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1294 lines (1038 loc) · 43.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1294 lines (1038 loc) · 43.2 KB

rytm external API docs

How to read this documentation?

Words in these wrapped with <..> should be read as placeholders for the actual values.

For example <selector> should be read as query, send, get, set, load, save, loglevel.

Words in these wrapped with [] should be read as optional values.

For example [<parameter>] should be read as <parameter> or nothing.

Words in these wrapped with <..> may include attached range of values to denote the valid range of an index or a parameter.

For example <index 0..=127> should be read as an integer between 0 and 127.

Ranges can be inclusive or exclusive. An exclusive range is denoted with .. and an inclusive range is denoted with ..=.

MaxMSP types will be denoted as int, float, symbol and list.

When using the following identifiers and enums with some getters and setters there could be format differences.

For these, please follow common sense and read the errors in the max window, they will guide you to the right direction.

Also do not forget to check the max help files and max reference for the rytm external.

  • <selector> A symbol which defines an operation. Available selectors are:
    • query Queries the device for data.
    • send Sends data to the device.
    • get Gets data from the rytm external.
    • set Sets data to the rytm external.
    • load Loads either full or partial project data using .rytm or .sysex files.
    • save Saves either full or partial project data using .rytm or .sysex files.
    • copy Copies full patterns and kits in the external.
    • reset Resets the external to its default state.
    • loglevel rytm also logs to stdout with different levels of verbosity using tracing this selector is used to set the log level in runtime.
  • <object-type> A symbol which defines the type of the object.
    • pattern A pattern.
    • kit A kit.
    • sound A pool sound.
    • global A global setting.
    • settings A settings structure.
    • pattern_wb The pattern from the work buffer.
    • kit_wb The kit from the work buffer.
    • sound_wb A sound from the work buffer.
    • global_wb The global setting from the work buffer.
  • <identifier> A symbol which defines a parameter name. Usually followed by a <parameter> when setting data.
  • <enum> A symbol which defines an enumeration. Enumerations are expressed in the format of <enum-type>: or <enum-type>:<enum-value>.
  • <parameter> An integer or float parameter.
  • <element> A sub element of a type.
  • <index> An integer index.

Query format

The query format is used to query data from the device.

query <object-type> [<index>]

Indexable object types are:

  • pattern
  • kit
  • sound
  • sound_wb
  • global


  • query pattern 1
  • query settings
  • query sound_wb 0
  • query global_wb

Send format

The send format is used to send data to the device.

send <object-type> [<index>]


  • send pattern 1
  • send settings
  • send sound_wb 0
  • send global_wb

Loading and saving

The objects you can save or load are pattern, kit, sound, global and settings.

The work buffer versions of these objects are not available to save or load.

  • ~ in relative paths are accepted. . is pointing to /Users/<my-user>/Desktop in my mac computer but I didn't test it on other systems. You may find information by enabling debug logs and running max from the command line to discover the current working directory.
  • .rytm files are internally large JSON (~62mb) files and in my opinion they are not very useful but the feature is there to use.
  • .sysex files by nature store the index of the saved object also. E.g. saving kit 1 and loading it would load the saved kit to the same index (1). Current version does not support loading to a different index but if it becomes a necessity it can be added.

Load format

The load format is used to load a full or partial project from the file system to the object.

load [<file-path>]


  • load
  • load ~/Desktop/project.rytm
  • load ~/Desktop/kit_1.sysex

Save format

The save format is used to save a full or partial project to the file system from the object.

save [<save-target>] [<index>] [<file-path>]


  • save
  • save pattern 1 ~/Desktop/pattern_1.sysex
  • save ~/Desktop/project.rytm
  • save settings ~/Desktop/settings.sysex

Copy format

The copy format is used to copy full patterns and kits in the external.

copy <object> <index> [<target-index>]

Depending on the type of the object <index> can be either a source index or a target index. For work buffer objects <index> is the target index. On the other hand for non-work buffer objects <index> is the source index.


  • copy pattern 1 2
  • copy pattern 1 -> Copies the pattern to the work buffer.
  • copy kit 1 2
  • copy kit 1 -> Copies the kit to the work buffer.
  • copy pattern_wb 1
  • copy kit_wb 1

Get format

The get format is used to get data from the rytm external.


