:12211667,mediumpurple:9662683,mediumseagreen:3978097,mediumslateblue:8087790,mediumspringgreen:64154,mediumturquoise:4772300,mediumvioletred:13047173,midnightblue:1644912,mintcream:16121850,mistyrose:16770273,moccasin:16770229,navajowhite:16768685,navy:128,oldlace:16643558,olive:8421376,olivedrab:7048739,orange:16753920,orangered:16729344,orchid:14315734,palegoldenrod:15657130,palegreen:10025880,paleturquoise:11529966,palevioletred:14381203,papayawhip:16773077,peachpuff:16767673,peru:13468991,pink:16761035,plum:14524637,powderblue:11591910,purple:8388736,rebeccapurple:6697881,red:16711680,rosybrown:12357519,royalblue:4286945,saddlebrown:9127187,salmon:16416882,sandybrown:16032864,seagreen:3050327,seashell:16774638,sienna:10506797,silver:12632256,skyblue:8900331,slateblue:6970061,slategray:7372944,slategrey:7372944,snow:16775930,springgreen:65407,steelblue:4620980,tan:13808780,teal:32896,thistle:14204888,tomato:16737095,turquoise:4251856,violet:15631086,wheat:16113331,white:16777215,whitesmoke:16119285,yellow:16776960,yellowgreen:10145074},Jn={h:0,s:0,l:0},xa={h:0,s:0,l:0};function Wc(i,t,e){return e<0&&(e+=1),e>1&&(e-=1),e<1/6?i+(t-i)*6*e:e<1/2?t:e<2/3?i+(t-i)*6*(2/3-e):i}var kt=class{constructor(t,e,n){return this.isColor=!0,this.r=1,this.g=1,this.b=1,this.set(t,e,n)}set(t,e,n){if(e===void 0&&n===void 0){let r=t;r&&r.isColor?this.copy(r):typeof r=="number"?this.setHex(r):typeof r=="string"&&this.setStyle(r)}else this.setRGB(t,e,n);return this}setScalar(t){return this.r=t,this.g=t,this.b=t,this}setHex(t,e=ze){return t=Math.floor(t),this.r=(t>>16&255)/255,this.g=(t>>8&255)/255,this.b=(t&255)/255,$t.toWorkingColorSpace(this,e),this}setRGB(t,e,n,r=$t.workingColorSpace){return this.r=t,this.g=e,this.b=n,$t.toWorkingColorSpace(this,r),this}setHSL(t,e,n,r=$t.workingColorSpace){if(t=wl(t,1),e=Xt(e,0,1),n=Xt(n,0,1),e===0)this.r=this.g=this.b=n;else{let s=n<=.5?n*(1+e):n+e-n*e,a=2*n-s;this.r=Wc(a,s,t+1/3),this.g=Wc(a,s,t),this.b=Wc(a,s,t-1/3)}return $t.toWorkingColorSpace(this,r),this}setStyle(t,e=ze){function n(s){s!==void 0&&parseFloat(s)<1&&console.warn("THREE.Color: Alpha component of "+t+" will be ignored.")}let r;if(r=/^(\w+)\(([^\)]*)\)/.exec(t)){let s,a=r[1],o=r[2];switch(a){case"rgb":case"rgba":if(s=/^\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(?:,\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\s*)?$/.exec(o))return n(s[4]),this.setRGB(Math.min(255,parseInt(s[1],10))/255,Math.min(255,parseInt(s[2],10))/255,Math.min(255,parseInt(s[3],10))/255,e);if(s=/^\s*(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\s*)?$/.exec(o))return n(s[4]),this.setRGB(Math.min(100,parseInt(s[1],10))/100,Math.min(100,parseInt(s[2],10))/100,Math.min(100,parseInt(s[3],10))/100,e);break;case"hsl":case"hsla":if(s=/^\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\s*,\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\s*)?$/.exec(o))return n(s[4]),this.setHSL(parseFloat(s[1])/360,parseFloat(s[2])/100,parseFloat(s[3])/100,e);break;default:console.warn("THREE.Color: Unknown color model "+t)}}else if(r=/^\#([A-Fa-f\d]+)$/.exec(t)){let s=r[1],a=s.length;if(a===3)return this.setRGB(parseInt(s.charAt(0),16)/15,parseInt(s.charAt(1),16)/15,parseInt(s.charAt(2),16)/15,e);if(a===6)return this.setHex(parseInt(s,16),e);console.warn("THREE.Color: Invalid hex color "+t)}else if(t&&t.length>0)return this.setColorName(t,e);return this}setColorName(t,e=ze){let n=sd[t.toLowerCase()];return n!==void 0?this.setHex(n,e):console.warn("THREE.Color: Unknown color "+t),this}clone(){return new this.constructor(this.r,this.g,this.b)}copy(t){return this.r=t.r,this.g=t.g,this.b=t.b,this}copySRGBToLinear(t){return this.r=Bn(t.r),this.g=Bn(t.g),this.b=Bn(t.b),this}copyLinearToSRGB(t){return this.r=_r(t.r),this.g=_r(t.g),this.b=_r(t.b),this}convertSRGBToLinear(){return this.copySRGBToLinear(this),this}convertLinearToSRGB(){return this.copyLinearToSRGB(this),this}getHex(t=ze){return $t.fromWorkingColorSpace(Oe.copy(this),t),Math.round(Xt(Oe.r*255,0,255))*65536+Math.round(Xt(Oe.g*255,0,255))*256+Math.round(Xt(Oe.b*255,0,255))}getHexString(t=ze){return("000000"+this.getHex(t).toString(16)).slice(-6)}getHSL(t,e=$t.workingColorSpace){$t.fromWorkingColorSpace(Oe.copy(this),e);let n=Oe.r,r=Oe.g,s=Oe.b,a=Math.max(n,r,s),o=Math.min(n,r,s),c,l,u=(o+a)/2;if(o===a)c=0,l=0;else{let h=a-o;switch(l=u<=.5?h/(a+o):h/(2-a-o),a){case n:c=(r-s)/h+(r0!=t>0&&this.version++,this._alphaTest=t}onBeforeRender(){}onBeforeCompile(){}customProgramCacheKey(){return this.onBeforeCompile.toString()}setValues(t){if(t!==void 0)for(let e in t){let n=t[e];if(n===void 0){console.warn(`THREE.Material: parameter '${e}' has value of undefined.`);continue}let r=this[e];if(r===void 0){console.warn(`THREE.Material: '${e}' is not a property of THREE.${this.type}.`);continue}r&&r.isColor?r.set(n):r&&r.isVector3&&n&&n.isVector3?r.copy(n):this[e]=n}}toJSON(t){let e=t===void 0||typeof t=="string";e&&(t={textures:{},images:{}});let n={metadata:{version:4.6,type:"Material",generator:"Material.toJSON"}};n.uuid=this.uuid,n.type=this.type,this.name!==""&&(n.name=this.name),this.color&&this.color.isColor&&(n.color=this.color.getHex()),this.roughness!==void 0&&(n.roughness=this.roughness),this.metalness!==void 0&&(n.metalness=this.metalness),this.sheen!==void 0&&(n.sheen=this.sheen),this.sheenColor&&this.sheenColor.isColor&&(n.sheenColor=this.sheenColor.getHex()),this.sheenRoughness!==void 0&&(n.sheenRoughness=this.sheenRoughness),this.emissive&&this.emissive.isColor&&(n.emissive=this.emissive.getHex()),this.emissiveIntensity!==void 0&&this.emissiveIntensity!==1&&(n.emissiveIntensity=this.emissiveIntensity),this.specular&&this.specular.isColor&&(n.specular=this.specular.getHex()),this.specularIntensity!==void 0&&(n.specularIntensity=this.specularIntensity),this.specularColor&&this.specularColor.isColor&&(n.specularColor=this.specularColor.getHex()),this.shininess!==void 0&&(n.shininess=this.shininess),this.clearcoat!==void 0&&(n.clearcoat=this.clearcoat),this.clearcoatRoughness!==void 0&&(n.clearcoatRoughness=this.clearcoatRoughness),this.clearcoatMap&&this.clearcoatMap.isTexture&&(n.clearcoatMap=this.clearcoatMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.clearcoatRoughnessMap&&this.clearcoatRoughnessMap.isTexture&&(n.clearcoatRoughnessMap=this.clearcoatRoughnessMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.clearcoatNormalMap&&this.clearcoatNormalMap.isTexture&&(n.clearcoatNormalMap=this.clearcoatNormalMap.toJSON(t).uuid,n.clearcoatNormalScale=this.clearcoatNormalScale.toArray()),this.dispersion!==void 0&&(n.dispersion=this.dispersion),this.iridescence!==void 0&&(n.iridescence=this.iridescence),this.iridescenceIOR!==void 0&&(n.iridescenceIOR=this.iridescenceIOR),this.iridescenceThicknessRange!==void 0&&(n.iridescenceThicknessRange=this.iridescenceThicknessRange),this.iridescenceMap&&this.iridescenceMap.isTexture&&(n.iridescenceMap=this.iridescenceMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.iridescenceThicknessMap&&this.iridescenceThicknessMap.isTexture&&(n.iridescenceThicknessMap=this.iridescenceThicknessMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.anisotropy!==void 0&&(n.anisotropy=this.anisotropy),this.anisotropyRotation!==void 0&&(n.anisotropyRotation=this.anisotropyRotation),this.anisotropyMap&&this.anisotropyMap.isTexture&&(n.anisotropyMap=this.anisotropyMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.map&&this.map.isTexture&&(n.map=this.map.toJSON(t).uuid),this.matcap&&this.matcap.isTexture&&(n.matcap=this.matcap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.alphaMap&&this.alphaMap.isTexture&&(n.alphaMap=this.alphaMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.lightMap&&this.lightMap.isTexture&&(n.lightMap=this.lightMap.toJSON(t).uuid,n.lightMapIntensity=this.lightMapIntensity),this.aoMap&&this.aoMap.isTexture&&(n.aoMap=this.aoMap.toJSON(t).uuid,n.aoMapIntensity=this.aoMapIntensity),this.bumpMap&&this.bumpMap.isTexture&&(n.bumpMap=this.bumpMap.toJSON(t).uuid,n.bumpScale=this.bumpScale),this.normalMap&&this.normalMap.isTexture&&(n.normalMap=this.normalMap.toJSON(t).uuid,n.normalMapType=this.normalMapType,n.normalScale=this.normalScale.toArray()),this.displacementMap&&this.displacementMap.isTexture&&(n.displacementMap=this.displacementMap.toJSON(t).uuid,n.displacementScale=this.displacementScale,n.displacementBias=this.displacementBias),this.roughnessMap&&this.roughnessMap.isTexture&&(n.roughnessMap=this.roughnessMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.metalnessMap&&this.metalnessMap.isTexture&&(n.metalnessMap=this.metalnessMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.emissiveMap&&this.emissiveMap.isTexture&&(n.emissiveMap=this.emissiveMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.specularMap&&this.specularMap.isTexture&&(n.specularMap=this.specularMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.specularIntensityMap&&this.specularIntensityMap.isTexture&&(n.specularIntensityMap=this.specularIntensityMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.specularColorMap&&this.specularColorMap.isTexture&&(n.specularColorMap=this.specularColorMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.envMap&&this.envMap.isTexture&&(n.envMap=this.envMap.toJSON(t).uuid,this.combine!==void 0&&(n.combine=this.combine)),this.envMapRotation!==void 0&&(n.envMapRotation=this.envMapRotation.toArray()),this.envMapIntensity!==void 0&&(n.envMapIntensity=this.envMapIntensity),this.reflectivity!==void 0&&(n.reflectivity=this.reflectivity),this.refractionRatio!==void 0&&(n.refractionRatio=this.refractionRatio),this.gradientMap&&this.gradientMap.isTexture&&(n.gradientMap=this.gradientMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.transmission!==void 0&&(n.transmission=this.transmission),this.transmissionMap&&this.transmissionMap.isTexture&&(n.transmissionMap=this.transmissionMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.thickness!==void 0&&(n.thickness=this.thickness),this.thicknessMap&&this.thicknessMap.isTexture&&(n.thicknessMap=this.thicknessMap.toJSON(t).uuid),this.attenuationDistance!==void 0&&this.attenuationDistance!==1/0&&(n.attenuationDistance=this.attenuationDistance),this.attenuationColor!==void 0&&(n.attenuationColor=this.attenuationColor.getHex()),this.size!==void 0&&(n.size=this.size),this.shadowSide!==null&&(n.shadowSide=this.shadowSide),this.sizeAttenuation!==void 0&&(n.sizeAttenuation=this.sizeAttenuation),this.blending!==gi&&(n.blending=this.blending),this.side!==Nn&&(n.side=this.side),this.vertexColors===!0&&(n.vertexColors=!0),this.opacity<1&&(n.opacity=this.opacity),this.transparent===!0&&(n.transparent=!0),this.blendSrc!==Ba&&(n.blendSrc=this.blendSrc),this.blendDst!==Na&&(n.blendDst=this.blendDst),this.blendEquation!==Qn&&(n.blendEquation=this.blendEquation),this.blendSrcAlpha!==null&&(n.blendSrcAlpha=this.blendSrcAlpha),this.blendDstAlpha!==null&&(n.blendDstAlpha=this.blendDstAlpha),this.blendEquationAlpha!==null&&(n.blendEquationAlpha=this.blendEquationAlpha),this.blendColor&&this.blendColor.isColor&&(n.blendColor=this.blendColor.getHex()),this.blendAlpha!==0&&(n.blendAlpha=this.blendAlpha),this.depthFunc!==xi&&(n.depthFunc=this.depthFunc),this.depthTest===!1&&(n.depthTest=this.depthTest),this.depthWrite===!1&&(n.depthWrite=this.depthWrite),this.colorWrite===!1&&(n.colorWrite=this.colorWrite),this.stencilWriteMask!==255&&(n.stencilWriteMask=this.stencilWriteMask),this.stencilFunc!==tl&&(n.stencilFunc=this.stencilFunc),this.stencilRef!==0&&(n.stencilRef=this.stencilRef),this.stencilFuncMask!==255&&(n.stencilFuncMask=this.stencilFuncMask),this.stencilFail!==mi&&(n.stencilFail=this.stencilFail),this.stencilZFail!==mi&&(n.stencilZFail=this.stencilZFail),this.stencilZPass!==mi&&(n.stencilZPass=this.stencilZPass),this.stencilWrite===!0&&(n.stencilWrite=this.stencilWrite),this.rotation!==void 0&&this.rotation!==0&&(n.rotation=this.rotation),this.polygonOffset===!0&&(n.polygonOffset=!0),this.polygonOffsetFactor!==0&&(n.polygonOffsetFactor=this.polygonOffsetFactor),this.polygonOffsetUnits!==0&&(n.polygonOffsetUnits=this.polygonOffsetUnits),this.linewidth!==void 0&&this.linewidth!==1&&(n.linewidth=this.linewidth),this.dashSize!==void 0&&(n.dashSize=this.dashSize),this.gapSize!==void 0&&(n.gapSize=this.gapSize),this.scale!==void 0&&(n.scale=this.scale),this.dithering===!0&&(n.dithering=!0),this.alphaTest>0&&(n.alphaTest=this.alphaTest),this.alphaHash===!0&&(n.alphaHash=!0),this.alphaToCoverage===!0&&(n.alphaToCoverage=!0),this.premultipliedAlpha===!0&&(n.premultipliedAlpha=!0),this.forceSinglePass===!0&&(n.forceSinglePass=!0),this.wireframe===!0&&(n.wireframe=!0),this.wireframeLinewidth>1&&(n.wireframeLinewidth=this.wireframeLinewidth),this.wireframeLinecap!=="round"&&(n.wireframeLinecap=this.wireframeLinecap),this.wireframeLinejoin!=="round"&&(n.wireframeLinejoin=this.wireframeLinejoin),this.flatShading===!0&&(n.flatShading=!0),this.visible===!1&&(n.visible=!1),this.toneMapped===!1&&(n.toneMapped=!1),this.fog===!1&&(n.fog=!1),Object.keys(this.userData).length>0&&(n.userData=this.userData);function r(s){let a=[];for(let o in s){let c=s[o];delete c.metadata,a.push(c)}return a}if(e){let s=r(t.textures),a=r(t.images);s.length>0&&(n.textures=s),a.length>0&&(n.images=a)}return n}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}copy(t){this.name=t.name,this.blending=t.blending,this.side=t.side,this.vertexColors=t.vertexColors,this.opacity=t.opacity,this.transparent=t.transparent,this.blendSrc=t.blendSrc,this.blendDst=t.blendDst,this.blendEquation=t.blendEquation,this.blendSrcAlpha=t.blendSrcAlpha,this.blendDstAlpha=t.blendDstAlpha,this.blendEquationAlpha=t.blendEquationAlpha,this.blendColor.copy(t.blendColor),this.blendAlpha=t.blendAlpha,this.depthFunc=t.depthFunc,this.depthTest=t.depthTest,this.depthWrite=t.depthWrite,this.stencilWriteMask=t.stencilWriteMask,this.stencilFunc=t.stencilFunc,this.stencilRef=t.stencilRef,this.stencilFuncMask=t.stencilFuncMask,this.stencilFail=t.stencilFail,this.stencilZFail=t.stencilZFail,this.stencilZPass=t.stencilZPass,this.stencilWrite=t.stencilWrite;let e=t.clippingPlanes,n=null;if(e!==null){let r=e.length;n=new Array(r);for(let s=0;s!==r;++s)n[s]=e[s].clone()}return this.clippingPlanes=n,this.clipIntersection=t.clipIntersection,this.clipShadows=t.clipShadows,this.shadowSide=t.shadowSide,this.colorWrite=t.colorWrite,this.precision=t.precision,this.polygonOffset=t.polygonOffset,this.polygonOffsetFactor=t.polygonOffsetFactor,this.polygonOffsetUnits=t.polygonOffsetUnits,this.dithering=t.dithering,this.alphaTest=t.alphaTest,this.alphaHash=t.alphaHash,this.alphaToCoverage=t.alphaToCoverage,this.premultipliedAlpha=t.premultipliedAlpha,this.forceSinglePass=t.forceSinglePass,this.visible=t.visible,this.toneMapped=t.toneMapped,this.userData=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t.userData)),this}dispose(){this.dispatchEvent({type:"dispose"})}set needsUpdate(t){t===!0&&this.version++}onBuild(){console.warn("Material: onBuild() has been removed.")}},pn=class extends vn{constructor(t){super(),this.isMeshBasicMaterial=!0,this.type="MeshBasicMaterial",this.color=new kt(16777215),this.map=null,this.lightMap=null,this.lightMapIntensity=1,this.aoMap=null,this.aoMapIntensity=1,this.specularMap=null,this.alphaMap=null,this.envMap=null,this.envMapRotation=new fn,this.combine=yo,this.reflectivity=1,this.refractionRatio=.98,this.wireframe=!1,this.wireframeLinewidth=1,this.wireframeLinecap="round",this.wireframeLinejoin="round",this.fog=!0,this.setValues(t)}copy(t){return super.copy(t),this.color.copy(t.color),this.map=t.map,this.lightMap=t.lightMap,this.lightMapIntensity=t.lightMapIntensity,this.aoMap=t.aoMap,this.aoMapIntensity=t.aoMapIntensity,this.specularMap=t.specularMap,this.alphaMap=t.alphaMap,this.envMap=t.envMap,this.envMapRotation.copy(t.envMapRotation),this.combine=t.combine,this.reflectivity=t.reflectivity,this.refractionRatio=t.refractionRatio,this.wireframe=t.wireframe,this.wireframeLinewidth=t.wireframeLinewidth,this.wireframeLinecap=t.wireframeLinecap,this.wireframeLinejoin=t.wireframeLinejoin,this.fog=t.fog,this}};var xe=new G,ya=new Dt,ye=class{constructor(t,e,n=!1){if(Array.isArray(t))throw new TypeError("THREE.BufferAttribute: array should be a Typed Array.");this.isBufferAttribute=!0,this.name="",this.array=t,this.itemSize=e,this.count=t!==void 0?t.length/e:0,this.normalized=n,this.usage=Va,this.updateRanges=[],this.gpuType=Mn,this.version=0}onUploadCallback(){}set needsUpdate(t){t===!0&&this.version++}setUsage(t){return this.usage=t,this}addUpdateRange(t,e){this.updateRanges.push({start:t,count:e})}clearUpdateRanges(){this.updateRanges.length=0}copy(t){return this.name=t.name,this.array=new t.array.constructor(t.array),this.itemSize=t.itemSize,this.count=t.count,this.normalized=t.normalized,this.usage=t.usage,this.gpuType=t.gpuType,this}copyAt(t,e,n){t*=this.itemSize,n*=e.itemSize;for(let r=0,s=this.itemSize;re.count&&console.warn("THREE.BufferGeometry: Buffer size too small for points data. Use .dispose() and create a new geometry."),e.needsUpdate=!0}return this}computeBoundingBox(){this.boundingBox===null&&(this.boundingBox=new Ge);let t=this.attributes.position,e=this.morphAttributes.position;if(t&&t.isGLBufferAttribute){console.error("THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingBox(): GLBufferAttribute requires a manual bounding box.",this),this.boundingBox.set(new G(-1/0,-1/0,-1/0),new G(1/0,1/0,1/0));return}if(t!==void 0){if(this.boundingBox.setFromBufferAttribute(t),e)for(let n=0,r=e.length;n0&&(t.userData=this.userData),this.parameters!==void 0){let c=this.parameters;for(let l in c)c[l]!==void 0&&(t[l]=c[l]);return t}t.data={attributes:{}};let e=this.index;e!==null&&(t.data.index={type:e.array.constructor.name,array:Array.prototype.slice.call(e.array)});let n=this.attributes;for(let c in n){let l=n[c];t.data.attributes[c]=l.toJSON(t.data)}let r={},s=!1;for(let c in this.morphAttributes){let l=this.morphAttributes[c],u=[];for(let h=0,f=l.length;h0&&(r[c]=u,s=!0)}s&&(t.data.morphAttributes=r,t.data.morphTargetsRelative=this.morphTargetsRelative);let a=this.groups;a.length>0&&(t.data.groups=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a)));let o=this.boundingSphere;return o!==null&&(t.data.boundingSphere={center:o.center.toArray(),radius:o.radius}),t}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}copy(t){this.index=null,this.attributes={},this.morphAttributes={},this.groups=[],this.boundingBox=null,this.boundingSphere=null;let e={};this.name=t.name;let n=t.index;n!==null&&this.setIndex(n.clone(e));let r=t.attributes;for(let l in r){let u=r[l];this.setAttribute(l,u.clone(e))}let s=t.morphAttributes;for(let l in s){let u=[],h=s[l];for(let f=0,d=h.length;f0){let r=e[n[0]];if(r!==void 0){this.morphTargetInfluences=[],this.morphTargetDictionary={};for(let s=0,a=r.length;s(t.far-t.near)**2))&&($h.copy(s).invert(),fi.copy(t.ray).applyMatrix4($h),!(n.boundingBox!==null&&fi.intersectsBox(n.boundingBox)===!1)&&this._computeIntersections(t,e,fi)))}_computeIntersections(t,e,n){let r,s=this.geometry,a=this.material,o=s.index,c=s.attributes.position,l=s.attributes.uv,u=s.attributes.uv1,h=s.attributes.normal,f=s.groups,d=s.drawRange;if(o!==null)if(Array.isArray(a))for(let _=0,g=f.length;_e.far?null:{distance:l,point:Ea.clone(),object:i}}function Aa(i,t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l){i.getVertexPosition(o,ba),i.getVertexPosition(c,Sa),i.getVertexPosition(l,wa);let u=sp(i,t,e,n,ba,Sa,wa,Qh);if(u){let h=new G;On.getBarycoord(Qh,ba,Sa,wa,h),r&&(u.uv=On.getInterpolatedAttribute(r,o,c,l,h,new Dt)),s&&(u.uv1=On.getInterpolatedAttribute(s,o,c,l,h,new Dt)),a&&(u.normal=On.getInterpolatedAttribute(a,o,c,l,h,new G),u.normal.dot(n.direction)>0&&u.normal.multiplyScalar(-1));let f={a:o,b:c,c:l,normal:new G,materialIndex:0};On.getNormal(ba,Sa,wa,f.normal),u.face=f,u.barycoord=h}return u}var vr=class i extends ve{constructor(t=1,e=1,n=1,r=1,s=1,a=1){super(),this.type="BoxGeometry",this.parameters={width:t,height:e,depth:n,widthSegments:r,heightSegments:s,depthSegments:a};let o=this;r=Math.floor(r),s=Math.floor(s),a=Math.floor(a);let c=[],l=[],u=[],h=[],f=0,d=0;_("z","y","x",-1,-1,n,e,t,a,s,0),_("z","y","x",1,-1,n,e,-t,a,s,1),_("x","z","y",1,1,t,n,e,r,a,2),_("x","z","y",1,-1,t,n,-e,r,a,3),_("x","y","z",1,-1,t,e,n,r,s,4),_("x","y","z",-1,-1,t,e,-n,r,s,5),this.setIndex(c),this.setAttribute("position",new de(l,3)),this.setAttribute("normal",new de(u,3)),this.setAttribute("uv",new de(h,2));function _(g,m,p,w,b,M,D,P,E,U,T){let x=M/E,C=D/U,y=M/2,O=D/2,q=P/2,H=E+1,$=U+1,X=0,Z=0,k=new G;for(let N=0;N<$;N++){let ut=N*C-O;for(let ht=0;ht0?1:-1,u.push(k.x,k.y,k.z),h.push(ht/E),h.push(1-N/U),X+=1}}for(let N=0;N0&&(e.defines=this.defines),e.vertexShader=this.vertexShader,e.fragmentShader=this.fragmentShader,e.lights=this.lights,e.clipping=this.clipping;let n={};for(let r in this.extensions)this.extensions[r]===!0&&(n[r]=!0);return Object.keys(n).length>0&&(e.extensions=n),e}},ys=class extends Te{constructor(){super(),this.isCamera=!0,this.type="Camera",this.matrixWorldInverse=new he,this.projectionMatrix=new he,this.projectionMatrixInverse=new he,this.coordinateSystem=_n}copy(t,e){return super.copy(t,e),this.matrixWorldInverse.copy(t.matrixWorldInverse),this.projectionMatrix.copy(t.projectionMatrix),this.projectionMatrixInverse.copy(t.projectionMatrixInverse),this.coordinateSystem=t.coordinateSystem,this}getWorldDirection(t){return super.getWorldDirection(t).negate()}updateMatrixWorld(t){super.updateMatrixWorld(t),this.matrixWorldInverse.copy(this.matrixWorld).invert()}updateWorldMatrix(t,e){super.updateWorldMatrix(t,e),this.matrixWorldInverse.copy(this.matrixWorld).invert()}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}},$n=new G,tu=new Dt,eu=new Dt,Ee=class extends ys{constructor(t=50,e=1,n=.1,r=2e3){super(),this.isPerspectiveCamera=!0,this.type="PerspectiveCamera",this.fov=t,this.zoom=1,this.near=n,this.far=r,this.focus=10,this.aspect=e,this.view=null,this.filmGauge=35,this.filmOffset=0,this.updateProjectionMatrix()}copy(t,e){return super.copy(t,e),this.fov=t.fov,this.zoom=t.zoom,this.near=t.near,this.far=t.far,this.focus=t.focus,this.aspect=t.aspect,this.view=t.view===null?null:Object.assign({},t.view),this.filmGauge=t.filmGauge,this.filmOffset=t.filmOffset,this}setFocalLength(t){let e=.5*this.getFilmHeight()/t;this.fov=gr*2*Math.atan(e),this.updateProjectionMatrix()}getFocalLength(){let t=Math.tan(hs*.5*this.fov);return .5*this.getFilmHeight()/t}getEffectiveFOV(){return gr*2*Math.atan(Math.tan(hs*.5*this.fov)/this.zoom)}getFilmWidth(){return this.filmGauge*Math.min(this.aspect,1)}getFilmHeight(){return this.filmGauge/Math.max(this.aspect,1)}getViewBounds(t,e,n){$n.set(-1,-1,.5).applyMatrix4(this.projectionMatrixInverse),e.set($n.x,$n.y).multiplyScalar(-t/$n.z),$n.set(1,1,.5).applyMatrix4(this.projectionMatrixInverse),n.set($n.x,$n.y).multiplyScalar(-t/$n.z)}getViewSize(t,e){return this.getViewBounds(t,tu,eu),e.subVectors(eu,tu)}setViewOffset(t,e,n,r,s,a){this.aspect=t/e,this.view===null&&(this.view={enabled:!0,fullWidth:1,fullHeight:1,offsetX:0,offsetY:0,width:1,height:1}),this.view.enabled=!0,this.view.fullWidth=t,this.view.fullHeight=e,this.view.offsetX=n,this.view.offsetY=r,this.view.width=s,this.view.height=a,this.updateProjectionMatrix()}clearViewOffset(){this.view!==null&&(this.view.enabled=!1),this.updateProjectionMatrix()}updateProjectionMatrix(){let t=this.near,e=t*Math.tan(hs*.5*this.fov)/this.zoom,n=2*e,r=this.aspect*n,s=-.5*r,a=this.view;if(this.view!==null&&this.view.enabled){let c=a.fullWidth,l=a.fullHeight;s+=a.offsetX*r/c,e-=a.offsetY*n/l,r*=a.width/c,n*=a.height/l}let o=this.filmOffset;o!==0&&(s+=t*o/this.getFilmWidth()),this.projectionMatrix.makePerspective(s,s+r,e,e-n,t,this.far,this.coordinateSystem),this.projectionMatrixInverse.copy(this.projectionMatrix).invert()}toJSON(t){let e=super.toJSON(t);return e.object.fov=this.fov,e.object.zoom=this.zoom,e.object.near=this.near,e.object.far=this.far,e.object.focus=this.focus,e.object.aspect=this.aspect,this.view!==null&&(e.object.view=Object.assign({},this.view)),e.object.filmGauge=this.filmGauge,e.object.filmOffset=this.filmOffset,e}},hr=-90,ur=1,Xa=class extends Te{constructor(t,e,n){super(),this.type="CubeCamera",this.renderTarget=n,this.coordinateSystem=null,this.activeMipmapLevel=0;let r=new Ee(hr,ur,t,e);r.layers=this.layers,this.add(r);let s=new Ee(hr,ur,t,e);s.layers=this.layers,this.add(s);let a=new Ee(hr,ur,t,e);a.layers=this.layers,this.add(a);let o=new Ee(hr,ur,t,e);o.layers=this.layers,this.add(o);let c=new Ee(hr,ur,t,e);c.layers=this.layers,this.add(c);let l=new Ee(hr,ur,t,e);l.layers=this.layers,this.add(l)}updateCoordinateSystem(){let t=this.coordinateSystem,e=this.children.concat(),[n,r,s,a,o,c]=e;for(let l of e)this.remove(l);if(t===_n)n.up.set(0,1,0),n.lookAt(1,0,0),r.up.set(0,1,0),r.lookAt(-1,0,0),s.up.set(0,0,-1),s.lookAt(0,1,0),a.up.set(0,0,1),a.lookAt(0,-1,0),o.up.set(0,1,0),o.lookAt(0,0,1),c.up.set(0,1,0),c.lookAt(0,0,-1);else if(t===ps)n.up.set(0,-1,0),n.lookAt(-1,0,0),r.up.set(0,-1,0),r.lookAt(1,0,0),s.up.set(0,0,1),s.lookAt(0,1,0),a.up.set(0,0,-1),a.lookAt(0,-1,0),o.up.set(0,-1,0),o.lookAt(0,0,1),c.up.set(0,-1,0),c.lookAt(0,0,-1);else throw new Error("THREE.CubeCamera.updateCoordinateSystem(): Invalid coordinate system: "+t);for(let l of e)this.add(l),l.updateMatrixWorld()}update(t,e){this.parent===null&&this.updateMatrixWorld();let{renderTarget:n,activeMipmapLevel:r}=this;this.coordinateSystem!==t.coordinateSystem&&(this.coordinateSystem=t.coordinateSystem,this.updateCoordinateSystem());let[s,a,o,c,l,u]=this.children,h=t.getRenderTarget(),f=t.getActiveCubeFace(),d=t.getActiveMipmapLevel(),_=t.xr.enabled;t.xr.enabled=!1;let g=n.texture.generateMipmaps;n.texture.generateMipmaps=!1,t.setRenderTarget(n,0,r),t.render(e,s),t.setRenderTarget(n,1,r),t.render(e,a),t.setRenderTarget(n,2,r),t.render(e,o),t.setRenderTarget(n,3,r),t.render(e,c),t.setRenderTarget(n,4,r),t.render(e,l),n.texture.generateMipmaps=g,t.setRenderTarget(n,5,r),t.render(e,u),t.setRenderTarget(h,f,d),t.xr.enabled=_,n.texture.needsPMREMUpdate=!0}},vs=class extends ke{constructor(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l,u){t=t!==void 0?t:[],e=e!==void 0?e:Ai,super(t,e,n,r,s,a,o,c,l,u),this.isCubeTexture=!0,this.flipY=!1}get images(){return this.image}set images(t){this.image=t}},qa=class extends xn{constructor(t=1,e={}){super(t,t,e),this.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget=!0;let n={width:t,height:t,depth:1},r=[n,n,n,n,n,n];this.texture=new vs(r,e.mapping,e.wrapS,e.wrapT,e.magFilter,e.minFilter,e.format,e.type,e.anisotropy,e.colorSpace),this.texture.isRenderTargetTexture=!0,this.texture.generateMipmaps=e.generateMipmaps!==void 0?e.generateMipmaps:!1,this.texture.minFilter=e.minFilter!==void 0?e.minFilter:dn}fromEquirectangularTexture(t,e){this.texture.type=e.type,this.texture.colorSpace=e.colorSpace,this.texture.generateMipmaps=e.generateMipmaps,this.texture.minFilter=e.minFilter,this.texture.magFilter=e.magFilter;let n={uniforms:{tEquirect:{value:null}},vertexShader:` + + varying vec3 vWorldDirection; + + vec3 transformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) { + + return normalize( ( matrix * vec4( dir, 0.0 ) ).xyz ); + + } + + void main() { + + vWorldDirection = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix ); + + #include + #include + + } + `,fragmentShader:` + + uniform sampler2D tEquirect; + + varying vec3 vWorldDirection; + + #include + + void main() { + + vec3 direction = normalize( vWorldDirection ); + + vec2 sampleUV = equirectUv( direction ); + + gl_FragColor = texture2D( tEquirect, sampleUV ); + + } + `},r=new vr(5,5,5),s=new Ke({name:"CubemapFromEquirect",uniforms:Pi(n.uniforms),vertexShader:n.vertexShader,fragmentShader:n.fragmentShader,side:Ie,blending:Vn});s.uniforms.tEquirect.value=e;let a=new _e(r,s),o=e.minFilter;return e.minFilter===ai&&(e.minFilter=dn),new Xa(1,10,this).update(t,a),e.minFilter=o,a.geometry.dispose(),a.material.dispose(),this}clear(t,e,n,r){let s=t.getRenderTarget();for(let a=0;a<6;a++)t.setRenderTarget(this,a),t.clear(e,n,r);t.setRenderTarget(s)}};var bs=class extends Te{constructor(){super(),this.isScene=!0,this.type="Scene",this.background=null,this.environment=null,this.fog=null,this.backgroundBlurriness=0,this.backgroundIntensity=1,this.backgroundRotation=new fn,this.environmentIntensity=1,this.environmentRotation=new fn,this.overrideMaterial=null,typeof __THREE_DEVTOOLS__<"u"&&__THREE_DEVTOOLS__.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("observe",{detail:this}))}copy(t,e){return super.copy(t,e),t.background!==null&&(this.background=t.background.clone()),t.environment!==null&&(this.environment=t.environment.clone()),t.fog!==null&&(this.fog=t.fog.clone()),this.backgroundBlurriness=t.backgroundBlurriness,this.backgroundIntensity=t.backgroundIntensity,this.backgroundRotation.copy(t.backgroundRotation),this.environmentIntensity=t.environmentIntensity,this.environmentRotation.copy(t.environmentRotation),t.overrideMaterial!==null&&(this.overrideMaterial=t.overrideMaterial.clone()),this.matrixAutoUpdate=t.matrixAutoUpdate,this}toJSON(t){let e=super.toJSON(t);return this.fog!==null&&(e.object.fog=this.fog.toJSON()),this.backgroundBlurriness>0&&(e.object.backgroundBlurriness=this.backgroundBlurriness),this.backgroundIntensity!==1&&(e.object.backgroundIntensity=this.backgroundIntensity),e.object.backgroundRotation=this.backgroundRotation.toArray(),this.environmentIntensity!==1&&(e.object.environmentIntensity=this.environmentIntensity),e.object.environmentRotation=this.environmentRotation.toArray(),e}},Ss=class{constructor(t,e){this.isInterleavedBuffer=!0,this.array=t,this.stride=e,this.count=t!==void 0?t.length/e:0,this.usage=Va,this.updateRanges=[],this.version=0,this.uuid=Fn()}onUploadCallback(){}set needsUpdate(t){t===!0&&this.version++}setUsage(t){return this.usage=t,this}addUpdateRange(t,e){this.updateRanges.push({start:t,count:e})}clearUpdateRanges(){this.updateRanges.length=0}copy(t){return this.array=new t.array.constructor(t.array),this.count=t.count,this.stride=t.stride,this.usage=t.usage,this}copyAt(t,e,n){t*=this.stride,n*=e.stride;for(let r=0,s=this.stride;rt.far||e.push({distance:c,point:as.clone(),uv:On.getInterpolation(as,Ta,cs,Ca,nu,Yc,iu,new Dt),face:null,object:this})}copy(t,e){return super.copy(t,e),t.center!==void 0&&this.center.copy(t.center),this.material=t.material,this}};function Ia(i,t,e,n,r,s){mr.subVectors(i,e).addScalar(.5).multiply(n),r!==void 0?(os.x=s*mr.x-r*mr.y,os.y=r*mr.x+s*mr.y):os.copy(mr),i.copy(t),i.x+=os.x,i.y+=os.y,i.applyMatrix4(ad)}var Zc=new G,lp=new G,hp=new Vt,Qe=class{constructor(t=new G(1,0,0),e=0){this.isPlane=!0,this.normal=t,this.constant=e}set(t,e){return this.normal.copy(t),this.constant=e,this}setComponents(t,e,n,r){return this.normal.set(t,e,n),this.constant=r,this}setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint(t,e){return this.normal.copy(t),this.constant=-e.dot(this.normal),this}setFromCoplanarPoints(t,e,n){let r=Zc.subVectors(n,e).cross(lp.subVectors(t,e)).normalize();return this.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint(r,t),this}copy(t){return this.normal.copy(t.normal),this.constant=t.constant,this}normalize(){let t=1/this.normal.length();return this.normal.multiplyScalar(t),this.constant*=t,this}negate(){return this.constant*=-1,this.normal.negate(),this}distanceToPoint(t){return this.normal.dot(t)+this.constant}distanceToSphere(t){return this.distanceToPoint(t.center)-t.radius}projectPoint(t,e){return e.copy(t).addScaledVector(this.normal,-this.distanceToPoint(t))}intersectLine(t,e){let n=t.delta(Zc),r=this.normal.dot(n);if(r===0)return this.distanceToPoint(t.start)===0?e.copy(t.start):null;let s=-(t.start.dot(this.normal)+this.constant)/r;return s<0||s>1?null:e.copy(t.start).addScaledVector(n,s)}intersectsLine(t){let e=this.distanceToPoint(t.start),n=this.distanceToPoint(t.end);return e<0&&n>0||n<0&&e>0}intersectsBox(t){return t.intersectsPlane(this)}intersectsSphere(t){return t.intersectsPlane(this)}coplanarPoint(t){return t.copy(this.normal).multiplyScalar(-this.constant)}applyMatrix4(t,e){let n=e||hp.getNormalMatrix(t),r=this.coplanarPoint(Zc).applyMatrix4(t),s=this.normal.applyMatrix3(n).normalize();return this.constant=-r.dot(s),this}translate(t){return this.constant-=t.dot(this.normal),this}equals(t){return t.normal.equals(this.normal)&&t.constant===this.constant}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}},pi=new yn,Ra=new G,ws=class{constructor(t=new Qe,e=new Qe,n=new Qe,r=new Qe,s=new Qe,a=new Qe){this.planes=[t,e,n,r,s,a]}set(t,e,n,r,s,a){let o=this.planes;return o[0].copy(t),o[1].copy(e),o[2].copy(n),o[3].copy(r),o[4].copy(s),o[5].copy(a),this}copy(t){let e=this.planes;for(let n=0;n<6;n++)e[n].copy(t.planes[n]);return this}setFromProjectionMatrix(t,e=_n){let n=this.planes,r=t.elements,s=r[0],a=r[1],o=r[2],c=r[3],l=r[4],u=r[5],h=r[6],f=r[7],d=r[8],_=r[9],g=r[10],m=r[11],p=r[12],w=r[13],b=r[14],M=r[15];if(n[0].setComponents(c-s,f-l,m-d,M-p).normalize(),n[1].setComponents(c+s,f+l,m+d,M+p).normalize(),n[2].setComponents(c+a,f+u,m+_,M+w).normalize(),n[3].setComponents(c-a,f-u,m-_,M-w).normalize(),n[4].setComponents(c-o,f-h,m-g,M-b).normalize(),e===_n)n[5].setComponents(c+o,f+h,m+g,M+b).normalize();else if(e===ps)n[5].setComponents(o,h,g,b).normalize();else throw new Error("THREE.Frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix(): Invalid coordinate system: "+e);return this}intersectsObject(t){if(t.boundingSphere!==void 0)t.boundingSphere===null&&t.computeBoundingSphere(),pi.copy(t.boundingSphere).applyMatrix4(t.matrixWorld);else{let e=t.geometry;e.boundingSphere===null&&e.computeBoundingSphere(),pi.copy(e.boundingSphere).applyMatrix4(t.matrixWorld)}return this.intersectsSphere(pi)}intersectsSprite(t){return pi.center.set(0,0,0),pi.radius=.7071067811865476,pi.applyMatrix4(t.matrixWorld),this.intersectsSphere(pi)}intersectsSphere(t){let e=this.planes,n=t.center,r=-t.radius;for(let s=0;s<6;s++)if(e[s].distanceToPoint(n)0?t.max.x:t.min.x,Ra.y=r.normal.y>0?t.max.y:t.min.y,Ra.z=r.normal.z>0?t.max.z:t.min.z,r.distanceToPoint(Ra)<0)return!1}return!0}containsPoint(t){let e=this.planes;for(let n=0;n<6;n++)if(e[n].distanceToPoint(t)<0)return!1;return!0}clone(){return new this.constructor().copy(this)}};var br=class extends vn{constructor(t){super(),this.isLineBasicMaterial=!0,this.type="LineBasicMaterial",this.color=new kt(16777215),this.map=null,this.linewidth=1,this.linecap="round",this.linejoin="round",this.fog=!0,this.setValues(t)}copy(t){return super.copy(t),this.color.copy(t.color),this.map=t.map,this.linewidth=t.linewidth,this.linecap=t.linecap,this.linejoin=t.linejoin,this.fog=t.fog,this}},Ya=new G,Za=new G,ru=new he,ls=new ti,Pa=new yn,Kc=new G,su=new G,Ms=class extends Te{constructor(t=new ve,e=new br){super(),this.isLine=!0,this.type="Line",this.geometry=t,this.material=e,this.updateMorphTargets()}copy(t,e){return super.copy(t,e),this.material=Array.isArray(t.material)?t.material.slice():t.material,this.geometry=t.geometry,this}computeLineDistances(){let t=this.geometry;if(t.index===null){let e=t.attributes.position,n=[0];for(let r=1,s=e.count;r0){let r=e[n[0]];if(r!==void 0){this.morphTargetInfluences=[],this.morphTargetDictionary={};for(let s=0,a=r.length;sn)return;Kc.applyMatrix4(i.matrixWorld);let c=t.ray.origin.distanceTo(Kc);if(!(ct.far))return{distance:c,point:su.clone().applyMatrix4(i.matrixWorld),index:r,face:null,faceIndex:null,barycoord:null,object:i}}var au=new G,ou=new G,Ka=class extends Ms{constructor(t,e){super(t,e),this.isLineSegments=!0,this.type="LineSegments"}computeLineDistances(){let t=this.geometry;if(t.index===null){let e=t.attributes.position,n=[];for(let r=0,s=e.count;r0&&b(!0),e>0&&b(!1)),this.setIndex(u),this.setAttribute("position",new de(h,3)),this.setAttribute("normal",new de(f,3)),this.setAttribute("uv",new de(d,2));function w(){let M=new G,D=new G,P=0,E=(e-t)/n;for(let U=0;U<=s;U++){let T=[],x=U/s,C=x*(e-t)+t;for(let y=0;y<=r;y++){let O=y/r,q=O*c+o,H=Math.sin(q),$=Math.cos(q);D.x=C*H,D.y=-x*n+m,D.z=C*$,h.push(D.x,D.y,D.z),M.set(H,E,$).normalize(),f.push(M.x,M.y,M.z),d.push(O,1-x),T.push(_++)}g.push(T)}for(let U=0;U0||T!==0)&&(u.push(x,C,O),P+=3),(e>0||T!==s-1)&&(u.push(C,y,O),P+=3)}l.addGroup(p,P,0),p+=P}function b(M){let D=_,P=new Dt,E=new G,U=0,T=M===!0?t:e,x=M===!0?1:-1;for(let y=1;y<=r;y++)h.push(0,m*x,0),f.push(0,x,0),d.push(.5,.5),_++;let C=_;for(let y=0;y<=r;y++){let q=y/r*c+o,H=Math.cos(q),$=Math.sin(q);E.x=T*$,E.y=m*x,E.z=T*H,h.push(E.x,E.y,E.z),f.push(0,x,0),P.x=H*.5+.5,P.y=$*.5*x+.5,d.push(P.x,P.y),_++}for(let y=0;y0)&&d.push(b,M,P),(p!==n-1||c=s)){let o=e[1];t=s)break e}a=n,n=0;break n}break t}for(;n>>1;te;)--a;if(++a,s!