This is the documentation of MiniScript language. This document is WIP.
MiniScript was developed as part of our TDME2 3D Engine to match the requirements for high performance script execution, as well as straight forward game logic scripting.
MiniScript might borrow some ideas from JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP and even C++, which you might like and find familier. Also note the focus on easy integration into other products and easy customizability and extendability.
- MiniScript is open source
- please check the license
- you find the source code at
- here you find developer documentation including collaboration graphs and API
- Introduction to MiniScript language features:
- very small implementation of a scripting language
- runs on every CPU, OS, ... due to its simplicity, so its highly portable
- can be easily extended by writing state machine machine states and script methods in C++ as well as custom data types
- built-in data types: null, boolean, integer, float, string, byte array, array, map, set, vector2, vector3, vector4, quaternion, matrix3x3, matrix4x4, transform, ...
- when calling script C++ methods or script functions with arguments it does optionally use references or value by copy
- supports functions and recursion
- supports inline/lamda functions
- supports operators by operator to method mapping by a preprocessor run
- supports loops and conditions
- supports programming with classes style programming
- for built-in datatypes: string, byte array, array, map, set, vector2, vector3, vector4, quaternion, matrix3x3, matrix4x4, transform, ...
- for script classes/objects
- for custom data types
- supports event like programming
- unicode support via UTF8
- can be transpiled to C++
If, elseif, else and end are flow control methods. Please see the usage below.
See an example of if and end:
$i = 1
if ($i == 1)
console.printLine("i -> 1")
See an example of if and else and end:
$i = 2
if ($i == 1)
console.printLine("i -> 1")
console.printLine("else: ", $i)
See an example of if, elseif, else and end:
$i = 2
console.printLine($i, ":")
if ($i == 0)
console.printLine("i -> 0")
elseif ($i == 1)
console.printLine("i -> 1")
elseif ($i == 2)
console.printLine("i -> 2")
elseif ($i == 3)
console.printLine("i -> 3")
console.printLine("else: ", $i)
forTime and forCondition are loops and belong to flow control also:
forTime takes a single argument "time" - it repeats the loop until "time" in milliseconds has passed since the initialization of the loop. See an example of forTime() below:
$i = 0
console.printLine($i, ": Hello World")
forCondition takes a single boolean value as argument. The loop will be executed as long as the argument is true. In this case "$i < 5" translates to "lesser($i, 5)" which results in a boolean value, which is used as the forCondition argument. See example of forCondition() below.
$i = 0
forCondition($i < 5)
console.printLine("$ = ", $i)
See this example that shows functions and recursion.
Argument variables, parsed in function declarations are populated in function context with corresponding values.
# function of recursive factorial computation
function: factorial($value)
console.printLine("factorial(): $value = " + $value)
if ($value == 0)
return($value * factorial($value - 1))
console.printLine("factorial(5) = " + factorial(5))
If a argument(variable) is prefixed with a & operator in the function declaration, the variable will not be copied into the function arguments, but a reference will be created, means if this variable changes within the function it will also change in the parent variable scope. See &$b and &$c.
Be aware that value by copy variables usually require more instantiation time due to the copy that needs to be made of the variable from parent variable scope to function variable scope.
# function to test references in user functions
function: assignTest($a, &$b, &$c)
$a = "a"
$b = "b"
$c = "c"
$a = "0"
$b = "1"
$c = "2"
console.printLine("assignTest(): pre: $a = " + $a + ", $b = " + $b + ", $c = " + $c)
assignTest($a, $b, $c)
console.printLine("assignTest(): post: $a = " + $a + ", $b = " + $b + ", $c = " + $c)
Global variables can always be accessed by using the "$$." or "$GLOBAL." accessor. By default variables are read from current context and if they have not been found from root context. So to be sure to use a global variable in function scope, just use the "$$." or "$GLOBAL." accessor.
# function to test global variable access
function: globalVariableTest()
console.printLine("globalVariableTest(): $GLOBAL.globalTest = " + $GLOBAL.globalTest)
$GLOBAL.globalTest = "Been there, done that, got the t-shirt"
$globalTest = "Global Test Variable"
console.printLine("globalVariableTest(): pre: $globalTest = " + $globalTest)
console.printLine("globalVariableTest(): post: $globalTest = " + $globalTest)
A special type of functions are callables. Callables are functions that are used to interact between MiniScript scripts.
Despite the fact that a callable function of a script can be called from another script, they have the limitation that they must not contain MiniScript C++ method calls that require a context function.
Context functions are functions that require a special context.
# call this callable to select this unit
callable: select()
$GLOBAL.selectMode = "select"
# call this callable to unselect this unit
callable: unselect()
$GLOBAL.selectMode = "unselect"
# update engine (context) function
function: updateEngine()
# selection
if ($GLOBAL.selectMode == "select")
engine.entity.setEnabled(logic.getId(), true, "selection")
$GLOBAL.selectMode = "none"
elseif ($GLOBAL.selectMode == "unselect")
engine.entity.setEnabled(logic.getId(), false, "selection")
$GLOBAL.selectMode = "none"
MiniScript works with the following data types:
- boolean
- integer
- float
- string
- vector2
- vector3
- vector4
- quaternion
- matrix3x3
- matrix4x4
- transform
- byte array
- array
- map
- set
Variable identifiers always start with a "$". Constants need also be prefixed with a "$" and should be named with uppercase letters like "$PI = 3.14". You can manually set variables with the setVariable("$variableName", ...) or constants with setConstant("$CONSTANT", ...) methods.
The following primitive data types are available: boolean, integer, float, string.
Variables of those types can be assigned implicitly, which means the parser know about the data type by given value:
$boolean = true
$boolean = false
$integer = 123
$float = 456.789
$string = "This is my mighty string"
The primitive data types can also be assigned by using initialization methods that return explicitly those primitive data types:
$boolean = bool(true)
$boolean = bool(false)
$integer = int(123)
$float = float(456.789)
$string = string("This is my mighty string")
MiniScript works with the following math specific data types:
- vector2
- vector3
- vector4
- quaternion
- matrix3x3
- matrix4x4
- transform
Those variables can be created the following ways:
$vector2 = vec2(-1.0, 1.0)
$vector3 = vec3(-1.0, 1.0, -2.0)
$vector4 = vec4(-1.0, 1.0, -2.0, 1.0)
$quaternion = quaternion.identity()
$matrix3 = mat3.identity()
$matrix4 = mat4.identity()
$translation = vec3(-1.0, 1.0, -2.0)
$scale = vec3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
$rotationZ = 0.0
$rotationY = 90.0
$rotationX = 0.0
$transform = transform($translation, $scale, $rotationZ, $rotationY, $rotationX)
# or
$transform = transform(vec3(-1.0, 1.0, -2.0), vec3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0), 0.0, 90.0, 0.0)
For more math related methods just look into "6. Methods" section.
A byte array is a sequence of byte values. Bytes are the smallest atomic values a CPU does handle. Using bit math you can also manipulate byte values at bit scope.
To write and read from byte array you can use the read*() and write*() methods.