The default output format for identifier getters:

<object-index> <identifier-type> <parameter>

The default output format for enum getters:

<object-index> <enum-type> <enum-value>

For some getters an additional parent index is included,

Track getter output format:

<pattern-index> <track-index> ..

Trig getter output format:

<track-index> <trig-index> ..

For getters which includes an additional element the index of that element is included,

Kit getter with element output format:

<kit-index> <element-index> ..


Accepted formats:

  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <identifier>
  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <enum>
  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <identifier>
  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <enum>
  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <identifier>
  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <enum>
  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockget <identifier>
  • get pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockget <enum>

Pattern work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • get pattern_wb <identifier>
  • get pattern_wb <enum>
  • get pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <identifier>
  • get pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <enum>
  • get pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <identifier>
  • get pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <enum>
  • get pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockget <identifier>
  • get pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockget <enum>


Accepted formats:

  • get kit <index 0..=127> <identifier>
  • get kit <index 0..=127> <enum>
  • get kit <index 0..=127> <element> <element-index>
  • get kit <index 0..=127> sound <sound-index 0..=11> <identifier> [<parameter>]
  • get kit <index 0..=127> sound <sound-index 0..=11> <enum> [<parameter>]

Kit work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • get kit_wb <identifier>
  • get kit_wb <enum>
  • get kit_wb <element> <element-index>
  • get kit_wb sound <sound-index 0..=11> <identifier> [<parameter>]
  • get kit_wb sound <sound-index 0..=11> <enum> [<parameter>]

Accepted kit elements (<element>)

  • tracklevel
  • trackretrigrate
  • trackretriglen
  • trackretrigveloffset
  • trackretrigalwayson
  • sound


Accepted formats:

  • get sound <index 0..=127> <identifier> [<parameter>]
  • get sound <index 0..=127> <enum> [<parameter>]

Sound work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • get sound_wb <index 0..=11> <identifier> [<parameter>]
  • get sound_wb <index 0..=11> <enum> [<parameter>]


Accepted formats:

  • get global <index 0..=3> <identifier> [<parameter>]
  • get global <index 0..=3> <enum> [<parameter>]

Global work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • get global_wb <identifier> [<parameter>]
  • get global_wb <enum>


Accepted formats:

  • get settings <identifier> [<parameter>]
  • get settings <enum>

Set format

The set format is used to send data to the rytm external.


Accepted formats:

  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <enum>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <enum>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <enum>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockset <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockset <enum>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockclear <identifier>
  • set pattern <index 0..=127> <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockclear <enum>

Pattern work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • set pattern_wb <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern_wb <enum>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <enum>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> <enum>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockset <identifier> <parameter>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockset <enum>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockclear <identifier>
  • set pattern_wb <track-index 0..=12> <trig-index 0..=63> plockclear <enum>


Accepted formats:

  • set kit <index 0..=127> <identifier> <parameter>
  • set kit <index 0..=127> <enum>
  • set kit <index 0..=127> <element> <element-index> <enum>
  • set kit <index 0..=127> <element> <element-index> <parameter>
  • set kit <index 0..=127> sound <sound-index 0..=11> <identifier> <parameter> [<parameter>]
  • set kit <index 0..=127> sound <sound-index 0..=11> <enum> [<parameter>]

Kit work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • set kit_wb <identifier> <parameter>
  • set kit_wb <enum>
  • set kit_wb <element> <element-index> <enum>
  • set kit_wb <element> <element-index> <parameter>
  • set kit_wb sound <sound-index 0..=11> <identifier> <parameter> [<parameter>]
  • set kit_wb sound <sound-index 0..=11> <enum> [<parameter>]


Accepted formats:

  • set sound <index 0..=11> <identifier> <parameter> [<parameter>]
  • set sound <index 0..=11> <enum> [<parameter>]

Sound work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • set sound_wb <index 0..=11> <identifier> <parameter> [<parameter>]
  • set sound_wb <index 0..=11> <enum> [<parameter>]


