CloudSDK Version 2.0.299_20220707:
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20220707, EncoderSDK: 6.13.20220707
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20220707:
- migrated to openssl version 1.1.1q
EncoderSDK Version 6.13.20220707:
- migrated to openssl version 1.1.1q
CloudSDK Version 2.0.298_20220705:
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20220705, EncoderSDK: 6.13.20220705
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20220705:
- migrated openssl to version 1.1.1p
- migrated to FFMPEG version 4.4.2
EncoderSDK Version 6.13.20220705:
- migrated openssl to version 1.1.1p
- migrated to FFMPEG version 4.4.2
CloudSDK Version 2.0.297_20220622:
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20220622
- added the ability to configure the behavior of the sequence of double taps
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20220622:
- added support double tap gesture for all aspect ratio zoom/move modes
- added the ability to configure the behavior of the sequence of double taps
EncoderSDK Version 6.13.20220518:
CloudSDK Version 2.0.296_20220618:
- fixed CloudStreamer connection conflict issue
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20220411:
EncoderSDK Version 6.13.20220518:
CloudSDK Version 2.0.294_20220419:
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20220411, EncoderSDK: 6.13.20220419
- added a few checks for avoid Cloud Player crashes
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20220411:
- fixed possible deadlock in the HW video decoder implementation
EncoderSDK Version 6.13.20220419:
- fixed missing jjffmpeg module issue
- fixed secure streaming config setting
CloudSDK Version 2.0.292_20220325:
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20220325,
- fixed Cloud Player freeze issue
- fixed Cloud record segments playing issue
- updated streamland_player sample
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20220325:
- added https(s) protocol to non-interruptable protocols list
EncoderSDK Version 6.13.20220317:
CloudSDK Version 2.0.291_20220317:
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20220317, EncoderSDK: 6.13.20220317
- added new callback onStatusWillShow for CloudPlayerView
- corrected error handling
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20220317:
- migrated to OpenSSL version 1.1.1n with fixed latest critical CVE
EncoderSDK Version 6.13.20220317:
- migrated to OpenSSL version 1.1.1n with fixed latest critical CVE
- fixed secure streaming config setting
CloudSDK Version 2.0.288_20220217:
- added local record API for cloud streams
- added cloudplayer config settings for detection and buffering time
- moved refresh token functionality on CloudAPI level
- added a few config settings for refresh token functionality
- fixed open/close sequence for CloudPlayerView
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20211223:
EncoderSDK Version 6.12.20211223:
CloudSDK Version 2.0.286_20211223:
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20211223, EncoderSDK: 6.12.20211223
- added new advanced settings: reconnect on http error for hls sources. default value: 404
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20211223:
- fixed the problem with passing 64-bit pointers to ffmpeg by dictionary
- fixed AAC ASC gegenrated config from stream info
- added configuration setting for generate ASC. Default: 0
- added new advanced settings: reconnect on http error. Default: 404
EncoderSDK Version 6.12.20211223:
- fixed MediaStreamTest sample
CloudSDK Version 2.0.284_20211118:
- added support for Gradle 7, Android SDK 30, Android NDK 23, Java 8
- updated versions of used SDK: PlayerSDK: 6.96.20211118, EncoderSDK: 6.12.20211118
- added new config for CloudPlayerSDK with the possibility of protocol and port selection (secure or insecure)
- added new config for CloudStreamerSDK with the possibility of protocol and port selection (secure or insecure)
- default CloudStreamerSDK mode is now secure (HTTPS, WSS, RTMPS)
- added workaround to wait until records will upload for a position less than 1 min from the current time
- added new settings for 2 workarounds: switch on HLS for tokens with path wait for records upload
- added new API CloudPlayerSDK::setSourceForAPIOnly. Will prepare SDK without a player for API command use only
- fixed a few memory leaks
- updated and cleaned samples
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20211118:
- added support for Gradle 7, Android SDK 30, Android NDK 23, Java 8
- migrated to FFMPEG version 4.4.1