Available data types are
- bool (true or false)
- int8 (-128 .. 127)
- int16 (-32768 .. 32767)
- int32 (-2147483647 .. 2147483646)
- int64 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,807 .. -9,223,372,036,854,775,806)
- float (floating point number)
- small string (string with maximum size of 255 bytes)
- medium string (string with maximum size of 65535 bytes)
- large string (string with maximum size of 4294967295 bytes)
You can get/set the position for reading from and writing to byte array by using the getReadPosition()/setReadPosition() and getWritePosition()/setWritePosition().
If you read from or write to byte array the corresponding position will be advanced automatically.
Usually byte arrays can be used to exchange/construct network packets/streams, texture data, mesh data, ... Also, using a byte array instead of a generic array for byte storage, results in using much less memory space.
Initializing a byte array by constructor:
$byteArray = ByteArray()
Writing values using ByteArray::write*():
$byteArray->writeSmallString("Hi there! I am a small sized string.")
$byteArray->writeMediumString("Hi there! I am a medium sized string.")
$byteArray->writeLargeString("Hi there! I am a large sized string.")
Reading values using ByteArray::read*():
Reading byte arrays using ByteArray::length() and ByteArray::readInt8():
forCondition($byteArray->getReadPosition() < $byteArray->length())
console.printLine($i + ": " + $byteArray->readInt8($i))
Removing from byte arrays using a index and number of bytes to remove with ByteArray::remove():
$byteArray->remove(2, 3)
An array is a sequence of values which can be accessed by indices.
Initializing an array by array initializer:
$array = [1, 2, 3]
Initializing an array by constructor:
$array = Array()
... or initialize and push values to it:
$array = Array(1, 2, 3)
Pushing values using Array::push():
$array->push(5, 6, 7)
Pushing values using [] operator:
$array[] = 8
$array[] = 9
$array[] = 10
Removing values from arrays using Array::removeOf():
Removing from arrays using a index with Array::remove():
Iterating arrays using Array::length() and Array::get():
$i = 0
forCondition($i < $array->length())
console.printLine($i + ": " + $array->get($i))
Iterating arrays using Array::length() and [] operator:
$i = 0
forCondition($i < $array->length())
console.printLine($i + ": " + $array[$i])
Iterating arrays using Array::forEach() and a lamda function
$array->forEach(($value) -> { console.printLine($value) })
A map is key, value pair storage using a underlying hash map. Keys can only exist once in a map.
Initializing a map by map initializer
$map = {"test1": 123, "test2": 456, "test3": [1, 2, 3], "test4": "Yaaaa"}
Initializing a map by map constructor:
$map = Map()
Setting map key, value pairs using Map::set():
$map->set("test1", 123)
$map->set("test2", 456)
$map->set("test3", array(1, 2, 3))
$map->set("test4", "Yaaaa")
Removing from map using Map::remove() and a given key:
Reading values from map using Map::get() and given keys:
console.printLine("map value for test1 key using map.get(): ", $map->get("test1"))
console.printLine("map value for test2 key using map.get(): ", $map->get("test2"))
console.printLine("map value for test3 key using map.get(): ", $map->get("test3"))
console.printLine("map value for test4 key using map.get(): ", $map->get("test4"))
Reading values from map using dot operator:
console.printLine("map value for test1 using map dot operator: ", $map.test1)
console.printLine("map value for test2 using map dot operator: ", $map.test2)
console.printLine("map value for test3 using map dot operator: ", $map.test3)
console.printLine("map value for test4 using map dot operator: ", $map.test4)
Setting key, value pairs to map using dot operator:
$map.test6 = 666
$map.test7 = 770
Reading map keys:
console.printLine("map keys: ", $map->getKeys())
Reading map values:
console.printLine("map values: ", $map->getValues())
Reading all keys and values from map using Map::get() and Map::getKeys()
$mapKeys = $map->getKeys()
$i = 0
forCondition($i < $mapKeys->length())
console.printLine($mapKeys[$i] + " = " + $map->get($mapKeys[$i]))
Iterating maps using Map::forEach() and a lamda function
$map->forEach(($key, $value) -> { console.printLine($key + " = " + $value) })
A set is key storage using a underlying hash set. Keys can only exist once in a set.
Initializing a set by set initializer
$set = {"test1", "test2", "test3"}
Initializing a set by set constructor
$set = Set()
Inserting keys into set using Set::insert():
Removing keys from set using Set::remove():
Checking if keys exist in set using Set::has() and given keys:
console.printLine("set does have test1 key using set.has(): ", $set->has("test1"))
console.printLine("set does have test2 key using set.has(): ", $set->has("test2"))
console.printLine("set does have test3 key using set.has(): ", $set->has("test3"))
console.printLine("set does have test4 key using set.has(): ", $set->has("test4"))
console.printLine("set does have test5 key using set.has(): ", $set->has("test5"))
Checking if keys exist in set using dot operator and given keys:
console.printLine("set key for test1 using set dot operator: ", $set.test1)
console.printLine("set key for test2 using set dot operator: ", $set.test2)
console.printLine("set key for test3 using set dot operator: ", $set.test3)
console.printLine("set key for test4 using set dot operator: ", $set.test4)
console.printLine("set key for test5 using set dot operator: ", $set.test5)
Inserting/Removing set keys by using dot operator and boolean assignment:
$set.test6 = true
$set.test7 = true
$set.test8 = false
$set.test9 = true
Reading all keys as array from set:
console.printLine("set keys: ", $set->getKeys())
Iterating sets using Set::forEach() and a lamda function
$set->forEach(($key) -> { console.printLine($key) })
Classes in MiniScript can be represented by maps, a constructed map with function assignments and/or definitions can be called object, see map section in 4.5.
Creating a object in MiniScript works by using map initializer plus () -> methodName function assignment, or () -> { console.dump($this) } inline function definition. Please see a example below.
$car = {
# member variables
wheelCount: 4,
color: "blue",
horsePower: 75,
# member methods
setWheelCount: ($wheelCount) ->
$this.wheelCount = $wheelCount
setColor: ($color) ->
$this.color = $color
setHorsePower: ($horsePower) ->
$this.horsePower = $horsePower
showMeWhatYouGot: () ->
"This amazing car has ",
" wheels, is colored ",
" with super nice ",
" horses in it"
getProperties: (&$wheelCount, &$color, &$horsePower) ->
$wheelCount = $this.wheelCount
$color = $this.color
$horsePower = $this.horsePower
# arrr, lets see what kind of car we got
# i want it in red with 3 wheels and 25 mighty horse power
# arrr, lets see what kind of car we got now!
# lets get the properties
$wheelCount = null
$color = null
$horsePower = null
$car->getProperties($wheelCount, $color, $horsePower)
"Car properties, wheels: ",
", color: ",
", horse power: ",
If you want to assign a object member function later, see this example. Note that the first argument needs to be a reference or value by copy $this variable. This argument maps to the object that your code is operating on in your object member function.
