- Install Plugin.FacebookClient package into your iOS project.
On FinishedLaunching just before return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options):
Override OnActivated(UIApplication uiApplication):
Override OpenUrl methods
public override bool OpenUrl(UIApplication app, NSUrl url, NSDictionary options)
return FacebookClientManager.OpenUrl(app, url, options);
public override bool OpenUrl(UIApplication application, NSUrl url, string sourceApplication, NSObject annotation)
return FacebookClientManager.OpenUrl(application, url, sourceApplication, annotation);
Add facebook bundle url types:
<string>[Facebook app name]</string>
Note: Replace xxxxxxxxxxxxx with your facebook app id
If your app needs access to the gallery because will be posting photos, remember to add the photo library permission.
<string>{human-readable reason for photo access}</string>
On your Entitlement.plist add:
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