==0||a!==r){s>=a&&(a=Math.max(a,1),s=a-1);let o=this.getValueSize();this.times=n.slice(s,a),this.values=this.values.slice(s*o,a*o)}return this}validate(){let t=!0,e=this.getValueSize();e-Math.floor(e)!==0&&(console.error("THREE.KeyframeTrack: Invalid value size in track.",this),t=!1);let n=this.times,r=this.values,s=n.length;s===0&&(console.error("THREE.KeyframeTrack: Track is empty.",this),t=!1);let a=null;for(let o=0;o!==s;o++){let c=n[o];if(typeof c=="number"&&isNaN(c)){console.error("THREE.KeyframeTrack: Time is not a valid number.",this,o,c),t=!1;break}if(a!==null&&a>c){console.error("THREE.KeyframeTrack: Out of order keys.",this,o,c,a),t=!1;break}a=c}if(r!==void 0&&up(r))for(let o=0,c=r.length;o!==c;++o){let l=r[o];if(isNaN(l)){console.error("THREE.KeyframeTrack: Value is not a valid number.",this,o,l),t=!1;break}}return t}optimize(){let t=this.times.slice(),e=this.values.slice(),n=this.getValueSize(),r=this.getInterpolation()===Fa,s=t.length-1,a=1;for(let o=1;o0){t[a]=t[s];for(let o=s*n,c=a*n,l=0;l!==n;++l)e[c+l]=e[o+l];++a}return a!==t.length?(this.times=t.slice(0,a),this.values=e.slice(0,a*n)):(this.times=t,this.values=e),this}clone(){let t=this.times.slice(),e=this.values.slice(),n=this.constructor,r=new n(this.name,t,e);return r.createInterpolant=this.createInterpolant,r}};nn.prototype.TimeBufferType=Float32Array;nn.prototype.ValueBufferType=Float32Array;nn.prototype.DefaultInterpolation=ka;var ni=class extends nn{constructor(t,e,n){super(t,e,n)}};ni.prototype.ValueTypeName="bool";ni.prototype.ValueBufferType=Array;ni.prototype.DefaultInterpolation=ds;ni.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear=void 0;ni.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth=void 0;var no=class extends nn{};no.prototype.ValueTypeName="color";var io=class extends nn{};io.prototype.ValueTypeName="number";var ro=class extends Mi{constructor(t,e,n,r){super(t,e,n,r)}interpolate_(t,e,n,r){let s=this.resultBuffer,a=this.sampleValues,o=this.valueSize,c=(n-e)/(r-e),l=t*o;for(let u=l+o;l!==u;l+=4)Ae.slerpFlat(s,0,a,l-o,a,l,c);return s}},Rs=class extends nn{InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear(t){return new ro(this.times,this.values,this.getValueSize(),t)}};Rs.prototype.ValueTypeName="quaternion";Rs.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth=void 0;var ii=class extends nn{constructor(t,e,n){super(t,e,n)}};ii.prototype.ValueTypeName="string";ii.prototype.ValueBufferType=Array;ii.prototype.DefaultInterpolation=ds;ii.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear=void 0;ii.prototype.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth=void 0;var so=class extends nn{};so.prototype.ValueTypeName="vector";var el={enabled:!1,files:{},add:function(i,t){this.enabled!==!1&&(this.files[i]=t)},get:function(i){if(this.enabled!==!1)return this.files[i]},remove:function(i){delete this.files[i]},clear:function(){this.files={}}},ao=class{constructor(t,e,n){let r=this,s=!1,a=0,o=0,c,l=[];this.onStart=void 0,this.onLoad=t,this.onProgress=e,this.onError=n,this.itemStart=function(u){o++,s===!1&&r.onStart!==void 0&&r.onStart(u,a,o),s=!0},this.itemEnd=function(u){a++,r.onProgress!==void 0&&r.onProgress(u,a,o),a===o&&(s=!1,r.onLoad!==void 0&&r.onLoad())},this.itemError=function(u){r.onError!==void 0&&r.onError(u)},this.resolveURL=function(u){return c?c(u):u},this.setURLModifier=function(u){return c=u,this},this.addHandler=function(u,h){return l.push(u,h),this},this.removeHandler=function(u){let h=l.indexOf(u);return h!==-1&&l.splice(h,2),this},this.getHandler=function(u){for(let h=0,f=l.length;h.99999)this.quaternion.set(0,0,0,1);else if(t.y<-.99999)this.quaternion.set(1,0,0,0);else{fu.set(t.z,0,-t.x).normalize();let e=Math.acos(t.y);this.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(fu,e)}}setLength(t,e=t*.2,n=e*.2){this.line.scale.set(1,Math.max(1e-4,t-e),1),this.line.updateMatrix(),this.cone.scale.set(n,e,n),this.cone.position.y=t,this.cone.updateMatrix()}setColor(t){this.line.material.color.set(t),this.cone.material.color.set(t)}copy(t){return super.copy(t,!1),this.line.copy(t.line),this.cone.copy(t.cone),this}dispose(){this.line.geometry.dispose(),this.line.material.dispose(),this.cone.geometry.dispose(),this.cone.material.dispose()}};var Ns=class extends gn{constructor(t,e=null){super(),this.object=t,this.domElement=e,this.enabled=!0,this.state=-1,this.keys={},this.mouseButtons={LEFT:null,MIDDLE:null,RIGHT:null},this.touches={ONE:null,TWO:null}}connect(){}disconnect(){}dispose(){}update(){}};function Cl(i,t,e,n){let r=vp(n);switch(e){case fl:return i*t;case ml:return i*t;case _l:return i*t*2;case gl:return i*t/r.components*r.byteLength;case Ao:return i*t/r.components*r.byteLength;case xl:return i*t*2/r.components*r.byteLength;case To:return i*t*2/r.components*r.byteLength;case pl:return i*t*3/r.components*r.byteLength;case rn:return i*t*4/r.components*r.byteLength;case Co:return i*t*4/r.components*r.byteLength;case Vs:case Hs:return Math.floor((i+3)/4)*Math.floor((t+3)/4)*8;case Gs:case Ws:return Math.floor((i+3)/4)*Math.floor((t+3)/4)*16;case Ro:case Do:return Math.max(i,16)*Math.max(t,8)/4;case Io:case Po:return Math.max(i,8)*Math.max(t,8)/2;case Lo:case Uo:return Math.floor((i+3)/4)*Math.floor((t+3)/4)*8;case Oo:return Math.floor((i+3)/4)*Math.floor((t+3)/4)*16;case Fo:return Math.floor((i+3)/4)*Math.floor((t+3)/4)*16;case Bo:return Math.floor((i+4)/5)*Math.floor((t+3)/4)*16;case No:return Math.floor((i+4)/5)*Math.floor((t+4)/5)*16;case zo:return Math.floor((i+5)/6)*Math.floor((t+4)/5)*16;case ko:return Math.floor((i+5)/6)*Math.floor((t+5)/6)*16;case Vo:return Math.floor((i+7)/8)*Math.floor((t+4)/5)*16;case Ho:return Math.floor((i+7)/8)*Math.floor((t+5)/6)*16;case Go:return Math.floor((i+7)/8)*Math.floor((t+7)/8)*16;case Wo:return Math.floor((i+9)/10)*Math.floor((t+4)/5)*16;case Xo:return Math.floor((i+9)/10)*Math.floor((t+5)/6)*16;case qo:return Math.floor((i+9)/10)*Math.floor((t+7)/8)*16;case Yo:return Math.floor((i+9)/10)*Math.floor((t+9)/10)*16;case Zo:return Math.floor((i+11)/12)*Math.floor((t+9)/10)*16;case Ko:return Math.floor((i+11)/12)*Math.floor((t+11)/12)*16;case Xs:case Jo:case $o:return Math.ceil(i/4)*Math.ceil(t/4)*16;case yl:case jo:return Math.ceil(i/4)*Math.ceil(t/4)*8;case Qo:case tc:return Math.ceil(i/4)*Math.ceil(t/4)*16}throw new Error(`Unable to determine texture byte length for ${e} format.`)}function vp(i){switch(i){case wn:case hl:return{byteLength:1,components:1};case Er:case ul:case Ar:return{byteLength:2,components:1};case Mo:case Eo:return{byteLength:2,components:4};case oi:case wo:case Mn:return{byteLength:4,components:1};case dl:return{byteLength:4,components:3}}throw new Error(`Unknown texture type ${i}.`)}typeof __THREE_DEVTOOLS__<"u"&&__THREE_DEVTOOLS__.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("register",{detail:{revision:ho}}));typeof window<"u"&&(window.__THREE__?console.warn("WARNING: Multiple instances of Three.js being imported."):window.__THREE__=ho);function Pd(){let i=null,t=!1,e=null,n=null;function r(s,a){e(s,a),n=i.requestAnimationFrame(r)}return{start:function(){t!==!0&&e!==null&&(n=i.requestAnimationFrame(r),t=!0)},stop:function(){i.cancelAnimationFrame(n),t=!1},setAnimationLoop:function(s){e=s},setContext:function(s){i=s}}}function bp(i){let t=new WeakMap;function e(o,c){let l=o.array,u=o.usage,h=l.byteLength,f=i.createBuffer();i.bindBuffer(c,f),i.bufferData(c,l,u),o.onUploadCallback();let d;if(l instanceof Float32Array)d=i.FLOAT;else if(l instanceof Uint16Array)o.isFloat16BufferAttribute?d=i.HALF_FLOAT:d=i.UNSIGNED_SHORT;else if(l instanceof Int16Array)d=i.SHORT;else if(l instanceof Uint32Array)d=i.UNSIGNED_INT;else if(l instanceof Int32Array)d=i.INT;else if(l instanceof Int8Array)d=i.BYTE;else if(l instanceof Uint8Array)d=i.UNSIGNED_BYTE;else if(l instanceof Uint8ClampedArray)d=i.UNSIGNED_BYTE;else throw new Error("THREE.WebGLAttributes: Unsupported buffer data format: "+l);return{buffer:f,type:d,bytesPerElement:l.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,version:o.version,size:h}}function n(o,c,l){let u=c.array,h=c.updateRanges;if(i.bindBuffer(l,o),h.length===0)i.bufferSubData(l,0,u);else{h.sort((d,_)=>d.start-_.start);let f=0;for(let d=1;d 0 + vec4 plane; + #ifdef ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE + float distanceToPlane, distanceGradient; + float clipOpacity = 1.0; + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES; i ++ ) { + plane = clippingPlanes[ i ]; + distanceToPlane = - dot( vClipPosition, plane.xyz ) + plane.w; + distanceGradient = fwidth( distanceToPlane ) / 2.0; + clipOpacity *= smoothstep( - distanceGradient, distanceGradient, distanceToPlane ); + if ( clipOpacity == 0.0 ) discard; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #if UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES < NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES + float unionClipOpacity = 1.0; + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES; i < NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES; i ++ ) { + plane = clippingPlanes[ i ]; + distanceToPlane = - dot( vClipPosition, plane.xyz ) + plane.w; + distanceGradient = fwidth( distanceToPlane ) / 2.0; + unionClipOpacity *= 1.0 - smoothstep( - distanceGradient, distanceGradient, distanceToPlane ); + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + clipOpacity *= 1.0 - unionClipOpacity; + #endif + diffuseColor.a *= clipOpacity; + if ( diffuseColor.a == 0.0 ) discard; + #else + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES; i ++ ) { + plane = clippingPlanes[ i ]; + if ( dot( vClipPosition, plane.xyz ) > plane.w ) discard; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #if UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES < NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES + bool clipped = true; + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES; i < NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES; i ++ ) { + plane = clippingPlanes[ i ]; + clipped = ( dot( vClipPosition, plane.xyz ) > plane.w ) && clipped; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + if ( clipped ) discard; + #endif + #endif +#endif`,Np=`#if NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES > 0 + varying vec3 vClipPosition; + uniform vec4 clippingPlanes[ NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES ]; +#endif`,zp=`#if NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES > 0 + varying vec3 vClipPosition; +#endif`,kp=`#if NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES > 0 + vClipPosition = - mvPosition.xyz; +#endif`,Vp=`#if defined( USE_COLOR_ALPHA ) + diffuseColor *= vColor; +#elif defined( USE_COLOR ) + diffuseColor.rgb *= vColor; +#endif`,Hp=`#if defined( USE_COLOR_ALPHA ) + varying vec4 vColor; +#elif defined( USE_COLOR ) + varying vec3 vColor; +#endif`,Gp=`#if defined( USE_COLOR_ALPHA ) + varying vec4 vColor; +#elif defined( USE_COLOR ) || defined( USE_INSTANCING_COLOR ) || defined( USE_BATCHING_COLOR ) + varying vec3 vColor; +#endif`,Wp=`#if defined( USE_COLOR_ALPHA ) + vColor = vec4( 1.0 ); +#elif defined( USE_COLOR ) || defined( USE_INSTANCING_COLOR ) || defined( USE_BATCHING_COLOR ) + vColor = vec3( 1.0 ); +#endif +#ifdef USE_COLOR + vColor *= color; +#endif +#ifdef USE_INSTANCING_COLOR + vColor.xyz *= instanceColor.xyz; +#endif +#ifdef USE_BATCHING_COLOR + vec3 batchingColor = getBatchingColor( getIndirectIndex( gl_DrawID ) ); + vColor.xyz *= batchingColor.xyz; +#endif`,Xp=`#define PI 3.141592653589793 +#define PI2 6.283185307179586 +#define PI_HALF 1.5707963267948966 +#define RECIPROCAL_PI 0.3183098861837907 +#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494309189535 +#define EPSILON 1e-6 +#ifndef saturate +#define saturate( a ) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 ) +#endif +#define whiteComplement( a ) ( 1.0 - saturate( a ) ) +float pow2( const in float x ) { return x*x; } +vec3 pow2( const in vec3 x ) { return x*x; } +float pow3( const in float x ) { return x*x*x; } +float pow4( const in float x ) { float x2 = x*x; return x2*x2; } +float max3( const in vec3 v ) { return max( max( v.x, v.y ), v.z ); } +float average( const in vec3 v ) { return dot( v, vec3( 0.3333333 ) ); } +highp float rand( const in vec2 uv ) { + const highp float a = 12.9898, b = 78.233, c = 43758.5453; + highp float dt = dot( uv.xy, vec2( a,b ) ), sn = mod( dt, PI ); + return fract( sin( sn ) * c ); +} +#ifdef HIGH_PRECISION + float precisionSafeLength( vec3 v ) { return length( v ); } +#else + float precisionSafeLength( vec3 v ) { + float maxComponent = max3( abs( v ) ); + return length( v / maxComponent ) * maxComponent; + } +#endif +struct IncidentLight { + vec3 color; + vec3 direction; + bool visible; +}; +struct ReflectedLight { + vec3 directDiffuse; + vec3 directSpecular; + vec3 indirectDiffuse; + vec3 indirectSpecular; +}; +#ifdef USE_ALPHAHASH + varying vec3 vPosition; +#endif +vec3 transformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) { + return normalize( ( matrix * vec4( dir, 0.0 ) ).xyz ); +} +vec3 inverseTransformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) { + return normalize( ( vec4( dir, 0.0 ) * matrix ).xyz ); +} +mat3 transposeMat3( const in mat3 m ) { + mat3 tmp; + tmp[ 0 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].x, m[ 1 ].x, m[ 2 ].x ); + tmp[ 1 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].y, m[ 1 ].y, m[ 2 ].y ); + tmp[ 2 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].z, m[ 1 ].z, m[ 2 ].z ); + return tmp; +} +bool isPerspectiveMatrix( mat4 m ) { + return m[ 2 ][ 3 ] == - 1.0; +} +vec2 equirectUv( in vec3 dir ) { + float u = atan( dir.z, dir.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5; + float v = asin( clamp( dir.y, - 1.0, 1.0 ) ) * RECIPROCAL_PI + 0.5; + return vec2( u, v ); +} +vec3 BRDF_Lambert( const in vec3 diffuseColor ) { + return RECIPROCAL_PI * diffuseColor; +} +vec3 F_Schlick( const in vec3 f0, const in float f90, const in float dotVH ) { + float fresnel = exp2( ( - 5.55473 * dotVH - 6.98316 ) * dotVH ); + return f0 * ( 1.0 - fresnel ) + ( f90 * fresnel ); +} +float F_Schlick( const in float f0, const in float f90, const in float dotVH ) { + float fresnel = exp2( ( - 5.55473 * dotVH - 6.98316 ) * dotVH ); + return f0 * ( 1.0 - fresnel ) + ( f90 * fresnel ); +} // validated`,qp=`#ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV + #define cubeUV_minMipLevel 4.0 + #define cubeUV_minTileSize 16.0 + float getFace( vec3 direction ) { + vec3 absDirection = abs( direction ); + float face = - 1.0; + if ( absDirection.x > absDirection.z ) { + if ( absDirection.x > absDirection.y ) + face = direction.x > 0.0 ? 0.0 : 3.0; + else + face = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0; + } else { + if ( absDirection.z > absDirection.y ) + face = direction.z > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 5.0; + else + face = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0; + } + return face; + } + vec2 getUV( vec3 direction, float face ) { + vec2 uv; + if ( face == 0.0 ) { + uv = vec2( direction.z, direction.y ) / abs( direction.x ); + } else if ( face == 1.0 ) { + uv = vec2( - direction.x, - direction.z ) / abs( direction.y ); + } else if ( face == 2.0 ) { + uv = vec2( - direction.x, direction.y ) / abs( direction.z ); + } else if ( face == 3.0 ) { + uv = vec2( - direction.z, direction.y ) / abs( direction.x ); + } else if ( face == 4.0 ) { + uv = vec2( - direction.x, direction.z ) / abs( direction.y ); + } else { + uv = vec2( direction.x, direction.y ) / abs( direction.z ); + } + return 0.5 * ( uv + 1.0 ); + } + vec3 bilinearCubeUV( sampler2D envMap, vec3 direction, float mipInt ) { + float face = getFace( direction ); + float filterInt = max( cubeUV_minMipLevel - mipInt, 0.0 ); + mipInt = max( mipInt, cubeUV_minMipLevel ); + float faceSize = exp2( mipInt ); + highp vec2 uv = getUV( direction, face ) * ( faceSize - 2.0 ) + 1.0; + if ( face > 2.0 ) { + uv.y += faceSize; + face -= 3.0; + } + uv.x += face * faceSize; + uv.x += filterInt * 3.0 * cubeUV_minTileSize; + uv.y += 4.0 * ( exp2( CUBEUV_MAX_MIP ) - faceSize ); + uv.x *= CUBEUV_TEXEL_WIDTH; + uv.y *= CUBEUV_TEXEL_HEIGHT; + #ifdef texture2DGradEXT + return texture2DGradEXT( envMap, uv, vec2( 0.0 ), vec2( 0.0 ) ).rgb; + #else + return texture2D( envMap, uv ).rgb; + #endif + } + #define cubeUV_r0 1.0 + #define cubeUV_m0 - 2.0 + #define cubeUV_r1 0.8 + #define cubeUV_m1 - 1.0 + #define cubeUV_r4 0.4 + #define cubeUV_m4 2.0 + #define cubeUV_r5 0.305 + #define cubeUV_m5 3.0 + #define cubeUV_r6 0.21 + #define cubeUV_m6 4.0 + float roughnessToMip( float roughness ) { + float mip = 0.0; + if ( roughness >= cubeUV_r1 ) { + mip = ( cubeUV_r0 - roughness ) * ( cubeUV_m1 - cubeUV_m0 ) / ( cubeUV_r0 - cubeUV_r1 ) + cubeUV_m0; + } else if ( roughness >= cubeUV_r4 ) { + mip = ( cubeUV_r1 - roughness ) * ( cubeUV_m4 - cubeUV_m1 ) / ( cubeUV_r1 - cubeUV_r4 ) + cubeUV_m1; + } else if ( roughness >= cubeUV_r5 ) { + mip = ( cubeUV_r4 - roughness ) * ( cubeUV_m5 - cubeUV_m4 ) / ( cubeUV_r4 - cubeUV_r5 ) + cubeUV_m4; + } else if ( roughness >= cubeUV_r6 ) { + mip = ( cubeUV_r5 - roughness ) * ( cubeUV_m6 - cubeUV_m5 ) / ( cubeUV_r5 - cubeUV_r6 ) + cubeUV_m5; + } else { + mip = - 2.0 * log2( 1.16 * roughness ); } + return mip; + } + vec4 textureCubeUV( sampler2D envMap, vec3 sampleDir, float roughness ) { + float mip = clamp( roughnessToMip( roughness ), cubeUV_m0, CUBEUV_MAX_MIP ); + float mipF = fract( mip ); + float mipInt = floor( mip ); + vec3 color0 = bilinearCubeUV( envMap, sampleDir, mipInt ); + if ( mipF == 0.0 ) { + return vec4( color0, 1.0 ); + } else { + vec3 color1 = bilinearCubeUV( envMap, sampleDir, mipInt + 1.0 ); + return vec4( mix( color0, color1, mipF ), 1.0 ); + } + } +#endif`,Yp=`vec3 transformedNormal = objectNormal; +#ifdef USE_TANGENT + vec3 transformedTangent = objectTangent; +#endif +#ifdef USE_BATCHING + mat3 bm = mat3( batchingMatrix ); + transformedNormal /= vec3( dot( bm[ 0 ], bm[ 0 ] ), dot( bm[ 1 ], bm[ 1 ] ), dot( bm[ 2 ], bm[ 2 ] ) ); + transformedNormal = bm * transformedNormal; + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + transformedTangent = bm * transformedTangent; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_INSTANCING + mat3 im = mat3( instanceMatrix ); + transformedNormal /= vec3( dot( im[ 0 ], im[ 0 ] ), dot( im[ 1 ], im[ 1 ] ), dot( im[ 2 ], im[ 2 ] ) ); + transformedNormal = im * transformedNormal; + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + transformedTangent = im * transformedTangent; + #endif +#endif +transformedNormal = normalMatrix * transformedNormal; +#ifdef FLIP_SIDED + transformedNormal = - transformedNormal; +#endif +#ifdef USE_TANGENT + transformedTangent = ( modelViewMatrix * vec4( transformedTangent, 0.0 ) ).xyz; + #ifdef FLIP_SIDED + transformedTangent = - transformedTangent; + #endif +#endif`,Zp=`#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP + uniform sampler2D displacementMap; + uniform float displacementScale; + uniform float displacementBias; +#endif`,Kp=`#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP + transformed += normalize( objectNormal ) * ( texture2D( displacementMap, vDisplacementMapUv ).x * displacementScale + displacementBias ); +#endif`,Jp=`#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP + vec4 emissiveColor = texture2D( emissiveMap, vEmissiveMapUv ); + #ifdef DECODE_VIDEO_TEXTURE_EMISSIVE + emissiveColor = sRGBTransferEOTF( emissiveColor ); + #endif + totalEmissiveRadiance *= emissiveColor.rgb; +#endif`,$p=`#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP + uniform sampler2D emissiveMap; +#endif`,jp="gl_FragColor = linearToOutputTexel( gl_FragColor );",Qp=`vec4 LinearTransferOETF( in vec4 value ) { + return value; +} +vec4 sRGBTransferEOTF( in vec4 value ) { + return vec4( mix( pow( value.rgb * 0.9478672986 + vec3( 0.0521327014 ), vec3( 2.4 ) ), value.rgb * 0.0773993808, vec3( lessThanEqual( value.rgb, vec3( 0.04045 ) ) ) ), value.a ); +} +vec4 sRGBTransferOETF( in vec4 value ) { + return vec4( mix( pow( value.rgb, vec3( 0.41666 ) ) * 1.055 - vec3( 0.055 ), value.rgb * 12.92, vec3( lessThanEqual( value.rgb, vec3( 0.0031308 ) ) ) ), value.a ); +}`,tm=`#ifdef USE_ENVMAP + #ifdef ENV_WORLDPOS + vec3 cameraToFrag; + if ( isOrthographic ) { + cameraToFrag = normalize( vec3( - viewMatrix[ 0 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 1 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 2 ][ 2 ] ) ); + } else { + cameraToFrag = normalize( vWorldPosition - cameraPosition ); + } + vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( normal, viewMatrix ); + #ifdef ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION + vec3 reflectVec = reflect( cameraToFrag, worldNormal ); + #else + vec3 reflectVec = refract( cameraToFrag, worldNormal, refractionRatio ); + #endif + #else + vec3 reflectVec = vReflect; + #endif + #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE + vec4 envColor = textureCube( envMap, envMapRotation * vec3( flipEnvMap * reflectVec.x, reflectVec.yz ) ); + #else + vec4 envColor = vec4( 0.0 ); + #endif + #ifdef ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY + outgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, outgoingLight * envColor.xyz, specularStrength * reflectivity ); + #elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_MIX ) + outgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, envColor.xyz, specularStrength * reflectivity ); + #elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_ADD ) + outgoingLight += envColor.xyz * specularStrength * reflectivity; + #endif +#endif`,em=`#ifdef USE_ENVMAP + uniform float envMapIntensity; + uniform float flipEnvMap; + uniform mat3 envMapRotation; + #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE + uniform samplerCube envMap; + #else + uniform sampler2D envMap; + #endif + +#endif`,nm=`#ifdef USE_ENVMAP + uniform float reflectivity; + #if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG ) || defined( LAMBERT ) + #define ENV_WORLDPOS + #endif + #ifdef ENV_WORLDPOS + varying vec3 vWorldPosition; + uniform float refractionRatio; + #else + varying vec3 vReflect; + #endif +#endif`,im=`#ifdef USE_ENVMAP + #if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG ) || defined( LAMBERT ) + #define ENV_WORLDPOS + #endif + #ifdef ENV_WORLDPOS + + varying vec3 vWorldPosition; + #else + varying vec3 vReflect; + uniform float refractionRatio; + #endif +#endif`,rm=`#ifdef USE_ENVMAP + #ifdef ENV_WORLDPOS + vWorldPosition = worldPosition.xyz; + #else + vec3 cameraToVertex; + if ( isOrthographic ) { + cameraToVertex = normalize( vec3( - viewMatrix[ 0 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 1 ][ 2 ], - viewMatrix[ 2 ][ 2 ] ) ); + } else { + cameraToVertex = normalize( worldPosition.xyz - cameraPosition ); + } + vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( transformedNormal, viewMatrix ); + #ifdef ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION + vReflect = reflect( cameraToVertex, worldNormal ); + #else + vReflect = refract( cameraToVertex, worldNormal, refractionRatio ); + #endif + #endif +#endif`,sm=`#ifdef USE_FOG + vFogDepth = - mvPosition.z; +#endif`,am=`#ifdef USE_FOG + varying float vFogDepth; +#endif`,om=`#ifdef USE_FOG + #ifdef FOG_EXP2 + float fogFactor = 1.0 - exp( - fogDensity * fogDensity * vFogDepth * vFogDepth ); + #else + float fogFactor = smoothstep( fogNear, fogFar, vFogDepth ); + #endif + gl_FragColor.rgb = mix( gl_FragColor.rgb, fogColor, fogFactor ); +#endif`,cm=`#ifdef USE_FOG + uniform vec3 fogColor; + varying float vFogDepth; + #ifdef FOG_EXP2 + uniform float fogDensity; + #else + uniform float fogNear; + uniform float fogFar; + #endif +#endif`,lm=`#ifdef USE_GRADIENTMAP + uniform sampler2D gradientMap; +#endif +vec3 getGradientIrradiance( vec3 normal, vec3 lightDirection ) { + float dotNL = dot( normal, lightDirection ); + vec2 coord = vec2( dotNL * 0.5 + 0.5, 0.0 ); + #ifdef USE_GRADIENTMAP + return vec3( texture2D( gradientMap, coord ).r ); + #else + vec2 fw = fwidth( coord ) * 0.5; + return mix( vec3( 0.7 ), vec3( 1.0 ), smoothstep( 0.7 - fw.x, 0.7 + fw.x, coord.x ) ); + #endif +}`,hm=`#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP + uniform sampler2D lightMap; + uniform float lightMapIntensity; +#endif`,um=`LambertMaterial material; +material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb; +material.specularStrength = specularStrength;`,dm=`varying vec3 vViewPosition; +struct LambertMaterial { + vec3 diffuseColor; + float specularStrength; +}; +void RE_Direct_Lambert( const in IncidentLight directLight, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in LambertMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + float dotNL = saturate( dot( geometryNormal, directLight.direction ) ); + vec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight.color; + reflectedLight.directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); +} +void RE_IndirectDiffuse_Lambert( const in vec3 irradiance, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in LambertMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); +} +#define RE_Direct RE_Direct_Lambert +#define RE_IndirectDiffuse RE_IndirectDiffuse_Lambert`,fm=`uniform bool receiveShadow; +uniform vec3 ambientLightColor; +#if defined( USE_LIGHT_PROBES ) + uniform vec3 lightProbe[ 9 ]; +#endif +vec3 shGetIrradianceAt( in vec3 normal, in vec3 shCoefficients[ 9 ] ) { + float x = normal.x, y = normal.y, z = normal.z; + vec3 result = shCoefficients[ 0 ] * 0.886227; + result += shCoefficients[ 1 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * y; + result += shCoefficients[ 2 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * z; + result += shCoefficients[ 3 ] * 2.0 * 0.511664 * x; + result += shCoefficients[ 4 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * x * y; + result += shCoefficients[ 5 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * y * z; + result += shCoefficients[ 6 ] * ( 0.743125 * z * z - 0.247708 ); + result += shCoefficients[ 7 ] * 2.0 * 0.429043 * x * z; + result += shCoefficients[ 8 ] * 0.429043 * ( x * x - y * y ); + return result; +} +vec3 getLightProbeIrradiance( const in vec3 lightProbe[ 9 ], const in vec3 normal ) { + vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( normal, viewMatrix ); + vec3 irradiance = shGetIrradianceAt( worldNormal, lightProbe ); + return irradiance; +} +vec3 getAmbientLightIrradiance( const in vec3 ambientLightColor ) { + vec3 irradiance = ambientLightColor; + return irradiance; +} +float getDistanceAttenuation( const in float lightDistance, const in float cutoffDistance, const in float decayExponent ) { + float distanceFalloff = 1.0 / max( pow( lightDistance, decayExponent ), 0.01 ); + if ( cutoffDistance > 0.0 ) { + distanceFalloff *= pow2( saturate( 1.0 - pow4( lightDistance / cutoffDistance ) ) ); + } + return distanceFalloff; +} +float getSpotAttenuation( const in float coneCosine, const in float penumbraCosine, const in float angleCosine ) { + return smoothstep( coneCosine, penumbraCosine, angleCosine ); +} +#if NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0 + struct DirectionalLight { + vec3 direction; + vec3 color; + }; + uniform DirectionalLight directionalLights[ NUM_DIR_LIGHTS ]; + void getDirectionalLightInfo( const in DirectionalLight directionalLight, out IncidentLight light ) { + light.color = directionalLight.color; + light.direction = directionalLight.direction; + light.visible = true; + } +#endif +#if NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0 + struct PointLight { + vec3 position; + vec3 color; + float distance; + float decay; + }; + uniform PointLight pointLights[ NUM_POINT_LIGHTS ]; + void getPointLightInfo( const in PointLight pointLight, const in vec3 geometryPosition, out IncidentLight light ) { + vec3 lVector = pointLight.position - geometryPosition; + light.direction = normalize( lVector ); + float lightDistance = length( lVector ); + light.color = pointLight.color; + light.color *= getDistanceAttenuation( lightDistance, pointLight.distance, pointLight.decay ); + light.visible = ( light.color != vec3( 0.0 ) ); + } +#endif +#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0 + struct SpotLight { + vec3 position; + vec3 direction; + vec3 color; + float distance; + float decay; + float coneCos; + float penumbraCos; + }; + uniform SpotLight spotLights[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS ]; + void getSpotLightInfo( const in SpotLight spotLight, const in vec3 geometryPosition, out IncidentLight light ) { + vec3 lVector = spotLight.position - geometryPosition; + light.direction = normalize( lVector ); + float angleCos = dot( light.direction, spotLight.direction ); + float spotAttenuation = getSpotAttenuation( spotLight.coneCos, spotLight.penumbraCos, angleCos ); + if ( spotAttenuation > 0.0 ) { + float lightDistance = length( lVector ); + light.color = spotLight.color * spotAttenuation; + light.color *= getDistanceAttenuation( lightDistance, spotLight.distance, spotLight.decay ); + light.visible = ( light.color != vec3( 0.0 ) ); + } else { + light.color = vec3( 0.0 ); + light.visible = false; + } + } +#endif +#if NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS > 0 + struct RectAreaLight { + vec3 color; + vec3 position; + vec3 halfWidth; + vec3 halfHeight; + }; + uniform sampler2D ltc_1; uniform sampler2D ltc_2; + uniform RectAreaLight rectAreaLights[ NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS ]; +#endif +#if NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0 + struct HemisphereLight { + vec3 direction; + vec3 skyColor; + vec3 groundColor; + }; + uniform HemisphereLight hemisphereLights[ NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS ]; + vec3 getHemisphereLightIrradiance( const in HemisphereLight hemiLight, const in vec3 normal ) { + float dotNL = dot( normal, hemiLight.direction ); + float hemiDiffuseWeight = 0.5 * dotNL + 0.5; + vec3 irradiance = mix( hemiLight.groundColor, hemiLight.skyColor, hemiDiffuseWeight ); + return irradiance; + } +#endif`,pm=`#ifdef USE_ENVMAP + vec3 getIBLIrradiance( const in vec3 normal ) { + #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV + vec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( normal, viewMatrix ); + vec4 envMapColor = textureCubeUV( envMap, envMapRotation * worldNormal, 1.0 ); + return PI * envMapColor.rgb * envMapIntensity; + #else + return vec3( 0.0 ); + #endif + } + vec3 getIBLRadiance( const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 normal, const in float roughness ) { + #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV + vec3 reflectVec = reflect( - viewDir, normal ); + reflectVec = normalize( mix( reflectVec, normal, roughness * roughness) ); + reflectVec = inverseTransformDirection( reflectVec, viewMatrix ); + vec4 envMapColor = textureCubeUV( envMap, envMapRotation * reflectVec, roughness ); + return envMapColor.rgb * envMapIntensity; + #else + return vec3( 0.0 ); + #endif + } + #ifdef USE_ANISOTROPY + vec3 getIBLAnisotropyRadiance( const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 normal, const in float roughness, const in vec3 bitangent, const in float anisotropy ) { + #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV + vec3 bentNormal = cross( bitangent, viewDir ); + bentNormal = normalize( cross( bentNormal, bitangent ) ); + bentNormal = normalize( mix( bentNormal, normal, pow2( pow2( 1.0 - anisotropy * ( 1.0 - roughness ) ) ) ) ); + return getIBLRadiance( viewDir, bentNormal, roughness ); + #else + return vec3( 0.0 ); + #endif + } + #endif +#endif`,mm=`ToonMaterial material; +material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb;`,_m=`varying vec3 vViewPosition; +struct ToonMaterial { + vec3 diffuseColor; +}; +void RE_Direct_Toon( const in IncidentLight directLight, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in ToonMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + vec3 irradiance = getGradientIrradiance( geometryNormal, directLight.direction ) * directLight.color; + reflectedLight.directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); +} +void RE_IndirectDiffuse_Toon( const in vec3 irradiance, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in ToonMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); +} +#define RE_Direct RE_Direct_Toon +#define RE_IndirectDiffuse RE_IndirectDiffuse_Toon`,gm=`BlinnPhongMaterial material; +material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb; +material.specularColor = specular; +material.specularShininess = shininess; +material.specularStrength = specularStrength;`,xm=`varying vec3 vViewPosition; +struct BlinnPhongMaterial { + vec3 diffuseColor; + vec3 specularColor; + float specularShininess; + float specularStrength; +}; +void RE_Direct_BlinnPhong( const in IncidentLight directLight, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in BlinnPhongMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + float dotNL = saturate( dot( geometryNormal, directLight.direction ) ); + vec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight.color; + reflectedLight.directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); + reflectedLight.directSpecular += irradiance * BRDF_BlinnPhong( directLight.direction, geometryViewDir, geometryNormal, material.specularColor, material.specularShininess ) * material.specularStrength; +} +void RE_IndirectDiffuse_BlinnPhong( const in vec3 irradiance, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in BlinnPhongMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); +} +#define RE_Direct RE_Direct_BlinnPhong +#define RE_IndirectDiffuse RE_IndirectDiffuse_BlinnPhong`,ym=`PhysicalMaterial material; +material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb * ( 1.0 - metalnessFactor ); +vec3 dxy = max( abs( dFdx( nonPerturbedNormal ) ), abs( dFdy( nonPerturbedNormal ) ) ); +float geometryRoughness = max( max( dxy.x, dxy.y ), dxy.z ); +material.roughness = max( roughnessFactor, 0.0525 );material.roughness += geometryRoughness; +material.roughness = min( material.roughness, 1.0 ); +#ifdef IOR + material.ior = ior; + #ifdef USE_SPECULAR + float specularIntensityFactor = specularIntensity; + vec3 specularColorFactor = specularColor; + #ifdef USE_SPECULAR_COLORMAP + specularColorFactor *= texture2D( specularColorMap, vSpecularColorMapUv ).rgb; + #endif + #ifdef USE_SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP + specularIntensityFactor *= texture2D( specularIntensityMap, vSpecularIntensityMapUv ).a; + #endif + material.specularF90 = mix( specularIntensityFactor, 1.0, metalnessFactor ); + #else + float specularIntensityFactor = 1.0; + vec3 specularColorFactor = vec3( 1.0 ); + material.specularF90 = 1.0; + #endif + material.specularColor = mix( min( pow2( ( material.ior - 1.0 ) / ( material.ior + 1.0 ) ) * specularColorFactor, vec3( 1.0 ) ) * specularIntensityFactor, diffuseColor.rgb, metalnessFactor ); +#else + material.specularColor = mix( vec3( 0.04 ), diffuseColor.rgb, metalnessFactor ); + material.specularF90 = 1.0; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + material.clearcoat = clearcoat; + material.clearcoatRoughness = clearcoatRoughness; + material.clearcoatF0 = vec3( 0.04 ); + material.clearcoatF90 = 1.0; + #ifdef USE_CLEARCOATMAP + material.clearcoat *= texture2D( clearcoatMap, vClearcoatMapUv ).x; + #endif + #ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP + material.clearcoatRoughness *= texture2D( clearcoatRoughnessMap, vClearcoatRoughnessMapUv ).y; + #endif + material.clearcoat = saturate( material.clearcoat ); material.clearcoatRoughness = max( material.clearcoatRoughness, 0.0525 ); + material.clearcoatRoughness += geometryRoughness; + material.clearcoatRoughness = min( material.clearcoatRoughness, 1.0 ); +#endif +#ifdef USE_DISPERSION + material.dispersion = dispersion; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE + material.iridescence = iridescence; + material.iridescenceIOR = iridescenceIOR; + #ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCEMAP + material.iridescence *= texture2D( iridescenceMap, vIridescenceMapUv ).r; + #endif + #ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP + material.iridescenceThickness = (iridescenceThicknessMaximum - iridescenceThicknessMinimum) * texture2D( iridescenceThicknessMap, vIridescenceThicknessMapUv ).g + iridescenceThicknessMinimum; + #else + material.iridescenceThickness = iridescenceThicknessMaximum; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN + material.sheenColor = sheenColor; + #ifdef USE_SHEEN_COLORMAP + material.sheenColor *= texture2D( sheenColorMap, vSheenColorMapUv ).rgb; + #endif + material.sheenRoughness = clamp( sheenRoughness, 0.07, 1.0 ); + #ifdef USE_SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP + material.sheenRoughness *= texture2D( sheenRoughnessMap, vSheenRoughnessMapUv ).a; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_ANISOTROPY + #ifdef USE_ANISOTROPYMAP + mat2 anisotropyMat = mat2( anisotropyVector.x, anisotropyVector.y, - anisotropyVector.y, anisotropyVector.x ); + vec3 anisotropyPolar = texture2D( anisotropyMap, vAnisotropyMapUv ).rgb; + vec2 anisotropyV = anisotropyMat * normalize( 2.0 * anisotropyPolar.rg - vec2( 1.0 ) ) * anisotropyPolar.b; + #else + vec2 anisotropyV = anisotropyVector; + #endif + material.anisotropy = length( anisotropyV ); + if( material.anisotropy == 0.0 ) { + anisotropyV = vec2( 1.0, 0.0 ); + } else { + anisotropyV /= material.anisotropy; + material.anisotropy = saturate( material.anisotropy ); + } + material.alphaT = mix( pow2( material.roughness ), 1.0, pow2( material.anisotropy ) ); + material.anisotropyT = tbn[ 0 ] * anisotropyV.x + tbn[ 1 ] * anisotropyV.y; + material.anisotropyB = tbn[ 1 ] * anisotropyV.x - tbn[ 0 ] * anisotropyV.y; +#endif`,vm=`struct PhysicalMaterial { + vec3 diffuseColor; + float roughness; + vec3 specularColor; + float specularF90; + float dispersion; + #ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + float clearcoat; + float clearcoatRoughness; + vec3 clearcoatF0; + float clearcoatF90; + #endif + #ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE + float iridescence; + float iridescenceIOR; + float iridescenceThickness; + vec3 iridescenceFresnel; + vec3 iridescenceF0; + #endif + #ifdef USE_SHEEN + vec3 sheenColor; + float sheenRoughness; + #endif + #ifdef IOR + float ior; + #endif + #ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION + float transmission; + float transmissionAlpha; + float thickness; + float attenuationDistance; + vec3 attenuationColor; + #endif + #ifdef USE_ANISOTROPY + float anisotropy; + float alphaT; + vec3 anisotropyT; + vec3 anisotropyB; + #endif +}; +vec3 clearcoatSpecularDirect = vec3( 0.0 ); +vec3 clearcoatSpecularIndirect = vec3( 0.0 ); +vec3 sheenSpecularDirect = vec3( 0.0 ); +vec3 sheenSpecularIndirect = vec3(0.0 ); +vec3 Schlick_to_F0( const in vec3 f, const in float f90, const in float dotVH ) { + float x = clamp( 1.0 - dotVH, 0.0, 1.0 ); + float x2 = x * x; + float x5 = clamp( x * x2 * x2, 0.0, 0.9999 ); + return ( f - vec3( f90 ) * x5 ) / ( 1.0 - x5 ); +} +float V_GGX_SmithCorrelated( const in float alpha, const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV ) { + float a2 = pow2( alpha ); + float gv = dotNL * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNV ) ); + float gl = dotNV * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNL ) ); + return 0.5 / max( gv + gl, EPSILON ); +} +float D_GGX( const in float alpha, const in float dotNH ) { + float a2 = pow2( alpha ); + float denom = pow2( dotNH ) * ( a2 - 1.0 ) + 1.0; + return RECIPROCAL_PI * a2 / pow2( denom ); +} +#ifdef USE_ANISOTROPY + float V_GGX_SmithCorrelated_Anisotropic( const in float alphaT, const in float alphaB, const in float dotTV, const in float dotBV, const in float dotTL, const in float dotBL, const in float dotNV, const in float dotNL ) { + float gv = dotNL * length( vec3( alphaT * dotTV, alphaB * dotBV, dotNV ) ); + float gl = dotNV * length( vec3( alphaT * dotTL, alphaB * dotBL, dotNL ) ); + float v = 0.5 / ( gv + gl ); + return saturate(v); + } + float D_GGX_Anisotropic( const in float alphaT, const in float alphaB, const in float dotNH, const in float dotTH, const in float dotBH ) { + float a2 = alphaT * alphaB; + highp vec3 v = vec3( alphaB * dotTH, alphaT * dotBH, a2 * dotNH ); + highp float v2 = dot( v, v ); + float w2 = a2 / v2; + return RECIPROCAL_PI * a2 * pow2 ( w2 ); + } +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + vec3 BRDF_GGX_Clearcoat( const in vec3 lightDir, const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 normal, const in PhysicalMaterial material) { + vec3 f0 = material.clearcoatF0; + float f90 = material.clearcoatF90; + float roughness = material.clearcoatRoughness; + float alpha = pow2( roughness ); + vec3 halfDir = normalize( lightDir + viewDir ); + float dotNL = saturate( dot( normal, lightDir ) ); + float dotNV = saturate( dot( normal, viewDir ) ); + float dotNH = saturate( dot( normal, halfDir ) ); + float dotVH = saturate( dot( viewDir, halfDir ) ); + vec3 F = F_Schlick( f0, f90, dotVH ); + float V = V_GGX_SmithCorrelated( alpha, dotNL, dotNV ); + float D = D_GGX( alpha, dotNH ); + return F * ( V * D ); + } +#endif +vec3 BRDF_GGX( const in vec3 lightDir, const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 normal, const in PhysicalMaterial material ) { + vec3 f0 = material.specularColor; + float f90 = material.specularF90; + float roughness = material.roughness; + float alpha = pow2( roughness ); + vec3 halfDir = normalize( lightDir + viewDir ); + float dotNL = saturate( dot( normal, lightDir ) ); + float dotNV = saturate( dot( normal, viewDir ) ); + float dotNH = saturate( dot( normal, halfDir ) ); + float dotVH = saturate( dot( viewDir, halfDir ) ); + vec3 F = F_Schlick( f0, f90, dotVH ); + #ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE + F = mix( F, material.iridescenceFresnel, material.iridescence ); + #endif + #ifdef USE_ANISOTROPY + float dotTL = dot( material.anisotropyT, lightDir ); + float dotTV = dot( material.anisotropyT, viewDir ); + float dotTH = dot( material.anisotropyT, halfDir ); + float dotBL = dot( material.anisotropyB, lightDir ); + float dotBV = dot( material.anisotropyB, viewDir ); + float dotBH = dot( material.anisotropyB, halfDir ); + float V = V_GGX_SmithCorrelated_Anisotropic( material.alphaT, alpha, dotTV, dotBV, dotTL, dotBL, dotNV, dotNL ); + float D = D_GGX_Anisotropic( material.alphaT, alpha, dotNH, dotTH, dotBH ); + #else + float V = V_GGX_SmithCorrelated( alpha, dotNL, dotNV ); + float D = D_GGX( alpha, dotNH ); + #endif + return F * ( V * D ); +} +vec2 LTC_Uv( const in vec3 N, const in vec3 V, const in float roughness ) { + const float LUT_SIZE = 64.0; + const float LUT_SCALE = ( LUT_SIZE - 1.0 ) / LUT_SIZE; + const float LUT_BIAS = 0.5 / LUT_SIZE; + float dotNV = saturate( dot( N, V ) ); + vec2 uv = vec2( roughness, sqrt( 1.0 - dotNV ) ); + uv = uv * LUT_SCALE + LUT_BIAS; + return uv; +} +float LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor( const in vec3 f ) { + float l = length( f ); + return max( ( l * l + f.z ) / ( l + 1.0 ), 0.0 ); +} +vec3 LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( const in vec3 v1, const in vec3 v2 ) { + float x = dot( v1, v2 ); + float y = abs( x ); + float a = 0.8543985 + ( 0.4965155 + 0.0145206 * y ) * y; + float b = 3.4175940 + ( 4.1616724 + y ) * y; + float v = a / b; + float theta_sintheta = ( x > 0.0 ) ? v : 0.5 * inversesqrt( max( 1.0 - x * x, 1e-7 ) ) - v; + return cross( v1, v2 ) * theta_sintheta; +} +vec3 LTC_Evaluate( const in vec3 N, const in vec3 V, const in vec3 P, const in mat3 mInv, const in vec3 rectCoords[ 4 ] ) { + vec3 v1 = rectCoords[ 1 ] - rectCoords[ 0 ]; + vec3 v2 = rectCoords[ 3 ] - rectCoords[ 0 ]; + vec3 lightNormal = cross( v1, v2 ); + if( dot( lightNormal, P - rectCoords[ 0 ] ) < 0.0 ) return vec3( 0.0 ); + vec3 T1, T2; + T1 = normalize( V - N * dot( V, N ) ); + T2 = - cross( N, T1 ); + mat3 mat = mInv * transposeMat3( mat3( T1, T2, N ) ); + vec3 coords[ 4 ]; + coords[ 0 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 0 ] - P ); + coords[ 1 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 1 ] - P ); + coords[ 2 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 2 ] - P ); + coords[ 3 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 3 ] - P ); + coords[ 0 ] = normalize( coords[ 0 ] ); + coords[ 1 ] = normalize( coords[ 1 ] ); + coords[ 2 ] = normalize( coords[ 2 ] ); + coords[ 3 ] = normalize( coords[ 3 ] ); + vec3 vectorFormFactor = vec3( 0.0 ); + vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 0 ], coords[ 1 ] ); + vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 1 ], coords[ 2 ] ); + vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 2 ], coords[ 3 ] ); + vectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 3 ], coords[ 0 ] ); + float result = LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor( vectorFormFactor ); + return vec3( result ); +} +#if defined( USE_SHEEN ) +float D_Charlie( float roughness, float dotNH ) { + float alpha = pow2( roughness ); + float invAlpha = 1.0 / alpha; + float cos2h = dotNH * dotNH; + float sin2h = max( 1.0 - cos2h, 0.0078125 ); + return ( 2.0 + invAlpha ) * pow( sin2h, invAlpha * 0.5 ) / ( 2.0 * PI ); +} +float V_Neubelt( float dotNV, float dotNL ) { + return saturate( 1.0 / ( 4.0 * ( dotNL + dotNV - dotNL * dotNV ) ) ); +} +vec3 BRDF_Sheen( const in vec3 lightDir, const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 normal, vec3 sheenColor, const in float sheenRoughness ) { + vec3 halfDir = normalize( lightDir + viewDir ); + float dotNL = saturate( dot( normal, lightDir ) ); + float dotNV = saturate( dot( normal, viewDir ) ); + float dotNH = saturate( dot( normal, halfDir ) ); + float D = D_Charlie( sheenRoughness, dotNH ); + float V = V_Neubelt( dotNV, dotNL ); + return sheenColor * ( D * V ); +} +#endif +float IBLSheenBRDF( const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 viewDir, const in float roughness ) { + float dotNV = saturate( dot( normal, viewDir ) ); + float r2 = roughness * roughness; + float a = roughness < 0.25 ? -339.2 * r2 + 161.4 * roughness - 25.9 : -8.48 * r2 + 14.3 * roughness - 9.95; + float b = roughness < 0.25 ? 44.0 * r2 - 23.7 * roughness + 3.26 : 1.97 * r2 - 3.27 * roughness + 0.72; + float DG = exp( a * dotNV + b ) + ( roughness < 0.25 ? 0.0 : 0.1 * ( roughness - 0.25 ) ); + return saturate( DG * RECIPROCAL_PI ); +} +vec2 DFGApprox( const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 viewDir, const in float roughness ) { + float dotNV = saturate( dot( normal, viewDir ) ); + const vec4 c0 = vec4( - 1, - 0.0275, - 0.572, 0.022 ); + const vec4 c1 = vec4( 1, 0.0425, 1.04, - 0.04 ); + vec4 r = roughness * c0 + c1; + float a004 = min( r.x * r.x, exp2( - 9.28 * dotNV ) ) * r.x + r.y; + vec2 fab = vec2( - 1.04, 1.04 ) * a004 + r.zw; + return fab; +} +vec3 EnvironmentBRDF( const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float specularF90, const in float roughness ) { + vec2 fab = DFGApprox( normal, viewDir, roughness ); + return specularColor * fab.x + specularF90 * fab.y; +} +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE +void computeMultiscatteringIridescence( const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float specularF90, const in float iridescence, const in vec3 iridescenceF0, const in float roughness, inout vec3 singleScatter, inout vec3 multiScatter ) { +#else +void computeMultiscattering( const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 viewDir, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float specularF90, const in float roughness, inout vec3 singleScatter, inout vec3 multiScatter ) { +#endif + vec2 fab = DFGApprox( normal, viewDir, roughness ); + #ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE + vec3 Fr = mix( specularColor, iridescenceF0, iridescence ); + #else + vec3 Fr = specularColor; + #endif + vec3 FssEss = Fr * fab.x + specularF90 * fab.y; + float Ess = fab.x + fab.y; + float Ems = 1.0 - Ess; + vec3 Favg = Fr + ( 1.0 - Fr ) * 0.047619; vec3 Fms = FssEss * Favg / ( 1.0 - Ems * Favg ); + singleScatter += FssEss; + multiScatter += Fms * Ems; +} +#if NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS > 0 + void RE_Direct_RectArea_Physical( const in RectAreaLight rectAreaLight, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + vec3 normal = geometryNormal; + vec3 viewDir = geometryViewDir; + vec3 position = geometryPosition; + vec3 lightPos = rectAreaLight.position; + vec3 halfWidth = rectAreaLight.halfWidth; + vec3 halfHeight = rectAreaLight.halfHeight; + vec3 lightColor = rectAreaLight.color; + float roughness = material.roughness; + vec3 rectCoords[ 4 ]; + rectCoords[ 0 ] = lightPos + halfWidth - halfHeight; rectCoords[ 1 ] = lightPos - halfWidth - halfHeight; + rectCoords[ 2 ] = lightPos - halfWidth + halfHeight; + rectCoords[ 3 ] = lightPos + halfWidth + halfHeight; + vec2 uv = LTC_Uv( normal, viewDir, roughness ); + vec4 t1 = texture2D( ltc_1, uv ); + vec4 t2 = texture2D( ltc_2, uv ); + mat3 mInv = mat3( + vec3( t1.x, 0, t1.y ), + vec3( 0, 1, 0 ), + vec3( t1.z, 0, t1.w ) + ); + vec3 fresnel = ( material.specularColor * t2.x + ( vec3( 1.0 ) - material.specularColor ) * t2.y ); + reflectedLight.directSpecular += lightColor * fresnel * LTC_Evaluate( normal, viewDir, position, mInv, rectCoords ); + reflectedLight.directDiffuse += lightColor * material.diffuseColor * LTC_Evaluate( normal, viewDir, position, mat3( 1.0 ), rectCoords ); + } +#endif +void RE_Direct_Physical( const in IncidentLight directLight, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + float dotNL = saturate( dot( geometryNormal, directLight.direction ) ); + vec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight.color; + #ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + float dotNLcc = saturate( dot( geometryClearcoatNormal, directLight.direction ) ); + vec3 ccIrradiance = dotNLcc * directLight.color; + clearcoatSpecularDirect += ccIrradiance * BRDF_GGX_Clearcoat( directLight.direction, geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material ); + #endif + #ifdef USE_SHEEN + sheenSpecularDirect += irradiance * BRDF_Sheen( directLight.direction, geometryViewDir, geometryNormal, material.sheenColor, material.sheenRoughness ); + #endif + reflectedLight.directSpecular += irradiance * BRDF_GGX( directLight.direction, geometryViewDir, geometryNormal, material ); + reflectedLight.directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); +} +void RE_IndirectDiffuse_Physical( const in vec3 irradiance, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) { + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Lambert( material.diffuseColor ); +} +void RE_IndirectSpecular_Physical( const in vec3 radiance, const in vec3 irradiance, const in vec3 clearcoatRadiance, const in vec3 geometryPosition, const in vec3 geometryNormal, const in vec3 geometryViewDir, const in vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight) { + #ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + clearcoatSpecularIndirect += clearcoatRadiance * EnvironmentBRDF( geometryClearcoatNormal, geometryViewDir, material.clearcoatF0, material.clearcoatF90, material.clearcoatRoughness ); + #endif + #ifdef USE_SHEEN + sheenSpecularIndirect += irradiance * material.sheenColor * IBLSheenBRDF( geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, material.sheenRoughness ); + #endif + vec3 singleScattering = vec3( 0.0 ); + vec3 multiScattering = vec3( 0.0 ); + vec3 cosineWeightedIrradiance = irradiance * RECIPROCAL_PI; + #ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE + computeMultiscatteringIridescence( geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, material.specularColor, material.specularF90, material.iridescence, material.iridescenceFresnel, material.roughness, singleScattering, multiScattering ); + #else + computeMultiscattering( geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, material.specularColor, material.specularF90, material.roughness, singleScattering, multiScattering ); + #endif + vec3 totalScattering = singleScattering + multiScattering; + vec3 diffuse = material.diffuseColor * ( 1.0 - max( max( totalScattering.r, totalScattering.g ), totalScattering.b ) ); + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular += radiance * singleScattering; + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular += multiScattering * cosineWeightedIrradiance; + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += diffuse * cosineWeightedIrradiance; +} +#define RE_Direct RE_Direct_Physical +#define RE_Direct_RectArea RE_Direct_RectArea_Physical +#define RE_IndirectDiffuse RE_IndirectDiffuse_Physical +#define RE_IndirectSpecular RE_IndirectSpecular_Physical +float computeSpecularOcclusion( const in float dotNV, const in float ambientOcclusion, const in float roughness ) { + return saturate( pow( dotNV + ambientOcclusion, exp2( - 16.0 * roughness - 1.0 ) ) - 1.0 + ambientOcclusion ); +}`,bm=` +vec3 geometryPosition = - vViewPosition; +vec3 geometryNormal = normal; +vec3 geometryViewDir = ( isOrthographic ) ? vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) : normalize( vViewPosition ); +vec3 geometryClearcoatNormal = vec3( 0.0 ); +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + geometryClearcoatNormal = clearcoatNormal; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE + float dotNVi = saturate( dot( normal, geometryViewDir ) ); + if ( material.iridescenceThickness == 0.0 ) { + material.iridescence = 0.0; + } else { + material.iridescence = saturate( material.iridescence ); + } + if ( material.iridescence > 0.0 ) { + material.iridescenceFresnel = evalIridescence( 1.0, material.iridescenceIOR, dotNVi, material.iridescenceThickness, material.specularColor ); + material.iridescenceF0 = Schlick_to_F0( material.iridescenceFresnel, 1.0, dotNVi ); + } +#endif +IncidentLight directLight; +#if ( NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct ) + PointLight pointLight; + #if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + PointLightShadow pointLightShadow; + #endif + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POINT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) { + pointLight = pointLights[ i ]; + getPointLightInfo( pointLight, geometryPosition, directLight ); + #if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && ( UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX < NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ) + pointLightShadow = pointLightShadows[ i ]; + directLight.color *= ( directLight.visible && receiveShadow ) ? getPointShadow( pointShadowMap[ i ], pointLightShadow.shadowMapSize, pointLightShadow.shadowIntensity, pointLightShadow.shadowBias, pointLightShadow.shadowRadius, vPointShadowCoord[ i ], pointLightShadow.shadowCameraNear, pointLightShadow.shadowCameraFar ) : 1.0; + #endif + RE_Direct( directLight, geometryPosition, geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material, reflectedLight ); + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end +#endif +#if ( NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct ) + SpotLight spotLight; + vec4 spotColor; + vec3 spotLightCoord; + bool inSpotLightMap; + #if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + SpotLightShadow spotLightShadow; + #endif + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) { + spotLight = spotLights[ i ]; + getSpotLightInfo( spotLight, geometryPosition, directLight ); + #if ( UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX < NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS_WITH_MAPS ) + #define SPOT_LIGHT_MAP_INDEX UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX + #elif ( UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX < NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ) + #define SPOT_LIGHT_MAP_INDEX NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_MAPS + #else + #define SPOT_LIGHT_MAP_INDEX ( UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX - NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS + NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS_WITH_MAPS ) + #endif + #if ( SPOT_LIGHT_MAP_INDEX < NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_MAPS ) + spotLightCoord = vSpotLightCoord[ i ].xyz / vSpotLightCoord[ i ].w; + inSpotLightMap = all( lessThan( abs( spotLightCoord * 2. - 1. ), vec3( 1.0 ) ) ); + spotColor = texture2D( spotLightMap[ SPOT_LIGHT_MAP_INDEX ], spotLightCoord.xy ); + directLight.color = inSpotLightMap ? directLight.color * spotColor.rgb : directLight.color; + #endif + #undef SPOT_LIGHT_MAP_INDEX + #if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && ( UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX < NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ) + spotLightShadow = spotLightShadows[ i ]; + directLight.color *= ( directLight.visible && receiveShadow ) ? getShadow( spotShadowMap[ i ], spotLightShadow.shadowMapSize, spotLightShadow.shadowIntensity, spotLightShadow.shadowBias, spotLightShadow.shadowRadius, vSpotLightCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0; + #endif + RE_Direct( directLight, geometryPosition, geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material, reflectedLight ); + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end +#endif +#if ( NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct ) + DirectionalLight directionalLight; + #if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadow; + #endif + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIR_LIGHTS; i ++ ) { + directionalLight = directionalLights[ i ]; + getDirectionalLightInfo( directionalLight, directLight ); + #if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && ( UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX < NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS ) + directionalLightShadow = directionalLightShadows[ i ]; + directLight.color *= ( directLight.visible && receiveShadow ) ? getShadow( directionalShadowMap[ i ], directionalLightShadow.shadowMapSize, directionalLightShadow.shadowIntensity, directionalLightShadow.shadowBias, directionalLightShadow.shadowRadius, vDirectionalShadowCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0; + #endif + RE_Direct( directLight, geometryPosition, geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material, reflectedLight ); + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end +#endif +#if ( NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct_RectArea ) + RectAreaLight rectAreaLight; + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS; i ++ ) { + rectAreaLight = rectAreaLights[ i ]; + RE_Direct_RectArea( rectAreaLight, geometryPosition, geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material, reflectedLight ); + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end +#endif +#if defined( RE_IndirectDiffuse ) + vec3 iblIrradiance = vec3( 0.0 ); + vec3 irradiance = getAmbientLightIrradiance( ambientLightColor ); + #if defined( USE_LIGHT_PROBES ) + irradiance += getLightProbeIrradiance( lightProbe, geometryNormal ); + #endif + #if ( NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0 ) + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS; i ++ ) { + irradiance += getHemisphereLightIrradiance( hemisphereLights[ i ], geometryNormal ); + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #endif +#endif +#if defined( RE_IndirectSpecular ) + vec3 radiance = vec3( 0.0 ); + vec3 clearcoatRadiance = vec3( 0.0 ); +#endif`,Sm=`#if defined( RE_IndirectDiffuse ) + #ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP + vec4 lightMapTexel = texture2D( lightMap, vLightMapUv ); + vec3 lightMapIrradiance = lightMapTexel.rgb * lightMapIntensity; + irradiance += lightMapIrradiance; + #endif + #if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( STANDARD ) && defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV ) + iblIrradiance += getIBLIrradiance( geometryNormal ); + #endif +#endif +#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( RE_IndirectSpecular ) + #ifdef USE_ANISOTROPY + radiance += getIBLAnisotropyRadiance( geometryViewDir, geometryNormal, material.roughness, material.anisotropyB, material.anisotropy ); + #else + radiance += getIBLRadiance( geometryViewDir, geometryNormal, material.roughness ); + #endif + #ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + clearcoatRadiance += getIBLRadiance( geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material.clearcoatRoughness ); + #endif +#endif`,wm=`#if defined( RE_IndirectDiffuse ) + RE_IndirectDiffuse( irradiance, geometryPosition, geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material, reflectedLight ); +#endif +#if defined( RE_IndirectSpecular ) + RE_IndirectSpecular( radiance, iblIrradiance, clearcoatRadiance, geometryPosition, geometryNormal, geometryViewDir, geometryClearcoatNormal, material, reflectedLight ); +#endif`,Mm=`#if defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF ) + gl_FragDepth = vIsPerspective == 0.0 ? gl_FragCoord.z : log2( vFragDepth ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5; +#endif`,Em=`#if defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF ) + uniform float logDepthBufFC; + varying float vFragDepth; + varying float vIsPerspective; +#endif`,Am=`#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF + varying float vFragDepth; + varying float vIsPerspective; +#endif`,Tm=`#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF + vFragDepth = 1.0 + gl_Position.w; + vIsPerspective = float( isPerspectiveMatrix( projectionMatrix ) ); +#endif`,Cm=`#ifdef USE_MAP + vec4 sampledDiffuseColor = texture2D( map, vMapUv ); + #ifdef DECODE_VIDEO_TEXTURE + sampledDiffuseColor = sRGBTransferEOTF( sampledDiffuseColor ); + #endif + diffuseColor *= sampledDiffuseColor; +#endif`,Im=`#ifdef USE_MAP + uniform sampler2D map; +#endif`,Rm=`#if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) + #if defined( USE_POINTS_UV ) + vec2 uv = vUv; + #else + vec2 uv = ( uvTransform * vec3( gl_PointCoord.x, 1.0 - gl_PointCoord.y, 1 ) ).xy; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_MAP + diffuseColor *= texture2D( map, uv ); +#endif +#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP + diffuseColor.a *= texture2D( alphaMap, uv ).g; +#endif`,Pm=`#if defined( USE_POINTS_UV ) + varying vec2 vUv; +#else + #if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) + uniform mat3 uvTransform; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_MAP + uniform sampler2D map; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP + uniform sampler2D alphaMap; +#endif`,Dm=`float metalnessFactor = metalness; +#ifdef USE_METALNESSMAP + vec4 texelMetalness = texture2D( metalnessMap, vMetalnessMapUv ); + metalnessFactor *= texelMetalness.b; +#endif`,Lm=`#ifdef USE_METALNESSMAP + uniform sampler2D metalnessMap; +#endif`,Um=`#ifdef USE_INSTANCING_MORPH + float morphTargetInfluences[ MORPHTARGETS_COUNT ]; + float morphTargetBaseInfluence = texelFetch( morphTexture, ivec2( 0, gl_InstanceID ), 0 ).r; + for ( int i = 0; i < MORPHTARGETS_COUNT; i ++ ) { + morphTargetInfluences[i] = texelFetch( morphTexture, ivec2( i + 1, gl_InstanceID ), 0 ).r; + } +#endif`,Om=`#if defined( USE_MORPHCOLORS ) + vColor *= morphTargetBaseInfluence; + for ( int i = 0; i < MORPHTARGETS_COUNT; i ++ ) { + #if defined( USE_COLOR_ALPHA ) + if ( morphTargetInfluences[ i ] != 0.0 ) vColor += getMorph( gl_VertexID, i, 2 ) * morphTargetInfluences[ i ]; + #elif defined( USE_COLOR ) + if ( morphTargetInfluences[ i ] != 0.0 ) vColor += getMorph( gl_VertexID, i, 2 ).rgb * morphTargetInfluences[ i ]; + #endif + } +#endif`,Fm=`#ifdef USE_MORPHNORMALS + objectNormal *= morphTargetBaseInfluence; + for ( int i = 0; i < MORPHTARGETS_COUNT; i ++ ) { + if ( morphTargetInfluences[ i ] != 0.0 ) objectNormal += getMorph( gl_VertexID, i, 1 ).xyz * morphTargetInfluences[ i ]; + } +#endif`,Bm=`#ifdef USE_MORPHTARGETS + #ifndef USE_INSTANCING_MORPH + uniform float morphTargetBaseInfluence; + uniform float morphTargetInfluences[ MORPHTARGETS_COUNT ]; + #endif + uniform sampler2DArray morphTargetsTexture; + uniform ivec2 morphTargetsTextureSize; + vec4 getMorph( const in int vertexIndex, const in int morphTargetIndex, const in int offset ) { + int texelIndex = vertexIndex * MORPHTARGETS_TEXTURE_STRIDE + offset; + int y = texelIndex / morphTargetsTextureSize.x; + int x = texelIndex - y * morphTargetsTextureSize.x; + ivec3 morphUV = ivec3( x, y, morphTargetIndex ); + return texelFetch( morphTargetsTexture, morphUV, 0 ); + } +#endif`,Nm=`#ifdef USE_MORPHTARGETS + transformed *= morphTargetBaseInfluence; + for ( int i = 0; i < MORPHTARGETS_COUNT; i ++ ) { + if ( morphTargetInfluences[ i ] != 0.0 ) transformed += getMorph( gl_VertexID, i, 0 ).xyz * morphTargetInfluences[ i ]; + } +#endif`,zm=`float faceDirection = gl_FrontFacing ? 1.0 : - 1.0; +#ifdef FLAT_SHADED + vec3 fdx = dFdx( vViewPosition ); + vec3 fdy = dFdy( vViewPosition ); + vec3 normal = normalize( cross( fdx, fdy ) ); +#else + vec3 normal = normalize( vNormal ); + #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED + normal *= faceDirection; + #endif +#endif +#if defined( USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE ) || defined( USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_ANISOTROPY ) + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + mat3 tbn = mat3( normalize( vTangent ), normalize( vBitangent ), normal ); + #else + mat3 tbn = getTangentFrame( - vViewPosition, normal, + #if defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) + vNormalMapUv + #elif defined( USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP ) + vClearcoatNormalMapUv + #else + vUv + #endif + ); + #endif + #if defined( DOUBLE_SIDED ) && ! defined( FLAT_SHADED ) + tbn[0] *= faceDirection; + tbn[1] *= faceDirection; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + mat3 tbn2 = mat3( normalize( vTangent ), normalize( vBitangent ), normal ); + #else + mat3 tbn2 = getTangentFrame( - vViewPosition, normal, vClearcoatNormalMapUv ); + #endif + #if defined( DOUBLE_SIDED ) && ! defined( FLAT_SHADED ) + tbn2[0] *= faceDirection; + tbn2[1] *= faceDirection; + #endif +#endif +vec3 nonPerturbedNormal = normal;`,km=`#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP_OBJECTSPACE + normal = texture2D( normalMap, vNormalMapUv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; + #ifdef FLIP_SIDED + normal = - normal; + #endif + #ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED + normal = normal * faceDirection; + #endif + normal = normalize( normalMatrix * normal ); +#elif defined( USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE ) + vec3 mapN = texture2D( normalMap, vNormalMapUv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; + mapN.xy *= normalScale; + normal = normalize( tbn * mapN ); +#elif defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) + normal = perturbNormalArb( - vViewPosition, normal, dHdxy_fwd(), faceDirection ); +#endif`,Vm=`#ifndef FLAT_SHADED + varying vec3 vNormal; + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + varying vec3 vTangent; + varying vec3 vBitangent; + #endif +#endif`,Hm=`#ifndef FLAT_SHADED + varying vec3 vNormal; + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + varying vec3 vTangent; + varying vec3 vBitangent; + #endif +#endif`,Gm=`#ifndef FLAT_SHADED + vNormal = normalize( transformedNormal ); + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + vTangent = normalize( transformedTangent ); + vBitangent = normalize( cross( vNormal, vTangent ) * tangent.w ); + #endif +#endif`,Wm=`#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP + uniform sampler2D normalMap; + uniform vec2 normalScale; +#endif +#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP_OBJECTSPACE + uniform mat3 normalMatrix; +#endif +#if ! defined ( USE_TANGENT ) && ( defined ( USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE ) || defined ( USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_ANISOTROPY ) ) + mat3 getTangentFrame( vec3 eye_pos, vec3 surf_norm, vec2 uv ) { + vec3 q0 = dFdx( eye_pos.xyz ); + vec3 q1 = dFdy( eye_pos.xyz ); + vec2 st0 = dFdx( uv.st ); + vec2 st1 = dFdy( uv.st ); + vec3 N = surf_norm; + vec3 q1perp = cross( q1, N ); + vec3 q0perp = cross( N, q0 ); + vec3 T = q1perp * st0.x + q0perp * st1.x; + vec3 B = q1perp * st0.y + q0perp * st1.y; + float det = max( dot( T, T ), dot( B, B ) ); + float scale = ( det == 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : inversesqrt( det ); + return mat3( T * scale, B * scale, N ); + } +#endif`,Xm=`#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + vec3 clearcoatNormal = nonPerturbedNormal; +#endif`,qm=`#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP + vec3 clearcoatMapN = texture2D( clearcoatNormalMap, vClearcoatNormalMapUv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; + clearcoatMapN.xy *= clearcoatNormalScale; + clearcoatNormal = normalize( tbn2 * clearcoatMapN ); +#endif`,Ym=`#ifdef USE_CLEARCOATMAP + uniform sampler2D clearcoatMap; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP + uniform sampler2D clearcoatNormalMap; + uniform vec2 clearcoatNormalScale; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP + uniform sampler2D clearcoatRoughnessMap; +#endif`,Zm=`#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCEMAP + uniform sampler2D iridescenceMap; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP + uniform sampler2D iridescenceThicknessMap; +#endif`,Km=`#ifdef OPAQUE +diffuseColor.a = 1.0; +#endif +#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION +diffuseColor.a *= material.transmissionAlpha; +#endif +gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );`,Jm=`vec3 packNormalToRGB( const in vec3 normal ) { + return normalize( normal ) * 0.5 + 0.5; +} +vec3 unpackRGBToNormal( const in vec3 rgb ) { + return 2.0 * rgb.xyz - 1.0; +} +const float PackUpscale = 256. / 255.;const float UnpackDownscale = 255. / 256.;const float ShiftRight8 = 1. / 256.; +const float Inv255 = 1. / 255.; +const vec4 PackFactors = vec4( 1.0, 256.0, 256.0 * 256.0, 256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0 ); +const vec2 UnpackFactors2 = vec2( UnpackDownscale, 1.0 / PackFactors.g ); +const vec3 UnpackFactors3 = vec3( UnpackDownscale / PackFactors.rg, 1.0 / PackFactors.b ); +const vec4 UnpackFactors4 = vec4( UnpackDownscale / PackFactors.rgb, 1.0 / PackFactors.a ); +vec4 packDepthToRGBA( const in float v ) { + if( v <= 0.0 ) + return vec4( 0., 0., 0., 0. ); + if( v >= 1.0 ) + return vec4( 1., 1., 1., 1. ); + float vuf; + float af = modf( v * PackFactors.a, vuf ); + float bf = modf( vuf * ShiftRight8, vuf ); + float gf = modf( vuf * ShiftRight8, vuf ); + return vec4( vuf * Inv255, gf * PackUpscale, bf * PackUpscale, af ); +} +vec3 packDepthToRGB( const in float v ) { + if( v <= 0.0 ) + return vec3( 0., 0., 0. ); + if( v >= 1.0 ) + return vec3( 1., 1., 1. ); + float vuf; + float bf = modf( v * PackFactors.b, vuf ); + float gf = modf( vuf * ShiftRight8, vuf ); + return vec3( vuf * Inv255, gf * PackUpscale, bf ); +} +vec2 packDepthToRG( const in float v ) { + if( v <= 0.0 ) + return vec2( 0., 0. ); + if( v >= 1.0 ) + return vec2( 1., 1. ); + float vuf; + float gf = modf( v * 256., vuf ); + return vec2( vuf * Inv255, gf ); +} +float unpackRGBAToDepth( const in vec4 v ) { + return dot( v, UnpackFactors4 ); +} +float unpackRGBToDepth( const in vec3 v ) { + return dot( v, UnpackFactors3 ); +} +float unpackRGToDepth( const in vec2 v ) { + return v.r * UnpackFactors2.r + v.g * UnpackFactors2.g; +} +vec4 pack2HalfToRGBA( const in vec2 v ) { + vec4 r = vec4( v.x, fract( v.x * 255.0 ), v.y, fract( v.y * 255.0 ) ); + return vec4( r.x - r.y / 255.0, r.y, r.z - r.w / 255.0, r.w ); +} +vec2 unpackRGBATo2Half( const in vec4 v ) { + return vec2( v.x + ( v.y / 255.0 ), v.z + ( v.w / 255.0 ) ); +} +float viewZToOrthographicDepth( const in float viewZ, const in float near, const in float far ) { + return ( viewZ + near ) / ( near - far ); +} +float orthographicDepthToViewZ( const in float depth, const in float near, const in float far ) { + return depth * ( near - far ) - near; +} +float viewZToPerspectiveDepth( const in float viewZ, const in float near, const in float far ) { + return ( ( near + viewZ ) * far ) / ( ( far - near ) * viewZ ); +} +float perspectiveDepthToViewZ( const in float depth, const in float near, const in float far ) { + return ( near * far ) / ( ( far - near ) * depth - far ); +}`,$m=`#ifdef PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA + gl_FragColor.rgb *= gl_FragColor.a; +#endif`,jm=`vec4 mvPosition = vec4( transformed, 1.0 ); +#ifdef USE_BATCHING + mvPosition = batchingMatrix * mvPosition; +#endif +#ifdef USE_INSTANCING + mvPosition = instanceMatrix * mvPosition; +#endif +mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * mvPosition; +gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;`,Qm=`#ifdef DITHERING + gl_FragColor.rgb = dithering( gl_FragColor.rgb ); +#endif`,t0=`#ifdef DITHERING + vec3 dithering( vec3 color ) { + float grid_position = rand( gl_FragCoord.xy ); + vec3 dither_shift_RGB = vec3( 0.25 / 255.0, -0.25 / 255.0, 0.25 / 255.0 ); + dither_shift_RGB = mix( 2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, -2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, grid_position ); + return color + dither_shift_RGB; + } +#endif`,e0=`float roughnessFactor = roughness; +#ifdef USE_ROUGHNESSMAP + vec4 texelRoughness = texture2D( roughnessMap, vRoughnessMapUv ); + roughnessFactor *= texelRoughness.g; +#endif`,n0=`#ifdef USE_ROUGHNESSMAP + uniform sampler2D roughnessMap; +#endif`,i0=`#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS > 0 + varying vec4 vSpotLightCoord[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS ]; +#endif +#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_MAPS > 0 + uniform sampler2D spotLightMap[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_MAPS ]; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP + #if NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + uniform sampler2D directionalShadowMap[ NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + varying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord[ NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + struct DirectionalLightShadow { + float shadowIntensity; + float shadowBias; + float shadowNormalBias; + float shadowRadius; + vec2 shadowMapSize; + }; + uniform DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadows[ NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + #endif + #if NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + uniform sampler2D spotShadowMap[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + struct SpotLightShadow { + float shadowIntensity; + float shadowBias; + float shadowNormalBias; + float shadowRadius; + vec2 shadowMapSize; + }; + uniform SpotLightShadow spotLightShadows[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + #endif + #if NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + uniform sampler2D pointShadowMap[ NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + varying vec4 vPointShadowCoord[ NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + struct PointLightShadow { + float shadowIntensity; + float shadowBias; + float shadowNormalBias; + float shadowRadius; + vec2 shadowMapSize; + float shadowCameraNear; + float shadowCameraFar; + }; + uniform PointLightShadow pointLightShadows[ NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + #endif + float texture2DCompare( sampler2D depths, vec2 uv, float compare ) { + return step( compare, unpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( depths, uv ) ) ); + } + vec2 texture2DDistribution( sampler2D shadow, vec2 uv ) { + return unpackRGBATo2Half( texture2D( shadow, uv ) ); + } + float VSMShadow (sampler2D shadow, vec2 uv, float compare ){ + float occlusion = 1.0; + vec2 distribution = texture2DDistribution( shadow, uv ); + float hard_shadow = step( compare , distribution.x ); + if (hard_shadow != 1.0 ) { + float distance = compare - distribution.x ; + float variance = max( 0.00000, distribution.y * distribution.y ); + float softness_probability = variance / (variance + distance * distance ); softness_probability = clamp( ( softness_probability - 0.3 ) / ( 0.95 - 0.3 ), 0.0, 1.0 ); occlusion = clamp( max( hard_shadow, softness_probability ), 0.0, 1.0 ); + } + return occlusion; + } + float getShadow( sampler2D shadowMap, vec2 shadowMapSize, float shadowIntensity, float shadowBias, float shadowRadius, vec4 shadowCoord ) { + float shadow = 1.0; + shadowCoord.xyz /= shadowCoord.w; + shadowCoord.z += shadowBias; + bool inFrustum = shadowCoord.x >= 0.0 && shadowCoord.x <= 1.0 && shadowCoord.y >= 0.0 && shadowCoord.y <= 1.0; + bool frustumTest = inFrustum && shadowCoord.z <= 1.0; + if ( frustumTest ) { + #if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF ) + vec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize; + float dx0 = - texelSize.x * shadowRadius; + float dy0 = - texelSize.y * shadowRadius; + float dx1 = + texelSize.x * shadowRadius; + float dy1 = + texelSize.y * shadowRadius; + float dx2 = dx0 / 2.0; + float dy2 = dy0 / 2.0; + float dx3 = dx1 / 2.0; + float dy3 = dy1 / 2.0; + shadow = ( + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx2, dy2 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy2 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx3, dy2 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx2, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx3, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx2, dy3 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy3 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx3, dy3 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) + ) * ( 1.0 / 17.0 ); + #elif defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT ) + vec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize; + float dx = texelSize.x; + float dy = texelSize.y; + vec2 uv = shadowCoord.xy; + vec2 f = fract( uv * shadowMapSize + 0.5 ); + uv -= f * texelSize; + shadow = ( + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv, shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( dx, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 0.0, dy ), shadowCoord.z ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + texelSize, shadowCoord.z ) + + mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ), + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ), + f.x ) + + mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + f.x ) + + mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 0.0, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 0.0, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + f.y ) + + mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( dx, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( dx, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + f.y ) + + mix( mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, -dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + f.x ), + mix( texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( -dx, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, uv + vec2( 2.0 * dx, 2.0 * dy ), shadowCoord.z ), + f.x ), + f.y ) + ) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 ); + #elif defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_VSM ) + shadow = VSMShadow( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ); + #else + shadow = texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ); + #endif + } + return mix( 1.0, shadow, shadowIntensity ); + } + vec2 cubeToUV( vec3 v, float texelSizeY ) { + vec3 absV = abs( v ); + float scaleToCube = 1.0 / max( absV.x, max( absV.y, absV.z ) ); + absV *= scaleToCube; + v *= scaleToCube * ( 1.0 - 2.0 * texelSizeY ); + vec2 planar = v.xy; + float almostATexel = 1.5 * texelSizeY; + float almostOne = 1.0 - almostATexel; + if ( absV.z >= almostOne ) { + if ( v.z > 0.0 ) + planar.x = 4.0 - v.x; + } else if ( absV.x >= almostOne ) { + float signX = sign( v.x ); + planar.x = v.z * signX + 2.0 * signX; + } else if ( absV.y >= almostOne ) { + float signY = sign( v.y ); + planar.x = v.x + 2.0 * signY + 2.0; + planar.y = v.z * signY - 2.0; + } + return vec2( 0.125, 0.25 ) * planar + vec2( 0.375, 0.75 ); + } + float getPointShadow( sampler2D shadowMap, vec2 shadowMapSize, float shadowIntensity, float shadowBias, float shadowRadius, vec4 shadowCoord, float shadowCameraNear, float shadowCameraFar ) { + float shadow = 1.0; + vec3 lightToPosition = shadowCoord.xyz; + + float lightToPositionLength = length( lightToPosition ); + if ( lightToPositionLength - shadowCameraFar <= 0.0 && lightToPositionLength - shadowCameraNear >= 0.0 ) { + float dp = ( lightToPositionLength - shadowCameraNear ) / ( shadowCameraFar - shadowCameraNear ); dp += shadowBias; + vec3 bd3D = normalize( lightToPosition ); + vec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / ( shadowMapSize * vec2( 4.0, 2.0 ) ); + #if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF ) || defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT ) || defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_VSM ) + vec2 offset = vec2( - 1, 1 ) * shadowRadius * texelSize.y; + shadow = ( + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xyy, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yyy, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xyx, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yyx, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xxy, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yxy, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xxx, texelSize.y ), dp ) + + texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yxx, texelSize.y ), dp ) + ) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 ); + #else + shadow = texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ), dp ); + #endif + } + return mix( 1.0, shadow, shadowIntensity ); + } +#endif`,r0=`#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS > 0 + uniform mat4 spotLightMatrix[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS ]; + varying vec4 vSpotLightCoord[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS ]; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP + #if NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + uniform mat4 directionalShadowMatrix[ NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + varying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord[ NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + struct DirectionalLightShadow { + float shadowIntensity; + float shadowBias; + float shadowNormalBias; + float shadowRadius; + vec2 shadowMapSize; + }; + uniform DirectionalLightShadow directionalLightShadows[ NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + #endif + #if NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + struct SpotLightShadow { + float shadowIntensity; + float shadowBias; + float shadowNormalBias; + float shadowRadius; + vec2 shadowMapSize; + }; + uniform SpotLightShadow spotLightShadows[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + #endif + #if NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + uniform mat4 pointShadowMatrix[ NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + varying vec4 vPointShadowCoord[ NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + struct PointLightShadow { + float shadowIntensity; + float shadowBias; + float shadowNormalBias; + float shadowRadius; + vec2 shadowMapSize; + float shadowCameraNear; + float shadowCameraFar; + }; + uniform PointLightShadow pointLightShadows[ NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ]; + #endif +#endif`,s0=`#if ( defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && ( NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 || NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 ) ) || ( NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS > 0 ) + vec3 shadowWorldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( transformedNormal, viewMatrix ); + vec4 shadowWorldPosition; +#endif +#if defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) + #if NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS; i ++ ) { + shadowWorldPosition = worldPosition + vec4( shadowWorldNormal * directionalLightShadows[ i ].shadowNormalBias, 0 ); + vDirectionalShadowCoord[ i ] = directionalShadowMatrix[ i ] * shadowWorldPosition; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #endif + #if NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS; i ++ ) { + shadowWorldPosition = worldPosition + vec4( shadowWorldNormal * pointLightShadows[ i ].shadowNormalBias, 0 ); + vPointShadowCoord[ i ] = pointShadowMatrix[ i ] * shadowWorldPosition; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #endif +#endif +#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS > 0 + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS; i ++ ) { + shadowWorldPosition = worldPosition; + #if ( defined( USE_SHADOWMAP ) && UNROLLED_LOOP_INDEX < NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS ) + shadowWorldPosition.xyz += shadowWorldNormal * spotLightShadows[ i ].shadowNormalBias; + #endif + vSpotLightCoord[ i ] = spotLightMatrix[ i ] * shadowWorldPosition; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end +#endif`,a0=`float getShadowMask() { + float shadow = 1.0; + #ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP + #if NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + DirectionalLightShadow directionalLight; + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIR_LIGHT_SHADOWS; i ++ ) { + directionalLight = directionalLightShadows[ i ]; + shadow *= receiveShadow ? getShadow( directionalShadowMap[ i ], directionalLight.shadowMapSize, directionalLight.shadowIntensity, directionalLight.shadowBias, directionalLight.shadowRadius, vDirectionalShadowCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #endif + #if NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + SpotLightShadow spotLight; + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_SHADOWS; i ++ ) { + spotLight = spotLightShadows[ i ]; + shadow *= receiveShadow ? getShadow( spotShadowMap[ i ], spotLight.shadowMapSize, spotLight.shadowIntensity, spotLight.shadowBias, spotLight.shadowRadius, vSpotLightCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #endif + #if NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS > 0 + PointLightShadow pointLight; + #pragma unroll_loop_start + for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POINT_LIGHT_SHADOWS; i ++ ) { + pointLight = pointLightShadows[ i ]; + shadow *= receiveShadow ? getPointShadow( pointShadowMap[ i ], pointLight.shadowMapSize, pointLight.shadowIntensity, pointLight.shadowBias, pointLight.shadowRadius, vPointShadowCoord[ i ], pointLight.shadowCameraNear, pointLight.shadowCameraFar ) : 1.0; + } + #pragma unroll_loop_end + #endif + #endif + return shadow; +}`,o0=`#ifdef USE_SKINNING + mat4 boneMatX = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.x ); + mat4 boneMatY = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.y ); + mat4 boneMatZ = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.z ); + mat4 boneMatW = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.w ); +#endif`,c0=`#ifdef USE_SKINNING + uniform mat4 bindMatrix; + uniform mat4 bindMatrixInverse; + uniform highp sampler2D boneTexture; + mat4 getBoneMatrix( const in float i ) { + int size = textureSize( boneTexture, 0 ).x; + int j = int( i ) * 4; + int x = j % size; + int y = j / size; + vec4 v1 = texelFetch( boneTexture, ivec2( x, y ), 0 ); + vec4 v2 = texelFetch( boneTexture, ivec2( x + 1, y ), 0 ); + vec4 v3 = texelFetch( boneTexture, ivec2( x + 2, y ), 0 ); + vec4 v4 = texelFetch( boneTexture, ivec2( x + 3, y ), 0 ); + return mat4( v1, v2, v3, v4 ); + } +#endif`,l0=`#ifdef USE_SKINNING + vec4 skinVertex = bindMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 ); + vec4 skinned = vec4( 0.0 ); + skinned += boneMatX * skinVertex * skinWeight.x; + skinned += boneMatY * skinVertex * skinWeight.y; + skinned += boneMatZ * skinVertex * skinWeight.z; + skinned += boneMatW * skinVertex * skinWeight.w; + transformed = ( bindMatrixInverse * skinned ).xyz; +#endif`,h0=`#ifdef USE_SKINNING + mat4 skinMatrix = mat4( 0.0 ); + skinMatrix += skinWeight.x * boneMatX; + skinMatrix += skinWeight.y * boneMatY; + skinMatrix += skinWeight.z * boneMatZ; + skinMatrix += skinWeight.w * boneMatW; + skinMatrix = bindMatrixInverse * skinMatrix * bindMatrix; + objectNormal = vec4( skinMatrix * vec4( objectNormal, 0.0 ) ).xyz; + #ifdef USE_TANGENT + objectTangent = vec4( skinMatrix * vec4( objectTangent, 0.0 ) ).xyz; + #endif +#endif`,u0=`float specularStrength; +#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP + vec4 texelSpecular = texture2D( specularMap, vSpecularMapUv ); + specularStrength = texelSpecular.r; +#else + specularStrength = 1.0; +#endif`,d0=`#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP + uniform sampler2D specularMap; +#endif`,f0=`#if defined( TONE_MAPPING ) + gl_FragColor.rgb = toneMapping( gl_FragColor.rgb ); +#endif`,p0=`#ifndef saturate +#define saturate( a ) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 ) +#endif +uniform float toneMappingExposure; +vec3 LinearToneMapping( vec3 color ) { + return saturate( toneMappingExposure * color ); +} +vec3 ReinhardToneMapping( vec3 color ) { + color *= toneMappingExposure; + return saturate( color / ( vec3( 1.0 ) + color ) ); +} +vec3 CineonToneMapping( vec3 color ) { + color *= toneMappingExposure; + color = max( vec3( 0.0 ), color - 0.004 ); + return pow( ( color * ( 6.2 * color + 0.5 ) ) / ( color * ( 6.2 * color + 1.7 ) + 0.06 ), vec3( 2.2 ) ); +} +vec3 RRTAndODTFit( vec3 v ) { + vec3 a = v * ( v + 0.0245786 ) - 0.000090537; + vec3 b = v * ( 0.983729 * v + 0.4329510 ) + 0.238081; + return a / b; +} +vec3 ACESFilmicToneMapping( vec3 color ) { + const mat3 ACESInputMat = mat3( + vec3( 0.59719, 0.07600, 0.02840 ), vec3( 0.35458, 0.90834, 0.13383 ), + vec3( 0.04823, 0.01566, 0.83777 ) + ); + const mat3 ACESOutputMat = mat3( + vec3( 1.60475, -0.10208, -0.00327 ), vec3( -0.53108, 1.10813, -0.07276 ), + vec3( -0.07367, -0.00605, 1.07602 ) + ); + color *= toneMappingExposure / 0.6; + color = ACESInputMat * color; + color = RRTAndODTFit( color ); + color = ACESOutputMat * color; + return saturate( color ); +} +const mat3 LINEAR_REC2020_TO_LINEAR_SRGB = mat3( + vec3( 1.6605, - 0.1246, - 0.0182 ), + vec3( - 0.5876, 1.1329, - 0.1006 ), + vec3( - 0.0728, - 0.0083, 1.1187 ) +); +const mat3 LINEAR_SRGB_TO_LINEAR_REC2020 = mat3( + vec3( 0.6274, 0.0691, 0.0164 ), + vec3( 0.3293, 0.9195, 0.0880 ), + vec3( 0.0433, 0.0113, 0.8956 ) +); +vec3 agxDefaultContrastApprox( vec3 x ) { + vec3 x2 = x * x; + vec3 x4 = x2 * x2; + return + 15.5 * x4 * x2 + - 40.14 * x4 * x + + 31.96 * x4 + - 6.868 * x2 * x + + 0.4298 * x2 + + 0.1191 * x + - 0.00232; +} +vec3 AgXToneMapping( vec3 color ) { + const mat3 AgXInsetMatrix = mat3( + vec3( 0.856627153315983, 0.137318972929847, 0.11189821299995 ), + vec3( 0.0951212405381588, 0.761241990602591, 0.0767994186031903 ), + vec3( 0.0482516061458583, 0.101439036467562, 0.811302368396859 ) + ); + const mat3 AgXOutsetMatrix = mat3( + vec3( 1.1271005818144368, - 0.1413297634984383, - 0.14132976349843826 ), + vec3( - 0.11060664309660323, 1.157823702216272, - 0.11060664309660294 ), + vec3( - 0.016493938717834573, - 0.016493938717834257, 1.2519364065950405 ) + ); + const float AgxMinEv = - 12.47393; const float AgxMaxEv = 4.026069; + color *= toneMappingExposure; + color = LINEAR_SRGB_TO_LINEAR_REC2020 * color; + color = AgXInsetMatrix * color; + color = max( color, 1e-10 ); color = log2( color ); + color = ( color - AgxMinEv ) / ( AgxMaxEv - AgxMinEv ); + color = clamp( color, 0.0, 1.0 ); + color = agxDefaultContrastApprox( color ); + color = AgXOutsetMatrix * color; + color = pow( max( vec3( 0.0 ), color ), vec3( 2.2 ) ); + color = LINEAR_REC2020_TO_LINEAR_SRGB * color; + color = clamp( color, 0.0, 1.0 ); + return color; +} +vec3 NeutralToneMapping( vec3 color ) { + const float StartCompression = 0.8 - 0.04; + const float Desaturation = 0.15; + color *= toneMappingExposure; + float x = min( color.r, min( color.g, color.b ) ); + float offset = x < 0.08 ? x - 6.25 * x * x : 0.04; + color -= offset; + float peak = max( color.r, max( color.g, color.b ) ); + if ( peak < StartCompression ) return color; + float d = 1. - StartCompression; + float newPeak = 1. - d * d / ( peak + d - StartCompression ); + color *= newPeak / peak; + float g = 1. - 1. / ( Desaturation * ( peak - newPeak ) + 1. ); + return mix( color, vec3( newPeak ), g ); +} +vec3 CustomToneMapping( vec3 color ) { return color; }`,m0=`#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION + material.transmission = transmission; + material.transmissionAlpha = 1.0; + material.thickness = thickness; + material.attenuationDistance = attenuationDistance; + material.attenuationColor = attenuationColor; + #ifdef USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP + material.transmission *= texture2D( transmissionMap, vTransmissionMapUv ).r; + #endif + #ifdef USE_THICKNESSMAP + material.thickness *= texture2D( thicknessMap, vThicknessMapUv ).g; + #endif + vec3 pos = vWorldPosition; + vec3 v = normalize( cameraPosition - pos ); + vec3 n = inverseTransformDirection( normal, viewMatrix ); + vec4 transmitted = getIBLVolumeRefraction( + n, v, material.roughness, material.diffuseColor, material.specularColor, material.specularF90, + pos, modelMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, material.dispersion, material.ior, material.thickness, + material.attenuationColor, material.attenuationDistance ); + material.transmissionAlpha = mix( material.transmissionAlpha, transmitted.a, material.transmission ); + totalDiffuse = mix( totalDiffuse, transmitted.rgb, material.transmission ); +#endif`,_0=`#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION + uniform float transmission; + uniform float thickness; + uniform float attenuationDistance; + uniform vec3 attenuationColor; + #ifdef USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP + uniform sampler2D transmissionMap; + #endif + #ifdef USE_THICKNESSMAP + uniform sampler2D thicknessMap; + #endif + uniform vec2 transmissionSamplerSize; + uniform sampler2D transmissionSamplerMap; + uniform mat4 modelMatrix; + uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; + varying vec3 vWorldPosition; + float w0( float a ) { + return ( 1.0 / 6.0 ) * ( a * ( a * ( - a + 3.0 ) - 3.0 ) + 1.0 ); + } + float w1( float a ) { + return ( 1.0 / 6.0 ) * ( a * a * ( 3.0 * a - 6.0 ) + 4.0 ); + } + float w2( float a ){ + return ( 1.0 / 6.0 ) * ( a * ( a * ( - 3.0 * a + 3.0 ) + 3.0 ) + 1.0 ); + } + float w3( float a ) { + return ( 1.0 / 6.0 ) * ( a * a * a ); + } + float g0( float a ) { + return w0( a ) + w1( a ); + } + float g1( float a ) { + return w2( a ) + w3( a ); + } + float h0( float a ) { + return - 1.0 + w1( a ) / ( w0( a ) + w1( a ) ); + } + float h1( float a ) { + return 1.0 + w3( a ) / ( w2( a ) + w3( a ) ); + } + vec4 bicubic( sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec4 texelSize, float lod ) { + uv = uv * texelSize.zw + 0.5; + vec2 iuv = floor( uv ); + vec2 fuv = fract( uv ); + float g0x = g0( fuv.x ); + float g1x = g1( fuv.x ); + float h0x = h0( fuv.x ); + float h1x = h1( fuv.x ); + float h0y = h0( fuv.y ); + float h1y = h1( fuv.y ); + vec2 p0 = ( vec2( iuv.x + h0x, iuv.y + h0y ) - 0.5 ) * texelSize.xy; + vec2 p1 = ( vec2( iuv.x + h1x, iuv.y + h0y ) - 0.5 ) * texelSize.xy; + vec2 p2 = ( vec2( iuv.x + h0x, iuv.y + h1y ) - 0.5 ) * texelSize.xy; + vec2 p3 = ( vec2( iuv.x + h1x, iuv.y + h1y ) - 0.5 ) * texelSize.xy; + return g0( fuv.y ) * ( g0x * textureLod( tex, p0, lod ) + g1x * textureLod( tex, p1, lod ) ) + + g1( fuv.y ) * ( g0x * textureLod( tex, p2, lod ) + g1x * textureLod( tex, p3, lod ) ); + } + vec4 textureBicubic( sampler2D sampler, vec2 uv, float lod ) { + vec2 fLodSize = vec2( textureSize( sampler, int( lod ) ) ); + vec2 cLodSize = vec2( textureSize( sampler, int( lod + 1.0 ) ) ); + vec2 fLodSizeInv = 1.0 / fLodSize; + vec2 cLodSizeInv = 1.0 / cLodSize; + vec4 fSample = bicubic( sampler, uv, vec4( fLodSizeInv, fLodSize ), floor( lod ) ); + vec4 cSample = bicubic( sampler, uv, vec4( cLodSizeInv, cLodSize ), ceil( lod ) ); + return mix( fSample, cSample, fract( lod ) ); + } + vec3 getVolumeTransmissionRay( const in vec3 n, const in vec3 v, const in float thickness, const in float ior, const in mat4 modelMatrix ) { + vec3 refractionVector = refract( - v, normalize( n ), 1.0 / ior ); + vec3 modelScale; + modelScale.x = length( vec3( modelMatrix[ 0 ].xyz ) ); + modelScale.y = length( vec3( modelMatrix[ 1 ].xyz ) ); + modelScale.z = length( vec3( modelMatrix[ 2 ].xyz ) ); + return normalize( refractionVector ) * thickness * modelScale; + } + float applyIorToRoughness( const in float roughness, const in float ior ) { + return roughness * clamp( ior * 2.0 - 2.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); + } + vec4 getTransmissionSample( const in vec2 fragCoord, const in float roughness, const in float ior ) { + float lod = log2( transmissionSamplerSize.x ) * applyIorToRoughness( roughness, ior ); + return textureBicubic( transmissionSamplerMap, fragCoord.xy, lod ); + } + vec3 volumeAttenuation( const in float transmissionDistance, const in vec3 attenuationColor, const in float attenuationDistance ) { + if ( isinf( attenuationDistance ) ) { + return vec3( 1.0 ); + } else { + vec3 attenuationCoefficient = -log( attenuationColor ) / attenuationDistance; + vec3 transmittance = exp( - attenuationCoefficient * transmissionDistance ); return transmittance; + } + } + vec4 getIBLVolumeRefraction( const in vec3 n, const in vec3 v, const in float roughness, const in vec3 diffuseColor, + const in vec3 specularColor, const in float specularF90, const in vec3 position, const in mat4 modelMatrix, + const in mat4 viewMatrix, const in mat4 projMatrix, const in float dispersion, const in float ior, const in float thickness, + const in vec3 attenuationColor, const in float attenuationDistance ) { + vec4 transmittedLight; + vec3 transmittance; + #ifdef USE_DISPERSION + float halfSpread = ( ior - 1.0 ) * 0.025 * dispersion; + vec3 iors = vec3( ior - halfSpread, ior, ior + halfSpread ); + for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { + vec3 transmissionRay = getVolumeTransmissionRay( n, v, thickness, iors[ i ], modelMatrix ); + vec3 refractedRayExit = position + transmissionRay; + + vec4 ndcPos = projMatrix * viewMatrix * vec4( refractedRayExit, 1.0 ); + vec2 refractionCoords = ndcPos.xy / ndcPos.w; + refractionCoords += 1.0; + refractionCoords /= 2.0; + + vec4 transmissionSample = getTransmissionSample( refractionCoords, roughness, iors[ i ] ); + transmittedLight[ i ] = transmissionSample[ i ]; + transmittedLight.a += transmissionSample.a; + transmittance[ i ] = diffuseColor[ i ] * volumeAttenuation( length( transmissionRay ), attenuationColor, attenuationDistance )[ i ]; + } + transmittedLight.a /= 3.0; + + #else + + vec3 transmissionRay = getVolumeTransmissionRay( n, v, thickness, ior, modelMatrix ); + vec3 refractedRayExit = position + transmissionRay; + vec4 ndcPos = projMatrix * viewMatrix * vec4( refractedRayExit, 1.0 ); + vec2 refractionCoords = ndcPos.xy / ndcPos.w; + refractionCoords += 1.0; + refractionCoords /= 2.0; + transmittedLight = getTransmissionSample( refractionCoords, roughness, ior ); + transmittance = diffuseColor * volumeAttenuation( length( transmissionRay ), attenuationColor, attenuationDistance ); + + #endif + vec3 attenuatedColor = transmittance * transmittedLight.rgb; + vec3 F = EnvironmentBRDF( n, v, specularColor, specularF90, roughness ); + float transmittanceFactor = ( transmittance.r + transmittance.g + transmittance.b ) / 3.0; + return vec4( ( 1.0 - F ) * attenuatedColor, 1.0 - ( 1.0 - transmittedLight.a ) * transmittanceFactor ); + } +#endif`,g0=`#if defined( USE_UV ) || defined( USE_ANISOTROPY ) + varying vec2 vUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_MAP + varying vec2 vMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP + varying vec2 vAlphaMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP + varying vec2 vLightMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_AOMAP + varying vec2 vAoMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_BUMPMAP + varying vec2 vBumpMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP + varying vec2 vNormalMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP + varying vec2 vEmissiveMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_METALNESSMAP + varying vec2 vMetalnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ROUGHNESSMAP + varying vec2 vRoughnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ANISOTROPYMAP + varying vec2 vAnisotropyMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOATMAP + varying vec2 vClearcoatMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP + varying vec2 vClearcoatNormalMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP + varying vec2 vClearcoatRoughnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCEMAP + varying vec2 vIridescenceMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP + varying vec2 vIridescenceThicknessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN_COLORMAP + varying vec2 vSheenColorMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP + varying vec2 vSheenRoughnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP + varying vec2 vSpecularMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULAR_COLORMAP + varying vec2 vSpecularColorMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP + varying vec2 vSpecularIntensityMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP + uniform mat3 transmissionMapTransform; + varying vec2 vTransmissionMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_THICKNESSMAP + uniform mat3 thicknessMapTransform; + varying vec2 vThicknessMapUv; +#endif`,x0=`#if defined( USE_UV ) || defined( USE_ANISOTROPY ) + varying vec2 vUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_MAP + uniform mat3 mapTransform; + varying vec2 vMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP + uniform mat3 alphaMapTransform; + varying vec2 vAlphaMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP + uniform mat3 lightMapTransform; + varying vec2 vLightMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_AOMAP + uniform mat3 aoMapTransform; + varying vec2 vAoMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_BUMPMAP + uniform mat3 bumpMapTransform; + varying vec2 vBumpMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP + uniform mat3 normalMapTransform; + varying vec2 vNormalMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP + uniform mat3 displacementMapTransform; + varying vec2 vDisplacementMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP + uniform mat3 emissiveMapTransform; + varying vec2 vEmissiveMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_METALNESSMAP + uniform mat3 metalnessMapTransform; + varying vec2 vMetalnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ROUGHNESSMAP + uniform mat3 roughnessMapTransform; + varying vec2 vRoughnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ANISOTROPYMAP + uniform mat3 anisotropyMapTransform; + varying vec2 vAnisotropyMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOATMAP + uniform mat3 clearcoatMapTransform; + varying vec2 vClearcoatMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP + uniform mat3 clearcoatNormalMapTransform; + varying vec2 vClearcoatNormalMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP + uniform mat3 clearcoatRoughnessMapTransform; + varying vec2 vClearcoatRoughnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN_COLORMAP + uniform mat3 sheenColorMapTransform; + varying vec2 vSheenColorMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP + uniform mat3 sheenRoughnessMapTransform; + varying vec2 vSheenRoughnessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCEMAP + uniform mat3 iridescenceMapTransform; + varying vec2 vIridescenceMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP + uniform mat3 iridescenceThicknessMapTransform; + varying vec2 vIridescenceThicknessMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP + uniform mat3 specularMapTransform; + varying vec2 vSpecularMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULAR_COLORMAP + uniform mat3 specularColorMapTransform; + varying vec2 vSpecularColorMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP + uniform mat3 specularIntensityMapTransform; + varying vec2 vSpecularIntensityMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP + uniform mat3 transmissionMapTransform; + varying vec2 vTransmissionMapUv; +#endif +#ifdef USE_THICKNESSMAP + uniform mat3 thicknessMapTransform; + varying vec2 vThicknessMapUv; +#endif`,y0=`#if defined( USE_UV ) || defined( USE_ANISOTROPY ) + vUv = vec3( uv, 1 ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_MAP + vMapUv = ( mapTransform * vec3( MAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP + vAlphaMapUv = ( alphaMapTransform * vec3( ALPHAMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP + vLightMapUv = ( lightMapTransform * vec3( LIGHTMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_AOMAP + vAoMapUv = ( aoMapTransform * vec3( AOMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_BUMPMAP + vBumpMapUv = ( bumpMapTransform * vec3( BUMPMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP + vNormalMapUv = ( normalMapTransform * vec3( NORMALMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP + vDisplacementMapUv = ( displacementMapTransform * vec3( DISPLACEMENTMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP + vEmissiveMapUv = ( emissiveMapTransform * vec3( EMISSIVEMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_METALNESSMAP + vMetalnessMapUv = ( metalnessMapTransform * vec3( METALNESSMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ROUGHNESSMAP + vRoughnessMapUv = ( roughnessMapTransform * vec3( ROUGHNESSMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_ANISOTROPYMAP + vAnisotropyMapUv = ( anisotropyMapTransform * vec3( ANISOTROPYMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOATMAP + vClearcoatMapUv = ( clearcoatMapTransform * vec3( CLEARCOATMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP + vClearcoatNormalMapUv = ( clearcoatNormalMapTransform * vec3( CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP + vClearcoatRoughnessMapUv = ( clearcoatRoughnessMapTransform * vec3( CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCEMAP + vIridescenceMapUv = ( iridescenceMapTransform * vec3( IRIDESCENCEMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP + vIridescenceThicknessMapUv = ( iridescenceThicknessMapTransform * vec3( IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN_COLORMAP + vSheenColorMapUv = ( sheenColorMapTransform * vec3( SHEEN_COLORMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP + vSheenRoughnessMapUv = ( sheenRoughnessMapTransform * vec3( SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP + vSpecularMapUv = ( specularMapTransform * vec3( SPECULARMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULAR_COLORMAP + vSpecularColorMapUv = ( specularColorMapTransform * vec3( SPECULAR_COLORMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP + vSpecularIntensityMapUv = ( specularIntensityMapTransform * vec3( SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP + vTransmissionMapUv = ( transmissionMapTransform * vec3( TRANSMISSIONMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif +#ifdef USE_THICKNESSMAP + vThicknessMapUv = ( thicknessMapTransform * vec3( THICKNESSMAP_UV, 1 ) ).xy; +#endif`,v0=`#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) || defined( DISTANCE ) || defined ( USE_SHADOWMAP ) || defined ( USE_TRANSMISSION ) || NUM_SPOT_LIGHT_COORDS > 0 + vec4 worldPosition = vec4( transformed, 1.0 ); + #ifdef USE_BATCHING + worldPosition = batchingMatrix * worldPosition; + #endif + #ifdef USE_INSTANCING + worldPosition = instanceMatrix * worldPosition; + #endif + worldPosition = modelMatrix * worldPosition; +#endif`,b0=`varying vec2 vUv; +uniform mat3 uvTransform; +void main() { + vUv = ( uvTransform * vec3( uv, 1 ) ).xy; + gl_Position = vec4( position.xy, 1.0, 1.0 ); +}`,S0=`uniform sampler2D t2D; +uniform float backgroundIntensity; +varying vec2 vUv; +void main() { + vec4 texColor = texture2D( t2D, vUv ); + #ifdef DECODE_VIDEO_TEXTURE + texColor = vec4( mix( pow( texColor.rgb * 0.9478672986 + vec3( 0.0521327014 ), vec3( 2.4 ) ), texColor.rgb * 0.0773993808, vec3( lessThanEqual( texColor.rgb, vec3( 0.04045 ) ) ) ), texColor.w ); + #endif + texColor.rgb *= backgroundIntensity; + gl_FragColor = texColor; + #include + #include +}`,w0=`varying vec3 vWorldDirection; +#include +void main() { + vWorldDirection = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix ); + #include + #include + gl_Position.z = gl_Position.w; +}`,M0=`#ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE + uniform samplerCube envMap; +#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV ) + uniform sampler2D envMap; +#endif +uniform float flipEnvMap; +uniform float backgroundBlurriness; +uniform float backgroundIntensity; +uniform mat3 backgroundRotation; +varying vec3 vWorldDirection; +#include +void main() { + #ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE + vec4 texColor = textureCube( envMap, backgroundRotation * vec3( flipEnvMap * vWorldDirection.x, vWorldDirection.yz ) ); + #elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV ) + vec4 texColor = textureCubeUV( envMap, backgroundRotation * vWorldDirection, backgroundBlurriness ); + #else + vec4 texColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); + #endif + texColor.rgb *= backgroundIntensity; + gl_FragColor = texColor; + #include + #include +}`,E0=`varying vec3 vWorldDirection; +#include +void