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Android Setup guide for Netbeans and Eclipse

alex edited this page Nov 24, 2015 · 1 revision

SDK & emulator instructions

Can be found here


  1. Clone the source into a folder
  2. Fire up Netbeans
  3. Install the nbandroid plugins
  4. Choose File > Open Project
  5. Navigate to your local Hydra repository
  6. Select android. It should have a yellow android-symbol in front of it
  7. Select Open project
  8. Repeat this for the following paths:
    • android/libs/facebook/facebook
    • android/libs/ActionBar-PullToRefresh/library
    • android/libs/ActionBarSherlock/actionbarsherlock
    • android/libs/google-play-services_lib
    • android/libs/StickyListHeaders/library
  9. Right click android and select Clean and build


  1. Clone the source into a folder
  2. Fire up Eclipse
  3. Install the Android plugins
  4. Choose File > Import... > Existing Projects into Workspace
  5. Select root directory: local sources > android > libs
  6. Choose the ab-sherlock-2.0, FacebookSDK and StickyListHeaders_lib projects
  7. Click 'Open', the project gets imported
  8. Richt click on the project name, choose options, set build target to the highest Google API
  9. Click accept
  10. Choose File > Import... > Existing Projects into Workspace
  11. Navigate to the local sources
  12. Choose the android folder and click open
  13. Do the same for the Hydra project
  14. You should now be able to run the app

If you still get errors: check if the compiler compliance level is 1.6 (instead of the default 1.5): Righclick on the project > properties > java compiler > compiler compliance level. (This fixes the "should override supertype methode" + "implements method" error)

Furthermore, if the libraries are not found: rightclick > properties > Android > Java Build Paths > Projects (tab) > add > add all.

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