title | output | ||||
Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 1 |
activity <- fread(unzip("activity.zip"))
activity$date <- as.Date(activity$date)
## steps date interval
## Min. : 0.00 Min. :2012-10-01 Min. : 0.0
## 1st Qu.: 0.00 1st Qu.:2012-10-16 1st Qu.: 588.8
## Median : 0.00 Median :2012-10-31 Median :1177.5
## Mean : 37.38 Mean :2012-10-31 Mean :1177.5
## 3rd Qu.: 12.00 3rd Qu.:2012-11-15 3rd Qu.:1766.2
## Max. :806.00 Max. :2012-11-30 Max. :2355.0
## NA's :2304
activityDay <- activity[,.(stepsDay=sum(steps, na.rm=T)),by=date]
meanDay <- as.integer(activityDay[,mean(stepsDay,na.rm = T)])
medianDay <- as.integer(activityDay[,median(stepsDay,na.rm = T)])
hist(activityDay$stepsDay,xlab = "Steps per Day",
main = "Histogram of the number of steps per day")
The mean number of steps per day is 9354 and the median 10395
activityInterval <- activity[,.(stepsInterval=mean(steps,na.rm=T)),by=interval]
xlab="Interval",ylab="Mean steps per interval")
maxInterval <- activityInterval[which.max(stepsInterval), interval]
The interval with a highest average number steps is 835.
We impute missing step values by using the mean value for the given interval accross al days.
narows <- nrow(activity) - sum(complete.cases(activity))
activity.fix <- copy(activity)
activity.fix$steps <- as.double(activity.fix$steps)
impute.mean <- function(x) replace(x, is.na(x), mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
activityDay.fix <- activity.fix[,.(stepsDay=sum(steps, na.rm=T)),by=date]
meanDay.fix <- as.integer(activityDay.fix[,mean(stepsDay,na.rm = T)])
medianDay.fix <- as.integer(activityDay.fix[,median(stepsDay,na.rm = T)])
hist(activityDay.fix$stepsDay,xlab = "Steps per Day",
main = "Histogram of the number of steps per day")
There are 2304 records with missing values. If we impute them, the mean number of steps per day is then 10766 and the median 10766
library(lubridate,quietly = T,warn.conflicts = F)
activity.fix[wday(activity.fix$date, week_start = 1) %in% 6:7, daytype:="weekend"]
activityInterval.fix <- activity.fix[,.(stepsInterval=mean(steps,na.rm=T)),by=.(daytype,interval)]
layout=c(1,2), ylab = "Steps per interval", xlab="Interval")