- Run TorchServe, FastAPI server with Docker Compose
- Download Model from S3 instead of packaging the model in the .mar file
- Run the Backend and Frontend
- Do 2-3 Generations
- What to Submit
- Logs from TorchServe while Inference
- Screenshots of Inference on Web
- Link to your Github Repository with Backend and Frontend Code (also should have the docker-compose)
- Be patient 🙂, very patient 🙂🙂🙂 with torchserve
- Start on this assignment early
BONUS - TODO - Didnt complete it
- Deploy this: https://github.com/ToTheBeginning/PuLID
Bonus assignment - Not successfull
git clone https://github.com/ToTheBeginning/PuLID
cd PuLID
copy dev/pulid.py to this dir
pip install -r requirements_fp8.txt
python infer_pulid.py --prompt "portrait, pixar" --id_image images.jpeg --start_step 1 --output result.png
When ever i try to infer after 20 to 30 minutes they gpu memory comes around at 10Gb and the process gets killed.
I had only g6.2xlarge
instance and aws sales team didnt give me g6.4xlarge
may be there could be a method to solve withg6.2xlarge
itself by something i didnt explore it stopping the bonus assignment alone here. Also still there is part for writing torch serve handler's init, preprocess, loading model, infer and postprocess.
Actual assignment - completed
- EC2 instance :
- 24 GB GPU RAM and 8vCPU - 32 GB RAM
Start all services with docker compose
docker compose up
Once its started wait for 5 minutes to get
Setting default version to 1.0 for model sd3
Then you will get
starting to extract model
or callcurl http://localhost:8080/predictions/sd3?text=dog
5 minutes for extraction -
it may fail once or twice but it recovers so wait for it to recover and extract successfully
You will get then
moving pipeline to device
this will take 5 minutes -
is not loading properly after debugging . Go to PORTS in terminal in vscode and click "x" and then dodocker compose restart web_service
For clear understanding refer the logs
You can also debug with nvidia-smi command if some python program is utilizing gpu or not after extaction
Inside EC2
sudo apt update
sudo apt install unzip curl
Download the stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium-diffusers
model to sd3-model
cd torchserve/
# make sure you have got access to stablityai model repo
python -c "from huggingface_hub.hf_api import HfFolder; HfFolder.save_token('hf_api_token')"
python dev/download_model.py
zip the model files and store as sd3-model.zip
cd sd3-model
zip -0 -r ../sd3-model.zip *
cd ..
Check if a zipped file is created in your local torchserve/sd3-model.zip
and be in torchserve
Run a docker file and generate .mar file manually
docker run -it --rm --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 --gpus all -v `pwd`:/opt/src pytorch/torchserve:0.12.0-gpu bash
# inside docker container
cd /opt/src
# make sure sd3-model.zip is present
# genrate .mar file
torch-model-archiver --model-name sd3 --version 1.0 --handler sd3_handler.py --extra-files sd3-model.zip -r requirements.txt --archive-format zip-store
Above command takes 30 minutes+ and make sure within 15 minutes u r are getting a sd3.mar file in local
# now a sd3-model.mar file will be generated and move it to model-store/
mv sd3-model.mar model-store/
Testing torchserve
torchserve --start --ts-config=config.properties --model-store model_store --models sd3=sd3.mar --disable-token-auth --ncs --enable-model-api
Have a timer in your laptop for this to wait paitently. I did this with g6.2xlarge instance, may be with higher power it may reduce
Wait for 10 minutes
Then do
curl http://localhost:8080/ping
, you should get "un healthy" if u get like this restart the service you will get "healthy" -
Then do
curl http://localhost:8080/predictions/sd3?text=dog
and Wait for 20 minutes it will be extacting model and initalizing the handler and you will get "Initialization completed in 217 seconds" in logs it may fail to initalize for first time but wait it will initalize the next time, you will get a error that worker has failed after 20 minutes. (because of timeout setting in config.properties) or you would have already got "you would also have got pipeline loaded 100% ." now cacnel the request -
Then do
curl http://localhost:8080/predictions/sd3?text=dog
again and Wait for 10 minutes, you might get inference now -
Only the first inference will be like this, successive inference may take only 30 seconds or less
Another method of testing with docker
- You can also run below docker command for testing torchserve
docker run --rm --shm-size=1g \
--ulimit memlock=-1 \
--ulimit stack=67108864 \
-p8080:8080 \
-p8081:8081 \
-p8082:8082 \
-p7070:7070 \
-p7071:7071 \
--gpus all \
-v /home/ubuntu/dev/emlo4-session-12-ajithvcoder/torchserve/config.properties:/home/model-server/config.properties \
--mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/dev/emlo4-session-12-ajithvcoder/torchserve,target=/tmp/models \
pytorch/torchserve:0.12.0-gpu \
torchserve --model-store=/tmp/models
Note: --gpus all is very important else torchserve will take more time for loading and inference and it will face timeout always
- Now you can do
curl http://localhost:8081/models
and get reply
Test end point
For first time wait for 15 minutes for this also
python test/test_end_point.py
- Install the requirements and start the server
cd server
python server.py
Next JS project dev method
- Execute only below if you want to develop Next js UI from scratch
npx create-next-app@latest sd3-ui
cd sd3-ui
npm run dev
npx shadcn@latest add card button input
- Start web ui server
npm install
npm run dev
- There are three services
A common_network is established, volume is mounted where 14 GB .mar file is mounted. We should not copy this file inside docker if we do so it will take a long time to copy and build docker.
networks: - common_network volumes: - ./torchserve/model_store:/workspace/model_store deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: nvidia count: 1 capabilities: [gpu]
Exposing necessary ports
ports: - "8080:8080" - "8081:8081" - "8082:8082"
To get access to S3 we are establishing below env vairbales
Exposing necessary ports
ports: - "9080:9080"
Expose necessary ports to serve
ports: - "3000:3000"
I am downloading .mar file directly as i have spent more than 5 dollars on this project and aws is still not giving me a g6.4xlarge mumbai spot instance. In accordance with requirement you need to fetch the 16 GB .zip file from s3 and use torcharchiver to convert it to .mar file and deploy it with docker compose.
python download_model_s3.py
will do the job and env variables are provided to torchserve service in docker compose.
Docker compose
- if you have a very big file like 14GB dont copy it inside Docker image directly it will take long time for copying both transfer_context and copy takes a long time and consume too much storage and we wont know where to delete it so just create a folder in docker image and try to mount from local to there
Storage handling
- you can move some files to dir like
which might have 400Gb space
- you can move some files to dir like
Rebuild the a docker service in docker compose
- Rebuild only a particular service
docker compose up -d --no-deps --build <service_name>
- Rebuild only a particular service
Using GPU capabilty in docker-compose
- Add below command in docker compose to enable gpus
deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: nvidia count: all # You can use 1 also capabilities: [gpu]
Start all services with docker compose
docker compose up
Once its started wait for 5 minutes to get
Setting default version to 1.0 for model sd3
Then you will get
starting to extract model
or callcurl http://localhost:8080/predictions/sd3?text=dog
5 minutes for extraction -
it may fail once or twice but it recovers so wait for it to recover and extract successfully
You will get then
moving pipeline to device
this will take 5 minutes -
is not loading properly after debugging . Go to PORTS in terminal in vscode and click "x" and then dodocker compose restart web_service
For clear understanding refer the logs
Inference logs - here
Docker compose file - here
Web UI when torchserve_service, fastapi_service, web_service are up
- Ajith Kumar V (myself)
- Pravin Sagar
- Pratyush
- Hema M