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File metadata and controls

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File types and data formats in VTSCat

  1. Overview of file types.
  2. Observational data (File type VER*.yaml).
  3. Spectral data (File type VER*sed.ecsv).
  4. Light-curve data (File type VER*lc.ecsv).

For a description of the spectral models used, see

File types

A file in the directory of each publication provides an overview over available data products, figures, source names, and citations. A Bibtex file (bibtex.bib) allows to include easily the citation for each publication into a Latex-style document.

The following files types are used and described in more details below:

  • VER*.yaml: Observational details and results like observation time, detection significance, source position and morphology, and spectral models results.
  • VER*sed.ecsv: Spectral flux points including error and upper limits
  • VER*lc.ecsv: Light-curve data (integrated gamma-ray fluxes vs time)
  • VER*.fits: Statistical significance or excess counts sky map (if available)
  • VER*table.ecsv: additional tabulated data (if available)

Observational data (File type VER*.yaml)

Observation details are stored in files of yaml type. The following table gives an overview of the used keywords and their definitions. Not all entries are given for each data file, as the type of measurements reported varies between the publications.

Keyword Definition
data observational data and source detection results
data:livetime length of observation time
data:significance statistical significance of observation (generally taking after taking trials into account)
data:excess number of excess counts
data:excess_err error on number of excess counts
data:non number of counts in on region
data:noff number of counts in off region
data:alpha normalisation factor between on and off regions
data:mjd time range of observations (in MJD)
flux integral flux measurements
flux:flux integral flux (value and error)
flux:eflux integral energy flux
flux:flux_ul flux upper limit
flux:conf confidence level of flux upper limit
flux:emin energy threshold assumed in integral flux calculation
pos results from position fits
pos:ra object position from fit to VERITAS data (right ascension)
pos:dec object position from fit to VERITAS data (declination)
pos:glon object position from fit to VERITAS data (galactic longitude)
pos:glat object position from fit to VERITAS data (galactic latitude)
morph results on source morphology
morph:type source morphology type (point or gauss)
morph:sigma source extension (symmetric gaussian or asymmetric gaussian morphology)
morph:sigma2 source extension (asymmetric gaussian morphology)
morph:pa rotation angle to plane for asymmetric gaussian morphology
spec results from spectral fits
spec:erange energy range of spectral fit
spec:mjd time range of data used for spectral fit (in MJD)
spec:model spectral model assumed for fit
spec:model:type model type (see below for a description of all spectral models)
spec:model:parameters model parameters (see below for a description of all spectral models)
spec:theta integration radius for spectral measurement
spec:chi2 Chi2 of spectral model fit
spec:ndof Number of degrees of freedom in spectral model fit

Spectral data (File type VER*sed.ecsv)

Spectral measurements are provided in ecsv files containing all the necessary information unit in their metadata section. The following table gives an overview of the used keywords and their definitions. Not all entries are given for each data file, as the type of measurement reported varies between the publications.

Keyword Definition
e_ref reference value for energy bin of spectral measurements
e_min/e_max min and max value of energy bin
e_diff width of energy bin
dnde differential photon flux
dnde_err/dnde_errn/dnde_errp error (average/lower/upper) differential photon flux
dnde_syserr/dnde_syserrn/dnde_syserrp systematic error (average/lower/upper) differential photon flux
dnde_ul upper limit on differential photon flux
e2dnde differential energy flux
e2dnde_err error on differential energy flux
e2dnde_ul upper limit on differential energy flux
significance statistical significance of measurement of gamma-ray excess in this energy bin

Light-curve data (File type VER*lc.ecsv)

Light-curve measurements are provided in ecsv files containing all the necessary information unit in their metadata section. The following table gives an overview of the used keywords and their definitions. Not all entries are given for each data file, as the type of measurement reported varies between the publications.

Keyword Definition
time time of measurement (mean of time bin)
time_min/time_max edges of time bin
time_err width of time bin
e_min minimum energy for flux integration
flux integral photon flux above e_min
flux_err/flux_errn/flux_errp error (average/lower/upper) on integral photon flux
flux_ul upper limit on integral photon flux
eflux integral energy flux above e_min
eflux_err/eflux_errn/eflux_errp error (average/lower/upper) on integral energy flux
eflux_ul upper limit on integral energy flux
f_var fractional variability