Hi! Feel free to contribute new links and resources to this document. Please add your resource under the appropriate heading, creating new ones where necessary. It'd also be great if you added a few words describing your resource! For example: if it's a paid resource, what format it's in, if it's particularly good for beginner or advanced people, etc.
- Tech Prep - get started - suitable for all ages
- Learn to Program, by Chris Pine - http://it-ebooks.info/book/36/
- 5 Ways To Learn Code From The Comfort Of Your Own Browser | TechCrunch
- Also, Why I'm learning to code
- Programr | Online IT Lab
- learn to code the hard way
- 5 more ways to start learning how to code right now for free
- Stypi - good for remote pairing
- $ cheat browse http://cheat.errtheblog.com
- [Google Developers - Your First Progressive Web App] (https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/getting-started/?hl=en)
- Computer Science: Free Courses
- [Free Code Camp] (https://www.freecodecamp.com/)
- DevDocs
- CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science
- How to Contribute to Open Source
- C/C++ Reference
- Learn C The Hard Way
- Google's C++ Class
- Learn C++
- MIT Open Courseware C/C++ classes:
- 6.087 Practical Programming in C (taught January IAP 2010)
- 6.088 Intro to C Memory Mgmt and C++ Object-Oriented Prog. (taught January IAP 2010)
- 6.096 Introduction to C++ (taught January IAP 2011)
- 6.S096 Introduction to C and C++ (taught January IAP 2013)
- 6.S096 Effective Programming in C and C++ (taught January IAP 2014)
- C++ Today (2015) - free O'Reilly eBook
- Infographic: C++ Facts (2015)
- Bjarne Stroustrup's Homepage (creator of C++)
- C++ FAQ
- applications written in C++
- some C++ compilers
- YouTube playlists of CppCon conference talks: https://www.youtube.com/user/CppCon
- Kubernetes Basics - Interactive Official self-paced walkthrough tutorial
- Go Language Tour
- Effective Go
- An Introduction to programming in Go
- Learning to Program in Go Video Series
- Pluralsight Classes for Go
- CodeMentor.io Go Tutorial
- Learn Go in Y minutes
- GoBridge
- Go Forum
- 35 Useful CSS3 Tutorials To Boost Your Skills
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
- BuildingWebApps.com
- Build Cross Browser Extensions in Minutes - Crossrider.com
- Udemy: Learn the Foundations of HTML
- Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS
- Flexbox Froggy - game to learn how to use flexbox
- CSS Diner - game to learn CSS selectors
- HTML5 Course from W3C
- Paul Hegarty's Stanford class CS193p on iTunes U:
- Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift
- Developing iOS 7 Apps with Objective-C
- Flatiron iOS pre-work:
- Code School's Try Objective-C
- Ray Wenderlich tutorials
- CodePath:
- CodePath iOS Guides
- CodePath iOS Guides for Designers
- CodePath YouTube playlists
- Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (2nd Edition, Nov 2013) -- link to book on Amazon
- iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (5th Edition, Dec 2015) -- link to book on Amazon
- 50 iOS Interview Questions & Answers (article)
- Android Udacity Free Courses
- Android Documentation
- Android Developers Blog
- Android Developers Youtube Channel
- Testing, Build and Architecture
- Android Architecture Blueprints
- Books
- Head First Java
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- CodingBat Java practice problems
- Java Style Guidelines
- original Coding Style Conventions for Java from Sun
- alternate Java Programming Style Guide from JavaRanch
- Google Java Style
- Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE
- Teaching Kids Programming Designed to introduce kids ages 10-14 to computational thinking with logo-like TKPJava library, but fun for adult learners as well.
- [Programming With Java: A Multimedia Approach] (http://www.jblearning.com/catalog/9781449638610/) Learn Java using programs that draw graphics and images, perform animation, read and play audio files, and display video. Suitable for beginners.
