Counters for midi- and microservices.
It's a common problem to collect and expose metrics from your midi- and microservice applications. This library tryes to help you whith it.
The library is aimed to be:
- as fast as possible. It uses memory mapped files and direct memory access to store the counters.
- service implementation agnostic. For example, you can expose JMX metrics from your Java application and read them from a Golang sidecar application or vise versa (see
- usable to expose static information about the application as well as dynamic counters.
- a 0-dependency project. Just copy-paste the sources into your project.
The library isn't tested for Windows yet
//Here is some statics we'd like to expose
statics := make(map[string]string)
statics["my.prop.1"] = "value 1"
statics["my.prop.2"] = "value 2"
w, err := NewWriterForName("mycounters.dat", statics, 100)
if err != nil {
return err
defer w.Close()
//First counter
myCounter1, err := w.AddCounter("my.cnt.1")
if err != nil {
return err
myCounter1.Close() //Free the memory allocated for the counter
//Second counter
myCounter2, err := w.AddCounter("my.cnt.2")
if err != nil {
return err
r, err := mc4go.NewReaderForName("mycounters.dat")
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Close()
fmt.Printf("version: %d\n", r.Version())
fmt.Printf("pid: %d\n", r.Pid())
fmt.Printf("started: %d\n", r.StartTime())
r.ForEachStatic(func(label, value string) bool {
fmt.Printf("static: %s=%s\n", label, value)
return true
r.ForEachCounter(func(id, value int64, label string) bool {
fmt.Printf("counter: %s[%d]=%d\n", label, id, value)
return true
There are two reades included into the library:
- - prints out the content of a counters' file to console
- - exposes the content of a counters' file with a simple RESTful API
- Counters are thread safe and one counter can be modified in different goroutines.
- After a counter is closed, it must be not used, since its memory slot can be occupied by a new counter and the value of that new counter will be modified unexpectedtly.
- Counters must not be accessed after the writer is closed, because such modification leads to a segmentation fault.
The code is available under the terms of the MIT License.