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Day Ninteen: Beacon Scanner


I'll just come out and say that this problem was too hard for a single day. I could see this having been split into 2 or even 3 different problems, given the complexities of both the background and the puzzle itself. I have a working solution that's pretty slow, but I got there.

One of my biggest struggles with this problem was understanding the nature of the beacons and the scanners. I improperly spent a large amount of time having created the space of beacons around the scanner, and then attempted to rotate the entire space. This is not how the problem is intended to be interpretted. Instead, one needs to hold the beacons steady, and then change the way that the scanner is pointing. So the trick was to think of the beacons as normal points within a cube, and to imagine the scanner as a six-sided die with only a single point having dots.

Once I got that, I was at least closer to a working solution. But teasing it apart piece by piece, the puzzle is doable.

Part 1

First, let's parse our input. Splitting the data into groups of lines, I'll transform each block of text lines into a scanner of form {:id n, :beacons #{[x y z]}, :scanners #{[0 0 0]}}. The ID comes from the header line, the beacons from the rest of the data, and the scanners will be a set of a three-dimensional origin, since the scanners begin not having any context to each other. Finally, the parser will map each ID to its scanner, thus ending with a total structure of {n {:id n, :beacons #{[x y z]}, :scanners #{[0 0 0]}}.

(defn parse-scanner [input]
  (let [[header & beacons] (str/split-lines input)]
    {:id       (->> header (re-seq #"\d+") first parse-int)
     :beacons  (->> beacons
                    (map (fn [line] (mapv parse-int (str/split line #","))))
     :scanners #{[0 0 0]}}))

(defn parse-input [input]
  (reduce #(assoc %1 (:id %2) %2)
          (map parse-scanner (utils/split-blank-line input))))

Next, we'll make a vector of 24 transformational functions, which represent the different ways that the scanner can face. Again, this has nothing to do with the beacons; it's all about the scanner. To that end, there are six groups of four functions, signifying the six directions the scanner can face, and the four rotations it can make within each direction. Each of these functions takes in an [x y z] point, and returns how the scanner would transform that point based on its orientation. I was only able to come up with this vector by placing and rotating objects within my house, so I could see how all 3 dimensions work together.

(def orientation-fns [; Face straight
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- z) y x])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- x) y (- z)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [z y (- x)])

                      ; Face right
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- y) x z])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- z) x (- y)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [y x (- z)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [z x y])

                      ; Face behind
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- x) (- y) z])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- z) (- y) (- x)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [x (- y) (- z)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [z (- y) x])

                      ; Face left
                      (fn [[x y z]] [y (- x) z])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- z) (- x) y])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- y) (- x) (- z)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [z (- x) (- y)])

                      ; Face up
                      (fn [[x y z]] [x z (- y)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [y z x])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- x) z y])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- y) z (- x)])

                      ; Face down
                      (fn [[x y z]] [x (- z) y])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- y) (- z) x])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [(- x) (- z) (- y)])
                      (fn [[x y z]] [y (- z) (- x)])])

Next, I'll make two helper functions for relating two points to each other. path-to takes in a from point and a to point, and returns the different between the two, representing the values to add to from to end up at to. Then follow-path takes in a point and a path from path-to, and moves the point along that path.

(defn path-to [from to] (mapv - to from))
(defn follow-path [point path] (mapv + point path))

Next, I have three similar functions - combine-beacons, combine-scanners, and combine-all-scanners. Let's handle them one at a time.

combine-beacons takes in two sets of beacons, from two separate scanners. Assuming the first set of beacons is the fixed set, it attempts to return the first path that would move at least 12 points from the second set onto the first. For this, we'll use (for [b0 beacons0, b1 beacons1] (path-to b1 b0)) to return almost all possible vectors for the paths from the second set of beacons onto the first. We know that at least points need to overlap, but we don't know which ones. Regardless, instead of testing all of beacons1 against all of beacons0, we can test against all but any 11 arbitrary values from beacons0 instead; if we know we need at least 12 points to match, then one working path should imply at least 12 ways to get to it. Finally, to see if the path is acceptable, we call follow-path on all beacons in the second set, and test if the intersection against the first set if at leats 12; if not, then that path does not lead to the necessary overlap. The function then returns either the first workable path, or else nil.

