Nanostream management application is designed to run/stop previously deployed dataflow templates.
You can deploy the application to your project using install script.
You can access deployed application by url: https://<your project id>
To create and run a new pipeline fill form fields:
- Pipeline Name - an arbitrary name to identify your pipeline.
- Input Folder - a folder in your upload bucket, a place for your input data.
- Pipeline Type - select appropriate value: "species" or "resistance_genes".
- Auto-stop - number of seconds no new files added to the pipeline to stop.
- Auto-start checkbox - pipeline starts if a data uploaded to Input Folder.
- Start immediately checkbox - start pipeline right after START button pressed.
- Reference databases block:
- database name - a name to identify your database;
- reference database uri - path to your FASTA file like:
gs://<your project id>-reference-db/db1/DB_viruses_12345678.fasta
; - taxonomy file uri - path to your taxonomy file like:
gs://<your project id>-reference-db/taxonomy/species_tree.txt
Contains list created pipelines. Consists of a table with columns:
- Name - pipeline name
- Input folder - your pipeline input folder
- Output collection name prefix - Firestore collection prefix to output results
- Processing mode - pipeline processing mode
- Input data subscription - a link to corresponding GCP subscription bounded to pipeline
- Jobs - list GCP dataflow jobs
- Created at - when pipeline was created
- Status - current pipeline status
- Autostart - a checkbox to set pipeline autostart property
- Remove - a button to remove pipeline (just remove pipeline info created at "New Pipeline" screen; no uploaded data removed)
Contains list CGP dataflow jobs. Columns:
- Name - job name
- Start time - when job started
- Stop time - when job stopped (for not running jobs)
- Current state - job state
- Stop - a button to cancel job
Contains reference to pipeline info.
When some data saved to Firestore database you can see them on a chart or a table:
Each input data folder corresponds a result file in a Firestore collection. You can choose it in a dropdown.