Setting up GPL-GPS is not trivial, and will take a bit of doing. Here's an overview of all the things you'll need to do to get up and running with GPL-GPS:
- Setup your PC to develop GPL-GPS Code
- Get your host development environment set up (the arm-elf-gcc toolchain).
- Download the latest eCos source code.
- Setup your MG5001 GPS receiver to do code development.
- Get the eCos development environment set up and compile two flavors of RedBoot (one for RAM, one for ROM).
- Load the RedBoot RAM image, and use it to burn the RedBoot ROM image onto the MG5001's flash.
- Develop GPL-GPS code for your application.
- Get the GPL-GPS source code.
- Compile eCos for use with GPL-GPS in RAM.
- Compile the GPL-GPS code and link with the compiled eCos.
- Download the code into the MG5001's RAM using gdb-stubs (which is in the RedBoot ROM image in the MG5001's flash).
- Develop your code!
- Burn your code into the MG5001.
- Recompile eCos for use with GPL-GPS in ROM.
- Recompile your GPL-GPS code with the new eCos.
- Use RedBoot ROM to burn the GPL-GPS/eCos ROM image into Flash.
- You're now done: when you power up the receiver, it runs your code!
Work in progess:
- [[GPL-GPS development under Windows 2000/XP|GpsWinDevGuide]].
- [[GPL-GPS development under Linux|GpsLinuxDevGuide]].
- [[GPL-GPS development under Mac OS X|GpsMacDevGuide]].
Older things:
- [[GpTogglePort]]: The Hello World of Gp4020-based GPS receivers! (Assembly language, uses boot loader)
- [[RedBootOnTheMG5001]]: Getting your tools together, compiling redboot, and installing it on a GP4020 receiver (in this case, a MG5001)
- [[ThreadsDemoOnTheMG5001]]: Compiling eCos, linking in a threads demo application, and running via gdb.
- [[GpsSvnAccess]]: Getting the GPL-GPS software
- [[TarBalls]]: Getting binaries (and source) directly without CVS
GPL-GPS uses SVN for storing and versioning code. Here's a few resources for getting setup to run it:
- Windows users: If you are a Windows user you can use TortoiseSVN, which is an extention to Windows Explorer. A command line client is also available for Cygwin, if that is your prefered environment.
- *nix users: Subversion should be a part of you favourite distibution. If not you can get the source code from and compile it your self.
Both Windows and *nix users should follow the instructions on [[GplGpsCvsAccess]] to get the current version of the GPL-GPS source code.