main() { + vWorldDirection = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix ); + #include + #include + gl_Position.z = gl_Position.w; +}`,A0=`uniform samplerCube tCube; +uniform float tFlip; +uniform float opacity; +varying vec3 vWorldDirection; +void main() { + vec4 texColor = textureCube( tCube, vec3( tFlip * vWorldDirection.x, vWorldDirection.yz ) ); + gl_FragColor = texColor; + gl_FragColor.a *= opacity; + #include + #include +}`,T0=`#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +varying vec2 vHighPrecisionZW; +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP + #include + #include + #include + #endif + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vHighPrecisionZW = gl_Position.zw; +}`,C0=`#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3200 + uniform float opacity; +#endif +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +varying vec2 vHighPrecisionZW; +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( 1.0 ); + #include + #if DEPTH_PACKING == 3200 + diffuseColor.a = opacity; + #endif + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + float fragCoordZ = 0.5 * vHighPrecisionZW[0] / vHighPrecisionZW[1] + 0.5; + #if DEPTH_PACKING == 3200 + gl_FragColor = vec4( vec3( 1.0 - fragCoordZ ), opacity ); + #elif DEPTH_PACKING == 3201 + gl_FragColor = packDepthToRGBA( fragCoordZ ); + #elif DEPTH_PACKING == 3202 + gl_FragColor = vec4( packDepthToRGB( fragCoordZ ), 1.0 ); + #elif DEPTH_PACKING == 3203 + gl_FragColor = vec4( packDepthToRG( fragCoordZ ), 0.0, 1.0 ); + #endif +}`,I0=`#define DISTANCE +varying vec3 vWorldPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP + #include + #include + #include + #endif + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vWorldPosition = worldPosition.xyz; +}`,R0=`#define DISTANCE +uniform vec3 referencePosition; +uniform float nearDistance; +uniform float farDistance; +varying vec3 vWorldPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main () { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( 1.0 ); + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + float dist = length( vWorldPosition - referencePosition ); + dist = ( dist - nearDistance ) / ( farDistance - nearDistance ); + dist = saturate( dist ); + gl_FragColor = packDepthToRGBA( dist ); +}`,P0=`varying vec3 vWorldDirection; +#include +void main() { + vWorldDirection = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix ); + #include + #include +}`,D0=`uniform sampler2D tEquirect; +varying vec3 vWorldDirection; +#include +void main() { + vec3 direction = normalize( vWorldDirection ); + vec2 sampleUV = equirectUv( direction ); + gl_FragColor = texture2D( tEquirect, sampleUV ); + #include + #include +}`,L0=`uniform float scale; +attribute float lineDistance; +varying float vLineDistance; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vLineDistance = scale * lineDistance; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,U0=`uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform float opacity; +uniform float dashSize; +uniform float totalSize; +varying float vLineDistance; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + if ( mod( vLineDistance, totalSize ) > dashSize ) { + discard; + } + vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 ); + #include + #include + #include + outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,O0=`#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #if defined ( USE_ENVMAP ) || defined ( USE_SKINNING ) + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #endif + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,F0=`uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform float opacity; +#ifndef FLAT_SHADED + varying vec3 vNormal; +#endif +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) ); + #ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP + vec4 lightMapTexel = texture2D( lightMap, vLightMapUv ); + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += lightMapTexel.rgb * lightMapIntensity * RECIPROCAL_PI; + #else + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += vec3( 1.0 ); + #endif + #include + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse *= diffuseColor.rgb; + vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,B0=`#define LAMBERT +varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz; + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,N0=`#define LAMBERT +uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform vec3 emissive; +uniform float opacity; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) ); + vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse + totalEmissiveRadiance; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,z0=`#define MATCAP +varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz; +}`,k0=`#define MATCAP +uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform float opacity; +uniform sampler2D matcap; +varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vec3 viewDir = normalize( vViewPosition ); + vec3 x = normalize( vec3( viewDir.z, 0.0, - viewDir.x ) ); + vec3 y = cross( viewDir, x ); + vec2 uv = vec2( dot( x, normal ), dot( y, normal ) ) * 0.495 + 0.5; + #ifdef USE_MATCAP + vec4 matcapColor = texture2D( matcap, uv ); + #else + vec4 matcapColor = vec4( vec3( mix( 0.2, 0.8, uv.y ) ), 1.0 ); + #endif + vec3 outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb * matcapColor.rgb; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,V0=`#define NORMAL +#if defined( FLAT_SHADED ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE ) + varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#endif +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +#if defined( FLAT_SHADED ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE ) + vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz; +#endif +}`,H0=`#define NORMAL +uniform float opacity; +#if defined( FLAT_SHADED ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE ) + varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#endif +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, opacity ); + #include + #include + #include + #include + gl_FragColor = vec4( packNormalToRGB( normal ), diffuseColor.a ); + #ifdef OPAQUE + gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; + #endif +}`,G0=`#define PHONG +varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz; + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,W0=`#define PHONG +uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform vec3 emissive; +uniform vec3 specular; +uniform float shininess; +uniform float opacity; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) ); + vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse + reflectedLight.directSpecular + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,X0=`#define STANDARD +varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION + varying vec3 vWorldPosition; +#endif +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz; + #include + #include + #include +#ifdef USE_TRANSMISSION + vWorldPosition = worldPosition.xyz; +#endif +}`,q0=`#define STANDARD +#ifdef PHYSICAL + #define IOR + #define USE_SPECULAR +#endif +uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform vec3 emissive; +uniform float roughness; +uniform float metalness; +uniform float opacity; +#ifdef IOR + uniform float ior; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SPECULAR + uniform float specularIntensity; + uniform vec3 specularColor; + #ifdef USE_SPECULAR_COLORMAP + uniform sampler2D specularColorMap; + #endif + #ifdef USE_SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP + uniform sampler2D specularIntensityMap; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + uniform float clearcoat; + uniform float clearcoatRoughness; +#endif +#ifdef USE_DISPERSION + uniform float dispersion; +#endif +#ifdef USE_IRIDESCENCE + uniform float iridescence; + uniform float iridescenceIOR; + uniform float iridescenceThicknessMinimum; + uniform float iridescenceThicknessMaximum; +#endif +#ifdef USE_SHEEN + uniform vec3 sheenColor; + uniform float sheenRoughness; + #ifdef USE_SHEEN_COLORMAP + uniform sampler2D sheenColorMap; + #endif + #ifdef USE_SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP + uniform sampler2D sheenRoughnessMap; + #endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_ANISOTROPY + uniform vec2 anisotropyVector; + #ifdef USE_ANISOTROPYMAP + uniform sampler2D anisotropyMap; + #endif +#endif +varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) ); + vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vec3 totalDiffuse = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse; + vec3 totalSpecular = reflectedLight.directSpecular + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular; + #include + vec3 outgoingLight = totalDiffuse + totalSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance; + #ifdef USE_SHEEN + float sheenEnergyComp = 1.0 - 0.157 * max3( material.sheenColor ); + outgoingLight = outgoingLight * sheenEnergyComp + sheenSpecularDirect + sheenSpecularIndirect; + #endif + #ifdef USE_CLEARCOAT + float dotNVcc = saturate( dot( geometryClearcoatNormal, geometryViewDir ) ); + vec3 Fcc = F_Schlick( material.clearcoatF0, material.clearcoatF90, dotNVcc ); + outgoingLight = outgoingLight * ( 1.0 - material.clearcoat * Fcc ) + ( clearcoatSpecularDirect + clearcoatSpecularIndirect ) * material.clearcoat; + #endif + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,Y0=`#define TOON +varying vec3 vViewPosition; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz; + #include + #include + #include +}`,Z0=`#define TOON +uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform vec3 emissive; +uniform float opacity; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) ); + vec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + vec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse + totalEmissiveRadiance; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,K0=`uniform float size; +uniform float scale; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#ifdef USE_POINTS_UV + varying vec2 vUv; + uniform mat3 uvTransform; +#endif +void main() { + #ifdef USE_POINTS_UV + vUv = ( uvTransform * vec3( uv, 1 ) ).xy; + #endif + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + gl_PointSize = size; + #ifdef USE_SIZEATTENUATION + bool isPerspective = isPerspectiveMatrix( projectionMatrix ); + if ( isPerspective ) gl_PointSize *= ( scale / - mvPosition.z ); + #endif + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,J0=`uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform float opacity; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 ); + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb; + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,$0=`#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,j0=`uniform vec3 color; +uniform float opacity; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + gl_FragColor = vec4( color, opacity * ( 1.0 - getShadowMask() ) ); + #include + #include + #include +}`,Q0=`uniform float rotation; +uniform vec2 center; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + #include + vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix[ 3 ]; + vec2 scale = vec2( length( modelMatrix[ 0 ].xyz ), length( modelMatrix[ 1 ].xyz ) ); + #ifndef USE_SIZEATTENUATION + bool isPerspective = isPerspectiveMatrix( projectionMatrix ); + if ( isPerspective ) scale *= - mvPosition.z; + #endif + vec2 alignedPosition = ( position.xy - ( center - vec2( 0.5 ) ) ) * scale; + vec2 rotatedPosition; + rotatedPosition.x = cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x - sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y; + rotatedPosition.y = sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x + cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y; + mvPosition.xy += rotatedPosition; + gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; + #include + #include + #include +}`,t_=`uniform vec3 diffuse; +uniform float opacity; +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +void main() { + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity ); + #include + vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 ); + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb; + #include + #include + #include + #include +}`,Gt={alphahash_fragment:Sp,alphahash_pars_fragment:wp,alphamap_fragment:Mp,alphamap_pars_fragment:Ep,alphatest_fragment:Ap,alphatest_pars_fragment:Tp,aomap_fragment:Cp,aomap_pars_fragment:Ip,batching_pars_vertex:Rp,batching_vertex:Pp,begin_vertex:Dp,beginnormal_vertex:Lp,bsdfs:Up,iridescence_fragment:Op,bumpmap_pars_fragment:Fp,clipping_planes_fragment:Bp,clipping_planes_pars_fragment:Np,clipping_planes_pars_vertex:zp,clipping_planes_vertex:kp,color_fragment:Vp,color_pars_fragment:Hp,color_pars_vertex:Gp,color_vertex:Wp,common:Xp,cube_uv_reflection_fragment:qp,defaultnormal_vertex:Yp,displacementmap_pars_vertex:Zp,displacementmap_vertex:Kp,emissivemap_fragment:Jp,emissivemap_pars_fragment:$p,colorspace_fragment:jp,colorspace_pars_fragment:Qp,envmap_fragment:tm,envmap_common_pars_fragment:em,envmap_pars_fragment:nm,envmap_pars_vertex:im,envmap_physical_pars_fragment:pm,envmap_vertex:rm,fog_vertex:sm,fog_pars_vertex:am,fog_fragment:om,fog_pars_fragment:cm,gradientmap_pars_fragment:lm,lightmap_pars_fragment:hm,lights_lambert_fragment:um,lights_lambert_pars_fragment:dm,lights_pars_begin:fm,lights_toon_fragment:mm,lights_toon_pars_fragment:_m,lights_phong_fragment:gm,lights_phong_pars_fragment:xm,lights_physical_fragment:ym,lights_physical_pars_fragment:vm,lights_fragment_begin:bm,lights_fragment_maps:Sm,lights_fragment_end:wm,logdepthbuf_fragment:Mm,logdepthbuf_pars_fragment:Em,logdepthbuf_pars_vertex:Am,logdepthbuf_vertex:Tm,map_fragment:Cm,map_pars_fragment:Im,map_particle_fragment:Rm,map_particle_pars_fragment:Pm,metalnessmap_fragment:Dm,metalnessmap_pars_fragment:Lm,morphinstance_vertex:Um,morphcolor_vertex:Om,morphnormal_vertex:Fm,morphtarget_pars_vertex:Bm,morphtarget_vertex:Nm,normal_fragment_begin:zm,normal_fragment_maps:km,normal_pars_fragment:Vm,normal_pars_vertex:Hm,normal_vertex:Gm,normalmap_pars_fragment:Wm,clearcoat_normal_fragment_begin:Xm,clearcoat_normal_fragment_maps:qm,clearcoat_pars_fragment:Ym,iridescence_pars_fragment:Zm,opaque_fragment:Km,packing:Jm,premultiplied_alpha_fragment:$m,project_vertex:jm,dithering_fragment:Qm,dithering_pars_fragment:t0,roughnessmap_fragment:e0,roughnessmap_pars_fragment:n0,shadowmap_pars_fragment:i0,shadowmap_pars_vertex:r0,shadowmap_vertex:s0,shadowmask_pars_fragment:a0,skinbase_vertex:o0,skinning_pars_vertex:c0,skinning_vertex:l0,skinnormal_vertex:h0,specularmap_fragment:u0,specularmap_pars_fragment:d0,tonemapping_fragment:f0,tonemapping_pars_fragment:p0,transmission_fragment:m0,transmission_pars_fragment:_0,uv_pars_fragment:g0,uv_pars_vertex:x0,uv_vertex:y0,worldpos_vertex:v0,background_vert:b0,background_frag:S0,backgroundCube_vert:w0,backgroundCube_frag:M0,cube_vert:E0,cube_frag:A0,depth_vert:T0,depth_frag:C0,distanceRGBA_vert:I0,distanceRGBA_frag:R0,equirect_vert:P0,equirect_frag:D0,linedashed_vert:L0,linedashed_frag:U0,meshbasic_vert:O0,meshbasic_frag:F0,meshlambert_vert:B0,meshlambert_frag:N0,meshmatcap_vert:z0,meshmatcap_frag:k0,meshnormal_vert:V0,meshnormal_frag:H0,meshphong_vert:G0,meshphong_frag:W0,meshphysical_vert:X0,meshphysical_frag:q0,meshtoon_vert:Y0,meshtoon_frag:Z0,points_vert:K0,points_frag:J0,shadow_vert:$0,shadow_frag:j0,sprite_vert:Q0,sprite_frag:t_},gt={common:{diffuse:{value:new 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Vt}},metalnessmap:{metalnessMap:{value:null},metalnessMapTransform:{value:new Vt}},roughnessmap:{roughnessMap:{value:null},roughnessMapTransform:{value:new Vt}},gradientmap:{gradientMap:{value:null}},fog:{fogDensity:{value:25e-5},fogNear:{value:1},fogFar:{value:2e3},fogColor:{value:new kt(16777215)}},lights:{ambientLightColor:{value:[]},lightProbe:{value:[]},directionalLights:{value:[],properties:{direction:{},color:{}}},directionalLightShadows:{value:[],properties:{shadowIntensity:1,shadowBias:{},shadowNormalBias:{},shadowRadius:{},shadowMapSize:{}}},directionalShadowMap:{value:[]},directionalShadowMatrix:{value:[]},spotLights:{value:[],properties:{color:{},position:{},direction:{},distance:{},coneCos:{},penumbraCos:{},decay:{}}},spotLightShadows:{value:[],properties:{shadowIntensity:1,shadowBias:{},shadowNormalBias:{},shadowRadius:{},shadowMapSize:{}}},spotLightMap:{value:[]},spotShadowMap:{value:[]},spotLightMatrix:{value:[]},pointLights:{value:[],properties:{color:{},position:{},decay:{},distance:{}}},pointLightShadows:{value:[],properties:{shadowIntensity:1,shadowBias:{},shadowNormalBias:{},shadowRadius:{},shadowMapSize:{},shadowCameraNear:{},shadowCameraFar:{}}},pointShadowMap:{value:[]},pointShadowMatrix:{value:[]},hemisphereLights:{value:[],properties:{direction:{},skyColor:{},groundColor:{}}},rectAreaLights:{value:[],properties:{color:{},position:{},width:{},height:{}}},ltc_1:{value:null},ltc_2:{value:null}},points:{diffuse:{value:new kt(16777215)},opacity:{value:1},size:{value:1},scale:{value:1},map:{value:null},alphaMap:{value:null},alphaMapTransform:{value:new Vt},alphaTest:{value:0},uvTransform:{value:new Vt}},sprite:{diffuse:{value:new kt(16777215)},opacity:{value:1},center:{value:new Dt(.5,.5)},rotation:{value:0},map:{value:null},mapTransform:{value:new Vt},alphaMap:{value:null},alphaMapTransform:{value:new Vt},alphaTest:{value:0}}},Ve={basic:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.specularmap,gt.envmap,gt.aomap,gt.lightmap,gt.fog]),vertexShader:Gt.meshbasic_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshbasic_frag},lambert:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.specularmap,gt.envmap,gt.aomap,gt.lightmap,gt.emissivemap,gt.bumpmap,gt.normalmap,gt.displacementmap,gt.fog,gt.lights,{emissive:{value:new kt(0)}}]),vertexShader:Gt.meshlambert_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshlambert_frag},phong:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.specularmap,gt.envmap,gt.aomap,gt.lightmap,gt.emissivemap,gt.bumpmap,gt.normalmap,gt.displacementmap,gt.fog,gt.lights,{emissive:{value:new kt(0)},specular:{value:new kt(1118481)},shininess:{value:30}}]),vertexShader:Gt.meshphong_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshphong_frag},standard:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.envmap,gt.aomap,gt.lightmap,gt.emissivemap,gt.bumpmap,gt.normalmap,gt.displacementmap,gt.roughnessmap,gt.metalnessmap,gt.fog,gt.lights,{emissive:{value:new kt(0)},roughness:{value:1},metalness:{value:0},envMapIntensity:{value:1}}]),vertexShader:Gt.meshphysical_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshphysical_frag},toon:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.aomap,gt.lightmap,gt.emissivemap,gt.bumpmap,gt.normalmap,gt.displacementmap,gt.gradientmap,gt.fog,gt.lights,{emissive:{value:new kt(0)}}]),vertexShader:Gt.meshtoon_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshtoon_frag},matcap:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.bumpmap,gt.normalmap,gt.displacementmap,gt.fog,{matcap:{value:null}}]),vertexShader:Gt.meshmatcap_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshmatcap_frag},points:{uniforms:Fe([gt.points,gt.fog]),vertexShader:Gt.points_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.points_frag},dashed:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.fog,{scale:{value:1},dashSize:{value:1},totalSize:{value:2}}]),vertexShader:Gt.linedashed_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.linedashed_frag},depth:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.displacementmap]),vertexShader:Gt.depth_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.depth_frag},normal:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.bumpmap,gt.normalmap,gt.displacementmap,{opacity:{value:1}}]),vertexShader:Gt.meshnormal_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshnormal_frag},sprite:{uniforms:Fe([gt.sprite,gt.fog]),vertexShader:Gt.sprite_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.sprite_frag},background:{uniforms:{uvTransform:{value:new Vt},t2D:{value:null},backgroundIntensity:{value:1}},vertexShader:Gt.background_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.background_frag},backgroundCube:{uniforms:{envMap:{value:null},flipEnvMap:{value:-1},backgroundBlurriness:{value:0},backgroundIntensity:{value:1},backgroundRotation:{value:new Vt}},vertexShader:Gt.backgroundCube_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.backgroundCube_frag},cube:{uniforms:{tCube:{value:null},tFlip:{value:-1},opacity:{value:1}},vertexShader:Gt.cube_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.cube_frag},equirect:{uniforms:{tEquirect:{value:null}},vertexShader:Gt.equirect_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.equirect_frag},distanceRGBA:{uniforms:Fe([gt.common,gt.displacementmap,{referencePosition:{value:new G},nearDistance:{value:1},farDistance:{value:1e3}}]),vertexShader:Gt.distanceRGBA_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.distanceRGBA_frag},shadow:{uniforms:Fe([gt.lights,gt.fog,{color:{value:new kt(0)},opacity:{value:1}}]),vertexShader:Gt.shadow_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.shadow_frag}};Ve.physical={uniforms:Fe([Ve.standard.uniforms,{clearcoat:{value:0},clearcoatMap:{value:null},clearcoatMapTransform:{value:new Vt},clearcoatNormalMap:{value:null},clearcoatNormalMapTransform:{value:new Vt},clearcoatNormalScale:{value:new Dt(1,1)},clearcoatRoughness:{value:0},clearcoatRoughnessMap:{value:null},clearcoatRoughnessMapTransform:{value:new Vt},dispersion:{value:0},iridescence:{value:0},iridescenceMap:{value:null},iridescenceMapTransform:{value:new Vt},iridescenceIOR:{value:1.3},iridescenceThicknessMinimum:{value:100},iridescenceThicknessMaximum:{value:400},iridescenceThicknessMap:{value:null},iridescenceThicknessMapTransform:{value:new Vt},sheen:{value:0},sheenColor:{value:new kt(0)},sheenColorMap:{value:null},sheenColorMapTransform:{value:new Vt},sheenRoughness:{value:1},sheenRoughnessMap:{value:null},sheenRoughnessMapTransform:{value:new Vt},transmission:{value:0},transmissionMap:{value:null},transmissionMapTransform:{value:new Vt},transmissionSamplerSize:{value:new Dt},transmissionSamplerMap:{value:null},thickness:{value:0},thicknessMap:{value:null},thicknessMapTransform:{value:new Vt},attenuationDistance:{value:0},attenuationColor:{value:new kt(0)},specularColor:{value:new kt(1,1,1)},specularColorMap:{value:null},specularColorMapTransform:{value:new Vt},specularIntensity:{value:1},specularIntensityMap:{value:null},specularIntensityMapTransform:{value:new Vt},anisotropyVector:{value:new Dt},anisotropyMap:{value:null},anisotropyMapTransform:{value:new Vt}}]),vertexShader:Gt.meshphysical_vert,fragmentShader:Gt.meshphysical_frag};var ec={r:0,b:0,g:0},Di=new fn,e_=new he;function n_(i,t,e,n,r,s,a){let o=new kt(0),c=s===!0?0:1,l,u,h=null,f=0,d=null;function _(b){let M=b.isScene===!0?b.background:null;return M&&M.isTexture&&(M=(b.backgroundBlurriness>0?e:t).get(M)),M}function g(b){let M=!1,D=_(b);D===null?p(o,c):D&&D.isColor&&(p(D,1),M=!0);let P=i.xr.getEnvironmentBlendMode();P==="additive"?n.buffers.color.setClear(0,0,0,1,a):P==="alpha-blend"&&n.buffers.color.setClear(0,0,0,0,a),(i.autoClear||M)&&(n.buffers.depth.setTest(!0),n.buffers.depth.setMask(!0),n.buffers.color.setMask(!0),i.clear(i.autoClearColor,i.autoClearDepth,i.autoClearStencil))}function m(b,M){let D=_(M);D&&(D.isCubeTexture||D.mapping===zs)?(u===void 0&&(u=new _e(new vr(1,1,1),new Ke({name:"BackgroundCubeMaterial",uniforms:Pi(Ve.backgroundCube.uniforms),vertexShader:Ve.backgroundCube.vertexShader,fragmentShader:Ve.backgroundCube.fragmentShader,side:Ie,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1,fog:!1})),u.geometry.deleteAttribute("normal"),u.geometry.deleteAttribute("uv"),u.onBeforeRender=function(P,E,U){this.matrixWorld.copyPosition(U.matrixWorld)},Object.defineProperty(u.material,"envMap",{get:function(){return this.uniforms.envMap.value}}),r.update(u)),Di.copy(M.backgroundRotation),Di.x*=-1,Di.y*=-1,Di.z*=-1,D.isCubeTexture&&D.isRenderTargetTexture===!1&&(Di.y*=-1,Di.z*=-1),u.material.uniforms.envMap.value=D,u.material.uniforms.flipEnvMap.value=D.isCubeTexture&&D.isRenderTargetTexture===!1?-1:1,u.material.uniforms.backgroundBlurriness.value=M.backgroundBlurriness,u.material.uniforms.backgroundIntensity.value=M.backgroundIntensity,u.material.uniforms.backgroundRotation.value.setFromMatrix4(e_.makeRotationFromEuler(Di)),u.material.toneMapped=$t.getTransfer(D.colorSpace)!==ae,(h!==D||f!==D.version||d!==i.toneMapping)&&(u.material.needsUpdate=!0,h=D,f=D.version,d=i.toneMapping),u.layers.enableAll(),b.unshift(u,u.geometry,u.material,0,0,null)):D&&D.isTexture&&(l===void 0&&(l=new _e(new wi(2,2),new Ke({name:"BackgroundMaterial",uniforms:Pi(Ve.background.uniforms),vertexShader:Ve.background.vertexShader,fragmentShader:Ve.background.fragmentShader,side:Nn,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1,fog:!1})),l.geometry.deleteAttribute("normal"),Object.defineProperty(l.material,"map",{get:function(){return this.uniforms.t2D.value}}),r.update(l)),l.material.uniforms.t2D.value=D,l.material.uniforms.backgroundIntensity.value=M.backgroundIntensity,l.material.toneMapped=$t.getTransfer(D.colorSpace)!==ae,D.matrixAutoUpdate===!0&&D.updateMatrix(),l.material.uniforms.uvTransform.value.copy(D.matrix),(h!==D||f!==D.version||d!==i.toneMapping)&&(l.material.needsUpdate=!0,h=D,f=D.version,d=i.toneMapping),l.layers.enableAll(),b.unshift(l,l.geometry,l.material,0,0,null))}function p(b,M){b.getRGB(ec,El(i)),n.buffers.color.setClear(ec.r,ec.g,ec.b,M,a)}function w(){u!==void 0&&(u.geometry.dispose(),u.material.dispose()),l!==void 0&&(l.geometry.dispose(),l.material.dispose())}return{getClearColor:function(){return o},setClearColor:function(b,M=1){o.set(b),c=M,p(o,c)},getClearAlpha:function(){return c},setClearAlpha:function(b){c=b,p(o,c)},render:g,addToRenderList:m,dispose:w}}function i_(i,t){let e=i.getParameter(i.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS),n={},r=f(null),s=r,a=!1;function o(x,C,y,O,q){let H=!1,$=h(O,y,C);s!==$&&(s=$,l(s.object)),H=d(x,O,y,q),H&&_(x,O,y,q),q!==null&&t.update(q,i.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER),(H||a)&&(a=!1,M(x,C,y,O),q!==null&&i.bindBuffer(i.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,t.get(q).buffer))}function c(){return i.createVertexArray()}function l(x){return i.bindVertexArray(x)}function u(x){return i.deleteVertexArray(x)}function h(x,C,y){let O=y.wireframe===!0,q=n[x.id];q===void 0&&(q={},n[x.id]=q);let H=q[C.id];H===void 0&&(H={},q[C.id]=H);let $=H[O];return $===void 0&&($=f(c()),H[O]=$),$}function f(x){let C=[],y=[],O=[];for(let q=0;q=0){let N=q[Z],ut=H[Z];if(ut===void 0&&(Z==="instanceMatrix"&&x.instanceMatrix&&(ut=x.instanceMatrix),Z==="instanceColor"&&x.instanceColor&&(ut=x.instanceColor)),N===void 0||N.attribute!==ut||ut&&N.data!==ut.data)return!0;$++}return s.attributesNum!==$||s.index!==O}function _(x,C,y,O){let q={},H=C.attributes,$=0,X=y.getAttributes();for(let Z in X)if(X[Z].location>=0){let N=H[Z];N===void 0&&(Z==="instanceMatrix"&&x.instanceMatrix&&(N=x.instanceMatrix),Z==="instanceColor"&&x.instanceColor&&(N=x.instanceColor));let ut={};ut.attribute=N,N&&N.data&&(ut.data=N.data),q[Z]=ut,$++}s.attributes=q,s.attributesNum=$,s.index=O}function g(){let x=s.newAttributes;for(let C=0,y=x.length;C=0){let k=q[X];if(k===void 0&&(X==="instanceMatrix"&&x.instanceMatrix&&(k=x.instanceMatrix),X==="instanceColor"&&x.instanceColor&&(k=x.instanceColor)),k!==void 0){let N=k.normalized,ut=k.itemSize,ht=t.get(k);if(ht===void 0)continue;let ct=ht.buffer,rt=ht.type,pt=ht.bytesPerElement,mt=rt===i.INT||rt===i.UNSIGNED_INT||k.gpuType===wo;if(k.isInterleavedBufferAttribute){let ft=k.data,At=ft.stride,It=k.offset;if(ft.isInstancedInterleavedBuffer){for(let Ft=0;Ft0&&i.getShaderPrecisionFormat(i.FRAGMENT_SHADER,i.HIGH_FLOAT).precision>0)return"highp";E="mediump"}return E==="mediump"&&i.getShaderPrecisionFormat(i.VERTEX_SHADER,i.MEDIUM_FLOAT).precision>0&&i.getShaderPrecisionFormat(i.FRAGMENT_SHADER,i.MEDIUM_FLOAT).precision>0?"mediump":"lowp"}let l=e.precision!==void 0?e.precision:"highp",u=c(l);u!==l&&(console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer:",l,"not supported, using",u,"instead."),l=u);let h=e.logarithmicDepthBuffer===!0,f=e.reverseDepthBuffer===!0&&t.has("EXT_clip_control"),d=i.getParameter(i.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS),_=i.getParameter(i.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS),g=i.getParameter(i.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE),m=i.getParameter(i.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE),p=i.getParameter(i.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS),w=i.getParameter(i.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS),b=i.getParameter(i.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS),M=i.getParameter(i.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS),D=_>0,P=i.getParameter(i.MAX_SAMPLES);return{isWebGL2:!0,getMaxAnisotropy:s,getMaxPrecision:c,textureFormatReadable:a,textureTypeReadable:o,precision:l,logarithmicDepthBuffer:h,reverseDepthBuffer:f,maxTextures:d,maxVertexTextures:_,maxTextureSize:g,maxCubemapSize:m,maxAttributes:p,maxVertexUniforms:w,maxVaryings:b,maxFragmentUniforms:M,vertexTextures:D,maxSamples:P}}function a_(i){let t=this,e=null,n=0,r=!1,s=!1,a=new Qe,o=new Vt,c={value:null,needsUpdate:!1};this.uniform=c,this.numPlanes=0,this.numIntersection=0,this.init=function(h,f){let d=h.length!==0||f||n!==0||r;return r=f,n=h.length,d},this.beginShadows=function(){s=!0,u(null)},this.endShadows=function(){s=!1},this.setGlobalState=function(h,f){e=u(h,f,0)},this.setState=function(h,f,d){let _=h.clippingPlanes,g=h.clipIntersection,m=h.clipShadows,p=i.get(h);if(!r||_===null||_.length===0||s&&!m)s?u(null):l();else{let w=s?0:n,b=w*4,M=p.clippingState||null;c.value=M,M=u(_,f,b,d);for(let D=0;D!==b;++D)M[D]=e[D];p.clippingState=M,this.numIntersection=g?this.numPlanes:0,this.numPlanes+=w}};function l(){c.value!==e&&(c.value=e,c.needsUpdate=n>0),t.numPlanes=n,t.numIntersection=0}function u(h,f,d,_){let g=h!==null?h.length:0,m=null;if(g!==0){if(m=c.value,_!==!0||m===null){let p=d+g*4,w=f.matrixWorldInverse;o.getNormalMatrix(w),(m===null||m.length0){let l=new qa(c.height);return l.fromEquirectangularTexture(i,a),t.set(a,l),a.addEventListener("dispose",r),e(l.texture,a.mapping)}else return null}}return a}function r(a){let o=a.target;o.removeEventListener("dispose",r);let c=t.get(o);c!==void 0&&(t.delete(o),c.dispose())}function s(){t=new WeakMap}return{get:n,dispose:s}}var Cr=4,cd=[.125,.215,.35,.446,.526,.582],Oi=20,Il=new wr,ld=new kt,Rl=null,Pl=0,Dl=0,Ll=!1,Ui=(1+Math.sqrt(5))/2,Tr=1/Ui,hd=[new G(-Ui,Tr,0),new G(Ui,Tr,0),new G(-Tr,0,Ui),new G(Tr,0,Ui),new G(0,Ui,-Tr),new G(0,Ui,Tr),new G(-1,1,-1),new G(1,1,-1),new G(-1,1,1),new G(1,1,1)],rc=class{constructor(t){this._renderer=t,this._pingPongRenderTarget=null,this._lodMax=0,this._cubeSize=0,this._lodPlanes=[],this._sizeLods=[],this._sigmas=[],this._blurMaterial=null,this._cubemapMaterial=null,this._equirectMaterial=null,this._compileMaterial(this._blurMaterial)}fromScene(t,e=0,n=.1,r=100){Rl=this._renderer.getRenderTarget(),Pl=this._renderer.getActiveCubeFace(),Dl=this._renderer.getActiveMipmapLevel(),Ll=this._renderer.xr.enabled,this._renderer.xr.enabled=!1,this._setSize(256);let s=this._allocateTargets();return s.depthBuffer=!0,this._sceneToCubeUV(t,n,r,s),e>0&&this._blur(s,0,0,e),this._applyPMREM(s),this._cleanup(s),s}fromEquirectangular(t,e=null){return this._fromTexture(t,e)}fromCubemap(t,e=null){return this._fromTexture(t,e)}compileCubemapShader(){this._cubemapMaterial===null&&(this._cubemapMaterial=fd(),this._compileMaterial(this._cubemapMaterial))}compileEquirectangularShader(){this._equirectMaterial===null&&(this._equirectMaterial=dd(),this._compileMaterial(this._equirectMaterial))}dispose(){this._dispose(),this._cubemapMaterial!==null&&this._cubemapMaterial.dispose(),this._equirectMaterial!==null&&this._equirectMaterial.dispose()}_setSize(t){this._lodMax=Math.floor(Math.log2(t)),this._cubeSize=Math.pow(2,this._lodMax)}_dispose(){this._blurMaterial!==null&&this._blurMaterial.dispose(),this._pingPongRenderTarget!==null&&this._pingPongRenderTarget.dispose();for(let t=0;t2?b:0,b,b),u.setRenderTarget(r),g&&u.render(_,o),u.render(t,o)}_.geometry.dispose(),_.material.dispose(),u.toneMapping=f,u.autoClear=h,t.background=m}_textureToCubeUV(t,e){let n=this._renderer,r=t.mapping===Ai||t.mapping===Ti;r?(this._cubemapMaterial===null&&(this._cubemapMaterial=fd()),this._cubemapMaterial.uniforms.flipEnvMap.value=t.isRenderTargetTexture===!1?-1:1):this._equirectMaterial===null&&(this._equirectMaterial=dd());let s=r?this._cubemapMaterial:this._equirectMaterial,a=new _e(this._lodPlanes[0],s),o=s.uniforms;o.envMap.value=t;let c=this._cubeSize;nc(e,0,0,3*c,2*c),n.setRenderTarget(e),n.render(a,Il)}_applyPMREM(t){let e=this._renderer,n=e.autoClear;e.autoClear=!1;let r=this._lodPlanes.length;for(let s=1;sOi&&console.warn(`sigmaRadians, ${s}, is too large and will clip, as it requested ${m} samples when the maximum is set to ${Oi}`);let p=[],w=0;for(let E=0;Eb-Cr?r-b+Cr:0),P=4*(this._cubeSize-M);nc(e,D,P,3*M,2*M),c.setRenderTarget(e),c.render(h,Il)}};function c_(i){let t=[],e=[],n=[],r=i,s=i-Cr+1+cd.length;for(let a=0;ai-Cr?c=cd[a-i+Cr-1]:a===0&&(c=0),n.push(c);let l=1/(o-2),u=-l,h=1+l,f=[u,u,h,u,h,h,u,u,h,h,u,h],d=6,_=6,g=3,m=2,p=1,w=new Float32Array(g*_*d),b=new Float32Array(m*_*d),M=new Float32Array(p*_*d);for(let P=0;P2?0:-1,T=[E,U,0,E+2/3,U,0,E+2/3,U+1,0,E,U,0,E+2/3,U+1,0,E,U+1,0];w.set(T,g*_*P),b.set(f,m*_*P);let x=[P,P,P,P,P,P];M.set(x,p*_*P)}let D=new ve;D.setAttribute("position",new ye(w,g)),D.setAttribute("uv",new ye(b,m)),D.setAttribute("faceIndex",new ye(M,p)),t.push(D),r>Cr&&r--}return{lodPlanes:t,sizeLods:e,sigmas:n}}function ud(i,t,e){let n=new xn(i,t,e);return n.texture.mapping=zs,n.texture.name="PMREM.cubeUv",n.scissorTest=!0,n}function nc(i,t,e,n,r){i.viewport.set(t,e,n,r),i.scissor.set(t,e,n,r)}function l_(i,t,e){let n=new Float32Array(Oi),r=new G(0,1,0);return new Ke({name:"SphericalGaussianBlur",defines:{n:Oi,CUBEUV_TEXEL_WIDTH:1/t,CUBEUV_TEXEL_HEIGHT:1/e,CUBEUV_MAX_MIP:`${i}.0`},uniforms:{envMap:{value:null},samples:{value:1},weights:{value:n},latitudinal:{value:!1},dTheta:{value:0},mipInt:{value:0},poleAxis:{value:r}},vertexShader:Gl(),fragmentShader:` + + precision mediump float; + precision mediump int; + + varying vec3 vOutputDirection; + + uniform sampler2D envMap; + uniform int samples; + uniform float weights[ n ]; + uniform bool latitudinal; + uniform float dTheta; + uniform float mipInt; + uniform vec3 poleAxis; + + #define ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV + #include + + vec3 getSample( float theta, vec3 axis ) { + + float cosTheta = cos( theta ); + // Rodrigues' axis-angle rotation + vec3 sampleDirection = vOutputDirection * cosTheta + + cross( axis, vOutputDirection ) * sin( theta ) + + axis * dot( axis, vOutputDirection ) * ( 1.0 - cosTheta ); + + return bilinearCubeUV( envMap, sampleDirection, mipInt ); + + } + + void main() { + + vec3 axis = latitudinal ? poleAxis : cross( poleAxis, vOutputDirection ); + + if ( all( equal( axis, vec3( 0.0 ) ) ) ) { + + axis = vec3( vOutputDirection.z, 0.0, - vOutputDirection.x ); + + } + + axis = normalize( axis ); + + gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); + gl_FragColor.rgb += weights[ 0 ] * getSample( 0.0, axis ); + + for ( int i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { + + if ( i >= samples ) { + + break; + + } + + float theta = dTheta * float( i ); + gl_FragColor.rgb += weights[ i ] * getSample( -1.0 * theta, axis ); + gl_FragColor.rgb += weights[ i ] * getSample( theta, axis ); + + } + + } + `,blending:Vn,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1})}function dd(){return new Ke({name:"EquirectangularToCubeUV",uniforms:{envMap:{value:null}},vertexShader:Gl(),fragmentShader:` + + precision mediump float; + precision mediump int; + + varying vec3 vOutputDirection; + + uniform sampler2D envMap; + + #include + + void main() { + + vec3 outputDirection = normalize( vOutputDirection ); + vec2 uv = equirectUv( outputDirection ); + + gl_FragColor = vec4( texture2D ( envMap, uv ).rgb, 1.0 ); + + } + `,blending:Vn,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1})}function fd(){return new Ke({name:"CubemapToCubeUV",uniforms:{envMap:{value:null},flipEnvMap:{value:-1}},vertexShader:Gl(),fragmentShader:` + + precision mediump float; + precision mediump int; + + uniform float flipEnvMap; + + varying vec3 vOutputDirection; + + uniform samplerCube envMap; + + void main() { + + gl_FragColor = textureCube( envMap, vec3( flipEnvMap * vOutputDirection.x, vOutputDirection.yz ) ); + + } + `,blending:Vn,depthTest:!1,depthWrite:!1})}function Gl(){return` + + precision mediump float; + precision mediump int; + + attribute float faceIndex; + + varying vec3 vOutputDirection; + + // RH coordinate system; PMREM face-indexing convention + vec3 getDirection( vec2 uv, float face ) { + + uv = 2.0 * uv - 1.0; + + vec3 direction = vec3( uv, 1.0 ); + + if ( face == 0.0 ) { + + direction = direction.zyx; // ( 1, v, u ) pos x + + } else if ( face == 1.0 ) { + + direction = direction.xzy; + direction.xz *= -1.0; // ( -u, 1, -v ) pos y + + } else if ( face == 2.0 ) { + + direction.x *= -1.0; // ( -u, v, 1 ) pos z + + } else if ( face == 3.0 ) { + + direction = direction.zyx; + direction.xz *= -1.0; // ( -1, v, -u ) neg x + + } else if ( face == 4.0 ) { + + direction = direction.xzy; + direction.xy *= -1.0; // ( -u, -1, v ) neg y + + } else if ( face == 5.0 ) { + + direction.z *= -1.0; // ( u, v, -1 ) neg z + + } + + return direction; + + } + + void main() { + + vOutputDirection = getDirection( uv, faceIndex ); + gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 ); + + } + `}function h_(i){let t=new WeakMap,e=null;function n(o){if(o&&o.isTexture){let c=o.mapping,l=c===vo||c===bo,u=c===Ai||c===Ti;if(l||u){let h=t.get(o),f=h!