This script needs a moderately recent LND ( instance running.
You don't need to have full admin rights to use charge-lnd. The following access rights are used:
You should create a suitably limited macaroon by issuing:
$ lncli bakemacaroon offchain:read offchain:write onchain:read info:read --save_to=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/charge-lnd.macaroon
By default charge-lnd connects to localhost:10009
, using the macaroon file in ~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/charge-lnd.macaroon
. If charge-lnd.macaroon
is not found, admin.macaroon
will be tried.
If you need to change these defaults, please have a look at the usage parameters.
Python and PIP should be made available on the system before installing from source. The project and its dependencies can be installed by running (don't forget the last dot):
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt .
When running the install as root
, charge-lnd
will be installed to /usr/local/bin
. Otherwise charge-lnd
will be installed to $HOME/.local/bin
On newer systems PEP-668 is enforced, you need to install to a virtual environment:
$ export CHARGE_LND_ENV=/opt/charge-lnd
$ python3 -m venv ${CHARGE_LND_ENV}
$ ${CHARGE_LND_ENV}/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt .
will be installed to ${CHARGE_LND_ENV}/bin
If you don't want to install from source, you can use a pre-baked docker image.
charge-lnd is available from Docker Hub, and can be installed by
$ docker pull accumulator/charge-lnd
When running charge-lnd using docker, you'll need to map the LND dir and the volume/path containing the policy config file(s) into the container and pass the endpoint of the LND instance. For example:
docker run --rm -v /path/to/my-charge-lnd-configs-folder:/app -v ~/.lnd:/home/charge/.lnd -e GRPC_LOCATION=YOUR.LND.IP.ADDRESS:10009 accumulator/charge-lnd
charge-lnd runs only once, and exits after processing all channels. To keep your fees updated as conditions change, you'll need to make sure charge-lnd runs periodically.
Typically on unix systems, this is done using a service called cron
There are a number of different Lightning Node solutions. There is no one-size-fits-all cron configuration to show here, so if you can't get it to work, check the following:
- Which user do I run charge-lnd as? charge-lnd needs to be able to read its macaroon file, and it needs access to the TLS certificate (tls.cert). Make sure charge-lnd can access those files.
- charge-lnd needs to be able to read its policy config file(s)
- if LND and/or charge-lnd is running in docker, check that charge-lnd can reach LND over the network.
- Check if you are running via system cron (runs as user root) or user cron (runs as that specific user). When running from system cron, you might need 'sudo' or 'runas' to run as the correct user.
General note: it is advised to not run charge-lnd too often (more frequently than once per hour), as this spams the lightning gossip and might even increase forwarding fail rate. If you do want to run it more frequently, please set a reasonable min_fee_ppm_delta (>5) to avoid applying minor fee changes.
- install charge-lnd as user 'bitcoin'
- create a policy config file (/home/bitcoin/charge-lnd/charge.config)
- create a cron entry to run charge-lnd once per hour
sudo su - bitcoin
crontab -e
at the end of the file, add this
0 * * * * /home/bitcoin/.local/bin/charge-lnd -c /home/bitcoin/charge-lnd/charge.config
.. and save the file.
On Umbrel you can simply install the Lightning Shell app from the app store. This comes with charge-lnd
installed and configured to connect to Umbrel's LND. It just works.
However, in order to use it from cron
you would still have to edit Umbrel's crontab
as described below. See this discussion for more details.
- login using SSH
- install charge-lnd docker container
- create folder ~/apps/charge-lnd to hold the policy config file(s)
- create a policy config file
- create a cron entry to run charge-lnd once per hour
crontab -e
at the end of the file, add this
0 * * * * docker run --rm --network=umbrel_main_network -e GRPC_LOCATION=YOUR.LND.IP.ADDRESS:10009 -e LND_DIR=/data/.lnd -e CONFIG_LOCATION=/app/charge.config -v /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd:/data/.lnd -v /home/umbrel/umbrel/apps/charge-lnd:/app accumulator/charge-lnd:latest
.. and save the file.
Full Guide by Plebnet - non docker
- login using SSH
- change directory to home
cd ~
- get latest from git
git clone
- change directory to charge-lnd
cd charge-lnd
- build with pip3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt .
- test installation
~/.local/bin/charge-lnd --help
- configure config file
- do a dry run
~/.local/bin/charge-lnd --lnddir ~/umbrel/lnd -c ~/charge-lnd/myconfig --dry-run
- create crontab entry
crontab -e
at the end of the file, add the following line
42 * * * * /home/umbrel/.local/bin/charge-lnd --lnddir /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd -c /home/umbrel/charge-lnd/myconfig > /tmp/charge-lnd.log 2>&1; date >> /tmp/charge-lnd.log
save ctrl -x y
exit enter
- login using SSH
ssh [email protected]
- switch to user 'bitcoin'
sudo su - bitcoin
- get latest from git
git clone
- change directory to charge-lnd
cd charge-lnd
- build with pip3
pip install -r requirements.txt .
- create macaroon for charge-lnd
- create config file
nano ~/charge-lnd/charge.config
- do a dry run
~/.local/bin/charge-lnd --lnddir -c ~/charge-lnd/charge.config --dry-run
- create crontab entry
crontab -e
at the end of the file, add the following line
18 */2 * * * /home/bitcoin/.local/bin/charge-lnd -c /home/bitcoin/charge-lnd/charge.config
save ctrl -x y
exit enter