Be aware that value by copy variables usually require more instantiation time due to the copy that needs to be made of the variable from parent variable scope to function variable scope.
function: setConvertible(&$this, $convertible)
$this.convertible = $convertible
function: showMeWhatYouGot($this)
$carType = "car"
if ($this.convertible == true)
$carType = "convertible"
"This amazing ",
" has ",
" wheels, is colored ",
" with super nice ",
" horses in it"
$car.convertible = false
$car.setConvertible = () -> setConvertible
$car.showMeWhatYouGot = () -> showMeWhatYouGot
# I want a convertible, who doesn't?
# arrr, lets see what kind of car we got
... TODO ...
Table of methods |
Create string |
static String($string: String): String |
Concatenate strings |
static String::concatenate(...): String |
Create string from byte array |
static String::fromByteArray($byteArray: ByteArray): String |
Generate string |
static String::generate($what: String[, $count: Integer]): String |
Return character of string at given position |
charAt($index: Integer): String |
Test if string ends with specific string |
endsWith($suffix: String): Boolean |
Test if strings matches ignoring case sensitivity |
equalsIgnoreCase($other: String): Boolean |
Return first index of specific string in string |
firstIndexOf($what: String[, $beginIndex: Integer]): Integer |
Return first index of characters provided within given string in string |
firstIndexOfChars($what: String[, $beginIndex: Integer]): Integer |
Indent string |
indent($with: String, $count: Integer): String |
Return index of specific string in string |
indexOf($what: String[, $beginIndex: Integer]): Integer |
Test if string value is empty |
isEmpty(): Boolean |
Test if string value is a float number |
isFloat(): Boolean |
Test if string value is a integer number |
isInteger(): Boolean |
Return last index of specific string in string |
lastIndexOf($what: String[, $beginIndex: Integer]): Integer |
Return last index of characters provided within given string in string |
lastIndexOfChars($what: String[, $endIndex: Integer]): Integer |
Return string length |
length(): Integer |
Pad string left |
padLeft($by: String, $toLength: Integer): String |
Pad string right |
padRight($by: String, $toLength: Integer): String |
RegEx match |
regexMatch($pattern: String): Boolean |
RegEx replace |
regexReplace($pattern: String, $by: String): String |
Replace specific string in string with given string |
replace($what: String, $by: String[, $beginIndex: Integer]): String |
Test if given string starts with specific string |
startsWith($prefix: String): Boolean |
Return substring of string |
substring($beginIndex: Integer[, $endIndex: Integer]): String |
Convert string to byte array |
toByteArray(): ByteArray |
Compute lower case string of string |
toLowerCase(): String |
Compute upper case string of string |
toUpperCase(): String |
Tokenize string |
tokenize($delimiters: String): Array |
Trim string |
trim(): String |
Table of methods |
Create byte array |
static ByteArray(): ByteArray |
Clear byte array |
clear(): Null |
Get read position |
getReadPosition(): Integer |
Get write position |
getWritePosition(): Integer |
Read bool value and advance read position by 1 byte |
readBool(): ?Boolean |
Read 32 bit float value and advance read position by 4 byte |
readFloat(): ?Float |
Read 16 bit integer value and advance read position by 2 byte |
readInt16(): ?Integer |
Read 16 bit integer value and advance read position by 4 byte |
readInt32(): ?Integer |
Read 64 bit integer value and advance read position by 8 byte |
readInt64(): ?Integer |
Read 8 bit integer value and advance read position by 1 byte |
readInt8(): ?Integer |
Read a string with maximum size of 255 bytes |
readLargeString(): ?String |
Read a string with maximum size of 65535 bytes |
readMediumString(): ?String |
Read a string with maximum size of 4294967295 bytes |
readSmallString(): ?String |
Remove values from byte array |
remove($index: Integer, $size: Integer): Null |
Set read position |
setReadPosition($position: Integer): Null |
Set write position |
setWritePosition($position: Integer): Null |
Return size of byte array |
size(): Integer |
Write bool value and advance write position by 1 byte |
writeBool($value: Boolean): Null |
Write 32 bit float value and advance write position by 4 byte |
writeFloat($value: Integer): Null |
Write 16 bit integer value and advance write position by 2 byte |
writeInt16($value: Integer): Null |
Write 32 bit integer value and advance write position by 4 byte |
writeInt32($value: Integer): Null |
Write 64 bit integer value and advance write position by 8 byte |
writeInt64($value: Integer): Null |
Write 8 bit integer value and advance write position by 1 byte |
writeInt8($value: Integer): Null |
Write a string with maximum size of 255 bytes |
writeLargeString($value: String): Null |
Write a string with maximum size of 65535 bytes |
writeMediumString($value: String): Null |
Write a string with maximum size of 4294967295 bytes |
writeSmallString($value: String): Null |
Table of methods |
Create array |
static Array(...): Array |
Clear array |
clear(): Null |
Iterate array values, by using a (Lamda) function |
forEach($function: Function[, &$cookie: Mixed]): Null |
Iterate range of array values, by using a (Lamda) function |
forRange($function: Function, $beginIndex: Integer[, $count: Integer[, $step: Integer[, &$cookie: Mixed]]]): Null |
Get array entry |
get($index: Integer): Mixed |
Get array index by value |
indexOf($value: String[, $beginIndex: Integer]): Integer |
Get array length |
length(): Integer |
Add entry to array |
push(...): Null |
Remove array entry by index |
remove($index: Integer): Null |
Remove array entry by value |
removeOf($value: String[, $beginIndex: Integer]): Null |
Reverse array |
reverse(): Null |
Set array entry |
set($index: Integer, $value: Mixed): Null |
Sort array |
sort($function: Function): Null |
Table of methods |
Create map |
static Map(): Map |
Clear map |
clear(): Null |
Iterate map key and value pairs, by using a (Lamda) function |
forEach($function: Function[, &$cookie: Mixed]): Null |
Get map value by key |
get($key: String): Mixed |
Get map keys |
getKeys(): Array |
Get map values |
getValues(): Array |
Has entry by key |
has($key: String): Boolean |
Remove map entry |
remove($key: String): Null |
Set map entry |
set($key: String, $value: Mixed): Null |
Table of methods |
Create set |
static Set(): Set |
Clear set |
clear(): Null |
Iterate set keys, by using a (Lamda) function |
forEach($function: Function[, &$cookie: Mixed]): Null |
Get set keys |
getKeys(): Array |
Has key in set |
has($key: String): Boolean |
Insert key into set |
insert($key: String): Null |
Remove key from set |
remove($key: String): Null |
Table of methods |
HTTP Download Client |
static HTTPDownloadClient(): HTTPDownloadClient |
Cancel download |
cancel(): Null |
Get file URI |
getFile(): String |
Get GET parameters |
getGETParameters(): Map |
Get headers |
getHeaders(): Map |
Get password |
getPassword(): String |
Get progress |
getProgress(): Float |
Get response headers |
getResponseHeaders(): Map |
Get HTTP status code |
getStatusCode(): Integer |
Get URL |
getURL(): String |
Get username |
getUserName(): String |
Returns if download has been finished |
isFinished(): Boolean |
Wait until download thread has finished working |
join(): Null |
Reset HTTP download client |
reset(): Null |
Set file to save file downloaded to |
setFile($url: String): Null |
Set GET parameters |
setGETParameters($getParameters: Map): Null |
Set headers |
setHeaders($headers: Map): Null |
Set password |
setPassword($password: String): Null |
Set URL |
setURL($url: String): Null |
Set user name |
setUserName($userName: String): Null |
Start download |
start(): Null |
Table of methods |
Create Transform |
static Transform([$translation: Vector3[, $scale: Vector3[, $rotationZ: Float[, $rotationY: Float[, $rotationX: Float]]]]]): Transform |
X axis as vector3 |
static Transform::AXIS_X(): Vector3 |
Y axis as vector3 |
static Transform::AXIS_Y(): Vector3 |
Z axis as vector3 |
static Transform::AXIS_Z(): Vector3 |
Create Transform from 4x4 matrix |
static Transform::fromMatrix($transformMatrix: Matrix4x4): Transform |
Interpolate rotation |
static Transform::interpolateRotation($currentAngle: Float, $targetAngle: Float, $timePassedSeconds: Float, $degreesPerSeconds: Float, &$interpolatedAngle: Float): Boolean |
Apply a rotation to Transform |
applyRotation($axis: Vector3, $angle: Float): Null |
Get rotation angle of specific rotation of Transform |
getRotationAngle($idx: Integer): Float |
Set rotation axis of specific rotation of Transform |
getRotationAxis($idx: Integer): Vector3 |
Compute Transform rotations quaternion |
getRotationsQuaternion(): Quaternion |
Get transfrom scale |
getScale(): Vector3 |
Get 4x4 Transform matrix |
getTransformMatrix(): Matrix4x4 |
Get Transform translation |