==void 0?h.texture.pmremVersion:0;if(o.isRenderTargetTexture&&o.pmremVersion!==f)return e===null&&(e=new rc(i)),h=l?e.fromEquirectangular(o,h):e.fromCubemap(o,h),h.texture.pmremVersion=o.pmremVersion,t.set(o,h),h.texture;if(h!==void 0)return h.texture;{let d=o.image;return l&&d&&d.height>0||u&&d&&r(d)?(e===null&&(e=new rc(i)),h=l?e.fromEquirectangular(o):e.fromCubemap(o),h.texture.pmremVersion=o.pmremVersion,t.set(o,h),o.addEventListener("dispose",s),h.texture):null}}}return o}function r(o){let c=0,l=6;for(let u=0;ut.maxTextureSize&&(D=Math.ceil(M/t.maxTextureSize),M=t.maxTextureSize);let P=new Float32Array(M*D*4*h),E=new _s(P,M,D,h);E.type=Mn,E.needsUpdate=!0;let U=b*4;for(let x=0;x0)return i;let r=t*e,s=md[r];if(s===void 0&&(s=new Float32Array(r),md[r]=s),t!==0){n.toArray(s,0);for(let a=1,o=0;a!==t;++a)o+=e,i[a].toArray(s,o)}return s}function be(i,t){if(i.length!==t.length)return!1;for(let e=0,n=i.length;e":" "} ${o}: ${e[a]}`)}return n.join(` +`)}var Sd=new Vt;function og(i){$t._getMatrix(Sd,$t.workingColorSpace,i);let t=`mat3( ${Sd.elements.map(e=>e.toFixed(4))} )`;switch($t.getTransfer(i)){case fs:return[t,"LinearTransferOETF"];case ae:return[t,"sRGBTransferOETF"];default:return console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram: Unsupported color space: ",i),[t,"LinearTransferOETF"]}}function wd(i,t,e){let n=i.getShaderParameter(t,i.COMPILE_STATUS),r=i.getShaderInfoLog(t).trim();if(n&&r==="")return"";let s=/ERROR: 0:(\d+)/.exec(r);if(s){let a=parseInt(s[1]);return e.toUpperCase()+` + +`+r+` + +`+ag(i.getShaderSource(t),a)}else return r}function cg(i,t){let e=og(t);return[`vec4 ${i}( vec4 value ) {`,` return ${e[1]}( vec4( value.rgb * ${e[0]}, value.a ) );`,"}"].join(` +`)}function lg(i,t){let e;switch(t){case Bu:e="Linear";break;case Nu:e="Reinhard";break;case zu:e="Cineon";break;case ku:e="ACESFilmic";break;case Hu:e="AgX";break;case Gu:e="Neutral";break;case Vu:e="Custom";break;default:console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram: Unsupported toneMapping:",t),e="Linear"}return"vec3 "+i+"( vec3 color ) { return "+e+"ToneMapping( color ); }"}var ic=new G;function hg(){$t.getLuminanceCoefficients(ic);let i=ic.x.toFixed(4),t=ic.y.toFixed(4),e=ic.z.toFixed(4);return["float luminance( const in vec3 rgb ) {",` const vec3 weights = vec3( ${i}, ${t}, ${e} );`," return dot( weights, rgb );","}"].join(` +`)}function ug(i){return[i.extensionClipCullDistance?"#extension GL_ANGLE_clip_cull_distance : require":"",i.extensionMultiDraw?"#extension GL_ANGLE_multi_draw : require":""].filter(Ys).join(` +`)}function dg(i){let t=[];for(let e in i){let n=i[e];n!==!1&&t.push("#define "+e+" "+n)}return t.join(` +`)}function fg(i,t){let e={},n=i.getProgramParameter(t,i.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES);for(let r=0;r/gm;function Nl(i){return i.replace(pg,_g)}var mg=new Map;function _g(i,t){let e=Gt[t];if(e===void 0){let n=mg.get(t);if(n!==void 0)e=Gt[n],console.warn('THREE.WebGLRenderer: Shader chunk "%s" has been deprecated. Use "%s" instead.',t,n);else throw new Error("Can not resolve #include <"+t+">")}return Nl(e)}var gg=/#pragma unroll_loop_start\s+for\s*\(\s*int\s+i\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*;\s*i\s*<\s*(\d+)\s*;\s*i\s*\+\+\s*\)\s*{([\s\S]+?)}\s+#pragma unroll_loop_end/g;function Ad(i){return i.replace(gg,xg)}function xg(i,t,e,n){let r="";for(let s=parseInt(t);s0&&(m+=` +`),p=["#define SHADER_TYPE "+e.shaderType,"#define SHADER_NAME "+e.shaderName,_].filter(Ys).join(` +`),p.length>0&&(p+=` +`)):(m=[Td(e),"#define SHADER_TYPE "+e.shaderType,"#define SHADER_NAME "+e.shaderName,_,e.extensionClipCullDistance?"#define USE_CLIP_DISTANCE":"",e.batching?"#define USE_BATCHING":"",e.batchingColor?"#define USE_BATCHING_COLOR":"",e.instancing?"#define USE_INSTANCING":"",e.instancingColor?"#define USE_INSTANCING_COLOR":"",e.instancingMorph?"#define USE_INSTANCING_MORPH":"",e.useFog&&e.fog?"#define USE_FOG":"",e.useFog&&e.fogExp2?"#define FOG_EXP2":"",e.map?"#define USE_MAP":"",e.envMap?"#define USE_ENVMAP":"",e.envMap?"#define "+u:"",e.lightMap?"#define USE_LIGHTMAP":"",e.aoMap?"#define USE_AOMAP":"",e.bumpMap?"#define USE_BUMPMAP":"",e.normalMap?"#define USE_NORMALMAP":"",e.normalMapObjectSpace?"#define USE_NORMALMAP_OBJECTSPACE":"",e.normalMapTangentSpace?"#define USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE":"",e.displacementMap?"#define USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP":"",e.emissiveMap?"#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP":"",e.anisotropy?"#define USE_ANISOTROPY":"",e.anisotropyMap?"#define USE_ANISOTROPYMAP":"",e.clearcoatMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOATMAP":"",e.clearcoatRoughnessMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",e.clearcoatNormalMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP":"",e.iridescenceMap?"#define USE_IRIDESCENCEMAP":"",e.iridescenceThicknessMap?"#define USE_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP":"",e.specularMap?"#define USE_SPECULARMAP":"",e.specularColorMap?"#define USE_SPECULAR_COLORMAP":"",e.specularIntensityMap?"#define USE_SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP":"",e.roughnessMap?"#define USE_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",e.metalnessMap?"#define USE_METALNESSMAP":"",e.alphaMap?"#define USE_ALPHAMAP":"",e.alphaHash?"#define USE_ALPHAHASH":"",e.transmission?"#define USE_TRANSMISSION":"",e.transmissionMap?"#define USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP":"",e.thicknessMap?"#define USE_THICKNESSMAP":"",e.sheenColorMap?"#define USE_SHEEN_COLORMAP":"",e.sheenRoughnessMap?"#define USE_SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",e.mapUv?"#define MAP_UV "+e.mapUv:"",e.alphaMapUv?"#define ALPHAMAP_UV "+e.alphaMapUv:"",e.lightMapUv?"#define LIGHTMAP_UV "+e.lightMapUv:"",e.aoMapUv?"#define AOMAP_UV "+e.aoMapUv:"",e.emissiveMapUv?"#define EMISSIVEMAP_UV "+e.emissiveMapUv:"",e.bumpMapUv?"#define BUMPMAP_UV "+e.bumpMapUv:"",e.normalMapUv?"#define NORMALMAP_UV "+e.normalMapUv:"",e.displacementMapUv?"#define DISPLACEMENTMAP_UV "+e.displacementMapUv:"",e.metalnessMapUv?"#define METALNESSMAP_UV "+e.metalnessMapUv:"",e.roughnessMapUv?"#define ROUGHNESSMAP_UV "+e.roughnessMapUv:"",e.anisotropyMapUv?"#define ANISOTROPYMAP_UV "+e.anisotropyMapUv:"",e.clearcoatMapUv?"#define CLEARCOATMAP_UV "+e.clearcoatMapUv:"",e.clearcoatNormalMapUv?"#define CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP_UV "+e.clearcoatNormalMapUv:"",e.clearcoatRoughnessMapUv?"#define CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP_UV "+e.clearcoatRoughnessMapUv:"",e.iridescenceMapUv?"#define IRIDESCENCEMAP_UV "+e.iridescenceMapUv:"",e.iridescenceThicknessMapUv?"#define IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP_UV "+e.iridescenceThicknessMapUv:"",e.sheenColorMapUv?"#define SHEEN_COLORMAP_UV "+e.sheenColorMapUv:"",e.sheenRoughnessMapUv?"#define SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP_UV "+e.sheenRoughnessMapUv:"",e.specularMapUv?"#define SPECULARMAP_UV "+e.specularMapUv:"",e.specularColorMapUv?"#define SPECULAR_COLORMAP_UV "+e.specularColorMapUv:"",e.specularIntensityMapUv?"#define SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP_UV "+e.specularIntensityMapUv:"",e.transmissionMapUv?"#define TRANSMISSIONMAP_UV "+e.transmissionMapUv:"",e.thicknessMapUv?"#define THICKNESSMAP_UV "+e.thicknessMapUv:"",e.vertexTangents&&e.flatShading===!1?"#define USE_TANGENT":"",e.vertexColors?"#define USE_COLOR":"",e.vertexAlphas?"#define USE_COLOR_ALPHA":"",e.vertexUv1s?"#define USE_UV1":"",e.vertexUv2s?"#define USE_UV2":"",e.vertexUv3s?"#define USE_UV3":"",e.pointsUvs?"#define USE_POINTS_UV":"",e.flatShading?"#define FLAT_SHADED":"",e.skinning?"#define USE_SKINNING":"",e.morphTargets?"#define USE_MORPHTARGETS":"",e.morphNormals&&e.flatShading===!1?"#define USE_MORPHNORMALS":"",e.morphColors?"#define USE_MORPHCOLORS":"",e.morphTargetsCount>0?"#define MORPHTARGETS_TEXTURE_STRIDE "+e.morphTextureStride:"",e.morphTargetsCount>0?"#define MORPHTARGETS_COUNT "+e.morphTargetsCount:"",e.doubleSided?"#define DOUBLE_SIDED":"",e.flipSided?"#define FLIP_SIDED":"",e.shadowMapEnabled?"#define USE_SHADOWMAP":"",e.shadowMapEnabled?"#define "+c:"",e.sizeAttenuation?"#define USE_SIZEATTENUATION":"",e.numLightProbes>0?"#define USE_LIGHT_PROBES":"",e.logarithmicDepthBuffer?"#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF":"",e.reverseDepthBuffer?"#define 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"+e.shaderType,"#define SHADER_NAME "+e.shaderName,_,e.useFog&&e.fog?"#define USE_FOG":"",e.useFog&&e.fogExp2?"#define FOG_EXP2":"",e.alphaToCoverage?"#define ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE":"",e.map?"#define USE_MAP":"",e.matcap?"#define USE_MATCAP":"",e.envMap?"#define USE_ENVMAP":"",e.envMap?"#define "+l:"",e.envMap?"#define "+u:"",e.envMap?"#define "+h:"",f?"#define CUBEUV_TEXEL_WIDTH "+f.texelWidth:"",f?"#define CUBEUV_TEXEL_HEIGHT "+f.texelHeight:"",f?"#define CUBEUV_MAX_MIP "+f.maxMip+".0":"",e.lightMap?"#define USE_LIGHTMAP":"",e.aoMap?"#define USE_AOMAP":"",e.bumpMap?"#define USE_BUMPMAP":"",e.normalMap?"#define USE_NORMALMAP":"",e.normalMapObjectSpace?"#define USE_NORMALMAP_OBJECTSPACE":"",e.normalMapTangentSpace?"#define USE_NORMALMAP_TANGENTSPACE":"",e.emissiveMap?"#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP":"",e.anisotropy?"#define USE_ANISOTROPY":"",e.anisotropyMap?"#define USE_ANISOTROPYMAP":"",e.clearcoat?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT":"",e.clearcoatMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOATMAP":"",e.clearcoatRoughnessMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",e.clearcoatNormalMap?"#define USE_CLEARCOAT_NORMALMAP":"",e.dispersion?"#define USE_DISPERSION":"",e.iridescence?"#define USE_IRIDESCENCE":"",e.iridescenceMap?"#define USE_IRIDESCENCEMAP":"",e.iridescenceThicknessMap?"#define USE_IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESSMAP":"",e.specularMap?"#define USE_SPECULARMAP":"",e.specularColorMap?"#define USE_SPECULAR_COLORMAP":"",e.specularIntensityMap?"#define USE_SPECULAR_INTENSITYMAP":"",e.roughnessMap?"#define USE_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",e.metalnessMap?"#define USE_METALNESSMAP":"",e.alphaMap?"#define USE_ALPHAMAP":"",e.alphaTest?"#define USE_ALPHATEST":"",e.alphaHash?"#define USE_ALPHAHASH":"",e.sheen?"#define USE_SHEEN":"",e.sheenColorMap?"#define USE_SHEEN_COLORMAP":"",e.sheenRoughnessMap?"#define USE_SHEEN_ROUGHNESSMAP":"",e.transmission?"#define USE_TRANSMISSION":"",e.transmissionMap?"#define USE_TRANSMISSIONMAP":"",e.thicknessMap?"#define USE_THICKNESSMAP":"",e.vertexTangents&&e.flatShading===!1?"#define USE_TANGENT":"",e.vertexColors||e.instancingColor||e.batchingColor?"#define USE_COLOR":"",e.vertexAlphas?"#define USE_COLOR_ALPHA":"",e.vertexUv1s?"#define USE_UV1":"",e.vertexUv2s?"#define USE_UV2":"",e.vertexUv3s?"#define USE_UV3":"",e.pointsUvs?"#define USE_POINTS_UV":"",e.gradientMap?"#define USE_GRADIENTMAP":"",e.flatShading?"#define FLAT_SHADED":"",e.doubleSided?"#define DOUBLE_SIDED":"",e.flipSided?"#define FLIP_SIDED":"",e.shadowMapEnabled?"#define USE_SHADOWMAP":"",e.shadowMapEnabled?"#define "+c:"",e.premultipliedAlpha?"#define PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA":"",e.numLightProbes>0?"#define USE_LIGHT_PROBES":"",e.decodeVideoTexture?"#define DECODE_VIDEO_TEXTURE":"",e.decodeVideoTextureEmissive?"#define DECODE_VIDEO_TEXTURE_EMISSIVE":"",e.logarithmicDepthBuffer?"#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF":"",e.reverseDepthBuffer?"#define USE_REVERSEDEPTHBUF":"","uniform mat4 viewMatrix;","uniform vec3 cameraPosition;","uniform bool isOrthographic;",e.toneMapping!==Hn?"#define TONE_MAPPING":"",e.toneMapping!==Hn?Gt.tonemapping_pars_fragment:"",e.toneMapping!==Hn?lg("toneMapping",e.toneMapping):"",e.dithering?"#define DITHERING":"",e.opaque?"#define OPAQUE":"",Gt.colorspace_pars_fragment,cg("linearToOutputTexel",e.outputColorSpace),hg(),e.useDepthPacking?"#define DEPTH_PACKING "+e.depthPacking:"",` +`].filter(Ys).join(` +`)),a=Nl(a),a=Md(a,e),a=Ed(a,e),o=Nl(o),o=Md(o,e),o=Ed(o,e),a=Ad(a),o=Ad(o),e.isRawShaderMaterial!==!0&&(w=`#version 300 es +`,m=[d,"#define attribute in","#define varying out","#define texture2D texture"].join(` +`)+` +`+m,p=["#define varying in",e.glslVersion===Sl?"":"layout(location = 0) out highp vec4 pc_fragColor;",e.glslVersion===Sl?"":"#define gl_FragColor pc_fragColor","#define gl_FragDepthEXT gl_FragDepth","#define texture2D texture","#define textureCube texture","#define texture2DProj textureProj","#define texture2DLodEXT textureLod","#define texture2DProjLodEXT textureProjLod","#define textureCubeLodEXT textureLod","#define texture2DGradEXT textureGrad","#define texture2DProjGradEXT textureProjGrad","#define textureCubeGradEXT textureGrad"].join(` +`)+` +`+p);let b=w+m+a,M=w+p+o,D=bd(r,r.VERTEX_SHADER,b),P=bd(r,r.FRAGMENT_SHADER,M);r.attachShader(g,D),r.attachShader(g,P),e.index0AttributeName!==void 0?r.bindAttribLocation(g,0,e.index0AttributeName):e.morphTargets===!0&&r.bindAttribLocation(g,0,"position"),r.linkProgram(g);function E(C){if(i.debug.checkShaderErrors){let y=r.getProgramInfoLog(g).trim(),O=r.getShaderInfoLog(D).trim(),q=r.getShaderInfoLog(P).trim(),H=!0,$=!0;if(r.getProgramParameter(g,r.LINK_STATUS)===!1)if(H=!1,typeof i.debug.onShaderError=="function")i.debug.onShaderError(r,g,D,P);else{let X=wd(r,D,"vertex"),Z=wd(r,P,"fragment");console.error("THREE.WebGLProgram: Shader Error "+r.getError()+" - VALIDATE_STATUS "+r.getProgramParameter(g,r.VALIDATE_STATUS)+` + +Material Name: `+C.name+` +Material Type: `+C.type+` + +Program Info Log: `+y+` +`+X+` +`+Z)}else y!==""?console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram: Program Info Log:",y):(O===""||q==="")&&($=!1);$&&(C.diagnostics={runnable:H,programLog:y,vertexShader:{log:O,prefix:m},fragmentShader:{log:q,prefix:p}})}r.deleteShader(D),r.deleteShader(P),U=new Ir(r,g),T=fg(r,g)}let U;this.getUniforms=function(){return U===void 0&&E(this),U};let T;this.getAttributes=function(){return T===void 0&&E(this),T};let x=e.rendererExtensionParallelShaderCompile===!1;return this.isReady=function(){return x===!1&&(x=r.getProgramParameter(g,rg)),x},this.destroy=function(){n.releaseStatesOfProgram(this),r.deleteProgram(g),this.program=void 0},this.type=e.shaderType,this.name=e.shaderName,this.id=sg++,this.cacheKey=t,this.usedTimes=1,this.program=g,this.vertexShader=D,this.fragmentShader=P,this}var Eg=0,zl=class{constructor(){this.shaderCache=new Map,this.materialCache=new Map}update(t){let e=t.vertexShader,n=t.fragmentShader,r=this._getShaderStage(e),s=this._getShaderStage(n),a=this._getShaderCacheForMaterial(t);return a.has(r)===!1&&(a.add(r),r.usedTimes++),a.has(s)===!1&&(a.add(s),s.usedTimes++),this}remove(t){let e=this.materialCache.get(t);for(let n of e)n.usedTimes--,n.usedTimes===0&&this.shaderCache.delete(n.code);return this.materialCache.delete(t),this}getVertexShaderID(t){return this._getShaderStage(t.vertexShader).id}getFragmentShaderID(t){return this._getShaderStage(t.fragmentShader).id}dispose(){this.shaderCache.clear(),this.materialCache.clear()}_getShaderCacheForMaterial(t){let e=this.materialCache,n=e.get(t);return n===void 0&&(n=new Set,e.set(t,n)),n}_getShaderStage(t){let e=this.shaderCache,n=e.get(t);return n===void 0&&(n=new kl(t),e.set(t,n)),n}},kl=class{constructor(t){this.id=Eg++,this.code=t,this.usedTimes=0}};function Ag(i,t,e,n,r,s,a){let o=new yr,c=new zl,l=new Set,u=[],h=r.logarithmicDepthBuffer,f=r.vertexTextures,d=r.precision,_={MeshDepthMaterial:"depth",MeshDistanceMaterial:"distanceRGBA",MeshNormalMaterial:"normal",MeshBasicMaterial:"basic",MeshLambertMaterial:"lambert",MeshPhongMaterial:"phong",MeshToonMaterial:"toon",MeshStandardMaterial:"physical",MeshPhysicalMaterial:"physical",MeshMatcapMaterial:"matcap",LineBasicMaterial:"basic",LineDashedMaterial:"dashed",PointsMaterial:"points",ShadowMaterial:"shadow",SpriteMaterial:"sprite"};function g(T){return l.add(T),T===0?"uv":`uv${T}`}function m(T,x,C,y,O){let q=y.fog,H=O.geometry,$=T.isMeshStandardMaterial?y.environment:null,X=(T.isMeshStandardMaterial?e:t).get(T.envMap||$),Z=X&&X.mapping===zs?X.image.height:null,k=_[T.type];T.precision!==null&&(d=r.getMaxPrecision(T.precision),d!==T.precision&&console.warn("THREE.WebGLProgram.getParameters:",T.precision,"not supported, using",d,"instead."));let N=H.morphAttributes.position||H.morphAttributes.normal||H.morphAttributes.color,ut=N!==void 0?N.length:0,ht=0;H.morphAttributes.position!==void 0&&(ht=1),H.morphAttributes.normal!==void 0&&(ht=2),H.morphAttributes.color!==void 0&&(ht=3);let ct,rt,pt,mt;if(k){let re=Ve[k];ct=re.vertexShader,rt=re.fragmentShader}else ct=T.vertexShader,rt=T.fragmentShader,c.update(T),pt=c.getVertexShaderID(T),mt=c.getFragmentShaderID(T);let ft=i.getRenderTarget(),At=i.state.buffers.depth.getReversed(),It=O.isInstancedMesh===!0,Ft=O.isBatchedMesh===!0,Yt=!!T.map,v=!!T.matcap,it=!!X,I=!!T.aoMap,F=!!T.lightMap,L=!!T.bumpMap,z=!!T.normalMap,Q=!!T.displacementMap,at=!!T.emissiveMap,V=!!T.metalnessMap,A=!!T.roughnessMap,S=T.anisotropy>0,B=T.clearcoat>0,j=T.dispersion>0,ot=T.iridescence>0,tt=T.sheen>0,wt=T.transmission>0,yt=S&&!!T.anisotropyMap,vt=B&&!!T.clearcoatMap,Wt=B&&!!T.clearcoatNormalMap,lt=B&&!!T.clearcoatRoughnessMap,Et=ot&&!!T.iridescenceMap,Lt=ot&&!!T.iridescenceThicknessMap,Pt=tt&&!!T.sheenColorMap,Tt=tt&&!!T.sheenRoughnessMap,qt=!!T.specularMap,zt=!!T.specularColorMap,oe=!!T.specularIntensityMap,W=wt&&!!T.transmissionMap,xt=wt&&!!T.thicknessMap,st=!!T.gradientMap,dt=!!T.alphaMap,Mt=T.alphaTest>0,St=!!T.alphaHash,Ht=!!T.extensions,pe=Hn;T.toneMapped&&(ft===null||ft.isXRRenderTarget===!0)&&(pe=i.toneMapping);let Le={shaderID:k,shaderType:T.type,shaderName:T.name,vertexShader:ct,fragmentShader:rt,defines:T.defines,customVertexShaderID:pt,customFragmentShaderID:mt,isRawShaderMaterial:T.isRawShaderMaterial===!0,glslVersion:T.glslVersion,precision:d,batching:Ft,batchingColor:Ft&&O._colorsTexture!==null,instancing:It,instancingColor:It&&O.instanceColor!==null,instancingMorph:It&&O.morphTexture!==null,supportsVertexTextures:f,outputColorSpace:ft===null?i.outputColorSpace:ft.isXRRenderTarget===!0?ft.texture.colorSpace:bi,alphaToCoverage:!!T.alphaToCoverage,map:Yt,matcap:v,envMap:it,envMapMode:it&&X.mapping,envMapCubeUVHeight:Z,aoMap:I,lightMap:F,bumpMap:L,normalMap:z,displacementMap:f&&Q,emissiveMap:at,normalMapObjectSpace:z&&T.normalMapType===Yu,normalMapTangentSpace:z&&T.normalMapType===vl,metalnessMap:V,roughnessMap:A,anisotropy:S,anisotropyMap:yt,clearcoat:B,clearcoatMap:vt,clearcoatNormalMap:Wt,clearcoatRoughnessMap:lt,dispersion:j,iridescence:ot,iridescenceMap:Et,iridescenceThicknessMap:Lt,sheen:tt,sheenColorMap:Pt,sheenRoughnessMap:Tt,specularMap:qt,specularColorMap:zt,specularIntensityMap:oe,transmission:wt,transmissionMap:W,thicknessMap:xt,gradientMap:st,opaque:T.transparent===!1&&T.blending===gi&&T.alphaToCoverage===!1,alphaMap:dt,alphaTest:Mt,alphaHash:St,combine:T.combine,mapUv:Yt&&g(T.map.channel),aoMapUv:I&&g(T.aoMap.channel),lightMapUv:F&&g(T.lightMap.channel),bumpMapUv:L&&g(T.bumpMap.channel),normalMapUv:z&&g(T.normalMap.channel),displacementMapUv:Q&&g(T.displacementMap.channel),emissiveMapUv:at&&g(T.emissiveMap.channel),metalnessMapUv:V&&g(T.metalnessMap.channel),roughnessMapUv:A&&g(T.roughnessMap.channel),anisotropyMapUv:yt&&g(T.anisotropyMap.channel),clearcoatMapUv:vt&&g(T.clearcoatMap.channel),clearcoatNormalMapUv:Wt&&g(T.clearcoatNormalMap.channel),clearcoatRoughnessMapUv:lt&&g(T.clearcoatRoughnessMap.channel),iridescenceMapUv:Et&&g(T.iridescenceMap.channel),iridescenceThicknessMapUv:Lt&&g(T.iridescenceThicknessMap.channel),sheenColorMapUv:Pt&&g(T.sheenColorMap.channel),sheenRoughnessMapUv:Tt&&g(T.sheenRoughnessMap.channel),specularMapUv:qt&&g(T.specularMap.channel),specularColorMapUv:zt&&g(T.specularColorMap.channel),specularIntensityMapUv:oe&&g(T.specularIntensityMap.channel),transmissionMapUv:W&&g(T.transmissionMap.channel),thicknessMapUv:xt&&g(T.thicknessMap.channel),alphaMapUv:dt&&g(T.alphaMap.channel),vertexTangents:!!H.attributes.tangent&&(z||S),vertexColors:T.vertexColors,vertexAlphas:T.vertexColors===!0&&!!H.attributes.color&&H.attributes.color.itemSize===4,pointsUvs:O.isPoints===!0&&!!H.attributes.uv&&(Yt||dt),fog:!!q,useFog:T.fog===!0,fogExp2:!!q&&q.isFogExp2,flatShading:T.flatShading===!0,sizeAttenuation:T.sizeAttenuation===!0,logarithmicDepthBuffer:h,reverseDepthBuffer:At,skinning:O.isSkinnedMesh===!0,morphTargets:H.morphAttributes.position!==void 0,morphNormals:H.morphAttributes.normal!==void 0,morphColors:H.morphAttributes.color!==void 0,morphTargetsCount:ut,morphTextureStride:ht,numDirLights:x.directional.length,numPointLights:x.point.length,numSpotLights:x.spot.length,numSpotLightMaps:x.spotLightMap.length,numRectAreaLights:x.rectArea.length,numHemiLights:x.hemi.length,numDirLightShadows:x.directionalShadowMap.length,numPointLightShadows:x.pointShadowMap.length,numSpotLightShadows:x.spotShadowMap.length,numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps:x.numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps,numLightProbes:x.numLightProbes,numClippingPlanes:a.numPlanes,numClipIntersection:a.numIntersection,dithering:T.dithering,shadowMapEnabled:i.shadowMap.enabled&&C.length>0,shadowMapType:i.shadowMap.type,toneMapping:pe,decodeVideoTexture:Yt&&T.map.isVideoTexture===!0&&$t.getTransfer(T.map.colorSpace)===ae,decodeVideoTextureEmissive:at&&T.emissiveMap.isVideoTexture===!0&&$t.getTransfer(T.emissiveMap.colorSpace)===ae,premultipliedAlpha:T.premultipliedAlpha,doubleSided:T.side===Sn,flipSided:T.side===Ie,useDepthPacking:T.depthPacking>=0,depthPacking:T.depthPacking||0,index0AttributeName:T.index0AttributeName,extensionClipCullDistance:Ht&&T.extensions.clipCullDistance===!0&&n.has("WEBGL_clip_cull_distance"),extensionMultiDraw:(Ht&&T.extensions.multiDraw===!0||Ft)&&n.has("WEBGL_multi_draw"),rendererExtensionParallelShaderCompile:n.has("KHR_parallel_shader_compile"),customProgramCacheKey:T.customProgramCacheKey()};return Le.vertexUv1s=l.has(1),Le.vertexUv2s=l.has(2),Le.vertexUv3s=l.has(3),l.clear(),Le}function p(T){let x=[];if(T.shaderID?x.push(T.shaderID):(x.push(T.customVertexShaderID),x.push(T.customFragmentShaderID)),T.defines!==void 0)for(let C in T.defines)x.push(C),x.push(T.defines[C]);return T.isRawShaderMaterial===!1&&(w(x,T),b(x,T),x.push(i.outputColorSpace)),x.push(T.customProgramCacheKey),x.join()}function w(T,x){T.push(x.precision),T.push(x.outputColorSpace),T.push(x.envMapMode),T.push(x.envMapCubeUVHeight),T.push(x.mapUv),T.push(x.alphaMapUv),T.push(x.lightMapUv),T.push(x.aoMapUv),T.push(x.bumpMapUv),T.push(x.normalMapUv),T.push(x.displacementMapUv),T.push(x.emissiveMapUv),T.push(x.metalnessMapUv),T.push(x.roughnessMapUv),T.push(x.anisotropyMapUv),T.push(x.clearcoatMapUv),T.push(x.clearcoatNormalMapUv),T.push(x.clearcoatRoughnessMapUv),T.push(x.iridescenceMapUv),T.push(x.iridescenceThicknessMapUv),T.push(x.sheenColorMapUv),T.push(x.sheenRoughnessMapUv),T.push(x.specularMapUv),T.push(x.specularColorMapUv),T.push(x.specularIntensityMapUv),T.push(x.transmissionMapUv),T.push(x.thicknessMapUv),T.push(x.combine),T.push(x.fogExp2),T.push(x.sizeAttenuation),T.push(x.morphTargetsCount),T.push(x.morphAttributeCount),T.push(x.numDirLights),T.push(x.numPointLights),T.push(x.numSpotLights),T.push(x.numSpotLightMaps),T.push(x.numHemiLights),T.push(x.numRectAreaLights),T.push(x.numDirLightShadows),T.push(x.numPointLightShadows),T.push(x.numSpotLightShadows),T.push(x.numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps),T.push(x.numLightProbes),T.push(x.shadowMapType),T.push(x.toneMapping),T.push(x.numClippingPlanes),T.push(x.numClipIntersection),T.push(x.depthPacking)}function b(T,x){o.disableAll(),x.supportsVertexTextures&&o.enable(0),x.instancing&&o.enable(1),x.instancingColor&&o.enable(2),x.instancingMorph&&o.enable(3),x.matcap&&o.enable(4),x.envMap&&o.enable(5),x.normalMapObjectSpace&&o.enable(6),x.normalMapTangentSpace&&o.enable(7),x.clearcoat&&o.enable(8),x.iridescence&&o.enable(9),x.alphaTest&&o.enable(10),x.vertexColors&&o.enable(11),x.vertexAlphas&&o.enable(12),x.vertexUv1s&&o.enable(13),x.vertexUv2s&&o.enable(14),x.vertexUv3s&&o.enable(15),x.vertexTangents&&o.enable(16),x.anisotropy&&o.enable(17),x.alphaHash&&o.enable(18),x.batching&&o.enable(19),x.dispersion&&o.enable(20),x.batchingColor&&o.enable(21),T.push(o.mask),o.disableAll(),x.fog&&o.enable(0),x.useFog&&o.enable(1),x.flatShading&&o.enable(2),x.logarithmicDepthBuffer&&o.enable(3),x.reverseDepthBuffer&&o.enable(4),x.skinning&&o.enable(5),x.morphTargets&&o.enable(6),x.morphNormals&&o.enable(7),x.morphColors&&o.enable(8),x.premultipliedAlpha&&o.enable(9),x.shadowMapEnabled&&o.enable(10),x.doubleSided&&o.enable(11),x.flipSided&&o.enable(12),x.useDepthPacking&&o.enable(13),x.dithering&&o.enable(14),x.transmission&&o.enable(15),x.sheen&&o.enable(16),x.opaque&&o.enable(17),x.pointsUvs&&o.enable(18),x.decodeVideoTexture&&o.enable(19),x.decodeVideoTextureEmissive&&o.enable(20),x.alphaToCoverage&&o.enable(21),T.push(o.mask)}function M(T){let x=_[T.type],C;if(x){let y=Ve[x];C=qs.clone(y.uniforms)}else C=T.uniforms;return C}function D(T,x){let C;for(let y=0,O=u.length;y0?n.push(p):d.transparent===!0?r.push(p):e.push(p)}function c(h,f,d,_,g,m){let p=a(h,f,d,_,g,m);d.transmission>0?n.unshift(p):d.transparent===!0?r.unshift(p):e.unshift(p)}function l(h,f){e.length>1&&e.sort(h||Cg),n.length>1&&n.sort(f||Cd),r.length>1&&r.sort(f||Cd)}function u(){for(let h=t,f=i.length;h=s.length?(a=new Id,s.push(a)):a=s[r],a}function e(){i=new WeakMap}return{get:t,dispose:e}}function Rg(){let i={};return{get:function(t){if(i[t.id]!==void 0)return i[t.id];let e;switch(t.type){case"DirectionalLight":e={direction:new G,color:new kt};break;case"SpotLight":e={position:new G,direction:new G,color:new kt,distance:0,coneCos:0,penumbraCos:0,decay:0};break;case"PointLight":e={position:new G,color:new kt,distance:0,decay:0};break;case"HemisphereLight":e={direction:new G,skyColor:new kt,groundColor:new kt};break;case"RectAreaLight":e={color:new kt,position:new G,halfWidth:new G,halfHeight:new G};break}return i[t.id]=e,e}}}function Pg(){let i={};return{get:function(t){if(i[t.id]!==void 0)return i[t.id];let e;switch(t.type){case"DirectionalLight":e={shadowIntensity:1,shadowBias:0,shadowNormalBias:0,shadowRadius:1,shadowMapSize:new Dt};break;case"SpotLight":e={shadowIntensity:1,shadowBias:0,shadowNormalBias:0,shadowRadius:1,shadowMapSize:new Dt};break;case"PointLight":e={shadowIntensity:1,shadowBias:0,shadowNormalBias:0,shadowRadius:1,shadowMapSize:new Dt,shadowCameraNear:1,shadowCameraFar:1e3};break}return i[t.id]=e,e}}}var Dg=0;function Lg(i,t){return(t.castShadow?2:0)-(i.castShadow?2:0)+(t.map?1:0)-(i.map?1:0)}function Ug(i){let t=new Rg,e=Pg(),n={version:0,hash:{directionalLength:-1,pointLength:-1,spotLength:-1,rectAreaLength:-1,hemiLength:-1,numDirectionalShadows:-1,numPointShadows:-1,numSpotShadows:-1,numSpotMaps:-1,numLightProbes:-1},ambient:[0,0,0],probe:[],directional:[],directionalShadow:[],directionalShadowMap:[],directionalShadowMatrix:[],spot:[],spotLightMap:[],spotShadow:[],spotShadowMap:[],spotLightMatrix:[],rectArea:[],rectAreaLTC1:null,rectAreaLTC2:null,point:[],pointShadow:[],pointShadowMap:[],pointShadowMatrix:[],hemi:[],numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps:0,numLightProbes:0};for(let l=0;l<9;l++)n.probe.push(new G);let r=new G,s=new he,a=new he;function o(l){let u=0,h=0,f=0;for(let T=0;T<9;T++)n.probe[T].set(0,0,0);let d=0,_=0,g=0,m=0,p=0,w=0,b=0,M=0,D=0,P=0,E=0;l.sort(Lg);for(let T=0,x=l.length;T0&&(i.has("OES_texture_float_linear")===!0?(n.rectAreaLTC1=gt.LTC_FLOAT_1,n.rectAreaLTC2=gt.LTC_FLOAT_2):(n.rectAreaLTC1=gt.LTC_HALF_1,n.rectAreaLTC2=gt.LTC_HALF_2)),n.ambient[0]=u,n.ambient[1]=h,n.ambient[2]=f;let U=n.hash;(U.directionalLength!==d||U.pointLength!==_||U.spotLength!==g||U.rectAreaLength!==m||U.hemiLength!==p||U.numDirectionalShadows!==w||U.numPointShadows!==b||U.numSpotShadows!==M||U.numSpotMaps!==D||U.numLightProbes!==E)&&(n.directional.length=d,n.spot.length=g,n.rectArea.length=m,n.point.length=_,n.hemi.length=p,n.directionalShadow.length=w,n.directionalShadowMap.length=w,n.pointShadow.length=b,n.pointShadowMap.length=b,n.spotShadow.length=M,n.spotShadowMap.length=M,n.directionalShadowMatrix.length=w,n.pointShadowMatrix.length=b,n.spotLightMatrix.length=M+D-P,n.spotLightMap.length=D,n.numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps=P,n.numLightProbes=E,U.directionalLength=d,U.pointLength=_,U.spotLength=g,U.rectAreaLength=m,U.hemiLength=p,U.numDirectionalShadows=w,U.numPointShadows=b,U.numSpotShadows=M,U.numSpotMaps=D,U.numLightProbes=E,n.version=Dg++)}function c(l,u){let h=0,f=0,d=0,_=0,g=0,m=u.matrixWorldInverse;for(let p=0,w=l.length;p=a.length?(o=new Rd(i),a.push(o)):o=a[s],o}function n(){t=new WeakMap}return{get:e,dispose:n}}var Fg=`void main() { + gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 ); +}`,Bg=`uniform sampler2D shadow_pass; +uniform vec2 resolution; +uniform float radius; +#include +void main() { + const float samples = float( VSM_SAMPLES ); + float mean = 0.0; + float squared_mean = 0.0; + float uvStride = samples <= 1.0 ? 0.0 : 2.0 / ( samples - 1.0 ); + float uvStart = samples <= 1.0 ? 0.0 : - 1.0; + for ( float i = 0.0; i < samples; i ++ ) { + float uvOffset = uvStart + i * uvStride; + #ifdef HORIZONTAL_PASS + vec2 distribution = unpackRGBATo2Half( texture2D( shadow_pass, ( gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2( uvOffset, 0.0 ) * radius ) / resolution ) ); + mean += distribution.x; + squared_mean += distribution.y * distribution.y + distribution.x * distribution.x; + #else + float depth = unpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( shadow_pass, ( gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, uvOffset ) * radius ) / resolution ) ); + mean += depth; + squared_mean += depth * depth; + #endif + } + mean = mean / samples; + squared_mean = squared_mean / samples; + float std_dev = sqrt( squared_mean - mean * mean ); + gl_FragColor = pack2HalfToRGBA( vec2( mean, std_dev ) ); +}`;function Ng(i,t,e){let n=new ws,r=new Dt,s=new Dt,a=new ie,o=new $a({depthPacking:qu}),c=new ja,l={},u=e.maxTextureSize,h={[Nn]:Ie,[Ie]:Nn,[Sn]:Sn},f=new Ke({defines:{VSM_SAMPLES:8},uniforms:{shadow_pass:{value:null},resolution:{value:new Dt},radius:{value:4}},vertexShader:Fg,fragmentShader:Bg}),d=f.clone();d.defines.HORIZONTAL_PASS=1;let _=new ve;_.setAttribute("position",new ye(new Float32Array([-1,-1,.5,3,-1,.5,-1,3,.5]),3));let g=new _e(_,f),m=this;this.enabled=!1,this.autoUpdate=!0,this.needsUpdate=!1,this.type=sl;let p=this.type;this.render=function(P,E,U){if(m.enabled===!1||m.autoUpdate===!1&&m.needsUpdate===!1||P.length===0)return;let T=i.getRenderTarget(),x=i.getActiveCubeFace(),C=i.getActiveMipmapLevel(),y=i.state;y.setBlending(Vn),y.buffers.color.setClear(1,1,1,1),y.buffers.depth.setTest(!0),y.setScissorTest(!1);let O=p!==bn&&this.type===bn,q=p===bn&&this.type!==bn;for(let H=0,$=P.length;H<$;H++){let X=P[H],Z=X.shadow;if(Z===void 0){console.warn("THREE.WebGLShadowMap:",X,"has no shadow.");continue}if(Z.autoUpdate===!1&&Z.needsUpdate===!1)continue;r.copy(Z.mapSize);let k=Z.getFrameExtents();if(r.multiply(k),s.copy(Z.mapSize),(r.x>u||r.y>u)&&(r.x>u&&(s.x=Math.floor(u/k.x),r.x=s.x*k.x,Z.mapSize.x=s.x),r.y>u&&(s.y=Math.floor(u/k.y),r.y=s.y*k.y,Z.mapSize.y=s.y)),Z.map===null||O===!0||q===!0){let ut=this.type!==bn?{minFilter:tn,magFilter:tn}:{};Z.map!==null&&Z.map.dispose(),Z.map=new xn(r.x,r.y,ut),Z.map.texture.name=X.name+".shadowMap",Z.camera.updateProjectionMatrix()}i.setRenderTarget(Z.map),i.clear();let N=Z.getViewportCount();for(let ut=0;ut0||E.map&&E.alphaTest>0){let y=x.uuid,O=E.uuid,q=l[y];q===void 0&&(q={},l[y]=q);let H=q[O];H===void 0&&(H=x.clone(),q[O]=H,E.addEventListener("dispose",D)),x=H}if(x.visible=E.visible,x.wireframe=E.wireframe,T===bn?x.side=E.shadowSide!==null?E.shadowSide:E.side:x.side=E.shadowSide!==null?E.shadowSide:h[E.side],x.alphaMap=E.alphaMap,x.alphaTest=E.alphaTest,x.map=E.map,x.clipShadows=E.clipShadows,x.clippingPlanes=E.clippingPlanes,x.clipIntersection=E.clipIntersection,x.displacementMap=E.displacementMap,x.displacementScale=E.displacementScale,x.displacementBias=E.displacementBias,x.wireframeLinewidth=E.wireframeLinewidth,x.linewidth=E.linewidth,U.isPointLight===!0&&x.isMeshDistanceMaterial===!0){let y=i.properties.get(x);y.light=U}return x}function M(P,E,U,T,x){if(P.visible===!1)return;if(P.layers.test(E.layers)&&(P.isMesh||P.isLine||P.isPoints)&&(P.castShadow||P.receiveShadow&&x===bn)&&(!P.frustumCulled||n.intersectsObject(P))){P.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices(U.matrixWorldInverse,P.matrixWorld);let O=t.update(P),q=P.material;if(Array.isArray(q)){let H=O.groups;for(let $=0,X=H.length;$=1):Z.indexOf("OpenGL ES")!==-1&&(X=parseFloat(/^OpenGL ES (\d)/.exec(Z)[1]),$=X>=2);let k=null,N={},ut=i.getParameter(i.SCISSOR_BOX),ht=i.getParameter(i.VIEWPORT),ct=new ie().fromArray(ut),rt=new ie().fromArray(ht);function pt(W,xt,st,dt){let Mt=new Uint8Array(4),St=i.createTexture();i.bindTexture(W,St),i.texParameteri(W,i.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,i.NEAREST),i.texParameteri(W,i.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,i.NEAREST);for(let Ht=0;Ht"u"?!1:/OculusBrowser/g.test(navigator.userAgent),l=new Dt,u=new WeakMap,h,f=new WeakMap,d=!1;try{d=typeof OffscreenCanvas<"u"&&new OffscreenCanvas(1,1).getContext("2d")!==null}catch{}function _(A,S){return d?new OffscreenCanvas(A,S):xr("canvas")}function g(A,S,B){let j=1,ot=V(A);if((ot.width>B||ot.height>B)&&(j=B/Math.max(ot.width,ot.height)),j<1)if(typeof HTMLImageElement<"u"&&A instanceof HTMLImageElement||typeof HTMLCanvasElement<"u"&&A instanceof HTMLCanvasElement||typeof ImageBitmap<"u"&&A instanceof ImageBitmap||typeof VideoFrame<"u"&&A instanceof VideoFrame){let tt=Math.floor(j*ot.width),wt=Math.floor(j*ot.height);h===void 0&&(h=_(tt,wt));let yt=S?_(tt,wt):h;return yt.width=tt,yt.height=wt,yt.getContext("2d").drawImage(A,0,0,tt,wt),console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture has been resized from ("+ot.width+"x"+ot.height+") to ("+tt+"x"+wt+")."),yt}else return"data"in A&&console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Image in DataTexture is too big ("+ot.width+"x"+ot.height+")."),A;return A}function m(A){return A.generateMipmaps}function p(A){i.generateMipmap(A)}function w(A){return A.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget?i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP:A.isWebGL3DRenderTarget?i.TEXTURE_3D:A.isWebGLArrayRenderTarget||A.isCompressedArrayTexture?i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY:i.TEXTURE_2D}function b(A,S,B,j,ot=!1){if(A!==null){if(i[A]!