gRPC Server Reflection provides information about publicly-accessible gRPC services on a server, and assists clients at runtime to construct RPC requests and responses without precompiled service information. It is used by gRPCurl, which can be used to introspect server protos and send/receive test RPCs.
gRPC-go Server Reflection is implemented in package reflection. To enable server reflection, you need to import this package and register reflection service on your gRPC server.
For example, to enable server reflection in example/helloworld
, we need to
make the following changes:
--- a/examples/helloworld/greeter_server/main.go
+++ b/examples/helloworld/greeter_server/main.go
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import (
pb ""
+ ""
const (
@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ func main() {
s := grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterGreeterService(s, &pb.GreeterService{SayHello: sayHello})
+ // Register reflection service on gRPC server.
+ reflection.Register(s)
if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)
An example server with reflection registered can be found at
After enabling Server Reflection in a server application, you can use gRPCurl to check its services. gRPCurl is built with Go and has packages available. Instructions on how to install and use gRPCurl can be found at gRPCurl Installation.
First, start the helloworld server in grpc-go directory:
$ cd <grpc-go-directory>/examples
$ go run features/reflection/server/main.go
server listening at [::]:50051
After installing gRPCurl, open a new terminal and run the commands from the new terminal.
NOTE: gRPCurl expects a TLS-encrypted connection by default. For all of
the commands below, use the -plaintext
flag to use an unencrypted connection.
The list
command lists services exposed at a given port:
List all the services exposed at a given port
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 list
grpc.examples.echo.Echo grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection helloworld.Greeter
List all the methods of a service
command lists methods given the full service name (in the format of <package>.<service>).$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 list helloworld.Greeter
Describe all services
command inspects a service given its full name (in the format of <package>.<service>).$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 describe helloworld.Greeter
helloworld.Greeter is a service: service Greeter { rpc SayHello ( .helloworld.HelloRequest ) returns ( .helloworld.HelloReply ); }
Describe all methods of a service
command inspects a method given its full name (in the format of <package>.<service>.<method>).$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 describe helloworld.Greeter.SayHello
helloworld.Greeter.SayHello is a method: rpc SayHello ( .helloworld.HelloRequest ) returns ( .helloworld.HelloReply );
We can use the describe
command to inspect request/response types given the
full name of the type (in the format of <package>.<type>).
Get information about the request type
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 describe helloworld.HelloRequest
helloworld.HelloRequest is a message: message HelloRequest { string name = 1; }
We can send RPCs to a server and get responses using the full method name (in
the format of <package>.<service>.<method>). The -d <string>
represents the request data and the -format text
flag indicates that the
request data is in text format.
Call a unary method
$ grpcurl -plaintext -format text -d 'name: "gRPCurl"' \ localhost:50051 helloworld.Greeter.SayHello
message: "Hello gRPCurl"