getTranslation(): Vector3 |
Rotate vector3 using Transform |
rotate($vector3: Vector3): Vector3 |
Set rotation angle of specific rotation of Transform |
setRotationAngle($idx: Integer, $angle: Float): Null |
Set transfrom scale |
setScale($scale: Vector3): Null |
Set Transform translation |
setTranslation($translation: Vector3): Null |
Table of methods |
Create identity 4x4 matrix |
static Matrix4x4::identity(): Matrix4x4 |
Create rotation 4x4 matrix |
static Matrix4x4::rotate($axis: Vector3, $angle: Float): Matrix4x4 |
Create scale 4x4 matrix |
static Matrix4x4::scale(...): Matrix4x4 |
Create translation 4x4 matrix |
static Matrix4x4::translate($translation: Vector3): Matrix4x4 |
Compute euler angles from 4x4 matrix |
computeEulerAngles(): Vector3 |
Create 4x4 matrix inverse |
invert(): Matrix4x4 |
Table of methods |
Create identity 3x3 matrix |
static Matrix3x3::identity(): Matrix3x3 |
Create rotation 3x3 matrix |
static Matrix3x3::rotate($angle: Float): Matrix3x3 |
Create 3x3 matrix which rotates around point |
static Matrix3x3::rotateAroundPoint($point: Vector2, $angle: Float): Matrix3x3 |
Create 3x3 matrix which rotates around texture center |
static Matrix3x3::rotateAroundTextureCenter($angle: Float): Matrix3x3 |
Create scale 3x3 matrix |
static Matrix3x3::scale(...): Matrix3x3 |
Create translation 3x3 matrix |
static Matrix3x3::translate($translation: Vector2): Matrix3x3 |
Table of methods |
Create identity quaternion |
static Quaternion::identity(): Quaternion |
Create rotation quaternion |
static Quaternion::rotate($axis: Vector3, $angle: Float): Quaternion |
Compute euler angles from quaternion |
computeEulerAngles(): Vector3 |
Compute 4x4 rotation matrix from quaternion |
computeMatrix(): Matrix4x4 |
Create quaternion inverse |
invert(): Quaternion |
Normalize quaternion |
normalize(): Quaternion |
Table of methods |
Create vector2 |
static Vector2($x: Float, $y: Float): Vector2 |
Compute vector2 dot product |
static Vector2::computeDotProduct($a: Vector2, $b: Vector2): Float |
Compute vector2 length |
computeLength(): Float |
Compute vector2 squared length |
computeLengthSquared(): Float |
Return vector2 x component |
getX(): Float |
Return vector2 y component |
getY(): Float |
Normalize vector2 |
normalize(): Vector2 |
Table of methods |
Create vector3 |
static Vector3($x: Float, $y: Float, $z: Float): Vector3 |
Compute angle between two vector3 |
static Vector3::computeAngle($a: Vector3, $b: Vector3, $n: Vector3): Float |
Compute vector3 cross product |
static Vector3::computeCrossProduct($a: Vector3, $b: Vector3): Vector3 |
Compute vector3 dot product |
static Vector3::computeDotProduct($a: Vector3, $b: Vector3): Float |
Compute vector3 length |
computeLength(): Float |
Compute vector3 squared length |
computeLengthSquared(): Float |
Return vector3 x component |
getX(): Float |
Return vector3 y component |
getY(): Float |
Return vector3 z component |
getZ(): Float |
Normalize vector3 |
normalize(): Vector3 |
Table of methods |
Create vector4 |
static Vector4($x: Float, $y: Float, $z: Float, $w: Float): Vector4 |
Compute vector4 dot product |
static Vector4::computeDotProduct($a: Vector4, $b: Vector4): Float |
Compute vector4 length |
computeLength(): Float |
Compute vector4 squared length |
computeLengthSquared(): Float |
Return vector4 w component |
getW(): Float |
Return vector4 x component |
getX(): Float |
Return vector4 y component |
getY(): Float |
Return vector4 z component |
getZ(): Float |
Normalize vector4 |
normalize(): Vector4 |
Table of methods |
Set constant |
setConstant($constant: String, $value: Mixed): Mixed |
Get variable |
getVariable($variable: String): Mixed |
Set variable |
setVariable($variable: String, $value: Mixed): Mixed |
Add |
add($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
Logical and |
and($a: Boolean, $b: Boolean): Boolean |
Bitwise and |
bitwiseAnd($a: Integer, $b: Integer): Integer |
Bitwise not |
bitwiseNot($value: Integer): Integer |
Bitwise or |
bitwiseOr($a: Integer, $b: Integer): Integer |
Bitwise xor |
bitwiseXor($a: Integer, $b: Integer): Integer |
Create bool |
bool($bool: Boolean): Boolean |
Break out of current forCondition or forTime loop |
break(): Null |
Begins a case block within a switch block, which will be executed if the case value has matched |
case($value: Mixed): Null |
Continue to next iteration of forCondition or forTime loop |
continue(): Null |
Begins a default block within a switch block, which will be executed if no case value has matched |
default(): Null |
Divide |
div($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
Else |
else(): Null |
Else if |
elseif($condition: Boolean): Null |
End |
end(): Null |
Equals |
equals($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
For condition |
forCondition($condition: Boolean): Null |
For time |
forTime($time: Integer): Null |
Greater |
greater($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
Greater equals |
greaterEquals($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
If |
if($condition: Boolean): Null |
Create integer |
int($int: Integer): Integer |
Lesser |
lesser($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
Lesser equals |
lesserEquals($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
Compute modulo |
mod($value: Number, $range: Number): Number |
Multiply |
mul($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
Logical not |
not($bool: Boolean): Boolean |
Logical not equal |
notEqual($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
Logical or |
or($a: Boolean, $b: Boolean): Boolean |
Postfix decrement |
postfixDecrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
Postfix increment |
postfixIncrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
Prefix decrement |
prefixDecrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
Prefix increment |
prefixIncrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
Return from function with optional return value |
return([$value: Mixed]): Null |
Subtract |
sub($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
Begins switch block to match a given value to case values or a default |
switch($value: Mixed): Null |
Table of methods |
Execute Application |
application.execute($command: String): String |
Table of methods |
Pretty print variable to console |
console.dump($value: Mixed): Null |
Print to console without trainling new line |
console.print(...): Null |
Print to console with a trailing new line |
console.printLine(...): Null |
Read all input into string value |
console.readAll(): String |
Read all input into array of strings |
console.readAllAsArray(): Array |
Read a line from input |
console.readLine(): String |
Table of methods |
Print to error console/stream without trainling new line |
console.error.print(...): Null |
Print to error console/stream with a trailing new line |
console.error.printLine(...): Null |
Table of methods |
Decode a Base64 encoded string |
cryptography.base64.decode($value: String): String |
Encode a string using Base64 |
cryptography.base64.encode($value: String): String |
Table of methods |
Hash a string using SHA256 |
cryptography.sha256.encode($value: String): String |
Table of methods |
Get canonical URI |
filesystem.getCanonicalURI($pathName: String, $fileName: String): ?String |
Get file content as byte array |
filesystem.getContent($pathName: String, $fileName: String): ?ByteArray |
Set file content from byte array |
filesystem.setContent($pathName: String, $fileName: String, $content: ByteArray): Boolean |
Get file content as string |
filesystem.getContentAsString($pathName: String, $fileName: String): ?String |
Get file content as string array |
filesystem.getContentAsStringArray($pathName: String, $fileName: String): ?Array |
Set file content from string |
filesystem.setContentFromString($pathName: String, $fileName: String, $content: String): Boolean |
Set file content from string array |
filesystem.setContentFromStringArray($pathName: String, $fileName: String, $content: Array): Boolean |
Get current working path name |
filesystem.getCurrentWorkingPathName(): ?String |
Returns if given URI is a drive name(applies to Microsoft Windows only) |
filesystem.isDrive($uri: String): Boolean |
Extracts file name from given URI |
filesystem.getFileName($uri: String): String |
Returns file size from file |
filesystem.getFileSize($pathName: String, $fileName: String): ?Integer |
Returns if given URI is a path |
filesystem.isPath($uri: String): ?Boolean |
Extracts path name from given URI |
filesystem.getPathName($uri: String): String |
Change current working path |
filesystem.changePath($pathName: String): Boolean |
Compose URI from given path name and file name |
filesystem.composeURI($pathName: String, $fileName: String): String |
Create path |
filesystem.createPath($pathName: String): Boolean |
Returns if URI does exist |
filesystem.exists($uri: String): ?Boolean |
List folder |
