Before you bootstrap your nodes, you need a base policy to apply and the cookbooks.
On the Chef Workstation developer machine, open PowerShell and go to the cookbooks directory.
cd C:\chef-repo\cookbooks
Now clone all the required Cookbooks.
git clone --quiet
git clone --quiet
git clone --quiet
Upload the Audit Cookbook. This cookbook is used to automatically run the correct InSpec profiles.
NOTE: If you are using a different Chef Automate user you will need to modify the attributes/defaul.rb
. Speak to Anthony for help before uploading !
cd audit_agr
berks install -q
berks upload -q
Upload the Chef Client Cookbook.
cd chef-client
berks install -q
berks upload -q
Upload the Windows 2012 Hardening Cookbook.
cd cis-win2012r2-l1-hardening-cookbook
berks install -q
berks upload -q
On the Chef Workstation developer machine, open PowerShell and go to the cookbooks directory.
cd C:\chef-repo\policyfiles
Create a new policy called base.rb
using VS Code.
code base.rb
Add the following code to your base.rb
and save it. Don't forget to update YOUR_AUTOMATE_HOSTNAME
# base.rb - Describe how you want Chef to build your system.
# For more information on the Policyfile feature, visit
# A name that describes what the system you're building with Chef does.
name 'base'
# Where to find external cookbooks:
default_source :chef_server, "https://YOUR_AUTOMATE_HOSTNAME/organizations/YOUR_CHEF_ORG"
# Specify a custom source for a cookbook:
cookbook 'chef-client', '~> 12.2.0' ## Stage 1 - Base
cookbook 'audit_agr', '~> 2.2.4' ## Stage 2 - Detect
# run_list: chef-client will run these recipes in the order specified.
run_list 'chef-client', 'audit_agr' ## Stage 2
Upload the policy to the Chef Server and apply it to the development
policy group.
chef install base.rb
chef push development base.rb
Check the policy on the Chef Server with the following command:
chef show-policy base