Accepted formats:

  • set global <index 0..=3> <identifier> <parameter>
  • set global <index 0..=3> <enum> [<parameter>]

Global work buffer

Accepted formats:

  • set global_wb <identifier> <parameter>
  • set global_wb <enum> [<parameter>]


Accepted formats:

  • set settings <identifier> <parameter>
  • set settings <enum>


Common identifiers

  • name -> symbol, Only 15 ascii characters are allowed (name of the object)
  • index -> int (index of the object)
  • parentindex -> int (index of the parent object if there is one)
  • version -> int (version of the object)
  • iswb -> int, 0..=1 (is work buffer object)


  • masterchg -> int, 1..=1024
  • masterlen -> int, 1..=1024
  • kitnumber -> int, 0..=127
  • swingamount -> int, 50..=80
  • globalquantize -> int, 0..=127
  • patternbpm -> float, 30.0..=300.0


  • deftrignote -> int, 0..=127
  • deftrigvel -> int, 0..=127
  • deftrigprob -> int, 0..=100
  • steps -> int, 1..=64
  • quantizeamount -> int, 0..=127
  • sendsmidi -> int, 0..=1
  • euc -> int, 0..=1
  • pl2 -> int, 0..=63
  • ro1 -> int, 0..=63
  • ro2 -> int, 0..=63
  • tro -> int, 0..=63


  • enable -> int, 0..=1
  • retrig -> int, 0..=1
  • mute -> int, 0..=1
  • accent -> int, 0..=1
  • swing -> int, 0..=1
  • slide -> int, 0..=1
  • note -> int, 36..=84
  • vel -> int, 1..=127
  • retrigveloffset -> int, -128..=127
  • soundlock -> int, 0..=127


  • ctrlinmod1amt -> int, -128..=127
  • ctrlinmod2amt -> int, -128..=127
  • fxdeltime -> int, 0..=127
  • fxdelpingpong -> int, 0..=1
  • fxdelstereowidth -> int, -64..=63
  • fxdelfeedback -> int, 0..=198
  • fxdelhpf -> int, 0..=127
  • fxdellpf -> int, 0..=127
  • fxdelrevsend -> int, 0..=127
  • fxdellev -> int, 0..=127
  • fxrevpredel -> int, 0..=127
  • fxrevdecay -> int, 0..=127
  • fxrevfreq -> int, 0..=127
  • fxrevgain -> int, 0..=127
  • fxrevhpf -> int, 0..=127
  • fxrevlpf -> int, 0..=127
  • fxrevlev -> int, 0..=127
  • fxcompthr -> int, 0..=127
  • fxcompgain -> int, 0..=127
  • fxcompmix -> int, 0..=127
  • fxcomplev -> int, 0..=127
  • fxlfospeed -> int, -64..=63
  • fxlfofade -> int, -64..=63
  • fxlfostartphase -> int, 0..=127
  • fxlfodepth -> float, -128.0..=127.99
  • fxdistdov -> int, 0..=127
  • fxdistamt -> int, 0..=127
  • fxdistsym -> int, -64..=63
  • fxdistdelpost -> int, 0..=1
  • fxdistrevpost -> int, 0..=1


  • tracklevel -> int, 0..=127
    • kit element index range -> int, 0..=12
  • trackretrigveloffset -> int, -128..=127
    • kit element index range -> int, 0..=12
  • trackretrigalwayson -> int, 0..=1
    • kit element index range -> int, 0..=12


