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React, { Component } from \"react\";\nimport { Link } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport defaultBcg from \"../images/room-1.jpg\";\nimport Hero from \"../components/Hero\";\nimport Banner from \"../components/Banner\";\nimport { RoomContext } from \"../context\";\nimport StyledHero from \"../components/StyledHero\";\n\nexport default class SingleRoom extends Component {\n constructor(props) {\n // accessing props from react-router-dom *** cool thing\n super(props);\n this.state = {\n slug: this.props.match.params.slug,\n defaultBcg\n };\n }\n static contextType = RoomContext;\n render() {\n const { getRoom } = this.context;\n const room = getRoom(this.state.slug);\n if (!room) {\n return (\n <div className=\"error\">\n <h5>no such room could be found...</h5>\n <Link to=\"/rooms\" className=\"btn-primary\">\n return to rooms\n </Link>\n </div>\n );\n }\n const {\n name,\n description,\n capacity,\n size,\n price,\n extras,\n breakfast,\n pets,\n images\n } = room;\n // array destructuring to get rest items (except for the first one) using the rest operator\n const [mainImg, ...restImgs] = images;\n return (\n <>\n <StyledHero img={mainImg || this.state.defaultBcg}>\n <Banner title={`${name} room`}>\n <Link to=\"/rooms\" className=\"btn-primary\">\n back to rooms\n </Link>\n </Banner>\n </StyledHero>\n <section className=\"single-room\">\n <div className=\"single-room-images\">\n {restImgs.map((item, index) => (\n <img key={index} src={item} alt={name} />\n ))}\n </div>\n <div className=\"single-room-info\">\n <article className=\"desc\">\n <h3>detailes</h3>\n <p>{description}</p>\n </article>\n <article className=\"info\">\n <h3>info</h3>\n <h6>price: ${price}</h6>\n <h6>size: {size} SQFT</h6>\n <h6>\n max capacity:{\" \"}\n {capacity > 1 ? `${capacity} people` : `${capacity} person`}\n </h6>\n <h6>{pets ? \"pets allowed\" : \"no pets allowed\"}</h6>\n <h6>{breakfast && \"free breakfast included\"}</h6>\n </article>\n \n </div>\n </section>\n <section className=\"room-extras\">\n <h6>extras</h6>\n <ul className=\"extras\">\n {extras.map((item, index) => {\n return <li key={index}>- {item}</li>;\n })}\n </ul>\n </section>\n </>\n );\n }\n}\n","D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\contentful.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\RoomsContainer.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\Banner.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\Hero.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\FeaturedRoom.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\Services.js",["99"],"import React, { Component } from 'react'\nimport {FaCocktail,FaHiking,FaShuttleVan,FaBeer }from 'react-icons/fa'\nimport Title from './Title'\nimport { log } from 'util';\n\nexport default class Services extends Component {\n state = {\n services: [\n {icon:<FaCocktail/>,title:\"free Cocktails\",info:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium, aspernatur!'}\n ,{icon:<FaHiking/>,title:\"Endless Hiking\",info:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium, aspernatur!'}\n ,{icon:<FaShuttleVan/>,title:\"Free Shuttle\",info:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium, aspernatur!'}\n ,{icon:<FaBeer/>,title:\"Strongest Beer\",info:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium, aspernatur!'}\n ]\n }\n render() {\n return (\n <section className='services'>\n <Title title='services' />\n <div className=\"services-center\">{this.state.services.map((item, index)=> {\n return (\n \n <article key={index} className=\"service\">\n <span>{item.icon}</span>\n <h6>{item.title}</h6>\n <p>{item.info}</p>\n </article>\n )\n })}</div>\n </section>\n )\n }\n}\n","D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\StyledHero.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\RoomsList.js",[],["100","101"],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\Loading.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\Title.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\Room.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\components\\RoomsFilter.js",[],"D:\\Yasin\\padregal-resort-master\\src\\data.js",["102"],"import room1 from \"./images/details-1.jpeg\";\nimport room2 from \"./images/details-2.jpeg\";\nimport room3 from \"./images/details-3.jpeg\";\nimport room4 from \"./images/details-4.jpeg\";\nimport img1 from \"./images/room-1.jpeg\";\nimport img2 from \"./images/room-2.jpeg\";\nimport img3 from \"./images/room-3.jpeg\";\nimport img4 from \"./images/room-4.jpeg\";\nimport img5 from \"./images/room-5.jpeg\";\nimport img6 from \"./images/room-6.jpeg\";\nimport img7 from \"./images/room-7.jpeg\";\nimport img8 from \"./images/room-8.jpeg\";\nimport img9 from \"./images/room-9.jpeg\";\nimport img10 from \"./images/room-10.jpeg\";\nimport img11 from \"./images/room-11.jpeg\";\nimport img12 from \"./images/room-12.jpeg\";\n\nexport default [\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"1\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"single economy\",\n slug: \"single-economy\",\n type: \"single\",\n price: 100,\n size: 200,\n capacity: 1,\n pets: false,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img1\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"2\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"single basic\",\n slug: \"single-basic\",\n type: \"single\",\n price: 