- bug: MoveTo action stops after a while; why? MoveTo has a duration based on time, even when it shouldn't have any.
- Sim movement is subjugated to Time.
- Place furniture.
- Move furniture.
- Build.
- Player can cancel currently developing Actions.
- Different Furnitures affect different to the Needs based on their stats.
- Free will. Resource.
- Sims can themselves cancel Actions (based on mood, inability to perform, etc.).
- Add the rest of Needs (Room, Fun & Social).
- Add the rest of Actions.
- Make laying to restore Comfort.
- Work.
- Buy & building cost simoleons.
- Adequate Needs increment values of Furnitures to the real ones:
- Ranges from 1 to 10.
- Also, Needs values goes from -100 to 100.
- Hours & days.
- Sim & family creation.
- Neighborhood.
- Personality.
- Work carreers.
- Create a "gauge" for ints that are clamped between two values.
- Make Sim.Perform(Action) private. Sim should encapsulate which action it must perform, taking into account the Action Queue.