From 86752bdd4882d1aeb3a970b91747806a3252eeed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Amir Tadrisi
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2022 20:46:48 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/9] fix: YouTube video transcrips Import
.../video/transcripts/message_manager.js | 511 ++++++++++--------
.../messages/transcripts-not-found.underscore | 3 +
.../xmodule/video_module/ | 9 -
3 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cms/static/js/views/video/transcripts/message_manager.js b/cms/static/js/views/video/transcripts/message_manager.js
index 8c645e3a387e..3bfc1ab9a088 100644
--- a/cms/static/js/views/video/transcripts/message_manager.js
+++ b/cms/static/js/views/video/transcripts/message_manager.js
@@ -1,231 +1,286 @@
- [
- 'jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore',
- 'js/views/video/transcripts/utils', 'js/views/video/transcripts/file_uploader',
- 'gettext'
- ],
-function($, Backbone, _, Utils, FileUploader, gettext) {
- var MessageManager = Backbone.View.extend({
- tagName: 'div',
- elClass: '.wrapper-transcripts-message',
- invisibleClass: 'is-invisible',
- events: {
- 'click .setting-import': 'importHandler',
- 'click .setting-replace': 'replaceHandler',
- 'click .setting-choose': 'chooseHandler',
- 'click .setting-use-existing': 'useExistingHandler'
- },
- // Pre-defined dict with anchors to status templates.
- templates: {
- not_found: '#transcripts-not-found',
- found: '#transcripts-found',
- import: '#transcripts-import',
- replace: '#transcripts-replace',
- uploaded: '#transcripts-uploaded',
- use_existing: '#transcripts-use-existing',
- choose: '#transcripts-choose'
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- _.bindAll(this,
- 'importHandler', 'replaceHandler', 'chooseHandler', 'useExistingHandler', 'showError', 'hideError'
- );
- this.options = _.extend({}, options);
- this.component_locator = this.$el.closest('[data-locator]').data('locator');
- this.fileUploader = new FileUploader({
- el: this.$el,
- messenger: this,
- component_locator: this.component_locator
- });
- },
- render: function(template_id, params) {
- var tplHtml = $(this.templates[template_id]).text(),
- videoList = this.options.parent.getVideoObjectsList(),
- // Change list representation format to more convenient and group
- // them by video property.
- // Before:
- // [
- // {mode: `html5`, type: `mp4`, video: `video_name_1`},
- // {mode: `html5`, type: `webm`, video: `video_name_2`}
- // ]
- // After:
- // {
- // `video_name_1`: [{mode: `html5`, type: `webm`, ...}],
- // `video_name_2`: [{mode: `html5`, type: `mp4`, ...}]
- // }
- groupedList = _.groupBy(
- videoList,
- function(value) {
- return;
- }
- ),
- html5List = (params) ? params.html5_local : [],
- template;
- if (!tplHtml) {
- console.error('Couldn\'t load Transcripts status template');
- return this;
- }
- template = edx.HtmlUtils.template(tplHtml);
- edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml(
- this.$el.find('.transcripts-status').removeClass('is-invisible').find(this.elClass), template({
- component_locator: encodeURIComponent(this.component_locator),
- html5_list: html5List,
- grouped_list: groupedList,
- subs_id: (params) ? params.subs : ''
- }));
- this.fileUploader.render();
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * @function
- *
- * Shows error message.
- *
- * @param {string} err Error message that will be shown
- *
- * @param {boolean} hideButtons Hide buttons
- *
- */
- showError: function(err, hideButtons) {
- var $error = this.$el.find('.transcripts-error-message');
- if (err) {
- // Hide any other error messages.
- this.hideError();
- edx.HtmlUtils.setHtml($error, gettext(err)).removeClass(this.invisibleClass);
- if (hideButtons) {
- this.$el.find('.wrapper-transcripts-buttons')
- .addClass(this.invisibleClass);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * @function
- *
- * Hides error message.
- *
- */
- hideError: function() {
- this.$el.find('.transcripts-error-message')
- .addClass(this.invisibleClass);
- this.$el.find('.wrapper-transcripts-buttons')
- .removeClass(this.invisibleClass);
- },
- /**
- * @function
- *
- * Handle import button.
- *
- * @params {object} event Event object.
- *
- */
- importHandler: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.processCommand('replace', gettext('Error: Import failed.'));
- },
- /**
- * @function
- *
- * Handle replace button.
- *
- * @params {object} event Event object.
