- CTF platforms @ Rawsec Inventory - Complete list of CTF platforms
- https://github.com/abdesslem/CTF (Flask platform for Capture The Flag challenges)
- https://github.com/balidani/tinyctf-platform (Yet another CTF platform)
- https://github.com/picoCTF/picoCTF-Platform-1 (A genericized version of picoCTF 2013 that can be easily adapted to host CTF or programming competitions)
- https://github.com/picoCTF/picoCTF-Platform-2 (A genericized version of picoCTF 2014 that can be easily adapted to host CTF or programming competitions)
- https://github.com/moloch--/RootTheBox (A Game of Hackers ,CTF Scoreboard & Game Manager)
- https://github.com/TJCSec/ctf-platform (A platform for running CTFs)
- https://github.com/IceCTF/ctf-platform (The platform for IceCTF)
- https://github.com/IceCTF/ColdCore (A CTF platform used in IceCTF 2016)
- https://github.com/angstromctf/djangoctf (A platform for jeopardy CTF competitions written in Django.)
- https://github.com/bobbyluig/cctf-platform (A CTF platform built using Django and Materialize used in the CCTF 2015 competition)
- https://github.com/KevaTeam/ProjectAsya (Platform for the CTF Jeopardy)
- https://github.com/SynAckPwn23/SCTF (Security Capture the Flag Platform)
- https://github.com/pdautry/py_chall_factory (Small framework to create/manage/package jeopardy CTF challenges)
- https://github.com/UnrealAkama/NightShade (A simple capture the flag framework)
- https://github.com/HeavenH/flask (An awesome CTF platform made by HeavenH)
- https://github.com/zjlywjh001/PhrackCTF-Platform-Personal (CTF platfrom developed by Jarvis from Phrack Team)
- https://github.com/facebook/fbctf (Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions)
- https://github.com/brian020305/Christmas-CTF (Open-CTF based on Christmas CTF Platform)
- https://github.com/nlfox/ctfPlatform (Yet Another CTF Platform)
- https://github.com/niranjan94/OpenCTF (An Open Sourced CTF hosting platform)
- https://github.com/youmengxuefei/CTF-PLATFORM (A simple CTF platform)
- https://github.com/WangYihang/SniperOJ (A CTF platform,with good prospects)
- https://github.com/qazbnm456/Docker-War (Docker based Wargame Platform - To practice your CTF skills)
- https://github.com/mcpa-stlouis/hack-the-arch (A free open source scoring server for cyber Capture the Flag competitions)
- https://github.com/legitbs/scorebot
- https://github.com/cliffe/SecGen (Create randomly insecure VMs)
- https://github.com/EasyCTF/JS-CTF-Platform (Platform for hosting CTFs)
- https://github.com/summerwish/DummyCTFPlatform (Yet another CTF Platform from Tongji university)
- https://github.com/EasyCTF/librectf (CTF in a box. Minimal setup required)