==void 0)return i[A];console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Attempt to use non-existing WebGL internal format '"+A+"'")}let tt=S;if(S===i.RED&&(B===i.FLOAT&&(tt=i.R32F),B===i.HALF_FLOAT&&(tt=i.R16F),B===i.UNSIGNED_BYTE&&(tt=i.R8)),S===i.RED_INTEGER&&(B===i.UNSIGNED_BYTE&&(tt=i.R8UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_SHORT&&(tt=i.R16UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_INT&&(tt=i.R32UI),B===i.BYTE&&(tt=i.R8I),B===i.SHORT&&(tt=i.R16I),B===i.INT&&(tt=i.R32I)),S===i.RG&&(B===i.FLOAT&&(tt=i.RG32F),B===i.HALF_FLOAT&&(tt=i.RG16F),B===i.UNSIGNED_BYTE&&(tt=i.RG8)),S===i.RG_INTEGER&&(B===i.UNSIGNED_BYTE&&(tt=i.RG8UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_SHORT&&(tt=i.RG16UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_INT&&(tt=i.RG32UI),B===i.BYTE&&(tt=i.RG8I),B===i.SHORT&&(tt=i.RG16I),B===i.INT&&(tt=i.RG32I)),S===i.RGB_INTEGER&&(B===i.UNSIGNED_BYTE&&(tt=i.RGB8UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_SHORT&&(tt=i.RGB16UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_INT&&(tt=i.RGB32UI),B===i.BYTE&&(tt=i.RGB8I),B===i.SHORT&&(tt=i.RGB16I),B===i.INT&&(tt=i.RGB32I)),S===i.RGBA_INTEGER&&(B===i.UNSIGNED_BYTE&&(tt=i.RGBA8UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_SHORT&&(tt=i.RGBA16UI),B===i.UNSIGNED_INT&&(tt=i.RGBA32UI),B===i.BYTE&&(tt=i.RGBA8I),B===i.SHORT&&(tt=i.RGBA16I),B===i.INT&&(tt=i.RGBA32I)),S===i.RGB&&B===i.UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV&&(tt=i.RGB9_E5),S===i.RGBA){let wt=ot?fs:$t.getTransfer(j);B===i.FLOAT&&(tt=i.RGBA32F),B===i.HALF_FLOAT&&(tt=i.RGBA16F),B===i.UNSIGNED_BYTE&&(tt=wt===ae?i.SRGB8_ALPHA8:i.RGBA8),B===i.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4&&(tt=i.RGBA4),B===i.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1&&(tt=i.RGB5_A1)}return(tt===i.R16F||tt===i.R32F||tt===i.RG16F||tt===i.RG32F||tt===i.RGBA16F||tt===i.RGBA32F)&&t.get("EXT_color_buffer_float"),tt}function M(A,S){let B;return A?S===null||S===oi||S===Ci?B=i.DEPTH24_STENCIL8:S===Mn?B=i.DEPTH32F_STENCIL8:S===Er&&(B=i.DEPTH24_STENCIL8,console.warn("DepthTexture: 16 bit depth attachment is not supported with stencil. Using 24-bit attachment.")):S===null||S===oi||S===Ci?B=i.DEPTH_COMPONENT24:S===Mn?B=i.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F:S===Er&&(B=i.DEPTH_COMPONENT16),B}function D(A,S){return m(A)===!0||A.isFramebufferTexture&&A.minFilter!==tn&&A.minFilter!==dn?Math.log2(Math.max(S.width,S.height))+1:A.mipmaps!==void 0&&A.mipmaps.length>0?A.mipmaps.length:A.isCompressedTexture&&Array.isArray(A.image)?S.mipmaps.length:1}function P(A){let S=A.target;S.removeEventListener("dispose",P),U(S),S.isVideoTexture&&u.delete(S)}function E(A){let S=A.target;S.removeEventListener("dispose",E),x(S)}function U(A){let S=n.get(A);if(S.__webglInit===void 0)return;let B=A.source,j=f.get(B);if(j){let ot=j[S.__cacheKey];ot.usedTimes--,ot.usedTimes===0&&T(A),Object.keys(j).length===0&&f.delete(B)}n.remove(A)}function T(A){let S=n.get(A);i.deleteTexture(S.__webglTexture);let B=A.source,j=f.get(B);delete j[S.__cacheKey],a.memory.textures--}function x(A){let S=n.get(A);if(A.depthTexture&&(A.depthTexture.dispose(),n.remove(A.depthTexture)),A.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget)for(let j=0;j<6;j++){if(Array.isArray(S.__webglFramebuffer[j]))for(let ot=0;ot=r.maxTextures&&console.warn("THREE.WebGLTextures: Trying to use "+A+" texture units while this GPU supports only "+r.maxTextures),C+=1,A}function q(A){let S=[];return S.push(A.wrapS),S.push(A.wrapT),S.push(A.wrapR||0),S.push(A.magFilter),S.push(A.minFilter),S.push(A.anisotropy),S.push(A.internalFormat),S.push(A.format),S.push(A.type),S.push(A.generateMipmaps),S.push(A.premultiplyAlpha),S.push(A.flipY),S.push(A.unpackAlignment),S.push(A.colorSpace),S.join()}function H(A,S){let B=n.get(A);if(A.isVideoTexture&&Q(A),A.isRenderTargetTexture===!1&&A.version>0&&B.__version!==A.version){let j=A.image;if(j===null)console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture marked for update but no image data found.");else if(j.complete===!1)console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture marked for update but image is incomplete");else{rt(B,A,S);return}}e.bindTexture(i.TEXTURE_2D,B.__webglTexture,i.TEXTURE0+S)}function $(A,S){let B=n.get(A);if(A.version>0&&B.__version!==A.version){rt(B,A,S);return}e.bindTexture(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,B.__webglTexture,i.TEXTURE0+S)}function X(A,S){let B=n.get(A);if(A.version>0&&B.__version!==A.version){rt(B,A,S);return}e.bindTexture(i.TEXTURE_3D,B.__webglTexture,i.TEXTURE0+S)}function Z(A,S){let B=n.get(A);if(A.version>0&&B.__version!==A.version){pt(B,A,S);return}e.bindTexture(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP,B.__webglTexture,i.TEXTURE0+S)}let k={[yi]:i.REPEAT,[jn]:i.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,[za]:i.MIRRORED_REPEAT},N={[tn]:i.NEAREST,[Wu]:i.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST,[ks]:i.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR,[dn]:i.LINEAR,[So]:i.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST,[ai]:i.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR},ut={[Zu]:i.NEVER,[td]:i.ALWAYS,[Ku]:i.LESS,[bl]:i.LEQUAL,[Ju]:i.EQUAL,[Qu]:i.GEQUAL,[$u]:i.GREATER,[ju]:i.NOTEQUAL};function ht(A,S){if(S.type===Mn&&t.has("OES_texture_float_linear")===!1&&(S.magFilter===dn||S.magFilter===So||S.magFilter===ks||S.magFilter===ai||S.minFilter===dn||S.minFilter===So||S.minFilter===ks||S.minFilter===ai)&&console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Unable to use linear filtering with floating point textures. OES_texture_float_linear not supported on this device."),i.texParameteri(A,i.TEXTURE_WRAP_S,k[S.wrapS]),i.texParameteri(A,i.TEXTURE_WRAP_T,k[S.wrapT]),(A===i.TEXTURE_3D||A===i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY)&&i.texParameteri(A,i.TEXTURE_WRAP_R,k[S.wrapR]),i.texParameteri(A,i.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,N[S.magFilter]),i.texParameteri(A,i.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,N[S.minFilter]),S.compareFunction&&(i.texParameteri(A,i.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE,i.COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE),i.texParameteri(A,i.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC,ut[S.compareFunction])),t.has("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic")===!0){if(S.magFilter===tn||S.minFilter!==ks&&S.minFilter!==ai||S.type===Mn&&t.has("OES_texture_float_linear")===!1)return;if(S.anisotropy>1||n.get(S).__currentAnisotropy){let B=t.get("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");i.texParameterf(A,B.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT,Math.min(S.anisotropy,r.getMaxAnisotropy())),n.get(S).__currentAnisotropy=S.anisotropy}}}function ct(A,S){let B=!1;A.__webglInit===void 0&&(A.__webglInit=!0,S.addEventListener("dispose",P));let j=S.source,ot=f.get(j);ot===void 0&&(ot={},f.set(j,ot));let tt=q(S);if(tt!==A.__cacheKey){ot[tt]===void 0&&(ot[tt]={texture:i.createTexture(),usedTimes:0},a.memory.textures++,B=!0),ot[tt].usedTimes++;let wt=ot[A.__cacheKey];wt!==void 0&&(ot[A.__cacheKey].usedTimes--,wt.usedTimes===0&&T(S)),A.__cacheKey=tt,A.__webglTexture=ot[tt].texture}return B}function rt(A,S,B){let j=i.TEXTURE_2D;(S.isDataArrayTexture||S.isCompressedArrayTexture)&&(j=i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY),S.isData3DTexture&&(j=i.TEXTURE_3D);let ot=ct(A,S),tt=S.source;e.bindTexture(j,A.__webglTexture,i.TEXTURE0+B);let wt=n.get(tt);if(tt.version!==wt.__version||ot===!0){e.activeTexture(i.TEXTURE0+B);let yt=$t.getPrimaries($t.workingColorSpace),vt=S.colorSpace===Gn?null:$t.getPrimaries(S.colorSpace),Wt=S.colorSpace===Gn||yt===vt?i.NONE:i.BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL;i.pixelStorei(i.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL,S.flipY),i.pixelStorei(i.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL,S.premultiplyAlpha),i.pixelStorei(i.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,S.unpackAlignment),i.pixelStorei(i.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL,Wt);let lt=g(S.image,!1,r.maxTextureSize);lt=at(S,lt);let Et=s.convert(S.format,S.colorSpace),Lt=s.convert(S.type),Pt=b(S.internalFormat,Et,Lt,S.colorSpace,S.isVideoTexture);ht(j,S);let Tt,qt=S.mipmaps,zt=S.isVideoTexture!==!0,oe=wt.__version===void 0||ot===!0,W=tt.dataReady,xt=D(S,lt);if(S.isDepthTexture)Pt=M(S.format===vi,S.type),oe&&(zt?e.texStorage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D,1,Pt,lt.width,lt.height):e.texImage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D,0,Pt,lt.width,lt.height,0,Et,Lt,null));else if(S.isDataTexture)if(qt.length>0){zt&&oe&&e.texStorage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D,xt,Pt,qt[0].width,qt[0].height);for(let st=0,dt=qt.length;st0){let Mt=Cl(Tt.width,Tt.height,S.format,S.type);for(let St of S.layerUpdates){let Ht=Tt.data.subarray(St*Mt/Tt.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,(St+1)*Mt/Tt.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);e.compressedTexSubImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,st,0,0,St,Tt.width,Tt.height,1,Et,Ht)}S.clearLayerUpdates()}else e.compressedTexSubImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,st,0,0,0,Tt.width,Tt.height,lt.depth,Et,Tt.data)}else e.compressedTexImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,st,Pt,Tt.width,Tt.height,lt.depth,0,Tt.data,0,0);else console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Attempt to load unsupported compressed texture format in .uploadTexture()");else zt?W&&e.texSubImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,st,0,0,0,Tt.width,Tt.height,lt.depth,Et,Lt,Tt.data):e.texImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,st,Pt,Tt.width,Tt.height,lt.depth,0,Et,Lt,Tt.data)}else{zt&&oe&&e.texStorage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D,xt,Pt,qt[0].width,qt[0].height);for(let st=0,dt=qt.length;st0){let st=Cl(lt.width,lt.height,S.format,S.type);for(let dt of S.layerUpdates){let Mt=lt.data.subarray(dt*st/lt.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,(dt+1)*st/lt.data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);e.texSubImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,0,0,0,dt,lt.width,lt.height,1,Et,Lt,Mt)}S.clearLayerUpdates()}else e.texSubImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,0,0,0,0,lt.width,lt.height,lt.depth,Et,Lt,lt.data)}else e.texImage3D(i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,0,Pt,lt.width,lt.height,lt.depth,0,Et,Lt,lt.data);else if(S.isData3DTexture)zt?(oe&&e.texStorage3D(i.TEXTURE_3D,xt,Pt,lt.width,lt.height,lt.depth),W&&e.texSubImage3D(i.TEXTURE_3D,0,0,0,0,lt.width,lt.height,lt.depth,Et,Lt,lt.data)):e.texImage3D(i.TEXTURE_3D,0,Pt,lt.width,lt.height,lt.depth,0,Et,Lt,lt.data);else if(S.isFramebufferTexture){if(oe)if(zt)e.texStorage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D,xt,Pt,lt.width,lt.height);else{let st=lt.width,dt=lt.height;for(let Mt=0;Mt>=1,dt>>=1}}else if(qt.length>0){if(zt&&oe){let st=V(qt[0]);e.texStorage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D,xt,Pt,st.width,st.height)}for(let st=0,dt=qt.length;st0&&xt++;let dt=V(Et[0]);e.texStorage2D(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP,xt,qt,dt.width,dt.height)}for(let dt=0;dt<6;dt++)if(lt){zt?W&&e.texSubImage2D(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X+dt,0,0,0,Et[dt].width,Et[dt].height,Pt,Tt,Et[dt].data):e.texImage2D(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X+dt,0,qt,Et[dt].width,Et[dt].height,0,Pt,Tt,Et[dt].data);for(let Mt=0;Mt>tt),Lt=Math.max(1,S.height>>tt);ot===i.TEXTURE_3D||ot===i.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY?e.texImage3D(ot,tt,vt,Et,Lt,S.depth,0,wt,yt,null):e.texImage2D(ot,tt,vt,Et,Lt,0,wt,yt,null)}e.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,A),z(S)?o.framebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(i.FRAMEBUFFER,j,ot,lt.__webglTexture,0,L(S)):(ot===i.TEXTURE_2D||ot>=i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X&&ot<=i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z)&&i.framebufferTexture2D(i.FRAMEBUFFER,j,ot,lt.__webglTexture,tt),e.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,null)}function ft(A,S,B){if(i.bindRenderbuffer(i.RENDERBUFFER,A),S.depthBuffer){let j=S.depthTexture,ot=j&&j.isDepthTexture?j.type:null,tt=M(S.stencilBuffer,ot),wt=S.stencilBuffer?i.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT:i.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,yt=L(S);z(S)?o.renderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(i.RENDERBUFFER,yt,tt,S.width,S.height):B?i.renderbufferStorageMultisample(i.RENDERBUFFER,yt,tt,S.width,S.height):i.renderbufferStorage(i.RENDERBUFFER,tt,S.width,S.height),i.framebufferRenderbuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,wt,i.RENDERBUFFER,A)}else{let j=S.textures;for(let ot=0;ot{delete S.__boundDepthTexture,delete S.__depthDisposeCallback,j.removeEventListener("dispose",ot)};j.addEventListener("dispose",ot),S.__depthDisposeCallback=ot}S.__boundDepthTexture=j}if(A.depthTexture&&!S.__autoAllocateDepthBuffer){if(B)throw new Error("target.depthTexture not supported in Cube render targets");At(S.__webglFramebuffer,A)}else if(B){S.__webglDepthbuffer=[];for(let j=0;j<6;j++)if(e.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,S.__webglFramebuffer[j]),S.__webglDepthbuffer[j]===void 0)S.__webglDepthbuffer[j]=i.createRenderbuffer(),ft(S.__webglDepthbuffer[j],A,!1);else{let ot=A.stencilBuffer?i.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT:i.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,tt=S.__webglDepthbuffer[j];i.bindRenderbuffer(i.RENDERBUFFER,tt),i.framebufferRenderbuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,ot,i.RENDERBUFFER,tt)}}else if(e.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,S.__webglFramebuffer),S.__webglDepthbuffer===void 0)S.__webglDepthbuffer=i.createRenderbuffer(),ft(S.__webglDepthbuffer,A,!1);else{let j=A.stencilBuffer?i.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT:i.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,ot=S.__webglDepthbuffer;i.bindRenderbuffer(i.RENDERBUFFER,ot),i.framebufferRenderbuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,j,i.RENDERBUFFER,ot)}e.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,null)}function Ft(A,S,B){let j=n.get(A);S!==void 0&&mt(j.__webglFramebuffer,A,A.texture,i.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,i.TEXTURE_2D,0),B!==void 0&&It(A)}function Yt(A){let S=A.texture,B=n.get(A),j=n.get(S);A.addEventListener("dispose",E);let ot=A.textures,tt=A.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget===!0,wt=ot.length>1;if(wt||(j.__webglTexture===void 0&&(j.__webglTexture=i.createTexture()),j.__version=S.version,a.memory.textures++),tt){B.__webglFramebuffer=[];for(let yt=0;yt<6;yt++)if(S.mipmaps&&S.mipmaps.length>0){B.__webglFramebuffer[yt]=[];for(let vt=0;vt0){B.__webglFramebuffer=[];for(let yt=0;yt0&&z(A)===!1){B.__webglMultisampledFramebuffer=i.createFramebuffer(),B.__webglColorRenderbuffer=[],e.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER,B.__webglMultisampledFramebuffer);for(let yt=0;yt0)for(let vt=0;vt0)for(let vt=0;vt0){if(z(A)===!1){let S=A.textures,B=A.width,j=A.height,ot=i.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT,tt=A.stencilBuffer?i.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT:i.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,wt=n.get(A),yt=S.length>1;if(yt)for(let vt=0;vt0&&t.has("WEBGL_multisampled_render_to_texture")===!0&&S.__useRenderToTexture!==!1}function Q(A){let S=a.render.frame;u.get(A)!==S&&(u.set(A,S),A.update())}function at(A,S){let B=A.colorSpace,j=A.format,ot=A.type;return A.isCompressedTexture===!0||A.isVideoTexture===!0||B!==bi&&B!==Gn&&($t.getTransfer(B)===ae?(j!==rn||ot!==wn)&&console.warn("THREE.WebGLTextures: sRGB encoded textures have to use RGBAFormat and UnsignedByteType."):console.error("THREE.WebGLTextures: Unsupported texture color space:",B)),S}function V(A){return typeof HTMLImageElement<"u"&&A instanceof HTMLImageElement?(l.width=A.naturalWidth||A.width,l.height=A.naturalHeight||A.height):typeof VideoFrame<"u"&&A instanceof VideoFrame?(l.width=A.displayWidth,l.height=A.displayHeight):(l.width=A.width,l.height=A.height),l}this.allocateTextureUnit=O,this.resetTextureUnits=y,this.setTexture2D=H,this.setTexture2DArray=$,this.setTexture3D=X,this.setTextureCube=Z,this.rebindTextures=Ft,this.setupRenderTarget=Yt,this.updateRenderTargetMipmap=v,this.updateMultisampleRenderTarget=F,this.setupDepthRenderbuffer=It,this.setupFrameBufferTexture=mt,this.useMultisampledRTT=z}function Hg(i,t){function e(n,r=Gn){let s,a=$t.getTransfer(r);if(n===wn)return i.UNSIGNED_BYTE;if(n===Mo)return i.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;if(n===Eo)return i.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;if(n===dl)return i.UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV;if(n===hl)return i.BYTE;if(n===ul)return i.SHORT;if(n===Er)return i.UNSIGNED_SHORT;if(n===wo)return i.INT;if(n===oi)return i.UNSIGNED_INT;if(n===Mn)return i.FLOAT;if(n===Ar)return i.HALF_FLOAT;if(n===fl)return i.ALPHA;if(n===pl)return i.RGB;if(n===rn)return i.RGBA;if(n===ml)return i.LUMINANCE;if(n===_l)return i.LUMINANCE_ALPHA;if(n===_i)return i.DEPTH_COMPONENT;if(n===vi)return i.DEPTH_STENCIL;if(n===gl)return i.RED;if(n===Ao)return i.RED_INTEGER;if(n===xl)return i.RG;if(n===To)return i.RG_INTEGER;if(n===Co)return i.RGBA_INTEGER;if(n===Vs||n===Hs||n===Gs||n===Ws)if(a===ae)if(s=t.get("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb"),s!==null){if(n===Vs)return s.COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;if(n===Hs)return s.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;if(n===Gs)return s.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;if(n===Ws)return s.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT}else return null;else if(s=t.get("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"),s!==null){if(n===Vs)return s.COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;if(n===Hs)return s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;if(n===Gs)return s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;if(n===Ws)return s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT}else return null;if(n===Io||n===Ro||n===Po||n===Do)if(s=t.get("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"),s!==null){if(n===Io)return s.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG;if(n===Ro)return s.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG;if(n===Po)return s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG;if(n===Do)return s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG}else return null;if(n===Lo||n===Uo||n===Oo)if(s=t.get("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc"),s!==null){if(n===Lo||n===Uo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2:s.COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2;if(n===Oo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC}else return null;if(n===Fo||n===Bo||n===No||n===zo||n===ko||n===Vo||n===Ho||n===Go||n===Wo||n===Xo||n===qo||n===Yo||n===Zo||n===Ko)if(s=t.get("WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc"),s!==null){if(n===Fo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR;if(n===Bo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR;if(n===No)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR;if(n===zo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR;if(n===ko)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR;if(n===Vo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR;if(n===Ho)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR;if(n===Go)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR;if(n===Wo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR;if(n===Xo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR;if(n===qo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR;if(n===Yo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR;if(n===Zo)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR;if(n===Ko)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR}else return null;if(n===Xs||n===Jo||n===$o)if(s=t.get("EXT_texture_compression_bptc"),s!==null){if(n===Xs)return a===ae?s.COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT:s.COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT;if(n===Jo)return s.COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_EXT;if(n===$o)return s.COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_EXT}else return null;if(n===yl||n===jo||n===Qo||n===tc)if(s=t.get("EXT_texture_compression_rgtc"),s!==null){if(n===Xs)return s.COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_EXT;if(n===jo)return s.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_EXT;if(n===Qo)return s.COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT;if(n===tc)return s.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT}else return null;return n===Ci?i.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:i[n]!==void 0?i[n]:null}return{convert:e}}var Gg={type:"move"},Zs=class{constructor(){this._targetRay=null,this._grip=null,this._hand=null}getHandSpace(){return this._hand===null&&(this._hand=new zn,this._hand.matrixAutoUpdate=!1,this._hand.visible=!1,this._hand.joints={},this._hand.inputState={pinching:!1}),this._hand}getTargetRaySpace(){return this._targetRay===null&&(this._targetRay=new zn,this._targetRay.matrixAutoUpdate=!1,this._targetRay.visible=!1,this._targetRay.hasLinearVelocity=!1,this._targetRay.linearVelocity=new G,this._targetRay.hasAngularVelocity=!1,this._targetRay.angularVelocity=new G),this._targetRay}getGripSpace(){return this._grip===null&&(this._grip=new zn,this._grip.matrixAutoUpdate=!1,this._grip.visible=!1,this._grip.hasLinearVelocity=!1,this._grip.linearVelocity=new G,this._grip.hasAngularVelocity=!1,this._grip.angularVelocity=new G),this._grip}dispatchEvent(t){return this._targetRay!==null&&this._targetRay.dispatchEvent(t),this._grip!==null&&this._grip.dispatchEvent(t),this._hand!==null&&this._hand.dispatchEvent(t),this}connect(t){if(t&&t.hand){let e=this._hand;if(e)for(let n of t.hand.values())this._getHandJoint(e,n)}return this.dispatchEvent({type:"connected",data:t}),this}disconnect(t){return this.dispatchEvent({type:"disconnected",data:t}),this._targetRay!==null&&(this._targetRay.visible=!1),this._grip!==null&&(this._grip.visible=!1),this._hand!==null&&(this._hand.visible=!1),this}update(t,e,n){let r=null,s=null,a=null,o=this._targetRay,c=this._grip,l=this._hand;if(t&&e.session.visibilityState!=="visible-blurred"){if(l&&t.hand){a=!0;for(let g of t.hand.values()){let m=e.getJointPose(g,n),p=this._getHandJoint(l,g);m!==null&&(p.matrix.fromArray(m.transform.matrix),p.matrix.decompose(p.position,p.rotation,p.scale),p.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate=!0,p.jointRadius=m.radius),p.visible=m!==null}let u=l.joints["index-finger-tip"],h=l.joints["thumb-tip"],f=u.position.distanceTo(h.position),d=.02,_=.005;l.inputState.pinching&&f>d+_?(l.inputState.pinching=!1,this.dispatchEvent({type:"pinchend",handedness:t.handedness,target:this})):!l.inputState.pinching&&f<=d-_&&(l.inputState.pinching=!0,this.dispatchEvent({type:"pinchstart",handedness:t.handedness,target:this}))}else c!==null&&t.gripSpace&&(s=e.getPose(t.gripSpace,n),s!==null&&(c.matrix.fromArray(s.transform.matrix),c.matrix.decompose(c.position,c.rotation,c.scale),c.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate=!0,s.linearVelocity?(c.hasLinearVelocity=!0,c.linearVelocity.copy(s.linearVelocity)):c.hasLinearVelocity=!1,s.angularVelocity?(c.hasAngularVelocity=!0,c.angularVelocity.copy(s.angularVelocity)):c.hasAngularVelocity=!1));o!==null&&(r=e.getPose(t.targetRaySpace,n),r===null&&s!==null&&(r=s),r!==null&&(o.matrix.fromArray(r.transform.matrix),o.matrix.decompose(o.position,o.rotation,o.scale),o.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate=!0,r.linearVelocity?(o.hasLinearVelocity=!0,o.linearVelocity.copy(r.linearVelocity)):o.hasLinearVelocity=!1,r.angularVelocity?(o.hasAngularVelocity=!0,o.angularVelocity.copy(r.angularVelocity)):o.hasAngularVelocity=!1,this.dispatchEvent(Gg)))}return o!==null&&(o.visible=r!==null),c!==null&&(c.visible=s!==null),l!==null&&(l.visible=a!==null),this}_getHandJoint(t,e){if(t.joints[e.jointName]===void 0){let n=new zn;n.matrixAutoUpdate=!1,n.visible=!1,t.joints[e.jointName]=n,t.add(n)}return t.joints[e.jointName]}},Wg=` +void main() { + + gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 ); + +}`,Xg=` +uniform sampler2DArray depthColor; +uniform float depthWidth; +uniform float depthHeight; + +void main() { + + vec2 coord = vec2( gl_FragCoord.x / depthWidth, gl_FragCoord.y / depthHeight ); + + if ( coord.x >= 1.0 ) { + + gl_FragDepth = texture( depthColor, vec3( coord.x - 1.0, coord.y, 1 ) ).r; + + } else { + + gl_FragDepth = texture( depthColor, vec3( coord.x, coord.y, 0 ) ).r; + + } + +}`,Vl=class{constructor(){this.texture=null,this.mesh=null,this.depthNear=0,this.depthFar=0}init(t,e,n){if(this.texture===null){let r=new ke,s=t.properties.get(r);s.__webglTexture=e.texture,(e.depthNear!=n.depthNear||e.depthFar!=n.depthFar)&&(this.depthNear=e.depthNear,this.depthFar=e.depthFar),this.texture=r}}getMesh(t){if(this.texture!==null&&this.mesh===null){let e=t.cameras[0].viewport,n=new Ke({vertexShader:Wg,fragmentShader:Xg,uniforms:{depthColor:{value:this.texture},depthWidth:{value:e.z},depthHeight:{value:e.w}}});this.mesh=new _e(new wi(20,20),n)}return this.mesh}reset(){this.texture=null,this.mesh=null}getDepthTexture(){return this.texture}},Hl=class extends gn{constructor(t,e){super();let n=this,r=null,s=1,a=null,o="local-floor",c=1,l=null,u=null,h=null,f=null,d=null,_=null,g=new Vl,m=e.getContextAttributes(),p=null,w=null,b=[],M=[],D=new Dt,P=null,E=new Ee;E.viewport=new ie;let U=new Ee;U.viewport=new ie;let T=[E,U],x=new lo,C=null,y=null;this.cameraAutoUpdate=!0,this.enabled=!1,this.isPresenting=!1,this.getController=function(rt){let pt=b[rt];return pt===void 0&&(pt=new Zs,b[rt]=pt),pt.getTargetRaySpace()},this.getControllerGrip=function(rt){let pt=b[rt];return pt===void 0&&(pt=new Zs,b[rt]=pt),pt.getGripSpace()},this.getHand=function(rt){let pt=b[rt];return pt===void 0&&(pt=new Zs,b[rt]=pt),pt.getHandSpace()};function O(rt){let pt=M.indexOf(rt.inputSource);if(pt===-1)return;let mt=b[pt];mt!==void 0&&(mt.update(rt.inputSource,rt.frame,l||a),mt.dispatchEvent({type:rt.type,data:rt.inputSource}))}function q(){r.removeEventListener("select",O),r.removeEventListener("selectstart",O),r.removeEventListener("selectend",O),r.removeEventListener("squeeze",O),r.removeEventListener("squeezestart",O),r.removeEventListener("squeezeend",O),r.removeEventListener("end",q),r.removeEventListener("inputsourceschange",H);for(let rt=0;rt=0&&(M[ft]=null,b[ft].disconnect(mt))}for(let pt=0;pt=M.length){M.push(mt),ft=It;break}else if(M[It]===null){M[It]=mt,ft=It;break}if(ft===-1)break}let At=b[ft];At&&At.connect(mt)}}let $=new G,X=new G;function Z(rt,pt,mt){$.setFromMatrixPosition(pt.matrixWorld),X.setFromMatrixPosition(mt.matrixWorld);let ft=$.distanceTo(X),At=pt.projectionMatrix.elements,It=mt.projectionMatrix.elements,Ft=At[14]/(At[10]-1),Yt=At[14]/(At[10]+1),v=(At[9]+1)/At[5],it=(At[9]-1)/At[5],I=(At[8]-1)/At[0],F=(It[8]+1)/It[0],L=Ft*I,z=Ft*F,Q=ft/(-I+F),at=Q*-I;if(pt.matrixWorld.decompose(rt.position,rt.quaternion,rt.scale),rt.translateX(at),rt.translateZ(Q),rt.matrixWorld.compose(rt.position,rt.quaternion,rt.scale),rt.matrixWorldInverse.copy(rt.matrixWorld).invert(),At[10]===-1)rt.projectionMatrix.copy(pt.projectionMatrix),rt.projectionMatrixInverse.copy(pt.projectionMatrixInverse);else{let V=Ft+Q,A=Yt+Q,S=L-at,B=z+(ft-at),j=v*Yt/A*V,ot=it*Yt/A*V;rt.projectionMatrix.makePerspective(S,B,j,ot,V,A),rt.projectionMatrixInverse.copy(rt.projectionMatrix).invert()}}function k(rt,pt){pt===null?rt.matrixWorld.copy(rt.matrix):rt.matrixWorld.multiplyMatrices(pt.matrixWorld,rt.matrix),rt.matrixWorldInverse.copy(rt.matrixWorld).invert()}this.updateCamera=function(rt){if(r===null)return;let pt=rt.near,mt=rt.far;g.texture!==null&&(g.depthNear>0&&(pt=g.depthNear),g.depthFar>0&&(mt=g.depthFar)),x.near=U.near=E.near=pt,x.far=U.far=E.far=mt,(C!==x.near||y!==x.far)&&(r.updateRenderState({depthNear:x.near,depthFar:x.far}),C=x.near,y=x.far),E.layers.mask=rt.layers.mask|2,U.layers.mask=rt.layers.mask|4,x.layers.mask=E.layers.mask|U.layers.mask;let ft=rt.parent,At=x.cameras;k(x,ft);for(let It=0;It0&&(m.alphaTest.value=p.alphaTest);let w=t.get(p),b=w.envMap,M=w.envMapRotation;b&&(m.envMap.value=b,Li.copy(M),Li.x*=-1,Li.y*=-1,Li.z*=-1,b.isCubeTexture&&b.isRenderTargetTexture===!1&&(Li.y*=-1,Li.z*=-1),m.envMapRotation.value.setFromMatrix4(qg.makeRotationFromEuler(Li)),m.flipEnvMap.value=b.isCubeTexture&&b.isRenderTargetTexture===!1?-1:1,m.reflectivity.value=p.reflectivity,m.ior.value=p.ior,m.refractionRatio.value=p.refractionRatio),p.lightMap&&(m.lightMap.value=p.lightMap,m.lightMapIntensity.value=p.lightMapIntensity,e(p.lightMap,m.lightMapTransform)),p.aoMap&&(m.aoMap.value=p.aoMap,m.aoMapIntensity.value=p.aoMapIntensity,e(p.aoMap,m.aoMapTransform))}function a(m,p){m.diffuse.value.copy(p.color),m.opacity.value=p.opacity,p.map&&(m.map.value=p.map,e(p.map,m.mapTransform))}function o(m,p){m.dashSize.value=p.dashSize,m.totalSize.value=p.dashSize+p.gapSize,m.scale.value=p.scale}function c(m,p,w,b){m.diffuse.value.copy(p.color),m.opacity.value=p.opacity,m.size.value=p.size*w,m.scale.value=b*.5,p.map&&(m.map.value=p.map,e(p.map,m.uvTransform)),p.alphaMap&&(m.alphaMap.value=p.alphaMap,e(p.alphaMap,m.alphaMapTransform)),p.alphaTest>0&&(m.alphaTest.value=p.alphaTest)}function l(m,p){m.diffuse.value.copy(p.color),m.opacity.value=p.opacity,m.rotation.value=p.rotation,p.map&&(m.map.value=p.map,e(p.map,m.mapTransform)),p.alphaMap&&(m.alphaMap.value=p.alphaMap,e(p.alphaMap,m.alphaMapTransform)),p.alphaTest>0&&(m.alphaTest.value=p.alphaTest)}function u(m,p){m.specular.value.copy(p.specular),m.shininess.value=Math.max(p.shininess,1e-4)}function h(m,p){p.gradientMap&&(m.gradientMap.value=p.gradientMap)}function f(m,p){m.metalness.value=p.metalness,p.metalnessMap&&(m.metalnessMap.value=p.metalnessMap,e(p.metalnessMap,m.metalnessMapTransform)),m.roughness.value=p.roughness,p.roughnessMap&&(m.roughnessMap.value=p.roughnessMap,e(p.roughnessMap,m.roughnessMapTransform)),p.envMap&&(m.envMapIntensity.value=p.envMapIntensity)}function d(m,p,w){m.ior.value=p.ior,p.sheen>0&&(m.sheenColor.value.copy(p.sheenColor).multiplyScalar(p.sheen),m.sheenRoughness.value=p.sheenRoughness,p.sheenColorMap&&(m.sheenColorMap.value=p.sheenColorMap,e(p.sheenColorMap,m.sheenColorMapTransform)),p.sheenRoughnessMap&&(m.sheenRoughnessMap.value=p.sheenRoughnessMap,e(p.sheenRoughnessMap,m.sheenRoughnessMapTransform))),p.clearcoat>0&&(m.clearcoat.value=p.clearcoat,m.clearcoatRoughness.value=p.clearcoatRoughness,p.clearcoatMap&&(m.clearcoatMap.value=p.clearcoatMap,e(p.clearcoatMap,m.clearcoatMapTransform)),p.clearcoatRoughnessMap&&(m.clearcoatRoughnessMap.value=p.clearcoatRoughnessMap,e(p.clearcoatRoughnessMap,m.clearcoatRoughnessMapTransform)),p.clearcoatNormalMap&&(m.clearcoatNormalMap.value=p.clearcoatNormalMap,e(p.clearcoatNormalMap,m.clearcoatNormalMapTransform),m.clearcoatNormalScale.value.copy(p.clearcoatNormalScale),p.side===Ie&&m.clearcoatNormalScale.value.negate())),p.dispersion>0&&(m.dispersion.value=p.dispersion),p.iridescence>0&&(m.iridescence.value=p.iridescence,m.iridescenceIOR.value=p.iridescenceIOR,m.iridescenceThicknessMinimum.value=p.iridescenceThicknessRange[0],m.iridescenceThicknessMaximum.value=p.iridescenceThicknessRange[1],p.iridescenceMap&&(m.iridescenceMap.value=p.iridescenceMap,e(p.iridescenceMap,m.iridescenceMapTransform)),p.iridescenceThicknessMap&&(m.iridescenceThicknessMap.value=p.iridescenceThicknessMap,e(p.iridescenceThicknessMap,m.iridescenceThicknessMapTransform))),p.transmission>0&&(m.transmission.value=p.transmission,m.transmissionSamplerMap.value=w.texture,m.transmissionSamplerSize.value.set(w.width,w.height),p.transmissionMap&&(m.transmissionMap.value=p.transmissionMap,e(p.transmissionMap,m.transmissionMapTransform)),m.thickness.value=p.thickness,p.thicknessMap&&(m.thicknessMap.value=p.thicknessMap,e(p.thicknessMap,m.thicknessMapTransform)),m.attenuationDistance.value=p.attenuationDistance,m.attenuationColor.value.copy(p.attenuationColor)),p.anisotropy>0&&(m.anisotropyVector.value.set(p.anisotropy*Math.cos(p.anisotropyRotation),p.anisotropy*Math.sin(p.anisotropyRotation)),p.anisotropyMap&&(m.anisotropyMap.value=p.anisotropyMap,e(p.anisotropyMap,m.anisotropyMapTransform))),m.specularIntensity.value=p.specularIntensity,m.specularColor.value.copy(p.specularColor),p.specularColorMap&&(m.specularColorMap.value=p.specularColorMap,e(p.specularColorMap,m.specularColorMapTransform)),p.specularIntensityMap&&(m.specularIntensityMap.value=p.specularIntensityMap,e(p.specularIntensityMap,m.specularIntensityMapTransform))}function _(m,p){p.matcap&&(m.matcap.value=p.matcap)}function g(m,p){let w=t.get(p).light;m.referencePosition.value.setFromMatrixPosition(w.matrixWorld),m.nearDistance.value=w.shadow.camera.near,m.farDistance.value=w.shadow.camera.far}return{refreshFogUniforms:n,refreshMaterialUniforms:r}}function Zg(i,t,e,n){let r={},s={},a=[],o=i.getParameter(i.MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS);function c(w,b){let M=b.program;n.uniformBlockBinding(w,M)}function l(w,b){let M=r[w.id];M===void 0&&(_(w),M=u(w),r[w.id]=M,w.addEventListener("dispose",m));let D=b.program;n.updateUBOMapping(w,D);let P=t.render.frame;s[w.id]!==P&&(f(w),s[w.id]=P)}function u(w){let b=h();w.__bindingPointIndex=b;let M=i.createBuffer(),D=w.__size,P=w.usage;return i.bindBuffer(i.UNIFORM_BUFFER,M),i.bufferData(i.UNIFORM_BUFFER,D,P),i.bindBuffer(i.UNIFORM_BUFFER,null),i.bindBufferBase(i.UNIFORM_BUFFER,b,M),M}function h(){for(let w=0;w0&&(M+=D-P),w.__size=M,w.__cache={},this}function g(w){let b={boundary:0,storage:0};return typeof w=="number"||typeof w=="boolean"?(b.boundary=4,b.storage=4):w.isVector2?(b.boundary=8,b.storage=8):w.isVector3||w.isColor?(b.boundary=16,b.storage=12):w.isVector4?(b.boundary=16,b.storage=16):w.isMatrix3?(b.boundary=48,b.storage=48):w.isMatrix4?(b.boundary=64,b.storage=64):w.isTexture?console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture samplers can not be part of an uniforms group."):console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Unsupported uniform value type.",w),b}function m(w){let b=w.target;b.removeEventListener("dispose",m);let M=a.indexOf(b.__bindingPointIndex);a.splice(M,1),i.deleteBuffer(r[b.id]),delete r[b.id],delete s[b.id]}function p(){for(let w in r)i.deleteBuffer(r[w]);a=[],r={},s={}}return{bind:c,update:l,dispose:p}}var sc=class{constructor(t={}){let{canvas:e=ed(),context:n=null,depth:r=!0,stencil:s=!1,alpha:a=!1,antialias:o=!1,premultipliedAlpha:c=!0,preserveDrawingBuffer:l=!1,powerPreference:u="default",failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat:h=!1,reverseDepthBuffer:f=!1}=t;this.isWebGLRenderer=!0;let d;if(n!==null){if(typeof WebGLRenderingContext<"u"&&n instanceof WebGLRenderingContext)throw new Error("THREE.WebGLRenderer: WebGL 1 is not supported since r163.");d=n.getContextAttributes().alpha}else d=a;let _=new Uint32Array(4),g=new Int32Array(4),m=null,p=null,w=[],b=[];this.domElement=e,this.debug={checkShaderErrors:!0,onShaderError:null},this.autoClear=!0,this.autoClearColor=!0,this.autoClearDepth=!0,this.autoClearStencil=!0,this.sortObjects=!0,this.clippingPlanes=[],this.localClippingEnabled=!1,this._outputColorSpace=ze,this.toneMapping=Hn,this.toneMappingExposure=1;let M=this,D=!1,P=0,E=0,U=null,T=-1,x=null,C=new ie,y=new ie,O=null,q=new kt(0),H=0,$=e.width,X=e.height,Z=1,k=null,N=null,ut=new ie(0,0,$,X),ht=new ie(0,0,$,X),ct=!1,rt=new ws,pt=!1,mt=!1,ft=new he,At=new he,It=new G,Ft=new ie,Yt={background:null,fog:null,environment:null,overrideMaterial:null,isScene:!0},v=!1;function it(){return U===null?Z:1}let I=n;function F(R,Y){return e.getContext(R,Y)}try{let R={alpha:!0,depth:r,stencil:s,antialias:o,premultipliedAlpha:c,preserveDrawingBuffer:l,powerPreference:u,failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat:h};if("setAttribute"in e&&e.setAttribute("data-engine",`three.js r${ho}`),e.addEventListener("webglcontextlost",dt,!1),e.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored",Mt,!1),e.addEventListener("webglcontextcreationerror",St,!1),I===null){let Y="webgl2";if(I=F(Y,R),I===null)throw F(Y)?new Error("Error creating WebGL context with your selected attributes."):new Error("Error creating WebGL context.")