There's a math solution here, but it's been years since I took calculus, and I never took discrete mathematics, which I suspect would be needed here. That said, lying in bed last night, I came up with the equation I think we would need to calculate the height of the probe we launch, given an initial slope and a time index, but I have no idea how to apply it here to the problem. So it's ok; we've got some clock cycles to use on a very slightly slower calculation.
I'll admit, I think I'm missing something fundamental here which would make the solution simpler; perhaps I'll figure it out after reading my peers' solutions. But at least I can happily say my solution is lightning fast, finishing part 2 in about 150ms.
Given a starting location, we're launching probes at an ocean trench. In my mind, we're firing angry birds at a pig house. Either way, the goal is that given a starting position (origin) and a selected tragectory, we have to track the motion of the probe and see if it ever hits the trench. Of all the possible launch options, we need to identify the greatest height that the probe ever reaches.
To start, let's figure out our data structure. While I'll occassionally use an [x y]
pair to represent a point, for
the target (ocean trench), I never really need to look at the values as pairs, so I opted for the shape of
[min-x max-x min-y max-y]
; conveniently, that mirrors the input string.
Let's parse the input. Why bother making a parse function for a single line? I have no idea... that was a waste of time to be sure. We'll just use a regex to pull out the four numbers, map each to an integer, and throw it all into a vector.
(defn parse-input [input]
(->> input
(re-seq #"target area: x=(.*)\.\.(.*), y=(.*)\.\.(.*)")
first rest (map parse-int) vec))
Next is the progress
function, which takes in a target and a point, and says whether the point hits the target,
misses it by going too far to the right or too low, or if it is still approaching the target. My original thought was
that I'd make corrections to the slopes I tried whether it went too far to the right or down, but I didn't actually
need it, so I stuck to a simple :miss
There is one interesting piece to this function, and that's my use of the prepost map. This is a map that sits between
the argument list and the first evaluation expression, as a means of doing input or output validation. This was
Clojure's first foray in allowing validation of arguments, since it's a dynamically typed language. One could use this
to put in type checks to give it the same level of protections as typical languages like Java and Kotlin, although we
can apply much more powerful validations; Clojure Spec is even more powerful, but
I didn't feel like going there. Anyway, I wanted to put some controls on the target input, since I changed its
structure several times. Here, the :pre
entry says I want to ensure that both the third and fourth components of the
target (the y
values) are negative, and that the first y
value is smaller than the second. If not, I'll get a
runtime assertion failure.
(defn progress [target point]
{:pre [(every? neg-int? (drop 2 target))
(< (target 2) (target 3))]}
(let [[tx1 tx2 ty1 ty2] target
[px py] point]
(and (<= tx1 px tx2) (<= ty1 py ty2)) :hit
(> px tx2) :too-wide
(< py ty1) :too-low
:else :approaching)))
Next, let's create a trajectory-from-origin
function, which takes in a [dx0 dy0]
and returns an infinite sequence
of the points the path covers. I tried being all fancy here with naming my variables dx
and dy
to represent the
velocities, and dx0
and dy0
as the original velocities; it actually made naming much simpler for me. Anyway, at
each point along the trajectory, we increment the x
and y
values by dx
and dy
, and then we adjust the
velocities. The dx
value trends toward 0 without going negative, while the dy
value continually decreases. Since
I know that the trench is always to the right of the origin, the change to dx
is just (max (dec dx 0))
; I
originally supported a negative dx0
value, but my code was simpler without it. With that in place,
uses iterate
to generate the infinite sequence, but it only provides the x
and y
values, since the caller doesn't need to see the intermediate velocities.
(defn trajectory-from-origin [[dx0 dy0]]
(->> [0 0 dx0 dy0]
(iterate (fn [[x y dx dy]] [(+ x dx)
(+ y dy)
(max (dec dx) 0)
(dec dy)]))
(map (fn [[x y]] [x y]))))
While we're talking about trajectories, let's make a filter hits-target?