- migrated to OpenSSL version 1.1.1l and used as a shared library
- added ONVIF device manager
- added new API for setup internal buffers type: 0 - default, 1 - based on mmap
- added new API for setup internal buffers sizes
- added new config setting: advancedUseAsyncGetAddrInfo
- improved EOS detection algorithm
- added support audio-only mode for instance with video surface
- fixed Software video decoder crash on YUV P10 formats
- fixed records flags for mp4
- fixed issue with wrong shader matrix for 180 and 270 rotation
- updated and cleaned samples
EncoderSDK Version 6.12.20211118:
- added support for Gradle 7, Android SDK 30, Android NDK 23, Java 8
- migrated to FFMPEG version 4.4.1
- migrated to OpenSSL version 1.1.1l and used as a shared library
- camera video preview modes exposed to public config API
- improved overlay support
- improved error handling
- updated and cleaned samples
CloudSDK Version 2.0.262_20201203
- Improved timeline
- Improved calendar
- Fixed loading problem after failed connection
- Fixed not stopped timeline after close
- Added possiblity setup liveurl type (rtmp, rtmps, hls, rtsp)
- Added "live" button
- Corrected status callbacks sequence from CloudPlayer
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20201203
- added time shift functionality
- added workaround for remove unrecognized NALUs
- added workaround to get stream information from extra data if standard way failed
EncoderSDK Version 6.12.20201203
- Added overlay
- Added screen audio capture
- Useed SurfaceView for any mode except offscreen rendering
- Converted ServiceStream sample to AndroidX
- Recording Pause/Resume added
- Ttranscoder: rewing sps/pps buffer
- Added possibility setup custom resolution
- Added TakeScreenshot but only for VIRTUAL_DISPLAY capture
CloudSDK Version 2.0.243_20200916
- Fixed issue when getVideoShot try get not scaled data
- Added external surface support for local player functionality
- Added synchronization of the modified player config with the cloud player config
- Getting backward url considering the expiration date
- Added monitor for tracking changes in live url while connecting to stream
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20200916
- Fixed SW decoder configuration for mpeg2 type
- Fixed multi instance ffmpeg initialization issue
- Added notification STREAMINFO_NOT_COMPLETE
EncoderSDK Version 6.09.20200123
CloudSDK Version 2.0.237_20200715
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20200715
EncoderSDK Version 6.09.20200123
CloudSDK Version 2.0.171_20190805
- Fixed setting timeline for empty interval
- Added file for uploading
- Fixed setting timeline screen range
- Fixed setting timeline screen range
- Fixed screen sensor
- Added option to set color of loader
- Added PTZ control for local and cloud cameras
- Fixed hiding cameramanipulator on timeout
- Disabled audio in the grid control
- Set decode only key frame in grid control
- Fixed crash in executeAsynkTask
- Fixed loader in Local camera
PlayerSDK Version 6.96.20190807
- Fixed recording in record only mode, if trim not specified
- Added new sample DrawOverVideo
EncoderSDK Version 6.07.20190520
- Fixed close state
CloudSDK Version 2.0.144_20190730
- Improved timeline movements using arrows, responsiveness
- Fixed recording for cloud
- Fixed issue with CloudPlayer change position
- Improved CloudPlayerView
EncoderSDK v6.07.20190520 Fixed RTMPS streaming to Facebook (save non-blocking flags)
PlayerSDK Version 6.95.20190712
- Added LOW_DELAY flag in s/w decoder if decoder_latency is ON
- WebRTC: Do not wait for recvonly media on start
- Fixed issue in playlist parser on 64-bit systems
- Added check for interruption on mediaformat_find_stream_info stage
- WebRTC: Use copy buffer for webrtc backward audio
- Fixed subtitle pointer typos
- Fixed crash for rtsp content provider if wrong sprops received
- Fixed: skip rtp packets with unknown payload type
- WebRTC: Added pts validation
CloudSDK Version 2.0.138_20190712
- Added screen curtain on player view
- Added custom mode scale drawing, intervals drawing
- Added custom thumb
- Fixed custom video records
- Added new cloud player mode - player3
- Added lock, aspect buttons to player3 mode
- Fixed crash in Timeline
- Fixed scale dates
- Fixed empty record on timeline
PlayerSDK Version 6.94.20190523
- Changed version for openssl . openssl-1.1.1a
EncoderSDK: v6.07.20190520
- Changed version for openssl . openssl-1.1.1a
PlayerSDK Version 6.93.20190507
- Fixed crash with multi players and rtsp source
- Get_Range works woth npt time.