  • ispool -> int, 0..=1
  • iskit -> int, 0..=1
  • kitnumber -> int, 0..=127
  • accentlev -> int, 0..=127
  • ampattack -> int, 0..=127
  • amphold -> int, 0..=127
  • ampdecay -> int, 0..=127
  • ampoverdrive -> int, 0..=127
  • ampdelsend -> int, 0..=127
  • amprevsend -> int, 0..=127
  • amppan -> int, -64..=63
  • amplev -> int, 0..=127
  • filtattack -> int, 0..=127
  • filthold -> int, 0..=127
  • filtdecay -> int, 0..=127
  • filtrelease -> int, 0..=127
  • filtcutoff -> int, 0..=127
  • filtres -> int, 0..=127
  • filtenvamt -> int, -64..=63
  • lfospeed -> int, -64..=63
  • lfofade -> int, -64..=63
  • lfostartphase -> int, 0..=127
  • lfodepth -> float, -128.0..=127.99
  • samptune -> int, -24..=24
  • sampfinetune -> int, -64..=63
  • sampnumber -> int, 0..=127
  • sampbitreduction -> int, 0..=127
  • sampstart -> float, 0.0..=120.0
  • sampend -> float, 0.0..=120.0
  • samploopflag -> int, 0..=1
  • samplev -> int, 0..=127
  • velmodamt -> int, -127..=128
  • atmodamt -> int, -127..=128
  • envresetfilter -> int, 0..=1
  • veltovol -> int, 0..=1
  • legacyfxsend -> int, 0..=1


  • kitreloadonchg -> int, 0..=1
  • quantizeliverec -> int, 0..=1
  • autotrackswitch -> int, 0..=1
  • routetomain -> int, 0..=11
  • sendtofx -> int, 0..=11
  • clockreceive -> int, 0..=1
  • clocksend -> int, 0..=1
  • transportreceive -> int, 0..=1
  • transportsend -> int, 0..=1
  • pgmchangereceive -> int, 0..=1
  • pgmchangesend -> int, 0..=1
  • receivenotes -> int, 0..=1
  • receiveccnrpn -> int, 0..=1
  • turbospeed -> int, 0..=1
  • metronomeactive -> int, 0..=1
  • metronomeprerollbars -> int, 0..=16
  • metronomelev -> int, 0..=127


  • projectbpm -> float, 30.0..=300.0
  • selectedtrack -> int, 0..=11
  • selectedpage -> int, 0..=3
  • mute -> int, 0..=11
  • unmute -> int, 0..=11
  • fixedvelocity -> int, 0..=1
  • fixedvelocityamt -> int, 0..=127
  • samplerecorderthr -> int, 0..=127
  • samplerecordermon -> int, 0..=1




1x 3/4x 1/8x
2x 1/2x
3/2x 1/4x


normal advanced



c e g#
c# f a
d f# bb
eb g b


chromatic wholetone majorlocrian
ionianmajor blues superlocrian
dorian combominor dorianb2
phrygian persian lydianaugmented
lydian iwato lydiandominant
mixolydian insen doubleharmonicmajor
aeolianminor hirajoshi lydian26
locrian pelog ultraphrygian
pentatonicminor phrygiandominant hungarianminor
pentatonicmajor wholehalfdiminished oriental
melodicminor halfwholediminished ionian25
harmonicminor spanish locrianbb3bb7


1/128 3.63 24
.188 3.75 25
1/64 3.88 26
.313 1/4 27
.375 4.25 28
.438 4.5 29
1/32 4.75 30
.563 5 31
.625 5.25 32
.688 5.5 34
.75 5.75 36
.813 6 38
.875 6.25 40
.938 6.5 42
1/16 6.75 44
1.06 7 46
1.13 7.25 48
1.19 7.5 50
1.25 7.75 52
1.31 1/2 54
1.38 8.5 56
1.44 9 58
1.5 9.5 60
1.56 10 62
1.63 10.5 64
1.69 11 68
1.75 11.5 72
1.81 12 76
1.88 12.5 80
1.94 13 84
1/8 13.5 88
2.13 14 92
2.25 14.5 96
2.38 15 100
2.5 15.5 104
2.63 1/1 108
2.75 17 112
2.88 18 116
3 19 120
3.13 20 124
3.25 21 128
3.38 22 inf
3.5 23 unset



-23/384 -7/384 3/128
-11/192 -1/64 5/192
-7/128 -5/384 11/384
-5/96 -1/96 1/32
-19/384 -1/128 13/384
-3/64 -1/192 7/192
-17/384 -1/384 5/128
-1/24 ongrid 1/24
-5/128 1/384 17/384
-7/192 1/192 3/64
-13/384 1/128 19/384
-1/32 1/96 5/96
-11/384 5/384 7/128
-5/192 1/64 11/192
-3/128 7/384 23/384
-1/48 1/48


