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Data movement for BL7012

This package contains functions to initiate Prefect data processing workflows for COSMIC data. The current implemented Prefect workflow enables data movement from a Globus beamline endpoint to the desinated NERSC Globus endpoint.

Deploy a Ptychograpy NERSC Prefect Agent

A Prefect Agent is process that exists to run the code in a Prefect Flow. This repository supports building a container that runs prefect agents for several beamline operations at NERSC. The bl7012 agent has code that can copy data to NERSC and luanch a reconstruction at NERSC. The reconstruction is performed at NERSC, and the agent uses the Super Facility API to launch reconstruction jobs.

The agent is very light weight. It does not run reconstruction code so it does not have be run on powerful hardware and does not require direct access to raw data.

The agent can be easily run as a docker or podman container. Here is an example of a docker-compose.xml file that launches the container:

    container_name: agent
    - PREFECT_API_URL=http://prefect:8000/api  # address of the prefect server to poll and fetch jobs from
    - PREFECT_API_KEY=${PREFECT_API_KEY}  # api key to access the prefect server
    - GLOBUS_CLIENT_ID=${GLOBUS_CLIENT_ID} # globus client id to use to transfer data (using
    - GLOBUS_CLIENT_SECRET=${GLOBUS_CLIENT_SECRET} # globus client secret
    # The following two items are paths where stored NERSC Id file is stored. This is a local file that contains the cleintit.txt generated from These must be kept secret and secure wherever your agent is running.
    - PATH_NERSC_ID=/nersc/clientid.txt  
    - PATH_NERSC_PRI_KEY=/nersc/priv_key.pem
    - PATH_JOB_SCRIPT=/tmp_job_scripts  # path where slurm script files are written. This is for debug only and may go away in future versions.
    - PATH_PTYCHOCAM_NERSC=/global/cfs/cdirs/als/data_mover/ptycho/cosmic_reconstruction_at_nersc/c_ptychocam/  # Path at NERSC where reconstruction script lives
    command: prefect agent start -q "transfer_auto_recon"  # listen to the queue for the desired deployment, in this case, the queue whee transfer_auto_recon scripts are written
    restart: unless-stopped
        max-size: "1m"
        max-file: "3"
    - ./nersc:/nersc
    - ./tmp_job_scripts:/tmp_job_scripts

What's going on?

title: Deployment

    bc[Beamline Computer] --new flow--> prefect_api

    subgraph ps [Prefect Server]

      prefect_api --> db1[(Database)]
    subgraph Globus
      transfer --> nersc

    subgraph NERSC
      sfapi --> slurm
      slurm --> reconstruction_script
      reconstruction_script --> recon_container

    subgraph container [Agent Container]
      agent <-- polling --> prefect_api
      agent -- Create --> flow_run
      flow_run --> flow_run_transfer
      flow_run_transfer --> transfer
      flow_run_transfer --> flow_run_reconstruct
      flow_run_reconstruct -- new job --> sfapi

The flow is started by a beamline computer sending a call to the prefect server to create a flow run from a deployment.

The flow flow_auto_recon performs two main task: it copies data to NERSC and kicks off a reconstruction at NERSC.

The move is performed via a Globus API call. Once the file is transferred, the flow kicks off a reconstruction sending a message to the SFAPI at NERSC to create a reconstruction job.