- Fixed crash for rtsp content provider if wrong sprops received
- skip rtp packets with unknown payload type
- Fixed issue with get range when npt comes from RTSP server
EncoderSDK: v6.07.20190520
- Added Zoom and Flash control
CloudSDK v2.0.129_20190525
- Added MediaPlayer in CloudMultiPlayerViewAdapter
- Added LocalPlayer object
- Added Closed event to detect that player is closed
- CloudPlayerView can be used like MediaPlayer and like CloudPlayer.
- Fixed getVideoShot in LocalCamera
- Added recording for local camera
- Fixed Play/Pause/Aspect Ratio in LocalPlayer
- Fixed crash on Grid
- Fixed issue with cloud camera in Grid
- Added OnSwipeTouchListener in CloudPlayerView
- Added OnClick is handled on touch listener
- Added setRange method in CloudPlayerView
PlayerSDK Version 6.91.20190312
- Fixed : PTS is calculated based on range_start_offset
- Fixed crash on close for rtsplib source
- Fixed partialy initialized audio stream for rtsplib source
- Added Player2 to VideoPlayer sample : sample is able to control position in RTSP or local file, change Rate and Position.
- Fixed SW video decoder is crashed if the desired resolution is less than the real
- Fixed : Change position if position is 0
- Added WebRTC backward audio (it is not include to current build, library is provided by request)
- Fixed SDP is not played
- Added options for TLS:
setSSLPEMFilePath - set path to file Privacy Enhanced Mail
setSSLPEMBuffer - set Privacy Enhanced Mail as buffer
setSSLTLSCipherSiutes - set TLS version : 10 - TLS 1.0, 11 - TLS 1.1, 12 - TLS 1.2,
setSSLTLSVersion - tls cipher siutes
setSSLSessionCacheSize - set ssl session cache size: 0 - disable, -1 - infinite setSendKeepAlive - set keep-alive header in HTTP request 1 - send "keep-alive" in http header, 0 - do not include "keep-alive"
PlayerSDK Version 6.88.20190206 (ONVIF control , RTSP position control , RTSP scale control, AI interface)
- Added ONVIF support . URL Format: onvif:// http:// + onvif/device_service https:// + onvif/device_service
- Added API interface to control PTZ over ONVIF PTZ_ContinuousMove, PTZ_RelativeMove, PTZ_AbsoluteMove, PTZ_Zoom, PTZStop, PTZPreset
- Added event : ONVIF_PTZ_IS_SUPPORTED is raised if there is PTZ support in camera capabiltes
- Added speed control for RTSP : setRtspPlaybackScale. "Scale:" header is added in PLAY command.
- Added change position for rtsplib network source
- Added draw object over video functionality
- Fixed scale for rtsplib network source
- Fixed issue on Play/Pause and changing scale
- Fixed issue when playback in RTSP is changed from negative to positive
- Fixed playabck if RTSP speed is -x1
- Fixed recording AAC and PCMU in mp4 if network source is rtsplib MobileSDK Fixed segment uploader
- Remove user and password from RTSP handshake in VXG RTSP source
- Added option videoKeyFrameOnly (Network source provides key frames only)
- Added support of H.265 in RTSP source
- Added function setRtspPlaybackScale . This function is used to change rate on RTSP camera during playback
- Fixed issue backward playback (I-Frames are played only)
- VXG.ONVIF.Android added.
- Xamarin MediaPlayer sample added.
- MediaPlayerSDK. ver.6.46.20181204 added.
- MediaCaptureSDK. ver. 6.06.20181204 added.
- CloudPlayerView.
current position corrected with timezone. prev/next buttons handled.
- CloudPlayerView.
fullscreen rotation corrected. timeline for STYLE_YOUTUBE enabled.
- CloudPlayerView improved. styles added
- CloudAPI. deleteCameraRecords added.
- CloudStreamer.
int deleteSegmentSync(long timeStart, long timeStop); int deleteSegment(long timeStart, long timeStop, ICompletionCallback callback); added.
- CloudMultiPlayerView. resources for grid corrected.
- Fixed crashes regarding Context usage.
- Fixed crashes regarding check network BroadcastReceiver.
- MediaPlayerSDK + MediaCaptureSDK, armeabi arch removed.
- CloudMultiPlayerView. corrected for Landscape mode.