150,\n size: 250,\n capacity: 1,\n pets: false,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"3\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"single standard\",\n slug: \"single-standard\",\n type: \"single\",\n price: 250,\n size: 300,\n capacity: 1,\n pets: true,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"4\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"single deluxe\",\n slug: \"single-deluxe\",\n type: \"single\",\n price: 300,\n size: 400,\n capacity: 1,\n pets: true,\n breakfast: true,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img4\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"5\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"double economy\",\n slug: \"double-economy\",\n type: \"double\",\n price: 200,\n size: 300,\n capacity: 2,\n pets: false,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img5\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"6\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"double basic\",\n slug: \"double-basic\",\n type: \"double\",\n price: 250,\n size: 350,\n capacity: 2,\n pets: false,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img6\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"7\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"double standard\",\n slug: \"double-standard\",\n type: \"double\",\n price: 300,\n size: 400,\n capacity: 2,\n pets: true,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img7\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"8\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"double deluxe\",\n slug: \"double-deluxe\",\n type: \"double\",\n price: 400,\n size: 500,\n capacity: 2,\n pets: true,\n breakfast: true,\n featured: true,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img8\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"9\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"family economy\",\n slug: \"family-economy\",\n type: \"family\",\n price: 300,\n size: 500,\n capacity: 3,\n pets: false,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img9\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"10\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"family basic\",\n slug: \"family-basic\",\n type: \"family\",\n price: 350,\n size: 550,\n capacity: 4,\n pets: false,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img10\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"11\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"family standard\",\n slug: \"family-standard\",\n type: \"family\",\n price: 400,\n size: 600,\n capacity: 5,\n pets: true,\n breakfast: false,\n featured: false,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img11\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"12\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"family deluxe\",\n slug: \"family-deluxe\",\n type: \"family\",\n price: 500,\n size: 700,\n capacity: 6,\n pets: true,\n breakfast: true,\n featured: true,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: img12\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n },\n {\n sys: {\n id: \"13\"\n },\n fields: {\n name: \"presidential\",\n slug: \"presidential-room\",\n type: \"presidential\",\n price: 600,\n size: 1000,\n capacity: 10,\n pets: true,\n breakfast: true,\n featured: true,\n description:\n \"Street art edison bulb gluten-free, tofu try-hard lumbersexual brooklyn tattooed pickled chambray. Actually humblebrag next level, deep v art party wolf tofu direct trade readymade sustainable hell of banjo. Organic authentic subway tile cliche palo santo, street art XOXO dreamcatcher retro sriracha portland air plant kitsch stumptown. Austin small batch squid gastropub. Pabst pug tumblr gochujang offal retro cloud bread bushwick semiotics before they sold out sartorial literally mlkshk. Vaporware hashtag vice, sartorial before they sold out pok pok health goth trust fund cray.\",\n extras: [\n \"Plush pillows and breathable bed linens\",\n \"Soft, oversized bath towels\",\n \"Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries\",\n \"Complimentary refreshments\",\n \"Adequate safety/security\",\n \"Internet\",\n \"Comfortable beds\"\n ],\n images: [\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room1\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room2\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room3\n }\n }\n },\n {\n fields: {\n file: {\n url: room4\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n }\n];\n",["103","104"],{"ruleId":"105","replacedBy":"106"},{"ruleId":"107","replacedBy":"108"},{"ruleId":"109","severity":1,"message":"110","line":4,"column":8,"nodeType":"111","messageId":"112","endLine":4,"endColumn":12},{"ruleId":"109","severity":1,"message":"113","line":4,"column":10,"nodeType":"111","messageId":"112","endLine":4,"endColumn":13},{"ruleId":"105","replacedBy":"114"},{"ruleId":"107","replacedBy":"115"},{"ruleId":"116","severity":1,"message":"117","line":18,"column":1,"nodeType":"118","endLine":760,"endColumn":3},{"ruleId":"105","replacedBy":"119"},{"ruleId":"107","replacedBy":"120"},"no-native-reassign",["121"],"no-negated-in-lhs",["122"],"no-unused-vars","'Hero' is defined but never used.","Identifier","unusedVar","'log' is defined but never used.",["121"],["122"],"import/no-anonymous-default-export","Assign array to a variable before exporting as module default","ExportDefaultDeclaration",["121"],["122"],"no-global-assign","no-unsafe-negation"]