PortableTeleporter |
API Bypass Custom flag which enables players to "teleport" with it. |
KillSwap |
API Bypass Custom flag which causes the killer to swap places with whoever they kill. |
Teleport |
API Bypass , Utility , Experimental Permits "teleporting" via slash commands, useful for testing and debugging. (WIP and incomplete ATM.) |
KeepTeamFlagAway |
KeepAway logic, but with team flags. (WIP) |
CriticalMass |
Shockwave on death for this specific flag, but points awarded to holder of said flag |
SuddenDeathCTF |
Start a timed game and try to cap, the first one to do so wins (in BZFlag) |
SeerRadar |
API Bypass Enables custom radar settings for Seer, even on no radar maps. |
GamePauseOnPlayerPause |
API Bypass Permits actual "pause" of game play on timed games. |
GrabToCap |
Players simply need to grab another team's flag to cap it. |
CaptureSwitch |
Experimental Switches flags to attempt "normal" caps on self caps. |
PointsHTF |
Displays HTF caps as player wins on scoreboard.(WIP) |
HoldTheFlag |
Incomplete version of HoldTheFlag (Attempt to fix several game play issues of current HTF form.) |
PointsCTF |
Player caps are displayed as player wins, self caps as player losses. |
Radar |
Bypasses API Custom flag which has its own radar range, even on no radar maps. |
RadarBU |
Bypasses API Enables setting radar range for Burrow flag |
killAllOnCap |
Kills all players on any flag capture. |
killTeamOnCap |
Kills the capping team on flag capture. (Useful for resetting the board.) |
killOnSW |
Kills players who fire/use ShockWave. (Useful for some maps.) |
CaptureTheBase |
Capture the Base (works on random maps too.) |
ArenaCTF |
Players try to capture team flags, while having their own team flag on their own base. Running over their own flag teleports it back to their own base. Players must be the last ones to have reached their own team flag as well. |
AcceleratedCTF |
Prevents players from grabbing their team flag in an attempt to speed up CTF game play. |
BZMinLogger |
BZAdmin style logs, but from a plug-in. |
flagThief |
Takes flags from players who have 4 points or more in an attempt to balance small FFA games. |