Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in S such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero.
Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.
For example, given array S = [-1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -4],
A solution set is:
[-1, 0, 1],
[-1, -1, 2]
- Time complexity:
. Solution. Shortest solution. Implementation is based on permutations. - Time complexity:
. Implementation is based on permutations. Use additional binary array (size is equal to original array) with only 3 elements equal to 1. Custom permutation implementation can reduce complexity toO(n^3)
. - Time complexity:
O(n^2 * log n)
. Solution. Brute-force through pairs of values, find a third one with binary search. Asymptote isO(n^2 * log^2 n)
due to deduplicating returns by storing them into astd::set
. Input sequence is left uncompressed. - Time complexity:
O(n^2 * log n)
. Solution. Sort the array, consider all pairs (one iterator is set to the begin and the second iterator is set to the end), find the third element for triplet with binary_search between iterators. If iterator is moved to the repeated value, skip it. - Time complexity:
O(n^2 * log n)
. Solution. Sort the array and reduce task to 2-sum problem. Move first pointerk
from left to right and solve 2-sum problem for other elements:[i] + [j] = -[k]
. Move pointersi
with binary search. - Time complexity:
. Solution.- Sort input array.
- Obtain 2 vectors from input one: first contains sorted unique elements, second - counts of corresponding elements in input vector.
- Additional vector 'max_corresp_candidat_idx' for storage min checked third triple element index for a second element in triplet (initialized with nums.size() - 1).
- Check triplets of elements with 3 indices: idx[0] is increasing from min element index to max negative index, idx[1] is increasing from idx[0] and stops increasing when triplets is found or when idx[1] == idx[2], idx[2] is decreasing from max_corresp_candidat_idx[idx[1]] and stops decreasing when triples is found or when idx[1] == idx[2].
- Time complexity:
. Solution, faster std::unordered_map solution. Usestd::unorderd_map
to store elements and their quantity. Two loops iterate over elementsi
. The third element-[i] -[j]
is found in theunordered_map
. - Time complexity:
. Solution. Sort the array and reduce task to 2-sum problem. Move first pointerk
from left to right and solve 2-sum problem for other elements:[i] + [j] = -[k]