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409 lines (280 loc) · 9.33 KB


Desktop app


You need a Linux or a Mac machine to build a desktop version of Organic Maps.

  • We haven't compiled Organic Maps on Windows in a long time, though it is possible. It is likely some make files should be updated. If you succeed, please submit a tutorial.

Ensure that you have at least 20GB of free space.

Install Cmake, Boost, Qt 5 and other dependencies.

Ubuntu 20.04:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    cmake \
    clang \
    python \
    qtbase5-dev \
    libqt5svg5-dev \
    libc++-dev \
    libboost-iostreams-dev \
    libglu1-mesa-dev \
    libsqlite3-dev \

Fedora 33:

sudo dnf install -y \
    clang \
    qt5-qtbase-devel \
    qt5-qtsvg-devel \
    boost-devel \
    libstdc++-devel \


brew install qt cmake

Getting sources

Clone the repository:

git clone --recursive

Default clone destination directory is organicmaps.

Update git submodules (sometimes doesn't work automatically):

git submodule update --init --recursive

Configure the repository as opensource build:


or with private repository

./ <private-repo-name>

You can check usage ./ --help


With all tools installed, just run tools/unix/ It will build both debug and release versions to ../omim-build-<buildtype>. Command-line switches are:

  • -r to build a release version
  • -d to build a debug version
  • -c to delete target directories before building
  • -s to not build a desktop app, when you don't have desktop Qt libraries.
  • -p with a path to where the binaries will be built.

After switches, you can specify a target (everything by default). For example, to build a generator tool release version only:

tools/unix/ -r generator_tool

Targets list can be viewed:

cmake --build ../omim-build-<buildtype> --target help

If you have Qt installed in an unusual directory, use QT_PATH variable (SET (QT_PATH "your-path-to-qt")). You can skip building tests with CMAKE_CONFIG=-DSKIP_TESTS variable. You would need 1.5 GB of memory to compile the stats module.

The script basically runs these commands:

cmake <path_to_omim> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release}
make [<target>] -j <number_of_processes>


The generated binaries appear in ../omim-build-<buildtype>.

Run OMaps binary from ../omim-build-<buildtype>, for example, for release:


../omim-build-release/OMaps -data_path ./data

or create data symlink in build dir to organicmaps/data directory and run

cd ../omim-build-release
ln -s ../organicmaps/data ./data
./OMaps -data_path ./data



When using a lot of maps, increase open files limit, which is only 256 on Mac OS X. Use ulimit -n 2000, put it into ~/.bash_profile to apply it to all new sessions. In OS X to increase this limit globally, add limit maxfiles 2048 2048 to /etc/launchd.conf and run

echo 'ulimit -n 2048' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile


Compile all unit tests in Debug mode:

cmake . -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build --target all

Run all unit tests:

cd build
../tools/python/ -f . -u ../data/ -d ../data/

To run a limited set of tests, use -i flag. To exclude some tests, use -e flag:

cd build
../tools/python/ -f . -u ../data/ -d ../data/ -i base_tests,coding_tests
../tools/python/ -f . -u ../data/ -d ../data/ -e routing_integration_tests

When developing, it is more convenient to use a symlink:

cd build
ln -s ../data/ data

Some tests are known to be broken.

Android app


Linux, Mac, or Windows should work to build Organic Maps for Android.

Ensure that you have at least 20GB of free space.

Install Android Studio.

Install Android SDK and NDK:

  • Run the Android Studio.
  • Open "SDK Manager" ("Tools" → "SDK Manager").
  • Choose "Android 11 (R) API Level 30" SDK.
  • Choose "version "30" and click "OK".
  • Check "Show Package Details" checkbox.
  • Choose "NDK (side by side)" version 21.X.Y.
  • Choose "CMake" version 3.18.1.
  • Click "OK".

Alternatively, you can install only Android SDK and NDK without installing Android Studio. Please make sure that SDK for API Level 30, NDK version 21.X.Y and CMake version 3.18.XX are installed.

Configure PATH to prefer cmake from Android SDK/NDK instead of installed in the system:


export PATH=$HOME/Android/sdk/cmake/3.18.1/bin:$PATH


export PATH=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/cmake/3.18.1/bin:$PATH

Getting sources

Windows 10. Enable symlinks support in git:

git config --global core.symlinks true

Clone the repository:

git clone --recursive

Update git submodules (sometimes doesn't work automatically):

git submodule update --init --recursive

Configure the repository as opensource build:


or with private repository

./ <private-repo-name>

Windows 10. Use WSL to run ./

bash ./ # execute the script by using Ubuntu WSL VM

Windows 10. Alternative way is to initialize Boost manually:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition.
  2. Add cl.exe to your PATH (C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvars32.bat).
  3. Run ./ from Git (for Window) Bash and ignore all errors related to Boost.
  4. Go to ./3party/boost, run ./bootstrap.bat, and then b2 headers to configure Boost.

Set Android SDK and NDK path:

# Linux
./tools/android/ --sdk $HOME/Android/Sdk
# MacOS
./tools/android/ --sdk $HOME/Library/Android/Sdk
# Windows 10
# no actions needed, should work out of the box


There is a matrix of different build variants:

  • Type:

    • Debug is a debug version with all checks enabled.
    • Beta is a manual pre-release build.
    • Release is a fully optimized version for stores.
  • Flavor:

    • Web is a light apk without any bundled maps.
    • Google is a full store version without low-zoom overview world map.
    • There are also Amazon, Samsung, Xiaomi, Yandex and other targets.

To run a debug version on your device/emulator:

(cd android; ./gradlew clean runWebDebug)

To compile a redistributable .apk for testing:

(cd android; ./gradlew clean assembleWebBeta)
ls -la ./android/build/outputs/apk/android-web-beta-*.apk


To enable logging in case of crashes, after installing a debug version, run:

adb shell pm grant app.organicmaps.debug android.permission.READ_LOGS

iOS app


Building Organic Maps for iOS requires a Mac.

Ensure that you have at least 20GB of free space.

Install Command Line Tools:

  • Launch Terminal application on your Mac.
  • Type git in the command line.
  • Follow the instructions in GUI.

Install Xcode from AppStore.

Enroll in the Apple Developer Program.

Getting sources

Clone the repository:

git clone --recursive

Update git submodules (sometimes doesn't work automatically):

git submodule update --init --recursive

Configure the repository as opensource build:


or with private repository

./ <private-repo-name>

Install CocoaPods:

brew install cocoapods

Install required pods for the project:

(cd iphone/Maps && pod install)

Configuring Xcode

Set up your developer account and add certificates:

  • Run Xcode.
  • Click "Xcode" → "Preferences".
  • Open "Account" tab.
  • Enter account credentials from the previous step.
  • Click "Manage Certificates".
  • Click "+" and choose "Apple Development".
  • You may also need to register your Mac in your Apple Developer account.

Reconfigure the project to use your developer signing keys:

  • Open xcode/omim.xcworkspace in Xcode.
  • Click on "Maps" project.
  • Open "Signing & Capabilities" tab.
  • Choose your team and your signing certificate.

Building and running

Open xcode/omim.xcworkspace in XCode.

Select "OMaps" product scheme.

  • Choose "Your Mac (Designed for iPad)" to run on Mac without using Simulator.
  • Choose arbitrary "iPhone _" or "iPad _" to run on Simulator.

Compile and run the project ("Product" → "Run").