(defn combine-beacons [beacons0 beacons1]
  (->> (for [b0 (drop 11 beacons0), b1 beacons1] (path-to b1 b0))
       (filter (fn [path] (>= (->> (map #(follow-path % path) beacons1)
                                   (set/intersection beacons0)

Peeling up a layer, we get to combine-scanners. This looks at two scanners and their beacons, and checks to see if there is any orientation of scanner1 such that its beacons overlap with those from scanner0. If so, then return what scanner0 would look like if we merged in all of the data from scanner1. This means applying the orientation function to all of the points, finding the working path, moving all reoriented points along that path, and adding them to scanner0's beacons. Similarly, since both scanners think themselves the origin, we'll reorient the :scanners in scanner1 and send them along the path, adding the resulting values ot the set of :scanners in scanner0. If the two scanners can't overlap, again return nil.

(defn combine-scanners [scanner0 scanner1]
  (let [[beacons0 beacons1] (map :beacons [scanner0 scanner1])]
    (first (keep (fn [f]
                   (let [beacons1' (map f beacons1)]
                     (when-some [path (combine-beacons beacons0 beacons1')]
                       (-> scanner0
                           (update :beacons set/union (set (map #(follow-path % path) beacons1')))
                           (update :scanners (fn [s] (apply conj s (map #(follow-path (f %) path) (:scanners scanner1)))))))))

Finally, combine-all-scanners takes in the map of parsed scanners, and keeps combining them until there's only a single scanner remaining. It starts by looking at all unique pairs of IDs in incrementing value, since there's no need to join scanner 2 to scanner 3 if we can't join scanner 3 to scanner 2. Then for each pair, if they can be joined, then remove the second scanner and update the first one to have the combined data. After going through all possible pairs, recurse back through the function again until there's only one scanner remaining. Note that since this function takes a long time to run, I left in some println statements to show progress.

(defn combine-all-scanners [scanners]
  (println "Examining" (count scanners) "scanners")
  (if (= (count scanners) 1)
    (scanners 0)
    (recur (reduce (fn [acc [id0 id1]] (if-not (and (acc id0) (acc id1))
                                         (if-some [scanner' (combine-scanners (acc id0) (acc id1))]
                                           (do (println "Combining" id0 "with" id1 "from keys" (keys acc))
                                               (-> acc
                                                   (dissoc id1)
                                                   (assoc id0 scanner')))
                   (for [id0 (keys scanners), id1 (keys scanners), :when (> id1 id0)] [id0 id1])))))

Finally, for part1, we just have to count the number of beacons remaining in the merged scanner. So parse the data, combine the scanners, and get the count of beacons.

(defn part1 [input] (->> input parse-input combine-all-scanners :beacons count))

Part 2

For part 2, we need to again combine all of the scanners, but then calculate the maximum distance between any two scanners. For this, we'll implement a three-dimensional manhattan-distance function, which computes the path between two points, and adds together the sum of each path's dimension. Then we pair together each set of scanner points, calculate the manhattan-distance, and return the largest value seen.

(defn manhattan-distance [p1 p2]
  (->> (path-to p1 p2)
       (map utils/abs)
       (apply +)))

(defn greatest-distances [s]
  (->> (for [v1 s, v2 s, :when (not= v1 v2)] [v1 v2])
       (map (partial apply manhattan-distance))
       (apply max)))

(defn part2 [input] (->> input parse-input combine-all-scanners :scanners greatest-distances))

So yeah - it's not a whole lot of code once we're all said and done, but I found the puzzle very difficult to understand. Still, it's done! The code is slow and verbose, but it's done!