- Code academy
- Nodeschool
- Exercism
- Eloquent Javascript
- Khan Academy
- Coder Projects - not all JS, but languages used are listed on the right hand side of the project list
- Hacker Rank
- Mozilla's Javascript Tutorial
- Javascript and HTML5 Now - short overview of modern JS. This is one of many free O'Reilly eBooks/videos, so it might be useful for other groups to check oreilly.com/programming/free
- CodePen - scope out cool ideas for html/css/js projects
- Free Code Camp
- Babel's ECMAScript 6 tutorial
- W3Schools.com
- Tutorials Point
- Square's Intro to D3.JS
- You Don't know JS
- Practical Javascript Free Javascript course, good for beginners to get a good grounding in the basics. Great analogies for arrays, objects & loops. Also has a companion Facebook group and a weekly online study/q&a session.
- JavaScript30 - Learn JavaScript by building 30 things in 30 days.
- Codecademy’s PHP course
- Learn PHP
- PHP the right way
- Laracasts series on Laravel a great way to learn modern PHP development practices
- Laracasts series on PHP7
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Python Introduction - Google's Python Class
- Learn Python with Games
- Coursera Python
- Codecademy is now teaching Python!
- CodingBat Python practice problems
- NewCoder.io - tutorials (data viz, APIs, web scraping, etc) from founder of PyLadiesSF
- Real Python - learn python programming and web development through hands-on, interesting examples that are useful and fun!
- Full Stack Python - explains Python web development concepts in plain language terms and links to the best tutorials for those topics
- Flask - a lightweight Python web framework
- http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/tutorial/
- Discover Flask - full stack web development with flask
- Flaskr Tutorial - Intro to Flask, Test Driven Development, and jQuery
- [Merscythe: Adventures With the Codue] (http://www.speltechnologies.com) - An adventure story-based game for teaching Python programming to middle and high school students. Designed for accessibility and customizability.
- Udacity - Full Stack Foundations - In this free course you will learn the fundamentals of back-end web development and build a data-driven web app with Python.
- Getting Started with SciPy
- Python Data Science Handbook - O'Reilly ebook
- SciPy Conference videos: SciPy 2016, EuroSciPy 2015, SciPy 2015, EuroSciPy 2014, SciPy 2014, SciPy 2013
- Codecademy - Ruby
- Dev bootcamp - by bullets
- Ruby in 100 minutes - Jumpstart Lab Curriculum
- Install Rails
- Ruby.on-page.net — the simplest Ruby manual
- Rails Girls Guides - Rails Girls
- Ruby Best Practices - Book
- Hackety Hack!
- Code School: Rails for Zombies
- Devise Authentication in Rails 3 –
- The Well-Grounded Rubyist (9781933988658): David A. Black: Books
- Ruby on Rails Screencasts
- Ruby on Rails Guides
- Tryruby.org
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example | Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book and screencasts
- Ruby Quiz
- RubyMonk
- Learn Ruby with the EdgeCase Ruby Koans
- Pragmatic studio Rails course $$
- One month Rails $$
- The Odin Project: Learn Web Development for Free using Ruby on Rails
- Selenium Official Documentation
- Selenium Tutorial by ToolsQA
- Selenium Automation Practice Form
- The Web Testing Handbook
- GNU Smalltalk User's Guide
- smalltalk dot org
- Computer Programming using GNU Smalltalk
- Smalltalk Cheatsheet
- Smalltalk-72 Manual
- BYTE: A Special issue on Smalltalk
- Smalltalk, Objects, and Design
- Smalltalk: An Introduction to Application Development Using VisualWorks
- Pharo MOOC: Live Object Programming in Pharo
- Free online smalltalk books
- Pharo Books
- Codecademy's Learn SQL - uses sqlite, so good intro, but will be slightly different if you move to MySQL, Oracle SQL, SQL Server, etc
- Khan Academy's Intro to SQL
- Try SQL - Code School - Learn basic database manipulation skills using the SQL programming language. Ins and Outs of DBs, Managing Data, Managing DBs and Tables.
