- Added message for switching to advanced open file.
- Removed deprecated API for calling listening for core:confirm and core:cancel
- Updated Context menu and use activationCommands intead of actiovationEvents(thanks to zimme)
- Removed deprecated configDefaults (thanks to olmokramer)
- Resolved problem with creating folder if create file instantly was set to true (thanks to phyllisstein)
- Added option for creating file immediately (thanks to silentvick)
- Fixed problem with overlay in Atom One theme (thanks to silentvick)
- Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function #9
- Focus editor on the start of the package
- Add text from selection only if there is active text editor
- Removed deprecation calls #6
- New setting for inserting selection to the input field #7
- Opens new window with new file #5
- Can't install v0.2.0 #4
- Added Remove Whole folder setting
- Resolved few issues brought by last release
- Simplify navigating up directory structure #2
- Remove deprecated code. #1
- Initial release