Support for rendering a Blazor Component to a verified file via bunit. Verify.Bunit uses the bUnit APIs to take a snapshot (metadata and html) of the current state of a Blazor component. Since it leverages the bUnit API, snapshots can be on a component that has been manipulated using the full bUnit feature set, for example trigger event handlers.
See Milestones for release notes.
The below samples use the following Component:
snippet: BlazorApp/TestComponent.razor
Enable at startup:
snippet: BunitEnable
This test:
snippet: BunitComponentTest
Will produce:
The component rendered as html ...Component.verified.html
snippet: Tests/Samples.Component.verified.html
And the current model rendered as txt ...Component.verified.txt
snippet: Tests/Samples.Component.verified.txt
Rendering of the Component state (Samples.Component.verified.txt from above) can be excluded by
using excludeComponent
snippet: BunitEnableExcludeComponent
In Blazor an integrity check is applied to the dotnet.*.js
<script src="_framework/dotnet.5.0.2.js" defer="" integrity="sha256-AQfZ6sKmq4EzOxN3pymKJ1nlGQaneN66/2mcbArnIJ8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
This line will change when the dotnet SDK is updated.
Blazor uses <!--!-->
to delineate components in the resulting html. Some empty lines can be rendered when components are stitched together.
snippet: scrubbers
Helmet designed by Leonidas Ikonomou from The Noun Project.