Very crude stuff. This is mostly for myself, not intended for other humans.
- find a way to detect all deprecated code
- replace menu with navigation drawer
- use regular buttons
- create common interface for receiving messages from devices
- BluetoothViewer: specialized class for viewing data
- DataRecorder: specialized class for recording data to file
- toggled by preferences
- the implementations are independent and unaware of each other
- make it possible to connect to specific UUID
- make it possible to connect to specific channel
- easier testing
- dummy bt device for testing
- setup robotium and create some ui tests
- transform lines
- delete first n characters
- delete until first occurrence of
- perform substitution
- prepend timestamp
- prepend gps data
- clear button
- hexa view
- generalize and finish
- save data to files on android
- exclude lines
- matching string
- matching regex
- toolbar: record on/off
- files app to view recorded data
- reduce code duplication in xml using styles
- make device list scrollable when too long
- remember texts recently sent to bluetooth devices
- adjustable font size