- 新增
- Authority支持查询已认证的权威机构总数。
- SpecificIssuer支持分页查询Type列表以及删除Type。
- 新增
- CPT合约支持零知识证明的credential template的读写。
- 修正:
- 解决了Evidence合约里setHash的bug。
- Added:
- support credential template in CptController contract.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix bug of setHash() method in Evidence contract.
- 修正:
- 修改了weIdContract的合约格式。
- 修改了工程名,对应的java版本的release由weidentity-contract-java改为weid-contract-java。
- UpdateCpt()增加了权限控制,现在必须要拥有管理员权限或是注册者本人才能更新。
- Bugfixes:
- WeIdContract code re-formatted.
- Project name changed from "weidentity-" to "weid-".
- UpdateCpt() now requires permission - only the publisher or the administrator can perform this.
- 新增:
- WeIdContract新增createWeId方法,支持在创建WeIdentity DID时设置公钥
- Added:
- WeIdContract now has a new createWeId() method to automatically set public keys and authentication type.
- 修正:
- 修改了CptController的构造方法,保证后向兼容性
- Bugfixes:
- Reverted the constructor of CptController to ensure backward compatibility.
- 新增:
- SpecificIssuer数据合约及逻辑合约,用于在链上登记特定类型issuer角色
- CPT新增注册接口,允许在注册时指定CPT ID
- 修正:
- 大幅度提升了Committee及AuthorityIssuer相关实现的性能
- AuthorityIssuer的机构名现在是唯一的
- Added:
- Smart Contract for Specific Issuer management, allowing registering specific issuer roles on blockchain.
- New interfaces to register CPT with a specified CPT ID.
- Bugfixes:
- Significantly improved the performance of related implementations in Committee and AuthorityIssuer.
- Authority Issuer names are now unique.
- 新增:
- Evidence存证数据及工厂合约
- Added:
- Smart Contract for Evidence management, including data & factory contracts.
- 新增:
- WeId身份管理合约,支持符合FISCO-BCOS外部账户格式的地址作为身份标识
- Committee数据合约以及逻辑合约
- AuthorityIssuer权威Issuer数据合约及逻辑合约
- CPT数据合约及逻辑合约
- Added:
- Smart Contract for DID identity management, allowing external addresses which satisfy FISCO-BCOS specifications to be used as the identification tag.
- Smart Contract for Committee Membership management, including data & logic contracts.
- Smart Contract for Authority Issuer Membership management, including data & logic contracts.
- Smart Contract for Claim Protocol Type (CPT) management, including data & logic contracts.