- name: Unit 1
- description: Work with the primary element in MakeCode Arcade: The Sprite
- bannerUrl: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/blob/master/img/banner.png?raw=true
- backgroundUrl: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/blob/master/img/skillmap-bg.gif?raw=true
- primarycolor: #D2D2D2
- secondarycolor: #30E3D1
- tertiarycolor: #191919
- highlightcolor: #9AF10C
- alternatesources: github:
- name: Sprite Positions & Movement
- description: We are going to explore positioning and moving sprites.
name: Sprites in the Corners
type: tutorial
description: Place sprites on the screen. Work with different kinds of sprites.
next: sprite-lab3
url: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/Lab-1-2
imageUrl: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/blob/master/img/overview-1-2.png?raw=true
name: Moving Sprites
type: tutorial
description: Move hero sprite with the d-pad. Explain sprite velocity. Make sprites follow each other.
url: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/Lab-1-3
imageUrl: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/blob/master/img/overview-1-3.gif?raw=true
- name: Sprite Collisions & Extras
- description: We are going to explore how to detect when sprites collide and trigger other events.
name: Eat It All!
type: tutorial
description: Use collisions event handlers. Use built-in variables for life and score. Randomize sprite placement.
next: sprite-lab5
url: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/Lab-1-4
imageUrl: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/blob/master/img/overview-1-4.gif?raw=true
name: Eat Some More!
type: tutorial
description: Detect collisions between different sprite kinds. Destroy sprites with effects. Set and update lives.
next: sprite-lab6
url: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/Lab-1-5
imageUrl: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/blob/master/img/overview-1-5.gif?raw=true
name: More Sprite Stuff
type: tutorial
description: Displaying text on the screen or with sprite. Set and update a timer.
url: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/Lab-1-6
imageUrl: https://github.com/alex-kulcsar/Unit-1-Skillmap/blob/master/img/overview-1-6.gif?raw=true