- fixed crash in RTSP server on arm64-v8a
- CloudMultiPlayerView added.
compile 'com.vxg.mediasdk:playersdk:2.0.66' compile 'com.vxg.mediasdk:encodersdk:2.0.66' compile 'com.vxg.cloudsdk:cloudsdk:2.0.66'
- Latest packages built with targetAPI = 26:
compile 'com.vxg.mediasdk:playersdk:2.0.60' compile 'com.vxg.mediasdk:encodersdk:2.0.60' compile 'com.vxg.cloudsdk:cloudsdk:2.0.60'
- VXG.MediaPlayer.Android Version 6.45.20180821
AudioBackward API added test app MediaPlayerSDKTest_AudioBackward added
- repo link changed "" => ""
- Samples built with targetAPI = 26.
- CloudSDK. processing cookies in sdk added;
- CloudStreamer: Interface for backward audio prepared
- CloudPlayer:
addition check on camera == ACTIVE added. CloudPlayerView. bug: onError returns result 0. fixed. config changed: setConnectionDetectionTime 5000=>2000; default config is not applied on re-open stream. getBackwardAudioUrl() method added.
- CloudViewConfig.setEnableControl() fixed.
- CloudPlayer:
check Camera status on getting live url added. getPosition(). return value only in range. event SEEK_COMPLETED sending corrected for live mode.
- Hanging of timeline thumb fixed
- CloudPlayerView, CloudPlayerViewConfig added.
- added setConfig(), getConfig().
- added induvidual settings for controls:
- Added support platforms armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, arm64-v8a
- CloudSDK. CloudPlayerView added, see streamland_player sample.
- MediaCaptureSDK ver.6.06.20180724
fixed crash on network off, after avio_open(&cptr->pb, cptr->filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) error MediaCaptureConfig.setAudioSource(int) added. MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC by default shared ffmpeg with VXG.MediaPlayerSDK, platforms arm64-v8a armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 added added ALAW/MULAW audio codec configurations VR_1920x1200 resolution added
- Latest packages :
compile 'com.vxg.mediasdk:playersdk:2.0.55' compile 'com.vxg.mediasdk:encodersdk:2.0.55' compile 'com.vxg.cloudsdk:cloudsdk:2.0.55'
- CloudStreamer. WebSocket error handled on CM reconnect.
- CloudStreamerSDK. added restoring CM on network off/on.
- streamland_streamer app. added support SSL connection on devices Android <= 4.3.
- CloudStreamer. resetCameraManager() removed.
- CloudCamera. 'clipsplay' access property added.
- VXG.MediaEncoder.Android ver.6.05.20180515 updated.
Camera Facing CAMERA_FACING_FRONT corrected. Camera filter CAMERA_FILTER_FLIP_X mode corrected
- CloudSDK. logging corrected.
- CloudStreamerSDK. API getCamera() returned 200 on network off. fixed.
- CloudStreamer. returns code ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS added on duplicate connect to the same CM.
- CloudStreamerSDK added functions for upload segments and thumbnails:
int putTimelineSegmentSync(long timeStart, long timeStop, String fileSegment); int putTimelineSegment(long timeStart, long timeStop, String fileSegment, ICompletionCallback callback); int putTimelineThumbnailSync(long time, String fileThumbnail); int putTimelineThumbnail(long time, String fileThumbnail, ICompletionCallback callback);
- CloudStreamerSDK+CloudPlayerSDK added functions for download segments and thumbnails:
ArrayList getTimelineSegmentsSync(long timeStart, long timeStop); int getTimelineSegments(long timeStart, long timeStop, ICompletionCallback callback); ArrayList getTimelineThumbnailsSync(long timeStart, long timeStop); int getTimelineThumbnails(long timeStart, long timeStop, ICompletionCallback callback);
- CloudStreamerSDK
putTimelineSegment()/putTimelineSegmentSync() added fixed bug (Error=-2) on local cloud.
- MediaPlayer.SDK Version 6.03.20180409 added
- CloudStreamerSDK. second start streaming onto local cloud fixed
- "How to use the license key.pdf" added
- VXG.MediaEncoder.Android ver.6.05.20180327
disable VERBOSE flag. MediaCaptureConfig copy constructor corrected
- VXG.MediaPlayer.Android ver.6.05.20180327
Segment playback added MediaPlayerConfig copy constructor corrected
- VXG.MediaEncoder.Android (MediaCaptureSDK ver. 6.04.20180315) improved
Offscreenrenderer improved. startRecord/stopRecord added.