- Project Euler
- Visualgo - Animated visualizations for algorithms
- Big-O Cheat Sheet
- Code School - Try R
- edX - Explore statistics with R
- Coursera - The Data Scientist’s Toolbox (John Hopkin's University)
- edX - Big Data in Education (Teachers College | Columbia University)
- (see SciPy in Python section)
- talk about Game Programming
- Extra Credits game design YouTube vodcast
- Gamasutra ("The Art & Business of Making Games") postmortems
- OneGameAMonth.com -- free online game dev bootcamp & game jam enthusiast’s club
- Game Jams:
- Tools for making your own games:
- love2d.org -- definitely start with this one -- Lua
- unity3d.com -- most commonly used at game jams, etc
- ogre3d.org -- a library / graphics engine -- C++
- bulletphysics -- a library -- C++
- Artwork available online under a Creative Commons License (more fun to make game with cool graphics):
- Daniel Cook, Lost Garden
- Code School - Try Git (in-browser)
- Pro Git
- Atlassian Git Tutorials
- Git for Non-Developers
- Git-it - intro Git/Github tutorial (includes Traditional Chinese version, requires local install)
- Learn Git Branching (interactive tutorial)
- GitHub - Git Cheat Sheet (pdf)
- Github - Pull requests
- Understanding Git Concepts
- Good Commit Messages
- Github Guides
- Git Happens - Jessica Kerr - Great intro to Git. (YouTube)
- Git Immersion - Learn Git by doing it.
- Training:
- [Hacksplaining - security training for developers] (https://www.hacksplaining.com/)
- Reddit /r/netsec/ resources:
- Getting Started in Information Security (Reddit wiki)
- Hey we run five InfoSec consulting companies - Ask Us Anything (2014 edition) (Reddit AMA)
- Hey we run five InfoSec consulting companies - Ask Us Anything (2015 edition) (Reddit AMA)
- We are Kaspersky Lab's Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT) - Ask Us Anything (2016) (Reddit AMA)
- Hacking Challenges / Demo Apps
- OverTheWire WarGames
- [Hack this site] (https://www.hackthissite.org/)
- Matasano Crypto Challenges
- OWASP Security Shepard -- web and mobile application security training platform
- Sam Bowne has a working installation you can play against here: https://shepherd.samsclass.info
- Capture The Flag (CTF) links:
- CTF Field Guide
- https://ctftime.org/ - archive of old Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions and calendar of upcoming ones
- links from Carnegie Mellon's CTF team, Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP)
- picoCTF -- Carnegie Mellon University's CTF training app
- Building a Competitive Hacking Team - USENIX Enigma 2016 talk about start of PPP + advice for developing CTF/security skills
- Collaborating to Win -- presentation on Collaborative CTF Infrastructure (video)
- write up of talk with links: http://lockboxx.blogspot.com/2015/11/cooperative-infrastructure-for-security.html
- https://github.com/ctfs -- mix of CTF write ups & learning guide
- Bug Bounty links:
- Bug Bounties 101 - Getting Started
- Bugcrowd blog - for bug bounty community
- /dev/ttys0 Blog - awesome blog on hacking embedded devices
- Kaspersky Labs:
- Kaspersky Labs experts' technical research, analysis, and thoughts: https://securelist.com
- Kaspersky Labs' tracker for APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats): https://apt.securelist.com
- https://securelist.com/blog/opinions/67928/the-art-of-finding-cyber-dinosaur-skeletons
- Creative Commons licensed training material for computer security: http://opensecuritytraining.info
- AWS Loft Talk An Engineer's Tour of the Internet of Things (Sep 2015 video)
- BuildItSecure.ly - security researchers curating a learn-how-to-build-IoT-securely site (DEF CON talk introducing initiative - initiative mentioned at 37:36)
- http://iot.eclipse.org/getting-started - includes Connected Greenhouse tutorial (uses Java language)
System Administration
- Docker Tutorials and Labs -- community-maintained in Docker's own GitHub account
- Intro to Docker workshop (skip slides 26-29 and instead follow the docs.docker.com setup guide): http://slides.dckr.info:88/DockerSlides.pdf
- Docker Orchestration workshop: https://github.com/jpetazzo/orchestration-workshop
- fork this repo down to your computer, and then open this file in a browser: https://github.com/jpetazzo/orchestration-workshop/blob/master/www/htdocs/index.html
- Docker, Linux Containers (LXC), and Security slides from 2014 talk
- Code School - Discover Chrome DevTools
- Linux Fundamentals, Part 1
- VIM Adventures
- Neural Networks for Machine Learning
- Stack Overflow
- CodeEval - Evaluations Made Easy
- Command-line Power User - Free course to learn command line workflows.