filesystem.list($pathName: String): ?Array |
Move file/folder from a location to another location |
filesystem.move($uriFrom: String, $uriTo: String): Boolean |
Removes a file with given file name |
filesystem.removeFile($pathName: String, $fileName: String): Boolean |
Removes a file extension from given file name |
filesystem.removeFileExtension($fileName: String): String |
Removes a path from file system |
filesystem.removePath($pathName: String, $recursive: String): Boolean |
Renames a file/folder |
filesystem.rename($fileNameFrom: String, $fileNameTo: String): Boolean |
Table of methods |
Create float |
float($float: Float): Float |
Convert integer bit representation of float to float |
float.fromIntValue($int: Integer): Float |
Convert float to integer bit representation of float |
float.toIntValue($float: Float): Integer |
Table of methods |
Deserialize JSON |
json.deserialize($json: String): Mixed |
Serialize JSON |
json.serialize($value: Mixed): String |
Table of methods |
Degree to radian factor |
math.DEG2RAD(): Float |
Epsilon |
math.EPSILON(): Float |
G |
math.G(): Float |
PI |
math.PI(): Float |
Return number as positive number |
math.abs($value: Number): Number |
Return number to be positive within given range |
math.absmod($value: Number, $range: Number): Number |
Compute acos |
math.acos($x: Float): Float |
Compute asin |
math.asin($x: Float): Float |
Compute atan |
math.atan($x: Float): Float |
Compute atan2 |
math.atan2($y: Float, $x: Float): Float |
Round float up to next higher integer |
math.ceil($value: Float): Float |
Return number clamped to be in given range |
math.clamp($value: Number, $min: Number, $max: Number): Number |
Compute acos |
math.cos($x: Float): Float |
Compute exp |
math.exp($power: Float): Float |
Round float down to next lower integer |
math.floor($value: Float): Float |
Compute log |
math.log($value: Float): Float |
Return maximum number of given values |
math.max($value1: Number, $value2: Number): Number |
Return minimum number of given values |
math.min($value1: Number, $value2: Number): Number |
Compute modulo/remainder |
math.mod($value: Number, $range: Number): Number |
Compute pow |
math.pow($base: Number, $power: Number): Number |
Create a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 |
math.random(): Float |
Round float up or down to integer |
math.round($value: Float): Float |
Return sign of given number |
math.sign($value: Number): Number |
Compute sin |
math.sin($x: Float): Float |
Compute square root |
math.sqrt($value: Float): Float |
Compute square product |
math.square($value: Number): Number |
Compute tan |
math.tan($x: Float): Float |
Table of methods |
Execute a HTTP/HTTPS GET request |
network.httpclient.get($url: String[, $queryParameters: ?Map[, $headers: ?Map]]): ?Map |
Execute a HTTP/HTTPS DELETE request |
network.httpclient.delete($url: String[, $queryParameters: ?Map[, $headers: ?Map]]): ?Map |
Execute a HTTP/HTTPS HEAD request |
network.httpclient.head($url: String[, $queryParameters: ?Map[, $headers: ?Map]]): ?Map |
Execute a HTTP/HTTPS POST request |$url: String, $data: Mixed[, $queryParameters: ?Map[, $headers: ?Map]]): ?Map |
Execute a HTTP/HTTPS PUT request |
network.httpclient.put($url: String, $data: Mixed[, $queryParameters: ?Map[, $headers: ?Map]]): ?Map |
Table of methods |
Get named conditions |
script.getNamedConditions(): String |
Returns if script runs natively |
script.isNative(): Boolean |
Get script variables |
script.getVariables(): Map |
Call script callable function |$function: String, ...): Mixed |
Disable a specific named condition |
script.disableNamedCondition($name: String): Null |
Emit a condition |
script.emit($condition: String): Null |
Enable a specific named condition |
script.enableNamedCondition($name: String): Null |
Evaluate a script statement |
script.evaluate($statement: String): Mixed |
Stop script |
script.stop(): Null |
Wait for given milliseconds |
script.wait($time: Integer): Null |
Wait for condition to happen |
script.waitForCondition(): Null |
Table of methods |
Get time as string |
time.getAsString([$format: String]): String |
Get current time in milliseconds |
time.getCurrentMillis(): Integer |
Table of methods |
Create XML tag |
xml.createTag($name: String[, $attributes: Map[, $innerXML: String]]): String |
The boilerplate template code for a MiniScript logic looks like: logic_script_template.tscript
Table of methods |
Returns if application runs in full screen |
application.isFullScreen(): Boolean |
Returns if application runs inside TDME editor |
application.runsInEditor(): Boolean |
Table of methods |
Get listener orientation at - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
audio.getListenerOrientationAt(): Vector3 |
Set listener orientation at - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
audio.setListenerOrientationAt($orientation: Vector3): Null |
Get listener orientation up - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
audio.getListenerOrientationUp(): Vector3 |
Set listener orientation up - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
audio.setListenerOrientationUp($orientation: Vector3): Null |
Get listener position - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
audio.getListenerPosition(): Vector3 |
Set listener position - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
audio.setListenerPosition($position: Vector3): Null |
Play audio at engine entity position - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |$id: String[, $delay: Integer[, $gain: Integer[, $pitch: Integer[, $ignoreIfPlaying: Integer]]]]): Null |
Play audio at custom position - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
audio.playAtPosition($id: String, $position: Vector3[, $delay: Integer[, $gain: Integer[, $pitch: Integer[, $ignoreIfPlaying: Integer]]]]): Null |
Table of methods |
Get animation computation reduction 1 distance - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.getAnimationComputationReduction1Distance(): Float |
Set animation computation reduction 1 distance - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.setAnimationComputationReduction1Distance($animationComputationReduction1Distance: Float): Null |
Get animation computation reduction 2 distance - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.getAnimationComputationReduction2Distance(): Float |
Set animation computation reduction 2 distance - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.setAnimationComputationReduction2Distance($animationComputationReduction2Distance: Float): Null |
Get engine entity id by mouse position - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.getEntityIdByMousePosition($mouseX: Integer, $mouseY: Integer): String |
Get engine height - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.getHeight(): Integer |
Compute engine screen coordinate by world coordinate - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.computeScreenCoordinateByWorldCoordinate($worldCoodinate: Vector3, &$screenCoordinate: Vector2): Boolean |
Get engine width - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.getWidth(): Integer |
Compute engine world coordinate by mouse position - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.computeWorldCoordinateByMousePosition($mouseX: Integer, $mouseY: Integer): Vector3 |
Dump engine entities - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.dumpEntities(): Null |
Dump engine shaders - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.dumpShaders(): Null |
Table of methods |
Get camera horizontal field of view - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() | Float |
Set camera horizontal field of view - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |$fovX: Float): Null |
Get camera look at - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() | Vector3 |
Set camera look at - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |$lookAt: Vector3): Null |
Get camera look from - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() | Vector3 |
Set camera look from - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |$lookFrom: Vector3): Null |
Get camera up vector - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() | Vector3 |
Set camera up vector - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |$upVector: Vector3): Null |
Compute camera up vector - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |$lookFrom: Vector3, $lookAt: Vector3): Vector3 |
Table of methods |
Get engine entity animation - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getAnimation($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): String |
Set engine entity animation - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setAnimation($entityId: String, $animation: String[, $speed: Float[, $childEntityId: String]]): Null |