}}catch(R){throw console.error("THREE.WebGLRenderer: "+R.message),R}let L,z,Q,at,V,A,S,B,j,ot,tt,wt,yt,vt,Wt,lt,Et,Lt,Pt,Tt,qt,zt,oe,W;function xt(){L=new u_(I),L.init(),zt=new Hg(I,L),z=new s_(I,L,t,zt),Q=new kg(I,L),z.reverseDepthBuffer&&f&&Q.buffers.depth.setReversed(!0),at=new p_(I),V=new Tg,A=new Vg(I,L,Q,V,z,zt,at),S=new o_(M),B=new h_(M),j=new bp(I),oe=new i_(I,j),ot=new d_(I,j,at,oe),tt=new __(I,ot,j,at),Pt=new m_(I,z,A),lt=new a_(V),wt=new Ag(M,S,B,L,z,oe,lt),yt=new Yg(M,V),vt=new Ig,Wt=new Og(L),Lt=new n_(M,S,B,Q,tt,d,c),Et=new Ng(M,tt,z),W=new Zg(I,at,z,Q),Tt=new r_(I,L,at),qt=new f_(I,L,at),at.programs=wt.programs,M.capabilities=z,M.extensions=L,M.properties=V,M.renderLists=vt,M.shadowMap=Et,M.state=Q,M.info=at}xt();let st=new Hl(M,I);this.xr=st,this.getContext=function(){return I},this.getContextAttributes=function(){return I.getContextAttributes()},this.forceContextLoss=function(){let R=L.get("WEBGL_lose_context");R&&R.loseContext()},this.forceContextRestore=function(){let R=L.get("WEBGL_lose_context");R&&R.restoreContext()},this.getPixelRatio=function(){return Z},this.setPixelRatio=function(R){R!==void 0&&(Z=R,this.setSize($,X,!1))},this.getSize=function(R){return R.set($,X)},this.setSize=function(R,Y,et=!0){if(st.isPresenting){console.warn("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Can't change size while VR device is presenting.");return}$=R,X=Y,e.width=Math.floor(R*Z),e.height=Math.floor(Y*Z),et===!0&&(e.style.width=R+"px",e.style.height=Y+"px"),this.setViewport(0,0,R,Y)},this.getDrawingBufferSize=function(R){return R.set($*Z,X*Z).floor()},this.setDrawingBufferSize=function(R,Y,et){$=R,X=Y,Z=et,e.width=Math.floor(R*et),e.height=Math.floor(Y*et),this.setViewport(0,0,R,Y)},this.getCurrentViewport=function(R){return R.copy(C)},this.getViewport=function(R){return R.copy(ut)},this.setViewport=function(R,Y,et,nt){R.isVector4?ut.set(R.x,R.y,R.z,R.w):ut.set(R,Y,et,nt),Q.viewport(C.copy(ut).multiplyScalar(Z).round())},this.getScissor=function(R){return R.copy(ht)},this.setScissor=function(R,Y,et,nt){R.isVector4?ht.set(R.x,R.y,R.z,R.w):ht.set(R,Y,et,nt),Q.scissor(y.copy(ht).multiplyScalar(Z).round())},this.getScissorTest=function(){return ct},this.setScissorTest=function(R){Q.setScissorTest(ct=R)},this.setOpaqueSort=function(R){k=R},this.setTransparentSort=function(R){N=R},this.getClearColor=function(R){return R.copy(Lt.getClearColor())},this.setClearColor=function(){Lt.setClearColor.apply(Lt,arguments)},this.getClearAlpha=function(){return Lt.getClearAlpha()},this.setClearAlpha=function(){Lt.setClearAlpha.apply(Lt,arguments)},this.clear=function(R=!0,Y=!0,et=!0){let nt=0;if(R){let J=!1;if(U!==null){let _t=U.texture.format;J=_t===Co||_t===To||_t===Ao}if(J){let _t=U.texture.type,bt=_t===wn||_t===oi||_t===Er||_t===Ci||_t===Mo||_t===Eo,Ct=Lt.getClearColor(),Rt=Lt.getClearAlpha(),Bt=Ct.r,Nt=Ct.g,Ut=Ct.b;bt?(_[0]=Bt,_[1]=Nt,_[2]=Ut,_[3]=Rt,I.clearBufferuiv(I.COLOR,0,_)):(g[0]=Bt,g[1]=Nt,g[2]=Ut,g[3]=Rt,I.clearBufferiv(I.COLOR,0,g))}else nt|=I.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT}Y&&(nt|=I.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT),et&&(nt|=I.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT,this.state.buffers.stencil.setMask(4294967295)),I.clear(nt)},this.clearColor=function(){this.clear(!0,!1,!1)},this.clearDepth=function(){this.clear(!1,!0,!1)},this.clearStencil=function(){this.clear(!1,!1,!0)},this.dispose=function(){e.removeEventListener("webglcontextlost",dt,!1),e.removeEventListener("webglcontextrestored",Mt,!1),e.removeEventListener("webglcontextcreationerror",St,!1),Lt.dispose(),vt.dispose(),Wt.dispose(),V.dispose(),S.dispose(),B.dispose(),tt.dispose(),oe.dispose(),W.dispose(),wt.dispose(),st.dispose(),st.removeEventListener("sessionstart",oh),st.removeEventListener("sessionend",ch),ci.stop()};function dt(R){R.preventDefault(),console.log("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Lost."),D=!0}function Mt(){console.log("THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Restored."),D=!1;let R=at.autoReset,Y=Et.enabled,et=Et.autoUpdate,nt=Et.needsUpdate,J=Et.type;xt(),at.autoReset=R,Et.enabled=Y,Et.autoUpdate=et,Et.needsUpdate=nt,Et.type=J}function St(R){console.error("THREE.WebGLRenderer: A WebGL context could not be created. Reason: ",R.statusMessage)}function Ht(R){let Y=R.target;Y.removeEventListener("dispose",Ht),pe(Y)}function pe(R){Le(R),V.remove(R)}function Le(R){let Y=V.get(R).programs;Y!==void 0&&(Y.forEach(function(et){wt.releaseProgram(et)}),R.isShaderMaterial&&wt.releaseShaderCache(R))}this.renderBufferDirect=function(R,Y,et,nt,J,_t){Y===null&&(Y=Yt);let bt=J.isMesh&&J.matrixWorld.determinant()<0,Ct=hf(R,Y,et,nt,J);Q.setMaterial(nt,bt);let Rt=et.index,Bt=1;if(nt.wireframe===!0){if(Rt=ot.getWireframeAttribute(et),Rt===void 0)return;Bt=2}let Nt=et.drawRange,Ut=et.attributes.position,Kt=Nt.start*Bt,te=(Nt.start+Nt.count)*Bt;_t!==null&&(Kt=Math.max(Kt,_t.start*Bt),te=Math.min(te,(_t.start+_t.count)*Bt)),Rt!==null?(Kt=Math.max(Kt,0),te=Math.min(te,Rt.count)):Ut!=null&&(Kt=Math.max(Kt,0),te=Math.min(te,Ut.count));let ge=te-Kt;if(ge<0||ge===1/0)return;oe.setup(J,nt,Ct,et,Rt);let me,jt=Tt;if(Rt!==null&&(me=j.get(Rt),jt=qt,jt.setIndex(me)),J.isMesh)nt.wireframe===!0?(Q.setLineWidth(nt.wireframeLinewidth*it()),jt.setMode(I.LINES)):jt.setMode(I.TRIANGLES);else if(J.isLine){let Ot=nt.linewidth;Ot===void 0&&(Ot=1),Q.setLineWidth(Ot*it()),J.isLineSegments?jt.setMode(I.LINES):J.isLineLoop?jt.setMode(I.LINE_LOOP):jt.setMode(I.LINE_STRIP)}else J.isPoints?jt.setMode(I.POINTS):J.isSprite&&jt.setMode(I.TRIANGLES);if(J.isBatchedMesh)if(J._multiDrawInstances!==null)jt.renderMultiDrawInstances(J._multiDrawStarts,J._multiDrawCounts,J._multiDrawCount,J._multiDrawInstances);else if(L.get("WEBGL_multi_draw"))jt.renderMultiDraw(J._multiDrawStarts,J._multiDrawCounts,J._multiDrawCount);else{let Ot=J._multiDrawStarts,Ce=J._multiDrawCounts,ee=J._multiDrawCount,an=Rt?j.get(Rt).bytesPerElement:1,Vi=V.get(nt).currentProgram.getUniforms();for(let qe=0;qe{function _t(){if(nt.forEach(function(bt){V.get(bt).currentProgram.isReady()&&nt.delete(bt)}),nt.size===0){J(R);return}setTimeout(_t,10)}L.get("KHR_parallel_shader_compile")!==null?_t():setTimeout(_t,10)})};let sn=null;function Cn(R){sn&&sn(R)}function oh(){ci.stop()}function ch(){ci.start()}let ci=new Pd;ci.setAnimationLoop(Cn),typeof self<"u"&&ci.setContext(self),this.setAnimationLoop=function(R){sn=R,st.setAnimationLoop(R),R===null?ci.stop():ci.start()},st.addEventListener("sessionstart",oh),st.addEventListener("sessionend",ch),this.render=function(R,Y){if(Y!==void 0&&Y.isCamera!==!0){console.error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.render: camera is not an instance of THREE.Camera.");return}if(D===!0)return;if(R.matrixWorldAutoUpdate===!0&&R.updateMatrixWorld(),Y.parent===null&&Y.matrixWorldAutoUpdate===!0&&Y.updateMatrixWorld(),st.enabled===!0&&st.isPresenting===!0&&(st.cameraAutoUpdate===!0&&st.updateCamera(Y),Y=st.getCamera()),R.isScene===!0&&R.onBeforeRender(M,R,Y,U),p=Wt.get(R,b.length),p.init(Y),b.push(p),At.multiplyMatrices(Y.projectionMatrix,Y.matrixWorldInverse),rt.setFromProjectionMatrix(At),mt=this.localClippingEnabled,pt=lt.init(this.clippingPlanes,mt),m=vt.get(R,w.length),m.init(),w.push(m),st.enabled===!0&&st.isPresenting===!0){let _t=M.xr.getDepthSensingMesh();_t!==null&&gc(_t,Y,-1/0,M.sortObjects)}gc(R,Y,0,M.sortObjects),m.finish(),M.sortObjects===!0&&m.sort(k,N),v=st.enabled===!1||st.isPresenting===!1||st.hasDepthSensing()===!1,v&&Lt.addToRenderList(m,R),this.info.render.frame++,pt===!0&<.beginShadows();let et=p.state.shadowsArray;Et.render(et,R,Y),pt===!0&<.endShadows(),this.info.autoReset===!0&&this.info.reset();let nt=m.opaque,J=m.transmissive;if(p.setupLights(),Y.isArrayCamera){let _t=Y.cameras;if(J.length>0)for(let bt=0,Ct=_t.length;bt0&&hh(nt,J,R,Y),v&&Lt.render(R),lh(m,R,Y);U!==null&&(A.updateMultisampleRenderTarget(U),A.updateRenderTargetMipmap(U)),R.isScene===!0&&R.onAfterRender(M,R,Y),oe.resetDefaultState(),T=-1,x=null,b.pop(),b.length>0?(p=b[b.length-1],pt===!0&<.setGlobalState(M.clippingPlanes,p.state.camera)):p=null,w.pop(),w.length>0?m=w[w.length-1]:m=null};function gc(R,Y,et,nt){if(R.visible===!1)return;if(R.layers.test(Y.layers)){if(R.isGroup)et=R.renderOrder;else if(R.isLOD)R.autoUpdate===!0&&R.update(Y);else if(R.isLight)p.pushLight(R),R.castShadow&&p.pushShadow(R);else if(R.isSprite){if(!R.frustumCulled||rt.intersectsSprite(R)){nt&&Ft.setFromMatrixPosition(R.matrixWorld).applyMatrix4(At);let bt=tt.update(R),Ct=R.material;Ct.visible&&m.push(R,bt,Ct,et,Ft.z,null)}}else if((R.isMesh||R.isLine||R.isPoints)&&(!R.frustumCulled||rt.intersectsObject(R))){let bt=tt.update(R),Ct=R.material;if(nt&&(R.boundingSphere!==void 0?(R.boundingSphere===null&&R.computeBoundingSphere(),Ft.copy(R.boundingSphere.center)):(bt.boundingSphere===null&&bt.computeBoundingSphere(),Ft.copy(bt.boundingSphere.center)),Ft.applyMatrix4(R.matrixWorld).applyMatrix4(At)),Array.isArray(Ct)){let Rt=bt.groups;for(let Bt=0,Nt=Rt.length;Bt0&&js(J,Y,et),_t.length>0&&js(_t,Y,et),bt.length>0&&js(bt,Y,et),Q.buffers.depth.setTest(!0),Q.buffers.depth.setMask(!0),Q.buffers.color.setMask(!0),Q.setPolygonOffset(!1)}function hh(R,Y,et,nt){if((et.isScene===!0?et.overrideMaterial:null)!==null)return;p.state.transmissionRenderTarget[nt.id]===void 0&&(p.state.transmissionRenderTarget[nt.id]=new xn(1,1,{generateMipmaps:!0,type:L.has("EXT_color_buffer_half_float")||L.has("EXT_color_buffer_float")?Ar:wn,minFilter:ai,samples:4,stencilBuffer:s,resolveDepthBuffer:!1,resolveStencilBuffer:!1,colorSpace:$t.workingColorSpace}));let _t=p.state.transmissionRenderTarget[nt.id],bt=nt.viewport||C;_t.setSize(bt.z,bt.w);let Ct=M.getRenderTarget();M.setRenderTarget(_t),M.getClearColor(q),H=M.getClearAlpha(),H<1&&M.setClearColor(16777215,.5),M.clear(),v&&Lt.render(et);let Rt=M.toneMapping;M.toneMapping=Hn;let Bt=nt.viewport;if(nt.viewport!==void 0&&(nt.viewport=void 0),p.setupLightsView(nt),pt===!0&<.setGlobalState(M.clippingPlanes,nt),js(R,et,nt),A.updateMultisampleRenderTarget(_t),A.updateRenderTargetMipmap(_t),L.has("WEBGL_multisampled_render_to_texture")===!1){let Nt=!1;for(let Ut=0,Kt=Y.length;Ut0),Ut=!!et.morphAttributes.position,Kt=!!et.morphAttributes.normal,te=!!et.morphAttributes.color,ge=Hn;nt.toneMapped&&(U===null||U.isXRRenderTarget===!0)&&(ge=M.toneMapping);let me=et.morphAttributes.position||et.morphAttributes.normal||et.morphAttributes.color,jt=me!==void 0?me.length:0,Ot=V.get(nt),Ce=p.state.lights;if(pt===!0&&(mt===!0||R!==x)){let Be=R===x&&nt.id===T;lt.setState(nt,R,Be)}let ee=!1;nt.version===Ot.__version?(Ot.needsLights&&Ot.lightsStateVersion!==Ce.state.version||Ot.outputColorSpace!==Ct||J.isBatchedMesh&&Ot.batching===!1||!J.isBatchedMesh&&Ot.batching===!0||J.isBatchedMesh&&Ot.batchingColor===!0&&J.colorTexture===null||J.isBatchedMesh&&Ot.batchingColor===!1&&J.colorTexture!==null||J.isInstancedMesh&&Ot.instancing===!1||!J.isInstancedMesh&&Ot.instancing===!0||J.isSkinnedMesh&&Ot.skinning===!1||!J.isSkinnedMesh&&Ot.skinning===!0||J.isInstancedMesh&&Ot.instancingColor===!0&&J.instanceColor===null||J.isInstancedMesh&&Ot.instancingColor===!1&&J.instanceColor!==null||J.isInstancedMesh&&Ot.instancingMorph===!0&&J.morphTexture===null||J.isInstancedMesh&&Ot.instancingMorph===!1&&J.morphTexture!==null||Ot.envMap!==Rt||nt.fog===!0&&Ot.fog!==_t||Ot.numClippingPlanes!==void 0&&(Ot.numClippingPlanes!==lt.numPlanes||Ot.numIntersection!==lt.numIntersection)||Ot.vertexAlphas!==Bt||Ot.vertexTangents!==Nt||Ot.morphTargets!==Ut||Ot.morphNormals!==Kt||Ot.morphColors!==te||Ot.toneMapping!==ge||Ot.morphTargetsCount!==jt)&&(ee=!0):(ee=!0,Ot.__version=nt.version);let an=Ot.currentProgram;ee===!0&&(an=Qs(nt,Y,J));let Vi=!1,qe=!1,Lr=!1,fe=an.getUniforms(),Je=Ot.uniforms;if(Q.useProgram(an.program)&&(Vi=!0,qe=!0,Lr=!0),nt.id!==T&&(T=nt.id,qe=!0),Vi||x!==R){Q.buffers.depth.getReversed()?(ft.copy(R.projectionMatrix),id(ft),rd(ft),fe.setValue(I,"projectionMatrix",ft)):fe.setValue(I,"projectionMatrix",R.projectionMatrix),fe.setValue(I,"viewMatrix",R.matrixWorldInverse);let He=fe.map.cameraPosition;He!==void 0&&He.setValue(I,It.setFromMatrixPosition(R.matrixWorld)),z.logarithmicDepthBuffer&&fe.setValue(I,"logDepthBufFC",2/(Math.log(R.far+1)/Math.LN2)),(nt.isMeshPhongMaterial||nt.isMeshToonMaterial||nt.isMeshLambertMaterial||nt.isMeshBasicMaterial||nt.isMeshStandardMaterial||nt.isShaderMaterial)&&fe.setValue(I,"isOrthographic",R.isOrthographicCamera===!0),x!==R&&(x=R,qe=!0,Lr=!0)}if(J.isSkinnedMesh){fe.setOptional(I,J,"bindMatrix"),fe.setOptional(I,J,"bindMatrixInverse");let Be=J.skeleton;Be&&(Be.boneTexture===null&&Be.computeBoneTexture(),fe.setValue(I,"boneTexture",Be.boneTexture,A))}J.isBatchedMesh&&(fe.setOptional(I,J,"batchingTexture"),fe.setValue(I,"batchingTexture",J._matricesTexture,A),fe.setOptional(I,J,"batchingIdTexture"),fe.setValue(I,"batchingIdTexture",J._indirectTexture,A),fe.setOptional(I,J,"batchingColorTexture"),J._colorsTexture!==null&&fe.setValue(I,"batchingColorTexture",J._colorsTexture,A));let $e=et.morphAttributes;if(($e.position!==void 0||$e.normal!==void 0||$e.color!==void 0)&&Pt.update(J,et,an),(qe||Ot.receiveShadow!==J.receiveShadow)&&(Ot.receiveShadow=J.receiveShadow,fe.setValue(I,"receiveShadow",J.receiveShadow)),nt.isMeshGouraudMaterial&&nt.envMap!==null&&(Je.envMap.value=Rt,Je.flipEnvMap.value=Rt.isCubeTexture&&Rt.isRenderTargetTexture===!1?-1:1),nt.isMeshStandardMaterial&&nt.envMap===null&&Y.environment!==null&&(Je.envMapIntensity.value=Y.environmentIntensity),qe&&(fe.setValue(I,"toneMappingExposure",M.toneMappingExposure),Ot.needsLights&&uf(Je,Lr),_t&&nt.fog===!0&&yt.refreshFogUniforms(Je,_t),yt.refreshMaterialUniforms(Je,nt,Z,X,p.state.transmissionRenderTarget[R.id]),Ir.upload(I,dh(Ot),Je,A)),nt.isShaderMaterial&&nt.uniformsNeedUpdate===!0&&(Ir.upload(I,dh(Ot),Je,A),nt.uniformsNeedUpdate=!1),nt.isSpriteMaterial&&fe.setValue(I,"center",J.center),fe.setValue(I,"modelViewMatrix",J.modelViewMatrix),fe.setValue(I,"normalMatrix",J.normalMatrix),fe.setValue(I,"modelMatrix",J.matrixWorld),nt.isShaderMaterial||nt.isRawShaderMaterial){let Be=nt.uniformsGroups;for(let He=0,xc=Be.length;He0&&A.useMultisampledRTT(R)===!1?J=V.get(R).__webglMultisampledFramebuffer:Array.isArray(Nt)?J=Nt[et]:J=Nt,C.copy(R.viewport),y.copy(R.scissor),O=R.scissorTest}else C.copy(ut).multiplyScalar(Z).floor(),y.copy(ht).multiplyScalar(Z).floor(),O=ct;if(Q.bindFramebuffer(I.FRAMEBUFFER,J)&&nt&&Q.drawBuffers(R,J),Q.viewport(C),Q.scissor(y),Q.setScissorTest(O),_t){let Rt=V.get(R.texture);I.framebufferTexture2D(I.FRAMEBUFFER,I.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,I.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X+Y,Rt.__webglTexture,et)}else if(bt){let Rt=V.get(R.texture),Bt=Y||0;I.framebufferTextureLayer(I.FRAMEBUFFER,I.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,Rt.__webglTexture,et||0,Bt)}T=-1},this.readRenderTargetPixels=function(R,Y,et,nt,J,_t,bt){if(!(R&&R.isWebGLRenderTarget)){console.error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.");return}let Ct=V.get(R).__webglFramebuffer;if(R.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget&&bt!==void 0&&(Ct=Ct[bt]),Ct){Q.bindFramebuffer(I.FRAMEBUFFER,Ct);try{let Rt=R.texture,Bt=Rt.format,Nt=Rt.type;if(!z.textureFormatReadable(Bt)){console.error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not in RGBA or implementation defined format.");return}if(!z.textureTypeReadable(Nt)){console.error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not in UnsignedByteType or implementation defined type.");return}Y>=0&&Y<=R.width-nt&&et>=0&&et<=R.height-J&&I.readPixels(Y,et,nt,J,zt.convert(Bt),zt.convert(Nt),_t)}finally{let Rt=U!==null?V.get(U).__webglFramebuffer:null;Q.bindFramebuffer(I.FRAMEBUFFER,Rt)}}},this.readRenderTargetPixelsAsync=async function(R,Y,et,nt,J,_t,bt){if(!(R&&R.isWebGLRenderTarget))throw new Error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.");let Ct=V.get(R).__webglFramebuffer;if(R.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget&&bt!==void 0&&(Ct=Ct[bt]),Ct){let Rt=R.texture,Bt=Rt.format,Nt=Rt.type;if(!z.textureFormatReadable(Bt))throw new Error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixelsAsync: renderTarget is not in RGBA or implementation defined format.");if(!z.textureTypeReadable(Nt))throw new Error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixelsAsync: renderTarget is not in UnsignedByteType or implementation defined type.");if(Y>=0&&Y<=R.width-nt&&et>=0&&et<=R.height-J){Q.bindFramebuffer(I.FRAMEBUFFER,Ct);let Ut=I.createBuffer();I.bindBuffer(I.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER,Ut),I.bufferData(I.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER,_t.byteLength,I.STREAM_READ),I.readPixels(Y,et,nt,J,zt.convert(Bt),zt.convert(Nt),0);let Kt=U!==null?V.get(U).__webglFramebuffer:null;Q.bindFramebuffer(I.FRAMEBUFFER,Kt);let te=I.fenceSync(I.SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE,0);return I.flush(),await nd(I,te,4),I.bindBuffer(I.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER,Ut),I.getBufferSubData(I.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER,0,_t),I.deleteBuffer(Ut),I.deleteSync(te),_t}else throw new Error("THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixelsAsync: requested read bounds are out of range.")}},this.copyFramebufferToTexture=function(R,Y=null,et=0){R.isTexture!==!0&&(Ri("WebGLRenderer: copyFramebufferToTexture function signature has changed."),Y=arguments[0]||null,R=arguments[1]);let nt=Math.pow(2,-et),J=Math.floor(R.image.width*nt),_t=Math.floor(R.image.height*nt),bt=Y!==null?Y.x:0,Ct=Y!==null?Y.y:0;A.setTexture2D(R,0),I.copyTexSubImage2D(I.TEXTURE_2D,et,0,0,bt,Ct,J,_t),Q.unbindTexture()};let ff=I.createFramebuffer(),pf=I.createFramebuffer();this.copyTextureToTexture=function(R,Y,et=null,nt=null,J=0,_t=null){R.isTexture!==!0&&(Ri("WebGLRenderer: copyTextureToTexture function signature has changed."),nt=arguments[0]||null,R=arguments[1],Y=arguments[2],_t=arguments[3]||0,et=null),_t===null&&(J!==0?(Ri("WebGLRenderer: copyTextureToTexture function signature has changed to support src and dst mipmap levels."),_t=J,J=0):_t=0);let bt,Ct,Rt,Bt,Nt,Ut,Kt,te,ge,me=R.isCompressedTexture?R.mipmaps[_t]:R.image;if(et!==null)bt=et.max.x-et.min.x,Ct=et.max.y-et.min.y,Rt=et.isBox3?et.max.z-et.min.z:1,Bt=et.min.x,Nt=et.min.y,Ut=et.isBox3?et.min.z:0;else{let $e=Math.pow(2,-J);bt=Math.floor(me.width*$e),Ct=Math.floor(me.height*$e),R.isDataArrayTexture?Rt=me.depth:R.isData3DTexture?Rt=Math.floor(me.depth*$e):Rt=1,Bt=0,Nt=0,Ut=0}nt!==null?(Kt=nt.x,te=nt.y,ge=nt.z):(Kt=0,te=0,ge=0);let jt=zt.convert(Y.format),Ot=zt.convert(Y.type),Ce;Y.isData3DTexture?(A.setTexture3D(Y,0),Ce=I.TEXTURE_3D):Y.isDataArrayTexture||Y.isCompressedArrayTexture?(A.setTexture2DArray(Y,0),Ce=I.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY):(A.setTexture2D(Y,0),Ce=I.TEXTURE_2D),I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL,Y.flipY),I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL,Y.premultiplyAlpha),I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,Y.unpackAlignment);let ee=I.getParameter(I.UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH),an=I.getParameter(I.UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT),Vi=I.getParameter(I.UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS),qe=I.getParameter(I.UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS),Lr=I.getParameter(I.UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES);I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,me.width),I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT,me.height),I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS,Bt),I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS,Nt),I.pixelStorei(I.UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES,Ut);let fe=R.isDataArrayTexture||R.isData3DTexture,Je=Y.isDataArrayTexture||Y.isData3DTexture;if(R.isDepthTexture){let $e=V.get(R),Be=V.get(Y),He=V.get($e.__renderTarget),xc=V.get(Be.__renderTarget);Q.bindFramebuffer(I.READ_FRAMEBUFFER,He.__webglFramebuffer),Q.bindFramebuffer(I.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER,xc.__webglFramebuffer);for(let li=0;lir+s.byteLength,0),e=new Uint8Array(t),n=0;return i.forEach(r=>{e.set(new Uint8Array(r),n),n=n+r.byteLength}),e.buffer}function Bd(i,t){return Array.from({length:t}).map((e,n)=>i(n))}function Jg({min:i,max:t}){return 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b.repeat.set(.5-2*m,w-2*p),b.offset.set(m,1-p),Object.assign(b,{colorSpace:ze,wrapS:yi,wrapT:yi,userData:{offsetX:m,offsetY:p,cellHeight:w}}),b;function M(E,U,T,x,C,y,O,q,H){if(C=C*(x/2),q!=null&&q!==""&&($(),f.fillStyle=e.set(q).getStyle(),f.fill()),O&&O.size){let X=O.size*x/2;E+=X,U+=X,x-=O.size*x,C=Math.max(0,C-X),$(),f.strokeStyle=e.set(O.color).getStyle(),f.lineWidth=O.size*x,f.stroke()}y&&P(f,E+x/2,U+(x+T)/2,y,e.set(H).getStyle());function $(){f.beginPath(),f.moveTo(E+C,U),f.lineTo(E+x-C,U),f.arcTo(E+x,U,E+x,U+C,C),f.lineTo(E+x,U+x-C),f.arcTo(E+x,U+x,E+x-C,U+x,C),f.lineTo(E+C,U+x),f.arcTo(E,U+x,E,U+x-C,C),f.lineTo(E,U+C),f.arcTo(E,U,E+C,U,C),f.closePath()}}function D(E,U,T){let x=[...E].sort((N,ut)=>{var ht,ct;return(((ht=N.label)==null?void 0:ht.length)||0)-(((ct=ut.label)==null?void 0:ct.length)||0)}).pop().label,{family:C,weight:y}=T,O=r?Math.sqrt(Math.pow(U*.7,2)/2):U,q=O,H=0,$=0;do{f.font=`${y} ${q}px ${C}`;let N=f.measureText(x);H=N.width,$=N.fontBoundingBoxDescent,q--}while(H>O&&q>0);let X=O/$,Z=Math.min(O/H,X),k=Math.floor(q*Z);return[`${y} ${k}px ${C}`,X]}function P(E,U,T,x,C){E.font=d,E.textAlign="center",E.textBaseline="middle",E.fillStyle=C,E.fillText(x,U,T+(r?_:0))}},cx=(i,t)=>i.offset.x=(t?.5:0)+i.userData.offsetX,jl=(i,t)=>{let{offset:e,userData:{offsetY:n,cellHeight:r}}=i;e.y=1-(t+1)*r+n};function Ql(i,t,e=2,n=2){let r=e/2-i,s=n/2-i,a=i/e,o=(e-i)/e,c=i/n,l=(n-i)/n,u=[r,s,0,-r,s,0,-r,-s,0,r,-s,0],h=[o,l,a,l,a,c,o,c],f=[3*(t+1)+3,3*(t+1)+4,t+4,t+5,2*(t+1)+4,2,1,2*(t+1)+3,3,4*(t+1)+3,4,0],d=[0,1,2,0,2,3,4,5,6,4,6,7,8,9,10,8,10,11].map(P=>f[P]),_,g,m,p,w,b,M,D;for(let P=0;P<4;P++){p=P<1||P>2?r:-r,w=P<2?s:-s,b=P<1||P>2?o:a,M=P<2?l:c;for(let E=0;E<=t;E++)_=Math.PI/2*(P+E/t),g=Math.cos(_),m=Math.sin(_),u.push(p+i*g,w+i*m,0),h.push(b+a*g,M+c*m),E{let e=new G,{isSphere:n,radius:r,smoothness:s}=i,a=Ql(r,s);return Js.map((o,c)=>{let l=c<3,u=Js[c],h=c?t.clone():t;jl(h,c);let{enabled:f,scale:d,opacity:_,hover:g}=i[u],m={map:h,opacity:_,transparent:!0},p=n?new Si(new ei(m)):new _e(a,new pn(m)),w=l?u:u[1];return p.position[w]=(l?1:-1)*(n?tf:1),n||p.lookAt(e.copy(p.position).multiplyScalar(1.7)),p.scale.setScalar(d),p.renderOrder=1,p.visible=f,p.userData={scale:d,opacity:_,hover:g},p})},hx=(i,t)=>{let{isSphere:e,corners:n}=i;if(!n.enabled)return[];let{color:r,opacity:s,scale:a,radius:o,smoothness:c,hover:l}=n,u=e?null:Ql(o,c),h={transparent:!0,opacity:s},f=[1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1].map(_=>_*.85),d=new G;return Array(f.length/3).fill(0).map((_,g)=>{if(e){let w=t.clone();jl(w,6),h.map=w}else h.color=r;let m=e?new Si(new ei(h)):new _e(u,new pn(h)),p=g*3;return m.position.set(f[p],f[p+1],f[p+2]),e&&m.position.normalize().multiplyScalar(1.7),m.scale.setScalar(a),m.lookAt(d.copy(m.position).multiplyScalar(2)),m.renderOrder=1,m.userData={color:r,opacity:s,scale:a,hover:l},m})},ux=(i,t,e)=>{let{isSphere:n,edges:r}=i;if(!r.enabled)return[];let{color:s,opacity:a,scale:o,hover:c,radius:l,smoothness:u}=r,h=n?null:Ql(l,u,1.2,.25),f={transparent:!0,opacity:a},d=[0,1,1,0,-1,1,1,0,1,-1,0,1,0,1,-1,0,-1,-1,1,0,-1,-1,0,-1,1,1,0,1,-1,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,0].map(g=>g*.925),_=new G;return Array(d.length/3).fill(0).map((g,m)=>{if(n){let b=t.clone();jl(b,e),f.map=b}else f.color=s;let p=n?new Si(new ei(f)):new _e(h,new pn(f)),w=m*3;return p.position.set(d[w],d[w+1],d[w+2]),n&&p.position.normalize().multiplyScalar(1.7),p.scale.setScalar(o),p.lookAt(_.copy(p.position).multiplyScalar(2)),!n&&!p.position.y&&(p.rotation.z=Math.PI/2),p.renderOrder=1,p.userData={color:s,opacity:a,scale:o,hover:c},p})};function dx(i,t=!1){let e=i[0].index!==null,n=new Set(Object.keys(i[0].attributes)),r=new Set(Object.keys(i[0].morphAttributes)),s={},a={},o=i[0].morphTargetsRelative,c=new ve,l=0;for(let u=0;u{let{isSphere:e,background:{enabled:n,color:r,opacity:s,hover:a}}=t,o,c=new pn({color:r,side:Ie,opacity:s,transparent:!0,depthWrite:!1});if(!n)return null;if(e)o=new _e(new Ts(1.8,64,64),c);else{let l;i.forEach(u=>{let h=u.scale.x;u.scale.setScalar(.9),u.updateMatrix();let f=u.geometry.clone();f.applyMatrix4(u.matrix),l=l?dx([l,f]):f,u.scale.setScalar(h)}),o=new _e(l,c)}return o.userData={color:r,opacity:s,hover:a},o},qd=new Ge,oc=new G,hc=class extends Ls{constructor(){super(),this.isLineSegmentsGeometry=!0,this.type="LineSegmentsGeometry";let t=[-1,2,0,1,2,0,-1,1,0,1,1,0,-1,0,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,0,1,-1,0],e=[-1,2,1,2,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,-2,1,-2],n=[0,2,1,2,3,1,2,4,3,4,5,3,4,6,5,6,7,5];this.setIndex(n),this.setAttribute("position",new de(t,3)),this.setAttribute("uv",new de(e,2))}applyMatrix4(t){let e=this.attributes.instanceStart,n=this.attributes.instanceEnd;return e!==void 0&&(e.applyMatrix4(t),n.applyMatrix4(t),e.needsUpdate=!0),this.boundingBox!==null&&this.computeBoundingBox(),this.boundingSphere!==null&&this.computeBoundingSphere(),this}setPositions(t){let e;t instanceof Float32Array?e=t:Array.isArray(t)&&(e=new Float32Array(t));let n=new Ei(e,6,1);return this.setAttribute("instanceStart",new en(n,3,0)),this.setAttribute("instanceEnd",new en(n,3,3)),this.computeBoundingBox(),this.computeBoundingSphere(),this}setColors(t){let e;t instanceof Float32Array?e=t:Array.isArray(t)&&(e=new Float32Array(t));let n=new Ei(e,6,1);return this.setAttribute("instanceColorStart",new en(n,3,0)),this.setAttribute("instanceColorEnd",new en(n,3,3)),this}fromWireframeGeometry(t){return this.setPositions(t.attributes.position.array),this}fromEdgesGeometry(t){return this.setPositions(t.attributes.position.array),this}fromMesh(t){return this.fromWireframeGeometry(new Cs(t.geometry)),this}fromLineSegments(t){let e=t.geometry;return this.setPositions(e.attributes.position.array),this}computeBoundingBox(){this.boundingBox===null&&(this.boundingBox=new Ge);let t=this.attributes.instanceStart,e=this.attributes.instanceEnd;t!==void 0&&e!==void 0&&(this.boundingBox.setFromBufferAttribute(t),qd.setFromBufferAttribute(e),this.boundingBox.union(qd))}computeBoundingSphere(){this.boundingSphere===null&&(this.boundingSphere=new yn),this.boundingBox===null&&this.computeBoundingBox();let t=this.attributes.instanceStart,e=this.attributes.instanceEnd;if(t!==void 0&&e!==void 0){let n=this.boundingSphere.center;this.boundingBox.getCenter(n);let r=0;for(let s=0,a=t.count;s + #include + #include + #include + #include + + uniform float linewidth; + uniform vec2 resolution; + + attribute vec3 instanceStart; + attribute vec3 instanceEnd; + + attribute vec3 instanceColorStart; + attribute vec3 instanceColorEnd; + + #ifdef WORLD_UNITS + + varying vec4 worldPos; + varying vec3 worldStart; + varying vec3 worldEnd; + + #ifdef USE_DASH + + varying vec2 vUv; + + #endif + + #else + + varying vec2 vUv; + + #endif + + #ifdef USE_DASH + + uniform float dashScale; + attribute float instanceDistanceStart; + attribute float instanceDistanceEnd; + varying float vLineDistance; + + #endif + + void trimSegment( const in vec4 start, inout vec4 end ) { + + // trim end segment so it terminates between the camera plane and the near plane + + // conservative estimate of the near plane + float a = projectionMatrix[ 2 ][ 2 ]; // 3nd entry in 3th column + float b = projectionMatrix[ 3 ][ 2 ]; // 3nd entry in 4th column + float nearEstimate = - 0.5 * b / a; + + float alpha = ( nearEstimate - start.z ) / ( end.z - start.z ); + + end.xyz = mix( start.xyz, end.xyz, alpha ); + + } + + void main() { + + #ifdef USE_COLOR + + vColor.xyz = ( position.y < 0.5 ) ? instanceColorStart : instanceColorEnd; + + #endif + + #ifdef USE_DASH + + vLineDistance = ( position.y < 0.5 ) ? dashScale * instanceDistanceStart : dashScale * instanceDistanceEnd; + vUv = uv; + + #endif + + float aspect = resolution.x / resolution.y; + + // camera space + vec4 start = modelViewMatrix * vec4( instanceStart, 1.0 ); + vec4 end = modelViewMatrix * vec4( instanceEnd, 1.0 ); + + #ifdef WORLD_UNITS + + worldStart = start.xyz; + worldEnd = end.xyz; + + #else + + vUv = uv; + + #endif + + // special case for perspective projection, and segments that terminate either in, or behind, the camera plane + // clearly the gpu firmware has a way of addressing this issue when projecting into ndc space + // but we need to perform ndc-space calculations in the shader, so we must address this issue directly + // perhaps there is a more elegant solution -- WestLangley + + bool perspective = ( projectionMatrix[ 2 ][ 3 ] == - 1.0 ); // 4th entry in the 3rd column + + if ( perspective ) { + + if ( start.z < 0.0 && end.z >= 0.0 ) { + + trimSegment( start, end ); + + } else if ( end.z < 0.0 && start.z >= 0.0 ) { + + trimSegment( end, start ); + + } + + } + + // clip space + vec4 clipStart = projectionMatrix * start; + vec4 clipEnd = projectionMatrix * end; + + // ndc space + vec3 ndcStart = clipStart.xyz / clipStart.w; + vec3 ndcEnd = clipEnd.xyz / clipEnd.w; + + // direction + vec2 dir = ndcEnd.xy - ndcStart.xy; + + // account for clip-space aspect ratio + dir.x *= aspect; + dir = normalize( dir ); + + #ifdef WORLD_UNITS + + vec3 worldDir = normalize( end.xyz - start.xyz ); + vec3 tmpFwd = normalize( mix( start.xyz, end.xyz, 0.5 ) ); + vec3 worldUp = normalize( cross( worldDir, tmpFwd ) ); + vec3 worldFwd = cross( worldDir, worldUp ); + worldPos = position.y < 0.5 ? start: end; + + // height offset + float hw = linewidth * 0.5; + worldPos.xyz += position.x < 0.0 ? hw * worldUp : - hw * worldUp; + + // don't extend the line if we're rendering dashes because we + // won't be rendering the endcaps + #ifndef USE_DASH + + // cap extension + worldPos.xyz += position.y < 0.5 ? - hw * worldDir : hw * worldDir; + + // add width to the box + worldPos.xyz += worldFwd * hw; + + // endcaps + if ( position.y > 1.0 || position.y < 0.0 ) { + + worldPos.xyz -= worldFwd * 2.0 * hw; + + } + + #endif + + // project the worldpos + vec4 clip = projectionMatrix * worldPos; + + // shift the depth of the projected points so the line + // segments overlap neatly + vec3 clipPose = ( position.y < 0.5 ) ? ndcStart : ndcEnd; + clip.z = clipPose.z * clip.w; + + #else + + vec2 offset = vec2( dir.y, - dir.x ); + // undo aspect ratio adjustment + dir.x /= aspect; + offset.x /= aspect; + + // sign flip + if ( position.x < 0.0 ) offset *= - 1.0; + + // endcaps + if ( position.y < 0.0 ) { + + offset += - dir; + + } else if ( position.y > 1.0 ) { + + offset += dir; + + } + + // adjust for linewidth + offset *= linewidth; + + // adjust for clip-space to screen-space conversion // maybe resolution should be based on viewport ... + offset /= resolution.y; + + // select end + vec4 clip = ( position.y < 0.5 ) ? clipStart : clipEnd; + + // back to clip space + offset *= clip.w; + + clip.xy += offset; + + #endif + + gl_Position = clip; + + vec4 mvPosition = ( position.y < 0.5 ) ? start : end; // this is an approximation + + #include + #include + #include + + } + `,fragmentShader:` + uniform vec3 diffuse; + uniform float opacity; + uniform float linewidth; + + #ifdef USE_DASH + + uniform float dashOffset; + uniform float dashSize; + uniform float gapSize; + + #endif + + varying float vLineDistance; + + #ifdef WORLD_UNITS + + varying vec4 worldPos; + varying vec3 worldStart; + varying vec3 worldEnd; + + #ifdef USE_DASH + + varying vec2 vUv; + + #endif + + #else + + varying vec2 vUv; + + #endif + + #include + #include + #include + #include + #include + + vec2 closestLineToLine(vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3, vec3 p4) { + + float mua; + float mub; + + vec3 p13 = p1 - p3; + vec3 p43 = p4 - p3; + + vec3 p21 = p2 - p1; + + float d1343 = dot( p13, p43 ); + float d4321 = dot( p43, p21 ); + float d1321 = dot( p13, p21 ); + float d4343 = dot( p43, p43 ); + float d2121 = dot( p21, p21 ); + + float denom = d2121 * d4343 - d4321 * d4321; + + float numer = d1343 * d4321 - d1321 * d4343; + + mua = numer / denom; + mua = clamp( mua, 0.0, 1.0 ); + mub = ( d1343 + d4321 * ( mua ) ) / d4343; + mub = clamp( mub, 0.0, 1.0 ); + + return vec2( mua, mub ); + + } + + void main() { + + #include + + #ifdef USE_DASH + + if ( vUv.y < - 1.0 || vUv.y > 1.0 ) discard; // discard endcaps + + if ( mod( vLineDistance + dashOffset, dashSize + gapSize ) > dashSize ) discard; // todo - FIX + + #endif + + float alpha = opacity; + + #ifdef WORLD_UNITS + + // Find the closest points on the view ray and the line segment + vec3 rayEnd = normalize( worldPos.xyz ) * 1e5; + vec3 lineDir = worldEnd - worldStart; + vec2 params = closestLineToLine( worldStart, worldEnd, vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), rayEnd ); + + vec3 p1 = worldStart + lineDir * params.x; + vec3 p2 = rayEnd * params.y; + vec3 delta = p1 - p2; + float len = length( delta ); + float norm = len / linewidth; + + #ifndef USE_DASH + + #ifdef USE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE + + float dnorm = fwidth( norm ); + alpha = 1.0 - smoothstep( 0.5 - dnorm, 0.5 + dnorm, norm ); + + #else + + if ( norm > 0.5 ) { + + discard; + + } + + #endif + + #endif + + #else + + #ifdef USE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE + + // artifacts appear on some hardware if a derivative is taken within a conditional + float a = vUv.x; + float b = ( vUv.y > 0.0 ) ? vUv.y - 1.0 : vUv.y + 1.0; + float len2 = a * a + b * b; + float dlen = fwidth( len2 ); + + if ( abs( vUv.y ) > 1.0 ) { + + alpha = 1.0 - smoothstep( 1.0 - dlen, 1.0 + dlen, len2 ); + + } + + #else + + if ( abs( vUv.y ) > 1.0 ) { + + float a = vUv.x; + float b = ( vUv.y > 0.0 ) ? vUv.y - 1.0 : vUv.y + 1.0; + float len2 = a * a + b * b; + + if ( len2 > 1.0 ) discard; + + } + + #endif + + #endif + + vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, alpha ); + + #include + #include + + gl_FragColor = vec4( diffuseColor.rgb, alpha ); + + #include + #include + #include + #include + + } + `};var $s=class extends Ke{constructor(t){super({type:"LineMaterial",uniforms:qs.clone(Ve.line.uniforms),vertexShader:Ve.line.vertexShader,fragmentShader:Ve.line.fragmentShader,clipping:!0}),this.isLineMaterial=!0,this.setValues(t)}get color(){return this.uniforms.diffuse.value}set color(t){this.uniforms.diffuse.value=t}get worldUnits(){return"WORLD_UNITS"in this.defines}set worldUnits(t){t===!0?this.defines.WORLD_UNITS="":delete this.defines.WORLD_UNITS}get linewidth(){return this.uniforms.linewidth.value}set linewidth(t){this.uniforms.linewidth&&(this.uniforms.linewidth.value=t)}get dashed(){return"USE_DASH"in this.defines}set dashed(t){t===!0!==this.dashed&&(this.needsUpdate=!0),t===!0?this.defines.USE_DASH="":delete this.defines.USE_DASH}get dashScale(){return this.uniforms.dashScale.value}set dashScale(t){this.uniforms.dashScale.value=t}get dashSize(){return this.uniforms.dashSize.value}set dashSize(t){this.uniforms.dashSize.value=t}get dashOffset(){return this.uniforms.dashOffset.value}set dashOffset(t){this.uniforms.dashOffset.value=t}get gapSize(){return this.uniforms.gapSize.value}set gapSize(t){this.uniforms.gapSize.value=t}get opacity(){return this.uniforms.opacity.value}set opacity(t){this.uniforms&&(this.uniforms.opacity.value=t)}get resolution(){return this.uniforms.resolution.value}set resolution(t){this.uniforms.resolution.value.copy(t)}get alphaToCoverage(){return"USE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"in this.defines}set alphaToCoverage(t){this.defines&&(t===!0!==this.alphaToCoverage&&(this.needsUpdate=!0),t===!0?(this.defines.USE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE="",this.extensions.derivatives=!0):(delete this.defines.USE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE,this.extensions.derivatives=!1))}},Yd=new G,Zd=new G,Re=new ie,Pe=new ie,En=new ie,ql=new G,Yl=new he,De=new Fs,Kd=new G,cc=new Ge,lc=new yn,An=new ie,Tn,Bi;function Jd(i,t,e){return An.set(0,0,-t,1).applyMatrix4(i.projectionMatrix),An.multiplyScalar(1/An.w),An.x=Bi/e.width,An.y=Bi/e.height,An.applyMatrix4(i.projectionMatrixInverse),An.multiplyScalar(1/An.w),Math.abs(Math.max(An.x,An.y))}function px(i,t){let e=i.matrixWorld,n=i.geometry,r=n.attributes.instanceStart,s=n.attributes.instanceEnd,a=Math.min(n.instanceCount,r.count);for(let o=0,c=a;ou&&Pe.z>u)continue;if(Re.z>u){let p=Re.z-Pe.z,w=(Re.z-u)/p;Re.lerp(Pe,w)}else if(Pe.z>u){let p=Pe.z-Re.z,w=(Pe.z-u)/p;Pe.lerp(Re,w)}Re.applyMatrix4(n),Pe.applyMatrix4(n),Re.multiplyScalar(1/Re.w),Pe.multiplyScalar(1/Pe.w),Re.x*=r.x/2,Re.y*=r.y/2,Pe.x*=r.x/2,Pe.y*=r.y/2,De.start.copy(Re),De.start.z=0,De.end.copy(Pe),De.end.z=0;let d=De.closestPointToPointParameter(ql,!0);De.at(d,Kd);let _=Ii.lerp(Re.z,Pe.z,d),g=_>=-1&&_<=1,m=ql.distanceTo(Kd){let t=new kt,e=[],n=[],{isSphere:r}=i;if(Js.forEach((o,c)=>{let{enabled:l,line:u,scale:h,color:f}=i[o];if(!l||!u)return;let 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