which returns true
if the trajectory has
any point that hits the target. To do this, we'll map each point of the trajectory to its progress
value, throwing
away any initial values while we're still :approaching
the target. Then we get the next value, which should either be
a :hit
or :miss
, so we return true
if the value is a :hit
(defn hits-target? [target trajectory]
(->> (map #(progress target %) trajectory)
(drop-while #(= % :approaching))
(= :hit)))
Now in theory, to solve the puzzle we would look at every possible velocity of [dx0 dy0]
, find the ones that hit the
target, and then look for the largest y
value. While not wanting to over-optimize too badly, I did want to limit the
number of permutations I had to investigate, so I wanted to create possible-x-in-target
and possible-y-in-target
Let's start with dx0
- because the x-velocity has drag, eventually all values of x
will be the same. If dx0
too low (for example, 0), then it will reach its static value before ever hitting the target. If dx0
is too high,
then the first value will overshoot the target, and it will never come back. So what I want to do is look at all values
for x
starting with a particular dx0
, and see if any of those values fall within the target. The result is a set of
potential dx0
First, we'll build a helper function x-values
, which returns the sequence of unique x
values from dx0
. We'll use
the trajectory-from-origin
function with a dummy y
value (we don't care what it is), to get the infinite sequence
of points. We'll call (map first)
to strip out just the x
values, then (partition 2 1)
to show how x
value from point to point; that's zipWithNext
for you, Todd! Given these pairs of x
values, we'll use
(take-while #(apply < %))
to only keep the values while x
is still moving, and then use (map second)
to bring the
pair back to individual x
Then we can build possible-dx0
from a target. We'll make a set called all-target-x
for all possible values of x
within the target; this just cleans up our filter in a moment. Now we know from above that dx0
must be between 1 and
the last value in the target, so that will make the range of values we need to inspect. Then we filter the potential
values to the ones such that the x-values
from that dx0
hit some value within all-target-x
(defn x-values [dx] (->> (trajectory-from-origin [dx 0])
(map first)
(partition 2 1)
(take-while #(apply < %))
(map second)))
(defn possible-dx0 [target]
(let [[min-x max-x] target
all-target-x (set (range min-x (inc max-x)))]
(filter #(some all-target-x (x-values %))
(range 1 (inc max-x)))))
That wasn't bad, so let's do the same by making possible-dy0
. First we'll construct y-values
, which is easier than
since y
has an infinite number of ever-decreasing possible values. So we'll grab the
with a dummy dx0
value, map out the y
values, and skip over the initial 0 because it's not
Then to see if a potential dy0
hits the target, we have a bit more work since there are infinite possible values.
We'll first construct all-target-y
in a similar way to all-target-x
in the possible-dx0
function. Then we'll look
at the range of all possible dy0
values, which we'll get to in a moment. For each potential dy0
, we call
(take-while #(<= min-y %) (y-values dy))
to look at all y
values that aren't already below the minimum of the
target. Then we can call (some all-target-y ys)
to see if any of those values ys
are in the set of all-target-y
The real question is, what's the possible range of dy0
values to investigate? We know that the smallest value is
of the target, since we can get into the target by firing right at it. But how high should we check? 0? 1000?
The trick is to look at the dy
values if we choose a positive value for dy0
. If dy0
equals 3
, then the changing
values will be 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5...
. That means we'll move into some positive values, then back
down to 0, and finally go into -dy0 - 1
before dropping faster. So we need to ensure that dy0
is not greater than
the opposite of min-y
, or else the first negative y
value will already be too low. Thus, the range of possible
values are (range min-y (- min-y))
(defn y-values [dy] (->> (trajectory-from-origin [0 dy])
(map second)
(defn possible-dy0 [target]
(let [[_ _ min-y max-y] target
all-target-y (set (range min-y (inc max-y)))]
(->> (range min-y (- min-y))
(filter (fn [dy]
(let [ys (take-while #(<= min-y %) (y-values dy))]
(some all-target-y ys)))))))
Can we solve this problem yet? Almost. First, we need to create hit-trajectories
, which takes in a target
and returns a sequence of all trajectories that end up hitting the target. This function is now actually very simple.
We'll use a for
to cross all values of possible-dx0
with all values of possible-dy0
to make a giant list of
initial velocities, which we'll call all-velocities
. For each of these starting velocities, we map them using
, and filter for the ones where hits-target?
is true.
(defn hit-trajectories [target]
(let [all-x (possible-dx0 target)
all-y (possible-dy0 target)
all-velocities (for [x all-x, y all-y] [x y])]
(->> (map trajectory-from-origin all-velocities)
(filter #(hits-target? target %)))))
We also need a function called apex
, which finds the largest y
value in any given trajectory, remembering that
trajectories are infinite. For this we'll just reduce over the trajectory, keeping each value y
so long as it is
larger than its predecessor, and using reduced
to short-circuit the infinite sequence once the first value does not
(defn apex [trajectory]
(reduce (fn [acc [_ y]] (if (> y acc) y (reduced acc)))
Ok, let's finish part 1! We'll parse the input, find all hitting trajectories, map each one to its apex y
and select the largest value in the sequence.
(defn part1 [input] (->> input parse-input hit-trajectories (map apex) (apply max)))
So much work for part 1, and it's all going to pay off in part 2. We've already calculated hit-trajectories
to find
every possible trajectory to go to the target, so let's just count them up and get our second star.
(defn part2 [input] (->> input parse-input hit-trajectories count))