- *
- */
- replaceHandler: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.processCommand('replace', gettext('Error: Replacing failed.'));
- },
- /**
- * @function
- *
- * Handle choose buttons.
- *
- * @params {object} event Event object.
- *
- */
- chooseHandler: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- var videoId = $(event.currentTarget).data('video-id');
- this.processCommand('choose', gettext('Error: Choosing failed.'), videoId);
+ "jquery",
+ "backbone",
+ "underscore",
+ "js/views/video/transcripts/utils",
+ "js/views/video/transcripts/file_uploader",
+ "gettext",
+], function ($, Backbone, _, Utils, FileUploader, gettext) {
+ var MessageManager = Backbone.View.extend({
+ tagName: "div",
+ elClass: ".wrapper-transcripts-message",
+ invisibleClass: "is-invisible",
+ events: {
+ "click .setting-import": "importHandler",
+ "click .setting-replace": "replaceHandler",
+ "click .setting-choose": "chooseHandler",
+ "click .setting-use-existing": "useExistingHandler",
+ "click .setting-download-youtube-transcript": "downloadYoutubeTranscriptHandler",
+ },
+ // Pre-defined dict with anchors to status templates.
+ templates: {
+ not_found: "#transcripts-not-found",
+ found: "#transcripts-found",
+ import: "#transcripts-import",
+ replace: "#transcripts-replace",
+ uploaded: "#transcripts-uploaded",
+ use_existing: "#transcripts-use-existing",
+ choose: "#transcripts-choose",
+ },
+ initialize: function (options) {
+ _.bindAll(
+ this,
+ "importHandler",
+ "replaceHandler",
+ "chooseHandler",
+ "useExistingHandler",
+ "showError",
+ "hideError"
+ );
+ this.options = _.extend({}, options);
+ this.component_locator = this.$el.closest("[data-locator]").data("locator");
+ this.fileUploader = new FileUploader({
+ el: this.$el,
+ messenger: this,
+ component_locator: this.component_locator,
+ videoListObject: this.options.parent,
+ });
+ },
+ render: function (template_id, params) {
+ var tplHtml = $(this.templates[template_id]).text(),
+ videoList = this.options.parent.getVideoObjectsList(),
+ // Change list representation format to more convenient and group
+ // them by video property.
+ // Before:
+ // [
+ // {mode: `html5`, type: `mp4`, video: `video_name_1`},
+ // {mode: `html5`, type: `webm`, video: `video_name_2`}
+ // ]
+ // After:
+ // {
+ // `video_name_1`: [{mode: `html5`, type: `webm`, ...}],
+ // `video_name_2`: [{mode: `html5`, type: `mp4`, ...}]
+ // }
+ groupedList = _.groupBy(videoList, function (value) {
+ return;
+ }),
+ html5List = params ? params.html5_local : [],
+ template;
+ if (!tplHtml) {
+ console.error("Couldn't load Transcripts status template");
+ return this;
+ }
+ template = _.template(tplHtml);
+ this.$el
+ .find(".transcripts-status")
+ .removeClass("is-invisible")
+ .find(this.elClass)
+ .html(
+ template({
+ component_locator: encodeURIComponent(this.component_locator),
+ html5_list: html5List,
+ grouped_list: groupedList,
+ subs_id: params ? params.subs : "",
+ })
+ );
+ this.fileUploader.render();
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @function
+ *
+ * Shows error message.
+ *
+ * @param {string} err Error message that will be shown
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} hideButtons Hide buttons
+ *
+ */
+ showError: function (err, hideButtons) {
+ var $error = this.$el.find(".transcripts-error-message");
+ if (err) {
+ // Hide any other error messages.
+ this.hideError();
+ $error.html(gettext(err)).removeClass(this.invisibleClass);
+ if (hideButtons) {
+ this.$el.find(".wrapper-transcripts-buttons").addClass(this.invisibleClass);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * @function
+ *
+ * Hides error message.
+ *
+ */
+ hideError: function () {
+ this.$el.find(".transcripts-error-message").addClass(this.invisibleClass);
+ this.$el.find(".wrapper-transcripts-buttons").removeClass(this.invisibleClass);
+ },
+ /**
+ * @function
+ *
+ * Handle import button.
+ *
+ * @params {object} event Event object.
+ *
+ */
+ importHandler: function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.processCommand("replace", gettext("Error: Import failed."));
+ },
+ /**
+ * @function
+ *
+ * Handle replace button.
+ *
+ * @params {object} event Event object.
+ *
+ */
+ replaceHandler: function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.processCommand("replace", gettext("Error: Replacing failed."));
+ },
+ /**
+ * @function
+ *
+ * Handle choose buttons.
