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5. Akka Actors

5.1. SHOULD evolve the state of actors only in response to messages received from the outside

When using Akka actors, their mutable state should always evolve in response to messages received from the outside. An anti-pattern that comes up a lot is this:

class SomeActor extends Actor {
  private var counter = 0
  private val scheduler = context.system.scheduler
    .schedule(3.seconds, 3.seconds, self, Tick)

  def receive = {
    case Tick =>
      counter += 1

In the example above the actor schedules a Tick every 3 seconds that evolves its state. This is an extremely costly mistake. The actor's behavior becomes totally non-deterministic and impossible to test right.

If you really need to periodically do something inside an actor, then that scheduler must not be initialized inside the actor. Take it out.

5.2. SHOULD mutate state in actors only with context.become

Say we've got an actor that mutates its state (most actors do), doesn't even matter what state that is:

class MyActor extends Actor {
  val isInSet = mutable.Set.empty[String]

  def receive = {
    case Add(key) =>
      isInSet += key
    case Contains(key) =>
      sender() ! isInSet(key)

// Messages
case class Add(key: String)
case class Contains(key: String)

Since we are using Scala, we want to be as pure as practically possible, we want to deal with immutable data-structures and pure functions, we want to go FP to reduce the area for accidental complexity and let me tell you, there's nothing pure, immutable or referentially transparent about the above ;-)

Meet context.become:

import collection.immutable.Set

class MyActor extends Actor {
  def receive = active(Set.empty)

  def active(isInSet: Set[String]): Receive = {
    case Add(key) =>
      context become active(isInSet + key)
    case Contains(key) =>
      sender() ! isInSet(key)

If that doesn't instantly ring a bell, just wait until you'll have to model a state machine with 10 states in it and dozens of possible transitions and effects to go along with it, then you'll get it.

5.3. MUST NOT leak the internal state of an actor in asynchronous closures

Again with the mutable state, spot the problem:

class MyActor extends Actor {
  val isInSet = mutable.Set.empty[String]

  def receive = {
    case Add(key) =>
      for (shouldAdd <- validate(key)) {
        if (shouldAdd) isInSet += key
    // ...
  def validate(key: String): Future[Boolean] = ???

Chaos ensues, hell's doors open for a whole range of non-deterministic bugs that could happen due to multi-threading issues. This is a general problem with functions that execute asynchronously and that capture variables that aren't meant to escape their context. Spores is a proposal for macros-enabled closures that are supposed to make this safer, but until then just be careful.

First of all, see the rule about using context.become for mutating state, which is already a step in the right direction. And then you need to deal with this by sending another message to our actor when our future is done:

import akka.pattern.pipeTo

class MyActor extends Actor {
  val isInSet = mutable.Set.empty[String]

  def receive = {
    case Add(key) =>
      val f = for (isValid <- validate(key))
        yield Validated(key, isValid)
      // sending the result as a message back to our actor
      f pipeTo self

    case Validated(key, isValid) =>
      if (isValid) isInSet += key
    // ...
  def validate(key: String): Future[Boolean] = ???

// Messages
case class Add(key: String)
case class Validated(key: String, isValid: Boolean)

And of course, we could be modeling a state-machine that doesn't accept any more requests until the last one is done. Let us also get rid of that mutable collection and also introduce back-pressure (i.e. we need to tell the sender when it can send the next item):

import akka.pattern.pipeTo

class MyActor extends Actor {
  def receive = idle(Set.empty)

  def idle(isInSet: Set[String]): Receive = {
    case Add(key) =>
      // sending the result as a message back to our actor
      validate(key).map(Validated(key, _)).pipeTo(self)
      // waiting for validation
      context.become(waitForValidation(isInSet, sender()))

  def waitForValidation(set: Set[String], source: ActorRef): Receive = {
    case Validated(key, isValid) =>
      val newSet = if (isValid) set + key else set
      // sending acknowledgement of completion
      source ! Continue
      // go back to idle, accepting new requests

    case Add(key) =>
      sender() ! Rejected

  def validate(key: String): Future[Boolean] = ???

// Messages

case class Add(key: String)
case class Validated(key: String, isValid: Boolean)
case object Continue
case object Rejected

Yeap, actor-based designs can get tricky.

5.4. SHOULD do back-pressure

Say you've got an actor that produces values - like reading items from a RabbitMQ or your own half-assed queue stored in a MySQL table, or files that have to be observed and processed as soon as the actor sees them popping up in a certain directory and so on. This producer needs to push work into a number of variable actors.


  1. if the queue of messages is unbounded, with slow consumers that queue can blow up
  2. distribution can be inefficient, as a worker could end up with multiple pending items whereas another worker could be standing still

A correct, worry-free design does this:

  • workers must signal demand (i.e. when they are ready for processing more items)
  • the producer must produce items only when there is demand from workers

Here's a detailed sample with comments:

 * Message signifying acknowledgement that upstream can send the next
 * item.
case object Continue

 * Message used by the producer for continuously polling the
 * data-source, while in the polling state.
case object PollTick

 * State machine with 2 states:
 *  - Standby, which means there probably is a pending queue of items waiting to
 *    be sent downstream, but the actor is waiting for demand to be signaled
 *  - Polling, which means that there is demand from downstream, but the
 *    actor is waiting for items to happen
 * IMPORTANT: as a matter of protocol, this actor must not receive multiple
 *            Continue events - downstream Router should wait for an item
 *            to be delivered before sending the next Continue event to this
 *            actor.
class Producer(source: DataSource, router: ActorRef) extends Actor {
  import Producer.PollTick

