Here RUCIO manages a token-based third-party transfer, managed by FTS, acting on behalf of a user.
- IAM:
- RUCIO: rucio.example
- FTS: fts.example
- SE1: se1.example
- SE2: se2.example
- User requests token from IAM requesting group claim inclusion, and targets the token to the RUCIO audience
> export BEARER_TOKEN=$(oidc-token wlcg -s openid -s wlcg.groups --aud https://rucio.example)
> echo $BEARER_TOKEN | jwt
✻ Header
"kid": "rsa1",
"alg": "RS256"
✻ Payload
"wlcg.ver": "1.0",
"sub": "a1b98335-9649-4fb0-961d-5a49ce108d49",
"aud": "https://rucio.example",
"nbf": 1600246822,
"scope": "openid wlcg.groups",
"iss": "",
"exp": 1600250422,
"iat": 1600246822,
"jti": "226ba905-fed3-4d12-9ad5-8f328e2c2d36",
"client_id": "a0deae4e-3843-4167-b967-5dc0eff7b953",
"wlcg.groups": [
Issued At: 1600246822 9/16/2020, 11:00:22 AM
Not Before: 1600246822 9/16/2020, 11:00:22 AM
Expiration Time: 1600250422 9/16/2020, 12:00:22 PM
User submits transfer to RUCIO (whatever this means) authenticating with the obtained token
RUCIO exchanges this token with one suitable to submit transfers to FTS. Also RUCIO needs the ability to manage the user transfer while the user is disconnected. The set of scopes requested in the exchange is built by expanding the scopes originally linked to the token with the
scope. Audience is restricted using theaudience
parameter.Below is an example token exchange request:
POST /token HTTP/2
Authorization: Basic u89…
Accept: */*
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- FTS exchange the received token with a couple of tokens suitable to manage
the transfer. This is again done using the
token exchange
flow. Audience is restricted using theaudience
parameter. Below is an example of token exchange request:
POST /token HTTP/2
Authorization: Basic z52…
Accept: */*
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- FTS uses the token to drive a third-party transfer across the two storage elements
COPY /example/file HTTP/2
Host: se2.example
Source: https://se1.example/example/file
Authorization: Bearer e7nd…
TransferHeaderAuthorization: Bearer e7nd…