1/128 3.63 24
.188 3.75 25
1/64 3.88 26
.313 1/4 27
.375 4.25 28
.438 4.5 29
1/32 4.75 30
.563 5 31
.625 5.25 32
.688 5.5 34
.75 5.75 36
.813 6 38
.875 6.25 40
.938 6.5 42
1/16 6.75 44
1.06 7 46
1.13 7.25 48
1.19 7.5 50
1.25 7.75 52
1.31 1/2 54
1.38 8.5 56
1.44 9 58
1.5 9.5 60
1.56 10 62
1.63 10.5 64
1.69 11 68
1.75 11.5 72
1.81 12 76
1.88 12.5 80
1.94 13 84
1/8 13.5 88
2.13 14 92
2.25 14.5 96
2.38 15 100
2.5 15.5 104
2.63 1/1 108
2.75 17 112
2.88 18 116
3 19 120
3.13 20 124
3.25 21 128
3.38 22 inf
3.5 23 unset


1/128 3.63 24
.188 3.75 25
1/64 3.88 26
.313 1/4 27
.375 4.25 28
.438 4.5 29
1/32 4.75 30
.563 5 31
.625 5.25 32
.688 5.5 34
.75 5.75 36
.813 6 38
.875 6.25 40
.938 6.5 42
1/16 6.75 44
1.06 7 46
1.13 7.25 48
1.19 7.5 50
1.25 7.75 52
1.31 1/2 54
1.38 8.5 56
1.44 9 58
1.5 9.5 60
1.56 10 62
1.63 10.5 64
1.69 11 68
1.75 11.5 72
1.81 12 76
1.88 12.5 80
1.94 13 84
1/8 13.5 88
2.13 14 92
2.25 14.5 96
2.38 15 100
2.5 15.5 104
2.63 1/1 108
2.75 17 112
2.88 18 116
3 19 120
3.13 20 124
3.25 21 128
3.38 22 inf
3.5 23 unset


1/1 1/8 1/32
1/2 1/10 1/40
1/3 1/12 1/48
1/4 1/16 1/64
1/5 1/20 1/80
1/6 1/24


1% fill 1:6
3% fillnot 2:6
4% pre 3:6
6% prenot 4:6
9% nei 5:6
13% neinot 6:6
19% 1st 1:7
25% 1stnot 2:7
33% 1:2 3:7
41% 2:2 4:7
50% 1:3 5:7
59% 2:3 6:7
67% 3:3 7:7
75% 1:4 1:8
81% 2:4 2:8
87% 3:4 3:8
91% 4:4 4:8
94% 1:5 5:8
96% 2:5 6:8
98% 3:5 7:8
99% 4:5 8:8
100% 5:5 unset



unset samplebitreduction filterresonance
lfomultiplier samplestart ampattack
lfowaveform sampleend amphold
lfotrigmode sampleloop ampdecay
lfospeed samplelevel ampoverdrive
lfofade filterenvelope ampvolume
lfophase filterattack amppan
lfodepth filterdecay ampaccent
sampletune filtersustain ampdelaysend
samplefinetune filterrelease ampreverbsend
sampleslice filterfrequency


unset samplebitreduction filterresonance
lfomultiplier samplestart ampattack
lfowaveform sampleend amphold
lfotrigmode sampleloop ampdecay
lfospeed samplelevel ampoverdrive
lfofade filterenvelope ampvolume
lfophase filterattack amppan
lfodepth filterdecay ampaccent
sampletune filtersustain ampdelaysend
samplefinetune filterrelease ampreverbsend
sampleslice filterfrequency


unset delayoverdrive distortionsymmetry
delaytime reverbpredelay compressorthreshold
delaypingpong reverbdecay compressorattack
delaystereowidth reverbshelvingfreq compressorrelease
delayfeedback reverbshelvinggain compressorratio
delayhpfilter reverbhpfilter compressorsidechaineq
delaylpfilter reverblpfilter compressormakeupgain
delayreverbsend reverbmixvolume compressordrywetmix
delaymixvolume distortionamount compressorvolume


