This documentation page guides you through installation of CakePHP-App-Installer plugin into your application
You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.
The recommended way to install composer packages is:
composer require cakephp-app-installer/installer
load Installer plugin to your CakePHP Application by adding below like to your bootstrap.php file inside /config directory
Plugin::load('CakePHPAppInstaller', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);
or from terminal
bin/cake plugin load CakePHPAppInstaller
below following script inside bootstrap.php file in /config directory
if (file_exists(CONFIG . 'app_local.php')) {
Configure::load('app_local', 'default');
add following lines
if (file_exists(CONFIG . 'database.php')) {
Configure::load('database', 'default');
You can also configure your application to auto check for database configuration so that any modification in database configuration will redirect user to re-configuration of the database. Fore more guide Click Here