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This page describes the steps to set up the application for development on your PC.
The following software packages are required:
- an NVD-API-Key to fetch CVE information. Get one at,
- an installation of Docker and docker-compose (this may require additional software such as Docker Desktop on Windows and macOS),
- an installation of Python (version >= 3.11), and
- an installation of node.js.
- Clone the project from
- Create a file called
as a copy of the annotated backend/env.template in the directorybackend
. - Adapt the environment variables to your setup.
There are two ways to set up users and their credentials. The most basic setup (only recommended for development) is to have one regular user and one administration user. The more sophisticated setup is to use an LDAP server with configured users and two groups (one for regular users, the other for administrators). The development setup supports both ways. See (see backend/env.template) for details.
- Create a virtual Python environment and activate it.
- Go to the directory
. - Run
python3 -m pip install -r
in a shell. This will install all required Python packages (including Django) into your virtual environment.
- Go to the root directory.
- Run
docker-compose build
anddocker-compose up -d
in a shell.
- Go to the directory
. - Run
npm install
(if you get an error about a missing version, see Troubleshooting). - Run
npm run dev
- Open a browser and load http://localhost:8080/ .
- Use ANY email address as username and the password provided in the file
You have not selected a Node.js version to use yet. Create a small ASCII file with filename ~/.tool-versions
containing the version returned by the failed npm
call, e.g.
nodejs [VERSION]