0.03 1 30
0.1 3
0.3 10


0.1 0.6 A1
0.2 1 A2
0.4 2


1:2 1:8
1:4 max


off hpf
lpf hit


128th 16th quarterdotted
64th 16thdotted half
64thdotted 8th halfdotted
32nd 8thdotted whole
32nddotted quarter



1/1 1/8 1/32
1/2 1/10 1/40
1/3 1/12 1/48
1/4 1/16 1/64
1/5 1/20 1/80
1/6 1/24


1/128 3.63 24
.188 3.75 25
1/64 3.88 26
.313 1/4 27
.375 4.25 28
.438 4.5 29
1/32 4.75 30
.563 5 31
.625 5.25 32
.688 5.5 34
.75 5.75 36
.813 6 38
.875 6.25 40
.938 6.5 42
1/16 6.75 44
1.06 7 46
1.13 7.25 48
1.19 7.5 50
1.25 7.75 52
1.31 1/2 54
1.38 8.5 56
1.44 9 58
1.5 9.5 60
1.56 10 62
1.63 10.5 64
1.69 11 68
1.75 11.5 72
1.81 12 76
1.88 12.5 80
1.94 13 84
1/8 13.5 88
2.13 14 92
2.25 14.5 96
2.38 15 100
2.5 15.5 104
2.63 1/1 108
2.75 17 112
2.88 18 116
3 19 120
3.13 20 124
3.25 21 128
3.38 22 inf
3.5 23 unset



bdhard cbclassic hhbasic
bdclassic bdfm cyride
sdhard sdfm bdsharp
sdclassic utnoise disable
rshard utimpulse sydualvco
rsclassic chmetallic sychip
cpclassic ohmetallic bdacoustic
btclassic cymetallic sdacoustic
xtclassic cbmetallic syraw
chclassic bdplastic hhlab
ohclassic bdsilky unset
cyclassic sdnatural


syn1 samplebitreduction filterresonance
syn2 samplestart ampattack
syn3 sampleend amphold
syn4 sampleloop ampdecay
syn5 samplelevel ampoverdrive
syn6 filterenvelope ampvolume
syn7 filterattack amppan
syn8 filterdecay ampaccent
sampletune filtersustain ampdelaysend
samplefinetune filterrelease ampreverb_send
sampleslice filterfrequency unset


unset syn7 filterrelease
lfomultiplier syn8 filterfrequency
lfowaveform sampletune filterresonance
lfotrigmode samplefinetune ampattack
lfospeed sampleslice amphold
lfofade samplebitreduction ampdecay
lfophase samplestart ampoverdrive
lfodepth sampleend ampvolume
syn1 sampleloop amppan
syn2 samplelevel ampaccent
syn3 filterenvelope ampdelaysend
syn4 filterattack ampreverbsend
syn5 filterdecay
syn6 filtersustain


unset syn7 filterrelease
lfomultiplier syn8 filterfrequency
lfowaveform sampletune filterresonance
lfotrigmode samplefinetune ampattack
lfospeed sampleslice amphold
lfofade samplebitreduction ampdecay
lfophase samplestart ampoverdrive
lfodepth sampleend ampvolume
syn1 sampleloop amppan
syn2 samplelevel ampaccent
syn3 filterenvelope ampdelaysend
syn4 filterattack ampreverbsend
syn5 filterdecay
syn6 filtersustain


lp2 hp1 pk
lp1 hp2
bp bs


x1 x256 .16
x2 x512 .32
x4 x1k .64
x8 x2k .128
x16 .1 .256
x32 .2 .512
x64 .4 .1k
x128 .8 .2k


tri saw rnd
sin exp
sqr rmp


free hold half
trig one


off samp
syn syn+samp



1/1 12/2 7/8
2/1 13/2 8/8
3/1 14/2 9/8
4/1 15/2 10/8
5/1 16/2 11/8
6/1 1/4 12/8
7/1 2/4 13/8
8/1 3/4 14/8
9/1 4/4 15/8
10/1 5/4 16/8
11/1 6/4 1/16
12/1 7/4 2/16
13/1 8/4 3/16
14/1 9/4 4/16
15/1 10/4 5/16
16/1 11/4 6/16
1/2 12/4 7/16
2/2 13/4 8/16
3/2 14/4 9/16
4/2 15/4 10/16
5/2 16/4 11/16
6/2 1/8 12/16
7/2 2/8 13/16
8/2 3/8 14/16
9/2 4/8 15/16
10/2 5/8 16/16
11/2 6/8