Get engine entity animation speed - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setAnimationSpeed($entityId: String, $speed: Float[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Set engine entity animation speed - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getAnimationTime($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Float |
Get engine entity additive effect color - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getEffectColorAdd($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Vector4 |
Set engine entity additive effect color - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setEffectColorAdd($entityId: String, $effectColorAdd: Vector4[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Get engine entity multiplicative effect color - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getEffectColorMul($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Vector4 |
Set engine entity multiplicative effect color - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setEffectColorMul($entityId: String, $effectColorMul: Vector4[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Return if engine entity is enabled - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.isEnabled($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Boolean |
Set engine entity enabled/disabled - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setEnabled($entityId: String, $enabled: Boolean[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Get engine entity node transform - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getNodeTransform($entityId: String, $nodeId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Transform |
Set engine entity node transform - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setNodeTransform($entityId: String, $nodeId: String, $transform: Transform[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Unset engine entity node transform - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.unsetNodeTransform($entityId: String, $nodeId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Get engine entity node transform matrix - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getNodeTransformMatrix($entityId: String, $nodeId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Matrix4x4 |
Set engine entity node transform matrix - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setNodeTransformMatrix($entityId: String, $nodeId: String, $matrix: Matrix4x4[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Unset engine entity node transform matrix - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.unsetNodeTransformMatrix($entityId: String, $nodeId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Return if engine entity has specific overlay animation - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.hasOverlayAnimation($entityId: String, $animation: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Boolean |
Return engine entity overlay animation playback time from 0.0 until 1.0 - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getOverlayAnimationTime($entityId: String, $animation: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Float |
Return if engine entity is pickable - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.isPickable($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Boolean |
Set engine entity pickable - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setPickable($entityId: String, $pickable: Boolean[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Get engine entity transform - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.getTransform($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Transform |
Set engine entity transform - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.setTransform($entityId: String, $transform: Transform[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Add engine entity overlay animation - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.addOverlayAnimation($entityId: String, $animation: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Emit engine entity particles - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.emitParticles($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Integer |
Remove finished overlay animations - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.removeFinishedOverlayAnimations($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Remove specific overlay animation - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.removeOverlayAnimation($entityId: String, $animation: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Remove overlay animations - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.entity.removeOverlayAnimations($entityId: String[, $childEntityId: String]): Null |
Table of methods |
Get engine timing avarage FPS - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.timing.getAvarageFPS(): Float |
Get engine timing frame delta time in milliseconds - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.timing.getDeltaTime(): Integer |
Get engine timing frame delta time in seconds - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine() |
engine.timing.getDeltaTimeSeconds(): Float |
Table of methods |
Returns if ALT key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isAltDown(): Boolean |
Returns if specific character is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isCharDown($charAsString: String): Boolean |
Returns if CONTROL key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isControlDown(): Boolean |
Backspace key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_BACKSPACE(): Integer |
Delete key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE(): Integer |
Down key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_DOWN(): Integer |
End key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_END(): Integer |
Escape key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_ESCAPE(): Integer |
F1 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F1(): Integer |
F10 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F10(): Integer |
F11 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F11(): Integer |
F12 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F12(): Integer |
F2 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F2(): Integer |
F3 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F3(): Integer |
F4 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F4(): Integer |
F5 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F5(): Integer |
F6 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F6(): Integer |
F7 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F7(): Integer |
F8 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F8(): Integer |
F9 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F9(): Integer |
Left key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_LEFT(): Integer |
Page down key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN(): Integer |
Page up key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_PAGEUP(): Integer |
Home/position key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_POS1(): Integer |
Return key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_RETURN(): Integer |
Right key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_RIGHT(): Integer |
Space key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_SPACE(): Integer |
Up key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_UP(): Integer |
Returns if specific key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isKeyDown($keyCode: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if meta key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isMetaDown(): Boolean |
Returns if shift key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isShiftDown(): Boolean |
Returns last typed string |
input.keyboard.getTypedString(): String |
Table of methods |
Left mouse button integer code |
input.mouse.BUTTON_LEFT(): Integer |
Middle mouse button integer code |
input.mouse.BUTTON_MIDDLE(): Integer |
Right mouse button integer code |
input.mouse.BUTTON_RIGHT(): Integer |
Returns if specific mouse button is currently pressed |
input.mouse.isButtonDown($button: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if specific mouse button has been released |
input.mouse.isButtonUp($button: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if mouse is dragging currently |
input.mouse.isDragging($button: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if mouse has been moved |
input.mouse.hasMoved(): Boolean |
Returns current value of x axis mouse wheel |
input.mouse.getWheelX(): Float |
Returns current value of y axis mouse wheel |
input.mouse.getWheelY(): Float |
Returns current value of z axis mouse wheel |
input.mouse.getWheelZ(): Float |
Get x mouse position |
input.mouse.getX(): Integer |
Get unscaled x mouse position |
input.mouse.getXUnscaled(): Integer |
Get y mouse position |
input.mouse.getY(): Integer |
Get unscaled y mouse position |
input.mouse.getYUnscaled(): Integer |