- VXG.MediaEncoder.Android (MediaCaptureSDK ver. 6.04.20180314) improved
RTMP+RTSP+Rec Main+Secondary channels added. Individual start/stop added. CAMERA_FILTER_CUSTOM_VERTEX_SHADER, CAMERA_FILTER_CUSTOM_FRAGMENT_SHADER added
- VXG.MediaEncoder.Android (MediaCaptureSDK ver. 6.04.20180312) improved
cameraFacing FRONT camera added set camera preview corrected setCameraFilter() added. CAMERA_FILTER_NONE(default), CAMERA_FILTER_FLIP_X getRTMPStatus() marked @Deprecated
StreamLand. Playback of recorded video improved.
MediaCapture.SDK ver.6.01.20180222
ABR control added. Tests updated. Bitrate mode added. ABR set by default.
- MediaPlayer.SDK Version 6.01.20180214
Added new feature : LatencyControl setting Fixed issue : Open/Close on thread
- CloudCamera. enableSharingForStream() corrected.
- MediaCaptureSDK, MediaPlayerSDK ver 5.97.20180209 added.
- CloudHelpers. added helper functions isLocalUrl(), isPublicUrl().
- CloudCameraList. fixed bug related to deleteCameraSync() on api == null.
- StreamLand Streamer. bug: frequent reconnects to cloud. fixed.
- codeclean. Showing 'Demo limitation' text corrected.
- MediaEncoderSDK ver.5.97.20180202. added x86 arch support
- Build on the base updated VXG.MediaSDK Player and Encoder ver.5.97.20180201.
- StreamLand Streamer improved:
fixed bug related to ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED = -2 on start streaming
- StreamLand Player improved:
TimeLine added; ProgressBar on connection added.
- StreamLand Streamer improved:
Changing of Access Token handled; TRIAL_VERSION event handled.
- Renamed CloudSDK=>MobileSDK
- SDK structure changed. Added VXG.MediaSDK and VXG.StreamLand
- CloudPlayerSDK and CloudStreamerSDK revised.
- Removed TestServer from samples.
- Added connection for StreamLand Player and StreamLand Streamer applications to TestServer to get channels/access tokens
- License scheme applied
- StreamLand Player added
- StreamLand Streamer added
- snippets 1-6 moved to adminAPI
- CloudStreamer. Transcoding PLAYER=>CAPTURE added
- CloudCameraList. createCameraForStream() added.
- MediaPlayerSDK lib updated
- MediaCaptureSDK lib ver. 5.1.20171124 updated
- Capture source PP_MODE_SURFACE for getting surface from PLAYER=>CAPTURE.
- CloudCamera improved, given below methods implemented:
//location coordinates void setLatLngBounds(double latitude, double longitude); double getLat(); double getLng(); ArrayList getTimelineDaysSync(boolean use_timezone); int getTimelineDays(boolean use_timezone, ICompletionCallback callback);
- CloudCameraListFilter. setForStream(boolean ) option added.
- CloudCamera. save() method corrected
- CloudCameraList. findOrCreateCamera( url) added
- CloudCameraListFilter. setPrivacy(PS_Privacy privacy) added
- snippets1-6 corrected.
- Timeline and Calendar added
- CloudHelpers. formatTime_withSSSSSS() and parseUTCTime() corrected
- CloudPlayer. ICloudObject getSource(); function added.
- CloudPlayer. addCallback()/removeCallback() added
- Progress on setPosition() added.
- CloudConnection. bug: singleton connection. fixed.
- CloudCameraList. getCamera(), deleteCamera() corrected.
- getServerTimeDiff() added, playback live getPosition() improved.
- CloudCameraFilter, latitude/longitude settings added.
- Log wrapper improved. android.Log => MLog to enable/disable all log.
- CloudSDK impoved. set enable/disable log, log level added.
- CloudPlayerConfig class added according to the document.
- snippet_getCameraPreviewUrl(camera)
- playback of camera records added.
- play/pause, set/get position implemented
- switch live/rec playback modes implemented
- CloudUserInfo implemented
- snippets added:
snippet_createCamera_by_url( url ) snippet_show_userinfo (camera) snippet_createCamera_by_id(id) snippet_delete_all_cameras() snippet_camera_get_timeline(camera) snippet_camera_start_record(camera)
- first version
- snippet_createCamera_by_url( url ) added.
- playback of live cameras
- get status of camera
- start camera record added
- get camera timeline