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    // this is ignoring another rule I care about (actors should evolve
    // only in response to external messages), but we'll let that be
    // for didactical purposes
    context.system.scheduler.schedule(1.second, 1.second, self, PollTick)

  // actor starts in standby state
  def receive = standby

  def standby: Receive = {
    case PollTick =>
      // ignore

    case Continue =>
      // demand signaled, so try to send the next item match {
        case None =>
          // no items available, go in polling mode
        case Some(item) =>
          // item available, send it downstream,
          // and stay in standby state
          router ! item

  def polling: Receive = {
    case PollTick => match {
        case None =>
          () // ignore - stays in polling
        case Some(item) =>
          // item available, demand available
          router ! item
          // go in standby

 * The Router is the middleman between the upstream Producer and
 * the Workers, keeping track of demand (to keep the producer simpler).
 * NOTE: the protocol of Producer needs to be respected - so
 *       we are signaling a Continue to the upstream Producer
 *       after and only after a item has been sent downstream
 *       for processing to a worker. 
class Router(producer: ActorRef) extends Actor {
  var upstreamQueue = Queue.empty[Item]
  var downstreamQueue = Queue.empty[ActorRef]

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    // signals initial demand to upstream
    producer ! Continue

  def receive = {
    case Continue =>
      // demand signaled from downstream, if we have items to send
      // then send, otherwise enqueue the downstream consumer
      if (upstreamQueue.isEmpty) {
        downstreamQueue = downstreamQueue.enqueue(sender)
      else {
        // no need to signal demand upstream, since we've got queued
        // items, just send them downstream
        val (item, newQueue) = upstreamQueue.dequeue
        upstreamQueue = newQueue
        sender ! item

        // signal demand upstream for another item
        producer ! Continue

    case item: Item =>
      // item signaled from upstream, if we have queued consumers
      // then signal it downstream, otherwise enqueue it
      if (downstreamQueue.isEmpty) {
        upstreamQueue = upstreamQueue.enqueue(item)
      else {
        val (consumer, newQueue) = downstreamQueue.dequeue
        downstreamQueue = newQueue
        consumer ! item

        // signal demand upstream for another item
        producer ! Continue

class Worker(router: ActorRef) extends Actor {
  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    // signals initial demand to upstream
    router ! Continue
  def receive = {
    case item: Item =>
      router ! Continue

5.5. SHOULD NOT use Akka FSM

Akka is exposing what many people thought to be a cool DSL for building state machines, called Akka FSM.

But it's inadequate, limiting and its usage leads to bad practices. Current projects should try replacing it and new projects should steer clear from it. Prefer to model state machines with context.become instead.

The three big reasons for why you want to avoid Akka FSM:

  1. with Akka FSM you can only model deterministic finite automata (DFAs)
  2. Akka FSM forces impure, side-effectful logic in your actor
  3. Akka FSM ties your business logic to Akka, making it hard to test

So to explain this reasoning. With Akka FSM you can only model deterministic finite automata and this is going to lead to pain at some point. Small sample:

when (Available) {
  case Event(Setpoint(value), data) =>
    goto(Ramping) using data.copy(setpoint=value)

when (Ramping) {
  case Event(RampIsOver, data) =>

onTransition {
  case Available -> Ramping =>"Ramping ...")
  case Ramping -> Dispatched =>"Dispatched ...")

This is a DFA. But the big problem that will come up is that for any reasonably complex state machine, you'll end up wanting to trigger multiple transitions in response to a single message. In other words you'll end up wanting to do something like this:


This is a made up API. Akka FSM doesn't support this. And at this point you'll need to fork Akka FSM in order to get it. It's certainly doable. But if you end up forking Akka's FSM for your project, you've clearly made a mistake in picking Akka FSM in the first place. And of course, most people won't ever think of forking Akka FSM, so they'll end up with hard to test and unreasonable hacks, like pushing extra internal messages on this actor.

The other reason for why Akka FSM is not adequate is because it forces you to model your state machine as a thing that mutates its state. Basically what you end up with is:

  • an object with identity and complex business logic (really, FSMs are rarely simple)
  • that communicates with asynchronous messages

Let me spell this out: This will have a worse outcome than the worst you've ever seen happening with OOP. Because this will be an object whose state depends on its history (e.g. with an identity) and because communications are async, introducing nondeterminism in this logic is really, really easy.

Which leads me to the fact that Akka FSM ties your business logic to Akka, which would be complecting by definition. This is bad because:

  • you cannot port that business logic to use another solution
  • in order to test your business logic, you now need to test that actor and fake asynchronous communications (by means of akka-testkit)

In other words, you end up locked into Akka FSM and you end up testing Akka actors, instead of testing your own business logic. And those tests, no matter what those docs say, are horrible. Because as said, couple stateful objects with asynchronous messages and you'll get something worse than the worst you've ever seen.

The solution is to have your business logic described outside of any actor and leave actors to be in charge just of communications, preferably evolved with context.become, as mentioned in point 5.2. At which point you no longer need to test those actors, you no longer need to depend on akka-testkit. But such a strategy will rule out Akka FSM entirely.