cd citycat-image
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --tag=citycat-image:latest .
Note: Make sure you are in the correct directory when you try to build the image.
Note: You need to download the CityCat.exe and Domain_DESC.asc from the buckets before running the image.
The following mounts the 3 local directories and uses the default environment variables and entry point.
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/climateiq-flood-simulation-input:/mnt/disks/share/climateiq-flood-simulation-input -v $(pwd)/climateiq-flood-simulation-output:/mnt/disks/share/climateiq-flood-simulation-output -v $(pwd)/climateiq-flood-simulation-config:/mnt/disks/share/climateiq-flood-simulation-config citycat-image:latest
CityCat is running correctly if you see something like the following:
0024:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
0024:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow L"Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly."
CityCat, version, written by vassilis glenis
Pass the command a -e
docker run -it -e CITYCAT_CONFIG_FILE=2 -e RAINFALL_DATA_FILE=2 -e STUDY_AREA=manhattan -e CONFIG=config_1 -v $(pwd)/citycat-input-test:/mnt/disks/share/citycat-input-test -v $(pwd)/citycat-output-test:/mnt/disks/share/citycat-output-test -v $(pwd)/citycat-config-test:/mnt/disks/share/citycat-config-test citycat-image:latest
If you want to debug, it might be helpful to enter the container and override the entrypoint script by adding the flag --entrypoint
docker run -it --entrypoint bash -v $(pwd)/climateiq-flood-simulation-input:/mnt/disks/share/climateiq-flood-simulation-input -v $(pwd)/climateiq-flood-simulation-output:/mnt/disks/share/climateiq-flood-simulation-output -v $(pwd)/climateiq-flood-simulation-config:/mnt/disks/share/climateiq-flood-simulation-config citycat-image:latest
To exit the container, type exit
If you make any changes to the Dockerfile or script, you need to rebuild the image to see the changes.
Verify the image was created
``` docker images citycat-image ```- [If it does not already exist] Create the artifact repository
- Build the image
- Tag and push the image to the artifact repository
Authorize via gcloud cli
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
Running the following script creates the repository: citycat-repo
chmod +x ../artifact_repository/
To verify repo was created
``` gcloud artifacts repositories list ```To delete a repo (if you want to change the name or create a new one)
``` gcloud artifacts repositories delete citycat-repo --location=us-central1 ```Alternatively, you can use the terraform to create the repository.
Using the steps above in building the image locally
Running the following script tags and pushes the image
chmod +x ../artifact_repository/
PROJECT_ID="climateiq-test" ../artifact_repository/
Verify the project id is correct depending on what project you want to use
If you are getting denied: Permission "artifactregistry.repositories.uploadArtifacts" denied on resource "X"
, make sure the project id (PROJECT_ID) env variable is set to the correct one.
You can also try the following
gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud auth login application-default
gcloud auth configure-docker ${LOCATION}