.SH xkcdpass .SS generate memorable, secure multiword passphrases .TP .B Author |authorname| |authoremail| .RS .RE .TP .B Date 2015-01-17 .RS .RE .TP .B Copyright BSD license, attribution and disclaimer required, no endorsement allowed. .RS .RE .TP .B Manual section 1 .RS .RE .TP .B Manual group Admin .RS .RE .SS SYNOPSIS .PP f[B]xkcdpassf[] [ option ... ] .PD 0 .P .PD f[B]xkcdpassf[] f[B]--helpf[] .SS DESCRIPTION .PP A flexible and scriptable password generator which generates strong passphrases, inspired by XKCD 936: .IP .nf f[C] $xkcdpass >correcthorsebatterystaple f[] .fi .SS OPTIONS .PP f[B]--helpf[] .RS .PP Describe how to use this command. .RE .PP f[B]--wordfilef[] WORDFILE, f[B]-wf[] WORDFILE .RS .PP Specify that the file WORDFILE contains the list of valid words from which to generate passphrases. Provided wordfiles: eff-long (default), eff-short, eff-special, legacy .RE .PP f[B]--minf[] MIN_LENGTH .RS .PP Generate passphrases containing at least MIN_LENGTH words. (Default: 5) .RE .PP f[B]--maxf[] MAX_LENGTH .RS .PP Generate passphrases containing at most MAX_LENGTH words. (Default: 9) .RE .PP f[B]--numwordsf[] NUM_WORDS, f[B]-nf[] NUM_WORDS .RS .PP Generate passphrases containing exactly NUM_WORDS words. (Default: 6) .RE .PP f[B]--interactivef[], f[B]-if[] .RS .PP Generate and output a passphrase, query the user to accept it, and loop until one is accepted. .RE .PP f[B]--valid_charsf[] VALID_CHARS, f[B]-vf[] VALID_CHARS .RS .PP Limit passphrases to only include words matching the regex pattern VALID_CHARS (e.g. f[C][aq][a-z][aq]f[]). .RE .PP f[B]--verbosef[], f[B]-Vf[] .RS .PP Report various metrics for given options. .RE .PP f[B]--acrosticf[] ACROSTIC, f[B]-af[] ACROSTIC .RS .PP Generate passphrases with an acrostic matching ACROSTIC. .RE .PP f[B]--countf[] COUNT, f[B]-cf[] COUNT .RS .PP Generate COUNT passphrases. (Default: 1) .RE .PP f[B]--delimiterf[] DELIM, f[B]-df[] DELIM .RS .PP Separate words within a passphrase with DELIM. (Default: [aq] [aq]) .RE .SS EXAMPLES .IP [bu] 2 f[B]xkcdpassf[] .RS 2 .PP Generates one passphrase with the default options. Example output: .IP .nf f[C] pinballpreviousdeprivemilitancybereavednumeric f[] .fi .RE .IP [bu] 2 f[B]xkcdpassf[] --count=5 --acrostic=[aq]chaos[aq] --delimiter=[aq]|[aq] --min=5 --max=6 --valid_chars=[aq][a-z][aq] .RS 2 .PP Generates 5 passphrases, all from lower-case words and meeting the acrostic “chaos”, delimited by the “|” character. Example output: .IP .nf f[C] collar|highly|asset|ovoid|sultan caper|hangup|addle|oboist|scroll couple|honcho|abbot|obtain|simple cutler|hotly|aortae|outset|stool cradle|helot|axial|ordure|shale f[] .fi .RE .SS HISTORY .PP The f[B]xkcdpassf[] command invokes the Python program f[C]xkcd_password.pyf[]. .PP The inspiration for the program[aq]s purpose is the XKCD 936_ “Password Strength” cartoon. .PP The application is maintained by Steven Tobin <<[email protected]>>. .PP This manual page was written by |authorname| |authoremail|. .SS .RS .PP Local variables: mode: rst coding: utf-8 time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d" time-stamp-start: "^:Date:[ ]+" time-stamp-end: "$" time-stamp-line-limit: 20 End: vim: filetype=rst fileencoding=utf-8 : .RE