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Email Builder Example

UnquietCode edited this page May 13, 2012 · 11 revisions

The email builder showcases a few important concepts, including dynamic methods and minimum invocations. In the example, the user can build an email message by specifying the subject, body, recipient(s), etc. At least one sender and one recipient must be specified, though any number can be added.

The descriptor looks like this:

	DescriptorGenerator.create(new DescriptorHelperImpl())

		.addMethod("setSubject(String subject)").once()
		.addMethod("addRecipient(String emailAddress)").atLeast(1)
		.addMethod("setSender(String emailAddress)").atLeast(1)
		.addMethod("addCC(String emailAddress)").any()
		.addMethod("addBCC(String emailAddress)").any()
		.addMethod("setBody(String text)").once()
		.addMethod("addAttachment( file)").any()

The methods can be mapped to the following table listing their allowed invocations in the builder:

Method Name Invocations
setSubject(...) [0,1]
addRecipient(...) [1,∞)
setSender(...) [1,∞)
addCC(...) [0,∞)
addBCC(...) [0,∞)
setBody(...) [0,1]
addAttachment(...) [0,∞)
(where ∞ is, for our purposes, MAX_INT)
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