1 7 13
2 8 14
3 9 15
4 10 16
5 11
6 12


1 7 13
2 8 14
3 9 15
4 10 16
5 11
6 12


1 7 13
2 8 14
3 9 15
4 10 16
5 11
6 12


1 7 13
2 8 14
3 9 15
4 10 16
5 11
6 12


1 7 13
2 8 14
3 9 15
4 10 16
5 11
6 12


1 7 13
2 8 14
3 9 15
4 10 16
5 11
6 12


midi din24 din48


midi din24 din48


disabled usb
midi midi+usb


disabled usb
midi midi+usb


int int+ext ext


int int+ext ext


int int+ext ext


int int+ext ext


0db +12db
+6db +18db


nrpn cc


auto track


pre-fx l:2r:9:10 l:6r:11:12
post-fx l:2r:11:12 l:7:8r:1
1 l:3:4r:1 l:7:8r:2
2 l:3:4r:2 l:7:8r:3:4
3:4 l:3:4r:5 l:7:8r:5
5 l:3:4r:6 l:7:8r:6
6 l:3:4r:7:8 l:7:8r:9:10
7:8 l:3:4r:9:10 l:7:8r:11:12
9:10 l:3:4r:11:12 l:9:10r:1
11:12 l:5r:1 l:9:10r:2
l:1r:2 l:5r:2 l:9:10r:3:4
l:1r:3:4 l:5r:3:4 l:9:10r:5
l:1r:5 l:5r:6 l:9:10r:6
l:1r:6 l:5r:7:8 l:9:10r:7:8
l:1r:7:8 l:5r:9:10 l:9:10r:11:12
l:1r:9:10 l:5r:11:12 l:11:12r:1
l:1r:11:12 l:6r:1 l:11:12r:2
l:2r:1 l:6r:2 l:11:12r:3:4
l:2r:3:4 l:6r:3:4 l:11:12r:5
l:2r:5 l:6r:5 l:11:12r:6
l:2r:6 l:6r:7:8 l:11:12r:7:8
l:2r:7:8 l:6r:9:10 l:11:12r:9:10


mainout l:2r:11:12 l:7:8r:1
1 l:3:4r:1 l:7:8r:2
2 l:3:4r:2 l:7:8r:3:4
3:4 l:3:4r:5 l:7:8r:5
5 l:3:4r:6 l:7:8r:6
6 l:3:4r:7:8 l:7:8r:9:10
7:8 l:3:4r:9:10 l:7:8r:11:12
9:10 l:3:4r:11:12 l:9:10r:1
11:12 l:5r:1 l:9:10r:2
l:1r:2 l:5r:2 l:9:10r:3:4
l:1r:3:4 l:5r:3:4 l:9:10r:5
l:1r:5 l:5r:6 l:9:10r:6
l:1r:6 l:5r:7:8 l:9:10r:7:8
l:1r:7:8 l:5r:9:10 l:9:10r:11:12
l:1r:9:10 l:5r:11:12 l:11:12r:1
l:1r:11:12 l:6r:1 l:11:12r:2
l:2r:1 l:6r:2 l:11:12r:3:4
l:2r:3:4 l:6r:3:4 l:11:12r:5
l:2r:5 l:6r:5 l:11:12r:6
l:2r:6 l:6r:7:8 l:11:12r:7:8
l:2r:7:8 l:6r:9:10 l:11:12r:9:10
l:2r:9:10 l:6r:11:12



trig smpl amp
src fltr lfo


trig reverb comp
delay dist lfo


normal chain song


sequential directjump
directstart tempjump


audl+r rs/cp cy/cb
audl bt main
audr lt usbl
bd mt/ht usbr
sd ch/oh usbl+r


1step 8steps 64steps
2steps 16steps 128steps
4steps 32steps max