A parser is a software component that takes input data (frequently text) and builds a data structure [1].
The GBIF parsers library provides:
- Dictionary backed parsers for countries, language, taxon ranks, etc.
- Parsers for dates and coordinates
mvn clean install
//get a Country by the defined enumeration
Country mexicoFromEnum = Country.MEXICO;
//get a Country from a String
ParseResult<Country> parsed = CountryParser.getInstance().parse("México");
if (parsed.getConfidence() == ParseResult.CONFIDENCE.DEFINITE){
Country mexicoFromParser = parsed.getPayload();
String iso2LetterCode = mexicoFromParser.getIso2LetterCode();
//make sure to use org.threeten.bp package
import org.threeten.bp.LocalDate;
import org.threeten.bp.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
TemporalParser dateParser = DateParsers.defaultTemporalParser();
ParseResult<TemporalAccessor> ta = dateParser.parse("2nd jan. 1999");
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.from(ta.getPayload());
// or using the date parts
ta = dateParser.parse("1999", "jan.", "2");
localDate = LocalDate.from(ta.getPayload());
For more information and details about the date parsing see the Date Parsing Documentation.
- Built as Java 6 artifact until the IPT upgrades its minimal Java version (see gbif/ipt#1222).
[1] "Parser." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved June 28, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing#Parser