Table of methods |
Returns if logic has callable function |
logic.has($logicId: String, $callable: String): Boolean |
Get hierarchy id - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine(), initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
logic.getHierarchyId(): String |
Get hierarchy parent id - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine(), initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
logic.getHierarchyParentId(): String |
Get logic id - available in initializeEngine(), updateEngine(), initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
logic.getId(): String |
Get logic ids of all logics within application context - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
logic.getLogicIds(): Array |
Call specific logic callable function |$logicId: String, $callable: String, ...): Mixed |
Table of methods |
Returns if signal has been sent |
logic.signal.has(): Boolean |
Get signal argument |
logic.signal.getArgument($argumentIndex: Integer): Mixed |
Get signal name |
logic.signal.getName(): String |
Advance to next signal | Null |
Send signal - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
logic.signal.send($logicId: String, $signal: String, ...): Null |
Table of methods |
Pathfinding idle state integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
pathfinding.STATE_IDLE(): Integer |
Pathfinding computing state integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
pathfinding.STATE_PATHFINDING(): Integer |
Pathfinding failed state integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
pathfinding.STATE_PATHFINDING_FAILED(): Integer |
Pathfinding computing other pathfinding integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
pathfinding.STATE_PATHFINDING_OTHER(): Integer |
Pathfinding success state integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
pathfinding.STATE_PATHFINDING_SUCCESS(): Integer |
Pathfinding try/lock failed integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
pathfinding.STATE_TRYLOCK_FAILED(): Integer |
Issue pathfinding - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
pathfinding.findPath($logicId: String, $startPosition: Vector3, $endPosition: Vector3, &$path: Array): Integer |
Table of methods |
Get scene depth |
scene.getDepth(): Float |
Get scene height |
scene.getHeight(): Float |
Get scene width |
scene.getWidth(): Float |
Table of methods |
Attach prototype to the logic hierarchy - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
sceneconnector.attachPrototype($pathName: String, $fileName: String, $id: String, $attachNodeId: String, $transform: Transform[, $parentId: String]): Null |
Spawn prototype in scene - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
sceneconnector.spawnPrototype($pathName: String, $fileName: String, $id: String, $transform: Transform[, $hierarchyId: String[, $hierarchyParentId: String]]): Null |
Table of methods |
Determine height at specific position in physics world - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.determineHeight($collisionTypeIds: Integer, $stepUpMax: Float, $point: Vector3, &$heightPoint: Vector3[, &$bodyId: String[, $minHeight: Float[, $maxHeight: Float]]]): Boolean |
Determine collision of two specific bodies in physics world - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.doCollide($bodyId1: String, $bodyId2: String): Boolean |
Compute ray casting in physics world - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.doRayCasting($collisionTypeIds: Integer, $start: Vector3, $end: Vector3, &$hitPoint: Vector3[, &$bodyId: String[, $actorId: String]]): Boolean |
Determine collision of specific body in physics world - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.doesCollideWith($collisionTypeIds: Integer, $bodyId: String): Array |
Table of methods |
Get physics world entity angular damping - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getAngularDamping($bodyId: String): Float |
Set physics world entity angular damping - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setAngularDamping($bodyId: String, $angularDamping: Float): Null |
Get physics world entity angular velocity - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getAngularVelocity($bodyId: String): Vector3 |
Set physics world entity angular velocity - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setAngularVelocity($bodyId: String, $angularVelocity: Vector3): Null |
Returns physics world collision type id 10 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_10(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 11 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_11(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 12 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_12(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 13 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_13(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 14 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_14(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 15 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_15(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 16 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_16(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 3 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_3(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 4 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_4(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 5 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_5(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 6 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_6(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 7 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_7(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 8 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_8(): Integer |
Returns physics world collision type id 9 - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_9(): Integer |
Returns all physics world collision type ids - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_ALL(): Integer |
Returns dynamic physics world collision type id - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_DYNAMIC(): Integer |
Returns static physics world collision type id - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.COLLISION_TYPEID_STATIC(): Integer |
Get Physics world entity own collision type id - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getCollisionTypeId($bodyId: String): Integer |
Set Physics world entity own collision type id - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setCollisionTypeId($bodyId: String, $collisionTypeId: Integer): Null |
Get Physics world entity enabled collision type ids - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getCollisionTypeIds($bodyId: String): Integer |
Set Physics world entity enabled collision type ids - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setCollisionTypeIds($bodyId: String, $collisionTypeIds: Integer): Null |
Returns if physics world entity is enabled - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.isEnabled($bodyId: String): Boolean |
Set physics world entity enabled/disabled - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setEnabled($bodyId: String, $enabled: Boolean): Null |
Get physics world entity linear damping - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getLinearDamping($bodyId: String): Float |
Set physics world entity linear damping - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setLinearDamping($bodyId: String, $linearDamping: Float): Null |
Get physics world entity linear velocity - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getLinearVelocity($bodyId: String): Vector3 |
Set physics world entity linear velocity - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setLinearVelocity($bodyId: String, $linearVelocity: Vector3): Null |
Returns physics world dynamic collision body type integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.TYPE_COLLISION_DYNAMIC(): Integer |
Returns physics world static collision body type integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.TYPE_COLLISION_STATIC(): Integer |
Returns physics world dynamic rigid body type integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.TYPE_DYNAMIC(): Integer |
Returns physics world static rigid body type integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.TYPE_STATIC(): Integer |
Get physics world entity transform - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getTransform($bodyId: String): Transform |
Set physics world entity transform - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.setTransform($bodyId: String, $transform: Transform): Null |
Get physics world entity body type integer code - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.getType($bodyId: String): Integer |
