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204 lines (153 loc) · 8.09 KB


ExpenseAnalyzer is a web-based application designed to help users track and manage their finances effectively. Users can log expenses, set budgets, and monitor their financial health with real-time updates and insights. Key features include adding and categorizing expenses, setting monthly budget limits, receiving budget alerts, and performing real-time currency conversion using an integrated third-party API.


  • Log and categorize expenses
  • Set and update monthly budget limits
  • Receive alerts when approaching or exceeding budget limits
  • Visual analytics for expense tracking and budget management
  • Real-time currency conversion using the ExchangeRate API

Technologies Used

  • Python (Flask) for the backend
  • SQLAlchemy for ORM and database management
  • Azure SQL Database for data storage
  • HTML/CSS for frontend design
  • ExchangeRate API for real-time currency conversion


  • Python 3.10 or above
  • Virtual Environment (optional but recommended)

Getting Started

1. Set up a Virtual Environment (optional but recommended)

Using venv

  1. Create a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    • On Windows:

    • On macOS/Linux:

      source venv/bin/activate

3. Install Dependencies

Install the required packages listed in requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Configure Environment Variables

For Linux Users

Create a configExpenseAnalyzer.json file in the /etc/ directory and add the following environment variables:

   "SECRET_KEY": "your_secret_key",
   "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": "your_database_url",
   "EMAIL_USER": "your_email",
   "EMAIL_PASS": "your_email_app_password",
	"API_KEY": "your_exchangerate_api_key"
  • Replaceyour_secret_key with your Flask application's secret key for session management and security.
  • Replaceyour_database_uri with the database connection URI for your Azure SQL Database or SQLite. For SQLite, this might look like sqlite:///path_to_db.db.
  • Replaceyour_email andyour_email_password with the email and app-specific password for the email service used to send notifications (e.g., Gmail, Outlook).
  • Replaceyour_exchangerate_api_key with your API key from the ExchangeRate-API.

For Windows

Place the configExpenseAnalyzer.json file in the instance folder under the ExpenseAnalyzer directory. Ensure the application code references this path for Windows systems.

5. Run the Application

You have two options to run the application:

Option 1: Using flask run

  1. Set the Flask app environment variable:


    On Windows:

  2. Run the application:

    flask run

Option 2: Using python

Alternatively, you can directly run the app by executing:


6. Access the Application

Open your web browser and navigate to to access the ExpenseAnalyzer application.


  • Add Expenses : Navigate to the "Add New Expense" section to log expenses.
  • Set Budget : Set your monthly budget in the "Set Budget" section.
  • Currency Conversion : Use the currency conversion feature to perform real-time conversions.
  • View Reports : Access visual reports for monthly spending and category-based analysis.

Project Structure

The directory structure of the project is as follows:

|   requirements.txt          # Lists Python packages required to run the application
|                    # Entry point for running the application
|                 # Project documentation and instructions
+---instance                  # Folder for instance-specific configuration files
|       configExpenseAnalyzer.json # JSON file for storing environment variables (not included in version control)
\---app                       # Main application folder containing configurations, modules, and routes
    |             # Configuration file for environment variables, database URI, and other settings
    |    # Module to load currency data from the YAML file
    |         # Initializes extensions like SQLAlchemy, Mail, Bcrypt, etc.
    |             # Defines the database models (User, Expense, Budget) used in the app
    |           # Implements Multiton pattern for managing unique instances of expense categories
    |          # Defines observer classes for handling notifications and logging (AlertObserver, LoggingObserver)
    |              # Utility functions for tasks like currency conversion, email sending, and data processing
    |           # Initializes the Flask app and registers configurations and blueprints
    +---api                   # Blueprint for API-related routes
    |         # Handles API routes for currency conversion and forecast
    +---auth                  # Blueprint for authentication (user login, registration) routes
    |          # Defines authentication forms for user input
    |         # Manages routes for login, registration, and session handling
    +---budget                # Blueprint for budget-related routes
    |         # Handles routes for setting, updating, and deleting budget limits
    +---data                  # Folder for storing data files
    |       currencies.yml    # YAML file containing country names and corresponding currency codes
    +---expenses              # Blueprint for expense-related routes
    |         # Manages routes for adding, viewing, editing, and deleting expenses
    +---factories             # Contains factory classes for object creation
    | # Factory class to create Expense instances based on user input
    +---main                  # Blueprint for main app routes (e.g., homepage)
    |         # Manages main routes like the home page
    +---static                # Directory containing static assets for the application.
    |       style.css         # Main stylesheet with custom CSS styles for ExpenseAnalyzer.
    |       favicon.png       # Favicon icon displayed in the browser tab.
    |       icon.128x128.png  # Shortcut icon for speed dial or bookmarks.
    |       logo.512x512.png  # Logo image used on login and registration pages.
    |   +---js                # Directory for JavaScript files within static assets.
    |       interaction_handler.js  # JavaScript for handling flash message animations, form submissions, and preventing duplicate submissions.
    \---templates             # Folder containing HTML templates for the app
            add_expense.html      # Template for adding a new expense
            base.html             # Base template with shared layout elements
            edit_expense.html     # Template for editing an existing expense
            login.html            # Template for user login page
            register.html         # Template for user registration page
            set_budget.html       # Template for setting a new budget
            update_budget.html    # Template for updating an existing budget
            view_expenses.html    # Template for viewing and managing expenses

Design Patterns

ExpenseAnalyzer leverages several design patterns to improve maintainability and scalability:

  • Factory Pattern in ExpenseFactory: Used to create expense instances efficiently.
  • Singleton Pattern in BudgetSingleton: Ensures a single source of truth for budget management.
  • Observer Pattern with AlertObserver and LoggingObserver in Handles alerts and logs actions when budget thresholds are reached or exceeded.
  • Multiton Pattern in ExpenseCategoryMultiton: Maintains consistency across expense categories.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.