+ *
+ * @params {object} event Event object.
+ *
+ */
+ chooseHandler: function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var videoId = $(event.currentTarget).data("video-id");
+ this.processCommand("choose", gettext("Error: Choosing failed."), videoId);
+ },
+ /**
+ * @function
+ *
+ * Handle `use existing` button.
+ *
+ * @params {object} event Event object.
+ *
+ */
+ useExistingHandler: function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.processCommand("rename", gettext("Error: Choosing failed."));
+ },
+ downloadYoutubeTranscriptHandler: function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var videoObject = this.options.parent.getVideoObjectsList();
+ var videoId = videoObject[0].video;
+ var component_locator = this.component_locator;
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ notifyOnError: false,
+ crossDomain: true,
+ url: "",
+ data: {
+ video_id: videoId,
- /**
- * @function
- *
- * Handle `use existing` button.
- *
- * @params {object} event Event object.
- *
- */
- useExistingHandler: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.processCommand('rename', gettext('Error: Choosing failed.'));
+ success: function (transcriptResponse) {
+ console.log("Downloladed youtube transcript");
- /**
- * @function
- *
- * Decorator for `command` function in the Utils.
- *
- * @params {string} action Action that will be invoked on server. Is a part
- * of url.
- *
- * @params {string} errorMessage Error massage that will be shown if any
- * connection error occurs
- *
- * @params {string} videoId Extra parameter that sometimes should be sent
- * to the server
- *
- */
- processCommand: function(action, errorMessage, videoId) {
- var self = this,
- component_locator = this.component_locator,
- videoList = this.options.parent.getVideoObjectsList(),
- extraParam, xhr;
- if (videoId) {
- extraParam = {html5_id: videoId};
- }
- xhr = Utils.command(action, component_locator, videoList, extraParam)
- .done(function(resp) {
- var edxVideoID = resp.edx_video_id;
- self.render('found', resp);
- Backbone.trigger('transcripts:basicTabUpdateEdxVideoId', edxVideoID);
- })
- .fail(function(resp) {
- var message = resp.status || errorMessage;
- self.showError(message);
- });
- return xhr;
- }
- });
- return MessageManager;
+ }).done(function (transcriptResponse) {
+ var srt = transcriptResponse.transcript_srt;
+ var transcript_name = "subs_" + videoId + Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 900) + ".srt";
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/transcripts/upload",
+ type: "POST",
+ dataType: "json",
+ data: {
+ locator: component_locator,
+ "transcript-file": srt,
+ "transcript-name": transcript_name,
+ video_list: JSON.stringify([videoObject[0]]),
+ },
+ success: function (data) {
+ console.log("Transcript uploaded successfully");
+ },
+ })
+ .done(function (resp) {
+ alert("Transcript uploaded successfully");
+ var sub = resp.subs;
+ Utils.Storage.set("sub", sub);
+ })
+ .fail(function (resp) {
+ var message = resp.status || errorMessage;
+ alert(message);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * @function
+ *
+ * Decorator for `command` function in the Utils.
+ *
+ * @params {string} action Action that will be invoked on server. Is a part
+ * of url.
+ *
+ * @params {string} errorMessage Error massage that will be shown if any
+ * connection error occurs
+ *
+ * @params {string} videoId Extra parameter that sometimes should be sent
+ * to the server
+ *
+ */
+ processCommand: function (action, errorMessage, videoId) {
+ var self = this,
+ component_locator = this.component_locator,
+ videoList = this.options.parent.getVideoObjectsList(),
+ extraParam,
+ xhr;
+ if (videoId) {
+ extraParam = { html5_id: videoId };
+ }
+ xhr = Utils.command(action, component_locator, videoList, extraParam)
+ .done(function (resp) {
+ var sub = resp.subs;
+ self.render("found", resp);
+ Utils.Storage.set("sub", sub);
+ })
+ .fail(function (resp) {
+ var message = resp.status || errorMessage;
+ self.showError(message);
+ });
+ return xhr;
+ },
+ });
+ return MessageManager;
diff --git a/cms/templates/js/video/transcripts/messages/transcripts-not-found.underscore b/cms/templates/js/video/transcripts/messages/transcripts-not-found.underscore
index daa33a1f69e9..1d1efa1fac91 100644
--- a/cms/templates/js/video/transcripts/messages/transcripts-not-found.underscore
+++ b/cms/templates/js/video/transcripts/messages/transcripts-not-found.underscore
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
<%- gettext("Error.") %>