Add force to physics world entity - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.addForce($bodyId: String, $force: Vector3[, $origin: Vector3]): Null |
Add torque to physics world entity - available in initializeLogic(), updateLogic(), onLogicAdded(), onLogicsProcessed() |
world.body.addTorque($bodyId: String, $torque: Vector3): Null |
The boilerplate template code for a MiniScript GUI logic looks like: gui_script_template.tscript
Table of methods |
Returns if GUI element node has a specific condition enabled |
gui.elementnode.conditions.has($elementNodeId: String, $condition: String): Boolean |
Get enabled GUI element node conditions |
gui.elementnode.conditions.get($elementNodeId: String): Array |
Set enabled GUI element node condition |
gui.elementnode.conditions.set($elementNodeId: String, $condition: String): Null |
Set array of enabled GUI element node conditions |
gui.elementnode.conditions.setAll($elementNodeId: String, $conditions: Array): Null |
Add enabled GUI element node condition |
gui.elementnode.conditions.add($elementNodeId: String, $condition: String): Null |
Remove enabled GUI element node condition |
gui.elementnode.conditions.remove($elementNodeId: String, $condition: String): Null |
Remove all enabled GUI element node conditions |
gui.elementnode.conditions.removeAll($elementNodeId: String): Null |
Table of methods |
Returns GUI event performed action type integer code |
gui.event.ACTIONTYPE_PERFORMED(): Integer |
Returns GUI event performing action type integer code |
gui.event.ACTIONTYPE_PERFORMING(): Integer |
Table of methods |
Get image source of GUI image node |
gui.imagenode.getSource($imageNodeId: String): String |
Set image source of GUI image node |
gui.imagenode.setSource($imageNodeId: String, $source: String): Null |
Table of methods |
Get GUI node controller value |
gui.node.controller.getValue($nodeId: String): String |
Set GUI node controller value |
gui.node.controller.setValue($nodeId: String, $value: String): Null |
Table of methods |
Add sub nodes using XML to GUI parent node |
gui.parentnode.addSubNodes($parentNodeId: String, $xml: String[, $resetScrollOffsets: Boolean]): Null |
Clear sub nodes of GUI parent node |
gui.parentnode.clearSubNodes($parentNodeId: String): Null |
Replace sub nodes using XML of GUI parent node |
gui.parentnode.replaceSubNodes($parentNodeId: String, $xml: String[, $resetScrollOffsets: Boolean]): Null |
Table of methods |
Return if GUI screen is enabled |
gui.screen.isEnabled($screenId: String): Boolean |
Set GUI screen enabled/disabled |
gui.screen.setEnabled($screenId: String, $enabled: Boolean): Null |
Call specific screen logic function |$screenId: String, $function: String, ...): Mixed |
Goto current screen to specific screen |
gui.screen.goto($fileName: String[, $variables: Map[, $arguments: Mixed]]): Null |
Pop current screen from screen stack |
gui.screen.pop(): Null |
Push screen to current screen stack |
gui.screen.push($fileName: String[, $variables: Map[, $arguments: Mixed]]): Null |
Table of methods |
Get current screen node Id |
gui.screennode.getId(): String |
Table of methods |
Get text of GUI text node |
gui.textnode.getText($textNodeId: String): String |
Set text of GUI text node |
gui.textnode.setText($textNodeId: String, $text: String): Null |
Table of methods |
Get video source of GUI video node |
gui.videonode.getSource($videoNodeId: String): String |
Set video source of GUI video node |
gui.videonode.setSource($videoNodeId: String, $source: String): Null |
Table of methods |
Returns if ALT key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isAltDown(): Boolean |
Returns if specific character is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isCharDown($charAsString: String): Boolean |
Returns if CONTROL key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isControlDown(): Boolean |
Backspace key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_BACKSPACE(): Integer |
Delete key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE(): Integer |
Down key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_DOWN(): Integer |
End key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_END(): Integer |
Escape key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_ESCAPE(): Integer |
F1 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F1(): Integer |
F10 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F10(): Integer |
F11 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F11(): Integer |
F12 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F12(): Integer |
F2 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F2(): Integer |
F3 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F3(): Integer |
F4 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F4(): Integer |
F5 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F5(): Integer |
F6 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F6(): Integer |
F7 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F7(): Integer |
F8 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F8(): Integer |
F9 key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_F9(): Integer |
Left key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_LEFT(): Integer |
Page down key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN(): Integer |
Page up key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_PAGEUP(): Integer |
Home/position key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_POS1(): Integer |
Return key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_RETURN(): Integer |
Right key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_RIGHT(): Integer |
Space key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_SPACE(): Integer |
Up key keycode |
input.keyboard.KEYCODE_UP(): Integer |
Returns if specific key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isKeyDown($keyCode: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if meta key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isMetaDown(): Boolean |
Returns if shift key is currently pressed |
input.keyboard.isShiftDown(): Boolean |
Returns last typed String |
input.keyboard.getTypedString(): String |
Table of methods |
Left mouse button integer code |
input.mouse.BUTTON_LEFT(): Integer |
Middle mouse button integer code |
input.mouse.BUTTON_MIDDLE(): Integer |
Right mouse button integer code |
input.mouse.BUTTON_RIGHT(): Integer |
Returns if specific mouse button is currently pressed |
input.mouse.isButtonDown($button: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if specific mouse button has been released |
input.mouse.isButtonUp($button: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if mouse is dragging currently |
input.mouse.isDragging($button: Integer): Boolean |
Returns if mouse has been moved |
input.mouse.hasMoved(): Boolean |
Returns current value of x axis mouse wheel |
input.mouse.getWheelX(): Float |
Returns current value of y axis mouse wheel |
input.mouse.getWheelY(): Float |
Returns current value of z axis mouse wheel |
input.mouse.getWheelZ(): Float |
Get x mouse position |
input.mouse.getX(): Integer |
Get unscaled x mouse position |
input.mouse.getXUnscaled(): Integer |
Get y mouse position |
input.mouse.getY(): Integer |
Get unscaled y mouse position |
input.mouse.getYUnscaled(): Integer |
Table of methods |
Returns if logic has callable function |
logic.has($logicId: String, $callable: String): Boolean |
Call specific logic callable function |$logicId: String, $callable: String, ...): Mixed |
Table of methods |
Send signal |
logic.signal.send($logicId: String, $signal: String, ...): Null |
Op | Method |
! | not($bool: Boolean): Boolean |
!= | notEqual($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
% | mod($value: Number, $range: Number): Number |
& | bitwiseAnd($a: Integer, $b: Integer): Integer |
&& | and($a: Boolean, $b: Boolean): Boolean |
* | mul($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
+ | add($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
++ | postfixIncrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
++ | prefixIncrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
- | sub($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
-- | postfixDecrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
-- | prefixDecrement(&$variable: Integer): Integer |
/ | div($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Mixed |
< | lesser($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
<= | lesserEquals($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
= | setVariable($variable: String, $value: Mixed): Mixed |
== | equals($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
> | greater($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
>= | greaterEquals($a: Mixed, $b: Mixed): Boolean |
| | bitwiseOr($a: Integer, $b: Integer): Integer |
|| | or($a: Boolean, $b: Boolean): Boolean |
^ | bitwiseXor($a: Integer, $b: Integer): Integer |
~ | bitwiseNot($value: Integer): Integer |