What was fixed? - root cause
How it was fixed? - implementation details
- No errors / warnings on build (including linter)
- 100% automated test coverage
- Source layout followed from other collectors
- No unnecessary code (debug logs, redundant comments, unused blocks of code, etc.)
- Logging of main steps in the collector’s code
- Logging of any requests that cause the collector to fail / throw an exception, with reason for failure / debugging info
- API throttling errors are understood and and properly handled
- Registration/update/deregistration validated
- Stats and status validated
- CloudFormation template specific to setting up the collector, with documentation of any template parameters
- Collector README, including any set up caveats (both when installed in AL account and in customer’s account) – the user/team should be able to successfully set up, update, remove a collector following the README only
- Demo of set up, update, removal of a collector, with data shown to be correctly parsed in AL console search
- Links to API documentation
- At least temporary access to an environment where RCS can validate collector implementation
- Contact details in case access to this environment is needed in the future